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资源名称:easy.zip [点击查看]
- % EASY8 Test for cycle slip and repair of receiver clock offset.
- % We use the ionosphere free linear combination.
- % Formulas are described in Strang and Borre, page 491
- %Kai Borre 27-07-2002
- %Copyright (c) by Kai Borre
- %$Revision: 1.0 $ $Date: 2002/07/27 $
- v_light = 299792458; % vacuum speed of light m/s
- f0 = 10.23*10^6;
- f1 = 154*f0;
- f2 = 120*f0;
- lambda1 = v_light/f1;
- lambda2 = v_light/f2;
- alpha1 = f1^2/(f1^2-f2^2);
- alpha2 = 1-alpha1;
- ofile = 'site247j.01o';
- %ofile = 'kofi2.01o';
- fid = fopen(ofile,'rt');
- [Obs_types, ant_delta, ifound_types, eof1] = anheader(ofile);
- if ((ifound_types == 0) | (eof1 == 1))
- error('Basic information is missing in RINEX file')
- end;
- NoObs_types = size(Obs_types,2)/2;
- j = fobs_typ(Obs_types,'P1');
- k = fobs_typ(Obs_types,'P2');
- l = fobs_typ(Obs_types,'L1');
- m = fobs_typ(Obs_types,'L2');
- cols = [j k l m];
- fid = fopen(ofile,'rt');
- for i = 1:20
- [tr_RAW, dt, sv, eof2] = fepoch_0(fid);
- NoSv = size(sv,1);
- obs = grabdata(fid, NoSv, NoObs_types);
- Obs = obs(:,cols);
- for j = 1:NoSv
- if i == 1
- Obs0 = Obs;
- P(:,1) = alpha1*Obs0(:,1)+alpha2*Obs0(:,2);
- Phi(:,1) = alpha1*lambda1*Obs0(:,3)+alpha2*lambda2*Obs0(:,4);
- else
- P(j,i) = alpha1*Obs(j,1)+alpha2*Obs(j,2);
- deltaP(j,i) = P(j,i)-P(j,1);
- Phi(j,i) = alpha1*lambda1*Obs(j,3)+alpha2*lambda2*Obs(j,4);
- deltaPhi(j,i) = Phi(j,i)-Phi(j,1);
- end
- end
- end
- fclose all;
- DP = diff(deltaP,1,2);
- % Repair of clock reset of 1ms ~ 299 km; affects only pseudoranges
- i1 = find(abs(DP(1,:)) > 280000);
- for j = i1
- if DP(:,j) < 0
- DP(:,j) = DP(:,j)+299792.458;
- else
- DP(:,j) = DP(:,j)-299792.458;
- end
- end
- DPhi = diff(deltaPhi,1,2);
- DDP = diff(DP,1,2);
- DDPhi = diff(DPhi,1,2);
- figure(1);
- subplot(2,2,1), plot(DP')
- set(get(gca,'ylabel'),'String',({'Pseudoranges Differenced','over Time [m]'}),...
- 'fontsize',12,'color','r','verticalalignment','bottom','rotation',90)
- subplot(2,2,2), plot(DPhi')
- set(get(gca,'ylabel'),'String',({'Phases Differenced','over Time [m]'}),...
- 'fontsize',12,'color','r','verticalalignment','bottom','rotation',90)
- subplot(2,2,3), plot(DDP')
- set(get(gca,'ylabel'),'String',({'Double Differenced','Pseudoranges [m]'}),...
- 'fontsize',12,'color','r','verticalalignment','bottom','rotation',90)
- subplot(2,2,4), plot(DDPhi')
- set(get(gca,'ylabel'),'String',({'Double Differenced','Phases [m]'}),...
- 'fontsize',12,'color','r','verticalalignment','bottom','rotation',90)
- %ax = axes('units','normal','position',[.075 .075 .9 .9],'visible','off');
- %set(get(ax,'title'),'visible','on')
- %title('Check of Cycle Slips','fontsize',16,'fontweight','bold')
- %h = get(ax,'title');
- print -deps easy8
- %%%%%%%%% end easy8.m %%%%%%%%%