资源名称:VoIPPhone.rar [点击查看]
- unit uMain;
- interface
- uses
- Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
- Dialogs, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, Buttons, ComCtrls, NetAudio, DblPxyTcp, uCall, uSelIP,
- LMDCustomComponent, LMDWndProcComponent, LMDTrayIcon, Menus, LMDPopupMenu;
- type
- TFormMain = class(TForm)
- BtOpen: TBitBtn;
- BtClose: TBitBtn;
- BtCall: TBitBtn;
- LbMyIP: TLabel;
- LbCaller: TLabel;
- Panel1: TPanel;
- Panel2: TPanel;
- Label3: TLabel;
- Label5: TLabel;
- EdSocksUser: TEdit;
- Label6: TLabel;
- EdSocksPass: TEdit;
- RbSocks4: TRadioButton;
- RbSocks5: TRadioButton;
- CkSocks: TCheckBox;
- CkHttp: TCheckBox;
- Label1: TLabel;
- Label7: TLabel;
- EdHttpUser: TEdit;
- Label8: TLabel;
- EdHttpPass: TEdit;
- Label9: TLabel;
- EdListenPort: TEdit;
- StatusBar: TStatusBar;
- BtStop: TBitBtn;
- CkPhone: TCheckBox;
- CkSpeaker: TCheckBox;
- ATimer: TTimer;
- SbDelayTime: TScrollBar;
- LbDelayTime: TLabel;
- BtSaveSetup: TBitBtn;
- EdSocksIP: TComboBox;
- EdHttpIP: TComboBox;
- TrayIcon: TLMDTrayIcon;
- MenuPopup: TLMDPopupMenu;
- MnDisplay: TMenuItem;
- MnHide: TMenuItem;
- N1: TMenuItem;
- MnExit: TMenuItem;
- procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
- procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction);
- procedure BtOpenClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure BtCloseClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure BtCallClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure BtStopClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure ATimerTimer(Sender: TObject);
- procedure SbDelayTimeChange(Sender: TObject);
- procedure CkPhoneClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure CkSpeakerClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure BtSaveSetupClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure MnDisplayClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure MnHideClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure MnExitClick(Sender: TObject);
- private
- { Private declarations }
- IsOpen, IsBusy: Boolean;
- Sock: TDblProxyTcpSocket;
- Listen: TAudioListenThread;
- Recv: TAudioRecvThread;
- Send: TAudioSendThread;
- FormCall: TFormCall;
- FormSelIP: TFormSelIP;
- public
- { Public declarations }
- procedure LoadConfigInfo;
- procedure SaveConfigInfo;
- procedure DoCallFinal;
- procedure DoListenFinal;
- procedure UpdateButtons;
- procedure OnConnected(var ms: TMessage); message WM_CONNECTED;
- procedure OnClientConnect(var ms: TMessage); message WM_CLIENTCONNECT;
- procedure OnStateMessage(var ms: TMessage); message WM_STATEMESSAGE;
- end;
- var
- FormMain: TFormMain;
- implementation
- uses blcksock;
- {$R *.dfm}
- {$I-}
- type
- PConfigInfo = ^TConfigInfo;
- TConfigInfo = packed record
- Flags: string[19];
- DelayTime: Integer;
- Port: string[31];
- ListenHttp, ListenSocks, ListenSocks4: Boolean;
- ListenSocksIP, ListenSocksUser: string[63];
- ListenHttpIP, ListenHttpUser: string[63];
- CallHttp, CallSocks, CallSocks4: Boolean;
- CallSocksIP, CallSocksUser: string[63];
- CallHttpIP, CallHttpUser: string[63];
- end;
- procedure TerminateThread(thread: TThread);
- begin
- if Assigned(thread) then
- begin
- thread.Terminate;
- try PostThreadMessage(thread.ThreadID, WM_TERMINATE, 0, 0);
- except end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure ParseIpPort(const addr: string; var ip, port: string);
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- port := addr;
- i := Pos(':', port);
- ip := Copy(port, 1, i - 1);
- Delete(port, 1, i);
- end;
- procedure TFormMain.LoadConfigInfo;
- var p: PConfigInfo;
- f: file;
- begin
- if not FileExists(ConfigFile) then Exit;
- GetMem(p, Sizeof(TConfigInfo));
- AssignFile(f, ConfigFile);
- Reset(f, 1);
- BlockRead(f, p^, Sizeof(TConfigInfo));
- if IOResult <> 0 then
- begin
- CloseFile(f);
- FreeMem(p, Sizeof(TConfigInfo));
- Exit;
- end;
- CloseFile(f);
- if p^.Flags = 'NET-IP-PHONE-CONFIG' then
- begin
- if (p^.DelayTime > 0) or (p^.DelayTime <= MAXDELAYTIME) then
- begin
- SbDelayTime.Position := p^.DelayTime;
- SetDelayTime(p^.DelayTime);
- end;
- EdListenPort.Text := p^.Port;
- CkSocks.Checked := p^.ListenSocks;
- CkHttp.Checked := p^.ListenHttp;
- RbSocks4.Checked := p^.ListenSocks4;
- RbSocks5.Checked := not p^.ListenSocks4;
- EdSocksIP.Text := p^.ListenSocksIP;
- EdSocksUser.Text := p^.ListenSocksUser;
- EdHttpIP.Text := p^.ListenHttpIP;
- EdHttpUser.Text := p^.ListenHttpUser;
- FormCall.CkSocks.Checked := p^.CallSocks;
- FormCall.CkHttp.Checked := p^.CallHttp;
- FormCall.RbSocks4.Checked := p^.CallSocks4;
- FormCall.RbSocks5.Checked := not p^.CallSocks4;
- FormCall.EdSocksIP.Text := p^.CallSocksIP;
- FormCall.EdSocksUser.Text := p^.CallSocksUser;
- FormCall.EdHttpIP.Text := p^.CallHttpIP;
- FormCall.EdHttpUser.Text := p^.CallHttpUser;
- end;
- FreeMem(p, Sizeof(TConfigInfo));
- end;
- procedure TFormMain.SaveConfigInfo;
- var p: PConfigInfo;
- f: file;
- begin
- GetMem(p, Sizeof(TConfigInfo));
- AssignFile(f, ConfigFile);
- Rewrite(f, 1);
- if IOResult <> 0 then
- begin
- ShowMessage('创建配置信息文件失败!');
- FreeMem(p, Sizeof(TConfigInfo));
- Exit;
- end;
- FillChar(p^, Sizeof(TConfigInfo), 0);
- p^.Flags := 'NET-IP-PHONE-CONFIG';
- p^.DelayTime := SbDelayTime.Position;
- p^.Port := EdListenPort.Text;
- p^.ListenSocks := CkSocks.Checked;
- p^.ListenHttp := CkHttp.Checked;
- p^.ListenSocks4 := RbSocks4.Checked;
- p^.ListenSocksIP := EdSocksIP.Text;
- p^.ListenSocksUser := EdSocksUser.Text;
- p^.ListenHttpIP := EdHttpIP.Text;
- p^.ListenHttpUser := EdHttpUser.Text;
- p^.CallSocks := FormCall.CkSocks.Checked;
- p^.CallHttp := FormCall.CkHttp.Checked;
- p^.CallSocks4 := FormCall.RbSocks4.Checked;
- p^.CallSocksIP := FormCall.EdSocksIP.Text;
- p^.CallSocksUser := FormCall.EdSocksUser.Text;
- p^.CallHttpIP := FormCall.EdHttpIP.Text;
- p^.CallHttpUser := FormCall.EdHttpUser.Text;
- BlockWrite(f, p^, Sizeof(TConfigInfo));
- if IOResult <> 0 then ShowMessage('配置信息保存失败!')
- else ShowMessage('配置信息成功保存到文件' + ConfigFile);
- CloseFile(f);
- FreeMem(p, Sizeof(TConfigInfo));
- end;
- procedure TFormMain.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- IsOpen := False;
- IsBusy := False;
- Sock := nil;
- Listen := nil;
- Recv := nil;
- Send := nil;
- UpdateButtons;
- FormCall := TFormCall.Create(nil);
- FormSelIP := TFormSelIP.Create(nil);
- LoadConfigInfo;
- if FileExists(SocksProxyFile) then EdSocksIP.Items.LoadFromFile(SocksProxyFile);
- if FileExists(HttpProxyFile) then EdHttpIP.Items.LoadFromFile(HttpProxyFile);
- end;
- procedure TFormMain.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction);
- begin
- ATimer.Enabled := False;
- CloseAudioIn;
- CloseAudioOut;
- if Assigned(Listen) then Listen.Terminate;
- if Assigned(Recv) then TerminateThread(Recv);
- if Assigned(Send) then TerminateThread(Send);
- FormCall.Free;
- FormSelIP.Free;
- if Assigned(Sock) then Sock.Free;
- Action := caFree;
- end;
- procedure TFormMain.UpdateButtons;
- begin
- BtOpen.Enabled := not IsOpen;
- BtCall.Enabled := not IsBusy;
- BtClose.Enabled := IsOpen;
- BtStop.Enabled := IsBusy;
- end;
- procedure TFormMain.BtOpenClick(Sender: TObject);
- var ip, port: string;
- begin
- IsOpen := True;
- UpdateButtons;
- Listen := TAudioListenThread.Create(Handle, EdListenPort.Text);
- with Listen.Socket do
- begin
- SocksIP := '';
- SocksPort := '';
- SocksUsername := '';
- SocksPassword := '';
- SocksTimeout := 60000;
- SocksType := ST_Socks4;
- HTTPTunnelIP := '';
- HTTPTunnelPort := '';
- HTTPTunnelUser := '';
- HTTPTunnelPass := '';
- HTTPTunnelTimeout := 60000;
- if CkSocks.Checked then
- begin
- ParseIpPort(EdSocksIP.Text, ip, port);
- SocksIP := ip;
- SocksPort := port;
- SocksUsername := EdSocksUser.Text;
- SocksPassword := EdSocksPass.Text;
- if RbSocks5.Checked then SocksType := ST_Socks5;
- end;
- if CkHttp.Checked then
- begin
- ParseIpPort(EdHttpIP.Text, ip, port);
- HTTPTunnelIP := ip;
- HTTPTunnelPort := port;
- HTTPTunnelUser := EdHttpUser.Text;
- HTTPTunnelPass := EdHttpPass.Text;
- end;
- end;
- Listen.Resume;
- end;
- procedure TFormMain.BtCloseClick(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- if Assigned(Listen) then
- begin
- BtClose.Enabled := False;
- Listen.Terminate;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TFormMain.BtCallClick(Sender: TObject);
- var ip, port: string;
- begin
- if FormCall.ShowModal <> mrOk then Exit;
- with FormCall do
- begin
- IsBusy := True;
- UpdateButtons;
- Sock := TDblProxyTcpSocket.Create;
- Sock.SocksIP := '';
- Sock.SocksPort := '';
- Sock.SocksUsername := '';
- Sock.SocksPassword := '';
- Sock.SocksTimeout := 30000;
- Sock.SocksType := ST_Socks4;
- Sock.HTTPTunnelIP := '';
- Sock.HTTPTunnelPort := '';
- Sock.HTTPTunnelUser := '';
- Sock.HTTPTunnelPass := '';
- Sock.HTTPTunnelTimeout := 30000;
- if CkSocks.Checked then
- begin
- ParseIpPort(EdSocksIP.Text, ip, port);
- Sock.SocksIP := ip;
- Sock.SocksPort := port;
- Sock.SocksUsername := EdSocksUser.Text;
- Sock.SocksPassword := EdSocksPass.Text;
- if RbSocks5.Checked then Sock.SocksType := ST_Socks5;
- end;
- if CkHttp.Checked then
- begin
- ParseIpPort(EdHttpIP.Text, ip, port);
- Sock.HTTPTunnelIP := ip;
- Sock.HTTPTunnelPort := port;
- Sock.HTTPTunnelUser := EdHttpUser.Text;
- Sock.HTTPTunnelPass := EdHttpPass.Text;
- end;
- ParseIpPort(EdIP.Text, ip, port);
- end;
- Recv := TAudioRecvThread.Create(Handle, Sock, tfDoConnect);
- Recv.Host := ip;
- Recv.Port := port;
- Recv.SpeakerOpen := CkSpeaker.Checked;
- Recv.Resume;
- end;
- procedure TFormMain.BtStopClick(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- BtStop.Enabled := False;
- CloseAudioIn;
- CloseAudioOut;
- if Assigned(Recv) then TerminateThread(Recv);
- if Assigned(Send) then TerminateThread(Send);
- if Assigned(Sock) then Sock.CloseSocket;
- end;
- procedure TFormMain.OnConnected(var ms: TMessage);
- begin
- ATimer.Enabled := True;
- StatusBar.Panels[1].Text := '通话中...';
- LbCaller.Caption := '对方IP: ' + Sock.GetRemoteSinIP + ':' + IntToStr(Sock.GetRemoteSinPort);
- Send := TAudioSendThread.Create(Handle, Sock, tfDoNothing);
- Send.PhoneOpen := CkPhone.Checked;
- Send.Resume;
- OpenAudioIn(Send.ThreadID);
- if AudioInOpened then StartAudioIn else ShowMessage('打开语音输入设备失败!');
- OpenAudioOut(Recv.ThreadID);
- if AudioOutOpened then StartAudioOut else ShowMessage('打开语音输出设备失败!');
- end;
- procedure TFormMain.OnClientConnect(var ms: TMessage);
- var s: TDblProxyTcpSocket;
- t: TAudioRecvThread;
- begin
- s := TDblProxyTcpSocket.Create;
- s.Socket := ms.WParam;
- s.GetSins;
- if IsBusy then
- begin
- t := TAudioRecvThread.Create(Handle, s, tfDoBusy);
- t.Resume;
- end
- else begin
- IsBusy := True;
- UpdateButtons;
- if MessageDlg('是否接听来电? ' + s.GetRemoteSinIP + ':' + IntToStr(s.GetRemoteSinPort),
- mtConfirmation, [mbYes,mbNo], 0) = mrYes then
- begin
- Sock := s;
- Recv := TAudioRecvThread.Create(Handle, s, tfDoAgree);
- Recv.SpeakerOpen := CkSpeaker.Checked;
- Recv.Resume;
- end
- else begin
- t := TAudioRecvThread.Create(Handle, s, tfDoRefuse);
- t.Resume;
- IsBusy := False;
- UpdateButtons;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TFormMain.OnStateMessage(var ms: TMessage);
- var s: string;
- begin
- case ms.WParam of
- mtListenStart: StatusBar.Panels[0].Text := '正在开机...';
- mtListening:
- begin
- StatusBar.Panels[0].Text := '已开机';
- s := Listen.Socket.GetLocalSinIP;
- if s <> cAnyHost then
- LbMyIP.Caption := '我的IP: ' + s + ':' + IntToStr(Listen.Socket.GetLocalSinPort)
- else LbMyIP.Caption := '我的IP: 所有本机地址:' + IntToStr(Listen.Socket.GetLocalSinPort);
- end;
- mtListenFail:
- begin
- DoListenFinal;
- ShowMessage('开机失败!');
- end;
- mtListenClose: DoListenFinal;
- mtConnecting: StatusBar.Panels[1].Text := '正在连接...';
- mtConnectFail:
- begin
- Recv := nil;
- DoCallFinal;
- ShowMessage('连接失败!');
- end;
- mtRecvFail, mtRecvClose:
- begin
- Recv := nil;
- if Assigned(Send) then TerminateThread(Send)
- else DoCallFinal;
- end;
- mtSendFail, mtSendClose:
- begin
- Send := nil;
- if Assigned(Recv) then TerminateThread(Recv)
- else DoCallFinal;
- end;
- mtRefused:
- begin
- DoCallFinal;
- ShowMessage('对不起,对方拒绝了你的电话!');
- end;
- mtInvConnect: DoCallFinal;
- mtMustSelIP: with FormSelIP do
- begin
- LsAllIP.Items.Assign(TStringList(ms.LParam));
- LsAllIP.ItemIndex := 0;
- LbMySelIP.Caption := '我的选择是: ' + LsAllIP.Items[LsAllIP.ItemIndex];
- if ShowModal = mrOk then
- begin
- if CkAll.Checked then Listen.IPIndex := LsAllIP.Count
- else Listen.IPIndex := LsAllIP.ItemIndex;
- end
- else Listen.IPIndex := -1;
- end;
- mtPeerBusy:
- begin
- DoCallFinal;
- ShowMessage('对方忙,请稍后再拨!');
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TFormMain.DoCallFinal;
- begin
- CloseAudioIn;
- CloseAudioOut;
- ATimer.Enabled := False;
- Sock.Free;
- Sock := nil;
- IsBusy := False;
- UpdateButtons;
- StatusBar.Panels[1].Text := '没有连接';
- LbCaller.Caption := '对方IP: 无';
- end;
- procedure TFormMain.DoListenFinal;
- begin
- Listen := nil;
- IsOpen := False;
- UpdateButtons;
- StatusBar.Panels[0].Text := '就绪';
- LbMyIP.Caption := '我的IP: 无';
- end;
- procedure TFormMain.ATimerTimer(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- if Assigned(Sock) then
- begin
- StatusBar.Panels[2].Text := '收到: ' + IntToStr(Sock.RecvCounter)
- + ' 发送: ' + IntToStr(Sock.SendCounter);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TFormMain.SbDelayTimeChange(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- SetDelayTime(sbDelayTime.Position);
- LbDelayTime.Caption := '延时 ' + FloatToStr(0.1 * SbDelayTime.Position) + '秒';
- end;
- procedure TFormMain.CkPhoneClick(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- if Assigned(Send) then Send.PhoneOpen := CkPhone.Checked;
- end;
- procedure TFormMain.CkSpeakerClick(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- if Assigned(Recv) then Recv.SpeakerOpen := ckSpeaker.Checked;
- end;
- procedure TFormMain.BtSaveSetupClick(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- SaveConfigInfo;
- if EdSocksIP.Items.Count > 0 then EdSocksIP.Items.SaveToFile(SocksProxyFile);
- if EdHttpIP.Items.Count > 0 then EdHttpIP.Items.SaveToFile(HttpProxyFile);
- if FormCall.EdIP.Items.Count > 0 then FormCall.EdIP.Items.SaveToFile(HistoryCall);
- end;
- procedure TFormMain.MnDisplayClick(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- Show;
- end;
- procedure TFormMain.MnHideClick(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- Hide;
- end;
- procedure TFormMain.MnExitClick(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- TrayIcon.Active := False;
- Close;
- end;
- end.