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资源名称:easy.zip [点击查看]
- function [afixed,sqnorm,Qahat,Z] = lambda2 (afloat,Qahat)
- %LAMBDA2: Integer ambiguity estimation using LAMBDA (basic version)
- %
- % This routine performs an integer ambiguity estimation using the
- % LAMBDA-method, as developed by the Delft University of Technology,
- % Mathematical Geodesy and Positioning.
- %
- % Input arguments:
- % afloat: Float ambiguities (hat{a}, must be a column!)
- % Qahat : Variance/covariance matrix of ambiguities (Q_hat{a})
- %
- % Output arguments:
- % afixed: Estimated integers
- % sqnorm: Distance between candidates and float ambiguity vector
- % Qzhat : Decorrelated variance/covariance matrix
- % Z : Transformation matrix
- % ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- % File.....: lambda2.m
- % Date.....: 19-MAY-1999
- % Author...: Peter Joosten
- % Mathematical Geodesy and Positioning
- % Delft University of Technology
- % ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- % ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- % Initalise
- % ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ncands = 2;
- n = size (Qahat,1);
- afixed = zeros(n,ncands);
- sqnorm = zeros(1,ncands);
- % ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- % --- Perform tests on the input, these tests are rather extensive ---
- % --- and can be switched off (by commenting-out) if necessary ---
- % --- Tests: Is the Q-matrix symmetric? ---
- % --- Is the Q-matrix positive-definite? ---
- % --- Do the Q-matrix and ambiguity-vector have identical ---
- % --- dimensions? ---
- % --- Is the ambiguity vector a column? ---
- % ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- %%if ~isequal(Qahat-Qahat'<1E-12,ones(size(Qahat)));
- %% error ('Variance/covariance matrix is not symmetric!');
- %%end;
- if sum(eig(Qahat)>0) ~= size(Qahat,1);
- error ('Variance/covariance matrix is not positive definite!');
- end;
- if length(afloat) ~= size(Qahat,1);
- error (['Variance/covariance matrix and vector of ambiguities do not have' ...
- ' identical dimensions!']);
- end;
- if size(afloat,2) ~= 1;
- error ('Ambiguity-vector should be a column-vector');
- end;
- % ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- % Make estimates in 'a' between -1 and +1 by subtracting an
- % integer number, store the increments in 'incr' (= shift the centre
- % of the ellipsoid over the grid by an integer translation)
- % ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- incr = afloat - rem(afloat,1);
- afloat = rem(afloat,1);
- % ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- % Compute the Z-transformation based on L and D of Q, ambiguities
- % are transformed according to hat{z} = Z^That{a}, Q is transformed
- % according to Q_hat{z} = Z^T * Q_hat{a} * Z
- % ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- [Qahat,Z,L,D,afloat] = decorrel (Qahat,afloat);
- % ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- % Compute a suitable Chi^2 such that we have the requested number of
- % candidates at minimum; use an 'eps' to make sure the candidates are
- % inside the ellipsoid and not exactly on the border.
- % ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Chi2 = chistart (D,L,afloat,ncands);
- % ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- % Find the requested number of candidates (search)
- % ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- [afixed,sqnorm,ierr] = lsearch (afloat,L,D,Chi2,ncands);
- if ierr == 1; error ('Not enough candidates were found!!'); end;
- % ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- % --- Perform the back-transformation and add the increments
- % ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- afixed = (afixed' * inv(Z))';
- afixed = round(afixed + repmat(incr,1,ncands));
- % ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- % End of routine: lambda2
- % ----------------------------------------------------------------------