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资源名称:easy.zip [点击查看]
- function bessel_1(phi1d,phi1m,phi1s,l1d,l1m,...
- l1s,A1d,A1m,A1s,s12,a,finv)
- %BESSEL_1 Solution of the direct geodetic problem according to
- % the Bessel-Helmert method as described in Zhang Xue-Lian.
- % Given a point with coordinates (phi1, l1) and
- % a gedesic with azimuth A1 and length s12 from here. The
- % given reference ellipsoid has semi-major axis a and
- % inverse flattening finv. The coordinates and the azimuth
- % have the format degree, minute, and second
- % with decimals.
- %
- % Zhan Xue-Lian (1985): The nested coefficient method
- % for accurate solutions of direct and inverse geodetic
- % problems with any length. In proceedings of the 7th
- % International Symposium on Geodetic Computations,
- % Cracow, June 18--21, 1985. Pages 747--763. Institute
- % of Geodesy and Cartography. Wasaw, Poland, ul. Jasna 2/4.
- %
- % A good decription of the general background of the problems
- % is given in
- %
- % Bodem"uller, H.(1954): Die geod"atischen Linien des
- % Rotationsellipsoides und die L"osung der geod"atischen
- % Hauptaufgaben f"ur gross{}e Strecken unter
- % besonderer Ber"ucksichtigung der Bessel-Helmertschen
- % L"osungsmethode. Deutsche Geod"atische Kommission,
- % Reihe B, Nr. 13.
- %Kai Borre, January 24, 1999
- %Copyright (c) by Kai Borre
- %$Revision 1.1 $ $Date:2002/05/02 $
- dtr = pi/180; % degrees to radians
- if nargin == 0
- phi1 = 50*dtr;
- l1 = 10*dtr;
- A1 = 140*dtr;
- s12 = 15000000; % m
- a = 6378388;
- finv = 297;
- else
- phi1 = dms2rad(phi1d,phi1m,phi1s);
- l1 = dms2rad(l1d,l1m,l1s);
- A1 = dms2rad(A1d,A1m,A1s);
- end
- f = 1/finv;
- ex2 = (2-f)*f/(1-f)^2; % second eccentricity squared
- tanu1 = (1-f)*tan(phi1); % (1)
- sigma1 = atan2(tanu1,cos(A1)); % (2)
- u1 = atan(tanu1);
- cosun = cos(u1)*sin(A1); % (3)
- sinun2 = 1-cosun^2;
- t = ex2*sinun2/4; % (4)
- K1 = 1+t*(1-t*(3-t*(5-11*t))/4);
- K2 = t*(1-t*(2-t*(37-94*t)/8));
- v = f*sinun2/4; % (5)
- K3 = v*(1+f+f^2-v*(3+7*f-13*v));
- deltasigma_old = 0;
- deltasigma_new = 1;
- while abs(deltasigma_old-deltasigma_new) > 1.e-12
- deltasigma_old = deltasigma_new;
- sigma = s12/(K1*(1-f)*a)+deltasigma_old; % (6)
- sigmam = 2*sigma1+sigma;
- deltasigma_new = K2*sin(sigma)*(cos(sigmam)+...
- K2*(cos(sigma)*cos(2*sigmam)+...
- K2*(1+2*cos(2*sigma))*cos(3*sigmam)/6)/4); %(7)
- end
- tanu2 = (sin(u1)*cos(sigma)+cos(u1)*sin(sigma)*cos(A1))/...
- sqrt(1-sinun2*(sin(sigma1+sigma))^2); %(8)
- phi2 = atan(tanu2/(1-f));
- disp('Phi2');
- rad2dms(phi2);
- deltaomega = (1-K3)*f*cosun*(sigma+...
- K3*sin(sigma)*(cos(sigmam)+...
- K3*cos(sigma)*cos(2*sigmam))); % (9)
- omega = atan2(sin(sigma)*sin(A1),...
- cos(u1)*cos(sigma)-sin(u1)*sin(sigma)*cos(A1)); % (10)
- l2 = l1+omega-deltaomega;
- disp('lambda2')
- rad2dms(l2);
- A2 = atan2(cos(u1)*sin(A1),...
- cos(u1)*cos(sigma)*cos(A1)-sin(u1)*sin(sigma)); % (11)
- disp('A2');
- rad2dms(A2);
- %----------------------------------------------
- function result = dms2rad(deg,min,sec);
- % Conversion of degrees, minutes, and seconds to radians
- neg_arg = 'FALSE';
- if deg < 0
- neg_arg = 'TRUE ';
- deg = -deg;
- end
- arg = deg+min/60+sec/3600;
- result = arg*pi/180;
- if neg_arg == 'TRUE ';
- result = -result;
- end
- %------------------------------------------
- function result = rad2dms(arg)
- %RAD2DMS Conversion of radians to degrees, minutes, and seconds%
- neg_arg = 'FALSE';
- if arg < 0
- neg_arg = 'TRUE ';
- arg = -arg;
- end
- arg = arg*180/pi;
- result = zeros(1,3);
- result(1) = fix(arg);
- if result(1) == 0
- result(2) = fix(arg*60);
- else
- result(2) = fix(rem(arg,result(1))*60);
- end
- result(3) = (arg-result(1)-result(2)/60)*3600;
- if neg_arg == 'TRUE '
- result(1) = -result(1);
- end
- fprintf(' %3.0f %2.0f %8.6fn',result(1),result(2),result(3))
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% end bessel_1.m %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%