- {
- Unit : verslab.pas
- Description : A TCustomLabel derivative that displays Win32 VersionInfo data
- Version : 1.00, 15 June 1997
- Status : Freeware
- Contact : Marc Evans,
- }
- unit verslab;
- interface
- uses
- Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs,
- StdCtrls;
- const
- {The order of this array must be the same as the VersionResources
- enum type as that is used for the index lookup}
- VersionLookup: array[0..8, 0..1] of string = (
- ('CompanyName', 'Company Name:'),
- ('FileDescription', 'File Description:'),
- ('FileVersion', 'File Version:'),
- ('InternalName', 'Internal Name:'),
- ('LegalCopyright', 'Legal Copyright:'),
- ('OriginalFilename', 'Original Filename:'),
- ('ProductName', 'Product Name:'),
- ('ProductVersion', 'Product Version:'),
- ('Comments', 'Comments:'));
- type
- TVersionResources = (vrCompanyName, vrFileDescription, vrFileVersion,
- vrInternalName, vrLegalCopyright, vrOriginalFilename,
- vrProductName, vrProductVersion, vrComments);
- type
- TVersionLabel = class(TCustomLabel)
- private
- { Private declarations }
- FVersionResource: TVersionResources;
- FInfoPrefix: string;
- FShowInfoPrefix: boolean;
- FVersionResourceKey: string;
- FLangCharset: string;
- procedure SetupInfoPrefix;
- procedure SetupResourceKey;
- procedure SetupCaption;
- protected
- { Protected declarations }
- procedure SetInfoPrefix(Value: String);
- function GetInfoPrefix: string;
- procedure SetVersionResource(Value: TVersionResources);
- procedure SetShowInfoPrefix(Value: boolean);
- procedure SetVersionResourceKey(Value: string);
- public
- { Public declarations }
- constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- function GetInfo: string;
- published
- { Published declarations }
- property VersionResource: TVersionResources read FVersionResource
- write SetVersionResource;
- property VersionResourceKey: string read FVersionResourceKey
- write SetVersionResourceKey;
- property InfoPrefix: String read GetInfoPrefix write SetInfoPrefix;
- property ShowInfoPrefix: boolean read FShowInfoPrefix write SetShowInfoPrefix;
- property LangCharset: string read FLangCharset write FLangCharset;
- property WordWrap;
- property Align;
- property Color;
- property Font;
- property AutoSize;
- property Alignment;
- property ParentFont;
- property OnMouseDown;
- property OnMouseMove;
- property OnMouseUp;
- property OnClick;
- property OnDblClick;
- property OnStartDrag;
- property OnEndDrag;
- property OnDragOver;
- property OnDragDrop;
- end;
- procedure Register;
- implementation
- procedure Register;
- begin
- RegisterComponents('BenTools', [TVersionLabel]);
- end;
- constructor TVersionLabel.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
- begin
- inherited Create(AOwner);
- WordWrap := false;
- Autosize := true;
- ShowInfoPrefix := true;
- LangCharset :='040904E4'; {0409 is US prefix I think}
- VersionResource := vrFileVersion;
- end;
- destructor TVersionLabel.Destroy;
- begin
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- procedure TVersionLabel.SetVersionResource(Value: TVersionResources);
- begin
- FVersionResource := Value;
- SetupResourceKey;
- SetupInfoPrefix;
- end;
- procedure TVersionLabel.SetupInfoPrefix;
- var s: string;
- begin
- s := VersionLookup[Integer(Self.VersionResource), 1];
- InfoPrefix := s;
- end;
- procedure TVersionLabel.SetupResourceKey;
- var s: string;
- begin
- s := VersionLookup[Integer(Self.VersionResource), 0];
- VersionResourceKey := s;
- end;
- function TVersionLabel.GetInfo: string;
- var dump, s: integer;
- vallen: integer;
- buffer, VersionValue: pchar;
- VersionPointer: pchar;
- begin
- if csDesigning in Self.ComponentState then result := '< No design info >'
- else
- begin
- s := GetFileVersionInfoSize(pchar(Application.Exename), cardinal(dump));
- if s = 0 then
- begin
- Result := '< No Data Available >';
- end
- else
- begin
- buffer := StrAlloc(s+1);
- GetFileVersionInfo(Pchar(Application.Exename), 0, s, buffer);
- if VerQueryValue(buffer, pchar('\StringFileInfo\'+LangCharSet+'\'+
- VersionResourceKey),
- pointer(VersionPointer), cardinal(vallen)) then
- begin
- if (Vallen > 1) then
- begin
- VersionValue := StrAlloc(vallen+1);
- StrLCopy(VersionValue, VersionPointer, vallen);
- Result := VersionValue;
- StrDispose(Buffer);
- StrDispose(VersionValue);
- end
- else Result := 'No Version Info';
- end
- else result := 'Error retrieving version info';
- end;
- end;
- if ShowInfoPrefix then Result := InfoPrefix+' '+Result;
- end;
- procedure TVersionLabel.SetInfoPrefix(Value: String);
- begin
- if FInfoPrefix = Value then exit;
- FInfoPrefix := Value;
- {The caption needs to be recalculated everytime the prefix is
- changed, otherwise the detaults override the user specified one}
- SetupCaption;
- end;
- procedure TVersionLabel.SetVersionResourceKey(Value: string);
- begin
- if FVersionResourceKey = Value then exit;
- FVersionResourceKey := Value;
- InfoPrefix := Value;
- end;
- function TVersionLabel.GetInfoPrefix: string;
- begin
- result := FInfoPrefix;
- end;
- procedure TVersionLabel.SetShowInfoPrefix(Value: boolean);
- begin
- if FShowInfoPrefix = value then exit;
- FShowInfoPrefix := Value;
- SetupCaption;
- end;
- procedure TVersionLabel.SetupCaption;
- begin
- Caption := GetInfo;
- end;
- end.