- //#include "MsgBox.h"
- #include "stdafx.h"
- CMsgBox::CMsgBox() // Constructor
- {
- m_nType = 0;
- m_bActive = FALSE;
- m_bInited = FALSE;
- m_bSet = FALSE;
- }
- CMsgBox::~CMsgBox() // Destructor
- {
- }
- // Function
- /*
- #define MSG_BTN_OK 1
- #define MSG_BTN_YESNO 2
- #define MSG_EDITEXIST 128
- */
- BOOL CMsgBox::SetMsgBox(CHAR* szMsg,INT nType) // Init Messages
- {
- INT nLength;
- nLength = strlen(szMsg);
- if(nLength!=0)
- {
- ZeroMemory(m_szMsg,MAX_PATH);
- strcpy(m_szMsg,szMsg);
- m_nType = nType;
- m_bInited = TRUE;
- }
- else
- m_bInited = FALSE;
- return m_bInited;
- }
- BOOL CMsgBox::ShowMessageBox(VOID) // Show Message box with Initialized
- {
- m_bActive = TRUE;
- return m_bActive;
- }
- BOOL CMsgBox::ShowMessageBox(CHAR* szMsg,INT nType) // Show Message box with Initialization
- {
- if(SetMsgBox(szMsg,nType))
- return ShowMessageBox();
- else
- m_bActive = FALSE;
- return m_bActive;
- }
- BOOL CMsgBox::HideMessageBox() // Hide Message box
- {
- m_bActive = FALSE;
- return TRUE;
- }
- BOOL CMsgBox::DestoryMessageBox(VOID) // DestoryMessage box
- {
- m_nType = 0;
- m_bActive = FALSE;
- m_bInited = FALSE;
- return TRUE;
- }
- HRESULT CMsgBox::OnButtonDown(LPARAM lParam, WPARAM wParam) // Button Down
- {
- HRESULT hResult = 0;
- return hResult;
- }
- HRESULT CMsgBox::OnButtonUp(LPARAM lParam,WPARAM wParam) // Button Up
- {
- HRESULT hResult = 0;
- return hResult;
- /*
- #define CLICK_NONE 0
- #define CLICK_OK 1
- #define CLICK_YES 2
- #define CLICK_NO 4
- #define CLICK_CANCLE 8
- #define HAVE_EDITOBOX 128
- #define HAVE_NO_EDITBOX 256
- */
- }
- BOOL CMsgBox::IsActive(VOID)
- {
- return m_bActive;
- }
- BOOL CMsgBox::IsInited(VOID)
- {
- return m_bInited;
- }
- // Render Process
- BOOL CMsgBox::RenderMessageBox(INT nLoopTIme) // Render Function
- {
- if(m_bInited&&m_bActive)
- {
- // Draw Text With Dlg Image
- return TRUE;
- }
- return FALSE;
- }