- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // File: D3DTextr.cpp
- //
- // Desc: Functions to manage textures, including creating (loading from a
- // file), restoring lost surfaces, invalidating, and destroying.
- //
- // Note: the implementation of these fucntions maintain an internal list
- // of loaded textures. After creation, individual textures are referenced
- // via their ASCII names.
- //
- // Copyright (c) 1996-1999 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //#define STRICT
- #include "StdAfx.h"
- //#include <tchar.h>
- //#include <stdio.h>
- //#include "D3DTextr.h"
- //#include "D3DUtil.h"
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Macros, function prototypes and static variable
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- static TCHAR g_strTexturePath[512] = _T(""); // Path for files
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: TextureContainer
- // Desc: Linked list structure to hold info per texture
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- struct TextureContainer
- {
- TextureContainer* m_pNext; // Linked list ptr
- TCHAR m_strName[80]; // Name of texture (doubles as image filename)
- DWORD m_dwWidth;
- DWORD m_dwHeight;
- DWORD m_dwStage; // Texture stage (for multitexture devices)
- DWORD m_dwBPP;
- DWORD m_dwFlags;
- BOOL m_bHasAlpha;
- LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE7 m_pddsSurface; // Surface of the texture
- HBITMAP m_hbmBitmap; // Bitmap containing texture image
- DWORD* m_pRGBAData;
- public:
- HRESULT LoadImageData();
- HRESULT LoadBitmapFile( TCHAR* strPathname );
- HRESULT LoadTargaFile( TCHAR* strPathname );
- HRESULT Restore( LPDIRECT3DDEVICE7 pd3dDevice );
- HRESULT CopyBitmapToSurface();
- HRESULT CopyRGBADataToSurface();
- TextureContainer( TCHAR* strName, DWORD dwStage, DWORD dwFlags );
- ~TextureContainer();
- };
- // Local list of textures
- static TextureContainer* g_ptcTextureList = NULL;
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: CD3DTextureManager
- // Desc: Class used to automatically construct and destruct the static
- // texture engine class.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class CD3DTextureManager
- {
- public:
- CD3DTextureManager() {}
- ~CD3DTextureManager() { if( g_ptcTextureList ) delete g_ptcTextureList; }
- };
- // Global instance
- CD3DTextureManager g_StaticTextureEngine;
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Desc: Structure used to search for texture formats
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- {
- DWORD dwDesiredBPP; // Input for texture format search
- BOOL bUseAlpha;
- BOOL bUsePalette;
- BOOL bFoundGoodFormat;
- DDPIXELFORMAT* pddpf; // Output of texture format search
- };
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: TextureSearchCallback()
- // Desc: Enumeration callback routine to find a best-matching texture format.
- // The param data is the DDPIXELFORMAT of the best-so-far matching
- // texture. Note: the desired BPP is passed in the dwSize field, and the
- // default BPP is passed in the dwFlags field.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- static HRESULT CALLBACK TextureSearchCallback( DDPIXELFORMAT* pddpf,
- VOID* param )
- {
- if( NULL==pddpf || NULL==param )
- return DDENUMRET_OK;
- // Skip any funky modes
- return DDENUMRET_OK;
- // Check for palettized formats
- if( ptsi->bUsePalette )
- {
- if( !( pddpf->dwFlags & DDPF_PALETTEINDEXED8 ) )
- return DDENUMRET_OK;
- // Accept the first 8-bit palettized format we get
- memcpy( ptsi->pddpf, pddpf, sizeof(DDPIXELFORMAT) );
- ptsi->bFoundGoodFormat = TRUE;
- }
- // Else, skip any paletized formats (all modes under 16bpp)
- if( pddpf->dwRGBBitCount < 16 )
- return DDENUMRET_OK;
- // Skip any FourCC formats
- if( pddpf->dwFourCC != 0 )
- return DDENUMRET_OK;
- // Skip any ARGB 4444 formats (which are best used for pre-authored
- // content designed speciafically for an ARGB 4444 format).
- if( pddpf->dwRGBAlphaBitMask == 0x0000f000 )
- return DDENUMRET_OK;
- // Make sure current alpha format agrees with requested format type
- if( (ptsi->bUseAlpha==TRUE) && !(pddpf->dwFlags&DDPF_ALPHAPIXELS) )
- return DDENUMRET_OK;
- if( (ptsi->bUseAlpha==FALSE) && (pddpf->dwFlags&DDPF_ALPHAPIXELS) )
- return DDENUMRET_OK;
- // Check if we found a good match
- if( pddpf->dwRGBBitCount == ptsi->dwDesiredBPP )
- {
- memcpy( ptsi->pddpf, pddpf, sizeof(DDPIXELFORMAT) );
- ptsi->bFoundGoodFormat = TRUE;
- }
- return DDENUMRET_OK;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: FindTexture()
- // Desc: Searches the internal list of textures for a texture specified by
- // its name. Returns the structure associated with that texture.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- static TextureContainer* FindTexture( TCHAR* strTextureName )
- {
- TextureContainer* ptcTexture = g_ptcTextureList;
- while( ptcTexture )
- {
- if( !lstrcmpi( strTextureName, ptcTexture->m_strName ) )
- return ptcTexture;
- ptcTexture = ptcTexture->m_pNext;
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: TextureContainer()
- // Desc: Constructor for a texture object
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- TextureContainer::TextureContainer( TCHAR* strName, DWORD dwStage,
- DWORD dwFlags )
- {
- lstrcpy( m_strName, strName );
- m_dwWidth = 0;
- m_dwHeight = 0;
- m_dwStage = dwStage;
- m_dwBPP = 0;
- m_dwFlags = dwFlags;
- m_bHasAlpha = 0;
- m_pddsSurface = NULL;
- m_hbmBitmap = NULL;
- m_pRGBAData = NULL;
- // Add the texture to the head of the global texture list
- m_pNext = g_ptcTextureList;
- g_ptcTextureList = this;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: ~TextureContainer()
- // Desc: Destructs the contents of the texture container
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- TextureContainer::~TextureContainer()
- {
- SAFE_RELEASE( m_pddsSurface );
- DeleteObject( m_hbmBitmap );
- // Remove the texture container from the global list
- if( g_ptcTextureList == this )
- g_ptcTextureList = m_pNext;
- else
- {
- for( TextureContainer* ptc=g_ptcTextureList; ptc; ptc=ptc->m_pNext )
- if( ptc->m_pNext == this )
- ptc->m_pNext = m_pNext;
- }
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: LoadImageData()
- // Desc: Loads the texture map's image data
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT TextureContainer::LoadImageData()
- {
- TCHAR* strExtension;
- TCHAR strPathname[256];
- FILE* file;
- // Check the executable's resource. If it's there, we're done!
- m_hbmBitmap = (HBITMAP)LoadImage( GetModuleHandle(NULL), m_strName,
- if( m_hbmBitmap )
- return S_OK;
- // First check if the file exists in the global texture path
- lstrcpy( strPathname, g_strTexturePath );
- lstrcat( strPathname, m_strName );
- if( NULL == ( file = fopen( strPathname, "rb" ) ) )
- {
- // Then check if the file exists in the DirectX SDK media path
- lstrcpy( strPathname, D3DUtil_GetDXSDKMediaPath() );
- lstrcat( strPathname, m_strName );
- if( NULL == ( file = fopen( strPathname, "rb" ) ) )
- }
- fclose( file );
- // Get the filename extension
- if( NULL == ( strExtension = _tcsrchr( m_strName, _T('.') ) ) )
- // Load bitmap files
- if( !lstrcmpi( strExtension, _T(".bmp") ) )
- return LoadBitmapFile( strPathname );
- // Load targa files
- if( !lstrcmpi( strExtension, _T(".tga") ) )
- return LoadTargaFile( strPathname );
- // Can add code here to check for other file formats before failing
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: LoadBitmapFile()
- // Desc: Loads data from a .bmp file, and stores it in a bitmap structure.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT TextureContainer::LoadBitmapFile( TCHAR* strPathname )
- {
- // Try to load the bitmap as a file
- m_hbmBitmap = (HBITMAP)LoadImage( NULL, strPathname, IMAGE_BITMAP, 0, 0,
- if( m_hbmBitmap )
- return S_OK;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: LoadTargaFile()
- // Desc: Loads RGBA data from a .tga file, and stores it in allocated memory
- // for the specified texture container
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT TextureContainer::LoadTargaFile( TCHAR* strPathname )
- {
- FILE* file = fopen( strPathname, "rb" );
- if( NULL == file )
- return E_FAIL;
- struct TargaHeader
- {
- BYTE IDLength;
- BYTE ColormapType;
- BYTE ImageType;
- BYTE ColormapSpecification[5];
- WORD XOrigin;
- WORD YOrigin;
- WORD ImageWidth;
- WORD ImageHeight;
- BYTE PixelDepth;
- BYTE ImageDescriptor;
- } tga;
- fread( &tga, sizeof(TargaHeader), 1, file );
- // Only true color, non-mapped images are supported
- if( ( 0 != tga.ColormapType ) ||
- ( tga.ImageType != 10 && tga.ImageType != 2 ) )
- {
- fclose( file );
- return E_FAIL;
- }
- // Skip the ID field. The first byte of the header is the length of this field
- if( tga.IDLength )
- fseek( file, tga.IDLength, SEEK_CUR );
- m_dwWidth = tga.ImageWidth;
- m_dwHeight = tga.ImageHeight;
- m_dwBPP = tga.PixelDepth;
- m_pRGBAData = new DWORD[m_dwWidth*m_dwHeight];
- if( m_pRGBAData == NULL )
- {
- fclose(file);
- return E_FAIL;
- }
- for( DWORD y=0; y<m_dwHeight; y++ )
- {
- DWORD dwOffset = y*m_dwWidth;
- if( 0 == ( tga.ImageDescriptor & 0x0010 ) )
- dwOffset = (m_dwHeight-y-1)*m_dwWidth;
- for( DWORD x=0; x<m_dwWidth; x )
- {
- if( tga.ImageType == 10 )
- {
- BYTE PacketInfo = getc( file );
- WORD PacketType = 0x80 & PacketInfo;
- WORD PixelCount = ( 0x007f & PacketInfo ) + 1;
- if( PacketType )
- {
- DWORD b = getc( file );
- DWORD g = getc( file );
- DWORD r = getc( file );
- DWORD a = 0xff;
- if( m_dwBPP == 32 )
- a = getc( file );
- while( PixelCount-- )
- {
- m_pRGBAData[dwOffset+x] = (r<<24L)+(g<<16L)+(b<<8L)+(a);
- x++;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- while( PixelCount-- )
- {
- BYTE b = getc( file );
- BYTE g = getc( file );
- BYTE r = getc( file );
- BYTE a = 0xff;
- if( m_dwBPP == 32 )
- a = getc( file );
- m_pRGBAData[dwOffset+x] = (r<<24L)+(g<<16L)+(b<<8L)+(a);
- x++;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- BYTE b = getc( file );
- BYTE g = getc( file );
- BYTE r = getc( file );
- BYTE a = 0xff;
- if( m_dwBPP == 32 )
- a = getc( file );
- m_pRGBAData[dwOffset+x] = (r<<24L)+(g<<16L)+(b<<8L)+(a);
- x++;
- }
- }
- }
- fclose( file );
- // Check for alpha content
- for( DWORD i=0; i<(m_dwWidth*m_dwHeight); i++ )
- {
- if( m_pRGBAData[i] & 0x000000ff != 0xff )
- {
- m_bHasAlpha = TRUE;
- break;
- }
- }
- return S_OK;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: Restore()
- // Desc: Rebuilds the texture surface using the new device.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT TextureContainer::Restore( LPDIRECT3DDEVICE7 pd3dDevice )
- {
- // Release any previously created objects
- SAFE_RELEASE( m_pddsSurface );
- // Check params
- if( NULL == pd3dDevice )
- // Get the device caps
- if( FAILED( pd3dDevice->GetCaps( &ddDesc) ) )
- return E_FAIL;
- // Setup the new surface desc
- D3DUtil_InitSurfaceDesc( ddsd );
- ddsd.ddsCaps.dwCaps = DDSCAPS_TEXTURE;
- ddsd.dwTextureStage = m_dwStage;
- ddsd.dwWidth = m_dwWidth;
- ddsd.dwHeight = m_dwHeight;
- // Turn on texture management for hardware devices
- if( ddDesc.deviceGUID == IID_IDirect3DHALDevice )
- ddsd.ddsCaps.dwCaps2 = DDSCAPS2_TEXTUREMANAGE;
- else if( ddDesc.deviceGUID == IID_IDirect3DTnLHalDevice )
- ddsd.ddsCaps.dwCaps2 = DDSCAPS2_TEXTUREMANAGE;
- else
- ddsd.ddsCaps.dwCaps |= DDSCAPS_SYSTEMMEMORY;
- // Adjust width and height to be powers of 2, if the device requires it
- if( ddDesc.dpcTriCaps.dwTextureCaps & D3DPTEXTURECAPS_POW2 )
- {
- for( ddsd.dwWidth=1; m_dwWidth>ddsd.dwWidth; ddsd.dwWidth<<=1 );
- for( ddsd.dwHeight=1; m_dwHeight>ddsd.dwHeight; ddsd.dwHeight<<=1 );
- }
- // Limit max texture sizes, if the driver can't handle large textures
- DWORD dwMaxWidth = ddDesc.dwMaxTextureWidth;
- DWORD dwMaxHeight = ddDesc.dwMaxTextureHeight;
- ddsd.dwWidth = min( ddsd.dwWidth, ( dwMaxWidth ? dwMaxWidth : 256 ) );
- ddsd.dwHeight = min( ddsd.dwHeight, ( dwMaxHeight ? dwMaxHeight : 256 ) );
- // Make the texture square, if the driver requires it
- if( ddDesc.dpcTriCaps.dwTextureCaps & D3DPTEXTURECAPS_SQUAREONLY )
- {
- if( ddsd.dwWidth > ddsd.dwHeight ) ddsd.dwHeight = ddsd.dwWidth;
- else ddsd.dwWidth = ddsd.dwHeight;
- }
- // Setup the structure to be used for texture enumration.
- tsi.bFoundGoodFormat = FALSE;
- tsi.pddpf = &ddsd.ddpfPixelFormat;
- tsi.dwDesiredBPP = m_dwBPP;
- tsi.bUsePalette = ( m_dwBPP <= 8 );
- tsi.bUseAlpha = m_bHasAlpha;
- if( m_dwFlags & D3DTEXTR_16BITSPERPIXEL )
- tsi.dwDesiredBPP = 16;
- else if( m_dwFlags & D3DTEXTR_32BITSPERPIXEL )
- tsi.dwDesiredBPP = 32;
- {
- if( tsi.bUsePalette )
- {
- if( ddDesc.dpcTriCaps.dwTextureCaps & D3DPTEXTURECAPS_ALPHAPALETTE )
- {
- tsi.bUseAlpha = TRUE;
- tsi.bUsePalette = TRUE;
- }
- else
- {
- tsi.bUseAlpha = TRUE;
- tsi.bUsePalette = FALSE;
- }
- }
- }
- // Enumerate the texture formats, and find the closest device-supported
- // texture pixel format
- pd3dDevice->EnumTextureFormats( TextureSearchCallback, &tsi );
- // If we couldn't find a format, let's try a default format
- if( FALSE == tsi.bFoundGoodFormat )
- {
- tsi.bUsePalette = FALSE;
- tsi.dwDesiredBPP = 16;
- pd3dDevice->EnumTextureFormats( TextureSearchCallback, &tsi );
- // If we still fail, we cannot create this texture
- if( FALSE == tsi.bFoundGoodFormat )
- return E_FAIL;
- }
- // Get the DirectDraw interface for creating surfaces
- pd3dDevice->GetRenderTarget( &pddsRender );
- pddsRender->GetDDInterface( (VOID**)&pDD );
- pddsRender->Release();
- // Create a new surface for the texture
- HRESULT hr = pDD->CreateSurface( &ddsd, &m_pddsSurface, NULL );
- // Done with DDraw
- pDD->Release();
- if( FAILED(hr) )
- return hr;
- // For bitmap-based textures, copy the bitmap image.
- if( m_hbmBitmap )
- return CopyBitmapToSurface();
- if( m_pRGBAData )
- return CopyRGBADataToSurface();
- // At this point, code can be added to handle other file formats (such as
- // .dds files, .jpg files, etc.).
- return S_OK;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: CopyBitmapToSurface()
- // Desc: Copies the image of a bitmap into a surface
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT TextureContainer::CopyBitmapToSurface()
- {
- // Get a DDraw object to create a temporary surface
- m_pddsSurface->GetDDInterface( (VOID**)&pDD );
- // Get the bitmap structure (to extract width, height, and bpp)
- BITMAP bm;
- GetObject( m_hbmBitmap, sizeof(BITMAP), &bm );
- // Setup the new surface desc
- ddsd.dwSize = sizeof(ddsd);
- m_pddsSurface->GetSurfaceDesc( &ddsd );
- ddsd.ddsCaps.dwCaps2 = 0L;
- ddsd.dwWidth = bm.bmWidth;
- ddsd.dwHeight = bm.bmHeight;
- // Create a new surface for the texture
- if( FAILED( hr = pDD->CreateSurface( &ddsd, &pddsTempSurface, NULL ) ) )
- {
- pDD->Release();
- return hr;
- }
- // Get a DC for the bitmap
- HDC hdcBitmap = CreateCompatibleDC( NULL );
- if( NULL == hdcBitmap )
- {
- pddsTempSurface->Release();
- pDD->Release();
- return hr;
- }
- SelectObject( hdcBitmap, m_hbmBitmap );
- // Handle palettized textures. Need to attach a palette
- if( ddsd.ddpfPixelFormat.dwRGBBitCount == 8 )
- {
- DWORD pe[256];
- WORD wNumColors = GetDIBColorTable( hdcBitmap, 0, 256, (RGBQUAD*)pe );
- // Create the color table
- for( WORD i=0; i<wNumColors; i++ )
- {
- pe[i] = RGB( GetBValue(pe[i]), GetGValue(pe[i]), GetRValue(pe[i]) );
- // Handle textures with transparent pixels
- {
- // Set alpha for opaque pixels
- {
- if( pe[i] != 0x00000000 )
- pe[i] |= 0xff000000;
- }
- else if( m_dwFlags & D3DTEXTR_TRANSPARENTWHITE )
- {
- if( pe[i] != 0x00ffffff )
- pe[i] |= 0xff000000;
- }
- }
- }
- // Add DDPCAPS_ALPHA flag for textures with transparent pixels
- dwPaletteFlags |= DDPCAPS_ALPHA;
- // Create & attach a palette
- pDD->CreatePalette( dwPaletteFlags, (PALETTEENTRY*)pe, &pPalette, NULL );
- pddsTempSurface->SetPalette( pPalette );
- m_pddsSurface->SetPalette( pPalette );
- SAFE_RELEASE( pPalette );
- }
- // Copy the bitmap image to the surface.
- HDC hdcSurface;
- if( SUCCEEDED( pddsTempSurface->GetDC( &hdcSurface ) ) )
- {
- BitBlt( hdcSurface, 0, 0, bm.bmWidth, bm.bmHeight, hdcBitmap, 0, 0,
- pddsTempSurface->ReleaseDC( hdcSurface );
- }
- DeleteDC( hdcBitmap );
- // Copy the temp surface to the real texture surface
- m_pddsSurface->Blt( NULL, pddsTempSurface, NULL, DDBLT_WAIT, NULL );
- // Done with the temp surface
- pddsTempSurface->Release();
- // For textures with real alpha (not palettized), set transparent bits
- if( ddsd.ddpfPixelFormat.dwRGBAlphaBitMask )
- {
- {
- // Lock the texture surface
- ddsd.dwSize = sizeof(ddsd);
- while( m_pddsSurface->Lock( NULL, &ddsd, 0, NULL ) ==
- DWORD dwAlphaMask = ddsd.ddpfPixelFormat.dwRGBAlphaBitMask;
- DWORD dwRGBMask = ( ddsd.ddpfPixelFormat.dwRBitMask |
- ddsd.ddpfPixelFormat.dwGBitMask |
- ddsd.ddpfPixelFormat.dwBBitMask );
- DWORD dwColorkey = 0x00000000; // Colorkey on black
- dwColorkey = dwRGBMask; // Colorkey on white
- // Add an opaque alpha value to each non-colorkeyed pixel
- for( DWORD y=0; y<ddsd.dwHeight; y++ )
- {
- WORD* p16 = (WORD*)((BYTE*)ddsd.lpSurface + y*ddsd.lPitch);
- DWORD* p32 = (DWORD*)((BYTE*)ddsd.lpSurface + y*ddsd.lPitch);
- for( DWORD x=0; x<ddsd.dwWidth; x++ )
- {
- if( ddsd.ddpfPixelFormat.dwRGBBitCount == 16 )
- {
- if( ( *p16 &= dwRGBMask ) != dwColorkey )
- *p16 |= dwAlphaMask;
- p16++;
- }
- if( ddsd.ddpfPixelFormat.dwRGBBitCount == 32 )
- {
- if( ( *p32 &= dwRGBMask ) != dwColorkey )
- *p32 |= dwAlphaMask;
- p32++;
- }
- }
- }
- m_pddsSurface->Unlock( NULL );
- }
- }
- pDD->Release();
- return S_OK;;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: CopyRGBADataToSurface()
- // Desc: Invalidates the current texture objects and rebuilds new ones
- // using the new device.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT TextureContainer::CopyRGBADataToSurface()
- {
- // Get a DDraw object to create a temporary surface
- m_pddsSurface->GetDDInterface( (VOID**)&pDD );
- // Setup the new surface desc
- ddsd.dwSize = sizeof(ddsd);
- m_pddsSurface->GetSurfaceDesc( &ddsd );
- ddsd.ddsCaps.dwCaps2 = 0L;
- ddsd.dwWidth = m_dwWidth;
- ddsd.dwHeight = m_dwHeight;
- // Create a new surface for the texture
- if( FAILED( hr = pDD->CreateSurface( &ddsd, &pddsTempSurface, NULL ) ) )
- {
- pDD->Release();
- return NULL;
- }
- while( pddsTempSurface->Lock( NULL, &ddsd, 0, 0 ) == DDERR_WASSTILLDRAWING );
- DWORD lPitch = ddsd.lPitch;
- BYTE* pBytes = (BYTE*)ddsd.lpSurface;
- DWORD dwRMask = ddsd.ddpfPixelFormat.dwRBitMask;
- DWORD dwGMask = ddsd.ddpfPixelFormat.dwGBitMask;
- DWORD dwBMask = ddsd.ddpfPixelFormat.dwBBitMask;
- DWORD dwAMask = ddsd.ddpfPixelFormat.dwRGBAlphaBitMask;
- DWORD dwRShiftL = 8, dwRShiftR = 0;
- DWORD dwGShiftL = 8, dwGShiftR = 0;
- DWORD dwBShiftL = 8, dwBShiftR = 0;
- DWORD dwAShiftL = 8, dwAShiftR = 0;
- DWORD dwMask;
- for( dwMask=dwRMask; dwMask && !(dwMask&0x1); dwMask>>=1 ) dwRShiftR++;
- for( ; dwMask; dwMask>>=1 ) dwRShiftL--;
- for( dwMask=dwGMask; dwMask && !(dwMask&0x1); dwMask>>=1 ) dwGShiftR++;
- for( ; dwMask; dwMask>>=1 ) dwGShiftL--;
- for( dwMask=dwBMask; dwMask && !(dwMask&0x1); dwMask>>=1 ) dwBShiftR++;
- for( ; dwMask; dwMask>>=1 ) dwBShiftL--;
- for( dwMask=dwAMask; dwMask && !(dwMask&0x1); dwMask>>=1 ) dwAShiftR++;
- for( ; dwMask; dwMask>>=1 ) dwAShiftL--;
- for( DWORD y=0; y<ddsd.dwHeight; y++ )
- {
- DWORD* pDstData32 = (DWORD*)pBytes;
- WORD* pDstData16 = (WORD*)pBytes;
- for( DWORD x=0; x<ddsd.dwWidth; x++ )
- {
- DWORD dwPixel = m_pRGBAData[y*ddsd.dwWidth+x];
- BYTE r = (BYTE)((dwPixel>>24)&0x000000ff);
- BYTE g = (BYTE)((dwPixel>>16)&0x000000ff);
- BYTE b = (BYTE)((dwPixel>> 8)&0x000000ff);
- BYTE a = (BYTE)((dwPixel>> 0)&0x000000ff);
- DWORD dr = ((r>>(dwRShiftL))<<dwRShiftR)&dwRMask;
- DWORD dg = ((g>>(dwGShiftL))<<dwGShiftR)&dwGMask;
- DWORD db = ((b>>(dwBShiftL))<<dwBShiftR)&dwBMask;
- DWORD da = ((a>>(dwAShiftL))<<dwAShiftR)&dwAMask;
- if( 32 == ddsd.ddpfPixelFormat.dwRGBBitCount )
- pDstData32[x] = (DWORD)(dr+dg+db+da);
- else
- pDstData16[x] = (WORD)(dr+dg+db+da);
- }
- pBytes += ddsd.lPitch;
- }
- pddsTempSurface->Unlock(0);
- // Copy the temp surface to the real texture surface
- m_pddsSurface->Blt( NULL, pddsTempSurface, NULL, DDBLT_WAIT, NULL );
- // Done with the temp objects
- pddsTempSurface->Release();
- pDD->Release();
- return S_OK;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: D3DTextr_SetTexturePath()
- // Desc: Enumeration callback routine to find a best-matching texture format.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- VOID D3DTextr_SetTexturePath( TCHAR* strTexturePath )
- {
- if( NULL == strTexturePath )
- strTexturePath = _T("");
- lstrcpy( g_strTexturePath, strTexturePath );
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: D3DTextr_CreateTextureFromFile()
- // Desc: Is passed a filename and creates a local Bitmap from that file.
- // The texture can not be used until it is restored, however.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT D3DTextr_CreateTextureFromFile( TCHAR* strName, DWORD dwStage,
- DWORD dwFlags )
- {
- // Check parameters
- if( NULL == strName )
- return E_INVALIDARG;
- // Check first to see if the texture is already loaded
- if( NULL != FindTexture( strName ) )
- return S_OK;
- // Allocate and add the texture to the linked list of textures;
- TextureContainer* ptcTexture = new TextureContainer( strName, dwStage,
- dwFlags );
- if( NULL == ptcTexture )
- // Create a bitmap and load the texture file into it,
- if( FAILED( ptcTexture->LoadImageData() ) )
- {
- delete ptcTexture;
- return E_FAIL;
- }
- // Save the image's dimensions
- if( ptcTexture->m_hbmBitmap )
- {
- BITMAP bm;
- GetObject( ptcTexture->m_hbmBitmap, sizeof(BITMAP), &bm );
- ptcTexture->m_dwWidth = (DWORD)bm.bmWidth;
- ptcTexture->m_dwHeight = (DWORD)bm.bmHeight;
- ptcTexture->m_dwBPP = (DWORD)bm.bmBitsPixel;
- }
- return S_OK;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: D3DTextr_CreateEmptyTexture()
- // Desc: Creates an empty texture.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT D3DTextr_CreateEmptyTexture( TCHAR* strName, DWORD dwWidth,
- DWORD dwHeight, DWORD dwStage,
- DWORD dwFlags )
- {
- // Check parameters
- if( NULL == strName )
- return E_INVALIDARG;
- // Check first to see if the texture is already loaded
- if( NULL != FindTexture( strName ) )
- return E_FAIL;
- // Allocate and add the texture to the linked list of textures;
- TextureContainer* ptcTexture = new TextureContainer( strName, dwStage,
- dwFlags );
- if( NULL == ptcTexture )
- // Save dimensions
- ptcTexture->m_dwWidth = dwWidth;
- ptcTexture->m_dwHeight = dwHeight;
- ptcTexture->m_dwBPP = 16;
- if( ptcTexture->m_dwFlags & D3DTEXTR_32BITSPERPIXEL )
- ptcTexture->m_dwBPP = 32;
- // Save alpha usage flag
- ptcTexture->m_bHasAlpha = TRUE;
- return S_OK;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: D3DTextr_Restore()
- // Desc: Invalidates the current texture objects and rebuilds new ones
- // using the new device.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT D3DTextr_Restore( TCHAR* strName, LPDIRECT3DDEVICE7 pd3dDevice )
- {
- TextureContainer* ptcTexture = FindTexture( strName );
- if( NULL == ptcTexture )
- // Restore the texture (this recreates the new surface for this device).
- return ptcTexture->Restore( pd3dDevice );
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: D3DTextr_RestoreAllTextures()
- // Desc: This function is called when a mode is changed. It updates all
- // texture objects to be valid with the new device.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT D3DTextr_RestoreAllTextures( LPDIRECT3DDEVICE7 pd3dDevice )
- {
- TextureContainer* ptcTexture = g_ptcTextureList;
- while( ptcTexture )
- {
- D3DTextr_Restore( ptcTexture->m_strName, pd3dDevice );
- ptcTexture = ptcTexture->m_pNext;
- }
- return S_OK;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: D3DTextr_Invalidate()
- // Desc: Used to bump a texture out of (video) memory, this function
- // actually destroys the d3dtexture and ddsurface of the texture
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT D3DTextr_Invalidate( TCHAR* strName )
- {
- TextureContainer* ptcTexture = FindTexture( strName );
- if( NULL == ptcTexture )
- SAFE_RELEASE( ptcTexture->m_pddsSurface );
- return S_OK;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: D3DTextr_InvalidateAllTextures()
- // Desc: This function is called when a mode is changed. It invalidates
- // all texture objects so their device can be safely released.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT D3DTextr_InvalidateAllTextures()
- {
- TextureContainer* ptcTexture = g_ptcTextureList;
- while( ptcTexture )
- {
- SAFE_RELEASE( ptcTexture->m_pddsSurface );
- ptcTexture = ptcTexture->m_pNext;
- }
- return S_OK;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: D3DTextr_DestroyTexture()
- // Desc: Frees the resources for the specified texture container
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT D3DTextr_DestroyTexture( TCHAR* strName )
- {
- TextureContainer* ptcTexture = FindTexture( strName );
- SAFE_DELETE( ptcTexture );
- return S_OK;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: D3DTextr_GetSurface()
- // Desc: Returns a pointer to a d3dSurface from the name of the texture
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE7 D3DTextr_GetSurface( TCHAR* strName )
- {
- TextureContainer* ptcTexture = FindTexture( strName );
- return ptcTexture ? ptcTexture->m_pddsSurface : NULL;
- }