资源名称:wow.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- // Copyright (C) 2004 Team Python // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. #include "NetworkInterface.h" #include "Sockets.h" #include "Network.h" #include <errno.h> #define char2short(ch) (*(ch)<<8)+*(ch+1) #define RECVQEXCEED 131070//131070 #define SENDQEXCEED 131070//131070 void wowLData::Parse( ) { if( !length ) return; type = (packetType) data[ 0 ]; switch( type ) { case Login: ushort1 = char2short(data+1); ushort2 = char2short(data+3); string1 = new uint8[ushort2+1]; strncpy( (char *) string1, (char *) data+5, ushort2 ); string1[ ushort2 ] =0; break; } } NetworkInterface::NetworkInterface( ) { amountUsed = 0; pleasekillme = false; internalAddress = 0; mCallback = 0; mConnected = true; mRecvWaiting = 0; mSendWaiting = 0; mRecieving = 0; mSending = 0; sendqlen = 0; recvqlen = 0; sendqmax = 2048; recvqmax = 2048; sendq = (unsigned char *)malloc(sendqmax * sizeof(char)); recvq = (unsigned char *)malloc(recvqmax * sizeof(char)); } bool NetworkInterface::isConnected( ) const { return mConnected; } NetworkInterface::~NetworkInterface( )
- { /// Inform all users that suicide is our goal pleasekillme = true; mConnected = false; /// Wait until everybody's done with this socket while( amountUsed ); /// Close socket if needed if( mSocketID ) closesocket( mSocketID ); mSocketID = 0; /// Deallocate address if needed if( internalAddress ) delete ( SOCKADDR_IN * ) internalAddress; } NetworkInterface * NetworkInterface::getConnection( ) { SOCKLEN_T tempLen = sizeof( SOCKADDR_IN ); SOCKADDR_IN tempAddr; uint32 tempSocket = ( uint32 ) accept( mSocketID, ( struct sockaddr * ) &tempAddr, &tempLen ); if( tempSocket == SOCKET_ERROR && SOCK_LASTERR == SOCKERR(WOULDBLOCK) ) return NULL;
- DatabaseInterface *dbi = Database::getSingleton( ).createDatabaseInterface( );
- switch( dbi->Firewall(inet_ntoa(tempAddr.sin_addr)) )
- {
- case 3:
- printf("IP: %s FIREWALL OFF.n",inet_ntoa(tempAddr.sin_addr));
- break;
- case 2:
- printf("IP: %s BANNED.n",inet_ntoa(tempAddr.sin_addr));
- closesocket(tempSocket);
- return NULL;
- break;
- case 1:
- printf("IP: %s ACCEPTED.n",inet_ntoa(tempAddr.sin_addr));
- break;
- case 0:
- printf("IP: %s NOT FOUND.n",inet_ntoa(tempAddr.sin_addr));
- closesocket(tempSocket);
- return NULL;
- break;
- default:
- printf("IP: %s IMPOSSIBLE DISCONNECTED.n",inet_ntoa(tempAddr.sin_addr));
- closesocket(tempSocket);
- return NULL;
- break;
- }
- Database::getSingleton( ).removeDatabaseInterface(dbi);
- Log::getSingleton( ).outString( "NETWORK: accepted connection" ); NAssertRP( tempSocket ); NetworkInterface * tempNI = new NetworkInterface( ); tempNI->internalAddress = new SOCKADDR_IN( tempAddr ); tempNI->mSocketID = tempSocket; Network::getSingleton( ).mInterfaces.insert( tempNI ); return tempNI; } /*void NetworkInterface::getLData( wowLData * data ) { data->clear( ); uint8 b1, b2; _NIrecv( &b1, 1 ); _NIrecv( &b2, 1 ); data->length = (b1<<8)+b2; WPAssert( data->length >= 0 ); if( data->length == 0 ) return; data->data = new uint8[ data->length ]; _NIrecv( data->data, data->length ); data->Parse( ); } void NetworkInterface::sendLData( wowLData * data ) { uint8 b1, b2; b1 = data->length >> 8; b2 = data->length & 255; _NIsend( &b1, 1 ); _NIsend( &b2, 1 ); _NIsend( data->data, data->length ); } */ const uint8 * NetworkInterface::fillRecvQ() { // I need more tests on huge servers with many players. r-o-n-n-y int templen; if (!isConnected()) return NULL; int repeatit = 1; while (repeatit == 1) { repeatit = 0; NAssertRP( templen = recv(mSocketID, (char *)(recvq + recvqlen), recvqmax - recvqlen, 0) ); if (templen == -1) { WPAssert(SOCK_LASTERR != SOCKERR(WOULDBLOCK)); } else { if( !templen ) { mConnected = false; return NULL; } if (templen == recvqmax) { repeatit = 1; recvq = (unsigned char *)realloc(recvq, 2 * recvqmax); recvqmax = 2 * recvqmax; if (recvqmax >= RECVQEXCEED) { //a nasty way to handle this :( printf("NETWORK: Overflow RECVQEXCEEDn"); mConnected = false; return NULL; } } else { if (isConnected()) { recvqlen += templen; } else { return NULL; } } } } return recvq; } uint32 NetworkInterface::sendPendingSendq() { int status; uint32 written = 0; while(( written < uint32(getSendqLen())) && mConnected) { status = send(mSocketID,(char *)sendq + written, getSendqLen() - written, 0); if( !status ) { mConnected = false; break; } if( status == SOCKET_ERROR ) { if (SOCK_LASTERR == SOCKERR(WOULDBLOCK)) { return written; } else { mConnected = false; break; } } else { written += status; } } return written; } void NetworkInterface::updateSendq(uint32 written) { uint32 j; for(j = 0; j < sendqlen - written; j++) { *(sendq + j) = *(sendq + j + written); } sendqlen -= written; } void NetworkInterface::sendWData( wowWData * data ) { if (!isConnected()) return; uint8 b[4]; int packet_length = data->length + 2; //Why did someone put this assert? //Sometime we need to sent more than 256 bytes //assert( packet_length < 256 ); //I added an assert( packet_length < 65536 ); instead //assert( packet_length < 65536 ); //data->length is a uint16 so that assert is never hit //I added the original assert to catch data corruption //changed to the following: assert( data->opcode >= 0 ); //Munky - Blizzard went over 250 with the latest beta 3 patch (Auctions, etc.) // Log! if (Network::getSingleton().IsLoggingWorld())
- { FILE *pFile; pFile = fopen("packetlog.txt", "a"); fprintf(pFile, "SERVER:nSOCKET: %dnLENGTH: %dnOPCODE: %.4XnDATA:n", mSocketID, packet_length, data->opcode); int p=0; while (p < data->length)
- { for (int j=0; j < 16 && p < data->length; j++) fprintf(pFile, "%.2X ", data->data[p++]); fprintf(pFile, "n"); } fprintf(pFile, "nn"); fclose(pFile); } b[0] = packet_length >> 8; b[1] = packet_length & 255; _NIWsend( b, 2 ); /* b[3] = uint8( data->opcode >> 24 ); b[2] = uint8( ( data->opcode >> 16 ) & 255 ); b[1] = uint8( ( data->opcode >> 8 ) & 255 ); b[0] = uint8( data->opcode & 255 ); _NIWsend( b, 4 ); */ b[1] = uint8( ( data->opcode >> 8 ) & 255 ); b[0] = uint8( data->opcode & 255 ); _NIWsend( b, 2 ); _NIWsend( data->data, data->length ); } void NetworkInterface::sendData( int length, const void *data )
- { _NIsend( data, length ); } void NetworkInterface::getData( int length, void *data )
- { _NIrecv( data, length ); } void NetworkInterface::_NIsend( const void * data, int length )
- { WPAssert( data != 0 ); int status, clength = 0; while( (clength < length) & mConnected)
- { NAssert( status = send( mSocketID, (char *)data + clength, length - clength, 0 ) ); if( !status ) mConnected = false; if( status != SOCKET_ERROR ) clength += status; } } void NetworkInterface::_NIWsend( unsigned char * data, int length )
- { //WPAssert( data != 0 ); int i; if (length == 0) return; while(length + sendqlen >= sendqmax) { sendqmax = sendqmax * 2; if (sendqmax > SENDQEXCEED) { sendqmax = SENDQEXCEED; while(length + sendqlen >= SENDQEXCEED) { uint32 status; status = sendPendingSendq(); if (!mConnected)
- { return; } updateSendq(status); } } sendq = (unsigned char *)realloc(sendq, sendqmax); } for(i = 0; i < length; i++) { *(sendq + sendqlen + i) = (char)data[i]; } sendqlen += length; } void NetworkInterface::_NIrecv( void * data, int length )
- { WPAssert( data != 0 ); int status, clength = 0; while( ( clength < length ) && mConnected )
- { NAssert( status = recv( mSocketID, (char *)data + clength, length - clength, 0 ) ); if( !status) mConnected = false; if( status != SOCKET_ERROR ) clength += status; } }