- "Name of a prefix listn"
- "Specify packets to rejectn"
- "Specify packets to forwardn"
- "IP prefix <network>/<length>, e.g.,"
- "Maximum prefix length to be matchedn"
- "Maximum prefix lengthn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, bgp_bestpath_med2_cmd_vtysh,
- "bgp bestpath med confed missing-as-worst",
- "BGP specific commandsn"
- "Change the default bestpath selectionn"
- "MED attributen"
- "Compare MED among confederation pathsn"
- "Treat missing MED as the least preferred onen")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, show_bgp_ipv6_community3_cmd_vtysh,
- "show bgp ipv6 community (AA:NN|local-AS|no-advertise|no-export) (AA:NN|local-AS|no-advertise|no-export) (AA:NN|local-AS|no-advertise|no-export)",
- "Show running system informationn"
- "BGP informationn"
- "Address familyn"
- "Display routes matching the communitiesn"
- "community numbern"
- "Do not send outside local AS (well-known community)n"
- "Do not advertise to any peer (well-known community)n"
- "Do not export to next AS (well-known community)n"
- "community numbern"
- "Do not send outside local AS (well-known community)n"
- "Do not advertise to any peer (well-known community)n"
- "Do not export to next AS (well-known community)n"
- "community numbern"
- "Do not send outside local AS (well-known community)n"
- "Do not advertise to any peer (well-known community)n"
- "Do not export to next AS (well-known community)n")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, clear_bgp_ipv6_all_in_cmd_vtysh,
- "clear bgp ipv6 * in",
- "Reset functionsn"
- "BGP informationn"
- "Address familyn"
- "Clear all peersn"
- "Soft reconfig inbound updaten")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_OSPFD, no_ospf_passive_interface_cmd_vtysh,
- "no passive-interface IFNAME",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "Allow routing updates on an interfacen"
- "Interface's namen")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, ip_extcommunity_list_standard2_cmd_vtysh,
- "ip extcommunity-list <1-99> (deny|permit)",
- "IP informationn"
- "Add a extended community list entryn"
- "Extended Community list number (standard)n"
- "Specify community to rejectn"
- "Specify community to acceptn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, neighbor_ebgp_multihop_ttl_cmd_vtysh,
- "neighbor (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X|WORD) " "ebgp-multihop <1-255>",
- "Specify neighbor routern"
- "Neighbor addressnNeighbor IPv6 addressnNeighbor tagn"
- "Allow EBGP neighbors not on directly connected networksn"
- "maximum hop countn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, show_ip_bgp_flap_prefix_longer_cmd_vtysh,
- "show ip bgp flap-statistics A.B.C.D/M longer-prefixes",
- "Show running system informationn"
- "IP informationn"
- "BGP informationn"
- "Display flap statistics of routesn"
- "IP prefix <network>/<length>, e.g.,"
- "Display route and more specific routesn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, no_neighbor_peer_group_cmd_vtysh,
- "no neighbor WORD peer-group",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "Specify neighbor routern"
- "Neighbor tagn"
- "Configure peer-groupn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_ZEBRA, no_ipv6_route_ifname_cmd_vtysh,
- "no ipv6 route X:X::X:X/M X:X::X:X INTERFACE",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "IP informationn"
- "Establish static routesn"
- "IPv6 destination prefix (e.g. 3ffe:506::/32)n"
- "IPv6 gateway addressn"
- "IPv6 gateway interface namen")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, show_version_bgpd_cmd_vtysh,
- "show version bgpd",
- "Show running system informationn"
- "Displays zebra versionn"
- "Displays bgpd versionn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_RIPD, rip_distance_source_access_list_cmd_vtysh,
- "distance <1-255> A.B.C.D/M WORD",
- "Administrative distancen"
- "Distance valuen"
- "IP source prefixn"
- "Access list namen")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, no_bgp_redistribute_ipv6_rmap_metric_cmd_vtysh,
- "no redistribute (connected|kernel|ospf6|ripng|static) route-map WORD metric <0-4294967295>",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "Redistribute information from another routing protocoln"
- "Connectedn"
- "Kernel routesn"
- "Open Shurtest Path First (OSPFv3)n"
- "Routing Information Protocol (RIPng)n"
- "Static routesn"
- "Route map referencen"
- "Pointer to route-map entriesn"
- "Metric for redistributed routesn"
- "Default metricn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_OSPF6D, ipv6_ospf6_advertise_prefix_list_cmd_vtysh,
- "ipv6 ospf6 advertise prefix-list WORD",
- "IPv6 Informationn"
- "Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) for IPv6n"
- "Advertising optionsn"
- "Filter prefix using prefix-listn"
- "Prefix list namen"
- )
- DEFSH (VTYSH_OSPF6D, ipv6_ospf6_transmitdelay_cmd_vtysh,
- "ipv6 ospf6 transmit-delay <1-3600>",
- "IPv6 Informationn"
- "Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) for IPv6n"
- "Transmit delay of this interfacen"
- "<1-65535> Secondsn"
- )
- DEFSH (VTYSH_OSPFD, no_ospf_passive_interface_addr_cmd_vtysh,
- "no passive-interface IFNAME A.B.C.D",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "Allow routing updates on an interfacen"
- "Interface's namen")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, neighbor_maximum_prefix_cmd_vtysh,
- "neighbor (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X|WORD) " "maximum-prefix <1-4294967295>",
- "Specify neighbor routern"
- "Neighbor addressnNeighbor IPv6 addressnNeighbor tagn"
- "Maximum number of prefix accept from this peern"
- "maximum no. of prefix limitn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, vpnv4_network_cmd_vtysh,
- "network A.B.C.D/M rd ASN:nn_or_IP-address:nn tag WORD",
- "Specify a network to announce via BGPn"
- "IP prefix <network>/<length>, e.g.,"
- "Specify Route Distinguishern"
- "VPN Route Distinguishern"
- "BGP tagn"
- "tag valuen")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_ZEBRA, show_ipv6_route_addr_cmd_vtysh,
- "show ipv6 route X:X::X:X",
- "Show running system informationn"
- "IP informationn"
- "IPv6 routing tablen"
- "IPv6 Addressn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, show_ip_bgp_neighbors_peer_cmd_vtysh,
- "show ip bgp neighbors (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X)",
- "Show running system informationn"
- "IP informationn"
- "BGP informationn"
- "Detailed information on TCP and BGP neighbor connectionsn"
- "Neighbor to display information aboutn"
- "Neighbor to display information aboutn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_OSPFD, debug_ospf_nsm_cmd_vtysh,
- "debug ospf nsm",
- "Debugging functions (see also 'undebug')n"
- "OSPF informationn"
- "OSPF Neighbor State Machinen")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_OSPFD, ip_ospf_message_digest_key_cmd_vtysh,
- "ip ospf message-digest-key <1-255> md5 KEY",
- "IP Informationn"
- "OSPF interface commandsn"
- "Message digest authentication password (key)n"
- "Key IDn"
- "Use MD5 algorithmn"
- "The OSPF password (key)")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_RIPNGD, ripng_redistribute_bgp_metric_routemap_cmd_vtysh,
- "redistribute bgp metric <0-16> route-map WORD",
- "Redistribute information from another routing protocoln"
- "Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)n"
- "Metricn"
- "Metric valuen"
- "Route map referencen"
- "Pointer to route-map entriesn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, bgp_default_local_preference_cmd_vtysh,
- "bgp default local-preference <0-4294967295>",
- "BGP specific commandsn"
- "Configure BGP defaultsn"
- "local preference (higher=more preferred)n"
- "Configure default local preference valuen")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_RIPD, rip_distance_source_cmd_vtysh,
- "distance <1-255> A.B.C.D/M",
- "Administrative distancen"
- "Distance valuen"
- "IP source prefixn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_RIPNGD|VTYSH_OSPF6D|VTYSH_BGPD, ipv6_prefix_list_seq_le_cmd_vtysh,
- "ipv6 prefix-list WORD seq <1-4294967295> (deny|permit) X:X::X:X/M le <0-128>",
- "IPv6 informationn"
- "Build a prefix listn"
- "Name of a prefix listn"
- "sequence number of an entryn"
- "Sequence numbern"
- "Specify packets to rejectn"
- "Specify packets to forwardn"
- "IPv6 prefix <network>/<length>, e.g., 3ffe::/16n"
- "Maximum prefix length to be matchedn"
- "Maximum prefix lengthn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, show_bgp_regexp_cmd_vtysh,
- "show bgp regexp .LINE",
- "Show running system informationn"
- "BGP informationn"
- "Display routes matching the AS path regular expressionn"
- "A regular-expression to match the BGP AS pathsn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, show_ipv6_bgp_regexp_cmd_vtysh,
- "show ipv6 bgp regexp .LINE",
- "Show running system informationn"
- "IP informationn"
- "BGP informationn"
- "Display routes matching the AS path regular expressionn"
- "A regular-expression to match the BGP AS pathsn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_OSPFD, no_ip_ospf_priority_cmd_vtysh,
- "no ip ospf priority",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "IP Informationn"
- "OSPF interface commandsn"
- "Router priorityn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_RIPD|VTYSH_BGPD, no_set_ip_nexthop_cmd_vtysh,
- "no set ip next-hop",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "Set values in destination routing protocoln"
- "IP informationn"
- "Next hop addressn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_OSPFD, ip_ospf_dead_interval_addr_cmd_vtysh,
- "ip ospf dead-interval <1-65535> A.B.C.D",
- "IP Informationn"
- "OSPF interface commandsn"
- "Interval after which a neighbor is declared deadn"
- "Secondsn"
- "Address of interface")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_RIPNGD|VTYSH_OSPF6D|VTYSH_BGPD, show_ipv6_prefix_list_name_seq_cmd_vtysh,
- "show ipv6 prefix-list WORD seq <1-4294967295>",
- "Show running system informationn"
- "IPv6 informationn"
- "Build a prefix listn"
- "Name of a prefix listn"
- "sequence number of an entryn"
- "Sequence numbern")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_RIPNGD|VTYSH_OSPF6D|VTYSH_BGPD, ipv6_access_list_cmd_vtysh,
- "ipv6 access-list WORD (deny|permit) X:X::X:X/M",
- "IPv6 informationn"
- "Add an access list entryn"
- "IPv6 zebra access-listn"
- "Specify packets to rejectn"
- "Specify packets to forwardn"
- "Prefix to match. e.g. 3ffe:506::/32n")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_OSPF6D, debug_ospf6_flooding_cmd_vtysh,
- "debug ospf6 flooding",
- "Debugging functions (see also 'undebug')n"
- "Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) for IPv6n"
- "Debug OSPFv3 flooding functionn"
- )
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, clear_ip_bgp_external_cmd_vtysh,
- "clear ip bgp external",
- "Reset functionsn"
- "IP informationn"
- "BGP informationn"
- "Clear all external peersn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_RIPD, no_distribute_list_cmd_vtysh,
- "no distribute-list WORD (in|out) WORD",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "Filter networks in routing updatesn"
- "Access-list namen"
- "Filter incoming routing updatesn"
- "Filter outgoing routing updatesn"
- "Interface namen")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_RIPD|VTYSH_OSPFD|VTYSH_BGPD, ip_prefix_list_seq_ge_le_cmd_vtysh,
- "ip prefix-list WORD seq <1-4294967295> (deny|permit) A.B.C.D/M ge <0-32> le <0-32>",
- "IP informationn"
- "Build a prefix listn"
- "Name of a prefix listn"
- "sequence number of an entryn"
- "Sequence numbern"
- "Specify packets to rejectn"
- "Specify packets to forwardn"
- "IP prefix <network>/<length>, e.g.,"
- "Minimum prefix length to be matchedn"
- "Minimum prefix lengthn"
- "Maximum prefix length to be matchedn"
- "Maximum prefix lengthn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, no_set_aspath_prepend_val_cmd_vtysh,
- "no set as-path prepend .<1-65535>",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "Set values in destination routing protocoln"
- "Prepend string for a BGP AS-path attributen"
- "Prepend to the as-pathn"
- "AS numbern")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_RIPD, no_rip_default_metric_val_cmd_vtysh,
- "no default-metric <1-16>",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "Set a metric of redistribute routesn"
- "Default metricn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, show_ip_bgp_prefix_cmd_vtysh,
- "show ip bgp A.B.C.D/M",
- "Show running system informationn"
- "IP informationn"
- "BGP informationn"
- "IP prefix <network>/<length>, e.g.,")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, clear_bgp_external_in_cmd_vtysh,
- "clear bgp external in",
- "Reset functionsn"
- "BGP informationn"
- "Clear all external peersn"
- "Soft reconfig inbound updaten")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, set_community_delete_cmd_vtysh,
- "set comm-list (<1-99>|<100-500>|WORD) delete",
- "Set values in destination routing protocoln"
- "set BGP community list (for deletion)n"
- "Community-list number (standard)n"
- "Communitly-list number (expanded)n"
- "Community-list namen"
- "Delete matching communitiesn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_RIPD|VTYSH_OSPFD|VTYSH_BGPD, show_ip_access_list_name_cmd_vtysh,
- "show ip access-list (<1-99>|<100-199>|<1300-1999>|<2000-2699>|WORD)",
- "Show running system informationn"
- "IP informationn"
- "List IP access listsn"
- "IP standard access listn"
- "IP extended access listn"
- "IP standard access list (expanded range)n"
- "IP extended access list (expanded range)n"
- "IP zebra access-listn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_OSPF6D, debug_ospf6_spf_time_cmd_vtysh,
- "debug ospf6 spf time",
- "Debugging functions (see also 'undebug')n"
- "Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) for IPv6n"
- "Debug SPF Calculationn"
- "Measure time taken by SPF Calculationn"
- )
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, show_ipv6_bgp_community3_exact_cmd_vtysh,
- "show ipv6 bgp community (AA:NN|local-AS|no-advertise|no-export) (AA:NN|local-AS|no-advertise|no-export) (AA:NN|local-AS|no-advertise|no-export) exact-match",
- "Show running system informationn"
- "IPv6 informationn"
- "BGP informationn"
- "Display routes matching the communitiesn"
- "community numbern"
- "Do not send outside local AS (well-known community)n"
- "Do not advertise to any peer (well-known community)n"
- "Do not export to next AS (well-known community)n"
- "community numbern"
- "Do not send outside local AS (well-known community)n"
- "Do not advertise to any peer (well-known community)n"
- "Do not export to next AS (well-known community)n"
- "community numbern"
- "Do not send outside local AS (well-known community)n"
- "Do not advertise to any peer (well-known community)n"
- "Do not export to next AS (well-known community)n"
- "Exact match of the communities")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_RIPD, rip_redistribute_rip_cmd_vtysh,
- "redistribute rip",
- "Redistribute information from another routing protocoln"
- "Routing Information Protocol (RIP)n")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_RIPNGD, no_ripng_passive_interface_cmd_vtysh,
- "no passive-interface IFNAME",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "Suppress routing updates on an interfacen"
- "Interface namen")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_OSPF6D, ipv6_ospf6_hellointerval_cmd_vtysh,
- "ipv6 ospf6 hello-interval <1-65535>",
- "IPv6 Informationn"
- "Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) for IPv6n"
- "Interval time of Hello packetsn"
- "<1-65535> Secondsn"
- )
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, no_bgp_network_mask_natural_backdoor_cmd_vtysh,
- "no network A.B.C.D backdoor",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "Specify a network to announce via BGPn"
- "Network numbern"
- "Specify a BGP backdoor routen")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_ZEBRA, multicast_cmd_vtysh,
- "multicast",
- "Set multicast flag to interfacen")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_OSPFD, ospf_distance_ospf_external_inter_intra_cmd_vtysh,
- "distance ospf external <1-255> inter-area <1-255> intra-area <1-255>",
- "Define an administrative distancen"
- "OSPF Administrative distancen"
- "External routesn"
- "Distance for external routesn"
- "Inter-area routesn"
- "Distance for inter-area routesn"
- "Intra-area routesn"
- "Distance for intra-area routesn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_RIPD, rip_redistribute_type_cmd_vtysh,
- "redistribute (kernel|connected|static|ospf|bgp)",
- "Redistribute information from another routing protocoln"
- "Kernel routesn"
- "Connectedn"
- "Static routesn"
- "Open Shortest Path First (OSPF)n"
- "Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)n")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_RIPD|VTYSH_OSPFD|VTYSH_BGPD, access_list_extended_host_host_cmd_vtysh,
- "access-list (<100-199>|<2000-2699>) (deny|permit) ip host A.B.C.D host A.B.C.D",
- "Add an access list entryn"
- "IP extended access listn"
- "IP extended access list (expanded range)n"
- "Specify packets to rejectn"
- "Specify packets to forwardn"
- "Any Internet Protocoln"
- "A single source hostn"
- "Source addressn"
- "A single destination hostn"
- "Destination addressn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, bgp_config_type_cmd_vtysh,
- "bgp config-type (cisco|zebra)",
- "BGP informationn"
- "Configuration typen"
- "ciscon"
- "zebran")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_OSPFD, ospf_area_shortcut_cmd_vtysh,
- "area (A.B.C.D|<0-4294967295>) shortcut (default|enable|disable)",
- "OSPF area parametersn"
- "OSPF area ID in IP address formatn"
- "OSPF area ID as a decimal valuen"
- "Configure the area's shortcutting moden"
- "Set default shortcutting behaviorn"
- "Enable shortcutting through the arean"
- "Disable shortcutting through the arean")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, show_ip_bgp_community2_exact_cmd_vtysh,
- "show ip bgp community (AA:NN|local-AS|no-advertise|no-export) (AA:NN|local-AS|no-advertise|no-export) exact-match",
- "Show running system informationn"
- "IP informationn"
- "BGP informationn"
- "Display routes matching the communitiesn"
- "community numbern"
- "Do not send outside local AS (well-known community)n"
- "Do not advertise to any peer (well-known community)n"
- "Do not export to next AS (well-known community)n"
- "community numbern"
- "Do not send outside local AS (well-known community)n"
- "Do not advertise to any peer (well-known community)n"
- "Do not export to next AS (well-known community)n"
- "Exact match of the communities")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, show_ip_bgp_view_cmd_vtysh,
- "show ip bgp view WORD",
- "Show running system informationn"
- "IP informationn"
- "BGP informationn"
- "BGP viewn"
- "BGP view namen")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, clear_ip_bgp_dampening_address_mask_cmd_vtysh,
- "clear ip bgp dampening A.B.C.D A.B.C.D",
- "Reset functionsn"
- "IP informationn"
- "BGP informationn"
- "Clear route flap dampening informationn"
- "Network to clear damping informationn"
- "Network maskn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_RIPD, no_rip_neighbor_cmd_vtysh,
- "no neighbor A.B.C.D",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "Specify a neighbor routern"
- "Neighbor addressn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_RIPNGD, ripng_redistribute_connected_metric_routemap_cmd_vtysh,
- "redistribute connected metric <0-16> route-map WORD",
- "Redistribute information from another routing protocoln"
- "Connectedn"
- "Metricn"
- "Metric valuen"
- "Route map referencen"
- "Pointer to route-map entriesn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_OSPFD, no_ospf_area_filter_list_cmd_vtysh,
- "no area (A.B.C.D|<0-4294967295>) filter-list prefix WORD (in|out)",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "OSPF area parametersn"
- "OSPF area ID in IP address formatn"
- "OSPF area ID as a decimal valuen"
- "Filter networks between OSPF areasn"
- "Filter prefixes between OSPF areasn"
- "Name of an IP prefix-listn"
- "Filter networks sent to this arean"
- "Filter networks sent from this arean")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, no_bgp_deterministic_med_cmd_vtysh,
- "no bgp deterministic-med",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "BGP specific commandsn"
- "Pick the best-MED path among paths advertised from the neighboring ASn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, show_ip_bgp_ipv4_community4_exact_cmd_vtysh,
- "show ip bgp ipv4 (unicast|multicast) community (AA:NN|local-AS|no-advertise|no-export) (AA:NN|local-AS|no-advertise|no-export) (AA:NN|local-AS|no-advertise|no-export) (AA:NN|local-AS|no-advertise|no-export) exact-match",
- "Show running system informationn"
- "IP informationn"
- "BGP informationn"
- "Address familyn"
- "Address Family modifiern"
- "Address Family modifiern"
- "Display routes matching the communitiesn"
- "community numbern"
- "Do not send outside local AS (well-known community)n"
- "Do not advertise to any peer (well-known community)n"
- "Do not export to next AS (well-known community)n"
- "community numbern"
- "Do not send outside local AS (well-known community)n"
- "Do not advertise to any peer (well-known community)n"
- "Do not export to next AS (well-known community)n"
- "community numbern"
- "Do not send outside local AS (well-known community)n"
- "Do not advertise to any peer (well-known community)n"
- "Do not export to next AS (well-known community)n"
- "community numbern"
- "Do not send outside local AS (well-known community)n"
- "Do not advertise to any peer (well-known community)n"
- "Do not export to next AS (well-known community)n"
- "Exact match of the communities")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, no_set_aggregator_as_cmd_vtysh,
- "no set aggregator as",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "Set values in destination routing protocoln"
- "BGP aggregator attributen"
- "AS number of aggregatorn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, clear_bgp_ipv6_all_soft_cmd_vtysh,
- "clear bgp ipv6 * soft",
- "Reset functionsn"
- "BGP informationn"
- "Address familyn"
- "Clear all peersn"
- "Soft reconfign")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, no_bgp_redistribute_ipv4_cmd_vtysh,
- "no redistribute (connected|kernel|ospf|rip|static)",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "Redistribute information from another routing protocoln"
- "Connectedn"
- "Kernel routesn"
- "Open Shurtest Path First (OSPF)n"
- "Routing Information Protocol (RIP)n"
- "Static routesn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, clear_ip_bgp_external_ipv4_soft_in_cmd_vtysh,
- "clear ip bgp external ipv4 (unicast|multicast) soft in",
- "Reset functionsn"
- "IP informationn"
- "BGP informationn"
- "Clear all external peersn"
- "Address familyn"
- "Address Family modifiern"
- "Address Family modifiern"
- "Soft reconfign"
- "Soft reconfig inbound updaten")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_RIPNGD|VTYSH_OSPF6D|VTYSH_BGPD, ipv6_prefix_list_cmd_vtysh,
- "ipv6 prefix-list WORD (deny|permit) (X:X::X:X/M|any)",
- "IPv6 informationn"
- "Build a prefix listn"
- "Name of a prefix listn"
- "Specify packets to rejectn"
- "Specify packets to forwardn"
- "IPv6 prefix <network>/<length>, e.g., 3ffe::/16n"
- "Any prefix match. Same as "::0/0 le 128"n")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, bgp_graceful_restart_cmd_vtysh,
- "bgp graceful-restart",
- "BGP specific commandsn"
- "Graceful restart capability parametersn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, clear_ip_bgp_all_vpnv4_soft_cmd_vtysh,
- "clear ip bgp * vpnv4 unicast soft",
- "Reset functionsn"
- "IP informationn"
- "BGP informationn"
- "Clear all peersn"
- "Address familyn"
- "Address Family Modifiern"
- "Soft reconfign")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, debug_bgp_keepalive_cmd_vtysh,
- "debug bgp keepalives",
- "Debugging functions (see also 'undebug')n"
- "BGP informationn"
- "BGP keepalivesn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, no_router_bgp_cmd_vtysh,
- "no router bgp <1-65535>",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "Enable a routing processn"
- "BGP informationn"
- "AS numbern" )
- DEFSH (VTYSH_ZEBRA, ipv6_route_ifname_pref_cmd_vtysh,
- "ipv6 route X:X::X:X/M X:X::X:X INTERFACE <1-255>",
- "IP informationn"
- "Establish static routesn"
- "IPv6 destination prefix (e.g. 3ffe:506::/32)n"
- "IPv6 gateway addressn"
- "IPv6 gateway interface namen"
- "Distance value for this prefixn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_OSPFD, no_ip_ospf_transmit_delay_addr_cmd_vtysh,
- "no ip ospf transmit-delay A.B.C.D",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "IP Informationn"
- "OSPF interface commandsn"
- "Link state transmit delayn"
- "Address of interface")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_RIPNGD|VTYSH_OSPF6D|VTYSH_BGPD, ipv6_prefix_list_ge_cmd_vtysh,
- "ipv6 prefix-list WORD (deny|permit) X:X::X:X/M ge <0-128>",
- "IPv6 informationn"
- "Build a prefix listn"
- "Name of a prefix listn"
- "Specify packets to rejectn"
- "Specify packets to forwardn"
- "IPv6 prefix <network>/<length>, e.g., 3ffe::/16n"
- "Minimum prefix length to be matchedn"
- "Minimum prefix lengthn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_OSPFD, ospf_distance_cmd_vtysh,
- "distance <1-255>",
- "Define an administrative distancen"
- "OSPF Administrative distancen")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_RIPD|VTYSH_OSPFD|VTYSH_BGPD, no_access_list_remark_cmd_vtysh,
- "no access-list (<1-99>|<100-199>|<1300-1999>|<2000-2699>|WORD) remark",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "Add an access list entryn"
- "IP standard access listn"
- "IP extended access listn"
- "IP standard access list (expanded range)n"
- "IP extended access list (expanded range)n"
- "IP zebra access-listn"
- "Access list entry commentn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_RIPNGD, no_ripng_redistribute_connected_routemap_cmd_vtysh,
- "no redistribute connected route-map WORD",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "Redistribute information from another routing protocoln"
- "Connectedn"
- "Route map referencen"
- "Pointer to route-map entriesn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, no_neighbor_attr_unchanged5_cmd_vtysh,
- "no neighbor (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X|WORD) " "attribute-unchanged as-path next-hop med",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "Specify neighbor routern"
- "Neighbor addressnNeighbor IPv6 addressnNeighbor tagn"
- "BGP attribute is propagated unchanged to this neighborn"
- "As-path attributen"
- "Nexthop attributen"
- "Med attributen")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_OSPFD, no_ospf_distance_ospf_cmd_vtysh,
- "no distance ospf",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "Define an administrative distancen"
- "OSPF Administrative distancen"
- "OSPF Distancen")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_ZEBRA, no_ip_route_distance_cmd_vtysh,
- "no ip route A.B.C.D/M (A.B.C.D|INTERFACE|null0) <1-255>",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "IP informationn"
- "Establish static routesn"
- "IP destination prefix (e.g."
- "IP gateway addressn"
- "IP gateway interface namen"
- "Null interfacen"
- "Distance value for this routen")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_OSPFD, no_ospf_area_vlink_authtype_cmd_vtysh,
- "no area (A.B.C.D|<0-4294967295>) virtual-link A.B.C.D "
- "(authentication|)",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "OSPF area parametersn" "OSPF area ID in IP address formatn" "OSPF area ID as a decimal valuen" "Configure a virtual linkn" "Router ID of the remote ABRn"
- "Enable authentication on this virtual linkn" "dummy string n" )
- DEFSH (VTYSH_OSPFD, ospf_redistribute_source_metric_cmd_vtysh,
- "redistribute (kernel|connected|static|rip|bgp) metric <0-16777214>",
- "Redistribute information from another routing protocoln"
- "Kernel routesn"
- "Connectedn"
- "Static routesn"
- "Routing Information Protocol (RIP)n"
- "Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)n"
- "Metric for redistributed routesn"
- "OSPF default metricn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_OSPF6D, show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor_cmd_vtysh,
- "show ipv6 ospf6 neighbor",
- "Show running system informationn"
- "IPv6 Informationn"
- "Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) for IPv6n"
- "Neighbor listn"
- )
- DEFSH (VTYSH_RIPD, key_string_cmd_vtysh,
- "key-string LINE",
- "Set key stringn"
- "The keyn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_RIPNGD, debug_ripng_events_cmd_vtysh,
- "debug ripng events",
- "Debugging functions (see also 'undebug')n"
- "RIPng configurationn"
- "Debug option set for ripng eventsn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_OSPF6D, no_redistribute_ospf6_cmd_vtysh,
- "no redistribute ospf6",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "Redistribute controln"
- "OSPF6 routen")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, neighbor_description_cmd_vtysh,
- "neighbor (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X|WORD) " "description .LINE",
- "Specify neighbor routern"
- "Neighbor addressnNeighbor IPv6 addressnNeighbor tagn"
- "Neighbor specific descriptionn"
- "Up to 80 characters describing this neighborn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_ZEBRA, no_ipv6_route_pref_cmd_vtysh,
- "no ipv6 route X:X::X:X/M (X:X::X:X|INTERFACE|null0) <1-255>",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "IP informationn"
- "Establish static routesn"
- "IPv6 destination prefix (e.g. 3ffe:506::/32)n"
- "IPv6 gateway addressn"
- "IPv6 gateway interface namen"
- "Distance value for this prefixn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_OSPFD, debug_ospf_packet_send_recv_cmd_vtysh,
- "debug ospf packet (hello|dd|ls-request|ls-update|ls-ack|all) (send|recv|detail)",
- "Debugging functionsn"
- "OSPF informationn"
- "OSPF packetsn"
- "OSPF Hellon"
- "OSPF Database Descriptionn"
- "OSPF Link State Requestn"
- "OSPF Link State Updaten"
- "OSPF Link State Acknowledgmentn"
- "OSPF all packetsn"
- "Packet sentn"
- "Packet receivedn"
- "Detail informationn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_OSPF6D, area_range_cmd_vtysh,
- "area A.B.C.D range X:X::X:X/M",
- "OSPF area parametersn"
- "Area ID (as an IPv4 notation)n"
- "Configured address rangen"
- "Specify IPv6 prefixn"
- )
- DEFSH (VTYSH_RIPNGD|VTYSH_OSPF6D|VTYSH_BGPD, ipv6_prefix_list_seq_le_ge_cmd_vtysh,
- "ipv6 prefix-list WORD seq <1-4294967295> (deny|permit) X:X::X:X/M le <0-128> ge <0-128>",
- "IPv6 informationn"
- "Build a prefix listn"
- "Name of a prefix listn"
- "sequence number of an entryn"
- "Sequence numbern"
- "Specify packets to rejectn"
- "Specify packets to forwardn"
- "IPv6 prefix <network>/<length>, e.g., 3ffe::/16n"
- "Maximum prefix length to be matchedn"
- "Maximum prefix lengthn"
- "Minimum prefix length to be matchedn"
- "Minimum prefix lengthn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, clear_ip_bgp_external_ipv4_in_prefix_filter_cmd_vtysh,
- "clear ip bgp external ipv4 (unicast|multicast) in prefix-filter",
- "Reset functionsn"
- "IP informationn"
- "BGP informationn"
- "Clear all external peersn"
- "Address familyn"
- "Address Family modifiern"
- "Address Family modifiern"
- "Soft reconfig inbound updaten"
- "Push out prefix-list ORF and do inbound soft reconfign")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_RIPD|VTYSH_OSPFD|VTYSH_BGPD, no_access_list_extended_any_mask_cmd_vtysh,
- "no access-list (<100-199>|<2000-2699>) (deny|permit) ip any A.B.C.D A.B.C.D",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "Add an access list entryn"
- "IP extended access listn"
- "IP extended access list (expanded range)n"
- "Specify packets to rejectn"
- "Specify packets to forwardn"
- "Any Internet Protocoln"
- "Any source hostn"
- "Destination addressn"
- "Destination Wildcard bitsn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_RIPD, no_ip_rip_authentication_key_chain2_cmd_vtysh,
- "no ip rip authentication key-chain LINE",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "IP informationn"
- "Routing Information Protocoln"
- "Authentication controln"
- "Authentication key-chainn"
- "name of key-chainn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, show_ip_bgp_cidr_only_cmd_vtysh,
- "show ip bgp cidr-only",
- "Show running system informationn"
- "IP informationn"
- "BGP informationn"
- "Display only routes with non-natural netmasksn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_RIPNGD|VTYSH_OSPF6D|VTYSH_BGPD, no_ipv6_prefix_list_description_cmd_vtysh,
- "no ipv6 prefix-list WORD description",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "IPv6 informationn"
- "Build a prefix listn"
- "Name of a prefix listn"
- "Prefix-list specific descriptionn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_RIPD, no_ip_rip_send_version_num_cmd_vtysh,
- "no ip rip send version (1|2)",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "IP informationn"
- "Routing Information Protocoln"
- "Advertisement transmissionn"
- "Version controln"
- "Version 1n"
- "Version 2n")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_OSPFD, no_ospf_area_import_list_cmd_vtysh,
- "no area (A.B.C.D|<0-4294967295>) import-list NAME",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "OSPF area parametersn"
- "OSPF area ID in IP address formatn"
- "OSPF area ID as a decimal valuen"
- "Unset the filter for networks announced to other areasn"
- "Name of the access-listn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_OSPFD, ospf_area_authentication_message_digest_cmd_vtysh,
- "area (A.B.C.D|<0-4294967295>) authentication message-digest",
- "OSPF area parametersn"
- "Enable authenticationn"
- "Use message-digest authenticationn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_RIPNGD, ripng_redistribute_ospf6_routemap_cmd_vtysh,
- "redistribute ospf6 route-map WORD",
- "Redistribute information from another routing protocoln"
- "IPv6 Open Shortest Path First (OSPFv3)n"
- "Route map referencen"
- "Pointer to route-map entriesn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_ZEBRA, no_shutdown_if_cmd_vtysh,
- "no shutdown",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "Shutdown the selected interfacen")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, clear_ip_bgp_instance_all_soft_in_cmd_vtysh,
- "clear ip bgp view WORD * soft in",
- "Reset functionsn"
- "IP informationn"
- "BGP informationn"
- "BGP viewn"
- "view namen"
- "Clear all peersn"
- "Soft reconfign"
- "Soft reconfig inbound updaten")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, show_ip_extcommunity_list_arg_cmd_vtysh,
- "show ip extcommunity-list (<1-500>|WORD)",
- "Show running system informationn"
- "IP informationn"
- "List extended-community listn"
- "Extcommunity-list numbern"
- "Extcommunity-list namen")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, clear_bgp_ipv6_peer_group_cmd_vtysh,
- "clear bgp ipv6 peer-group WORD",
- "Reset functionsn"
- "BGP informationn"
- "Address familyn"
- "Clear all members of peer-groupn"
- "BGP peer-group namen")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_RIPD|VTYSH_OSPFD|VTYSH_BGPD, no_access_list_exact_cmd_vtysh,
- "no access-list WORD (deny|permit) A.B.C.D/M exact-match",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "Add an access list entryn"
- "IP zebra access-list namen"
- "Specify packets to rejectn"
- "Specify packets to forwardn"
- "Prefix to match. e.g."
- "Exact match of the prefixesn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_ZEBRA, ip_tunnel_cmd_vtysh,
- "ip tunnel IP_address IP_address",
- "KAME ip tunneling configuration commandsn"
- "Set FROM IP address and TO IP addressn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, clear_ip_bgp_peer_soft_in_cmd_vtysh,
- "clear ip bgp A.B.C.D soft in",
- "Reset functionsn"
- "IP informationn"
- "BGP informationn"
- "BGP neighbor address to clearn"
- "Soft reconfign"
- "Soft reconfig inbound updaten")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_OSPFD, no_ip_ospf_cost_addr_cmd_vtysh,
- "no ip ospf cost A.B.C.D",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "IP Informationn"
- "OSPF interface commandsn"
- "Interface costn"
- "Address of interface")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_ZEBRA, ipv6_route_cmd_vtysh,
- "ipv6 route X:X::X:X/M (X:X::X:X|INTERFACE|null0)",
- "IP informationn"
- "Establish static routesn"
- "IPv6 destination prefix (e.g. 3ffe:506::/32)n"
- "IPv6 gateway addressn"
- "IPv6 gateway interface namen")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, neighbor_enforce_multihop_cmd_vtysh,
- "neighbor (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X|WORD) " "enforce-multihop",
- "Specify neighbor routern"
- "Neighbor addressnNeighbor IPv6 addressnNeighbor tagn"
- "Enforce EBGP neighbors perform multihopn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_OSPFD, debug_ospf_packet_all_cmd_vtysh,
- "debug ospf packet (hello|dd|ls-request|ls-update|ls-ack|all)",
- "Debugging functions (see also 'undebug')n"
- "OSPF informationn"
- "OSPF packetsn"
- "OSPF Hellon"
- "OSPF Database Descriptionn"
- "OSPF Link State Requestn"
- "OSPF Link State Updaten"
- "OSPF Link State Acknowledgmentn"
- "OSPF all packetsn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_ZEBRA, no_ip_route_mask_distance_cmd_vtysh,
- "no ip route A.B.C.D A.B.C.D (A.B.C.D|INTERFACE|null0) <1-255>",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "IP informationn"
- "Establish static routesn"
- "IP destination prefixn"
- "IP destination prefix maskn"
- "IP gateway addressn"
- "IP gateway interface namen"
- "Null interfacen"
- "Distance value for this routen")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, clear_ip_bgp_as_in_prefix_filter_cmd_vtysh,
- "clear ip bgp <1-65535> in prefix-filter",
- "Reset functionsn"
- "IP informationn"
- "BGP informationn"
- "Clear peers with the AS numbern"
- "Soft reconfig inbound updaten"
- "Push out prefix-list ORF and do inbound soft reconfign")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, no_match_aspath_cmd_vtysh,
- "no match as-path",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "Match values from routing tablen"
- "Match BGP AS path listn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_RIPD, no_debug_rip_events_cmd_vtysh,
- "no debug rip events",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "Debugging functions (see also 'undebug')n"
- "RIP informationn"
- "RIP eventsn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, no_bgp_network_mask_natural_cmd_vtysh,
- "no network A.B.C.D",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "Specify a network to announce via BGPn"
- "Network numbern")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, neighbor_attr_unchanged5_cmd_vtysh,
- "neighbor (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X|WORD) " "attribute-unchanged as-path next-hop med",
- "Specify neighbor routern"
- "Neighbor addressnNeighbor IPv6 addressnNeighbor tagn"
- "BGP attribute is propagated unchanged to this neighborn"
- "As-path attributen"
- "Nexthop attributen"
- "Med attributen")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_RIPD, rip_default_information_originate_cmd_vtysh,
- "default-information originate",
- "Control distribution of default routen"
- "Distribute a default routen")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_OSPFD, ospf_area_vlink_authtype_cmd_vtysh,
- "area (A.B.C.D|<0-4294967295>) virtual-link A.B.C.D "
- "(authentication|)",
- "OSPF area parametersn" "OSPF area ID in IP address formatn" "OSPF area ID as a decimal valuen" "Configure a virtual linkn" "Router ID of the remote ABRn"
- "Enable authentication on this virtual linkn" "dummy string n" )
- DEFSH (VTYSH_OSPFD, no_ospf_abr_type_cmd_vtysh,
- "no ospf abr-type (cisco|ibm|shortcut)",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "OSPF specific commandsn"
- "Set OSPF ABR typen"
- "Alternative ABR, cisco implementationn"
- "Alternative ABR, IBM implementationn"
- "Shortcut ABRn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, no_bgp_redistribute_ipv6_rmap_cmd_vtysh,
- "no redistribute (connected|kernel|ospf6|ripng|static) route-map WORD",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "Redistribute information from another routing protocoln"
- "Connectedn"
- "Kernel routesn"
- "Open Shurtest Path First (OSPFv3)n"
- "Routing Information Protocol (RIPng)n"
- "Static routesn"
- "Route map referencen"
- "Pointer to route-map entriesn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_OSPFD, no_ospf_transmit_delay_cmd_vtysh,
- "no ospf transmit-delay",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "OSPF interface commandsn"
- "Link state transmit delayn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_RIPNGD|VTYSH_OSPF6D|VTYSH_BGPD, ipv6_access_list_remark_cmd_vtysh,
- "ipv6 access-list WORD remark .LINE",
- "IPv6 informationn"
- "Add an access list entryn"
- "IPv6 zebra access-listn"
- "Access list entry commentn"
- "Comment up to 100 charactersn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, no_neighbor_maximum_prefix_threshold_restart_cmd_vtysh,
- "no neighbor (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X|WORD) " "maximum-prefix <1-4294967295> <1-100> restart <1-65535>",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "Specify neighbor routern"
- "Neighbor addressnNeighbor IPv6 addressnNeighbor tagn"
- "Maximum number of prefix accept from this peern"
- "maximum no. of prefix limitn"
- "Threshold value (%) at which to generate a warning msgn"
- "Restart bgp connection after limit is exceededn"
- "Restart interval in minutes")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_RIPNGD|VTYSH_OSPF6D|VTYSH_BGPD, show_ipv6_prefix_list_detail_cmd_vtysh,
- "show ipv6 prefix-list detail",
- "Show running system informationn"
- "IPv6 informationn"
- "Build a prefix listn"
- "Detail of prefix listsn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, ip_extcommunity_list_standard_cmd_vtysh,
- "ip extcommunity-list <1-99> (deny|permit) .AA:NN",
- "IP informationn"
- "Add a extended community list entryn"
- "Extended Community list number (standard)n"
- "Specify community to rejectn"
- "Specify community to acceptn"
- "Extended community attribute in 'rt aa:nn_or_IPaddr:nn' OR 'soo aa:nn_or_IPaddr:nn' formatn" )
- DEFSH (VTYSH_ZEBRA, no_ipv6_nd_reachable_time_cmd_vtysh,
- "no ipv6 nd reachable-time",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "IP informationn"
- "Neighbor discoveryn"
- "Reachable timen")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, show_ipv6_mbgp_community3_exact_cmd_vtysh,
- "show ipv6 mbgp community (AA:NN|local-AS|no-advertise|no-export) (AA:NN|local-AS|no-advertise|no-export) (AA:NN|local-AS|no-advertise|no-export) exact-match",
- "Show running system informationn"
- "IPv6 informationn"
- "MBGP informationn"
- "Display routes matching the communitiesn"
- "community numbern"
- "Do not send outside local AS (well-known community)n"
- "Do not advertise to any peer (well-known community)n"
- "Do not export to next AS (well-known community)n"
- "community numbern"
- "Do not send outside local AS (well-known community)n"
- "Do not advertise to any peer (well-known community)n"
- "Do not export to next AS (well-known community)n"
- "community numbern"
- "Do not send outside local AS (well-known community)n"
- "Do not advertise to any peer (well-known community)n"
- "Do not export to next AS (well-known community)n"
- "Exact match of the communities")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_RIPNGD|VTYSH_OSPF6D|VTYSH_BGPD, no_ipv6_prefix_list_ge_le_cmd_vtysh,
- "no ipv6 prefix-list WORD (deny|permit) X:X::X:X/M ge <0-128> le <0-128>",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "IPv6 informationn"
- "Build a prefix listn"
- "Name of a prefix listn"
- "Specify packets to rejectn"
- "Specify packets to forwardn"
- "IPv6 prefix <network>/<length>, e.g., 3ffe::/16n"
- "Minimum prefix length to be matchedn"
- "Minimum prefix lengthn"
- "Maximum prefix length to be matchedn"
- "Maximum prefix lengthn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_OSPFD, no_ip_ospf_retransmit_interval_cmd_vtysh,
- "no ip ospf retransmit-interval",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "IP Informationn"
- "OSPF interface commandsn"
- "Time between retransmitting lost link state advertisementsn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, show_ipv6_bgp_community2_cmd_vtysh,
- "show ipv6 bgp community (AA:NN|local-AS|no-advertise|no-export) (AA:NN|local-AS|no-advertise|no-export)",
- "Show running system informationn"
- "IPv6 informationn"
- "BGP informationn"
- "Display routes matching the communitiesn"
- "community numbern"
- "Do not send outside local AS (well-known community)n"
- "Do not advertise to any peer (well-known community)n"
- "Do not export to next AS (well-known community)n"
- "community numbern"
- "Do not send outside local AS (well-known community)n"
- "Do not advertise to any peer (well-known community)n"
- "Do not export to next AS (well-known community)n")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, aggregate_address_mask_as_set_summary_cmd_vtysh,
- "aggregate-address A.B.C.D A.B.C.D as-set summary-only",
- "Configure BGP aggregate entriesn"
- "Aggregate addressn"
- "Aggregate maskn"
- "Generate AS set path informationn"
- "Filter more specific routes from updatesn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, no_aggregate_address_mask_cmd_vtysh,
- "no aggregate-address A.B.C.D A.B.C.D",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "Configure BGP aggregate entriesn"
- "Aggregate addressn"
- "Aggregate maskn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, show_ip_bgp_prefix_longer_cmd_vtysh,
- "show ip bgp A.B.C.D/M longer-prefixes",
- "Show running system informationn"
- "IP informationn"
- "BGP informationn"
- "IP prefix <network>/<length>, e.g.,"
- "Display route and more specific routesn")
- "set metric <0-4294967295>",
- "Set values in destination routing protocoln"
- "Metric value for destination routing protocoln"
- "Metric valuen")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, show_ipv6_bgp_community_cmd_vtysh,
- "show ipv6 bgp community (AA:NN|local-AS|no-advertise|no-export)",
- "Show running system informationn"
- "IPv6 informationn"
- "BGP informationn"
- "Display routes matching the communitiesn"
- "community numbern"
- "Do not send outside local AS (well-known community)n"
- "Do not advertise to any peer (well-known community)n"
- "Do not export to next AS (well-known community)n")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, ipv6_bgp_neighbor_routes_cmd_vtysh,
- "show ipv6 bgp neighbors (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X) routes",
- "Show running system informationn"
- "IPv6 informationn"
- "BGP informationn"
- "Detailed information on TCP and BGP neighbor connectionsn"
- "Neighbor to display information aboutn"
- "Neighbor to display information aboutn"
- "Display routes learned from neighborn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_RIPD|VTYSH_OSPFD|VTYSH_BGPD, no_ip_prefix_list_description_arg_cmd_vtysh,
- "no ip prefix-list WORD description .LINE",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "IP informationn"
- "Build a prefix listn"
- "Name of a prefix listn"
- "Prefix-list specific descriptionn"
- "Up to 80 characters describing this prefix-listn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, show_ip_bgp_neighbors_cmd_vtysh,
- "show ip bgp neighbors",
- "Show running system informationn"
- "IP informationn"
- "BGP informationn"
- "Detailed information on TCP and BGP neighbor connectionsn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, neighbor_advertise_interval_cmd_vtysh,
- "neighbor (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X) " "advertisement-interval <0-600>",
- "Specify neighbor routern"
- "Neighbor addressnIPv6 addressn"
- "Minimum interval between sending BGP routing updatesn"
- "time in secondsn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, clear_ip_bgp_external_soft_cmd_vtysh,
- "clear ip bgp external soft",
- "Reset functionsn"
- "IP informationn"
- "BGP informationn"
- "Clear all external peersn"
- "Soft reconfign")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, no_neighbor_remove_private_as_cmd_vtysh,
- "no neighbor (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X|WORD) " "remove-private-AS",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "Specify neighbor routern"
- "Neighbor addressnNeighbor IPv6 addressnNeighbor tagn"
- "Remove private AS number from outbound updatesn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_RIPD, no_ip_rip_send_version_cmd_vtysh,
- "no ip rip send version",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "IP informationn"
- "Routing Information Protocoln"
- "Advertisement transmissionn"
- "Version controln")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, clear_bgp_external_in_prefix_filter_cmd_vtysh,
- "clear bgp external in prefix-filter",
- "Reset functionsn"
- "BGP informationn"
- "Clear all external peersn"
- "Soft reconfig inbound updaten"
- "Push out prefix-list ORF and do inbound soft reconfign")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_OSPFD, no_ospf_area_shortcut_cmd_vtysh,
- "no area (A.B.C.D|<0-4294967295>) shortcut (enable|disable)",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "OSPF area parametersn"
- "OSPF area ID in IP address formatn"
- "OSPF area ID as a decimal valuen"
- "Deconfigure the area's shortcutting moden"
- "Deconfigure enabled shortcutting through the arean"
- "Deconfigure disabled shortcutting through the arean")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, show_ip_bgp_route_cmd_vtysh,
- "show ip bgp A.B.C.D",
- "Show running system informationn"
- "IP informationn"
- "BGP informationn"
- "Network in the BGP routing table to displayn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_RIPNGD|VTYSH_OSPF6D|VTYSH_BGPD, clear_ipv6_prefix_list_name_cmd_vtysh,
- "clear ipv6 prefix-list WORD",
- "Reset functionsn"
- "IPv6 informationn"
- "Build a prefix listn"
- "Name of a prefix listn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, clear_ip_bgp_peer_group_soft_in_cmd_vtysh,
- "clear ip bgp peer-group WORD soft in",
- "Reset functionsn"
- "IP informationn"
- "BGP informationn"
- "Clear all members of peer-groupn"
- "BGP peer-group namen"
- "Soft reconfign"
- "Soft reconfig inbound updaten")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, no_neighbor_timers_cmd_vtysh,
- "no neighbor (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X|WORD) " "timers",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "Specify neighbor routern"
- "Neighbor addressnNeighbor IPv6 addressnNeighbor tagn"
- "BGP per neighbor timersn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_OSPFD, ospf_default_information_originate_always_type_routemap_cmd_vtysh,
- "default-information originate always metric-type (1|2) route-map WORD",
- "Control distribution of default informationn"
- "Distribute a default routen"
- "Always advertise default routen"
- "OSPF metric type for default routesn"
- "Set OSPF External Type 1 metricsn"
- "Set OSPF External Type 2 metricsn"
- "Route map referencen"
- "Pointer to route-map entriesn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_RIPNGD|VTYSH_OSPF6D|VTYSH_BGPD, ipv6_access_list_exact_cmd_vtysh,
- "ipv6 access-list WORD (deny|permit) X:X::X:X/M exact-match",
- "IPv6 informationn"
- "Add an access list entryn"
- "IPv6 zebra access-listn"
- "Specify packets to rejectn"
- "Specify packets to forwardn"
- "Prefix to match. e.g. 3ffe:506::/32n"
- "Exact match of the prefixesn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, ip_extcommunity_list_expanded_cmd_vtysh,
- "ip extcommunity-list <100-500> (deny|permit) .LINE",
- "IP informationn"
- "Add a extended community list entryn"
- "Extended Community list number (expanded)n"
- "Specify community to rejectn"
- "Specify community to acceptn"
- "An ordered list as a regular-expressionn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, show_ip_community_list_arg_cmd_vtysh,
- "show ip community-list (<1-500>|WORD)",
- "Show running system informationn"
- "IP informationn"
- "List community-listn"
- "Community-list numbern"
- "Community-list namen")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, bgp_timers_cmd_vtysh,
- "timers bgp <0-65535> <0-65535>",
- "Adjust routing timersn"
- "BGP timersn"
- "Keepalive intervaln"
- "Holdtimen")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_RIPD, rip_neighbor_cmd_vtysh,
- "neighbor A.B.C.D",
- "Specify a neighbor routern"
- "Neighbor addressn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_RIPNGD|VTYSH_OSPF6D|VTYSH_BGPD, show_ipv6_prefix_list_prefix_first_match_cmd_vtysh,
- "show ipv6 prefix-list WORD X:X::X:X/M first-match",
- "Show running system informationn"
- "IPv6 informationn"
- "Build a prefix listn"
- "Name of a prefix listn"
- "IPv6 prefix <network>/<length>, e.g., 3ffe::/16n"
- "First matched prefixn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, neighbor_shutdown_cmd_vtysh,
- "neighbor (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X|WORD) " "shutdown",
- "Specify neighbor routern"
- "Neighbor addressnNeighbor IPv6 addressnNeighbor tagn"
- "Administratively shut down this neighborn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, no_debug_bgp_fsm_cmd_vtysh,
- "no debug bgp fsm",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "Debugging functions (see also 'undebug')n"
- "BGP informationn"
- "Finite State Machinen")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, bgp_graceful_restart_stalepath_time_cmd_vtysh,
- "bgp graceful-restart stalepath-time <1-3600>",
- "BGP specific commandsn"
- "Graceful restart capability parametersn"
- "Set the max time to hold onto restarting peer's stale pathsn"
- "Delay value (seconds)n")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, neighbor_weight_cmd_vtysh,
- "neighbor (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X|WORD) " "weight <0-65535>",
- "Specify neighbor routern"
- "Neighbor addressnNeighbor IPv6 addressnNeighbor tagn"
- "Set default weight for routes from this neighborn"
- "default weightn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, clear_bgp_ipv6_as_soft_in_cmd_vtysh,
- "clear bgp ipv6 <1-65535> soft in",
- "Reset functionsn"
- "BGP informationn"
- "Address familyn"
- "Clear peers with the AS numbern"
- "Soft reconfign"
- "Soft reconfig inbound updaten")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, clear_ip_bgp_peer_soft_cmd_vtysh,
- "clear ip bgp A.B.C.D soft",
- "Reset functionsn"
- "IP informationn"
- "BGP informationn"
- "BGP neighbor address to clearn"
- "Soft reconfign")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, show_ip_bgp_vpnv4_all_neighbors_peer_cmd_vtysh,
- "show ip bgp vpnv4 all neighbors A.B.C.D",
- "Show running system informationn"
- "IP informationn"
- "BGP informationn"
- "Display VPNv4 NLRI specific informationn"
- "Display information about all VPNv4 NLRIsn"
- "Detailed information on TCP and BGP neighbor connectionsn"
- "Neighbor to display information aboutn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, show_ipv6_bgp_community_list_cmd_vtysh,
- "show ipv6 bgp community-list WORD",
- "Show running system informationn"
- "IPv6 informationn"
- "BGP informationn"
- "Display routes matching the community-listn"
- "community-list namen")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_OSPFD, ospf_area_vlink_authtype_args_cmd_vtysh,
- "area (A.B.C.D|<0-4294967295>) virtual-link A.B.C.D "
- "(authentication|) (message-digest|null)",
- "OSPF area parametersn" "OSPF area ID in IP address formatn" "OSPF area ID as a decimal valuen" "Configure a virtual linkn" "Router ID of the remote ABRn"
- "Enable authentication on this virtual linkn" "dummy string n" "Use null authenticationn" "Use message-digest authenticationn" )
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, clear_ip_bgp_peer_vpnv4_soft_in_cmd_vtysh,
- "clear ip bgp A.B.C.D vpnv4 unicast soft in",
- "Reset functionsn"
- "IP informationn"
- "BGP informationn"
- "BGP neighbor address to clearn"
- "Address familyn"
- "Address Family Modifiern"
- "Soft reconfign"
- "Soft reconfig inbound updaten")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_RIPD|VTYSH_OSPFD|VTYSH_BGPD, no_ip_prefix_list_le_cmd_vtysh,
- "no ip prefix-list WORD (deny|permit) A.B.C.D/M le <0-32>",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "IP informationn"
- "Build a prefix listn"
- "Name of a prefix listn"
- "Specify packets to rejectn"
- "Specify packets to forwardn"
- "IP prefix <network>/<length>, e.g.,"
- "Maximum prefix length to be matchedn"
- "Maximum prefix lengthn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, no_bgp_bestpath_med2_cmd_vtysh,
- "no bgp bestpath med confed missing-as-worst",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "BGP specific commandsn"
- "Change the default bestpath selectionn"
- "MED attributen"
- "Compare MED among confederation pathsn"
- "Treat missing MED as the least preferred onen")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_OSPFD, no_ospf_priority_cmd_vtysh,
- "no ospf priority",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "OSPF interface commandsn"
- "Router priorityn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, bgp_network_mask_natural_cmd_vtysh,
- "network A.B.C.D",
- "Specify a network to announce via BGPn"
- "Network numbern")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, no_neighbor_maximum_prefix_restart_cmd_vtysh,
- "no neighbor (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X|WORD) " "maximum-prefix <1-4294967295> restart <1-65535>",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "Specify neighbor routern"
- "Neighbor addressnNeighbor IPv6 addressnNeighbor tagn"
- "Maximum number of prefix accept from this peern"
- "maximum no. of prefix limitn"
- "Restart bgp connection after limit is exceededn"
- "Restart interval in minutes")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, no_synchronization_cmd_vtysh,
- "no synchronization",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "Perform IGP synchronizationn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_RIPD|VTYSH_BGPD, set_ip_nexthop_cmd_vtysh,
- "set ip next-hop A.B.C.D",
- "Set values in destination routing protocoln"
- "IP informationn"
- "Next hop addressn"
- "IP address of next hopn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_RIPD, no_rip_version_val_cmd_vtysh,
- "no version <1-2>",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "Set routing protocol versionn"
- "versionn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, no_bgp_scan_time_cmd_vtysh,
- "no bgp scan-time",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "BGP specific commandsn"
- "Configure background scanner intervaln")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_RIPNGD, no_ripng_redistribute_connected_metric_cmd_vtysh,
- "no redistribute connected metric",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "Redistribute information from another routing protocoln"
- "Connectedn"
- "Metricn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_OSPFD, no_ip_ospf_authentication_key_addr_cmd_vtysh,
- "no ip ospf authentication-key A.B.C.D",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "IP Informationn"
- "OSPF interface commandsn"
- "Authentication password (key)n"
- "Address of interface")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_RIPNGD, no_ripng_route_cmd_vtysh,
- "no route IPV6ADDR",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "Static route setupn"
- "Delete static RIPng route announcementn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_OSPFD, debug_ospf_nsm_sub_cmd_vtysh,
- "debug ospf nsm (status|events|timers)",
- "Debugging functions (see also 'undebug')n"
- "OSPF informationn"
- "OSPF Neighbor State Machinen"
- "NSM Status Informationn"
- "NSM Event Informationn"
- "NSM Timer Informationn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, clear_ip_bgp_as_vpnv4_soft_out_cmd_vtysh,
- "clear ip bgp <1-65535> vpnv4 unicast soft out",
- "Reset functionsn"
- "IP informationn"
- "BGP informationn"
- "Clear peers with the AS numbern"
- "Address familyn"
- "Address Family modifiern"
- "Soft reconfign"
- "Soft reconfig outbound updaten")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, no_debug_bgp_all_cmd_vtysh,
- "no debug all bgp",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "Debugging functions (see also 'undebug')n"
- "Enable all debuggingn"
- "BGP informationn" )
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, clear_ip_bgp_all_vpnv4_soft_out_cmd_vtysh,
- "clear ip bgp * vpnv4 unicast soft out",
- "Reset functionsn"
- "IP informationn"
- "BGP informationn"
- "Clear all peersn"
- "Address familyn"
- "Address Family Modifiern"
- "Soft reconfign"
- "Soft reconfig outbound updaten")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, no_bgp_distance_cmd_vtysh,
- "no distance bgp <1-255> <1-255> <1-255>",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "Define an administrative distancen"
- "BGP distancen"
- "Distance for routes external to the ASn"
- "Distance for routes internal to the ASn"
- "Distance for local routesn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, clear_ip_bgp_peer_group_ipv4_soft_out_cmd_vtysh,
- "clear ip bgp peer-group WORD ipv4 (unicast|multicast) soft out",
- "Reset functionsn"
- "IP informationn"
- "BGP informationn"
- "Clear all members of peer-groupn"
- "BGP peer-group namen"
- "Address familyn"
- "Address Family modifiern"
- "Address Family modifiern"
- "Soft reconfign"
- "Soft reconfig outbound updaten")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_RIPD, no_rip_timers_cmd_vtysh,
- "no timers basic",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "Adjust routing timersn"
- "Basic routing protocol update timersn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_OSPF6D, ipv6_ospf6_passive_cmd_vtysh,
- "ipv6 ospf6 passive",
- "IPv6 Informationn"
- "Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) for IPv6n"
- "passive interface, No adjacency will be formed on this interfacen"
- )
- DEFSH (VTYSH_OSPFD, ospf_distance_ospf_inter_external_intra_cmd_vtysh,
- "distance ospf inter-area <1-255> external <1-255> intra-area <1-255>",
- "Define an administrative distancen"
- "OSPF Administrative distancen"
- "Inter-area routesn"
- "Distance for inter-area routesn"
- "External routesn"
- "Distance for external routesn"
- "Intra-area routesn"
- "Distance for intra-area routesn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_OSPFD, ospf_default_information_originate_always_type_metric_routemap_cmd_vtysh,
- "default-information originate always metric-type (1|2) metric <0-16777214> route-map WORD",
- "Control distribution of default informationn"
- "Distribute a default routen"
- "Always advertise default routen"
- "OSPF metric type for default routesn"
- "Set OSPF External Type 1 metricsn"
- "Set OSPF External Type 2 metricsn"
- "OSPF default metricn"
- "OSPF metricn"
- "Route map referencen"
- "Pointer to route-map entriesn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_RIPNGD, no_debug_ripng_events_cmd_vtysh,
- "no debug ripng events",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "Debugging functions (see also 'undebug')n"
- "RIPng configurationn"
- "Debug option set for ripng eventsn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_RIPD, accept_lifetime_duration_month_day_cmd_vtysh,
- "accept-lifetime HH:MM:SS MONTH <1-31> <1993-2035> duration <1-2147483646>",
- "Set accept lifetime of the keyn"
- "Time to startn"
- "Month of the year to startn"
- "Day of th month to startn"
- "Year to startn"
- "Duration of the keyn"
- "Duration secondsn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_RIPNGD, ripng_redistribute_ospf6_metric_routemap_cmd_vtysh,
- "redistribute ospf6 metric <0-16> route-map WORD",
- "Redistribute information from another routing protocoln"
- "IPv6 Open Shortest Path First (OSPFv3)n"
- "Metricn"
- "Metric valuen"
- "Route map referencen"
- "Pointer to route-map entriesn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_RIPD|VTYSH_BGPD, no_match_metric_cmd_vtysh,
- "no match metric",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "Match values from routing tablen"
- "Match metric of routen")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_RIPD|VTYSH_OSPFD|VTYSH_BGPD, match_ip_next_hop_cmd_vtysh,
- "match ip next-hop (<1-199>|<1300-2699>|WORD)",
- "Match values from routing tablen"
- "IP informationn"
- "Match next-hop address of routen"
- "IP access-list numbern"
- "IP access-list number (expanded range)n"
- "IP Access-list namen")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, aggregate_address_summary_only_cmd_vtysh,
- "aggregate-address A.B.C.D/M summary-only",
- "Configure BGP aggregate entriesn"
- "Aggregate prefixn"
- "Filter more specific routes from updatesn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, clear_bgp_ipv6_as_in_prefix_filter_cmd_vtysh,
- "clear bgp ipv6 <1-65535> in prefix-filter",
- "Reset functionsn"
- "BGP informationn"
- "Address familyn"
- "Clear peers with the AS numbern"
- "Soft reconfig inbound updaten"
- "Push out prefix-list ORF and do inbound soft reconfign")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_OSPFD, ospf_neighbor_poll_interval_cmd_vtysh,
- "neighbor A.B.C.D poll-interval <1-65535>",
- "Specify neighbor routern"
- "Neighbor IP addressn"
- "Dead Neighbor Polling intervaln"
- "Secondsn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, no_bgp_network_route_map_cmd_vtysh,
- "no network A.B.C.D/M route-map WORD",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "Specify a network to announce via BGPn"
- "IP prefix <network>/<length>, e.g.,"
- "Route-map to modify the attributesn"
- "Name of the route mapn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_OSPFD, no_ospf_timers_spf_cmd_vtysh,
- "no timers spf",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "Adjust routing timersn"
- "OSPF SPF timersn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, show_ip_bgp_instance_neighbors_peer_cmd_vtysh,
- "show ip bgp view WORD neighbors (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X)",
- "Show running system informationn"
- "IP informationn"
- "BGP informationn"
- "BGP viewn"
- "View namen"
- "Detailed information on TCP and BGP neighbor connectionsn"
- "Neighbor to display information aboutn"
- "Neighbor to display information aboutn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_RIPNGD, no_ripng_redistribute_connected_cmd_vtysh,
- "no redistribute connected",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "Redistribute information from another routing protocoln"
- "Connectedn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_OSPFD, ospf_area_range_cmd_vtysh,
- "area (A.B.C.D|<0-4294967295>) range A.B.C.D/M",
- "OSPF area parametersn"
- "OSPF area ID in IP address formatn"
- "OSPF area ID as a decimal valuen"
- "Summarize routes matching address/mask (border routers only)n"
- "Area range prefixn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, aggregate_address_summary_as_set_cmd_vtysh,
- "aggregate-address A.B.C.D/M summary-only as-set",
- "Configure BGP aggregate entriesn"
- "Aggregate prefixn"
- "Filter more specific routes from updatesn"
- "Generate AS set path informationn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, clear_ip_bgp_external_in_cmd_vtysh,
- "clear ip bgp external in",
- "Reset functionsn"
- "IP informationn"
- "BGP informationn"
- "Clear all external peersn"
- "Soft reconfig inbound updaten")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, no_neighbor_nexthop_self_cmd_vtysh,
- "no neighbor (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X|WORD) " "next-hop-self",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "Specify neighbor routern"
- "Neighbor addressnNeighbor IPv6 addressnNeighbor tagn"
- "Disable the next hop calculation for this neighborn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_RIPD, no_debug_rip_packet_direct_cmd_vtysh,
- "no debug rip packet (recv|send)",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "Debugging functions (see also 'undebug')n"
- "RIP informationn"
- "RIP packetn"
- "RIP option set for receive packetn"
- "RIP option set for send packetn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, show_bgp_ipv6_community2_exact_cmd_vtysh,
- "show bgp ipv6 community (AA:NN|local-AS|no-advertise|no-export) (AA:NN|local-AS|no-advertise|no-export) exact-match",
- "Show running system informationn"
- "BGP informationn"
- "Address familyn"
- "Display routes matching the communitiesn"
- "community numbern"
- "Do not send outside local AS (well-known community)n"
- "Do not advertise to any peer (well-known community)n"
- "Do not export to next AS (well-known community)n"
- "community numbern"
- "Do not send outside local AS (well-known community)n"
- "Do not advertise to any peer (well-known community)n"
- "Do not export to next AS (well-known community)n"
- "Exact match of the communities")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_RIPD, no_ip_rip_authentication_mode_type_cmd_vtysh,
- "no ip rip authentication mode (md5|text)",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "IP informationn"
- "Routing Information Protocoln"
- "Authentication controln"
- "Authentication moden"
- "Keyed message digestn"
- "Clear text authenticationn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_RIPNGD|VTYSH_OSPF6D|VTYSH_BGPD, show_ipv6_prefix_list_summary_cmd_vtysh,
- "show ipv6 prefix-list summary",
- "Show running system informationn"
- "IPv6 informationn"
- "Build a prefix listn"
- "Summary of prefix listsn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_RIPD|VTYSH_OSPFD|VTYSH_BGPD, no_access_list_any_cmd_vtysh,
- "no access-list WORD (deny|permit) any",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "Add an access list entryn"
- "IP zebra access-list namen"
- "Specify packets to rejectn"
- "Specify packets to forwardn"
- "Prefix to match. e.g.")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, bgp_bestpath_med3_cmd_vtysh,
- "bgp bestpath med missing-as-worst confed",
- "BGP specific commandsn"
- "Change the default bestpath selectionn"
- "MED attributen"
- "Treat missing MED as the least preferred onen"
- "Compare MED among confederation pathsn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, show_bgp_ipv6_community4_cmd_vtysh,
- "show bgp ipv6 community (AA:NN|local-AS|no-advertise|no-export) (AA:NN|local-AS|no-advertise|no-export) (AA:NN|local-AS|no-advertise|no-export) (AA:NN|local-AS|no-advertise|no-export)",
- "Show running system informationn"
- "BGP informationn"
- "Address familyn"
- "Display routes matching the communitiesn"
- "community numbern"
- "Do not send outside local AS (well-known community)n"
- "Do not advertise to any peer (well-known community)n"
- "Do not export to next AS (well-known community)n"
- "community numbern"
- "Do not send outside local AS (well-known community)n"
- "Do not advertise to any peer (well-known community)n"
- "Do not export to next AS (well-known community)n"
- "community numbern"
- "Do not send outside local AS (well-known community)n"
- "Do not advertise to any peer (well-known community)n"
- "Do not export to next AS (well-known community)n"
- "community numbern"
- "Do not send outside local AS (well-known community)n"
- "Do not advertise to any peer (well-known community)n"
- "Do not export to next AS (well-known community)n")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_OSPFD, ip_ospf_retransmit_interval_addr_cmd_vtysh,
- "ip ospf retransmit-interval <3-65535> A.B.C.D",
- "IP Informationn"
- "OSPF interface commandsn"
- "Time between retransmitting lost link state advertisementsn"
- "Secondsn"
- "Address of interface")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_RIPD|VTYSH_OSPFD|VTYSH_BGPD, match_ip_address_cmd_vtysh,
- "match ip address (<1-199>|<1300-2699>|WORD)",
- "Match values from routing tablen"
- "IP informationn"
- "Match address of routen"
- "IP access-list numbern"
- "IP access-list number (expanded range)n"
- "IP Access-list namen")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_OSPF6D, ipv6_ospf6_deadinterval_cmd_vtysh,
- "ipv6 ospf6 dead-interval <1-65535>",
- "IPv6 Informationn"
- "Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) for IPv6n"
- "Interval time after which a neighbor is declared downn"
- "<1-65535> Secondsn"
- )
- DEFSH (VTYSH_OSPFD, debug_ospf_zebra_sub_cmd_vtysh,
- "debug ospf zebra (interface|redistribute)",
- "Debugging functions (see also 'undebug')n"
- "OSPF informationn"
- "OSPF Zebra informationn"
- "Zebra interfacen"
- "Zebra redistributen")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, match_aspath_cmd_vtysh,
- "match as-path WORD",
- "Match values from routing tablen"
- "Match BGP AS path listn"
- "AS path access-list namen")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, show_ip_bgp_flap_cidr_only_cmd_vtysh,
- "show ip bgp flap-statistics cidr-only",
- "Show running system informationn"
- "IP informationn"
- "BGP informationn"
- "Display flap statistics of routesn"
- "Display only routes with non-natural netmasksn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_RIPNGD|VTYSH_OSPF6D|VTYSH_BGPD, no_ipv6_prefix_list_description_arg_cmd_vtysh,
- "no ipv6 prefix-list WORD description .LINE",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "IPv6 informationn"
- "Build a prefix listn"
- "Name of a prefix listn"
- "Prefix-list specific descriptionn"
- "Up to 80 characters describing this prefix-listn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_OSPFD, no_ospf_area_vlink_authtype_md5_cmd_vtysh,
- "no area (A.B.C.D|<0-4294967295>) virtual-link A.B.C.D "
- "(authentication|) "
- "(message-digest-key|)",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "OSPF area parametersn" "OSPF area ID in IP address formatn" "OSPF area ID as a decimal valuen" "Configure a virtual linkn" "Router ID of the remote ABRn"
- "Enable authentication on this virtual linkn" "dummy string n"
- "Message digest authentication password (key)n" "dummy string n" "Key IDn" "Use MD5 algorithmn" "The OSPF password (key)" )
- DEFSH (VTYSH_ZEBRA, no_ipv6_nd_ra_interval_cmd_vtysh,
- "no ipv6 nd ra-interval",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "IP informationn"
- "Neighbor discoveryn"
- "Router Advertisement intervaln")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, clear_ip_bgp_peer_group_ipv4_in_prefix_filter_cmd_vtysh,
- "clear ip bgp peer-group WORD ipv4 (unicast|multicast) in prefix-filter",
- "Reset functionsn"
- "IP informationn"
- "BGP informationn"
- "Clear all members of peer-groupn"
- "BGP peer-group namen"
- "Address familyn"
- "Address Family modifiern"
- "Address Family modifiern"
- "Soft reconfig inbound updaten"
- "Push out prefix-list ORF and do inbound soft reconfign")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, clear_ip_bgp_all_soft_cmd_vtysh,
- "clear ip bgp * soft",
- "Reset functionsn"
- "IP informationn"
- "BGP informationn"
- "Clear all peersn"
- "Soft reconfign")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_OSPF6D, show_ipv6_ospf6_redistribute_cmd_vtysh,
- "show ipv6 ospf6 redistribute",
- "Show running system informationn"
- "IPv6 Informationn"
- "Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) for IPv6n"
- "redistributing External informationn"
- )
- DEFSH (VTYSH_RIPNGD, ripng_redistribute_static_metric_routemap_cmd_vtysh,
- "redistribute static metric <0-16> route-map WORD",
- "Redistribute information from another routing protocoln"
- "Static routesn"
- "Metricn"
- "Metric valuen"
- "Route map referencen"
- "Pointer to route-map entriesn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, bgp_redistribute_ipv6_rmap_metric_cmd_vtysh,
- "redistribute (connected|kernel|ospf6|ripng|static) route-map WORD metric <0-4294967295>",
- "Redistribute information from another routing protocoln"
- "Connectedn"
- "Kernel routesn"
- "Open Shurtest Path First (OSPFv3)n"
- "Routing Information Protocol (RIPng)n"
- "Static routesn"
- "Route map referencen"
- "Pointer to route-map entriesn"
- "Metric for redistributed routesn"
- "Default metricn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, show_bgp_ipv6_route_map_cmd_vtysh,
- "show bgp ipv6 route-map WORD",
- "Show running system informationn"
- "BGP informationn"
- "Address familyn"
- "Display routes matching the route-mapn"
- "A route-map to match onn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_RIPD|VTYSH_OSPFD|VTYSH_BGPD, no_match_ip_next_hop_prefix_list_cmd_vtysh,
- "no match ip next-hop prefix-list",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "Match values from routing tablen"
- "IP informationn"
- "Match next-hop address of routen"
- "Match entries of prefix-listsn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, no_neighbor_set_peer_group_cmd_vtysh,
- "no neighbor (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X) " "peer-group WORD",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "Specify neighbor routern"
- "Neighbor addressnIPv6 addressn"
- "Member of the peer-groupn"
- "peer-group namen")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, show_bgp_neighbor_routes_cmd_vtysh,
- "show bgp neighbors (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X) routes",
- "Show running system informationn"
- "BGP informationn"
- "Detailed information on TCP and BGP neighbor connectionsn"
- "Neighbor to display information aboutn"
- "Neighbor to display information aboutn"
- "Display routes learned from neighborn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_RIPNGD, ripng_redistribute_bgp_cmd_vtysh,
- "redistribute bgp",
- "Redistribute information from another routing protocoln"
- "Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)n")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_RIPD|VTYSH_OSPFD|VTYSH_BGPD, access_list_extended_host_mask_cmd_vtysh,
- "access-list (<100-199>|<2000-2699>) (deny|permit) ip host A.B.C.D A.B.C.D A.B.C.D",
- "Add an access list entryn"
- "IP extended access listn"
- "IP extended access list (expanded range)n"
- "Specify packets to rejectn"
- "Specify packets to forwardn"
- "Any Internet Protocoln"
- "A single source hostn"
- "Source addressn"
- "Destination addressn"
- "Destination Wildcard bitsn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, debug_bgp_events_cmd_vtysh,
- "debug bgp events",
- "Debugging functions (see also 'undebug')n"
- "BGP informationn"
- "BGP eventsn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_RIPD|VTYSH_OSPFD|VTYSH_BGPD, no_ip_prefix_list_seq_ge_cmd_vtysh,
- "no ip prefix-list WORD seq <1-4294967295> (deny|permit) A.B.C.D/M ge <0-32>",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "IP informationn"
- "Build a prefix listn"
- "Name of a prefix listn"
- "sequence number of an entryn"
- "Sequence numbern"
- "Specify packets to rejectn"
- "Specify packets to forwardn"
- "IP prefix <network>/<length>, e.g.,"
- "Minimum prefix length to be matchedn"
- "Minimum prefix lengthn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_RIPNGD, debug_ripng_packet_cmd_vtysh,
- "debug ripng packet",
- "Debugging functions (see also 'undebug')n"
- "RIPng configurationn"
- "Debug option set for ripng packetn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, clear_ip_bgp_as_out_cmd_vtysh,
- "clear ip bgp <1-65535> out",
- "Reset functionsn"
- "IP informationn"
- "BGP informationn"
- "Clear peers with the AS numbern"
- "Soft reconfig outbound updaten")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_RIPNGD, no_ripng_redistribute_static_metric_cmd_vtysh,
- "no redistribute static metric",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "Redistribute information from another routing protocoln"
- "Static routesn"
- "Metricn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_OSPFD, ospf_redistribute_source_routemap_cmd_vtysh,
- "redistribute (kernel|connected|static|rip|bgp) route-map WORD",
- "Redistribute information from another routing protocoln"
- "Kernel routesn"
- "Connectedn"
- "Static routesn"
- "Routing Information Protocol (RIP)n"
- "Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)n"
- "Route map referencen"
- "Pointer to route-map entriesn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, show_bgp_community2_exact_cmd_vtysh,
- "show bgp community (AA:NN|local-AS|no-advertise|no-export) (AA:NN|local-AS|no-advertise|no-export) exact-match",
- "Show running system informationn"
- "BGP informationn"
- "Display routes matching the communitiesn"
- "community numbern"
- "Do not send outside local AS (well-known community)n"
- "Do not advertise to any peer (well-known community)n"
- "Do not export to next AS (well-known community)n"
- "community numbern"
- "Do not send outside local AS (well-known community)n"
- "Do not advertise to any peer (well-known community)n"
- "Do not export to next AS (well-known community)n"
- "Exact match of the communities")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, clear_bgp_external_soft_cmd_vtysh,
- "clear bgp external soft",
- "Reset functionsn"
- "BGP informationn"
- "Clear all external peersn"
- "Soft reconfign")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, no_ipv6_aggregate_address_cmd_vtysh,
- "no aggregate-address X:X::X:X/M",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "Configure BGP aggregate entriesn"
- "Aggregate prefixn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, clear_bgp_all_in_prefix_filter_cmd_vtysh,
- "clear bgp * in prefix-filter",
- "Reset functionsn"
- "BGP informationn"
- "Clear all peersn"
- "Soft reconfig inbound updaten"
- "Push out prefix-list ORF and do inbound soft reconfign")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, show_ip_bgp_cmd_vtysh,
- "show ip bgp",
- "Show running system informationn"
- "IP informationn"
- "BGP informationn" )
- DEFSH (VTYSH_OSPFD, ip_ospf_message_digest_key_addr_cmd_vtysh,
- "ip ospf message-digest-key <1-255> md5 KEY A.B.C.D",
- "IP Informationn"
- "OSPF interface commandsn"
- "Message digest authentication password (key)n"
- "Key IDn"
- "Use MD5 algorithmn"
- "The OSPF password (key)"
- "Address of interface")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, show_debugging_bgp_cmd_vtysh,
- "show debugging bgp",
- "Show running system informationn"
- "Debugging functions (see also 'undebug')n"
- "BGP informationn" )
- DEFSH (VTYSH_OSPFD|VTYSH_OSPF6D, ospf6_routemap_set_metric_type_cmd_vtysh,
- "set metric-type (type-1|type-2)",
- "Set valuen"
- "Type of metricn"
- "OSPF6 external type 1 metricn"
- "OSPF6 external type 2 metricn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, aggregate_address_mask_summary_only_cmd_vtysh,
- "aggregate-address A.B.C.D A.B.C.D summary-only",
- "Configure BGP aggregate entriesn"
- "Aggregate addressn"
- "Aggregate maskn"
- "Filter more specific routes from updatesn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_OSPFD, no_ospf_distance_source_cmd_vtysh,
- "no distance <1-255> A.B.C.D/M",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "Administrative distancen"
- "Distance valuen"
- "IP source prefixn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_RIPD|VTYSH_OSPFD|VTYSH_BGPD, access_list_standard_cmd_vtysh,
- "access-list (<1-99>|<1300-1999>) (deny|permit) A.B.C.D A.B.C.D",
- "Add an access list entryn"
- "IP standard access listn"
- "IP standard access list (expanded range)n"
- "Specify packets to rejectn"
- "Specify packets to forwardn"
- "Address to matchn"
- "Wildcard bitsn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_ZEBRA, no_zebra_interface_cmd_vtysh,
- "no interface IFNAME",
- "Delete a pseudo interface's configurationn"
- "Interface's namen")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_RIPD, debug_rip_zebra_cmd_vtysh,
- "debug rip zebra",
- "Debugging functions (see also 'undebug')n"
- "RIP informationn"
- "RIP and ZEBRA communicationn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_RIPD|VTYSH_OSPFD|VTYSH_BGPD, no_access_list_extended_mask_any_cmd_vtysh,
- "no access-list (<100-199>|<2000-2699>) (deny|permit) ip A.B.C.D A.B.C.D any",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "Add an access list entryn"
- "IP extended access listn"
- "IP extended access list (expanded range)n"
- "Specify packets to rejectn"
- "Specify packets to forwardn"
- "Any Internet Protocoln"
- "Source addressn"
- "Source wildcard bitsn"
- "Any destination hostn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, show_ip_bgp_ipv4_paths_cmd_vtysh,
- "show ip bgp ipv4 (unicast|multicast) paths",
- "Show running system informationn"
- "IP informationn"
- "BGP informationn"
- "Address familyn"
- "Address Family modifiern"
- "Address Family modifiern"
- "Path informationn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_OSPFD, ospf_redistribute_source_type_metric_routemap_cmd_vtysh,
- "redistribute (kernel|connected|static|rip|bgp) metric-type (1|2) metric <0-16777214> route-map WORD",
- "Redistribute information from another routing protocoln"
- "Kernel routesn"
- "Connectedn"
- "Static routesn"
- "Routing Information Protocol (RIP)n"
- "Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)n"
- "OSPF exterior metric type for redistributed routesn"
- "Set OSPF External Type 1 metricsn"
- "Set OSPF External Type 2 metricsn"
- "Metric for redistributed routesn"
- "OSPF default metricn"
- "Route map referencen"
- "Pointer to route-map entriesn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, clear_bgp_peer_group_soft_out_cmd_vtysh,
- "clear bgp peer-group WORD soft out",
- "Reset functionsn"
- "BGP informationn"
- "Clear all members of peer-groupn"
- "BGP peer-group namen"
- "Soft reconfign"
- "Soft reconfig outbound updaten")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, show_ipv6_bgp_route_cmd_vtysh,
- "show ipv6 bgp X:X::X:X",
- "Show running system informationn"
- "IP informationn"
- "BGP informationn"
- "Network in the BGP routing table to displayn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, bgp_network_mask_natural_backdoor_cmd_vtysh,
- "network A.B.C.D backdoor",
- "Specify a network to announce via BGPn"
- "Network numbern"
- "Specify a BGP backdoor routen")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_RIPD, rip_route_cmd_vtysh,
- "route A.B.C.D/M",
- "RIP static route configurationn"
- "IP prefix <network>/<length>n")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_OSPFD, no_ospf_cost_cmd_vtysh,
- "no ospf cost",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "OSPF interface commandsn"
- "Interface costn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_OSPFD, ospf_area_vlink_param1_cmd_vtysh,
- "area (A.B.C.D|<0-4294967295>) virtual-link A.B.C.D "
- "(hello-interval|retransmit-interval|transmit-delay|dead-interval) <1-65535>",
- "OSPF area parametersn" "OSPF area ID in IP address formatn" "OSPF area ID as a decimal valuen" "Configure a virtual linkn" "Router ID of the remote ABRn"
- "Time between HELLO packetsn" "Time between retransmitting lost link state advertisementsn" "Link state transmit delayn" "Interval after which a neighbor is declared deadn" "Secondsn" )
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, clear_bgp_all_soft_out_cmd_vtysh,
- "clear bgp * soft out",
- "Reset functionsn"
- "BGP informationn"
- "Clear all peersn"
- "Soft reconfign"
- "Soft reconfig outbound updaten")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_RIPNGD|VTYSH_OSPF6D|VTYSH_BGPD, ipv6_prefix_list_sequence_number_cmd_vtysh,
- "ipv6 prefix-list sequence-number",
- "IPv6 informationn"
- "Build a prefix listn"
- "Include/exclude sequence numbers in NVGENn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_RIPD, no_debug_rip_packet_cmd_vtysh,
- "no debug rip packet",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "Debugging functions (see also 'undebug')n"
- "RIP informationn"
- "RIP packetn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_ZEBRA, show_ip_route_prefix_longer_cmd_vtysh,
- "show ip route A.B.C.D/M longer-prefixes",
- "Show running system informationn"
- "IP informationn"
- "IP routing tablen"
- "IP prefix <network>/<length>, e.g.,"
- "Show route matching the specified Network/Mask pair onlyn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_OSPFD, no_ospf_area_default_cost_cmd_vtysh,
- "no area (A.B.C.D|<0-4294967295>) default-cost <0-16777215>",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "OSPF area parametersn"
- "OSPF area ID in IP address formatn"
- "OSPF area ID as a decimal valuen"
- "Set the summary-default cost of a NSSA or stub arean"
- "Stub's advertised default summary costn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_RIPNGD|VTYSH_OSPF6D|VTYSH_BGPD, show_ipv6_access_list_name_cmd_vtysh,
- "show ipv6 access-list WORD",
- "Show running system informationn"
- "IPv6 informationn"
- "List IPv6 access listsn"
- "IPv6 zebra access-listn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_RIPNGD, no_ripng_redistribute_ripng_cmd_vtysh,
- "no redistribute ripng",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "Redistribute information from another routing protocoln"
- "RIPng routen")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, no_set_community_val_cmd_vtysh,
- "no set community .AA:NN",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "Set values in destination routing protocoln"
- "BGP community attributen"
- "Community number in aa:nn format or local-AS|no-advertise|no-export|internet or additiven")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, clear_bgp_peer_group_out_cmd_vtysh,
- "clear bgp peer-group WORD out",
- "Reset functionsn"
- "BGP informationn"
- "Clear all members of peer-groupn"
- "BGP peer-group namen"
- "Soft reconfig outbound updaten")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_RIPNGD|VTYSH_OSPF6D|VTYSH_BGPD, show_ipv6_prefix_list_prefix_longer_cmd_vtysh,
- "show ipv6 prefix-list WORD X:X::X:X/M longer",
- "Show running system informationn"
- "IPv6 informationn"
- "Build a prefix listn"
- "Name of a prefix listn"
- "IPv6 prefix <network>/<length>, e.g., 3ffe::/16n"
- "Lookup longer prefixn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_RIPD, no_distribute_list_prefix_cmd_vtysh,
- "no distribute-list prefix WORD (in|out) WORD",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "Filter networks in routing updatesn"
- "Filter prefixes in routing updatesn"
- "Name of an IP prefix-listn"
- "Filter incoming routing updatesn"
- "Filter outgoing routing updatesn"
- "Interface namen")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, no_bgp_redistribute_ipv4_metric_cmd_vtysh,
- "no redistribute (connected|kernel|ospf|rip|static) metric <0-4294967295>",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "Redistribute information from another routing protocoln"
- "Connectedn"
- "Kernel routesn"
- "Open Shurtest Path First (OSPF)n"
- "Routing Information Protocol (RIP)n"
- "Static routesn"
- "Metric for redistributed routesn"
- "Default metricn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, show_ip_bgp_flap_prefix_list_cmd_vtysh,
- "show ip bgp flap-statistics prefix-list WORD",
- "Show running system informationn"
- "IP informationn"
- "BGP informationn"
- "Display flap statistics of routesn"
- "Display routes conforming to the prefix-listn"
- "IP prefix-list namen")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_OSPF6D, no_debug_ospf6_neighbor_cmd_vtysh,
- "no debug ospf6 neighbor",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "Debugging functions (see also 'undebug')n"
- "Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) for IPv6n"
- "Debug OSPFv3 Neighborn"
- )
- DEFSH (VTYSH_OSPFD, no_ospf_area_export_list_cmd_vtysh,
- "no area (A.B.C.D|<0-4294967295>) export-list NAME",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "OSPF area parametersn"
- "OSPF area ID in IP address formatn"
- "OSPF area ID as a decimal valuen"
- "Unset the filter for networks announced to other areasn"
- "Name of the access-listn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_RIPNGD, no_ripng_aggregate_address_cmd_vtysh,
- "no aggregate-address X:X::X:X/M",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "Delete aggregate RIPng route announcementn"
- "Aggregate network")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, show_ip_bgp_ipv4_neighbor_routes_cmd_vtysh,
- "show ip bgp ipv4 (unicast|multicast) neighbors (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X) routes",
- "Show running system informationn"
- "IP informationn"
- "BGP informationn"
- "Address familyn"
- "Address Family modifiern"
- "Address Family modifiern"
- "Detailed information on TCP and BGP neighbor connectionsn"
- "Neighbor to display information aboutn"
- "Neighbor to display information aboutn"
- "Display routes learned from neighborn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_OSPF6D, ipv6_ospf6_retransmitinterval_cmd_vtysh,
- "ipv6 ospf6 retransmit-interval <1-65535>",
- "IPv6 Informationn"
- "Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) for IPv6n"
- "Time between retransmitting lost link state advertisementsn"
- "<1-65535> Secondsn"
- )
- DEFSH (VTYSH_RIPNGD, no_ripng_if_rmap_cmd_vtysh,
- "no route-map ROUTEMAP_NAME (in|out) IFNAME",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "Route map unsetn"
- "Route map namen"
- "Route map for input filteringn"
- "Route map for output filteringn"
- "Route map interface namen")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_RIPD, debug_rip_packet_detail_cmd_vtysh,
- "debug rip packet (recv|send) detail",
- "Debugging functions (see also 'undebug')n"
- "RIP informationn"
- "RIP packetn"
- "RIP receive packetn"
- "RIP send packetn"
- "Detailed information displayn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_ZEBRA, show_ip_route_protocol_cmd_vtysh,
- "show ip route (bgp|connected|kernel|ospf|rip|static)",
- "Show running system informationn"
- "IP informationn"
- "IP routing tablen"
- "Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)n"
- "Connectedn"
- "Kerneln"
- "Open Shortest Path First (OSPF)n"
- "Routing Information Protocol (RIP)n"
- "Static routesn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, no_bgp_client_to_client_reflection_cmd_vtysh,
- "no bgp client-to-client reflection",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "BGP specific commandsn"
- "Configure client to client route reflectionn"
- "reflection of routes allowedn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, no_bgp_multiple_instance_cmd_vtysh,
- "no bgp multiple-instance",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "BGP informationn"
- "BGP multiple instancen")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_OSPFD, no_debug_ospf_nsm_sub_cmd_vtysh,
- "no debug ospf nsm (status|events|timers)",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "Debugging functionsn"
- "OSPF informationn"
- "OSPF Interface State Machinen"
- "NSM Status Informationn"
- "NSM Event Informationn"
- "NSM Timer Informationn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, bgp_distance_cmd_vtysh,
- "distance bgp <1-255> <1-255> <1-255>",
- "Define an administrative distancen"
- "BGP distancen"
- "Distance for routes external to the ASn"
- "Distance for routes internal to the ASn"
- "Distance for local routesn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, clear_bgp_peer_group_soft_cmd_vtysh,
- "clear bgp peer-group WORD soft",
- "Reset functionsn"
- "BGP informationn"
- "Clear all members of peer-groupn"
- "BGP peer-group namen"
- "Soft reconfign")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, no_bgp_redistribute_ipv4_metric_rmap_cmd_vtysh,
- "no redistribute (connected|kernel|ospf|rip|static) metric <0-4294967295> route-map WORD",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "Redistribute information from another routing protocoln"
- "Connectedn"
- "Kernel routesn"
- "Open Shurtest Path First (OSPF)n"
- "Routing Information Protocol (RIP)n"
- "Static routesn"
- "Metric for redistributed routesn"
- "Default metricn"
- "Route map referencen"
- "Pointer to route-map entriesn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_RIPD|VTYSH_OSPFD|VTYSH_BGPD, no_access_list_extended_host_any_cmd_vtysh,
- "no access-list (<100-199>|<2000-2699>) (deny|permit) ip host A.B.C.D any",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "Add an access list entryn"
- "IP extended access listn"
- "IP extended access list (expanded range)n"
- "Specify packets to rejectn"
- "Specify packets to forwardn"
- "Any Internet Protocoln"
- "A single source hostn"
- "Source addressn"
- "Any destination hostn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, show_ip_bgp_attr_info_cmd_vtysh,
- "show ip bgp attribute-info",
- "Show running system informationn"
- "IP informationn"
- "BGP informationn"
- "List all bgp attribute informationn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_RIPD|VTYSH_OSPFD|VTYSH_BGPD, no_access_list_standard_host_cmd_vtysh,
- "no access-list (<1-99>|<1300-1999>) (deny|permit) host A.B.C.D",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "Add an access list entryn"
- "IP standard access listn"
- "IP standard access list (expanded range)n"
- "Specify packets to rejectn"
- "Specify packets to forwardn"
- "A single host addressn"
- "Address to matchn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_RIPD, show_ip_protocols_rip_cmd_vtysh,
- "show ip protocols",
- "Show running system informationn"
- "IP informationn"
- "IP routing protocol process parameters and statisticsn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_RIPD, send_lifetime_day_month_day_month_cmd_vtysh,
- "send-lifetime HH:MM:SS <1-31> MONTH <1993-2035> HH:MM:SS <1-31> MONTH <1993-2035>",
- "Set send lifetime of the keyn"
- "Time to startn"
- "Day of th month to startn"
- "Month of the year to startn"
- "Year to startn"
- "Time to expiren"
- "Day of th month to expiren"
- "Month of the year to expiren"
- "Year to expiren")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, no_ip_extcommunity_list_name_expanded_all_cmd_vtysh,
- "no ip extcommunity-list expanded WORD",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "IP informationn"
- "Add a extended community list entryn"
- "Specify expanded extcommunity-listn"
- "Extended Community list namen")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_OSPFD, no_ospf_redistribute_source_cmd_vtysh,
- "no redistribute (kernel|connected|static|rip|bgp)",
- "Negate a command or set its defaultsn"
- "Redistribute information from another routing protocoln"
- "Kernel routesn"
- "Connectedn"
- "Static routesn"
- "Routing Information Protocol (RIP)n"
- "Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)n")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_RIPD, ip_rip_receive_version_cmd_vtysh,
- "ip rip receive version (1|2)",
- "IP informationn"
- "Routing Information Protocoln"
- "Advertisement receptionn"
- "Version controln"
- "RIP version 1n"
- "RIP version 2n")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_OSPFD, ip_ospf_priority_addr_cmd_vtysh,
- "ip ospf priority <0-255> A.B.C.D",
- "IP Informationn"
- "OSPF interface commandsn"
- "Router priorityn"
- "Priorityn"
- "Address of interface")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_ZEBRA, debug_zebra_events_cmd_vtysh,
- "debug zebra events",
- "Debugging functions (see also 'undebug')n"
- "Zebra configurationn"
- "Debug option set for zebra eventsn")
- DEFSH (VTYSH_BGPD, show_bgp_ipv6_community_cmd_vtysh,
- "show bgp ipv6 community (AA:NN|local-AS|no-advertise|no-export)",
- "Show running system informationn"