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Visual C++
- // Copyright (C) 2004 Team Python // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. #ifndef WOWPYTHONSERVER_NETWORKINTERFACE_H #define WOWPYTHONSERVER_NETWORKINTERFACE_H //#include "Common.h" #include "Database.h"
- #include "Sockets.h" //LINA ADD class packet { protected: uint16 length; int8 * data; uint16 datapointer; packet( ) : data( 0 ) { clear( ); } virtual void Serialise( ) { } virtual void Deserialise( ) { } void clear( ) { if( data ) delete [] data; data = 0; length = datapointer = 0; } void Deserialise( uint16 *val ) { *val = ( data[ datapointer ] << 8 ) + data[ datapointer + 1 ]; datapointer += 2; } void Deserialise( uint32 *val ) { *val = ( data[ datapointer ] << 24 ) + ( data[ datapointer ] << 16 ) + ( data[ datapointer ] << 8 ) + data[ datapointer ]; datapointer += 4; } void Serialise( uint16 val ) { data[ datapointer++ ] = int8 ( val >> 8 ); data[ datapointer++ ] = int8 ( val % 0xff ); } ~packet( ) { clear( ); } }; struct wowWData { uint16 length, pointer; uint16 opcode; uint8 * data; /// Constructor wowWData( ):data( 0 ), length( 0 ), opcode( 0 ), pointer( 0 ) { } /// Destructor ~wowWData( ) { clear( ); } /// Clear packet and set length and opcode all in one mighty blow void Initialise( uint16 newLength, uint16 newOpcode ) { setLength( newLength ); opcode = newOpcode; } void setLength( uint16 newlength ) { if( (newlength > length) | (data==0) ) { clear( ); data = new uint8[newlength]; } else { pointer = 0; opcode = 0; } length=newlength; } void clear( ) { if( data ) delete [] data; data = 0; length = pointer = 0; opcode = 0; } inline uint8 * getDataPointer( ) const { return data + pointer; } template < class type > inline wowWData & operator<<( const type &newData ) { writeData( newData ); return *this; } template < class type > inline wowWData & operator>>( type &newData ) { readData( newData ); return *this; } inline wowWData & operator<<( const char * newData ) { writeData( newData ); return *this; } inline wowWData & operator>>( char * newData ) { readData( newData ); return *this; } inline uint16 & writeData( const void * newData, const uint16 datalength ) { return pointer = writeDataAt( pointer, newData, datalength ); } inline uint16 & readData( void * newData, const uint16 datalength ) { return pointer = readDataAt( pointer, newData, datalength ); } template < class type > inline uint16 & writeData( const type &newData ) { return pointer = writeDataAt( pointer, newData ); } template < class type > inline uint16 & readData( type &newData ) { return pointer = readDataAt( pointer, newData ); } inline uint16 & writeData( const char * newData ) { return pointer = writeDataAt( pointer, newData ); } inline uint16 & readData( char * newData ) { return pointer = readDataAt( pointer, newData ); } inline uint16 writeDataAt( const uint16 offset, const char * newData ) { uint16 dlen = strlen( newData ) + 1; // + 1 i.e. also write the trailing 0x00 WPAssert( offset + dlen <= length ); memcpy( data + offset, newData, dlen ); return offset + dlen; } inline uint16 readDataAt( const uint16 offset, char * newData ) { // this method shouldn't really be used, too much danger of buffer overflow uint16 dlen = strlen( (char *)data + offset ) + 1; WPAssert( offset + dlen <= length ); memcpy( newData, data + offset, dlen ); return offset + dlen; } template < class type > inline uint16 writeDataAt( const uint16 offset, const type &newData ) { WPAssert( offset + sizeof( type ) <= length ); memcpy( data + offset, &newData, sizeof( type ) ); return offset + sizeof( type ); } template < class type > inline uint16 readDataAt( const uint16 offset, type &newData ) const { // if you die at this assert whilst reading a char array you may have forgotten to typecast it to a (char *); however, note that std::string's are much safer than char arrays. WPAssert( offset + sizeof( type ) <= length ); memcpy( &newData, data + offset, sizeof( type ) ); return offset + sizeof( type ); } inline uint16 writeDataAt( const uint16 offset, const std::string &newData ) { uint16 dlen = newData.length( ) + 1; // trailing zero is included WPAssert( offset + dlen <= length ); memcpy( data + offset, newData.c_str( ), dlen ); return offset + dlen; } inline uint16 readDataAt( const uint16 offset, std::string &newData ) { newData = (char *) data + offset; uint16 dlen = newData.length( ) + 1; WPAssert( offset + dlen <= length ); return offset + dlen; } inline uint16 writeDataAt( const uint16 offset, const void * newData, const uint16 datalength ) { WPAssert( offset + datalength <= length ); memcpy( data + offset, newData, datalength ); return offset + datalength; } inline uint16 readDataAt( const uint16 offset, void * newData, const uint16 datalength ) const { WPAssert( offset + datalength <= length ); memcpy( newData, data + offset, datalength ); return offset + datalength; } }; struct wowLData { uint16 length; uint8 * data; enum packetType { Login = 2, Validate = 3, Realmlist = 0x10 } type; uint8 *string1; uint16 ushort1,ushort2; wowLData( ):data( 0 ), length( 0 ), string1( 0 ) { } ~wowLData( ) { clear( ); } void clear( ) { if( data ) delete [] data; data = 0; if( string1 ) delete [] string1; string1 = 0; } void Parse( ); }; /// NetworkInterface == socket object class NetworkInterface { friend class Network; public: const uint8 * fillRecvQ( ); void sendWData( wowWData *data ); //void getLData( wowLData *data ); //void sendLData( wowLData *data ); void sendData( int length, const void * data ); void getData( int length, void *data ); int getSendqLen() { return sendqlen; } int getRecvqLen() { return recvqlen; } void * customData; /// Get a connected network interface if one exists NetworkInterface * getConnection( ); /// Is this socket still connected? bool isConnected( ) const; uint32 getSocketID() { return mSocketID; } uint8 * getSendq() { return sendq; } uint8 * getRecvq() { return recvq; } void NullSendq() { sendqlen = 0; sendq[0] = 0; } void NullRecvq() { recvqlen = 0; recvq[0] = 0; } void updateSendq(uint32 written); uint32 sendPendingSendq();
- inline char * getIP() {return inet_ntoa( ((SOCKADDR_IN*)internalAddress)->sin_addr); }//LINA ADD FOR @BAN COMMAND
- private: /// Private constructor & destructor, only createable via Network NetworkInterface( ); ~NetworkInterface( ); //RecvQ and SendQ uint8 * recvq; uint8 * sendq; //RecvQ and SendQ sizes int recvqlen; int sendqlen; //RecvQ and SendQ max size int recvqmax; int sendqmax; /// Handle to the socket represented by this class uint32 mSocketID; /// Network address of the socket void * internalAddress; /// Internal function to send raw data void _NIsend( const void *data, int length ); void _NIWsend( unsigned char * data, int length ); /// Internal function to recieve raw data void _NIrecv( void *data, int length ); /// Number of extra threads using this socket int amountUsed; /// Is this socket still connected? bool mConnected; /// Is this socket about to removed? bool pleasekillme; /// Callback function on connect void ( * mCallback ) ( NetworkInterface * ); /// Current error code uint32 Ncerr; /// How many threads are waiting to recieve or send a packet? uint32 mRecvWaiting, mSendWaiting; /// How many threads are currently sending or recieving a packet? (should never be over 1!) uint32 mRecieving, mSending; }; #endif