资源名称:OSDemo [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /*******************************************************************************
- File: BalloonTip.cpp
- Description: This file contains the module for creating a a balloon tip which can
- be shown anywhere on a parent window
- Created: Nov 1, 2001
- Author: Prateek Kaul
- e-mail:
- Compiler with version number : Visual C++ 6.0
- Copyright (c) 2001, Prateek Kaul
- All rights Reserved.
- The copyright to the computer program(s) herein is the property of Prateek Kaul
- The program(s) may be used and/or copied only with the written permission of
- Prateek Kaul or in accordance with the terms and conditions stipulated
- in the agreement/contract under which the program(s) have been supplied.
- ********************************************************************************/
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "BalloonTip.h"
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- #define new DEBUG_NEW
- #undef THIS_FILE
- static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;
- #endif
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Message map
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CBalloonTip, CFrameWnd)
- //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CBalloonTip)
- /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Function : CBalloonTip::CBalloonTip()
- Created: Nov 1, 2001
- Author: Prateek Kaul
- e-mail:
- Abstract : Constructor
- Parameters :
- 1. strMessage -> Message to be shown in the balloon
- 2. lf -> LOGFONT structure from which the the message font
- will be created.
- 3. bBalloonUp -> Is the balloon up or upside down?
- Return Value : none
- Exceptions : none
- Revisions : none
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- CBalloonTip::CBalloonTip(CString strMessage, LOGFONT lf, BOOL bBalloonUp)
- {
- m_strMessage = strMessage;
- m_bBalloonUp = bBalloonUp;
- VERIFY(m_fontBalloonText.CreateFontIndirect(&lf));
- }
- /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Function : CBalloonTip::~CBalloonTip()
- Created: Nov 1, 2001
- Author: Prateek Kaul
- e-mail:
- Abstract : Destructor
- Parameters : none
- Return Value : none
- Exceptions : none
- Revisions : none
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- CBalloonTip::~CBalloonTip()
- {
- }
- /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Function : CBalloonTip::Show()
- Created: Nov 1, 2001
- Author: Prateek Kaul
- e-mail:
- Abstract : Creates the CBalloonTip on the heap, forces heap creation
- Parameters :
- 1. pt -> Point of the balloon tip
- 2. size -> Size of the window(width and height)
- 3. strMessage -> Message to be shown in the balloon
- 4. nSecs -> Seconds for which the balloon will be shown
- 5. lf -> LOGFONT structure from which the the message font
- will be created.
- 6. bBalloonUp -> Is balloon up or upside down?
- Return Value : void
- Exceptions : none
- Revisions : none
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- CBalloonTip* CBalloonTip::Show(CPoint pt, CSize size, CString strMessage, LOGFONT lf, UINT nSecs, BOOL bBalloonUp)
- {
- if( CBalloonTip::nBalloonInstances != 0) // No window creation if already one instance of the class
- {
- return NULL;
- }
- CBalloonTip* pBalloonTip = new CBalloonTip(strMessage, lf, bBalloonUp);
- CBalloonTip::nBalloonInstances = 1; // Only one instance of window possible.
- UINT nRectLeft;
- UINT nRectRight;
- UINT nRectTop;
- UINT nRectBottom;
- // Rectangle co-ordinates w.r.t balloon tip point
- // Balloon tip at CPoint pt shold remain there without change in window size
- if (bBalloonUp)
- {
- nRectLeft = pt.x - ( * 0.65);
- nRectRight = pt.x + ( * 0.35);
- nRectTop = pt.y -;
- nRectBottom = pt.y;
- }
- else
- {
- nRectLeft = pt.x - ( * 0.35);
- nRectRight = pt.x + ( * 0.65);
- nRectTop = pt.y;
- nRectBottom = pt.y + (;
- }
- pBalloonTip->Create(CRect(nRectLeft, nRectTop, nRectRight, nRectBottom));
- pBalloonTip->MakeVisisble(nSecs);
- return pBalloonTip;
- }
- /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Function : CBalloonTip::MakeVisible()
- Created: Nov 1, 2001
- Author: Prateek Kaul
- e-mail:
- Abstract : Shows the balloon and sets the timer for it's eventual destruction.
- Parameters :
- 1. nSecs -> Seconds for the balloon to be shown
- Return Value : none
- Exceptions : none
- Revisions : none
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- void CBalloonTip::MakeVisisble(UINT nSecs)
- {
- ASSERT(nSecs > 0);
- SetTimer(ID_TIMER, (nSecs * 1000), NULL);
- CRect rect;
- GetWindowRect(&rect);
- // Caption bar height to offeset when the balloon is shown
- int nCaptionBarSize = ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYCAPTION);
- int nVerticalBorderSize = ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSIZEFRAME);
- if(m_bBalloonUp)
- {
- // Account for the missing title bar and border thickness in the 3rd parameter
- // as the balloon shifts up by the height of title bar and window tickness
- SetWindowPos(
- &wndTopMost,
- m_rectWindow.left,
- ( + nCaptionBarSize + (2 * nVerticalBorderSize)),
- m_rectWindow.right,
- m_rectWindow.bottom,
- );
- }
- else
- {
- // Account for the missing title bar and border thickness in the 3rd parameter
- // as the balloon shifts up by the height of window tickness.
- SetWindowPos(
- &wndTopMost,
- m_rectWindow.left,
- - nVerticalBorderSize,
- m_rectWindow.right,
- m_rectWindow.bottom,
- );
- }
- }
- /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Function : CBalloonTip::OnTimer()
- Created: Nov 1, 2001
- Author: Prateek Kaul
- e-mail:
- Abstract : Gets called by MFC for an WM_TIMER message
- Parameters :
- 1. nIDEvent -> Timer ID
- Return Value : void
- Exceptions : none
- Revisions : none
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- void CBalloonTip::OnTimer(UINT nIDEvent)
- {
- KillTimer(ID_TIMER);
- DestroyWindow();
- }
- /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Function : CBalloonTip::OnLButtonDown()
- Created: Nov 1, 2001
- Author: Prateek Kaul
- e-mail:
- Abstract : Gets called by MFC for an WM_LBUTTONDOWN message
- Parameters :
- See MFC documentation
- Return Value : void
- Exceptions : none
- Revisions : none
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- void CBalloonTip::OnLButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point)
- {
- KillTimer(ID_TIMER);
- DestroyWindow();
- }
- /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Function : CBalloonTip::OnRButtonDown()
- Created: Nov 1, 2001
- Author: Prateek Kaul
- e-mail:
- Abstract : Gets called by MFC for an WM_RBUTTONDOWN message
- Parameters :
- See MFC documentation
- Return Value : void
- Exceptions : none
- Revisions : none
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- void CBalloonTip::OnRButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point)
- {
- KillTimer(ID_TIMER);
- DestroyWindow();
- }
- /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Function : CBalloonTip::OnCreate()
- Created: Nov 1, 2001
- Author: Prateek Kaul
- e-mail:
- Abstract : Gets called by MFC for an WM_CREATE message
- Parameters :
- See MFC documentation
- Return Value : int
- Exceptions : none
- Revisions : none
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- int CBalloonTip::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct)
- {
- if (CFrameWnd::OnCreate(lpCreateStruct) == -1)
- {
- return -1;
- }
- // Remove caption and thick frame for proper shading
- CRect t_Rect;
- GetClientRect(&t_Rect); // Get the client rectangle to set the balloon region
- if (m_bBalloonUp)
- {
- // Calculation of Text window, where to write text in the balloon
- m_rectText.left = t_Rect.Width() * 0.10;
- m_rectText.right = t_Rect.Width() * 0.90;
- = t_Rect.Height() * 0.10;
- m_rectText.bottom = t_Rect.Height()* 0.70;
- // Create an elliptical region out of the client rectangle
- m_rgnRoundRect.CreateRoundRectRgn(
- t_Rect.left,
- t_Rect.right,
- t_Rect.bottom - (t_Rect.Height() * 0.25),
- abs(t_Rect.left - t_Rect.right) * 0.18,
- t_Rect.Height() * 0.25
- );
- // Start the process of creating the balloon tip
- CPoint ptTri[4];
- ptTri[0].x = (t_Rect.left) + (t_Rect.Width() * 0.93);
- ptTri[0].y = (t_Rect.bottom) - (t_Rect.Height() * 0.40);
- ptTri[1].x = (t_Rect.left) + (t_Rect.Width() * 0.65);
- ptTri[1].y = t_Rect.bottom;
- ptTri[2].x = (t_Rect.left) + (t_Rect.Width() * 0.70);
- ptTri[2].y = (t_Rect.bottom) - (t_Rect.Height() * 0.40);
- ptTri[3].x = (t_Rect.left) + (t_Rect.Width() * 0.93);
- ptTri[3].y = (t_Rect.bottom) - (t_Rect.Height() * 0.40);
- m_rgnTip.CreatePolygonRgn(ptTri, 3, ALTERNATE);
- }
- else
- {
- // Calculation of Text window, where to write text in the balloon
- m_rectText.left = t_Rect.Width() * 0.10;
- m_rectText.right = t_Rect.Width() * 0.90;
- = t_Rect.Height() * 0.30;
- m_rectText.bottom = t_Rect.Height() * 0.90;
- // Create an elliptical region out of the client rectangle
- m_rgnRoundRect.CreateRoundRectRgn(
- t_Rect.left,
- t_Rect.bottom - (t_Rect.Height() * 0.75),
- t_Rect.right,
- t_Rect.bottom,
- abs(t_Rect.left - t_Rect.right) * 0.18,
- t_Rect.Height() * 0.25
- );
- // Start the process of creating the balloon tip
- CPoint ptTri[4];
- ptTri[0].x = (t_Rect.left) + (t_Rect.Width() * 0.07);
- ptTri[0].y = (t_Rect.Height() * 0.40);
- ptTri[1].x = (t_Rect.left) + (t_Rect.Width() * 0.35);
- ptTri[1].y = t_Rect.bottom - t_Rect.Height();
- ptTri[2].x = (t_Rect.left) + (t_Rect.Width() * 0.30);
- ptTri[2].y = t_Rect.Height() * 0.40;
- ptTri[3].x = (t_Rect.left) + (t_Rect.Width() * 0.07);
- ptTri[3].y = t_Rect.Height() * 0.40;
- m_rgnTip.CreatePolygonRgn(ptTri, 3, ALTERNATE);
- }
- // Create the combined region with ellipse and tip
- CRgn rgnComb;
- rgnComb.CreateRectRgn(t_Rect.left,, t_Rect.right, t_Rect.bottom);
- int iRetComb = rgnComb.CombineRgn(&m_rgnTip, &m_rgnRoundRect, RGN_OR);
- if (iRetComb == ERROR)
- {
- ::AfxMessageBox( "ERROR in Combining Region" );
- return -1;
- }
- SetWindowRgn(rgnComb.operator HRGN(), TRUE);
- return 0;
- }
- /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Function : CBalloonTip::OnPaint()
- Created: Nov 1, 2001
- Author: Prateek Kaul
- e-mail:
- Abstract : Gets called by MFC for a WM_PAINT message
- Parameters :
- See MFC documentation
- Return Value : void
- Exceptions : none
- Revisions : none
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- void CBalloonTip::OnPaint()
- {
- CPaintDC dc(this); // device context for painting
- CRect t_Rect;
- GetClientRect(&t_Rect);
- // Get the total balloon, inclding all cut out regions
- CRgn rgnComb;
- rgnComb.CreateRectRgn(t_Rect.left,, t_Rect.right, t_Rect.bottom);
- // Create a balloon tip from this total region
- int iRetComb = rgnComb.CombineRgn(&m_rgnTip, &m_rgnRoundRect, RGN_OR );
- if (iRetComb == ERROR)
- {
- ::AfxMessageBox( "ERROR in Combining Region" );
- return;
- }
- CBrush brOutlineBrush;
- brOutlineBrush.CreateSolidBrush(RGB(0, 0, 0)); // blue
- CBrush brFillBrush;
- brFillBrush.CreateSolidBrush(RGB(249, 254, 188)); // light yellow
- dc.FillRgn(&rgnComb, &brFillBrush); // Fill the balloon
- dc.FrameRgn(&rgnComb, &brOutlineBrush, 2, 1); // Outline the balloon
- int nBkMode = dc.SetBkMode(TRANSPARENT);
- COLORREF clrPrevious = dc.SetTextColor(RGB(255, 0, 0));
- CFont *pFont = dc.SelectObject(&m_fontBalloonText);
- CSize czTextWidth = dc.GetTextExtent(m_strMessage);
- if ( < m_rectText.Width())
- {
- dc.DrawText(m_strMessage, m_rectText, DT_CENTER | DT_VCENTER | DT_SINGLELINE);
- }
- else
- {
- dc.DrawText(m_strMessage, m_rectText, DT_CENTER | DT_WORDBREAK);
- }
- // Restore the DC to its oroginal state
- dc.SelectObject(pFont);
- dc.SetBkColor(nBkMode);
- dc.SetTextColor(clrPrevious);
- }
- /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Function : CBalloonTip::PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT& cs)
- Created: Dec 07, 2001
- Author: Prateek Kaul
- e-mail:
- Abstract : Called by MFC when a before WM_CREATE message is received by the
- window.
- We override this function so that the window so created is not
- visible in the Taskbar. We make this window the child of an
- invisible parent m_wndInvisibleParent.
- Parameters : Look in MFC documentation
- Return Value : BOOL
- Exceptions : none
- Revisions : none
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- BOOL CBalloonTip::PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT& cs)
- {
- if (!CWnd::PreCreateWindow(cs))
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- // Create invisible parent window
- if (!::IsWindow(m_wndInvisibleParent.m_hWnd))
- {
- // Try creating the invisible parent window
- PCSTR pstrOwnerClass = ::AfxRegisterWndClass(0);
- BOOL bError = m_wndInvisibleParent.CreateEx(
- 0,
- pstrOwnerClass,
- _T(""),
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0
- );
- if (bError == FALSE)
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- // Set the invisible window as the parent of "this" window
- cs.hwndParent = m_wndInvisibleParent.m_hWnd;
- return TRUE;
- }
- /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Function : CBalloonTip::Create()
- Created: Dec 07, 2001
- Author: Prateek Kaul
- e-mail:
- Abstract : Called by the static CBalloonTip to create a Windows(R) window
- Parameters : rect-> a rectangle in screen co ordinates where the balloon
- will be displayed.
- Return Value : BOOL
- Exceptions : none
- Revisions : none
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- BOOL CBalloonTip::Create(CRect rect)
- {
- m_rectWindow = rect;
- PCSTR pstrOwnerClass = ::AfxRegisterWndClass(0);
- BOOL bResult = CFrameWnd::Create(pstrOwnerClass, NULL, WS_OVERLAPPED, m_rectWindow);
- return bResult;
- }
- /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Function : CBalloonTip::Hide()
- Created: Dec 08, 2001
- Author: Prateek Kaul
- e-mail:
- Abstract : Provided to destroy a balloon before it self destructs. If it is
- already hidden, it will have no effect.
- Parameters : CBalloonTip*
- Return Value : void
- Exceptions : none
- Revisions : none
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- void CBalloonTip::Hide(CBalloonTip* pBalloonTip)
- {
- if (CBalloonTip::nBalloonInstances != 0)
- {
- pBalloonTip->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE);
- pBalloonTip->KillTimer(ID_TIMER);
- pBalloonTip->DestroyWindow();
- }
- }
- /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- int CBalloonTip::nBalloonInstances;
- Abstract: Used for preventing more than one instance of the class CBalloonTip
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- int CBalloonTip::nBalloonInstances = 0;
- /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Function : CBalloonTip::PostNcDestroy()
- Created: Dec 08, 2001
- Author: Prateek Kaul
- e-mail:
- Abstract : Last function the window receives when it is destroyed.
- Used for resetting the counter CBalloonTip::nBalloonInstances to 0,
- so that a new instance of this class can be created.
- Parameters : void
- Return Value : void
- Exceptions : none
- Revisions : none
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- void CBalloonTip::PostNcDestroy()
- {
- CBalloonTip::nBalloonInstances = 0;
- CFrameWnd::PostNcDestroy();
- }