资源名称:wow.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- #include "SpellHandler.h" #include "NetworkInterface.h" #include "Opcodes.h" #include "Log.h" #include "Character.h" #include "WorldServer.h" #include "Database.h" #include "UpdateMask.h" #include "Unit.h" #include "Spell.h" //angelic|999 #include "Character.h" //angelic|999 #include "math.h" #include <time.h> #include "Timer.h" #define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846 #define world WorldServer::getSingleton() #define DEG2RAD (M_PI/180.0) SpellHandler::SpellHandler() { } SpellHandler::~SpellHandler() { } void SpellHandler::HandleMsg( wowWData & recv_data, GameClient *pClient ) { wowWData data; wowWData data2; char f[256]; sprintf(f, "WORLD: Spell 0x%.4X", recv_data.opcode); Log::getSingleton( ).outString( f ); switch (recv_data.opcode) { case CMSG_USE_ITEM: { //printf("ok got opcode here %un", recv_data.length); uint8 packslot,slot; uint16 targets; uint8 spell; int datalen = recv_data.length; recv_data >> packslot >> slot >> spell; recv_data >> targets; //if (targets == 0) // return; uint32 spellid; //printf("recived data!n"); //printf("Item ID - %dnItem GUID - %dn",pClient->getCurrentChar()->getItemIdBySlot(slot),pClient->getCurrentChar()->getGuidBySlot(slot)); Item *tmpItem = world.GetItem( pClient->getCurrentChar()->getItemIdBySlot(slot) ); spellid = tmpItem->SpellID[spell - 1]; for(int i = 0;i < 5;i++)
- { //printf("spell number %d - %dn",i,tmpItem->SpellID[i]); } data.clear(); data.Initialise( datalen - 3 + 32, SMSG_SPELL_GO); data << uint32(pClient->getCurrentChar()->getGUID()) << uint32(pClient->getCurrentChar()->getGUIDHigh()); data << uint32(pClient->getCurrentChar()->getGUID()) << uint32(pClient->getCurrentChar()->getGUIDHigh()); data << uint32(spellid); data << uint8(0x00) << uint8(0x01); if( targets & 0x2 || targets & 0x800 || targets & 0x8000 )
- { uint64 unitTarget; recv_data >> unitTarget; data << uint8(0x01); data << uint64(unitTarget); data << uint8(0x00); data << uint16(targets); data << uint64(unitTarget); } SpellInformation spellInfo; DatabaseInterface *dbi = Database::getSingleton().createDatabaseInterface(); //get a hook for the DB spellInfo = dbi->GetSpellInformation ( tmpItem->SpellID[0] ); //returns a SpellInformation object/struct Database::getSingleton().removeDatabaseInterface( dbi ); //clean up used resources if(spellInfo.spell_type == (uint32)POTIONS) usePotion(pClient, tmpItem->SpellID[0], spellInfo, targets); }break;
- uint32 spell ,pguid ,target1 ,target2;
- uint16 flags;
- uint8 hitCount ,missCount;
- recv_data >> spell >> flags;
- pguid = pClient->getCurrentChar()->getGUID();
- SpellInformation spellInfo;
- DatabaseInterface *dbi = Database::getSingleton().createDatabaseInterface(); //get a hook for the DB
- spellInfo = dbi->GetSpellInformation ( spell ); //returns a SpellInformation object/struct
- Database::getSingleton().removeDatabaseInterface( dbi ); //clean up used resources
- //Catch Mana problems early/This should never happen except with a incorrect spell table
- if (pClient->getCurrentChar()->getUpdateValue( UNIT_FIELD_POWER1 ) < spellInfo.ManaCost)
- {
- data.clear();
- data.Initialise( 6, SMSG_CAST_RESULT );
- data << spell << uint8(0x02) << uint8(21);
- pClient->SendMsg(&data);
- }
- //let's check spell type:
- else if( spellInfo.spell_type == (uint32)SINGLE_TARGET)
- {
- recv_data >> target1 >> target2;
- printf("recv_data >> spell: %un", spell);
- printf("recv_data >> flags: %un", flags); Unit* pUnit_target = world.GetCreature(target1);
- if(pUnit_target)
- { if(spellInfo.race == 0 || pUnit_target->getRace() == spellInfo.race)
- { //if( > spellInfo.Range ){ data.clear(); data.Initialise( 36, SMSG_SPELL_START ); data << pguid << uint32( 0 ) << pguid << uint32( 0 ) << spell; data << flags << uint32 ( 3500 ) << flags << target1 << target2; pClient->SendMsg( &data ); hitCount = 1; missCount = 0; data2.clear(); data2.Initialise( 42, SMSG_SPELL_GO ); data2 << (uint64)pguid << (uint64)pguid; data2 << spell << uint16( 0x0100 ) << hitCount << target1 << target2; data2 << missCount << flags << target1 << target2; uint32 damage = spellInfo.DmgPlus1+rand()%spellInfo.RandomPercentDmg; world.mCombatHandler.AttackerStateUpdate(pClient->getCurrentChar( ), world.getCreatureMap( )[ target1 ], damage); if(spellInfo.addDuration > 0)
- { Unit* pCast_target = world.GetCreature(target1);
- if( pCast_target )
- { uint32 time = spellInfo.addDuration/1000; uint32 addDmg = (uint32)((float)spellInfo.addDmg/(float)time); if(addDmg == 0) addDmg = 1;
- pCast_target->m_damageDuration = spellInfo.addDuration/1000; pCast_target->m_damage = addDmg; pCast_target->m_Attacker = pClient->getCurrentChar()->getGUID();
- } } uint32 mana = pClient->getCurrentChar()->getUpdateValue( UNIT_FIELD_POWER1 ); pClient->getCurrentChar( )->setUpdateValue( UNIT_FIELD_POWER1, mana-spellInfo.ManaCost ); data.clear(); data.Initialise( 5, SMSG_CAST_RESULT ); data << spell << uint8( 0x01); pClient->SendMsg( &data ); // pClient->getCurrentChar()->SendMessageToSet(&data2, true); world.SendAreaMessage(&data2, pClient, 1); }
- else
- { data.clear(); data.Initialise( 6, SMSG_CAST_RESULT ); data << spell << uint8( 0x02); data << uint8(9); pClient->SendMsg( &data ); }
- } }
- else if( spellInfo.spell_type == (uint32)MULTI_TARGET )
- { int templen = 0; uint64 itemTarget,unitTarget; uint16 targets = flags; uint8 targetCount = 0; wowWData tmpData; float sourceLocationx, sourceLocationy, sourceLocationz; float destLocationx, destLocationy, destLocationz; float dist = 0; tmpData.Initialise(100, SMSG_SPELL_START); tmpData << pguid << uint32( 0 ) << pguid << uint32( 0 ) << spell; tmpData << flags << uint32 ( 0 ) << flags;
- if( targets & 0x2 || targets & 0x800 || targets & 0x8000 )
- { templen += 8; recv_data >> unitTarget; // GUID tmpData << uint64(unitTarget); printf("unitTarget is: %un", unitTarget); } if( targets & 0x10 || targets & 0x1000 )
- { templen += 8; recv_data >> itemTarget; tmpData << uint64(itemTarget); } if( targets & 0x20 )
- { templen += 12; recv_data >> sourceLocationx >> sourceLocationy >> sourceLocationz; tmpData << sourceLocationx << sourceLocationy << sourceLocationz; dist = 0; } if( targets & 0x40 )
- { printf("OK recv destLocations nown"); templen += 12; recv_data >> destLocationx >> destLocationy >> destLocationz; tmpData << destLocationx << destLocationy << destLocationz; dist = world.CalcDistanceByPosition(pClient->getCurrentChar(),destLocationx,destLocationy,destLocationz); } if( targets & 0x2000 )
- { templen += 128; } data.Initialise(28 + templen,SMSG_SPELL_START); memcpy(data.data, tmpData.data,28+templen ); // pClient->getCurrentChar()->SendMessageToSet(&data, true); world.SendAreaMessage(&data, pClient, 1); wowWData tmpSpellGo; data.clear(); tmpSpellGo.Initialise( 500, SMSG_SPELL_GO ); tmpSpellGo << pguid << uint32( 0 ) << pguid << uint32( 0 ); tmpSpellGo << spell; tmpSpellGo << uint8(0) << uint8(1); //tmpSpellGo << uint16(0x0110); tmpSpellGo << uint8(targetCount);
- if(dist < spellInfo.Range)
- { WorldServer::CreatureMap::iterator itr; for (itr = world.mCreatures.begin(); itr != world.mCreatures.end(); ++itr)
- { if (( itr->second->isAlive() ) && (!itr->second->isPlayer())) { if (!( targets & 0x40 ))
- { if ((world.CalcDistance((Unit*)pClient->getCurrentChar(), (itr->second)) < spellInfo.Radius) && (pClient->getCurrentChar()->getMapId() == itr->second->getMapId() )) { if (itr->second->getZone() == pClient->getCurrentChar()->getZone())
- { if (applySpell(pClient, itr->second , spell , spellInfo))
- { targetCount++; if(spellInfo.addDuration > 0)
- { itr->second->m_damage = spellInfo.addDmg*1000/spellInfo.addDuration; itr->second->m_damageDuration = spellInfo.addDuration/1000; printf("damage amount is: %un", itr->second->m_damage); printf("damage duration is: %un", itr->second->m_damageDuration); } tmpSpellGo << itr->second->getGUID() << itr->second->getGUIDHigh(); } } } } else
- { if ((world.CalcDistanceByPosition((itr->second),destLocationx,destLocationy,destLocationz) < spellInfo.Radius) && (pClient->getCurrentChar()->getMapId() == itr->second->getMapId() )) { if (itr->second->getZone() == pClient->getCurrentChar()->getZone())
- { //Do Something if (applySpell(pClient, itr->second , spell , spellInfo))
- { targetCount++; if(spellInfo.addDuration > 0)
- { itr->second->m_damage = spellInfo.addDmg*1000/spellInfo.addDuration; itr->second->m_damageDuration = spellInfo.addDuration/1000; printf("damage amount is: %un", itr->second->m_damage); printf("damage duration is: %un", itr->second->m_damageDuration); } tmpSpellGo << itr->second->getGUID() << itr->second->getGUIDHigh(); } } } } } }
- memcpy(tmpSpellGo.data + 22, &targetCount ,1); tmpSpellGo << uint8(0) << uint16(targets); if( targets & 0x2 || targets & 0x800 || targets & 0x8000 )
- { tmpSpellGo << uint64(unitTarget); } if( targets & 0x10 || targets & 0x1000 )
- { tmpSpellGo << uint64(itemTarget); } if( targets & 0x20 )
- { tmpSpellGo << float(sourceLocationx) << float(sourceLocationy) << float(sourceLocationz); } if( targets & 0x40 )
- { tmpSpellGo << float(destLocationx) << float(destLocationy) << float(destLocationz); } data.Initialise(26 + 8*targetCount + templen,SMSG_SPELL_GO); memcpy(data.data, tmpSpellGo.data, 26 + 8*targetCount + templen); // pClient->getCurrentChar()->SendMessageToSet(&data, true); world.SendAreaMessage(&data, pClient, 1);
- data.clear(); data.Initialise(14, SMSG_SPELL_COOLDOWN); data << spell << (uint64)pguid << spellInfo.CoolDown; pClient->SendMsg(&data);
- uint32 mana = pClient->getCurrentChar()->getUpdateValue( UNIT_FIELD_POWER1 ); pClient->getCurrentChar( )->setUpdateValue( UNIT_FIELD_POWER1, mana-spellInfo.ManaCost );
- data.clear(); data.Initialise( 5, SMSG_CAST_RESULT ); data << spell << uint8( 0x01); pClient->SendMsg( &data ); }
- else
- { data.Initialise( 6, SMSG_CAST_RESULT ); data << spell << uint8( 0x02); data << uint8( 71 ); pClient->SendMsg( &data ); } }
- else if(spellInfo.spell_type == (uint32)SELF_HEAL)
- { uint32 curr_health = pClient->getCurrentChar( )->getUpdateValue( UNIT_FIELD_HEALTH ); uint32 max_health = pClient->getCurrentChar( )->getUpdateValue( UNIT_FIELD_MAXHEALTH ); uint32 mana = pClient->getCurrentChar()->getUpdateValue( UNIT_FIELD_POWER1 ); uint32 heal = spellInfo.DmgPlus1+rand()%spellInfo.RandomPercentDmg; if(curr_health==max_health) { data.clear(); data.Initialise( 6, SMSG_CAST_RESULT ); data << spell << uint8( 0x02); data << uint8( 5 ); pClient->SendMsg( &data ); break; } else { if( heal+curr_health>max_health ) { heal=max_health-curr_health; } data.Initialise(4, SMSG_HEALSPELL_ON_PLAYER ); data << heal; pClient->SendMsg( &data ); pClient->getCurrentChar( )->setUpdateValue( UNIT_FIELD_HEALTH, heal+curr_health ); pClient->getCurrentChar( )->setUpdateValue( UNIT_FIELD_POWER1, mana-spellInfo.ManaCost ); } data.clear(); data.Initialise(14, SMSG_SPELL_COOLDOWN); data << spell << pguid << spellInfo.CoolDown; pClient->SendMsg(&data); data.clear(); data.Initialise( 13, SMSG_CAST_RESULT ); data << spell << uint8( 0x01); pClient->SendMsg( &data ); }
- else if(spellInfo.spell_type == (uint32)TARGET_HEAL)
- { uint64 target; uint64 pguid = pClient->getCurrentChar()->getGUID(); recv_data >> target; Character * pChar_target = world.GetCharacter((uint32)target);
- if( pChar_target )
- { //pClient->getCurrentChar(target);
- uint32 curr_heal = pChar_target->getUpdateValue( UNIT_FIELD_HEALTH ); uint32 max_heal = pChar_target->getUpdateValue( UNIT_FIELD_MAXHEALTH ); uint32 heal = spellInfo.DmgPlus1+rand()%spellInfo.RandomPercentDmg; if(curr_heal == max_heal) { data.clear(); data.Initialise( 6, SMSG_CAST_RESULT ); data << spell << uint8( 0x02); data << uint8( 13 ); pClient->SendMsg( &data ); break; } else { if( heal+curr_heal>max_heal ) heal=max_heal-curr_heal;
- data.Initialise(4, SMSG_HEALSPELL_ON_PLAYER ); data << heal; // pClient->getCurrentChar()->SendMessageToSet(&data,true); world.SendAreaMessage(&data, pClient, 1); pChar_target->setUpdateValue( UNIT_FIELD_HEALTH, heal+curr_heal ); if(spellInfo.addDuration > 0) { uint32 addDmg = spellInfo.addDmg*1000/spellInfo.addDuration; pChar_target->m_healingDuration = spellInfo.addDuration/1000; // Set duration pChar_target->m_replenish_field = 20; // Mana or Life ? pChar_target->m_replenish_value = addDmg; pChar_target->m_spell = spell; setAura(pChar_target, spell); pChar_target->m_auraDuration = spellInfo.addDuration/1000; } }
- uint32 mana = pClient->getCurrentChar()->getUpdateValue( UNIT_FIELD_POWER1 ); pClient->getCurrentChar( )->setUpdateValue( UNIT_FIELD_POWER1, mana-spellInfo.ManaCost ); data.clear(); data.Initialise( 5, SMSG_CAST_RESULT ); data << spell << uint8( 0x01); pClient->SendMsg( &data );
- data.clear(); data.Initialise( 36 , SMSG_SPELL_START); data << pguid << pguid << spell << flags; data << spellInfo.CastTime << flags; data << (uint64)target; // pClient->getCurrentChar()->SendMessageToSet(&data, true);
- world.SendAreaMessage(&data, pClient, 1); }
- }
- else if(spellInfo.spell_type == (uint32)DAMAGE_ABSORB)
- { // Damage Absorb uint64 target; uint64 pguid = pClient->getCurrentChar()->getGUID(); recv_data >> target; Character * pChar_target = world.GetCharacter((uint32)target);
- if( pChar_target )
- { setAura(pChar_target, spell); pChar_target->m_auraDuration = spellInfo.Duration/1000; pChar_target->m_absorbDuration = spellInfo.Duration/1000; pChar_target->m_absorbspell = spell; uint32 mana = pClient->getCurrentChar()->getUpdateValue( UNIT_FIELD_POWER1 ); pClient->getCurrentChar( )->setUpdateValue( UNIT_FIELD_POWER1, mana-spellInfo.ManaCost ); data.clear(); data.Initialise( 36 , SMSG_SPELL_START); data << pguid << pguid << spell << flags; data << spellInfo.CastTime << flags; data << (uint64)target; // pClient->getCurrentChar()->SendMessageToSet(&data, true); world.SendAreaMessage(&data, pClient, 1); data.clear(); data.Initialise( 5, SMSG_CAST_RESULT ); data << spell << uint8(0x01); pClient->SendMsg( &data ); data.clear(); data.Initialise( 42, SMSG_SPELL_GO); data << pguid << pguid << spell << flags; data << uint8( 0x01 ); data << (uint64)target << uint8( 0 ); data << flags << (uint64)target; // pClient->getCurrentChar()->SendMessageToSet(&data, true); world.SendAreaMessage(&data, pClient, 1); }
- else
- { data.clear(); data.Initialise( 6, SMSG_CAST_RESULT ); data << spell << uint8( 0x02); data << uint8( 5 ); pClient->SendMsg( &data ); } }
- else if(spellInfo.spell_type == (uint32)MANA_SHIELD)
- { // Mana Shield uint64 pguid = pClient->getCurrentChar()->getGUID(); Character * pChar_target = world.GetCharacter((uint32)pguid);
- if( pChar_target ) { setAura(pChar_target, spell); pChar_target->m_auraDuration = 10; pChar_target->m_shieldDuration = spellInfo.Duration/1000; pChar_target->m_shieldspell = spell; printf("shieldspell: %un", pChar_target->m_shieldspell); uint32 mana = pClient->getCurrentChar()->getUpdateValue( UNIT_FIELD_POWER1 ); pClient->getCurrentChar( )->setUpdateValue( UNIT_FIELD_POWER1, mana-spellInfo.ManaCost ); data.clear(); data.Initialise( 28 , SMSG_SPELL_START); data << pguid << pguid << spell << flags; data << spellInfo.CastTime << uint16(0); // pClient->getCurrentChar()->SendMessageToSet(&data, true); world.SendAreaMessage(&data, pClient, 1); data.clear(); data.Initialise( 5, SMSG_CAST_RESULT ); data << spell << uint8( 0x01); pClient->SendMsg( &data ); data.clear(); data.Initialise( 34, SMSG_SPELL_GO); data << pguid << pguid << spell << flags; data << uint8( 0x01 ); data << (uint64)pguid << uint8( 0 ); data << uint16(0); // pClient->getCurrentChar()->SendMessageToSet(&data, true); world.SendAreaMessage(&data, pClient, 1); }
- else { data.clear(); data.Initialise( 6, SMSG_CAST_RESULT ); data << spell << uint8( 0x02); data << uint8( 5 ); pClient->SendMsg( &data ); } }
- else if(spellInfo.spell_type == (uint32)SUMMON)
- { // Summons
- uint32 petGUID,guid,guid2;
- if(pClient->getCurrentChar()->getUpdateValue(UNIT_FIELD_SUMMON) != 0)
- {
- guid = pClient->getCurrentChar()->getUpdateValue(UNIT_FIELD_SUMMON);
- Unit* old_summon = world.GetCreature(guid);
- if( old_summon )
- {
- guid2 = old_summon->getUpdateValue(OBJECT_FIELD_GUID+1);
- data.clear();
- data.Initialise(8, SMSG_DESTROY_OBJECT);
- data << (uint32)guid << uint32(guid2);
- // pClient->getCurrentChar()->SendMessageToSet(&data, true);
- world.SendAreaMessage(&data, pClient, 1);
- std::map<uint32, Unit*>::iterator itr = world.mCreatures.find(guid);
- for( WorldServer::CharacterMap::iterator iter = world.mCharacters.begin( ); iter != world.mCharacters.end( ); ++ iter )
- iter->second->RemoveInRangeObject( itr->second );
- delete itr->second;
- world.mCreatures.erase(itr);
- DatabaseInterface *dbi = Database::getSingleton( ).createDatabaseInterface( );
- char sql[512];
- sprintf(sql, "DELETE FROM creatures WHERE id=%u", guid);
- dbi->doQuery(sql);
- Database::getSingleton( ).removeDatabaseInterface(dbi);
- }
- else
- pClient->getCurrentChar()->setUpdateValue(UNIT_FIELD_SUMMON, 0);
- }
- char* pName = "Imp"; petGUID = PetCreature(pClient, pName); data.clear(); data.Initialise(38, SMSG_SPELL_GO); data << (uint64)pguid << (uint64)pguid << spell; data << uint16(01) << uint8(0) << uint8(0); data << uint16(0040); data << (uint32)pClient->getCurrentChar()->getPositionX(); data << (uint32)pClient->getCurrentChar()->getPositionY(); data << (uint32)pClient->getCurrentChar()->getPositionZ(); pClient->SendMsg(&data); data.clear(); data.Initialise(5, SMSG_CAST_RESULT); data << spell << uint8(0x00); pClient->SendMsg(&data); data.clear(); data.Initialise(24, SMSG_SPELLLOGEXECUTE); data << (uint64)pguid << spell; data << uint32(0x00000038) << uint32(0x00000001) << uint32(0x00000001); pClient->SendMsg(&data);
- pClient->getCurrentChar()->setUpdateValue(ITEM_FIELD_CONTAINED, petGUID); pClient->getCurrentChar()->setUpdateValue(UNIT_FIELD_SUMMON, petGUID); pClient->getCurrentChar()->setUpdateValue(GAMEOBJECT_ROTATION, petGUID); pClient->getCurrentChar()->setUpdateValue(DYNAMICOBJECT_BYTES, petGUID); pClient->getCurrentChar()->setUpdateValue(CORPSE_FIELD_FACING, petGUID); pClient->getCurrentChar()->setUpdateValue(UNIT_FIELD_SUMMON+1, 0xeeeeeeee); pClient->getCurrentChar()->setUpdateValue(GAMEOBJECT_ROTATION+1, 0xeeeeeeee); pClient->getCurrentChar()->setUpdateValue(DYNAMICOBJECT_SPELLID, 0xeeeeeeee); data.clear(); data.Initialise(62, SMSG_PET_SPELLS); data << (uint64)petGUID << uint32(0x00000101) << uint32(0x00000000) << uint32(0x07000001) << uint32(0x07000002); data << uint32(0x02000000) << uint32(0x07000000) << uint32(0x04000000) << uint32(0x03000000) << uint32(0x06000002) << uint32(0x05000000); data << uint32(0x06000000) << uint32(0x06000001) << uint32(0xa30c2602) << uint16(0x0018); pClient->SendMsg(&data); } else if(spellInfo.spell_type == (uint32)POTIONS)
- else if(spell == 120 || spell == 8492)
- { // float xM = pClient->getCurrentChar()->getPositionX(); float yM = pClient->getCurrentChar()->getPositionY(); float zM = pClient->getCurrentChar()->getPositionZ(); float offnung = 180; float drehung = (pClient->getCurrentChar()->getOrientation()*60); int templen = 0; uint8 targetCount = 0; uint16 targets = flags; wowWData tmpData; float dist = 0; //char targetString[0x80]; tmpData.Initialise(100, SMSG_SPELL_START); tmpData << pguid << uint32( 0 ) << pguid << uint32( 0 ) << spell; tmpData << flags << uint32 ( 0 ) << flags; data.Initialise(28 + templen,SMSG_SPELL_START); memcpy(data.data, tmpData.data,28+templen ); // world.SendAreaMessage(&data,pClient,1); pClient->getCurrentChar()->SendMessageToSet(&data, true); wowWData tmpSpellGo; data.clear(); tmpSpellGo.Initialise( 500, SMSG_SPELL_GO ); tmpSpellGo << pguid << uint32( 0 ) << pguid << uint32( 0 ); tmpSpellGo << spell; tmpSpellGo << uint8(0) << uint8(1); //tmpSpellGo << uint16(0x0110); tmpSpellGo << uint8(targetCount); //temp WorldServer::CreatureMap::iterator itr; for (itr = world.mCreatures.begin(); itr != world.mCreatures.end(); ++itr)
- { if (( itr->second->isAlive() ) && (!itr->second->isPlayer())) { float xP = itr->second->getPositionX(); float yP = itr->second->getPositionY(); float zP = itr->second->getPositionZ(); if (inbogen( 10, xM, yM, zM, offnung, drehung, xP, yP,zP )) { printf("target is in rangen"); if (itr->second->getZone() == pClient->getCurrentChar()->getZone())
- { if (applySpell(pClient, itr->second , spell , spellInfo))
- { printf("target is in rangen"); targetCount++; tmpSpellGo << itr->second->getGUID() << itr->second->getGUIDHigh(); } } } } } memcpy(tmpSpellGo.data + 22, &targetCount ,1); tmpSpellGo << uint8(0) << uint16(targets); data.Initialise(26 + 8*targetCount + templen,SMSG_SPELL_GO); memcpy(data.data, tmpSpellGo.data, 26 + 8*targetCount + templen); // world.SendAreaMessage(&data,pClient,1); pClient->getCurrentChar()->SendMessageToSet(&data, true); uint32 mana = pClient->getCurrentChar()->getUpdateValue( UNIT_FIELD_POWER1 ); pClient->getCurrentChar( )->setUpdateValue( UNIT_FIELD_POWER1, mana-spellInfo.ManaCost ); data.Initialise( 5, SMSG_CAST_RESULT ); data << spell << uint8( 0x01); pClient->SendMsg( &data ); } }break; default: {}break; } } int SpellHandler::setAura(Unit *pUnit, uint32 spell) { //return 1; // test uint8 tmpStore = 0x00; int found = -1,found2 = -1; uint32 auraValue; int i; for( i = 0; (i < 10) && (found == -1); i++) { if (!(pUnit->getUpdateValue(UNIT_FIELD_AURALEVELS + i) == 0xeeeeeeee)) { found = i; } } if (found == -1) return 0; auraValue = pUnit->getUpdateValue(UNIT_FIELD_AURALEVELS + found); for( i = 0; (i < 4) && (found2 == -1); i++) { if ((uint8)*(&auraValue + i) != 0xee) { found2 = i; memcpy(&auraValue + i,&tmpStore,1); } } pUnit->setUpdateValue(UNIT_FIELD_AURALEVELS + found, auraValue); pUnit->setUpdateValue(UNIT_FIELD_AURAAPPLICATIONS + found, auraValue); pUnit->setUpdateValue(UNIT_FIELD_AURA + found*4 + found2, uint32(spell)); pUnit->m_aura_found = found; pUnit->m_aura_found2 = found2; return 1; } int SpellHandler::applySpell( GameClient *pClient, Unit *target, uint32 spell, SpellInformation spellInfo) { uint32 damage; uint32 absorb = 0; //freezetime = 1 + rand()%9; damage = spellInfo.DmgPlus1+rand()%spellInfo.RandomPercentDmg; world.mCombatHandler.AttackerStateUpdate(pClient->getCurrentChar( ), world.getCreatureMap( )[ target->getGUID() ], damage); //setAura(target, spell); return 1; } ////////////////////////////// heal / mana potions and eating (lasts over time) - by nothin /////// int SpellHandler::usePotion(GameClient *pClient, uint32 spell, SpellInformation spellInfo, uint32 targets){ wowWData data; uint32 update_rep,max_rep,add_rep; data.clear(); data.Initialise( 5, SMSG_READ_ITEM_OK ); data << spell << uint8( 0x01); pClient->SendMsg( &data ); uint32 pguid = pClient->getCurrentChar()->getGUID(); update_rep = pClient->getCurrentChar( )->getUpdateValue( spellInfo.replenish_type ); // get needed data max_rep = pClient->getCurrentChar( )->getUpdateValue( spellInfo.replenish_type+6 ); // get needed data if(spellInfo.EQ == 196608 ){ // Im using this for looking if its a mana/healing potion add_rep = spellInfo.DmgPlus1+rand()%spellInfo.RandomPercentDmg; // get needed data if(update_rep==max_rep) { data.clear(); data.Initialise( 6, SMSG_CAST_RESULT ); data << spell << uint8( 0x02); data << uint8( 4 ); pClient->SendMsg( &data ); }else{ if( update_rep+add_rep>max_rep ) { add_rep=max_rep-update_rep; } pClient->getCurrentChar( )->setUpdateValue( spellInfo.replenish_type, update_rep+add_rep ); // Add the value data.clear(); data.Initialise( 5, SMSG_CAST_RESULT ); data << spell << uint8( 0x01); pClient->SendMsg( &data ); } } else if(spellInfo.EQ == 65538){ // Im using this for looking if its a drink/eat stuff which needs sitting if ((pClient->getCurrentChar()->getUpdateValue(UNIT_FIELD_BYTES_1) & 0xff) == 1) // check if player is sitting { if(update_rep == max_rep && spellInfo.replenish_type == 20) { data.clear(); data.Initialise( 6, SMSG_CAST_RESULT ); data << spell << uint8( 0x02); data << uint8( 17 ); pClient->SendMsg( &data ); }else if(update_rep == max_rep && spellInfo.replenish_type == 21) { data.clear(); data.Initialise( 6, SMSG_CAST_RESULT ); data << spell << uint8( 0x02); data << uint8( 42 ); pClient->SendMsg( &data ); }else { uint32 rep_value = spellInfo.DmgPlus1+rand()%spellInfo.RandomPercentDmg/spellInfo.Duration; pClient->getCurrentChar()->m_healingDuration = spellInfo.Duration; // Set duration pClient->getCurrentChar()->m_replenish_field = spellInfo.replenish_type; // Mana or Life ? pClient->getCurrentChar()->m_replenish_value = rep_value; // How much to replenish ? pClient->getCurrentChar()->m_spell = spell; data.clear(); data.Initialise( 5, SMSG_CAST_RESULT ); data << spell << uint8( 0x01); pClient->SendMsg( &data ); } } } return 1; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// float SpellHandler::CalcDistance(float sx, float sy, float sz, float dx, float dy, float dz)
- { float dist = sqrt((dx-sx)*(dx-sx)+(dy-sy)*(dy-sy)+(dz-sz)*(dz-sz)); return dist; } float SpellHandler::CalcDistance2d( float xe, float ye, float xz, float yz ) { return sqrt( ( xe - xz ) * ( xe - xz ) + ( ye - yz ) * ( ye - yz ) ); } float SpellHandler::getwinkel( float xe, float ye, float xz, float yz ) { float w; w = atan( ( yz - ye ) / ( xz - xe ) ); w = ( w / DEG2RAD ); if (xz>=xe) { w = 90+w; } else { w = 270+w; } return w; } float SpellHandler::geteinfachererwinkel( float winkel ) { while ( winkel < 0 ) { winkel = winkel + 360; } while ( winkel >= 360 ) { winkel = winkel - 360; } return winkel; } bool SpellHandler::inbogen( float radius, float xM, float yM, float zM,float offnung, float drehung, float xP, float yP, float zP ) // <radius> <xPositionCaster> <yPositionCaster> <angleFromNULLAxisToRadius> <Angle> <xPositionTarget> <yPositionTarget> { abstand = CalcDistance(xM,yM,zM,xP,yP,zP); winkel = getwinkel( xM, zM, xP, zP ); lrand = geteinfachererwinkel( ( drehung - (offnung/2) ) ); rrand = geteinfachererwinkel( ( drehung + (offnung/2) ) ); if(radius>=abstand &&( ( winkel >= lrand ) && ( winkel <= rrand ) || ( lrand > rrand && ( winkel < rrand || winkel > lrand ) ) ) ) { return true; } else { return false; } } uint32 SpellHandler::PetCreature(GameClient *pClient, char* pName) { wowWData data; uint32 level = 20; // Create the requested monster Character *chr = pClient->getCurrentChar(); float x = chr->getPositionX(); float y = chr->getPositionY(); float z = chr->getPositionZ(); float o = chr->getOrientation(); Unit* pUnit = new Unit();
- pUnit->setPet(); UpdateMask unitMask; WorldServer::getSingletonPtr()->mObjectMgr.SetCreateUnitBits(unitMask); pUnit->Create(world.m_hiCreatureGuid++, (uint8*)pName, x, y, z, o); pUnit->setMapId(chr->getMapId()); pUnit->setZone(chr->getZone()); data.clear(); pUnit->setUpdateValue(GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_ID,28); pUnit->setUpdateValue(OBJECT_FIELD_ENTRY, world.addCreatureName((uint8*)pUnit->getCreatureName())); pUnit->setUpdateValue(OBJECT_FIELD_TYPE,9); pUnit->setUpdateValue(OBJECT_FIELD_ENTRY,416); pUnit->setUpdateValue(OBJECT_FIELD_PADDING,0xeeeeeeee); pUnit->setUpdateValue(UNIT_FIELD_SUMMONEDBY,pClient->getCurrentChar()->getGUID()); pUnit->setUpdateValue(UNIT_FIELD_SUMMONEDBY+1,0); pUnit->setUpdateValue(UNIT_FIELD_CREATEDBY,pClient->getCurrentChar()->getGUID()); pUnit->setUpdateValue(UNIT_FIELD_HEALTH,100+30*level); pUnit->setUpdateValue(UNIT_FIELD_POWER1,1100); pUnit->setUpdateValue(UNIT_FIELD_POWER5,460000); pUnit->setUpdateValue(UNIT_FIELD_MAXHEALTH,100+30*level); pUnit->setUpdateValue(UNIT_FIELD_MAXPOWER1,110); pUnit->setUpdateValue(UNIT_FIELD_MAXPOWER5,460000); pUnit->setUpdateValue(UNIT_FIELD_LEVEL,level); pUnit->setUpdateValue(UNIT_FIELD_FACTIONTEMPLATE,1); pUnit->setUpdateValue(UNIT_NPC_FLAGS , 0); pUnit->setUpdateFloatValue(OBJECT_FIELD_SCALE_X, 0.5f); pUnit->setUpdateValue(UNIT_FIELD_BYTES_0,2048); pUnit->setUpdateValue(UNIT_FIELD_FLAGS,0); pUnit->setUpdateValue(UNIT_FIELD_AURA,6307); pUnit->setUpdateValue(UNIT_FIELD_AURALEVELS, 0x6EEEEEE); pUnit->setUpdateValue(UNIT_FIELD_AURALEVELS+2, 0xeeeeeeee); pUnit->setUpdateValue(UNIT_FIELD_AURALEVELS+3, 0xeeeeeeee); pUnit->setUpdateValue(UNIT_FIELD_AURALEVELS+4, 0xeeeeeeee); pUnit->setUpdateValue(UNIT_FIELD_AURALEVELS+5, 0xeeeeeeee); pUnit->setUpdateValue(UNIT_FIELD_AURALEVELS+6, 0xeeeeeeee); pUnit->setUpdateValue(UNIT_FIELD_AURALEVELS+7, 0xeeeeeeee); pUnit->setUpdateValue(UNIT_FIELD_AURALEVELS+8, 0xeeeeeeee); pUnit->setUpdateValue(UNIT_FIELD_AURALEVELS+9, 0xeeeeeeee); pUnit->setUpdateValue(UNIT_FIELD_AURAAPPLICATIONS,0xeeeeeeee); pUnit->setUpdateValue(UNIT_FIELD_AURAAPPLICATIONS+1,0xeeeeeeee); pUnit->setUpdateValue(UNIT_FIELD_AURAAPPLICATIONS+2,0xeeeeeeee); pUnit->setUpdateValue(UNIT_FIELD_AURAAPPLICATIONS+3,0xeeeeeeee); pUnit->setUpdateValue(UNIT_FIELD_AURAAPPLICATIONS+4,0xeeeeeeee); pUnit->setUpdateValue(UNIT_FIELD_AURAAPPLICATIONS+5,0xeeeeeeee); pUnit->setUpdateValue(UNIT_FIELD_AURAAPPLICATIONS+6,0xeeeeeeee); pUnit->setUpdateValue(UNIT_FIELD_AURAAPPLICATIONS+7,0xeeeeeeee); pUnit->setUpdateValue(UNIT_FIELD_AURAAPPLICATIONS+8,0xeeeeeeee); pUnit->setUpdateValue(UNIT_FIELD_AURAAPPLICATIONS+9,0xeeeeeeee); pUnit->setUpdateValue(UNIT_FIELD_AURAFLAGS,8); pUnit->setUpdateValue(UNIT_FIELD_BASEATTACKTIME,2000); pUnit->setUpdateValue(UNIT_FIELD_BASEATTACKTIME+1,2000); pUnit->setUpdateFloatValue(UNIT_FIELD_BOUNDINGRADIUS,1.0f); pUnit->setUpdateFloatValue(UNIT_FIELD_COMBATREACH,1.0f); pUnit->setUpdateValue(UNIT_FIELD_DISPLAYID,4449); pUnit->setUpdateFloatValue(UNIT_FIELD_MINDAMAGE,7.0f); pUnit->setUpdateFloatValue(UNIT_FIELD_MAXDAMAGE,10.0f); pUnit->setUpdateValue(UNIT_FIELD_BYTES_1,0); pUnit->setUpdateValue(UNIT_FIELD_PETNUMBER,14791); pUnit->setUpdateValue(UNIT_FIELD_PET_NAME_TIMESTAMP,5); pUnit->setUpdateValue(UNIT_FIELD_PETEXPERIENCE,0); pUnit->setUpdateValue(UNIT_FIELD_PETNEXTLEVELEXP,1000); pUnit->setUpdateValue(UNIT_CREATED_BY_SPELL,688); pUnit->setUpdateValue(UNIT_FIELD_STAT0,22); pUnit->setUpdateValue(UNIT_FIELD_STAT1,22); pUnit->setUpdateValue(UNIT_FIELD_STAT2,25); pUnit->setUpdateValue(UNIT_FIELD_STAT3,28); pUnit->setUpdateValue(UNIT_FIELD_STAT4,27); pUnit->setUpdateValue(UNIT_FIELD_RESISTANCES+0,0); pUnit->setUpdateValue(UNIT_FIELD_RESISTANCES+1,0); pUnit->setUpdateValue(UNIT_FIELD_RESISTANCES+2,0); pUnit->setUpdateValue(UNIT_FIELD_RESISTANCES+3,0); pUnit->setUpdateValue(UNIT_FIELD_RESISTANCES+4,0); pUnit->setUpdateValue(UNIT_FIELD_RESISTANCES+5,0); pUnit->setUpdateValue(UNIT_FIELD_RESISTANCES+6,0); pUnit->setUpdateValue(UNIT_FIELD_ATTACKPOWER,24); pUnit->setUpdateValue(UNIT_FIELD_BASE_MANA,140); pUnit->m_pet_state = 1; pUnit->CreateObject(&unitMask, &data, 0); // add to the world list of creatures WPAssert( pUnit->getGUID() != 0 ); world.mCreatures[pUnit->getGUID()] = pUnit; // send create message to everyone // world.SendGlobalMessage(&data); world.SendUnitAreaMessage(&data, pUnit); DatabaseInterface *dbi = Database::getSingleton( ).createDatabaseInterface( ); dbi->saveCreature(pUnit); Database::getSingleton( ).removeDatabaseInterface(dbi); return pUnit->getUpdateValue(OBJECT_FIELD_GUID); }