资源名称:win32api.zip [点击查看]
- {******************************************************************************}
- { }
- { Basic Encoding Rules API interface Unit for Object Pascal }
- { }
- { Portions created by Microsoft are Copyright (C) 1995-2001 Microsoft }
- { Corporation. All Rights Reserved. }
- { }
- { The original file is: winber.h, released August 2001. The original Pascal }
- { code is: WinBer.pas, released December 2000. The initial developer of the }
- { Pascal code is Marcel van Brakel (brakelm@chello.nl). }
- { }
- { Portions created by Marcel van Brakel are Copyright (C) 1999-2001 }
- { Marcel van Brakel. All Rights Reserved. }
- { }
- { Obtained through: Joint Endeavour of Delphi Innovators (Project JEDI) }
- { }
- { You may retrieve the latest version of this file at the Project JEDI home }
- { page, located at http://delphi-jedi.org or my personal homepage located at }
- { http://members.chello.nl/m.vanbrakel2 }
- { }
- { The contents of this file are used with permission, subject to the Mozilla }
- { Public License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except }
- { in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at }
- { http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html }
- { }
- { Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, }
- { WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for }
- { the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License. }
- { }
- { Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of the }
- { GNU Lesser General Public License (the "LGPL License"), in which case the }
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- { For more information about the LGPL: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html }
- { }
- {******************************************************************************}
- unit JwaWinBer;
- {$HPPEMIT ''}
- {$HPPEMIT '#include "WinBer.h"'}
- {$HPPEMIT ''}
- interface
- uses
- JwaWinLDAP, JwaWinType;
- const
- LBER_ERROR = DWORD($ffffffff);
- LBER_DEFAULT = DWORD($ffffffff);
- type
- ber_tag_t = Cardinal; // for BER tags
- {$EXTERNALSYM ber_tag_t}
- ber_int_t = Integer; // for BER ints, enums, and Booleans
- {$EXTERNALSYM ber_int_t}
- ber_uint_t = Cardinal; // unsigned equivalent of ber_int_t
- {$EXTERNALSYM ber_uint_t}
- ber_slen_t = Integer; // signed equivalent of ber_len_t
- {$EXTERNALSYM ber_slen_t}
- //
- // This constructs a new BerElement structure containing a copy of the
- // data in the supplied berval structure.
- //
- function ber_init(pBerVal: PBerVal): PBerElement; cdecl;
- {$EXTERNALSYM ber_init}
- //
- // This frees a BerElement which is returned from ber_alloc_t()
- // or ber_init(). The second argument - fbuf should always be set
- // to 1.
- //
- //
- procedure ber_free(pBerElement: PBerElement; fbuf: Integer); cdecl;
- {$EXTERNALSYM ber_free}
- //
- // Frees a BERVAL structure. Applications should not call
- // this API to free BERVAL structures which they themselves
- // have allocated
- //
- procedure ber_bvfree(pBerVal: PBerVal); cdecl;
- {$EXTERNALSYM ber_bvfree}
- //
- // Frees an array of BERVAL structures.
- //
- procedure ber_bvecfree(pBerVal: PBerVal); cdecl;
- {$EXTERNALSYM ber_bvecfree}
- //
- // Returns a copy of a the supplied berval structure
- //
- function ber_bvdup(pBerVal: PBerVal): PBerVal; cdecl;
- {$EXTERNALSYM ber_bvdup}
- //
- // Constructs and returns a BerElement structure. The options field
- // contains a bitwise-or of options which are to be used when generating
- // the encoding of the BerElement
- //
- // The LBER_USE_DER options should always be specified.
- //
- function ber_alloc_t(options: Integer): PBerElement; cdecl;
- {$EXTERNALSYM ber_alloc_t}
- //
- // This skips over the current tag and returns the tag of the next
- // element in the supplied BerElement. The lenght of this element is
- // stored in the pLen argument.
- //
- // LBER_DEFAULT is returned if there is no further data to be read
- // else the tag of the next element is returned.
- //
- // The difference between ber_skip_tag() and ber_peek_tag() is that the
- // state pointer is advanced past the first tag+lenght and is pointed to
- // the value part of the next element
- //
- function ber_skip_tag(pBerElement: PBerElement; var pLen: ULONG): ULONG; cdecl;
- {$EXTERNALSYM ber_skip_tag}
- //
- // This returns the tag of the next element to be parsed in the
- // supplied BerElement. The length of this element is stored in the
- // pLen argument.
- //
- // LBER_DEFAULT is returned if there is no further data to be read
- // else the tag of the next element is returned.
- //
- function ber_peek_tag(pBerElement: PBerElement; var pLen: ULONG): ULONG; cdecl;
- {$EXTERNALSYM ber_peek_tag}
- //
- // This returns the tag and length of the first element in a SET, SET OF
- // or SEQUENCE OF data value.
- //
- // LBER_DEFAULT is returned if the constructed value is empty else, the tag
- // is returned. It also returns an opaque cookie which has to be passed to
- // subsequent invocations of ber_next_element().
- //
- function ber_first_element(pBerElement: PBerElement; var pLen: ULONG; var ppOpaque: PChar): ULONG; cdecl;
- {$EXTERNALSYM ber_first_element}
- //
- // This positions the state at the start of the next element in the
- // constructed type.
- //
- // LBER_DEFAULT is returned if the constructed value is empty else, the tag
- // is returned.
- //
- function ber_next_element(pBerElement: PBerElement; var pLen: ULONG; opaque: PChar): ULONG; cdecl;
- {$EXTERNALSYM ber_next_element}
- //
- // This allocates a BerVal structure whose contents are taken from the
- // supplied BerElement structure.
- //
- // The return values are 0 on success and -1 on error.
- //
- function ber_flatten(pBerElement: PBerElement; var pBerVal: PBerVal): Integer; cdecl;
- {$EXTERNALSYM ber_flatten}
- (*
- The ber_printf() routine is used to encode a BER element in much the
- same way that sprintf() works. One important difference, though, is
- that state information is kept in the ber argument so that multiple
- calls can be made to ber_printf() to append to the end of the BER ele-
- ment. ber MUST be a pointer to a BerElement returned by ber_alloc_t().
- ber_printf() interprets and formats its arguments according to the for-
- mat string fmt. ber_printf() returns -1 if there is an error during
- encoding and a non-negative number if successful. As with sprintf(),
- each character in fmt refers to an argument to ber_printf().
- The format string can contain the following format characters:
- 't' Tag. The next argument is a ber_tag_t specifying the tag to
- override the next element to be written to the ber. This works
- across calls. The integer tag value SHOULD contain the tag
- class, constructed bit, and tag value. For example, a tag of
- "[3]" for a constructed type is 0xA3U. All implementations MUST
- support tags that fit in a single octet (i.e., where the tag
- value is less than 32) and they MAY support larger tags.
- 'b' Boolean. The next argument is an ber_int_t, containing either 0
- for FALSE or 0xff for TRUE. A boolean element is output. If
- this format character is not preceded by the 't' format modif-
- ier, the tag 0x01U is used for the element.
- 'e' Enumerated. The next argument is a ber_int_t, containing the
- enumerated value in the host's byte order. An enumerated ele-
- ment is output. If this format character is not preceded by the
- 't' format modifier, the tag 0x0AU is used for the element.
- 'i' Integer. The next argument is a ber_int_t, containing the
- integer in the host's byte order. An integer element is output.
- If this format character is not preceded by the 't' format
- modifier, the tag 0x02U is used for the element.
- 'n' Null. No argument is needed. An ASN.1 NULL element is output.
- If this format character is not preceded by the 't' format
- modifier, the tag 0x05U is used for the element.
- 'o' Octet string. The next two arguments are a char *, followed by
- a ber_len_t with the length of the string. The string MAY con-
- tain null bytes and are do not have to be zero-terminated. An
- octet string element is output, in primitive form. If this for-
- mat character is not preceded by the 't' format modifier, the
- tag 0x04U is used for the element.
- 's' Octet string. The next argument is a char * pointing to a
- zero-terminated string. An octet string element in primitive
- form is output, which does not include the trailing ' ' (null)
- byte. If this format character is not preceded by the 't' format
- modifier, the tag 0x04U is used for the element.
- 'v' Several octet strings. The next argument is a char **, an array
- of char * pointers to zero-terminated strings. The last element
- in the array MUST be a NULL pointer. The octet strings do not
- include the trailing ' ' (null) byte. Note that a construct
- like '{v}' is used to get an actual SEQUENCE OF octet strings.
- The 't' format modifier cannot be used with this format charac-
- ter.
- 'V' Several octet strings. A NULL-terminated array of struct berval
- *'s is supplied. Note that a construct like '{V}' is used to
- get an actual SEQUENCE OF octet strings. The 't' format modifier
- cannot be used with this format character.
- '{' Begin sequence. No argument is needed. If this format charac-
- ter is not preceded by the 't' format modifier, the tag 0x30U is
- used.
- '}' End sequence. No argument is needed. The 't' format modifier
- cannot be used with this format character.
- '[' Begin set. No argument is needed. If this format character is
- not preceded by the 't' format modifier, the tag 0x31U is used.
- ']' End set. No argument is needed. The 't' format modifier cannot
- be used with this format character.
- *)
- //WINBERAPI INT BERAPI ber_printf( BerElement *pBerElement, PCHAR fmt, ... );
- (*
- The ber_scanf() routine is used to decode a BER element in much the same
- way that sscanf() works. One important difference, though, is that some
- state information is kept with the ber argument so that multiple calls
- can be made to ber_scanf() to sequentially read from the BER element.
- The ber argument SHOULD be a pointer to a BerElement returned by
- ber_init(). ber_scanf interprets the bytes according to the format
- string fmt, and stores the results in its additional arguments.
- ber_scanf() returns LBER_ERROR on error, and a different value on suc-
- cess.
- The format string contains conversion specifications which are used to
- direct the interpretation of the BER element. The format string can
- contain the following characters:
- 'a' Octet string. A char ** argument MUST be supplied. Memory is
- allocated, filled with the contents of the octet string, zero-
- terminated, and the pointer to the string is stored in the argu-
- ment. The returned value SHOULD be freed using ldap_memfree.
- The tag of the element MUST indicate the primitive form
- (constructed strings are not supported) but is otherwise ignored
- and discarded during the decoding. This format cannot be used
- with octet strings which could contain null bytes.
- 'O' Octet string. A struct berval ** argument MUST be supplied,
- which upon return points to an allocated struct berval contain-
- ing the octet string and its length. ber_bvfree() SHOULD be
- called to free the allocated memory. The tag of the element
- MUST indicate the primitive form (constructed strings are not
- supported) but is otherwise ignored during the decoding.
- 'b' Boolean. A pointer to a ber_int_t MUST be supplied. The
- ber_int_t value stored will be 0 for FALSE or nonzero for TRUE.
- The tag of the element MUST indicate the primitive form but is
- otherwise ignored during the decoding.
- 'e' Enumerated. A pointer to a ber_int_t MUST be supplied. The
- enumerated value stored will be in host byte order. The tag of
- the element MUST indicate the primitive form but is otherwise
- ignored during the decoding. ber_scanf() will return an error
- if the value of the enumerated value cannot be stored in a
- ber_int_t.
- 'i' Integer. A pointer to a ber_int_t MUST be supplied. The
- ber_int_t value stored will be in host byte order. The tag of
- the element MUST indicate the primitive form but is otherwise
- ignored during the decoding. ber_scanf() will return an error
- if the integer cannot be stored in a ber_int_t.
- 'B' Bitstring. A char ** argument MUST be supplied which will point
- to the allocated bits, followed by a ber_len_t * argument, which
- will point to the length (in bits) of the bitstring returned.
- ldap_memfree SHOULD be called to free the bitstring. The tag of
- the element MUST indicate the primitive form (constructed bit-
- strings are not supported) but is otherwise ignored during the
- decoding.
- 'n' Null. No argument is needed. The element is verified to have a
- zero-length value and is skipped. The tag is ignored.
- 'v' Several octet strings. A char *** argument MUST be supplied,
- which upon return points to an allocated NULL-terminated array
- of char *'s containing the octet strings. NULL is stored if the
- sequence is empty. ldap_memfree SHOULD be called to free each
- element of the array and the array itself. The tag of the
- sequence and of the octet strings are ignored.
- 'V' Several octet strings (which could contain null bytes). A
- struct berval *** MUST be supplied, which upon return points to
- a allocated NULL-terminated array of struct berval *'s contain-
- ing the octet strings and their lengths. NULL is stored if the
- sequence is empty. ber_bvecfree() can be called to free the
- allocated memory. The tag of the sequence and of the octet
- strings are ignored.
- 'x' Skip element. The next element is skipped. No argument is
- needed.
- '{' Begin sequence. No argument is needed. The initial sequence
- tag and length are skipped.
- '}' End sequence. No argument is needed.
- '[' Begin set. No argument is needed. The initial set tag and
- length are skipped.
- ']' End set. No argument is needed.
- *)
- //WINBERAPI ULONG BERAPI ber_scanf( BerElement *pBerElement, PCHAR fmt, ... );
- implementation
- const
- winberapi = 'wldap32.dll';
- function ber_init; external winberapi name 'ber_init';
- procedure ber_free; external winberapi name 'ber_free';
- procedure ber_bvfree; external winberapi name 'ber_bvfree';
- procedure ber_bvecfree; external winberapi name 'ber_bvecfree';
- function ber_bvdup; external winberapi name 'ber_bvdup';
- function ber_alloc_t; external winberapi name 'ber_alloc_t';
- function ber_skip_tag; external winberapi name 'ber_skip_tag';
- function ber_peek_tag; external winberapi name 'ber_peek_tag';
- function ber_first_element; external winberapi name 'ber_first_element';
- function ber_next_element; external winberapi name 'ber_next_element';
- function ber_flatten; external winberapi name 'ber_flatten';
- //function ber_printf; external winberapi name 'ber_printf';
- //function ber_scanf; external winberapi name 'ber_scanf';
- end.