资源名称:OSDemo [点击查看]
Visual C++
- //Graph.h - Version 3.0 (Brian Convery, May, 2001)
- #if !defined(AFX_GRAPH_H__9DB68B4D_3C7C_47E2_9F72_EEDA5D2CDBB0__INCLUDED_)
- #define AFX_GRAPH_H__9DB68B4D_3C7C_47E2_9F72_EEDA5D2CDBB0__INCLUDED_
- #if _MSC_VER > 1000
- #pragma once
- #endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
- // Graph.h : header file
- //
- //color definitions
- #define RED RGB(255,0,0)
- #define GREEN RGB(0,255,0)
- #define BLUE RGB(0,0,255)
- #define YELLOW RGB(255,255,0)
- #define ORANGE RGB(255,153,51)
- #define HOT_PINK RGB(255,51,153)
- #define PURPLE RGB(153,0,204)
- #define CYAN RGB(0,255,255)
- #define BLACK RGB(0,0,0)
- #define WHITE RGB(255,255,255)
- #define LAVENDER RGB(199,177,255)
- #define PEACH RGB(255,226,177)
- #define SKY_BLUE RGB(142,255,255)
- #define FOREST_GREEN RGB(0,192,0)
- #define BROWN RGB(80,50,0)
- #define TURQUOISE RGB(0,192,192)
- #define ROYAL_BLUE RGB(0,0,192)
- #define GREY RGB(192,192,192)
- #define DARK_GREY RGB(128,128,128)
- #define TAN RGB(255,198,107)
- #define DARK_BLUE RGB(0,0,128)
- #define MAROON RGB(128,0,0)
- #define DUSK RGB(255,143,107)
- #define LIGHT_GREY RGB(225,225,225) //only for 3D graph lines
- //for graph type definitions :
- //single number = 2D type graph
- //number in 20s = 2D type graph related to graph of single number
- //number in 30s = 3D type graph related to graph of single number
- //graph type definitions
- #define BAR_GRAPH 0
- #define LINE_GRAPH 1 //lines between plotted points
- #define PIE_GRAPH 2
- #define SCATTER_GRAPH 3
- //#define RADAR_GRAPH 5
- //specialty graphs
- #define STACKED_BAR_GRAPH 20
- #define XY_LINE_GRAPH 21 //straight line, no circles at data points
- #define BAR_GRAPH_3D 30
- #define LINE_GRAPH_3D 31 //looks like a "tape" graph
- #define PIE_GRAPH_3D 32
- #define STACKED_BAR_GRAPH_3D 320
- #define VERTICAL_ALIGN 1
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CGraph window
- #include "GraphSeries.h"
- #include "GraphLegend.h"
- class CGraph : public CStatic
- {
- // Construction
- public:
- CGraph();
- CGraph(int type);
- // Attributes
- public:
- private:
- int tickSpace; //number of pixels between "y" axis ticks
- CObList* graphSeries;
- int graphType; //0 - bar graph, 1 - line graph, 2 - pie
- int graphAlignment; //0 - horizontal, 1 - vertical
- int maxHeight;
- int maxWidth;
- CObList* colorList;
- CString axisYLabel;
- CString axisXLabel;
- int yApexPoint; //yApex is the number of pixels from top to draw the x axis(bottom of y axis line)
- int xApexPoint; //xApex is number of pixels from left to draw y axis (leftmost point of x axis line)
- int yAxisHeight;
- int xAxisWidth;
- int yTickFontSize;
- int xTickFontSize;
- int legendFontSize;
- int numTicks;
- int minTick, maxTick;
- int seriesSize; //number of data elements to map per series
- CGraphLegend graphLegend;
- BOOL graphHasLegend;
- int legendWidth;
- int xAxisAlign; //# - degree rotation (0 = horizontal, 90 = vertical, etc)
- int xAxisLabelLength;
- int yAxisLabelLength; //in case I ever need it
- CString graphTitle;
- BOOL graphHasGridLines;
- int legendMaxText;
- int topYTick;
- int rightXTick;
- int depth; //for 3D graphs
- double depthRatio;
- int graphQuadType;
- BOOL quadSetManually;
- BOOL inRedraw;
- int line3DXBase; //for 3d line
- int line3DYBase; //for 3d line
- //print settings
- int topMargin;
- int bottomMargin;
- int leftMargin;
- int rightMargin;
- int pGraphL, pGraphT, pGraphB, pGraphR;
- int p_topYTick;
- int p_rightXTick;
- // Operations
- public:
- void SetXTickFontSize(int size);
- void SetYTickFontSize(int size);
- void SetLegendFontSize(int size);
- void DrawGraph(CDC* pDC);
- void AddSeries(CGraphSeries* dataSet);
- void SetXAxisLabel(CString label);
- void SetYAxisLabel(CString label);
- void SetLegend(int datagroup, CString label);
- void SetXAxisAlignment(int alignValue);
- void SetGraphType(int gType);
- void SetGraphTitle(CString title);
- int PrintGraph(CDC *pDC, CPrintInfo* pInfo);
- void SetMargins(int top, int bottom, int left, int right, int graphTop);
- void SetGridLines(BOOL hasGridLines);
- void SetGraphAlignment(int alignment); //0 - vertical, 1 horizontal
- void SetTickLimits(int minTick, int maxTick, int tickStep);
- void SetColor(int dataGroup, COLORREF groupColor);
- void RemoveSeries(CString label);
- void RemoveColor(int dataGroup);
- void RemoveAllSeries();
- void RemoveAllColors();
- void RemoveLegend(int dataGroup);
- void RemoveAllLegends();
- void RemoveAllData(); //removes all series, legends and colors
- void Set3DDepthRatio(double ratio);
- void SetGraphQuadType(int quads);
- void Set3DLineBase(int x, int y);
- private:
- void DrawAxis(CDC* pDC);
- void DrawSeries(CDC* pDC);
- int DrawLegend(CDC* pDC);
- COLORREF GetColor(int dataGroup);
- int GetXAxisAlignment();
- int PrintLegend(CDC *pDC);
- void PrintAxis(CDC *pDC);
- void PrintSeries(CDC *pDC);
- void DrawBarSeries(CDC* pDC);
- void DrawLineSeries(CDC* pDC);
- void DrawPieSeries(CDC* pDC);
- void DrawScatterSeries(CDC* pDC);
- void DrawBoxWhiskerSeries(CDC* pDC);
- void DrawStackedBarSeries(CDC* pDC);
- void DrawXYLineSeries(CDC* pDC);
- // void DrawRadarSeries(CDC* pDC);
- void Draw3DBarSeries(CDC* pDC);
- void Draw3DLineSeries(CDC* pDC);
- void Draw3DPieSeries(CDC* pDC);
- void Draw3DStackedBarSeries(CDC* pDC);
- void PrintBarSeries(CDC* pDC);
- void PrintLineSeries(CDC* pDC);
- void PrintPieSeries(CDC* pDC);
- void PrintScatterSeries(CDC* pDC);
- void PrintBoxWhiskerSeries(CDC* pDC);
- void PrintStackedBarSeries(CDC* pDC);
- void PrintXYLineSeries(CDC* pDC);
- // void PrintRadarSeries(CDC* pDC);
- void Print3DBarSeries(CDC* pDC);
- void Print3DLineSeries(CDC* pDC);
- void Print3DPieSeries(CDC* pDC);
- void Print3DStackedBarSeries(CDC* pDC);
- // Overrides
- // ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides
- //{{AFX_VIRTUAL(CGraph)
- // Implementation
- public:
- virtual ~CGraph();
- // Generated message map functions
- protected:
- //{{AFX_MSG(CGraph)
- // NOTE - the ClassWizard will add and remove member functions here.
- //}}AFX_MSG
- };
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Microsoft Visual C++ will insert additional declarations immediately before the previous line.
- #endif // !defined(AFX_GRAPH_H__9DB68B4D_3C7C_47E2_9F72_EEDA5D2CDBB0__INCLUDED_)