- /*
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
- * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
- * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
- * the License at
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
- * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
- * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
- * rights and limitations under the License.
- *
- * The Original Code is the Netscape security libraries.
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape
- * Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
- * Copyright (C) 1994-2000 Netscape Communications Corporation. All
- * Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- *
- * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the
- * terms of the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the
- * "GPL"), in which case the provisions of the GPL are applicable
- * instead of those above. If you wish to allow use of your
- * version of this file only under the terms of the GPL and not to
- * allow others to use your version of this file under the MPL,
- * indicate your decision by deleting the provisions above and
- * replace them with the notice and other provisions required by
- * the GPL. If you do not delete the provisions above, a recipient
- * may use your version of this file under either the MPL or the
- * GPL.
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include "blapi.h"
- #include "prmem.h"
- #include "prprf.h"
- #include "prtime.h"
- #include "prsystem.h"
- #include "plstr.h"
- #include "nssb64.h"
- #include "secutil.h"
- #include "plgetopt.h"
- #include "softoken.h"
- char *progName;
- char *testdir = ".";
- #define CHECKERROR(rv, ln)
- if (rv) {
- char *errtxt = NULL;
- if (PR_GetError() != 0) {
- errtxt = PORT_Alloc(PR_GetErrorTextLength());
- PR_GetErrorText(errtxt);
- }
- PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "%s: ERR (%s) at line %d.n", progName,
- (errtxt) ? "" : errtxt, ln);
- exit(-1);
- }
- static void Usage()
- {
- #define PRINTUSAGE(subject, option, predicate)
- fprintf(stderr, "%10s %st%sn", subject, option, predicate);
- fprintf(stderr, "n");
- PRINTUSAGE(progName, "[-DEHSV] -m", "List available cipher modes.");
- fprintf(stderr, "n");
- PRINTUSAGE(progName, "-E -m mode ", "Encrypt a buffer.");
- PRINTUSAGE("", "", "[-i plaintext] [-o ciphertext] [-k key] [-v iv]");
- PRINTUSAGE("", "", "[-b bufsize] [-g keysize] [-erw]");
- PRINTUSAGE("", "", "[-p repetitions]");
- PRINTUSAGE("", "-m", "cipher mode to use.");
- PRINTUSAGE("", "-i", "file which contains input buffer.");
- PRINTUSAGE("", "-o", "file for output buffer.");
- PRINTUSAGE("", "-k", "file which contains key.");
- PRINTUSAGE("", "-v", "file which contains initialization vector.");
- PRINTUSAGE("", "-b", "size of input buffer.");
- PRINTUSAGE("", "-g", "key size (in bytes).");
- PRINTUSAGE("", "-p", "do performance test.");
- PRINTUSAGE("(rsa)", "-e", "rsa public exponent.");
- PRINTUSAGE("(rc5)", "-r", "number of rounds.");
- PRINTUSAGE("(rc5)", "-w", "wordsize (32 or 64).");
- #endif
- fprintf(stderr, "n");
- PRINTUSAGE(progName, "-D -m mode", "Decrypt a buffer.");
- PRINTUSAGE("", "", "[-i plaintext] [-o ciphertext] [-k key] [-v iv]");
- PRINTUSAGE("", "", "[-p repetitions]");
- PRINTUSAGE("", "-m", "cipher mode to use.");
- PRINTUSAGE("", "-i", "file which contains input buffer.");
- PRINTUSAGE("", "-o", "file for output buffer.");
- PRINTUSAGE("", "-k", "file which contains key.");
- PRINTUSAGE("", "-v", "file which contains initialization vector.");
- PRINTUSAGE("", "-p", "do performance test.");
- fprintf(stderr, "n");
- PRINTUSAGE(progName, "-H -m mode", "Hash a buffer.");
- PRINTUSAGE("", "", "[-i plaintext] [-o hash]");
- PRINTUSAGE("", "", "[-b bufsize]");
- PRINTUSAGE("", "", "[-p repetitions]");
- PRINTUSAGE("", "-m", "cipher mode to use.");
- PRINTUSAGE("", "-i", "file which contains input buffer.");
- PRINTUSAGE("", "-o", "file for hash.");
- PRINTUSAGE("", "-b", "size of input buffer.");
- PRINTUSAGE("", "-p", "do performance test.");
- fprintf(stderr, "n");
- PRINTUSAGE(progName, "-S -m mode", "Sign a buffer.");
- PRINTUSAGE("", "", "[-i plaintext] [-o signature] [-k key]");
- PRINTUSAGE("", "", "[-b bufsize]");
- PRINTUSAGE("", "", "[-p repetitions]");
- PRINTUSAGE("", "-m", "cipher mode to use.");
- PRINTUSAGE("", "-i", "file which contains input buffer.");
- PRINTUSAGE("", "-o", "file for signature.");
- PRINTUSAGE("", "-k", "file which contains key.");
- PRINTUSAGE("", "-p", "do performance test.");
- fprintf(stderr, "n");
- PRINTUSAGE(progName, "-V -m mode", "Verify a signed buffer.");
- PRINTUSAGE("", "", "[-i plaintext] [-s signature] [-k key]");
- PRINTUSAGE("", "", "[-p repetitions]");
- PRINTUSAGE("", "-m", "cipher mode to use.");
- PRINTUSAGE("", "-i", "file which contains input buffer.");
- PRINTUSAGE("", "-s", "file which contains signature of input buffer.");
- PRINTUSAGE("", "-k", "file which contains key.");
- PRINTUSAGE("", "-p", "do performance test.");
- fprintf(stderr, "n");
- PRINTUSAGE(progName, "-F", "Run the FIPS self-test.");
- fprintf(stderr, "n");
- PRINTUSAGE(progName, "-T [mode1 mode2 ...]", "Run the BLAPI self-test.");
- fprintf(stderr, "n");
- exit(1);
- }
- /* Helper functions for ascii<-->binary conversion/reading/writing */
- static PRInt32
- get_binary(void *arg, const unsigned char *ibuf, PRInt32 size)
- {
- SECItem *binary = arg;
- SECItem *tmp;
- int index;
- if (binary->data == NULL) {
- tmp = SECITEM_AllocItem(NULL, NULL, size);
- binary->data = tmp->data;
- binary->len = tmp->len;
- index = 0;
- } else {
- SECITEM_ReallocItem(NULL, binary, binary->len, binary->len + size);
- index = binary->len;
- }
- PORT_Memcpy(&binary->data[index], ibuf, size);
- return binary->len;
- }
- static PRInt32
- get_ascii(void *arg, const char *ibuf, PRInt32 size)
- {
- SECItem *ascii = arg;
- SECItem *tmp;
- int index;
- if (ascii->data == NULL) {
- tmp = SECITEM_AllocItem(NULL, NULL, size);
- ascii->data = tmp->data;
- ascii->len = tmp->len;
- index = 0;
- } else {
- SECITEM_ReallocItem(NULL, ascii, ascii->len, ascii->len + size);
- index = ascii->len;
- }
- PORT_Memcpy(&ascii->data[index], ibuf, size);
- return ascii->len;
- }
- static SECStatus
- atob(SECItem *ascii, SECItem *binary)
- {
- SECStatus status;
- NSSBase64Decoder *cx;
- int len;
- binary->data = NULL;
- binary->len = 0;
- len = (strcmp(&ascii->data[ascii->len-2],"rn"))?ascii->len:ascii->len-2;
- cx = NSSBase64Decoder_Create(get_binary, binary);
- status = NSSBase64Decoder_Update(cx, (const char *)ascii->data, len);
- status = NSSBase64Decoder_Destroy(cx, PR_FALSE);
- return status;
- }
- static PRInt32
- output_ascii(void *arg, const char *obuf, PRInt32 size)
- {
- PRFileDesc *outfile = arg;
- PRInt32 nb = PR_Write(outfile, obuf, size);
- if (nb != size) {
- return -1;
- }
- return nb;
- }
- static SECStatus
- btoa(SECItem *binary, SECItem *ascii)
- {
- SECStatus status;
- NSSBase64Encoder *cx;
- ascii->data = NULL;
- ascii->len = 0;
- cx = NSSBase64Encoder_Create(get_ascii, ascii);
- status = NSSBase64Encoder_Update(cx, binary->data, binary->len);
- status = NSSBase64Encoder_Destroy(cx, PR_FALSE);
- return status;
- }
- static SECStatus
- btoa_file(SECItem *binary, PRFileDesc *outfile)
- {
- SECStatus status;
- NSSBase64Encoder *cx;
- SECItem ascii;
- = NULL;
- ascii.len = 0;
- if (binary->len == 0)
- return SECSuccess;
- cx = NSSBase64Encoder_Create(output_ascii, outfile);
- status = NSSBase64Encoder_Update(cx, binary->data, binary->len);
- status = NSSBase64Encoder_Destroy(cx, PR_FALSE);
- status = PR_Write(outfile, "rn", 2);
- return status;
- }
- static SECStatus
- get_and_write_random_bytes(SECItem *item, PRInt32 numbytes, char *filename)
- {
- SECStatus rv;
- PRFileDesc *file;
- item->len = numbytes;
- item->data = (unsigned char *)PORT_ZAlloc(numbytes);
- RNG_GenerateGlobalRandomBytes(item->data + 1, numbytes - 1);
- file = PR_Open(filename, PR_WRONLY|PR_CREATE_FILE, 00660);
- rv = btoa_file(item, file);
- CHECKERROR((rv < 0), __LINE__);
- return (rv < 0);
- }
- static RSAPrivateKey *
- rsakey_from_filedata(SECItem *filedata)
- {
- PRArenaPool *arena;
- RSAPrivateKey *key;
- unsigned char *buf = filedata->data;
- int fpos = 0;
- int i;
- SECItem *item;
- /* Allocate space for key structure. */
- arena = PORT_NewArena(2048);
- key = (RSAPrivateKey *)PORT_ArenaZAlloc(arena, sizeof(RSAPrivateKey));
- key->arena = arena;
- item = &key->version;
- for (i=0; i<9; i++) {
- item->len = (buf[fpos++] & 0xff) << 24;
- item->len |= (buf[fpos++] & 0xff) << 16;
- item->len |= (buf[fpos++] & 0xff) << 8;
- item->len |= (buf[fpos++] & 0xff);
- if (item->len > 0) {
- item->data = PORT_ArenaAlloc(arena, item->len);
- PORT_Memcpy(item->data, &buf[fpos], item->len);
- } else {
- item->data = NULL;
- }
- fpos += item->len;
- item++;
- }
- return key;
- }
- static void
- rsakey_to_file(RSAPrivateKey *key, char *filename)
- {
- PRFileDesc *file;
- SECItem *item;
- unsigned char len[4];
- int i;
- SECStatus status;
- NSSBase64Encoder *cx;
- SECItem ascii;
- = NULL;
- ascii.len = 0;
- file = PR_Open(filename, PR_WRONLY|PR_CREATE_FILE, 00660);
- cx = NSSBase64Encoder_Create(output_ascii, file);
- item = &key->version;
- for (i=0; i<9; i++) {
- len[0] = (item->len >> 24) & 0xff;
- len[1] = (item->len >> 16) & 0xff;
- len[2] = (item->len >> 8) & 0xff;
- len[3] = (item->len & 0xff);
- status = NSSBase64Encoder_Update(cx, len, 4);
- status = NSSBase64Encoder_Update(cx, item->data, item->len);
- item++;
- }
- status = NSSBase64Encoder_Destroy(cx, PR_FALSE);
- status = PR_Write(file, "rn", 2);
- PR_Close(file);
- }
- static PQGParams *
- pqg_from_filedata(SECItem *filedata)
- {
- PRArenaPool *arena;
- PQGParams *pqg;
- unsigned char *buf = filedata->data;
- int fpos = 0;
- int i;
- SECItem *item;
- /* Allocate space for key structure. */
- arena = PORT_NewArena(2048);
- pqg = (PQGParams *)PORT_ArenaZAlloc(arena, sizeof(PQGParams));
- pqg->arena = arena;
- item = &pqg->prime;
- for (i=0; i<3; i++) {
- item->len = (buf[fpos++] & 0xff) << 24;
- item->len |= (buf[fpos++] & 0xff) << 16;
- item->len |= (buf[fpos++] & 0xff) << 8;
- item->len |= (buf[fpos++] & 0xff);
- if (item->len > 0) {
- item->data = PORT_ArenaAlloc(arena, item->len);
- PORT_Memcpy(item->data, &buf[fpos], item->len);
- } else {
- item->data = NULL;
- }
- fpos += item->len;
- item++;
- }
- return pqg;
- }
- static DSAPrivateKey *
- dsakey_from_filedata(SECItem *filedata)
- {
- PRArenaPool *arena;
- DSAPrivateKey *key;
- unsigned char *buf = filedata->data;
- int fpos = 0;
- int i;
- SECItem *item;
- /* Allocate space for key structure. */
- arena = PORT_NewArena(2048);
- key = (DSAPrivateKey *)PORT_ArenaZAlloc(arena, sizeof(DSAPrivateKey));
- key->params.arena = arena;
- item = &key->;
- for (i=0; i<5; i++) {
- item->len = (buf[fpos++] & 0xff) << 24;
- item->len |= (buf[fpos++] & 0xff) << 16;
- item->len |= (buf[fpos++] & 0xff) << 8;
- item->len |= (buf[fpos++] & 0xff);
- if (item->len > 0) {
- item->data = PORT_ArenaAlloc(arena, item->len);
- PORT_Memcpy(item->data, &buf[fpos], item->len);
- } else {
- item->data = NULL;
- }
- fpos += item->len;
- item++;
- }
- return key;
- }
- static void
- pqg_to_file(PQGParams *params, char *filename)
- {
- PRFileDesc *file;
- SECItem *item;
- unsigned char len[4];
- int i;
- SECStatus status;
- NSSBase64Encoder *cx;
- SECItem ascii;
- = NULL;
- ascii.len = 0;
- file = PR_Open(filename, PR_WRONLY|PR_CREATE_FILE, 00660);
- cx = NSSBase64Encoder_Create(output_ascii, file);
- item = ¶ms->prime;
- for (i=0; i<3; i++) {
- len[0] = (item->len >> 24) & 0xff;
- len[1] = (item->len >> 16) & 0xff;
- len[2] = (item->len >> 8) & 0xff;
- len[3] = (item->len & 0xff);
- status = NSSBase64Encoder_Update(cx, len, 4);
- status = NSSBase64Encoder_Update(cx, item->data, item->len);
- item++;
- }
- status = NSSBase64Encoder_Destroy(cx, PR_FALSE);
- status = PR_Write(file, "rn", 2);
- }
- static void
- dsakey_to_file(DSAPrivateKey *key, char *filename)
- {
- PRFileDesc *file;
- SECItem *item;
- unsigned char len[4];
- int i;
- SECStatus status;
- NSSBase64Encoder *cx;
- SECItem ascii;
- = NULL;
- ascii.len = 0;
- file = PR_Open(filename, PR_WRONLY|PR_CREATE_FILE, 00660);
- cx = NSSBase64Encoder_Create(output_ascii, file);
- item = &key->;
- for (i=0; i<5; i++) {
- len[0] = (item->len >> 24) & 0xff;
- len[1] = (item->len >> 16) & 0xff;
- len[2] = (item->len >> 8) & 0xff;
- len[3] = (item->len & 0xff);
- status = NSSBase64Encoder_Update(cx, len, 4);
- status = NSSBase64Encoder_Update(cx, item->data, item->len);
- item++;
- }
- status = NSSBase64Encoder_Destroy(cx, PR_FALSE);
- status = PR_Write(file, "rn", 2);
- }
- static void
- dump_pqg(PQGParams *pqg)
- {
- SECU_PrintInteger(stdout, &pqg->prime, "PRIME:", 0);
- SECU_PrintInteger(stdout, &pqg->subPrime, "SUBPRIME:", 0);
- SECU_PrintInteger(stdout, &pqg->base, "BASE:", 0);
- }
- static void
- dump_dsakey(DSAPrivateKey *key)
- {
- dump_pqg(&key->params);
- SECU_PrintInteger(stdout, &key->publicValue, "PUBLIC VALUE:", 0);
- SECU_PrintInteger(stdout, &key->privateValue, "PRIVATE VALUE:", 0);
- }
- /* Multi-purpose crypto information */
- typedef struct
- {
- PRBool encrypt;
- PRBool decrypt;
- PRBool sign;
- PRBool verify;
- PRBool hash;
- SECItem seed;
- SECItem pqg;
- SECItem key;
- SECItem iv;
- SECItem in;
- SECItem out;
- SECItem sigseed;
- PRInt32 keysize;
- PRInt32 bufsize;
- PRBool useseed;
- PRBool usesigseed;
- PRBool performance;
- PRBool multihash;
- PQGParams *params; /* DSA only */
- unsigned int rounds; /* RC5 only */
- unsigned int wordsize; /* RC5 only */
- unsigned int rsapubexp; /* RSA only */
- unsigned int repetitions; /* performance tests only */
- } blapitestInfo;
- /* Macros for performance timing. */
- #define TIMESTART()
- if (info->performance)
- time1 = PR_IntervalNow();
- #define TIMEFINISH(mode, nb)
- if (info->performance) {
- time2 = (PRIntervalTime)(PR_IntervalNow() - time1);
- time1 = PR_IntervalToMilliseconds(time2);
- printf("%s,%d,%.3fn", mode, nb, ((float)(time1))/info->repetitions);
- }
- SECStatus
- fillitem(SECItem *item, int numbytes, char *filename)
- {
- if (item->len == 0)
- return get_and_write_random_bytes(item, numbytes, filename);
- return SECSuccess;
- }
- /************************
- ** DES
- ************************/
- /* encrypt/decrypt for all DES */
- static SECStatus
- des_common(DESContext *descx, blapitestInfo *info)
- {
- PRInt32 maxsize;
- SECStatus rv;
- PRIntervalTime time1, time2;
- int i, numiter;
- numiter = info->repetitions;
- maxsize = info->in.len;
- info-> = (unsigned char *)PORT_ZAlloc(maxsize);
- if (info->encrypt) {
- for (i=0; i<numiter; i++)
- rv = DES_Encrypt(descx, info->, &info->out.len, maxsize,
- info->, info->in.len);
- if (rv) {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s: Failed to encrypt!n", progName);
- }
- } else {
- for (i=0; i<numiter; i++)
- rv = DES_Decrypt(descx, info->, &info->out.len, maxsize,
- info->, info->in.len);
- if (rv) {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s: Failed to decrypt!n", progName);
- }
- }
- return rv;
- }
- /* DES codebook mode */
- static SECStatus
- des_ecb_test(blapitestInfo *info)
- {
- SECStatus rv;
- DESContext *descx;
- PRIntervalTime time1, time2;
- int i, numiter = info->repetitions;
- fillitem(&info->key, DES_KEY_LENGTH, "tmp.key");
- fillitem(&info->in, info->bufsize, "");
- for (i=0; i<numiter-1; i++) {
- descx = DES_CreateContext(info->, NULL, NSS_DES, info->encrypt);
- DES_DestroyContext(descx, PR_TRUE);
- }
- descx = DES_CreateContext(info->, NULL, NSS_DES, info->encrypt);
- if (!descx) {
- fprintf(stderr,"%s: Failed to create encryption context!n", progName);
- return SECFailure;
- }
- rv = des_common(descx, info);
- DES_DestroyContext(descx, PR_TRUE);
- return rv;
- }
- /* DES chaining mode */
- static SECStatus
- des_cbc_test(blapitestInfo *info)
- {
- SECStatus rv;
- DESContext *descx;
- PRIntervalTime time1, time2;
- int i, numiter = info->repetitions;
- fillitem(&info->key, DES_KEY_LENGTH, "tmp.key");
- fillitem(&info->in, info->bufsize, "");
- fillitem(&info->iv, DES_KEY_LENGTH, "tmp.iv");
- for (i=0; i<numiter-1; i++) {
- descx = DES_CreateContext(info->, info->, NSS_DES_CBC,
- info->encrypt);
- DES_DestroyContext(descx, PR_TRUE);
- }
- descx = DES_CreateContext(info->, info->, NSS_DES_CBC,
- info->encrypt);
- if (!descx) {
- PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR,
- "%s: Failed to create encryption context!n", progName);
- return SECFailure;
- }
- if (info->performance) {
- /* In chaining mode, repeated iterations of the encryption
- * function using the same context will alter the final output.
- * So, once the performance test is done, reset the context
- * and perform a single iteration to obtain the correct result.
- */
- int tmp = info->repetitions;
- rv = des_common(descx, info);
- DES_DestroyContext(descx, PR_TRUE);
- descx = DES_CreateContext(info->, info->, NSS_DES_CBC,
- info->encrypt);
- info->performance = PR_FALSE;
- info->repetitions = 1;
- rv = des_common(descx, info);
- info->performance = PR_TRUE;
- info->repetitions = tmp;
- } else {
- rv = des_common(descx, info);
- }
- DES_DestroyContext(descx, PR_TRUE);
- return rv;
- }
- /* 3-key Triple-DES codebook mode */
- static SECStatus
- des_ede_ecb_test(blapitestInfo *info)
- {
- SECStatus rv;
- DESContext *descx;
- PRIntervalTime time1, time2;
- int i, numiter = info->repetitions;
- fillitem(&info->key, 3*DES_KEY_LENGTH, "tmp.key");
- fillitem(&info->in, info->bufsize, "");
- for (i=0; i<numiter-1; i++) {
- descx = DES_CreateContext(info->, NULL, NSS_DES_EDE3,
- info->encrypt);
- DES_DestroyContext(descx, PR_TRUE);
- }
- descx = DES_CreateContext(info->, NULL, NSS_DES_EDE3,
- info->encrypt);
- if (!descx) {
- fprintf(stderr,"%s: Failed to create encryption context!n", progName);
- return SECFailure;
- }
- rv = des_common(descx, info);
- DES_DestroyContext(descx, PR_TRUE);
- return rv;
- }
- /* 3-key Triple-DES chaining mode */
- static SECStatus
- des_ede_cbc_test(blapitestInfo *info)
- {
- SECStatus rv;
- DESContext *descx;
- PRIntervalTime time1, time2;
- int i, numiter = info->repetitions;
- fillitem(&info->key, 3*DES_KEY_LENGTH, "tmp.key");
- fillitem(&info->in, info->bufsize, "");
- fillitem(&info->iv, DES_KEY_LENGTH, "tmp.iv");
- for (i=0; i<numiter-1; i++) {
- descx = DES_CreateContext(info->, info->,
- NSS_DES_EDE3_CBC, info->encrypt);
- DES_DestroyContext(descx, PR_TRUE);
- }
- descx = DES_CreateContext(info->, info->, NSS_DES_EDE3_CBC,
- info->encrypt);
- if (!descx) {
- fprintf(stderr,"%s: Failed to create encryption context!n", progName);
- return SECFailure;
- }
- if (info->performance) {
- /* In chaining mode, repeated iterations of the encryption
- * function using the same context will alter the final output.
- * So, once the performance test is done, reset the context
- * and perform a single iteration to obtain the correct result.
- */
- int tmp = info->repetitions;
- rv = des_common(descx, info);
- DES_DestroyContext(descx, PR_TRUE);
- descx = DES_CreateContext(info->, info->,
- NSS_DES_EDE3_CBC, info->encrypt);
- info->performance = PR_FALSE;
- info->repetitions = 1;
- rv = des_common(descx, info);
- info->performance = PR_TRUE;
- info->repetitions = tmp;
- } else {
- rv = des_common(descx, info);
- }
- DES_DestroyContext(descx, PR_TRUE);
- return rv;
- }
- /************************
- ** RC2
- ************************/
- /* RC2 ECB */
- static SECStatus
- rc2_ecb_test(blapitestInfo *info)
- {
- SECStatus rv;
- RC2Context *rc2cx;
- PRIntervalTime time1, time2;
- int i, numiter = info->repetitions;
- fillitem(&info->key, info->keysize, "tmp.key");
- fillitem(&info->in, info->bufsize, "");
- for (i=0; i<numiter-1; i++) {
- rc2cx = RC2_CreateContext(info->, info->key.len, NULL,
- NSS_RC2, info->key.len);
- RC2_DestroyContext(rc2cx, PR_TRUE);
- }
- rc2cx = RC2_CreateContext(info->, info->key.len, NULL,
- NSS_RC2, info->key.len);
- if (!rc2cx) {
- fprintf(stderr,"%s: Failed to create encryption context!n", progName);
- return SECFailure;
- }
- info->out.len = 2*info->in.len;
- info-> = (unsigned char *)PORT_ZAlloc(info->out.len);
- if (info->encrypt) {
- for (i=0; i<numiter; i++)
- rv = RC2_Encrypt(rc2cx, info->, &info->out.len,
- info->out.len, info->, info->in.len);
- TIMEFINISH("RC2 ECB ENCRYPT", info->in.len);
- } else {
- for (i=0; i<numiter; i++)
- rv = RC2_Decrypt(rc2cx, info->, &info->out.len,
- info->out.len, info->, info->in.len);
- TIMEFINISH("RC2 ECB DECRYPT", info->in.len);
- }
- RC2_DestroyContext(rc2cx, PR_TRUE);
- return rv;
- }
- /* RC2 CBC */
- static SECStatus
- rc2_cbc_test(blapitestInfo *info)
- {
- SECStatus rv;
- RC2Context *rc2cx;
- PRIntervalTime time1, time2;
- int i, numiter = info->repetitions;
- fillitem(&info->key, info->keysize, "tmp.key");
- fillitem(&info->in, info->bufsize, "");
- fillitem(&info->iv, info->bufsize, "tmp.iv");
- for (i=0; i<numiter-1; i++) {
- rc2cx = RC2_CreateContext(info->, info->key.len, info->,
- NSS_RC2_CBC, info->key.len);
- RC2_DestroyContext(rc2cx, PR_TRUE);
- }
- rc2cx = RC2_CreateContext(info->, info->key.len, info->,
- NSS_RC2_CBC, info->key.len);
- if (!rc2cx) {
- fprintf(stderr,"%s: Failed to create encryption context!n", progName);
- return SECFailure;
- }
- info->out.len = 2*info->in.len;
- info-> = (unsigned char *)PORT_ZAlloc(info->out.len);
- if (info->encrypt) {
- for (i=0; i<numiter; i++)
- rv = RC2_Encrypt(rc2cx, info->, &info->out.len,
- info->out.len, info->, info->in.len);
- TIMEFINISH("RC2 CBC ENCRYPT", info->in.len);
- if (info->performance) {
- /* reset the context */
- RC2_DestroyContext(rc2cx, PR_TRUE);
- rc2cx = RC2_CreateContext(info->, info->key.len,
- info->, NSS_RC2_CBC, info->key.len);
- rv = RC2_Encrypt(rc2cx, info->, &info->out.len,
- info->out.len, info->, info->in.len);
- }
- if (rv) {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s: Failed to encrypt!n", progName);
- }
- } else {
- for (i=0; i<numiter; i++)
- rv = RC2_Decrypt(rc2cx, info->, &info->out.len,
- info->out.len, info->, info->in.len);
- TIMEFINISH("RC2 CBC DECRYPT", info->in.len);
- if (info->performance) {
- /* reset the context */
- RC2_DestroyContext(rc2cx, PR_TRUE);
- rc2cx = RC2_CreateContext(info->, info->key.len,
- info->, NSS_RC2_CBC, info->key.len);
- rv = RC2_Decrypt(rc2cx, info->, &info->out.len,
- info->out.len, info->, info->in.len);
- }
- if (rv) {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s: Failed to decrypt!n", progName);
- }
- }
- RC2_DestroyContext(rc2cx, PR_TRUE);
- return rv;
- }
- /************************
- ** RC4
- ************************/
- static SECStatus
- rc4_test(blapitestInfo *info)
- {
- SECStatus rv;
- RC4Context *rc4cx;
- PRIntervalTime time1, time2;
- int i, numiter;
- numiter = info->repetitions;
- fillitem(&info->key, info->keysize, "tmp.key");
- fillitem(&info->in, info->bufsize, "");
- for (i=0; i<numiter-1; i++) {
- rc4cx = RC4_CreateContext(info->, info->key.len);
- RC4_DestroyContext(rc4cx, PR_TRUE);
- }
- rc4cx = RC4_CreateContext(info->, info->key.len);
- TIMEFINISH("RC4 CONTEXT CREATE", info->key.len);
- if (!rc4cx) {
- fprintf(stderr,"%s: Failed to create encryption context!n", progName);
- return SECFailure;
- }
- info->out.len = 2*info->in.len;
- info-> = (unsigned char *)PORT_ZAlloc(info->out.len);
- if (info->encrypt) {
- for (i=0; i<numiter; i++)
- rv = RC4_Encrypt(rc4cx, info->, &info->out.len,
- info->out.len, info->, info->in.len);
- TIMEFINISH("RC4 ENCRYPT", info->in.len);
- if (info->performance) {
- /* reset the context */
- RC4_DestroyContext(rc4cx, PR_TRUE);
- rc4cx = RC4_CreateContext(info->, info->key.len);
- rv = RC4_Encrypt(rc4cx, info->, &info->out.len,
- info->out.len, info->, info->in.len);
- }
- if (rv) {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s: Failed to encrypt!n", progName);
- }
- } else {
- for (i=0; i<numiter; i++)
- rv = RC4_Decrypt(rc4cx, info->, &info->out.len,
- info->out.len, info->, info->in.len);
- TIMEFINISH("RC4 DECRYPT", info->in.len);
- if (info->performance) {
- /* reset the context */
- RC4_DestroyContext(rc4cx, PR_TRUE);
- rc4cx = RC4_CreateContext(info->, info->key.len);
- rv = RC4_Decrypt(rc4cx, info->, &info->out.len,
- info->out.len, info->, info->in.len);
- }
- if (rv) {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s: Failed to decrypt!n", progName);
- }
- }
- RC4_DestroyContext(rc4cx, PR_TRUE);
- return rv;
- }
- /************************
- ** RC5
- ************************/
- /* RC5 ECB */
- static SECStatus
- rc5_ecb_test(blapitestInfo *info)
- {
- SECStatus rv;
- RC5Context *rc5cx;
- PRIntervalTime time1, time2;
- int i, numiter;
- numiter = info->repetitions;
- fillitem(&info->key, info->keysize, "tmp.key");
- fillitem(&info->in, info->bufsize, "");
- for (i=0; i<numiter-1; i++) {
- rc5cx = RC5_CreateContext(&info->key, info->rounds, info->wordsize,
- RC5_DestroyContext(rc5cx, PR_TRUE);
- }
- rc5cx = RC5_CreateContext(&info->key, info->rounds, info->wordsize,
- if (!rc5cx) {
- fprintf(stderr,"%s: Failed to create encryption context!n", progName);
- return SECFailure;
- }
- info->out.len = 2*info->in.len;
- info-> = (unsigned char *)PORT_ZAlloc(info->out.len);
- if (info->encrypt) {
- for (i=0; i<numiter; i++)
- rv = RC5_Encrypt(rc5cx, info->, &info->out.len,
- info->out.len, info->, info->in.len);
- TIMEFINISH("RC5 ECB ENCRYPT", info->in.len);
- if (rv) {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s: Failed to encrypt!n", progName);
- }
- } else {
- for (i=0; i<numiter; i++)
- rv = RC5_Decrypt(rc5cx, info->, &info->out.len,
- info->out.len, info->, info->in.len);
- TIMEFINISH("RC5 ECB ENCRYPT", info->in.len);
- if (rv) {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s: Failed to decrypt!n", progName);
- }
- }
- RC5_DestroyContext(rc5cx, PR_TRUE);
- return rv;
- }
- /* RC5 CBC */
- static SECStatus
- rc5_cbc_test(blapitestInfo *info)
- {
- SECStatus rv;
- RC5Context *rc5cx;
- PRIntervalTime time1, time2;
- int i, numiter;
- numiter = info->repetitions;
- fillitem(&info->key, info->keysize, "tmp.key");
- fillitem(&info->in, info->bufsize, "");
- fillitem(&info->iv, info->bufsize, "tmp.iv");
- for (i=0; i<numiter-1; i++) {
- rc5cx = RC5_CreateContext(&info->key, info->rounds, info->wordsize,
- info->, NSS_RC5_CBC);
- RC5_DestroyContext(rc5cx, PR_TRUE);
- }
- rc5cx = RC5_CreateContext(&info->key, info->rounds, info->wordsize,
- info->, NSS_RC5_CBC);
- if (!rc5cx) {
- fprintf(stderr,"%s: Failed to create encryption context!n", progName);
- return SECFailure;
- }
- info->out.len = 2*info->in.len;
- info-> = (unsigned char *)PORT_ZAlloc(info->out.len);
- if (info->encrypt) {
- for (i=0; i<numiter; i++)
- rv = RC5_Encrypt(rc5cx, info->, &info->out.len,
- info->out.len, info->, info->in.len);
- TIMEFINISH("RC5 CBC ENCRYPT", info->in.len);
- if (info->performance) {
- /* reset the context */
- RC5_DestroyContext(rc5cx, PR_TRUE);
- rc5cx = RC5_CreateContext(&info->key, info->rounds, info->wordsize,
- info->, NSS_RC5_CBC);
- rv = RC5_Encrypt(rc5cx, info->, &info->out.len,
- info->out.len, info->, info->in.len);
- }
- if (rv) {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s: Failed to encrypt!n", progName);
- }
- } else {
- for (i=0; i<numiter; i++)
- rv = RC5_Decrypt(rc5cx, info->, &info->out.len,
- info->out.len, info->, info->in.len);
- TIMEFINISH("RC5 CBC DECRYPT", info->in.len);
- if (info->performance) {
- /* reset the context */
- RC5_DestroyContext(rc5cx, PR_TRUE);
- rc5cx = RC5_CreateContext(&info->key, info->rounds, info->wordsize,
- info->, NSS_RC5_CBC);
- rv = RC5_Decrypt(rc5cx, info->, &info->out.len,
- info->out.len, info->, info->in.len);
- }
- if (rv) {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s: Failed to decrypt!n", progName);
- }
- }
- RC5_DestroyContext(rc5cx, PR_TRUE);
- return rv;
- }
- #endif
- static SECStatus
- rsa_test(blapitestInfo *info)
- {
- RSAPrivateKey *key;
- SECItem expitem;
- SECStatus rv;
- PRIntervalTime time1, time2;
- int i, j, numiter;
- unsigned int modLen;
- numiter = info->repetitions;
- fillitem(&info->in, info->bufsize, "");
- if (info->key.len > 0) {
- key = rsakey_from_filedata(&info->key);
- } else {
- expitem.len = 4;
- = (unsigned char *)PORT_ZAlloc(4);
-[0] = (info->rsapubexp >> 24) & 0xff;
-[1] = (info->rsapubexp >> 16) & 0xff;
-[2] = (info->rsapubexp >> 8) & 0xff;
-[3] = (info->rsapubexp & 0xff);
- for (i=0; i<numiter-1; i++) {
- key = RSA_NewKey(info->keysize*8, &expitem);
- PORT_FreeArena(key->arena, PR_TRUE);
- }
- key = RSA_NewKey(info->keysize*8, &expitem);
- TIMEFINISH("RSA KEY GEN", info->keysize);
- rsakey_to_file(key, "tmp.key");
- }
- if (key->[0] == 0) {
- /* integer value of input must be less than modulus */
- if (info->[0] >= key->[1])
- return SECFailure;
- } else {
- if (info->[0] >= key->[0])
- return SECFailure;
- }
- modLen = key->modulus.len - !key->[0];
- if (info->in.len % modLen != 0) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Input buffer must be a multiple of modulus length!n");
- return SECFailure;
- }
- info->out.len = info->in.len;
- info-> = (unsigned char *)PORT_ZAlloc(info->out.len);
- if (info->encrypt) {
- RSAPublicKey pubkey;
- SECITEM_CopyItem(key->arena, &pubkey.modulus, &key->modulus);
- SECITEM_CopyItem(key->arena, &pubkey.publicExponent,
- &key->publicExponent);
- for (i=0; i<numiter; i++) {
- for (j=0; j<info->in.len; j+=pubkey.modulus.len) {
- rv = RSA_PublicKeyOp(&pubkey, &info->[j],
- &info->[j]);
- }
- }
- TIMEFINISH("RSA ENCRYPT", info->in.len);
- } else {
- for (i=info->repetitions; i>0; i--) {
- for (j=0; j<info->in.len; j+=key->modulus.len) {
- rv = RSA_PrivateKeyOp(key, &info->[j],
- &info->[j]);
- }
- }
- TIMEFINISH("RSA DECRYPT", info->in.len);
- }
- PORT_FreeArena(key->arena, PR_TRUE);
- return SECSuccess;
- }
- static SECStatus
- pqg_test(blapitestInfo *info)
- {
- SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
- PQGVerify *verify;
- PRIntervalTime time1, time2;
- int i, numiter;
- numiter = info->repetitions;
- if (info->pqg.len > 0) {
- info->params = pqg_from_filedata(&info->pqg);
- } else {
- for (i=0; i<numiter-1; i++) {
- rv = PQG_ParamGen(info->keysize, &info->params, &verify);
- PORT_FreeArena(info->params->arena, PR_TRUE);
- }
- rv = PQG_ParamGen(info->keysize, &info->params, &verify);
- TIMEFINISH("PQG PARAM GEN", info->keysize);
- pqg_to_file(info->params, "tmp.pqg");
- }
- return rv;
- }
- static SECStatus
- dsa_test(blapitestInfo *info)
- {
- DSAPrivateKey *key;
- SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
- PRIntervalTime time1, time2;
- int i, numiter;
- numiter = info->repetitions;
- fillitem(&info->in, info->bufsize, "");
- if (info->key.len > 0) {
- key = dsakey_from_filedata(&info->key);
- } else {
- pqg_test(info);
- if (info->useseed) {
- if (info->seed.len == 0)
- get_and_write_random_bytes(&info->seed, DSA_SUBPRIME_LEN,
- "tmp.seed");
- rv = DSA_NewKeyFromSeed(info->params, info->, &key);
- } else {
- rv = DSA_NewKey(info->params, &key);
- }
- dsakey_to_file(key, "tmp.key");
- }
- if (info->sign) {
- info->out.len = DSA_SIGNATURE_LEN;
- info-> = (unsigned char *)PORT_ZAlloc(info->out.len);
- if (info->usesigseed) {
- if (info->sigseed.len == 0)
- get_and_write_random_bytes(&info->sigseed, DSA_SUBPRIME_LEN,
- "tmp.sigseed");
- rv = DSA_SignDigestWithSeed(key, &info->out, &info->in,
- info->;
- TIMEFINISH("DSA SIGN", info->in.len);
- } else {
- for (i=0; i<numiter; i++)
- rv = DSA_SignDigest(key, &info->out, &info->in);
- TIMEFINISH("DSA SIGN", info->in.len);
- }
- } else {
- DSAPublicKey pubkey;
- PRArenaPool *arena;
- arena = key->params.arena;
- SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &, &key->;
- SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &pubkey.params.subPrime, &key->params.subPrime);
- SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &pubkey.params.base, &key->params.base);
- SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &pubkey.publicValue, &key->publicValue);
- for (i=0; i<numiter; i++)
- rv = DSA_VerifyDigest(&pubkey, &info->out, &info->in);
- TIMEFINISH("DSA VERIFY", info->in.len);
- if (rv != SECSuccess) {
- PR_fprintf(PR_STDOUT, "Signature failed verification!n");
- } /*else {
- PR_fprintf(PR_STDOUT, "Signature verified.n");
- }*/
- }
- PORT_FreeArena(key->params.arena, PR_TRUE);
- return SECSuccess;
- }
- static SECStatus
- md5_multi_test(blapitestInfo *info)
- {
- SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
- MD5Context *md5cx;
- unsigned int len;
- MD5Context *foomd5cx;
- unsigned char *foomd5;
- int i;
- if (info->in.len == 0) {
- rv = get_and_write_random_bytes(&info->in, info->bufsize, "");
- }
- md5cx = MD5_NewContext();
- if (!md5cx) {
- PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR,
- "%s: Failed to create hash context!n", progName);
- return SECFailure;
- }
- info->out.len = MD5_LENGTH;
- info-> = (unsigned char *)PORT_ZAlloc(info->out.len);
- MD5_Begin(md5cx);
- for (i=0; i<info->bufsize/8; i++) {
- MD5_Update(md5cx, &info->[i*8], 8);
- len = MD5_FlattenSize(md5cx);
- foomd5 = PORT_Alloc(len);
- MD5_Flatten(md5cx, foomd5);
- foomd5cx = MD5_Resurrect(foomd5, NULL);
- rv = PORT_Memcmp(foomd5cx, md5cx, len);
- if (rv != SECSuccess)
- PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "%s: MD5_Resurrect failed!n", progName);
- MD5_DestroyContext(foomd5cx, PR_TRUE);
- PORT_Free(foomd5);
- }
- MD5_End(md5cx, info->, &len, MD5_LENGTH);
- if (len != MD5_LENGTH)
- PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "%s: Bad hash size %d.n", progName, len);
- MD5_DestroyContext(md5cx, PR_TRUE);
- return rv;
- }
- static SECStatus
- md5_test(blapitestInfo *info)
- {
- SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
- PRIntervalTime time1, time2;
- int i;
- if (!info->hash) return SECFailure;
- if (info->multihash) return md5_multi_test(info);
- if (info->in.len == 0) {
- rv = get_and_write_random_bytes(&info->in, info->bufsize, "");
- }
- info->out.len = MD5_LENGTH;
- info-> = (unsigned char *)PORT_ZAlloc(info->out.len);
- for (i=info->repetitions; i>0; i--) {
- MD5_HashBuf(info->, info->, info->in.len);
- }
- TIMEFINISH("MD5 HASH", info->in.len);
- return rv;
- }
- static SECStatus
- md2_multi_test(blapitestInfo *info)
- {
- SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
- MD2Context *md2cx;
- unsigned int len;
- MD2Context *foomd2cx;
- unsigned char *foomd2;
- int i;
- if (!info->hash) return SECFailure;
- if (info->in.len == 0) {
- rv = get_and_write_random_bytes(&info->in, info->bufsize, "");
- }
- md2cx = MD2_NewContext();
- if (!md2cx) {
- PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR,
- "%s: Failed to create hash context!n", progName);
- return SECFailure;
- }
- info->out.len = MD2_LENGTH;
- info-> = (unsigned char *)PORT_ZAlloc(info->out.len);
- MD2_Begin(md2cx);
- for (i=0; i<info->bufsize/8; i++) {
- MD2_Update(md2cx, &info->[i*8], 8);
- len = MD2_FlattenSize(md2cx);
- foomd2 = PORT_Alloc(len);
- MD2_Flatten(md2cx, foomd2);
- foomd2cx = MD2_Resurrect(foomd2, NULL);
- rv = PORT_Memcmp(foomd2cx, md2cx, len);
- if (rv != SECSuccess)
- PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "%s: MD2_Resurrect failed!n", progName);
- MD2_DestroyContext(foomd2cx, PR_TRUE);
- PORT_Free(foomd2);
- }
- MD2_End(md2cx, info->, &len, MD2_LENGTH);
- if (len != MD2_LENGTH)
- PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "%s: Bad hash size %d.n", progName, len);
- MD2_DestroyContext(md2cx, PR_TRUE);
- return rv;
- }
- static SECStatus
- md2_test(blapitestInfo *info)
- {
- unsigned int len;
- MD2Context *cx = MD2_NewContext();
- SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
- PRIntervalTime time1, time2;
- int i;
- if (!info->hash) return SECFailure;
- if (info->multihash) return md2_multi_test(info);
- if (info->in.len == 0) {
- rv = get_and_write_random_bytes(&info->in, info->bufsize, "");
- }
- info->out.len = 16;
- info-> = (unsigned char *)PORT_ZAlloc(info->out.len);
- info->[info->in.len] = ' ';
- for (i=0; i<info->repetitions; i++) {
- MD2_Begin(cx);
- MD2_Update(cx, info->, info->in.len);
- MD2_End(cx, info->, &len, 16);
- }
- TIMEFINISH("MD2 HASH", info->in.len);
- MD2_DestroyContext(cx, PR_TRUE);
- return rv;
- }
- static SECStatus
- sha1_multi_test(blapitestInfo *info)
- {
- SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
- SHA1Context *sha1cx;
- unsigned int len;
- SHA1Context *foosha1cx;
- unsigned char *foosha1;
- int i;
- if (info->in.len == 0) {
- rv = get_and_write_random_bytes(&info->in, info->bufsize, "");
- }
- sha1cx = SHA1_NewContext();
- if (!sha1cx) {
- PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR,
- "%s: Failed to create hash context!n", progName);
- return SECFailure;
- }
- info->out.len = SHA1_LENGTH;
- info-> = (unsigned char *)PORT_ZAlloc(info->out.len);
- SHA1_Begin(sha1cx);
- for (i=0; i<info->bufsize/8; i++) {
- SHA1_Update(sha1cx, &info->[i*8], 8);
- len = SHA1_FlattenSize(sha1cx);
- foosha1 = PORT_Alloc(len);
- SHA1_Flatten(sha1cx, foosha1);
- foosha1cx = SHA1_Resurrect(foosha1, NULL);
- rv = PORT_Memcmp(foosha1cx, sha1cx, len);
- if (rv != SECSuccess)
- PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "%s: SHA1_Resurrect failed!n", progName);
- SHA1_DestroyContext(foosha1cx, PR_TRUE);
- PORT_Free(foosha1);
- }
- SHA1_End(sha1cx, info->, &len, SHA1_LENGTH);
- if (len != SHA1_LENGTH)
- PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "%s: Bad hash size %d.n", progName, len);
- SHA1_DestroyContext(sha1cx, PR_TRUE);
- return rv;
- }
- static SECStatus
- sha1_test(blapitestInfo *info)
- {
- unsigned int len;
- SHA1Context *cx = SHA1_NewContext();
- SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
- PRIntervalTime time1, time2;
- int i;
- if (!info->hash) return SECFailure;
- if (info->multihash) return sha1_multi_test(info);
- if (info->in.len == 0) {
- rv = get_and_write_random_bytes(&info->in, info->bufsize, "");
- }
- info->out.len = SHA1_LENGTH;
- info-> = (unsigned char *)PORT_ZAlloc(info->out.len);
- info->[info->in.len] = ' ';
- for (i=info->repetitions; i>0; i--) {
- SHA1_Begin(cx);
- SHA1_Update(cx, info->, info->in.len);
- SHA1_End(cx, info->, &len, SHA1_LENGTH);
- }
- TIMEFINISH("SHA1 HASH", info->in.len);
- SHA1_DestroyContext(cx, PR_TRUE);
- return rv;
- }
- typedef SECStatus (* blapitestCryptoFn)(blapitestInfo *);
- static blapitestCryptoFn crypto_fns[] =
- {
- des_ecb_test,
- des_cbc_test,
- des_ede_ecb_test,
- des_ede_cbc_test,
- rc2_ecb_test,
- rc2_cbc_test,
- rc4_test,
- rc5_ecb_test,
- rc5_cbc_test,
- #endif
- rsa_test,
- pqg_test,
- dsa_test,
- md5_test,
- md2_test,
- sha1_test,
- };
- static char *mode_strings[] =
- {
- "des_ecb",
- "des_cbc",
- "des3_ecb",
- "des3_cbc",
- "rc2_ecb",
- "rc2_cbc",
- "rc4",
- "rc5_ecb",
- "rc5_cbc",
- #endif
- "rsa",
- "#endencrypt",
- "pqg",
- "dsa",
- "#endsign",
- "md5",
- "md2",
- "sha1",
- "#endhash"
- };
- static void
- printmodes(blapitestInfo *info)
- {
- int i = 0;
- char *mode = mode_strings[0];
- PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "Available modes: (specify with -m)n", progName);
- while (mode[0] != '#') {
- if (info->encrypt || info->decrypt)
- fprintf(stderr, "%sn", mode);
- mode = mode_strings[++i];
- }
- mode = mode_strings[++i];
- while (mode[0] != '#') {
- if (info->sign || info->verify)
- fprintf(stderr, "%sn", mode);
- mode = mode_strings[++i];
- }
- mode = mode_strings[++i];
- while (mode[0] != '#') {
- if (info->hash)
- fprintf(stderr, "%sn", mode);
- mode = mode_strings[++i];
- }
- }
- static blapitestCryptoFn
- get_test_mode(const char *modestring)
- {
- int i;
- int nummodes = sizeof(mode_strings) / sizeof(char *);
- for (i=0; i<nummodes; i++)
- if (PL_strcmp(modestring, mode_strings[i]) == 0)
- return crypto_fns[i];
- PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "%s: invalid mode: %sn", progName, modestring);
- return NULL;
- }
- static void
- get_params(blapitestInfo *info, char *mode, int num)
- {
- SECItem *item;
- /* XXX
- * this should use NSPR, but the string functions (strchr and atoi)
- * barf when the commented code below is used.
- PRFileDesc *file;
- */
- FILE *file;
- char filename[256];
- char *mark, *param, *val;
- int index = 0;
- int len;
- sprintf(filename, "%s/tests/%s/params%d", testdir, mode, num);
- /*
- file = PR_Open(filename, PR_RDONLY, 00440);
- if (file)
- SECU_FileToItem(item, file);
- else
- return;
- param = (char *)item->data;
- */
- file = fopen(filename, "r");
- if (!file) return;
- param = malloc(100);
- len = fread(param, 1, 100, file);
- while (index < len) {
- mark = PL_strchr(param, '=');
- *mark = ' ';
- val = mark + 1;
- mark = PL_strchr(val, 'n');
- *mark = ' ';
- if (PL_strcmp(param, "rounds") == 0) {
- info->rounds = atoi(val);
- } else if (PL_strcmp(param, "wordsize") == 0) {
- info->wordsize = atoi(val);
- }
- index += PL_strlen(param) + PL_strlen(val) + 2;
- param = mark + 1;
- }
- }
- static SECStatus
- get_ascii_file_data(SECItem *item, char *mode, char *type, int num)
- {
- char filename[256];
- PRFileDesc *file;
- SECStatus rv;
- sprintf(filename, "%s/tests/%s/%s%d", testdir, mode, type, num);
- file = PR_Open(filename, PR_RDONLY, 00440);
- if (!file) {
- /* Not a failure if "mode" does not need "type". */
- return SECSuccess;
- }
- if (((PL_strcmp(mode, "rsa") == 0 || PL_strcmp(mode, "dsa") == 0) &&
- PL_strcmp(type, "key") == 0) ||
- (PL_strcmp(mode, "dsa") == 0 && PL_strcmp(type, "plaintext") == 0)) {
- rv = SECU_FileToItem(item, file);
- atob(SECITEM_DupItem(item), item);
- } else {
- rv = SECU_TextFileToItem(item, file);
- }
- PR_Close(file);
- return rv;
- }
- static SECStatus
- blapi_selftest(char **modesToTest, int numModesToTest,
- PRBool encrypt, PRBool decrypt)
- {
- blapitestCryptoFn cryptofn;
- blapitestInfo info;
- SECItem output = { 0, 0, 0 };
- SECItem asciiOut = { 0, 0, 0 };
- SECItem inpCopy = { 0, 0, 0 };
- SECItem item = { 0, 0, 0 };
- SECStatus rv;
- char filename[256];
- PRFileDesc *file;
- char *mode;
- int i, j, nummodes;
- PORT_Memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info));
- info.repetitions = 1;
- info.useseed = PR_TRUE;
- info.usesigseed = PR_TRUE;
- if (modesToTest) {
- /* user gave a list of modes to test */
- nummodes = numModesToTest;
- } else {
- /* test all modes */
- nummodes = sizeof(mode_strings) / sizeof(char *);
- }
- for (i=0; i<nummodes; i++) {
- if (modesToTest) {
- mode = modesToTest[i];
- } else {
- mode = mode_strings[i];
- }
- /* skip pqg - nothing to do for self-test. */
- if (PL_strcmp(mode, "pqg") == 0)
- continue;
- cryptofn = get_test_mode(mode);
- if (mode[0] == '#') continue;
- /* get the number of tests in the directory */
- sprintf(filename, "%s/tests/%s/%s", testdir, mode, "numtests");
- file = PR_Open(filename, PR_RDONLY, 00440);
- if (!file) {
- fprintf(stderr, "File %s does not exist.n", filename);
- return SECFailure;
- }
- memset(&item, 0, sizeof(item));
- rv = SECU_FileToItem(&item, file);
- PR_Close(file);
- /* loop over the tests in the directory */
- for (j=0; j<(int)([0] - '0'); j++) {
- memset(&info.key, 0, sizeof(info.key));
- memset(&info.iv, 0, sizeof(info.iv));
- memset(&, 0, sizeof(;
- memset(&info.seed, 0, sizeof(info.seed));
- memset(&info.sigseed, 0, sizeof(info.sigseed));
- rv = get_ascii_file_data(&info.key, mode, "key", j);
- rv = get_ascii_file_data(&info.iv, mode, "iv", j);
- rv = get_ascii_file_data(&, mode, "plaintext", j);
- #if 0
- rv = get_ascii_file_data(&info.seed, mode, "keyseed", j);
- #endif
- rv = get_ascii_file_data(&info.sigseed, mode, "sigseed", j);
- SECITEM_CopyItem(NULL, &inpCopy, &;
- get_params(&info, mode, j);
- sprintf(filename, "%s/tests/%s/%s%d", testdir, mode,
- "ciphertext", j);
- file = PR_Open(filename, PR_RDONLY, 00440);
- memset(&asciiOut, 0, sizeof(asciiOut));
- rv = SECU_FileToItem(&asciiOut, file);
- PR_Close(file);
- rv = atob(&asciiOut, &output);
- if (!encrypt) goto decrypt;
- info.encrypt = info.hash = info.sign = PR_TRUE;
- (*cryptofn)(&info);
- if (SECITEM_CompareItem(&output, &info.out) != 0) {
- printf("encrypt self-test for %s failed!n", mode);
- } /*else {
- printf("encrypt self-test for %s passed.n", mode);
- }*/
- decrypt:
- if (!decrypt) continue;
- if (PL_strcmp(mode, "md2") == 0 ||
- PL_strcmp(mode, "md5") == 0 ||
- PL_strcmp(mode, "sha1") == 0) {
- continue; /* hashes only go once */
- }
- info.encrypt = info.hash = info.sign = PR_FALSE;
- info.decrypt = info.verify = PR_TRUE;
- if (PL_strcmp(mode, "dsa") == 0) {
- if (info.out.len == 0)
- SECITEM_CopyItem(NULL, &info.out, &output);
- rv = (*cryptofn)(&info);
- if (rv != SECSuccess) {
- printf("signature self-test for %s failed!n", mode);
- } /*else {
- printf("signature self-test for %s passed.n", mode);
- }*/
- } else {
- SECITEM_ZfreeItem(&, PR_FALSE);
- SECITEM_ZfreeItem(&info.out, PR_FALSE);
- SECITEM_CopyItem(NULL, &, &output);
- info.out.len = 0;
- rv = (*cryptofn)(&info);
- if (rv == SECSuccess) {
- if (SECITEM_CompareItem(&inpCopy, &info.out) != 0) {
- printf("decrypt self-test for %s failed!n", mode);
- } /*else {
- printf("decrypt self-test for %s passed.n", mode);
- }*/
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return SECSuccess;
- }
- static SECStatus
- get_file_data(char *filename, SECItem *item, PRBool b64)
- {
- SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
- PRFileDesc *file = PR_Open(filename, PR_RDONLY, 006600);
- if (file) {
- if (b64) {
- SECItem asciiItem = { 0, 0, 0 };
- rv = SECU_FileToItem(&asciiItem, file);
- rv = atob(&asciiItem, item);
- } else {
- rv = SECU_FileToItem(item, file);
- }
- PR_Close(file);
- }
- return rv;
- }
- SECStatus
- dump_file(char *mode, char *filename)
- {
- SECItem item;
- if (PL_strcmp(mode, "rsa") == 0) {
- } else if (PL_strcmp(mode, "pqg") == 0) {
- PQGParams *pqg;
- get_file_data(filename, &item, PR_TRUE);
- pqg = pqg_from_filedata(&item);
- dump_pqg(pqg);
- } else if (PL_strcmp(mode, "dsa") == 0) {
- DSAPrivateKey *key;
- get_file_data(filename, &item, PR_TRUE);
- key = dsakey_from_filedata(&item);
- dump_dsakey(key);
- }
- return SECFailure;
- }
- int main(int argc, char **argv)
- {
- char *infile, *outfile, *keyfile, *ivfile, *sigfile, *seedfile,
- *sigseedfile, *pqgfile;
- PRBool b64 = PR_TRUE;
- blapitestInfo info;
- blapitestCryptoFn cryptofn = NULL;
- PLOptState *optstate;
- PLOptStatus status;
- PRBool dofips = PR_FALSE;
- PRBool doselftest = PR_FALSE;
- PRBool zerobuffer = PR_FALSE;
- char *dumpfile = NULL;
- char *mode = NULL;
- char *modesToTest[20];
- int numModesToTest = 0;
- SECStatus rv;
- PORT_Memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info));
- info.bufsize = 8;
- info.keysize = DES_KEY_LENGTH;
- info.rsapubexp = 17;
- info.rounds = 10;
- info.wordsize = 4;
- infile=outfile=keyfile=pqgfile=ivfile=sigfile=seedfile=sigseedfile=NULL;
- info.repetitions = 1;
- progName = strrchr(argv[0], '/');
- progName = progName ? progName+1 : argv[0];
- optstate = PL_CreateOptState(argc, argv,
- "DEFHP:STVab:d:ce:g:j:i:o:p:k:m:t:qr:s:v:w:xyz:");
- while ((status = PL_GetNextOpt(optstate)) == PL_OPT_OK) {
- switch (optstate->option) {
- case 'D': info.decrypt = PR_TRUE; break;
- case 'E': info.encrypt = PR_TRUE; break;
- case 'F': dofips = PR_TRUE; break;
- case 'H': info.hash = PR_TRUE; break;
- case 'P': dumpfile = PL_strdup(optstate->value); break;
- case 'S': info.sign = PR_TRUE; break;
- case 'T': doselftest = PR_TRUE; break;
- case 'V': info.verify = PR_TRUE; break;
- case 'a': b64 = PR_FALSE; break;
- case 'b': info.bufsize = PORT_Atoi(optstate->value); break;
- case 'c': info.multihash = PR_TRUE; break;
- case 'd': testdir = PL_strdup(optstate->value); break;
- case 'e': info.rsapubexp = PORT_Atoi(optstate->value); break;
- case 'g': info.keysize = PORT_Atoi(optstate->value); break;
- case 'i': infile = PL_strdup(optstate->value); break;
- case 'j': pqgfile = PL_strdup(optstate->value); break;
- case 'k': keyfile = PL_strdup(optstate->value); break;
- case 'm': cryptofn = get_test_mode(optstate->value);
- mode = PL_strdup(optstate->value);
- break;
- case 'o': outfile = PL_strdup(optstate->value); break;
- case 'p': info.performance = PR_TRUE;
- info.repetitions = PORT_Atoi(optstate->value);
- break;
- case 'q': zerobuffer = PR_TRUE; break;
- case 'r': info.rounds = PORT_Atoi(optstate->value); break;
- case 's': sigfile = PL_strdup(optstate->value); break;
- case 't': sigseedfile = PL_strdup(optstate->value); break;
- case 'v': ivfile = PL_strdup(optstate->value); break;
- case 'w': info.wordsize = PORT_Atoi(optstate->value); break;
- case 'x': info.useseed = PR_TRUE; break;
- case 'y': info.usesigseed = PR_TRUE; break;
- case 'z': seedfile = PL_strdup(optstate->value); break;
- case ' ': if (optstate->value[0] != '-')
- modesToTest[numModesToTest++] =
- PL_strdup(optstate->value);
- break;
- default: break;
- }
- }
- if (dumpfile)
- return dump_file(mode, dumpfile);
- if (doselftest) {
- if (!info.encrypt && !info.decrypt) {
- info.encrypt = info.decrypt = PR_TRUE; /* do both */
- }
- if (numModesToTest > 0) {
- return blapi_selftest(modesToTest, numModesToTest,
- info.encrypt, info.decrypt);
- } else {
- return blapi_selftest(NULL, 0, info.encrypt, info.decrypt);
- }
- }
- if (dofips) {
- CK_RV foo = pk11_fipsPowerUpSelfTest();
- PR_fprintf(PR_STDOUT, "CK_RV: %d.n", foo);
- return 0;
- }
- if (!info.encrypt && !info.decrypt && !info.hash &&
- !info.sign && !info.verify)
- Usage();
- if (!cryptofn) {
- printmodes(&info);
- return -1;
- }
- if (info.decrypt && !infile)
- Usage();
- if (info.performance) {
- char buf[256];
- PRStatus stat;
- stat = PR_GetSystemInfo(PR_SI_HOSTNAME, buf, sizeof(buf));
- printf("HOST: %sn", buf);
- stat = PR_GetSystemInfo(PR_SI_SYSNAME, buf, sizeof(buf));
- printf("SYSTEM: %sn", buf);
- stat = PR_GetSystemInfo(PR_SI_RELEASE, buf, sizeof(buf));
- printf("RELEASE: %sn", buf);
- stat = PR_GetSystemInfo(PR_SI_ARCHITECTURE, buf, sizeof(buf));
- printf("ARCH: %sn", buf);
- }
- RNG_RNGInit();
- RNG_SystemInfoForRNG();
- if (keyfile) {
- /* RSA and DSA keys are always b64 encoded. */
- if (b64 || PL_strcmp(mode,"rsa")==0 || PL_strcmp(mode,"dsa")==0)
- get_file_data(keyfile, &info.key, PR_TRUE);
- else
- get_file_data(keyfile, &info.key, b64);
- }
- if (ivfile)
- get_file_data(ivfile, &info.iv, b64);
- if (infile)
- get_file_data(infile, &, b64);
- if (sigfile)
- get_file_data(sigfile, &info.out, PR_TRUE);
- if (seedfile) {
- get_file_data(seedfile, &info.seed, b64);
- info.useseed = PR_TRUE;
- }
- if (sigseedfile) {
- get_file_data(sigseedfile, &info.sigseed, b64);
- info.usesigseed = PR_TRUE;
- }
- if (pqgfile)
- get_file_data(pqgfile, &info.pqg, PR_TRUE);
- if (zerobuffer) {
- PRFileDesc *ifile;
- = info.bufsize;
- = PORT_ZAlloc(;
- ifile = PR_Open("", PR_WRONLY|PR_CREATE_FILE, 00660);
- rv = btoa_file(&, ifile);
- CHECKERROR((rv < 0), __LINE__);
- PR_Close(ifile);
- }
- rv = (*cryptofn)(&info);
- if (!sigfile && info.out.len > 0) {
- PRFileDesc *ofile;
- if (!outfile)
- ofile = PR_Open("tmp.out", PR_WRONLY|PR_CREATE_FILE, 00660);
- else
- ofile = PR_Open(outfile, PR_WRONLY|PR_CREATE_FILE, 00660);
- rv = btoa_file(&info.out, ofile);
- PR_Close(ofile);
- CHECKERROR((rv < 0), __LINE__);
- }
- RNG_RNGShutdown();
- return SECSuccess;
- }