- #ifndef _CTEXTBUTTON_H
- #define _CTEXTBUTTON_H
- class CTextButton
- {
- public:
- VOID ClickFreeAllBtn(VOID);
- INT GetButtonCount(VOID);
- CMTxtBtn* GetButton(INT nIndex);
- CTextButton(); // Constructor
- virtual ~CTextButton(); // Destructor
- BOOL AddButton(CHAR *pszTxt,RECT xRect,INT nLinePos,CHAR *pszParam,COLORREF nColor,COLORREF cColor); // Add Button to class
- BOOL AddButton(CHAR *pszTxt,CHAR *pszTxt2,RECT xRect,INT nLinePos,CHAR *pszParam,COLORREF nColor,COLORREF cColor); // Add Button to class
- CMTxtBtn* ClickCheck(POINT xWndPos,POINT xPos,INT CurrentTopLine); // xWndPos: 角力 Text 啊 嘛洒绰 啊厘 场痢
- CMTxtBtn* ButtonDownCheck(POINT xWndPos,POINT xPos,INT CurrentTopLine);
- CMTxtBtn* ButtonUpCheck(POINT xWndPos,POINT xPos,INT CurrentTopLine);
- BOOL IsCurrsorOnThisButton(CMTxtBtn* pBtn,POINT xWndPos,POINT xPos,INT CurrentTopLine);
- BOOL InitTxtBtn(INT nMaxLine,POINT nStartPos,INT LineGap);
- // BOOL InitTxtBtn(INT nMaxLine);
- CPDLList<CMTxtBtn> m_pTxtBtn;
- BOOL ReleaseButtons(VOID);
- private:
- BOOL m_bIsReady;
- RECT m_rtWndRect; // 扩档快狼 Rect 窜, 臂磊啊 钎矫登绰 何盒
- INT m_nTxtHeight; // Text喊 Height
- INT m_nMaxLine; // 扩档快俊 钎矫登绰 弥措 Line 荐
- INT m_nLineGap;
- POINT m_xStartPos;
- BOOL m_IsUseSubTxt;
- };