资源名称:wow.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- #include "SpellHandler.h" #include "NetworkInterface.h" #include "Opcodes.h" #include "Log.h" #include "Character.h" #include "WorldServer.h" #include "Database.h" #include "UpdateMask.h" #include "Unit.h" #include "Spell.h" #include "Character.h" #include "math.h" #include "PetHandler.h" #define world WorldServer::getSingleton() PetHandler::PetHandler() { } PetHandler::~PetHandler() { } void PetHandler::HandleMsg( wowWData & recv_data, GameClient *pClient ) { wowWData data; wowWData data2; char f[256]; sprintf(f, "WORLD: Pet 0x%.4X", recv_data.opcode); Log::getSingleton( ).outString( f ); switch (recv_data.opcode) { case CMSG_PET_ACTION: { uint64 pguid, petGUID, unitTarget; //LINA uint32 spell; uint16 flags, flags2; recv_data >> petGUID >> flags >> flags2; pguid = pClient->getCurrentChar()->getGUID(); /* SpellInformation spellInfo; DatabaseInterface *dbi = Database::getSingleton().createDatabaseInterface(); //get a hook for the DB spellInfo = dbi->GetSpellInformation ( spell ); //returns a SpellInformation object/struct Database::getSingleton().removeDatabaseInterface( dbi ); //clean up used resources */ printf("flags: %un", flags); printf("flags2: %un", flags2);
- printf("petGUID %un", petGUID);
- Unit* pet_caster = world.GetCreature(petGUID);
- if(pet_caster)
- { if(flags == 0x0002 && flags2 == 1792)
- { // ATTACK pet_caster->m_follow = false; recv_data >> unitTarget; //printf("unitTarget %un", unitTarget); data.clear(); data.Initialise(12, SMSG_AI_REACTION); data << petGUID << uint32(00000002); pClient->SendMsg(&data); pet_caster->AI_AttackReaction(world.GetCreature(unitTarget), 0); }
- else if(flags == 0x0001 && flags2 == 1792)
- { // FOLLOW pet_caster->m_follow = true; }
- else if(flags == 0x0000 && flags2 == 1792)
- { // STAY pet_caster->m_follow = false; }
- else if(flags2 == 256 || flags2 == 16640)
- {
- SpellInformation spellInfo;
- DatabaseInterface *dbi = Database::getSingleton().createDatabaseInterface(); //get a hook for the DB
- spellInfo = dbi->GetSpellInformation ( flags ); //returns a SpellInformation object/struct
- Database::getSingleton().removeDatabaseInterface( dbi ); //clean up used resources
- recv_data >> unitTarget;
- printf("recv_data >> flags: %un", flags);
- Unit* unit_target = world.GetCreature(unitTarget);
- if(unit_target)
- {
- if(spellInfo.race == 0 || unit_target->getRace() == spellInfo.race)
- {
- //if( > spellInfo.Range ){
- data.clear();
- data.Initialise(36,SMSG_SPELL_START);
- data << petGUID << petGUID << uint32(0x00000C26) << uint16(0x0002);
- data << uint32(0x000007D0) << uint16(0x0002) << unitTarget;
- pet_caster->SendMessageToSet(&data,true);
- data.clear();
- data.Initialise(42,SMSG_SPELL_GO);
- data << petGUID << petGUID << uint32(0x00000C26) << uint16(0x0100);
- data << uint8(0x01) << unitTarget << uint8(0x00) << uint16(0x0002);
- data << unitTarget;
- pet_caster->SendMessageToSet(&data,true);
- uint32 damage = spellInfo.DmgPlus1+rand()%spellInfo.RandomPercentDmg;
- world.mCombatHandler.AttackerStateUpdate(pet_caster, world.getCreatureMap( )[ unitTarget ], damage);
- if(spellInfo.addDuration > 0)
- {
- Unit* cast_target = world.GetCreature(unitTarget);
- if( cast_target )
- {
- uint32 time = spellInfo.addDuration/1000;
- uint32 addDmg = (uint32)((float)spellInfo.addDmg/(float)time);
- if(addDmg == 0)
- addDmg = 1;
- cast_target->m_damageDuration = spellInfo.addDuration/1000;
- cast_target->m_damage = addDmg;
- cast_target->m_Attacker = petGUID;
- }
- }
- uint32 mana = pet_caster->getUpdateValue( UNIT_FIELD_POWER1 );
- pet_caster->setUpdateValue( UNIT_FIELD_POWER1, mana-spellInfo.ManaCost );
- data.clear();
- data.Initialise( 5, SMSG_CAST_RESULT );
- data << flags << uint8( 0x01);
- pet_caster->SendMessageToSet(&data,true);
- }
- else
- {
- data.clear();
- data.Initialise( 6, SMSG_CAST_RESULT );
- data << flags << uint8( 0x02);
- data << uint8(9);
- pet_caster->SendMessageToSet(&data,true);
- }
- } }
- else if(flags == 0 && flags2 == 1536)
- {//passive pet_caster->m_pet_state = 0; }
- else if(flags == 1 && flags2 == 1536)
- {//defensive pet_caster->m_pet_state = 1; //pet_caster->m_creatureState = MOVING; //pet_caster->setUpdateValue(UNIT_FIELD_TARGET,205); }
- else if(flags == 2 && flags2 == 1536)
- {//aggressive pet_caster->m_pet_state = 2; }
- else if(flags == 0x0003 && flags2 == 1792)
- {
- std::map<uint32, Unit*>::iterator itr = world.mCreatures.find(petGUID);
- for( WorldServer::CharacterMap::iterator iter = world.mCharacters.begin( ); iter != world.mCharacters.end( ); ++ iter )
- iter->second->RemoveInRangeObject( itr->second );
- itr->second->setDeathState(DEAD);
- delete itr->second;
- world.mCreatures.erase(itr);
- data.clear();
- data.Initialise(8, SMSG_DESTROY_OBJECT);
- data << (uint32)petGUID << (uint32)pet_caster->getGUIDHigh();
- pClient->getCurrentChar()->SendMessageToSet(&data, true);
- DatabaseInterface *dbi = Database::getSingleton( ).createDatabaseInterface( );
- char sql[512];
- sprintf(sql, "DELETE FROM creatures WHERE id=%u", petGUID);
- dbi->doQuery(sql);
- Database::getSingleton( ).removeDatabaseInterface(dbi);
- pClient->getCurrentChar()->setUpdateValue(ITEM_FIELD_CONTAINED,0);
- pClient->getCurrentChar()->setUpdateValue(UNIT_FIELD_SUMMON, 0);
- pClient->getCurrentChar()->setUpdateValue(GAMEOBJECT_ROTATION, 0);
- pClient->getCurrentChar()->setUpdateValue(DYNAMICOBJECT_BYTES, 0);
- pClient->getCurrentChar()->setUpdateValue(CORPSE_FIELD_FACING, 0);
- pClient->getCurrentChar()->setUpdateValue(UNIT_FIELD_SUMMON+1, 0xf0001000);
- pClient->getCurrentChar()->setUpdateValue(GAMEOBJECT_ROTATION+1, 0xf0001000);
- pClient->getCurrentChar()->setUpdateValue(DYNAMICOBJECT_SPELLID, 0xf0001000);
- data.clear();
- data.Initialise(62, SMSG_PET_SPELLS);
- data << (uint64)0;
- pClient->SendMsg(&data);
- }
- else
- { printf("WRONG FLAGSn"); }
- } } } }