资源名称:wow.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- #ifndef WOWPYTHONSERVER_DATABASEINTERFACE_H #define WOWPYTHONSERVER_DATABASEINTERFACE_H #include "Common.h" #include "../game/Spell.h" #include "../game/MiscHandler.h" extern int playerlimit; class Unit; class Character; class Path; class ChatCommand; struct wowWData; class DatabaseInterface { friend class Database; public: uint32 getNPC_TEXT_TYPE( uint32 textID ); uint32 getNextTextID( uint32 tType , uint32 guid ); int doQuery( const char * query ); uint64 doQueryId( const char * query ); int IsNameTaken(char * charname); int GetNameGUID(char * charname); bool GetPlayerNameFromGUID(uint32 guid, uint8 *name); void addCharacter( Character * newChar ); std::set< Character * > enumCharacters( int account_id ); void removeCharacter( Character * newChar ); void setCharacter( Character * diffChar ); void setHighestGuids(); uint32 getGlobalTaxiNodeMask( uint32 curloc ); uint32 getPath( uint32 source, uint32 destination ); uint32 getTaxiPrice( uint32 source, uint32 destination ); void getTaxiDest( uint32 node, float &x, float &y, float &z ); void getPathNodes( uint32 path, Path *pathnodes ); uint32 getNearestTaxiNode( float x, float y, float z, uint16 continent ); void getTrainerSpells( Character * pChar, const uint32 *trainer, wowWData & data ); //load spells for this char int getTrainerSpellsCount( const uint32 *trainer ); //count how many spells a given trainer has int getTrainerSpellsPrice( uint32 spellGuid, uint32 trainerGuid ); //get the price for a specific spell int addTrainerSpell ( const uint32 *trainer, uint32 iSpellGuid, uint32 iSpellPrice ); //add spells to trainer void updateCreature(Unit *pUnit); void saveCreature(Unit *pUnit); std::set< Unit * > loadCreatures(); void loadCreatureNames(std::map< uint32, uint8*> & p_names); void saveCreatureNames(std::map< uint32, uint8*> p_names); void spawnSpiritHealers( ); bool isSpiritHealer(uint32 guid); void getClosestSpiritHealer(float &x, float &y, float &z, uint16 &mapID); void loadItems(); void loadQuests(); // load the quests into QuestHandler void loadQuestStatus(Character *pChar); // load quest progress for this character void saveQuestStatus(Character *pChar); // save quest progress for this character int Login(char* username, char* password, char* ip); int getAccountLvl(int account_id); char * getAccountPass(int account_id); // <WoW Chile Dev Team> Start Change int IsCharMoveExist(uint32 guid); // <WoW Chile Dev Team> Stop Change // <WoW Chile Dev Team> Start Change
- /* ///////////////////////////// NIMROD ////////////////////////////////////// int DatabaseInterface::addUserGuild(char *member, char *leader); // adds a user to a clan -- agrega a un wn al clan int addNewGuild(char *lider, char *nombre, char *motd); // agrega un clan // adds a guild char* DatabaseInterface::getGuildMotd(char* usuario); //get motd -- saca el mensaje del dia int DatabaseInterface::setGuildMotd(char *lider, char *mensaje); // set new guild motd -- pone nuevo motd int DatabaseInterface::removeUserGuild(char *member, char *leader); // remove an user from the guild -- saca a 1 user del clan int DatabaseInterface::disbandGuild(char *leader); // disband the guild -- desarma el clan int DatabaseInterface::setGuildRank(char *leader, char *member, int rank); // gives a rank to a user -- da ranking a un wn /////////////////////////////// END NIMROD /////////////////////////////////////////
- */ // <WoW Chile Dev Team> Stop Change ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void DatabaseInterface::Get_Spell_Information( uint32 spellid, SpellInformation &SpellInfo); //angelic|999 SpellInformation DatabaseInterface::GetSpellInformation( uint32 spellid ); //angelic|999 void DatabaseInterface::OutputLog ( char *fCaller, char *fInformation ); //angelic|999 uint32 DatabaseInterface::NULLToNumeric ( const char *input ); //angelic|999 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SocialData* getFriendList(uint32 guid); void AddFriend(uint32 guid, uint32 friendid, char *charname); void RemoveFriend(uint32 guid, uint32 friendid);
- void DatabaseInterface::loadTalents(); void loadChatCommand(const char *name, ChatCommand * cmd);
- void AllowIP(char* ip);
- void BanIP(char* ip);
- void RemoveIP(char* ip);
- int Firewall(char* ip); protected: DatabaseInterface( void * handle ); ~DatabaseInterface( ); /// Handle to the database connection represented by this object void * mDatabaseConnection; }; #endif