资源名称:wow.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- // Copyright (C) 2004 Team Python // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. #include "Unit.h" #include "UpdateMask.h" #include "WorldServer.h" #include "Quest.h" #include "Character.h" #include "Opcodes.h" #include "Timer.h" #include "math.h" #define world WorldServer::getSingleton() Unit::Unit() : Object() { m_objectType |= TYPE_UNIT; m_objectTypeId = 3; m_updateValues[ OBJECT_FIELD_TYPE ] = m_objectType; setAnimFrequency( 1, 5 ); mQuestIds.clear(); m_corpseDelay = 30000; m_respawnDelay = 420000; m_respawnTimer = 0; m_deathTimer = 0; m_attackTimer = 0; m_moveTimer = 0; itemcount = 0; memset(item_list, 0, 8*128); m_deathState = ALIVE; m_state = 0; m_combat = false; m_wport = false; m_taxi = 0; m_taxinode = 0; m_nWaypoints = 0; m_currentWaypoint = 0; m_moveBackward = false; m_moveRandom = false; m_moveRun = false; m_creatureState = STOPPED; m_destinationX = m_destinationY = m_destinationZ = 0; m_moveSpeed = 0; // nothin changes - start m_damageDuration = 0; m_damageTimer = 1000; m_damage = 0; m_Attacker; m_absorb = 0; m_absorbTimer = 0; m_absorbDuration = 0; m_auraDuration = 0; m_auraTimer = 0; m_shieldDuration = 0; m_shieldTimer = 0; m_shield = 0; m_follow=0; //m_pet_state = 2; // nothin changes - end
- m_Pet=false; } Unit::~Unit() { mQuestIds.clear( ); } void Unit::setAnimFrequency( uint32 anim, float frequency )
- { mAnimFrequencies[ anim ] = frequency; } // <WoW Chile Dev Team> Start Change // Asus: soon i optimized the code, for better visual look. void Unit::UpdateMobMovement( uint32 p_time) { uint32 timediff = 0; if(m_moveTimer > 0) { if(p_time >= m_moveTimer) { timediff = p_time - m_moveTimer; m_moveTimer = 0; } else m_moveTimer -= p_time; } if(m_creatureState == MOVING) { if(!m_moveTimer) { float dx, dy, dz; float destMoved = m_moveSpeed*(UNIT_MOVEMENT_INTERPOLATE_INTERVAL + timediff); // moveTimer interval float moveDistance; dx = m_destinationX - m_positionX; dy = m_destinationY - m_positionY; dz = m_destinationZ - m_positionZ; if(!dx && !dy && !dz || (moveDistance = sqrt((dx*dx) + (dy*dy) + (dz*dz))) <= destMoved) { m_creatureState = STOPPED; m_moveTimer = rand() % (m_moveRun ? 5000 : 10000); // wait before next move m_positionX = m_destinationX; m_positionY = m_destinationY; m_positionZ = m_destinationZ; //uint8 pAnnounce[256]; //sprintf((char*)pAnnounce, "%i done moving", m_guid[0]); // Adds BROADCAST: //WorldServer::getSingleton().SendWorldText((uint8*)pAnnounce); // send message m_destinationX = m_destinationY = m_destinationZ = 0; UpdateObject(); } else { float q = destMoved/(moveDistance - destMoved); m_positionX = (m_positionX + m_destinationX*q)/(1+q); m_positionY = (m_positionY + m_destinationY*q)/(1+q); m_positionZ = (m_positionZ + m_destinationZ*q)/(1+q); uint32 moveTime = (uint32) ((moveDistance-destMoved) / m_moveSpeed); //printf("moving %f %f %fn", m_positionX, m_positionY, m_positionZ); AI_SendMoveToPacket(m_destinationX, m_destinationY, m_destinationZ, moveTime, m_moveSpeed == 7.0*0.001); m_moveTimer = UNIT_MOVEMENT_INTERPOLATE_INTERVAL; // UpdateObject(); } } // still moving } else if(m_creatureState == STOPPED && !m_moveTimer && m_nWaypoints > 1) //creature is stoped { int destpoint; if(m_moveRandom) destpoint = rand() % m_nWaypoints; else { if (m_currentWaypoint == (m_nWaypoints-1)) m_moveBackward = true; if (m_currentWaypoint == 0) m_moveBackward = false; if (!m_moveBackward) // going 0..n destpoint = ++m_currentWaypoint; else // going (n-1)..0 destpoint = --m_currentWaypoint; } AI_MoveTo(m_waypoints[destpoint][0], m_waypoints[destpoint][1], m_waypoints[destpoint][2], m_moveRun); } } // <WoW Chile Dev Team> Stop Change void Unit::Update( uint32 p_time )
- { if (m_deathState == JUST_DIED)
- { // remove me as an attacker from the AttackMap m_attackers.clear(); m_deathState = CORPSE; } if (m_state & UF_TARGET_DIED)
- {
- if (m_Pet == false) AI_MoveTo(respawn_cord[0][0], respawn_cord[0][1], respawn_cord[0][2], true); //LINA, force mobs to return to there respawn uint32 new_health = getUpdateValue(UNIT_FIELD_MAXHEALTH)*.8; if (new_health > getUpdateValue(UNIT_FIELD_HEALTH)) setUpdateValue(UNIT_FIELD_HEALTH, new_health); } if(m_attackTimer > 0) { if(p_time >= m_attackTimer) m_attackTimer = 0; else m_attackTimer -= p_time; } if(m_deathTimer > 0) { if(p_time >= m_deathTimer) m_deathTimer = 0; else m_deathTimer -= p_time; if (m_deathTimer <= 0) { // time to respawn! wowWData data; data.clear(); data.Initialise(8, SMSG_DESTROY_OBJECT); data << (uint32)m_guid[0] << m_guid[1]; // SendMessageToSet(&data, false); world.SendUnitAreaMessage(&data, WorldServer::getSingletonPtr()->GetCreature(m_guid[0])); m_respawnTimer = m_respawnDelay; setDeathState(DEAD); // <WoW Chile Dev Team> Start Change //set to spawn point m_positionX=respawn_cord[0][0]; m_positionY=respawn_cord[0][1]; m_positionZ=respawn_cord[0][2]; //printf("PT %f, %f, %f n", respawn_cord[0][0],respawn_cord[0][1],respawn_cord[0][2]); //printf("ACT MOV respawn coords--> Mob ID: %i - Nodo:X (x:%i, y:%i, z:%i)n",m_guid[0],(int)creature_cord[0][0],(int)creature_cord[0][1],(int)creature_cord[0][2]); // <WoW Chile Dev Team> Stop Change // printf("Removing corpse...n"); std::list<Unit*>::iterator itr; //erase mobs attack list for (itr = m_attackers.begin(); itr != m_attackers.end(); ++itr) itr = m_attackers.erase(itr); } } else if (m_respawnTimer > 0) { if(p_time >= m_respawnTimer) m_respawnTimer = 0; else m_respawnTimer -= p_time; if(m_respawnTimer <= 0) { UpdateMask mask; wowWData data; WorldServer::getSingletonPtr()->mObjectMgr.SetCreateUnitBits(mask); uint32 max_health = getUpdateValue(UNIT_FIELD_MAXHEALTH); setUpdateValue(UNIT_FIELD_HEALTH, max_health); CreateObject(&mask, &data, 0); // SendMessageToSet(&data, false); world.SendUnitAreaMessage(&data, WorldServer::getSingletonPtr()->GetCreature(m_guid[0])); setDeathState(ALIVE); // printf("Respawning...n"); // <WoW Chile Dev Team> Start Change m_creatureState = STOPPED; //after respawn monster can move // <WoW Chile Dev Team> Start Change } } if(isAlive()) { UpdateMobMovement( p_time ); AI_Update(); } ////////////DAMAGE LASTS SOME TIME - changed by nothin////////////////// if(m_damageDuration > 0) { if(m_damageTimer > 0) { if(p_time >= m_damageTimer) m_damageTimer = 0; else m_damageTimer -= p_time; }
- if(m_damageTimer == 0) { m_damageDuration--; m_damageTimer = 1000; uint32 health = getUpdateValue( UNIT_FIELD_HEALTH ); Unit* DamageAttacker;
- if(world.GetCharacter(m_Attacker)!=0) DamageAttacker = world.GetCharacter(m_Attacker); else DamageAttacker = world.GetCreature(m_Attacker); if(health-m_damage < 0 || health-m_damage > health) m_damageDuration = 0; else world.mCombatHandler.DealDamage(DamageAttacker, (Unit*)this, m_damage); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////DAMAGE ABSORB TIMER - changed by nothin////////////////// if(m_absorbDuration > 0) { m_absorb = 1;
- if(m_absorbTimer > 0) { if(p_time >= m_absorbTimer) m_absorbTimer = 0; else m_absorbTimer -= p_time; }
- if(m_absorbTimer == 0) { m_absorbDuration--; m_absorbTimer = 1000; printf("Absorb Time: %un", m_absorbDuration); }
- if(m_absorbDuration == 0)
- { m_absorb = 0; printf("OK time is up for now :(n"); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////Aura TIMER - changed by nothin///////////////////////////// if(m_auraDuration > 0) { printf("ok we got aura on now :)n");
- if(m_auraTimer > 0) { if(p_time >= m_auraTimer) m_auraTimer = 0; else m_auraTimer -= p_time; }
- if(m_auraTimer == 0) { m_auraDuration--; m_auraTimer = 1000; printf("Aura Time: %un", m_auraDuration); }
- if(m_auraDuration == 0)
- { setUpdateValue(UNIT_FIELD_AURALEVELS + m_aura_found, 0); setUpdateValue(UNIT_FIELD_AURAAPPLICATIONS + m_aura_found, 0); setUpdateValue(UNIT_FIELD_AURA + m_aura_found*4 + m_aura_found2, 0); printf("OK time is up for now :(n"); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////MANA SHIELD TIMER - changed by nothin////////////////////// if(m_shieldDuration > 0) { m_shield = 1;
- if(m_shieldTimer > 0) { if(p_time >= m_shieldTimer) m_shieldTimer = 0; else m_shieldTimer -= p_time; }
- if(m_shieldTimer == 0) { m_shieldDuration--; m_shieldTimer = 1000; printf("Shield Time: %un", m_shieldDuration); }
- if(m_shieldDuration == 0)
- { m_shield = 0; printf("OK shield time is up for now :(n"); } } //////////////FOLLOW CODE////////////////////////////////////////////// if(m_follow)
- { if(m_creatureState != ATTACKING)
- {
- uint32 summID = getUpdateValue(UNIT_FIELD_SUMMONEDBY);
- Character * pChar = world.GetCharacter(summID);
- if(pChar)
- { //printf("followingn"); float dx = pChar->getPositionX(); float dy = pChar->getPositionY(); float dz = pChar->getPositionZ(); AI_MoveTo(dx, dy, dz, true);
- } } //m_creatureState = MOVING; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PET AGGRESSIVE MODE ATTACKS CREEPS IN RANGE(STATIC 20) if(m_pet_state == 2)
- { if(m_creatureState != ATTACKING)
- { Unit * pUnit = world.GetClosestUnit(this); if(pUnit)
- { if( closest_dist < 20)
- { AI_MoveTo(pUnit->getPositionX(),pUnit->getPositionY(),pUnit->getPositionZ(), true); AI_AttackReaction(pUnit,1); AI_Update();
- } } } } // AGGRESSIVE MOB CODE BY NOTHIN IT ATTACKS ENEMYS IF THEY GET IN RANGE ( CURRENTLY STATIC 20) SET m_aggressive to 1 to activate if( m_aggressive == 1 || m_aggressive == 3 )
- {
- if(m_creatureState != ATTACKING)
- {
- Character * pChar = world.GetClosestChar(this);
- if(pChar)
- {
- if( closest_dist < 10)
- {
- AI_MoveTo(pChar->getPositionX(),pChar->getPositionY(),pChar->getPositionZ(), true);
- AI_AttackReaction(pChar,1);
- AI_Update();
- }
- }
- }
- } // Clear the NPC flags bit so it doesn't get auto- updated each frame. NPC flags are set per player and this would ruin is unsetUpdateMaskBit(UNIT_NPC_FLAGS); UpdateObject(); } void Unit::Create( uint32 guidlow ) { Object::Create(guidlow); m_guid[1] = 0xF0001000; m_kguid = 0; } void Unit::Create (uint32 guidlow, uint8* creature_name, float x, float y, float z, float ang) { strcpy((char*)m_creatureName, (char*)creature_name); Object::Create(guidlow, x,y,z,ang); m_guid[1] = 0xF0001000; m_kguid = 0; } void Unit::BuildUpdateBlock(UpdateMask *updateMask, uint8 *data, int *length) { m_updateValues[ UNIT_NPC_EMOTESTATE ] = m_emoteState; Object::BuildUpdateBlock(updateMask, data, length); } /////////////////////////////////// QUESTS //////////////////////////////////////////// uint32 Unit::getQuestStatus(Character *pPlayer) { for( std::list<uint32>::iterator i = mQuestIds.begin( ); i != mQuestIds.end( ); ++ i ) { uint32 quest_id = *i; uint32 status = pPlayer->getQuestStatus(quest_id); if (status == 0 || status == QUEST_STATUS_UNAVAILABLE) { Quest *pQuest = world.getQuest(quest_id); // if 0, then the player has never been offered this before // Add it to the player with a new quest value of 4 if (pQuest->m_requiredLevel >= pPlayer->getUpdateValue(UNIT_FIELD_LEVEL)) status = pPlayer->addNewQuest(quest_id,2); else status = pPlayer->addNewQuest(quest_id); } if (status != QUEST_STATUS_COMPLETE) return status; } return 0; } uint32 Unit::getCurrentQuest(Character *pPlayer) { for( std::list<uint32>::iterator i = mQuestIds.begin( ); i != mQuestIds.end( ); ++ i ) { uint32 quest_id = *i; uint32 status = pPlayer->getQuestStatus(quest_id); if (status == 0) // if 0, then the player has never been offered this before // Add it to the player with a new quest value of 4 status = pPlayer->addNewQuest(quest_id); if (status != QUEST_STATUS_COMPLETE) // if quest is not completed yet, then this is the active quest to return return quest_id; } return 0; } char* Unit::getQuestTitle(uint32 quest_id) { Quest *pQuest = world.getQuest(quest_id); return (char*)pQuest->m_title.c_str(); } char* Unit::getQuestDetails(uint32 quest_id) { Quest *pQuest = world.getQuest(quest_id); return (char*)pQuest->m_details.c_str(); } char* Unit::getQuestObjectives(uint32 quest_id) { Quest *pQuest = world.getQuest(quest_id); return (char*)pQuest->m_objectives.c_str(); } char* Unit::getQuestCompleteText(uint32 quest_id) { Quest *pQuest = world.getQuest(quest_id); return (char*)pQuest->m_completedText.c_str(); } char* Unit::getQuestIncompleteText(uint32 quest_id) { Quest *pQuest = world.getQuest(quest_id); return (char*)pQuest->m_incompleteText.c_str(); } bool Unit::hasQuest(uint32 quest_id) { for( std::list<uint32>::iterator i = mQuestIds.begin( ); i != mQuestIds.end( ); ++ i ) { if (*i == quest_id) return true; } return false; } /* void Unit::SendCreateWithTempNpcFlags(UpdateMask *updateMask, GameClient *pClient) { if (m_deathState == DEAD) return; // for each quest this creature has, // if player->getStatus != 0 // if quest->targetGuid != 0 && quest->targetGuid != thisCreature->guid and status==3 // thisCreature->npcflags = 0 // else if quest->targetGuid == thisCreature->guid && quest->status == 1||3 // thisCreature->npc_flags = 2 Character *pPlayer = pClient->getCurrentChar(); wowWData data; for( std::list<uint32>::iterator i = mQuestIds.begin( ); i != mQuestIds.end( ); ++ i ) { uint32 quest_id = *i; uint32 status = pPlayer->getQuestStatus(quest_id); Quest *pQuest = world.getQuest(quest_id); if (status != 0) { if (pQuest->m_targetGuid != 0 && pQuest->m_targetGuid != m_guid[0] && status==QUEST_STATUS_INCOMPLETE) { // If this is a talk to quest, and the target NPC is not THIS npc, and the status is Incomplete,... // Set NPC_FLAGS to 0 so it doesn't offer a quest to this player setUpdateValue(UNIT_NPC_FLAGS, 0); CreateObject(updateMask, &data, 0); pClient->SendMsg(&data); setUpdateValue(UNIT_NPC_FLAGS, 2); return; } else if (pQuest->m_targetGuid == m_guid[0] && (status == QUEST_STATUS_COMPLETE || status == QUEST_STATUS_INCOMPLETE)) { // If this creature has a Talk To quest, and it is the target of the quest, and the quest is either complete or currently // underway, then allow this creature to have quest flags setUpdateValue(UNIT_NPC_FLAGS, 2); CreateObject(updateMask, &data, 0); pClient->SendMsg(&data); setUpdateValue(UNIT_NPC_FLAGS, 0); return; } else if (pQuest->m_targetGuid == m_guid[0] && status == QUEST_STATUS_AVAILABLE) { // If this Creature has a Talk to quest, and is the target of the quest, and the quest is currently available, // Remove Questgiver flags setUpdateValue(UNIT_NPC_FLAGS, 0); CreateObject(updateMask, &data, 0); pClient->SendMsg(&data); setUpdateValue(UNIT_NPC_FLAGS, 2); return; } } } CreateObject(updateMask, &data, 0); pClient->SendMsg(&data); } */ int Unit::CheckQuestgiverFlag(Character *pPlayer, UpdateMask *unitMask, wowWData * data) { for( std::list<uint32>::iterator i = mQuestIds.begin( ); i != mQuestIds.end( ); ++ i ) { uint32 quest_id = *i; uint32 status = pPlayer->getQuestStatus(quest_id); Quest *pQuest = world.getQuest(quest_id); // if (status != 0) // { if (pQuest->m_targetGuid != 0 && pQuest->m_targetGuid != m_guid[0] && status==QUEST_STATUS_INCOMPLETE) { // If this is a talk to quest, and the target NPC is not THIS npc, and the status is Incomplete,... // Set NPC_FLAGS to 0 so it doesn't offer a quest to this player setUpdateValue(UNIT_NPC_FLAGS, 0); CreateObject(unitMask, data, 0); setUpdateValue(UNIT_NPC_FLAGS, 2); return 1; } else if (pQuest->m_targetGuid == m_guid[0] && (status == QUEST_STATUS_COMPLETE || status == QUEST_STATUS_INCOMPLETE)) { // If this creature has a Talk To quest, and it is the target of the quest, and the quest is either complete or currently // underway, then allow this creature to have quest flags setUpdateValue(UNIT_NPC_FLAGS, 2); CreateObject(unitMask, data, 0); setUpdateValue(UNIT_NPC_FLAGS, 0); return 1; } else if (pQuest->m_targetGuid == m_guid[0] && (status == QUEST_STATUS_AVAILABLE || status == 0)) { // If this Creature has a Talk to quest, and is the target of the quest, and the quest is currently available, // Remove Questgiver flags setUpdateValue(UNIT_NPC_FLAGS, 0); CreateObject(unitMask, data, 0); setUpdateValue(UNIT_NPC_FLAGS, 2); return 1; } // } } return 0; } void Unit::setAttackTimer() { m_attackTimer = getUpdateValue(UNIT_FIELD_BASEATTACKTIME); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Fill the object's Update Values from a space deliminated list of values. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void Unit::LoadUpdateValues(uint8* data) { char* next = strtok((char*)data, " "); m_updateValues[0] = atol(next); for( uint16 index = 1; index < UNIT_END; index++) { char* next = strtok(NULL, " "); m_updateValues[index] = atol(next); } //printf("Creature id: %u Updated!n", m_guid[0]); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Looting /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void Unit::generateLoot() { int retryCount = 0; itemcount = 0; memset(item_list, 0, 8*128); int itemCount,i,randItem,found = 0,tempLevel; this->m_lootMoney = this->getLevel() * (rand()%5 + 1); itemCount = (this->getLevel() + rand()%7) / 5; if (itemCount > 3) itemCount = 3; //itemCount = 2; //temp if (rand()%100 > 35)
- itemcount = 0;
- for(i = 0; i < itemCount; i++) { //This is an ugly way to do it //I may implement a 'baskets' system later - tmm` retryCount = 0; while(!found && (retryCount <= 150)) { retryCount++; randItem = rand()%10000; if (world.GetItem(randItem) != NULL) { tempLevel = world.GetItem(randItem)->ItemLevel; if (tempLevel < this->getLevel() +2) { //&& (tempLevel > this->getLevel() -2)) { // if ((world.GetItem(randItem)->Class == 2) || (world.GetItem(randItem)->Class == 4)) { if (world.GetItem(randItem)->Sellprice) found = 1; // } } } } if (found == 0) { //this is getting dangerous, we don't want an infinite loop :/ //lets just not give him any items itemcount = 0; return; } this->addItem(randItem,1); found = 0; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Unit AI /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This Unit has just been attacked by someone // Reaction: Add this Unit to the list of current attackers void Unit::AI_AttackReaction(Unit *pAttacker, uint32 damage_dealt) { std::list<Unit*>::iterator itr; for (itr = m_attackers.begin(); itr != m_attackers.end(); ++itr) if (*itr == pAttacker)
- { // Attacker already in list return; } m_attackers.push_back(pAttacker); } void Unit::AI_Update() { // Cycle through attackers // If one is out of range, remove from the map std::list<Unit*>::iterator itr; for (itr = m_attackers.begin(); itr != m_attackers.end(); ++itr) { Unit *pVictim = *itr; if (!pVictim || !pVictim->isAlive())
- {
- if (m_Pet == false) AI_MoveTo(respawn_cord[0][0], respawn_cord[0][1], respawn_cord[0][2], true); //LINA, force mobs to return to there respawn
- uint32 max_health = getUpdateValue(UNIT_FIELD_MAXHEALTH)*.8; setUpdateValue(UNIT_FIELD_HEALTH, max_health); pVictim->setCombat(false); itr = m_attackers.erase(itr); continue; }
- if (pVictim->getGUIDHigh() == 0 ) //if victim was a player
- {
- if(!((Character*)pVictim)->pClient->IsInWorld()) //test if in world
- {
- if (m_Pet == false) AI_MoveTo(respawn_cord[0][0], respawn_cord[0][1], respawn_cord[0][2], true); //LINA, force mobs to return to there respawn
- uint32 max_health = getUpdateValue(UNIT_FIELD_MAXHEALTH)*.8; setUpdateValue(UNIT_FIELD_HEALTH, max_health); pVictim->setCombat(false); itr = m_attackers.erase(itr);
- continue;
- }
- } float dx, dy, dz; dx = pVictim->getPositionX() - getPositionX(); dy = pVictim->getPositionY() - getPositionY(); dz = pVictim->getPositionZ() - getPositionZ(); float length = sqrt((dx*dx) + (dy*dy) + (dz*dz)); float reach = getUpdateFloatValue(UNIT_FIELD_COMBATREACH); float radius = getUpdateFloatValue(UNIT_FIELD_BOUNDINGRADIUS); if (length > 30.0f) // must be greater then the max range of spells { // stop attacking because the target is too far
- if (m_Pet == false) AI_MoveTo(respawn_cord[0][0], respawn_cord[0][1], respawn_cord[0][2], true); //LINA, force mobs to return to there respawn uint32 max_health = getUpdateValue(UNIT_FIELD_MAXHEALTH)*.8; setUpdateValue(UNIT_FIELD_HEALTH, max_health); pVictim->setCombat(false); itr = m_attackers.erase(itr); continue; } if (length > reach + radius) { float q = (length - radius)/length; float x = (m_positionX + pVictim->getPositionX()*q)/(1+q); float y = (m_positionY + pVictim->getPositionY()*q)/(1+q); float z = (m_positionZ + pVictim->getPositionZ()*q)/(1+q); AI_MoveTo(x, y, z, true); } else { AI_ChangeState(ATTACKING); if (isAttackReady()) { world.mCombatHandler.AttackerStateUpdate((Unit*)this, pVictim, 0); setAttackTimer(); } }
- //lina
- if(m_creatureState == ATTACKING )
- {
- if(m_aggressive==2 || m_aggressive==3)
- {
- world.setAttackGroupUnit(this, pVictim);
- }
- } } } void Unit::AI_SendMoveToPacket(float x, float y, float z, uint32 time, bool run) { wowWData data; data.Initialise(49, SMSG_MONSTER_MOVE); data << m_guid[0] << m_guid[1]; data << getPositionX() << getPositionY() << getPositionZ() << getOrientation(); data << uint8(0); data << uint32(run ? 0x00000100 : 0x00000000); data << time; data << uint32(1); data << x << y << z; //world.SendGlobalMessage(&data); world.SendUnitAreaMessage(&data, WorldServer::getSingletonPtr()->GetCreature(m_guid[0])); } void Unit::AI_MoveTo(float x, float y, float z, bool run) { float dx = x - m_positionX; float dy = y - m_positionY; float dz = z - m_positionZ; float distance = sqrt((dx*dx) + (dy*dy) + (dz*dz)); if(!distance) return; m_destinationX = x; m_destinationY = y; m_destinationZ = z; if(m_creatureState != MOVING) { m_creatureState = MOVING; if(!run) m_moveSpeed = float(2.5*0.001); else m_moveSpeed = float(7.0*0.001); uint32 moveTime = (uint32) (distance / m_moveSpeed); AI_SendMoveToPacket(x, y, z, moveTime, run); //uint8 pAnnounce[256]; //sprintf((char*)pAnnounce, "%i started moving from %f %f %f to %f %f %f should get there in %i msecs, distance is %fn", // m_guid[0], m_positionX, m_positionY, m_positionZ, // m_destinationX, m_destinationY, m_destinationZ, moveTime, distance); //WorldServer::getSingleton().SendWorldText((uint8*)pAnnounce); // send message m_moveTimer = UNIT_MOVEMENT_INTERPOLATE_INTERVAL; // update every 300 msecs UpdateObject(); } } bool Unit::addWaypoint(float x, float y, float z) { if(m_nWaypoints+1 >= MAX_CREATURE_WAYPOINTS) return false; m_waypoints[m_nWaypoints][0] = x; m_waypoints[m_nWaypoints][1] = y; m_waypoints[m_nWaypoints][2] = z; m_nWaypoints++; return true; } bool Unit::canReachWithAttack(Unit *pVictim) { float dx, dy, dz; float reach = getUpdateFloatValue(UNIT_FIELD_COMBATREACH); float radius = getUpdateFloatValue(UNIT_FIELD_BOUNDINGRADIUS); dx = m_positionX - pVictim->getPositionX(); dy = m_positionY - pVictim->getPositionY(); dz = m_positionZ - pVictim->getPositionZ(); float length = sqrt((dx*dx) + (dy*dy) + (dz*dz)); if (length > reach + radius) return false; return true; } void Unit::setCreatureName(char* CreatureName) { strcpy((char*)m_creatureName, CreatureName); }