资源名称:wow.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- // Copyright (C) 2004 Team Python // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. #ifndef WOWPYTHONSERVER_UNIT_H #define WOWPYTHONSERVER_UNIT_H #include "Object.h" #include "UpdateMask.h" #include <time.h> struct creepItem{ uint32 itemid; int amount; }; enum DeathState{ ALIVE=0, // Unit is alive and well JUST_DIED, // Unit has JUST died CORPSE, // Unit has died but remains in the world as a corpse DEAD // Unit is dead and his corpse is gone from the world }; enum CreatureState { STOPPED, MOVING, ATTACKING }; #define UF_TARGET_DIED 1 #define UF_ATTACKING 2 // this unit is attacking it's selection #define MAX_CREATURE_WAYPOINTS 16 #define UNIT_MOVEMENT_INTERPOLATE_INTERVAL 300 // ms class Quest; class Character; class Item; class GameClient; //==================================================================== // Unit // Base object for Players ? is that all? //==================================================================== class Unit : public Object { friend class WorldServer; friend class DatabaseInterface; friend class MiscHandler; public: Unit ( ); virtual ~Unit ( ); /////// Creation / Updates /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// virtual void Create (uint32 guidlow); virtual void Create (uint32 guidlow, uint8* creature_name, float x, float y, float z, float ang); void Update( uint32 time ); // <WoW Chile Dev Team> Start Change void UpdateMobMovement( uint32 p_time); // <WoW Chile Dev Team> Stop Change // void SendCreateWithTempNpcFlags(UpdateMask *updateMask, GameClient *pClient); // kinda hackish function I guess int CheckQuestgiverFlag(Character *pPlayer, UpdateMask *unitMask, wowWData * data); virtual void BuildUpdateBlock(UpdateMask* updateMask, uint8 * data, int* length); // fill UpdateValues with data from a space seperated string of uint32s virtual void LoadUpdateValues(uint8* data); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////// Quests /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// uint32 getQuestStatus(Character *pPlayer); uint32 getCurrentQuest(Character *pPlayer); char* getQuestTitle(uint32 quest_id); char* getQuestDetails(uint32 quest_id); char* getQuestObjectives(uint32 quest_id); char* getQuestCompleteText(uint32 quest_id); char* getQuestIncompleteText(uint32 quest_id); bool hasQuest(uint32 quest_id); void addQuest(uint32 quest_id) { mQuestIds.push_back(quest_id); }; void removeQuest(uint32 quest_id); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////// Combat / Death Status ///////////////////////////////////////// inline bool isAlive() { return m_deathState == ALIVE; }; inline bool isDead() { return ( m_deathState == DEAD || m_deathState == CORPSE ); }; inline void setDeathState(DeathState s)
- { m_deathState = s; if(s == JUST_DIED)
- { m_deathTimer = m_corpseDelay; } }; inline DeathState getDeathState() { return m_deathState; } void setAttackTimer(); inline bool isAttackReady() { return m_attackTimer == 0; } bool canReachWithAttack(Unit *pVictim); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////// AI ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AI_Update(); void AI_AttackReaction(Unit *pAttacker, uint32 damage_dealt); // <WoW Chile Dev Team> Start Change void AI_SendMoveToPacket(float x, float y, float z, uint32 time, bool run); void AI_ChangeState(CreatureState state) { m_creatureState = state; } void AI_MoveTo(float x, float y, float z, bool run);
- uint32 AI_GetClosestTarget();
- uint32 AI_GetClosestChar();
- float closest_dist;
- // void AI_Escape(); // escape if health is low // <WoW Chile Dev Team> Stop Change ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool addWaypoint(float x, float y, float z); inline bool hasWaypoints() { return m_nWaypoints > 0; } inline void setMoveRandomFlag(bool f) { m_moveRandom = f; } inline void setMoveRunFlag(bool f) { m_moveRun = f; } inline bool getMoveRandomFlag() { return m_moveRandom; } inline bool getMoveRunFlag() { return m_moveRun; } ////// Items /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void setItemId(int slot, uint32 tempitemid) { item_list[slot].itemid = tempitemid; } void setItemAmount(int slot, int tempamount) { item_list[slot].amount = tempamount; } void setItemAmountById(int tempitemid, int tempamount)
- { int i; for(i=0;i<itemcount;i++) { if(item_list[i].itemid == tempitemid) item_list[i].amount = tempamount; } } void increaseItemCount() { itemcount++; } void addItem(uint32 itemid, uint32 amount)
- { item_list[itemcount].amount = amount; item_list[itemcount].itemid = itemid; itemcount++; } int getItemCount() { return itemcount; } int getItemAmount(int slot) { return item_list[slot].amount; } uint32 getItemId(int slot) { return item_list[slot].itemid; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////// Flags ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// inline const uint32 addUnitFlag(uint32 new_flag)
- { uint32 flags = getUpdateValue(UNIT_FIELD_FLAGS); flags |= new_flag; setUpdateValue(UNIT_FIELD_FLAGS, flags); return flags; }; inline const uint32 removeUnitFlag(uint32 old_flag)
- { uint32 flags = getUpdateValue(UNIT_FIELD_FLAGS); flags &= ~old_flag; setUpdateValue(UNIT_FIELD_FLAGS, flags); return flags; }; inline int hasFlag(uint32 flag) { return (getUpdateValue(UNIT_FIELD_FLAGS) & flag); }; inline void setkillerGUID(uint32 guid) { m_kguid = guid; }; inline uint32 getkillerGUID() { return m_kguid; }; uint32 m_kguid; // State flags are server-only flags to help me know when to do stuff, like die, or attack inline void addStateFlag(uint32 f) { m_state |= f; }; inline void clearStateFlag(uint32 f) { m_state &= ~f; }; inline bool inCombat() { return m_combat; }; inline void setCombat(bool f) { m_combat = f; }; inline bool isWorldPort() { return m_wport; }; inline void setWorldPort(bool f) { m_wport = f; } inline void setTaxiTime(uint32 traveltime) { m_taxi = traveltime; }; inline void setTaxiNode(uint32 node) { m_taxinode = node; }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////// Misc / Get / Set ///////////////////////////////////// virtual bool isPlayer() { return false; }; inline void setEmoteState(uint8 emote) { m_emoteState = emote; }; void setAnimFrequency( uint32 anim, float frequency ); char* getCreatureName() { return (char*)m_creatureName; }; uint8 getMovementState() { return m_movementState; }; uint8 setMovementState(uint8 movement) { m_movementState = movement; }; inline uint8 getLevel() { return (uint8)m_updateValues[ UNIT_FIELD_LEVEL ]; }; inline uint8 getRace() { return (uint8)m_updateValues[ UNIT_FIELD_BYTES_0 ] & 0xFF; }; inline uint8 getClass() { return (uint8)(m_updateValues[ UNIT_FIELD_BYTES_0 ] >> 8) & 0xFF; }; inline uint8 getGender() { return (uint8)(m_updateValues[ UNIT_FIELD_BYTES_0 ] >> 16) & 0xFF; }; inline uint16 getZone() { return m_zoneId; }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////// Looting ////////////////////////////////////////////// void generateLoot(); uint32 getLootMoney() { return m_lootMoney; }; void setLootMoney(uint32 amount) { m_lootMoney = amount; }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////Damage lasts some time/absorb - changed by nothin ////////////// uint32 m_damageDuration; uint32 m_damageTimer; uint32 m_damage; uint32 m_Attacker; uint32 m_absorb; uint32 m_absorbDuration; uint32 m_absorbTimer; uint32 m_absorbspell; uint32 m_auraTimer; uint32 m_aura_found; uint32 m_aura_found2; uint32 m_auraDuration; uint32 m_shieldDuration; uint32 m_shieldTimer; uint32 m_shield; uint32 m_shieldspell;
- bool m_follow;
- uint32 m_pet_state;
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// float m_moveSpeed;
- uint8 m_movementState;
- void Unit::setCreatureName(char* CreatureName); //LINA @NAME COMMAND PATCH
- inline void setAggressive(uint8 aggr) { m_aggressive = aggr; };
- inline uint8 getAggressive() { return m_aggressive; };
- inline void setPet() { m_Pet = true; };
- inline bool isPet() { return m_Pet; };
- CreatureState m_creatureState;
- uint32 m_state; // flags for keeping track of some states
- bool m_combat;
- bool m_wport;
- uint32 m_taxi;
- uint32 m_taxinode;
- std::list<Unit*> m_attackers;
- uint32 m_respawnDelay; // delay between corpse disappearance and respawning
- uint32 m_corpseDelay; // delay between death and corpse disappearance
- protected: // Looting uint32 m_lootMoney; // Creature data uint8 m_emoteState; uint8 m_creatureName[80]; uint32 m_deathTimer; // timer for death or corpse disappearance uint32 m_respawnTimer; // timer for respawn to happen uint32 m_attackTimer; // timer for attack uint32 m_moveTimer; // timer creature moves DeathState m_deathState; // Quest data std::list<uint32> mQuestIds; // Anim data for frexxy std::map <uint32, float> mAnimFrequencies; // Item data creepItem item_list[128]; int itemcount; // Taxi data uint32 mTaxiNode; // movement code uint32 m_currentWaypoint; bool m_moveBackward; bool m_moveRandom; bool m_moveRun; uint32 m_nWaypoints; float m_waypoints[MAX_CREATURE_WAYPOINTS][3]; // will be changed to list float m_destinationX; float m_destinationY; float m_destinationZ;
- uint8 m_aggressive;
- bool m_Pet; }; #endif