资源名称:win32api.zip [点击查看]
- {******************************************************************************}
- { }
- { Active Directory Property Pages API interface Unit for Object Pascal }
- { }
- { Portions created by Microsoft are Copyright (C) 1995-2001 Microsoft }
- { Corporation. All Rights Reserved. }
- { }
- { The original file is: adsprop.h, released June 2000. The original Pascal }
- { code is: AdsProp.pas, released December 2000. The initial developer of the }
- { Pascal code is Marcel van Brakel (brakelm@chello.nl). }
- { }
- { Portions created by Marcel van Brakel are Copyright (C) 1999-2001 }
- { Marcel van Brakel. All Rights Reserved. }
- { }
- { Obtained through: Joint Endeavour of Delphi Innovators (Project JEDI) }
- { }
- { You may retrieve the latest version of this file at the Project JEDI home }
- { page, located at http://delphi-jedi.org or my personal homepage located at }
- { http://members.chello.nl/m.vanbrakel2 }
- { }
- { The contents of this file are used with permission, subject to the Mozilla }
- { Public License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except }
- { in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at }
- { http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html }
- { }
- { Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, }
- { WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for }
- { the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License. }
- { }
- { Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of the }
- { GNU Lesser General Public License (the "LGPL License"), in which case the }
- { provisions of the LGPL License are applicable instead of those above. }
- { If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only under the terms }
- { of the LGPL License and not to allow others to use your version of this file }
- { under the MPL, indicate your decision by deleting the provisions above and }
- { replace them with the notice and other provisions required by the LGPL }
- { License. If you do not delete the provisions above, a recipient may use }
- { your version of this file under either the MPL or the LGPL License. }
- { }
- { For more information about the LGPL: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html }
- { }
- {******************************************************************************}
- unit JwaAdsProp;
- {$HPPEMIT ''}
- {$HPPEMIT '#include "adsprop.h"'}
- {$HPPEMIT ''}
- interface
- uses
- ActiveX {TODO}, JwaAdsTLB, JwaWinUser, JwaWinType;
- // Windows NT Active Directory Service Property Pages
- //
- // Contents: Functions and definitions used in the creation of AD property
- // sheets.
- const
- WM_ADSPROP_NOTIFY_PAGEHWND = (WM_USER + 1102); // where WPARAM => page's HWND and LPARAM => page's Title
- WM_ADSPROP_NOTIFY_CHANGE = (WM_USER + 1103); // used to send a change notification to a parent sheet
- WM_ADSPROP_NOTIFY_APPLY = (WM_USER + 1104); // pages send this to the notification object.
- WM_ADSPROP_NOTIFY_SETFOCUS = (WM_USER + 1105); // used internally by the notification object.
- WM_ADSPROP_NOTIFY_FOREGROUND = (WM_USER + 1106); // used internally by the notification object.
- WM_ADSPROP_NOTIFY_EXIT = (WM_USER + 1107); // sent on page release
- WM_ADSPROP_NOTIFY_ERROR = (WM_USER + 1110); // used to send the notification object an error message
- //+----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- //
- // Usage: Used to pass page initialization information to new pages from
- // the notify object.
- //
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- type
- // imports of a type library sometimes are missing a few decls, these are just
- // a few of them to make this file compile at all. I really should do all of
- // them one day. TODO
- PADSVALUE = ^_adsvalue;
- PADS_ATTR_INFO = ^_ads_attr_info;
- dwSize: DWORD; // Set this to the size of the struct.
- dwFlags: DWORD; // Reserved for future use.
- hr: HRESULT; // If this is non-zero, then the others
- pDsObj: IDirectoryObject; // should be ignored.
- pwzCN: LPWSTR;
- pWritableAttrs: PADS_ATTR_INFO;
- end;
- //+----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Structure: ADSPROPERROR
- //
- // Usage: Used to pass page error information to the notify object
- //
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- _ADSPROPERROR = record
- hwndPage: HWND; // The HWND of the page that had the error
- pszPageTitle: PWSTR; // The title of the page that had the error
- pszObjPath: PWSTR; // Path to the object that the error occurred on
- pszObjClass: PWSTR; // Class of the object that the error occurred on
- hr: HRESULT; // If this is non-zero, then the others
- // pszError will be ignored
- pszError: PWSTR; // An error message. Used only if hr is zero
- end;
- //+----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Function: ADsPropCreateNotifyObj
- //
- // Synopsis: Checks to see if the notification window/object exists for this
- // sheet instance and if not creates it.
- //
- // Arguments: [pAppThdDataObj] - the unmarshalled data object pointer.
- // [pwzADsObjName] - object path name.
- // [phNotifyObj] - to return the notificion window handle.
- //
- // Returns: HRESULTs.
- //
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function ADsPropCreateNotifyObj(pAppThdDataObj: Pointer{LPDATAOBJECT};
- pwzADsObjName: PWSTR; var phNotifyObj: HWND): HRESULT; stdcall;
- {$EXTERNALSYM ADsPropCreateNotifyObj}
- //+----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Function: ADsPropGetInitInfo
- //
- // Synopsis: Pages call this at their init time to retreive DS object info.
- //
- // Arguments: [hNotifyObj] - the notificion window handle.
- // [pInitParams] - struct filled in with DS object info. This
- // struct must be allocated by the caller before
- // the call.
- //
- // Returns: FALSE if the notify window has gone away for some reason or
- // if the parameters are invalid.
- //
- // Notes: This call results in the sending of the
- // WM_ADSPROP_NOTIFY_PAGEINIT message to the notify window.
- // pInitParams->pWritableAttrs can be NULL if there are no
- // writable attributes.
- //
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function ADsPropGetInitInfo(hNotifyObj: HWND; pInitParams: PADSPROPINITPARAMS): BOOL; stdcall;
- {$EXTERNALSYM ADsPropGetInitInfo}
- //+----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Function: ADsPropSetHwndWithTitle
- //
- // Synopsis: Pages call this at their dialog init time to send their hwnd
- // to the Notify object.
- //
- // Arguments: [hNotifyObj] - the notificion window handle.
- // [hPage] - the page's window handle.
- // [ptzTitle] - the page's title
- //
- // Returns: FALSE if the notify window has gone away for some reason.
- //
- // Notes: Sends the WM_ADSPROP_NOTIFY_PAGEHWND message to the notify
- // window. Use this function instead of ADsPropSetHwnd for
- // multi-select property pages
- //
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function ADsPropSetHwndWithTitle(hNotifyObj, hPage: HWND; ptzTitle: PTSTR): BOOL; stdcall;
- {$EXTERNALSYM ADsPropSetHwndWithTitle}
- //+----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Function: ADsPropSetHwnd
- //
- // Synopsis: Pages call this at their dialog init time to send their hwnd
- // to the Notify object.
- //
- // Arguments: [hNotifyObj] - the notificion window handle.
- // [hPage] - the page's window handle.
- // [ptzTitle] - the page's title
- //
- // Returns: FALSE if the notify window has gone away for some reason.
- //
- // Notes: Sends the WM_ADSPROP_NOTIFY_PAGEHWND message to the notify
- // window.
- //
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function ADsPropSetHwnd(hNotifyObj: HWND; hPage: HWND): BOOL; stdcall;
- //+----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // function: ADsPropCheckIfWritable
- //
- // Synopsis: See if the attribute is writable by checking if it is in
- // the allowedAttributesEffective array.
- //
- // Arguments: [pwzAttr] - the attribute name.
- // [pWritableAttrs] - the array of writable attributes.
- //
- // Returns: FALSE if the attribute name is not found in the writable-attrs
- // array or if the array pointer is NULL.
- //
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function ADsPropCheckIfWritable(pwzAttr: PWSTR; pWritableAttrs: PADS_ATTR_INFO): BOOL; stdcall;
- {$EXTERNALSYM ADsPropCheckIfWritable}
- //+----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // function: ADsPropSendErrorMessage
- //
- // Synopsis: Adds an error message to a list which is presented when
- // ADsPropShowErrorDialog is called
- //
- // Arguments: [hNotifyObj] - the notificion window handle.
- // [pError] - the error structure
- //
- // Returns: FALSE if the notify window has gone away for some reason.
- //
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function ADsPropSendErrorMessage(hNotifyObj: HWND; pError: PADSPROPERROR): BOOL; stdcall;
- {$EXTERNALSYM ADsPropSendErrorMessage}
- //+----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // function: ADsPropShowErrorDialog
- //
- // Synopsis: Presents an error dialog with the error messages accumulated
- // through calls to ADsPropSendErrorMessage
- //
- // Arguments: [hNotifyObj] - the notificion window handle.
- // [hPage] - the property page window handle.
- //
- // Returns: FALSE if the notify window has gone away for some reason.
- //
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function ADsPropShowErrorDialog(hNotifyObj: HWND; hPage: HWND): BOOL; stdcall;
- {$EXTERNALSYM ADsPropShowErrorDialog}
- implementation
- const
- dsprop = 'dsprop.dll';
- var
- _ADsPropCreateNotifyObj: Pointer;
- function ADsPropCreateNotifyObj;
- begin
- GetProcedureAddress(_ADsPropCreateNotifyObj, dsprop, 'ADsPropCreateNotifyObj');
- asm
- mov esp, ebp
- pop ebp
- jmp [_ADsPropCreateNotifyObj]
- end;
- end;
- {$ELSE}
- function ADsPropCreateNotifyObj; external dsprop name 'ADsPropCreateNotifyObj';
- var
- _ADsPropGetInitInfo: Pointer;
- function ADsPropGetInitInfo;
- begin
- GetProcedureAddress(_ADsPropGetInitInfo, dsprop, 'ADsPropGetInitInfo');
- asm
- mov esp, ebp
- pop ebp
- jmp [_ADsPropGetInitInfo]
- end;
- end;
- {$ELSE}
- function ADsPropGetInitInfo; external dsprop name 'ADsPropGetInitInfo';
- var
- _ADsPropSetHwndWithTitle: Pointer;
- function ADsPropSetHwndWithTitle;
- begin
- GetProcedureAddress(_ADsPropSetHwndWithTitle, dsprop, 'ADsPropSetHwndWithTitle');
- asm
- mov esp, ebp
- pop ebp
- jmp [_ADsPropSetHwndWithTitle]
- end;
- end;
- {$ELSE}
- function ADsPropSetHwndWithTitle; external dsprop name 'ADsPropSetHwndWithTitle';
- var
- _ADsPropSetHwnd: Pointer;
- function ADsPropSetHwnd;
- begin
- GetProcedureAddress(_ADsPropSetHwnd, dsprop, 'ADsPropSetHwnd');
- asm
- mov esp, ebp
- pop ebp
- jmp [_ADsPropSetHwnd]
- end;
- end;
- {$ELSE}
- function ADsPropSetHwnd; external dsprop name 'ADsPropSetHwnd';
- var
- _ADsPropCheckIfWritable: Pointer;
- function ADsPropCheckIfWritable;
- begin
- GetProcedureAddress(_ADsPropCheckIfWritable, dsprop, 'ADsPropCheckIfWritable');
- asm
- mov esp, ebp
- pop ebp
- jmp [_ADsPropCheckIfWritable]
- end;
- end;
- {$ELSE}
- function ADsPropCheckIfWritable; external dsprop name 'ADsPropCheckIfWritable';
- var
- _ADsPropSendErrorMessage: Pointer;
- function ADsPropSendErrorMessage;
- begin
- GetProcedureAddress(_ADsPropSendErrorMessage, dsprop, 'ADsPropSendErrorMessage');
- asm
- mov esp, ebp
- pop ebp
- jmp [_ADsPropSendErrorMessage]
- end;
- end;
- {$ELSE}
- function ADsPropSendErrorMessage; external dsprop name 'ADsPropSendErrorMessage';
- var
- _ADsPropShowErrorDialog: Pointer;
- function ADsPropShowErrorDialog;
- begin
- GetProcedureAddress(_ADsPropShowErrorDialog, dsprop, 'ADsPropShowErrorDialog');
- asm
- mov esp, ebp
- pop ebp
- jmp [_ADsPropShowErrorDialog]
- end;
- end;
- {$ELSE}
- function ADsPropShowErrorDialog; external dsprop name 'ADsPropShowErrorDialog';
- end.