danningham penetration.afl
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Formula Name: danningham penetration
- // Author/Uploader: N. Sagi
- // E-mail: april4000@hotmail.co.il
- // Date/Time Added: 2004-03-17 13:48:49
- // Origin:
- // Keywords: danningham penetration vbscript
- // Level: semi-advanced
- // Flags: system
- // Formula URL: http://www.amibroker.com/library/formula.php?id=345
- // Details URL: http://www.amibroker.com/library/detail.php?id=345
- //
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // this furmula try to simulate the
- //
- // danningham penetration method, using
- //
- // vbscript inside it.
- //
- // if you find a way to improve it,
- //
- // you can send the improvment back to me :)
- //
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //danningham penetration writen by SAGI. 2004.//
- //APRIL4000@hotmail.co.il //
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////
- EnableScript("vbscript");
- //ApplyStop( 0, 1, Optimize( "loss", 2, 0, 3, 0.5 ), 0 );
- //ApplyStop( 2, 1, Optimize( "trailing", 2, 0, 15, 0.5 ), 0 );
- //ApplyStop( 1, 1, Optimize( "profit", 2, 0, 15, 0.5 ), 0 );
- ApplyStop( 0, 1, 3, 0 );//loss
- //ApplyStop( 2, 1, 2, 0 );//trailing
- //ApplyStop( 1, 1, 2, 0 );//profit
- //ApplyStop( 3, 1, 2, 0 );//bars
- Buy=Short=Sell=Cover=O;
- //start vbscript
- <%
- pbuy = AFL("buy")
- pshort = AFL("short")
- psell = AFL("sell")
- pcover = AFL("cover")
- pclose=AFL("close")
- popen=AFL("open")
- phigh=AFL("high")
- plow=AFL("low")
- Dayflag=0
- Dayopen=0
- Dayhigh=0
- Daylow=0
- Dayclose=0
- stoploos=0
- '
- Dayflags=0
- Dayopens=0
- Dayhighs=0
- Daylows=0
- Daycloses=0
- stoplooss=0
- for i = 0 to UBound( pbuy )
- '=====Long============
- 'init arrays
- pbuy ( i )=0
- psell ( i )=0
- select Case Dayflag
- Case 0
- Dayflag=1
- Dayopen=popen(i)
- Dayhigh=phigh(i)
- Daylow=plow(i)
- Dayclose=pclose(i)
- Case 1
- if phigh(i)>dayhigh then
- Dayopen=popen(i)
- Dayhigh=phigh(i)
- Daylow=plow(i)
- Dayclose=pclose(i)
- else
- if phigh(i)<Daylow then
- Dayflag=2
- Dayopen=popen(i)
- Dayhigh=phigh(i)
- Daylow=plow(i)
- Dayclose=pclose(i)
- psell(i)=1
- stoploos=0
- end if
- end if
- Case 2
- if plow(i)<Daylow then
- Dayopen=popen(i)
- Dayhigh=phigh(i)
- Daylow=plow(i)
- Dayclose=pclose(i)
- else
- if pclose(i)>Dayclose then
- pbuy(i)=1
- stoploos=plow(i)
- Dayflag=0
- Dayopen=0
- Dayhigh=0
- Daylow=0
- Dayclose=0
- end if
- end if
- end select
- if stoploos>0 then
- if stoploos > pclose(i) then
- psell(i)=1
- stoploos=0
- end if
- end if
- '===========Short==============
- 'init arrays
- pshort ( i )=0
- pcover ( i )=0
- select Case Dayflags
- Case 0
- Dayflags=1
- Dayopens=popen(i)
- Dayhighs=phigh(i)
- Daylows=plow(i)
- Daycloses=pclose(i)
- Case 1
- if plow(i)<daylows then
- Dayopens=popen(i)
- Dayhighs=phigh(i)
- Daylows=plow(i)
- Daycloses=pclose(i)
- else
- if plow(i)>Dayhighs then
- Dayflags=2
- Dayopens=popen(i)
- Dayhighs=phigh(i)
- Daylows=plow(i)
- Daycloses=pclose(i)
- pcover(i)=1
- stoplooss=0
- end if
- end if
- Case 2
- if phigh(i)>Dayhighs then
- Dayopens=popen(i)
- Dayhighs=phigh(i)
- Daylows=plow(i)
- Daycloses=pclose(i)
- else
- if pclose(i)<Daycloses then
- pshort(i)=1
- stoplooss=phigh(i)
- Dayflags=0
- Dayopens=0
- Dayhighs=0
- Daylows=0
- Daycloses=0
- end if
- end if
- end select
- if stoplooss>0 then
- if stoplooss < pclose(i) then
- pcover(i)=1
- stoplooss=0
- end if
- end if
- next
- AFL("pbuy")=pbuy
- AFL("pshort")=pshort
- AFL("psell")=psell
- AFL("pcover")=pcover
- %>
- //end vbscript
- //shot the signals
- Buy=pbuy AND (MA(C,9)>Ref(MA(C,9),-1)OR MA(C,20)>Ref(MA(C,20),-1));
- Sell=0 ;
- Short=pshort AND (MA(C,9)<Ref(MA(C,9),-1)OR MA(C,20)<Ref(MA(C,20),-1));
- Cover=0 ;