资源名称:OSDemo [点击查看]
Visual C++
- //barT uses a 560 offset below,...why?
- //would be 500, but barB is only using 120 height,
- //when it should be 240 (but 240 puts bars too close
- //together, so I'm setting them to 1/2 size.
- //therefore, I want to adjust my barT by half of that
- //adjustment ( 1/2 of 120 is 60). This basically centers
- //the bar 1/2 way in text, and makes it 1/2 the height
- //of text
- barL = legendL + 50 + (legendMaxText * charWidth / 2);
- barT = legendT - 560 - (i * charHeight);
- barR = legendR - 100;
- barB = barT - 120;
- pDC->Rectangle(barL, barT, barR, barB);
- pDC->SelectObject(pOldBrush);
- }
- return legendL;
- }
- void CGraph::PrintAxis(CDC *pDC)
- {
- pDC->SetTextColor(BLACK);
- CFont sideFont, axisFont;
- int charWidth;
- int charHeight;
- int tFontSize;
- double tickScale;
- int tickYLocation;
- int seriesSpace;
- int tickXLocation;
- switch(graphType)
- {
- case BAR_GRAPH :
- case LINE_GRAPH :
- // case RADAR_GRAPH :
- case XY_LINE_GRAPH :
- //draw y axis
- pDC->MoveTo(xApexPoint, yApexPoint);
- //unlike drawAxis, the lineto below uses a + in the y
- //coordinate because printer uses negative locations
- //when going down a page, so use a + to move the line
- //upwards...
- pDC->LineTo(xApexPoint, yApexPoint + yAxisHeight);
- //draw x axis
- pDC->MoveTo(xApexPoint, yApexPoint);
- pDC->LineTo(xApexPoint + xAxisWidth, yApexPoint);
- //draw labels
- tFontSize = 16;
- if(maxWidth > maxHeight)
- {
- while((axisYLabel.GetLength() * (tFontSize / 2)) > maxHeight)
- {
- tFontSize -= 2;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- while((axisXLabel.GetLength() * (tFontSize / 2)) > maxWidth)
- {
- tFontSize -= 2;
- }
- }
- tFontSize *= 20;
- axisFont.CreateFont(tFontSize, 0, 0, 0, 700, FALSE, FALSE, 0,
- sideFont.CreateFont(tFontSize, 0, 2700, 0, 700, FALSE, FALSE, 0,
- CFont* pOldFont;
- pOldFont = (CFont*) pDC->SelectObject(&sideFont);
- pDC->GetTextMetrics(&tm);
- charWidth = tm.tmAveCharWidth;
- charHeight = tm.tmHeight;
- if(graphAlignment)
- {
- pDC->TextOut(pGraphL + 10, pGraphT - (maxHeight / 2) - ((axisYLabel.GetLength() / 2) * charHeight), axisYLabel);
- pDC->SelectObject(&axisFont);
- pDC->GetTextMetrics(&tm);
- charWidth = tm.tmAveCharWidth;
- pDC->TextOut(xApexPoint + (xAxisWidth / 2) - ((axisXLabel.GetLength() / 2) * charWidth), pGraphB + 50 + charHeight, axisXLabel);
- pDC->SelectObject(pOldFont);
- tickScale = 0.00;
- tickScale = (yAxisHeight - 100) / numTicks;
- //draw y axis ticks
- for(int y = 1; y <= numTicks; y++)
- {
- tickYLocation = yApexPoint + (int)(y * tickScale);
- //draw tick mark
- pDC->MoveTo(xApexPoint - 60, tickYLocation);
- pDC->LineTo(xApexPoint + 60, tickYLocation);
- if(graphHasGridLines)
- {
- //draw grid lines
- COLORREF gridLineColor;
- gridLineColor = DARK_GREY;
- CBrush gridBrush (gridLineColor);
- CBrush* pOldBrush;
- pOldBrush = pDC->SelectObject(&gridBrush);
- pDC->MoveTo(xApexPoint, tickYLocation);
- pDC->LineTo(xApexPoint + xAxisWidth, tickYLocation);
- pDC->SelectObject(pOldBrush);
- }
- //draw tick label
- CString tickLabel;
- tickLabel.Format("%d", minTick + (y * tickSpace));
- CFont yFont;
- yFont.CreateFont(yTickFontSize * 20, 0, 0, 0, 700, FALSE, FALSE, 0,
- pOldFont = (CFont*) pDC->SelectObject(&yFont);
- pDC->TextOut(xApexPoint - 200 - (tickLabel.GetLength() * (yTickFontSize / 2) * 20), tickYLocation + 120, tickLabel);
- p_topYTick = tickYLocation;
- pDC->SelectObject(pOldFont);
- }
- //draw X axis tick marks
- if(graphType != SCATTER_GRAPH)
- {
- pos = graphSeries->GetHeadPosition();
- CGraphSeries* tmpSeries;
- for(int x = 1; x <= graphSeries->GetCount(); x++)
- {
- tmpSeries = (CGraphSeries*)graphSeries->GetNext(pos);
- int seriesSpace;
- int tickXLocation;
- seriesSpace = xAxisWidth / graphSeries->GetCount();
- tickXLocation = xApexPoint + ((x * seriesSpace) - (seriesSpace / 2));
- pDC->MoveTo(tickXLocation,yApexPoint - 60);
- pDC->LineTo(tickXLocation,yApexPoint + 60);
- //draw tick label
- CString tickLabel;
- tickLabel = tmpSeries->GetLabel();
- if(!xAxisAlign) //horizontal
- pDC->TextOut(tickXLocation - ((tickLabel.GetLength() / 2) * (xTickFontSize * 10)), yApexPoint - 160, tickLabel);
- else
- {
- CFont sideFont2;
- sideFont2.CreateFont(xTickFontSize * 20, 0, ((360 - xAxisAlign) * 10), 0, 700, FALSE, FALSE, 0,
- pOldFont = (CFont*) pDC->SelectObject(&sideFont2);
- pDC->GetTextMetrics(&tm);
- charWidth = tm.tmAveCharWidth;
- if(xAxisAlign < 180)
- pDC->TextOut(tickXLocation - (xTickFontSize * 10), yApexPoint - (xTickFontSize * 10) - (xAxisLabelLength * charWidth), tickLabel);
- else
- pDC->TextOut(tickXLocation + (xTickFontSize * 10), yApexPoint - 160, tickLabel);
- }
- p_rightXTick = tickXLocation;
- pDC->SelectObject(pOldFont);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- //scatter graphs will use the same tick marking on both axis lines
- int seriesSpace;
- seriesSpace = (xAxisWidth - 200) / numTicks;
- for(int x = 1; x <= numTicks; x++)
- {
- int tickXLocation;
- tickXLocation = xApexPoint + (x * seriesSpace);
- //draw tick mark
- pDC->MoveTo(tickXLocation, yApexPoint - 60);
- pDC->LineTo(tickXLocation, yApexPoint + 60);
- //draw tick label
- CString tickLabel;
- tickLabel.Format("%d", x * tickSpace);
- CFont xFont;
- xFont.CreateFont(xTickFontSize * 20, 0, 0, 0, 700, FALSE, FALSE, 0,
- pOldFont = (CFont*) pDC->SelectObject(&xFont);
- pDC->GetTextMetrics(&tm);
- charWidth = tm.tmAveCharWidth;
- pDC->TextOut(tickXLocation - (tickLabel.GetLength() * charWidth / 2), yApexPoint - 160, tickLabel);
- p_rightXTick = tickXLocation;
- pDC->SelectObject(pOldFont);
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- //reverse above stuff and treat as horizontal graph
- pDC->TextOut(pGraphL + 10, pGraphT - (maxHeight / 2) - ((axisXLabel.GetLength() / 2) * charHeight), axisXLabel);
- pDC->SelectObject(&axisFont);
- pDC->GetTextMetrics(&tm);
- charWidth = tm.tmAveCharWidth;
- int labelHeight = tm.tmHeight + 50;
- if(axisYLabel.GetLength() == 0)
- labelHeight = 0;
- pDC->TextOut(xApexPoint + (xAxisWidth / 2) - ((axisYLabel.GetLength() / 2) * charWidth), pGraphB + 50 + labelHeight, axisYLabel);
- pDC->SelectObject(pOldFont);
- //to allow scalability (height may be less than tickRange)
- double tickScale;
- tickScale = 0.00;
- //draw y axis ticks
- if(graphType != SCATTER_GRAPH)
- {
- tickScale = (yAxisHeight - 100) / seriesSize;
- pos = graphSeries->GetHeadPosition();
- CGraphSeries* tmpSeries;
- for(int y = 1; y <= graphSeries->GetCount(); y++)
- {
- tmpSeries = (CGraphSeries*)graphSeries->GetNext(pos);
- int seriesSpace;
- int tickYLocation;
- seriesSpace = (yAxisHeight - 50) / graphSeries->GetCount();
- tickYLocation = yApexPoint + ((y * seriesSpace) - (seriesSpace / 2));
- //draw tick mark
- pDC->MoveTo(xApexPoint - 60, tickYLocation);
- pDC->LineTo(xApexPoint + 60, tickYLocation);
- //draw tick label
- CString tickLabel;
- tickLabel = tmpSeries->GetLabel();
- CFont sideFont2;
- sideFont2.CreateFont(yTickFontSize * 20, 0, 0, 0, 700, FALSE, FALSE, 0,
- pOldFont = (CFont*) pDC->SelectObject(&sideFont2);
- pDC->GetTextMetrics(&tm);
- pDC->TextOut(xApexPoint - (tickLabel.GetLength() * (yTickFontSize * 10)) - 200, tickYLocation + 120, tickLabel);
- p_topYTick = tickYLocation;
- pDC->SelectObject(pOldFont);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- //scatter graphs will use the same tick marking on both axis lines
- for(int y = 1; y <= numTicks; y++)
- {
- tickScale = (yAxisHeight - 100) / numTicks;
- int tickYLocation;
- tickYLocation = yApexPoint + (int)(y * tickScale);
- //draw tick mark
- pDC->MoveTo(xApexPoint - 60, tickYLocation);
- pDC->LineTo(xApexPoint + 60, tickYLocation);
- //draw tick label
- CString tickLabel;
- tickLabel.Format("%d", y * tickSpace);
- CFont yFont;
- yFont.CreateFont(yTickFontSize * 20, 0, 0, 0, 700, FALSE, FALSE, 0,
- pOldFont = (CFont*) pDC->SelectObject(&yFont);
- pDC->TextOut(xApexPoint - (tickLabel.GetLength() * (yTickFontSize * 10)) - 200, tickYLocation + 120, tickLabel);
- p_topYTick = tickYLocation;
- pDC->SelectObject(pOldFont);
- }
- }
- //draw X axis tick marks
- tickScale = (xAxisWidth - 200) / numTicks;
- for(int x = 1; x <= numTicks; x++)
- {
- int tickXLocation;
- tickXLocation = xApexPoint + (int)(x * tickScale);
- pDC->MoveTo(tickXLocation,yApexPoint - 60);
- pDC->LineTo(tickXLocation,yApexPoint + 60);
- if(graphHasGridLines)
- {
- //draw grid lines
- COLORREF gridLineColor;
- gridLineColor = DARK_GREY;
- CBrush gridBrush (gridLineColor);
- CBrush* pOldBrush;
- pOldBrush = pDC->SelectObject(&gridBrush);
- pDC->MoveTo(tickXLocation, yApexPoint);
- pDC->LineTo(tickXLocation, yApexPoint + yAxisHeight);
- pDC->SelectObject(pOldBrush);
- }
- //draw tick label
- CString tickLabel;
- tickLabel.Format("%d", x * tickSpace);
- if(!xAxisAlign) //horizontal
- {
- CFont xFont;
- xFont.CreateFont(xTickFontSize * 20, 0, 0, 0, 700, FALSE, FALSE, 0,
- pOldFont = (CFont*) pDC->SelectObject(&xFont);
- charWidth = tm.tmAveCharWidth;
- pDC->TextOut(tickXLocation - ((tickLabel.GetLength() * charWidth) / 2), yApexPoint - 160, tickLabel);
- pDC->SelectObject(pOldFont);
- }
- else
- {
- CFont sideFont2;
- sideFont2.CreateFont(xTickFontSize * 20, 0, (xAxisAlign * 10), 0, 700, FALSE, FALSE, 0,
- pOldFont = (CFont*) pDC->SelectObject(&sideFont2);
- pDC->GetTextMetrics(&tm);
- charWidth = tm.tmAveCharWidth;
- if(xAxisAlign < 180)
- pDC->TextOut(tickXLocation - (xTickFontSize * 10), yApexPoint - (xTickFontSize * 10) - (xAxisLabelLength * charWidth), tickLabel);
- else
- pDC->TextOut(tickXLocation + (xTickFontSize * 10), yApexPoint - 160, tickLabel);
- pDC->SelectObject(pOldFont);
- }
- p_rightXTick = tickXLocation;
- }
- }
- break;
- case BAR_GRAPH_3D :
- case LINE_GRAPH_3D :
- if(graphAlignment)
- depth = (int)(yAxisHeight * .05);
- else
- depth = (int)(xAxisWidth * .05);
- xApexPoint += depth;
- yApexPoint += depth;
- xAxisWidth -= depth;
- yAxisHeight -= depth;
- //draw y axis
- pDC->MoveTo(xApexPoint, yApexPoint);
- pDC->LineTo(xApexPoint, yApexPoint + yAxisHeight);
- //draw x axis
- pDC->MoveTo(xApexPoint, yApexPoint);
- pDC->LineTo(xApexPoint + xAxisWidth, yApexPoint);
- //adjust graph settings for 3D look
- yApexPoint -= depth;
- xApexPoint -= depth;
- //foreground axis
- pDC->MoveTo(xApexPoint, yApexPoint - (int)(depth * .5));
- pDC->LineTo(xApexPoint, yApexPoint + yAxisHeight);
- pDC->MoveTo(xApexPoint - (int)(depth * .5), yApexPoint);
- pDC->LineTo(xApexPoint + xAxisWidth, yApexPoint);
- //connecting line at apex
- pDC->MoveTo(xApexPoint, yApexPoint);
- pDC->LineTo(xApexPoint + depth, yApexPoint + depth);
- //connecting line at height
- pDC->MoveTo(xApexPoint, yApexPoint + yAxisHeight);
- pDC->LineTo(xApexPoint + depth, yApexPoint + yAxisHeight + depth);
- //connecting line at width
- pDC->MoveTo(xApexPoint + xAxisWidth, yApexPoint);
- pDC->LineTo(xApexPoint + xAxisWidth + depth, yApexPoint + depth);
- //top and right border lines
- pDC->MoveTo(xApexPoint + depth, yApexPoint + yAxisHeight + depth);
- pDC->LineTo(xApexPoint + xAxisWidth + depth, yApexPoint + yAxisHeight + depth);
- pDC->LineTo(xApexPoint + xAxisWidth + depth, yApexPoint + depth);
- //Tick marks ... and labels too
- //draw labels
- tFontSize = 16;
- if(maxWidth > maxHeight)
- {
- while((axisYLabel.GetLength() * (tFontSize / 2)) > maxHeight)
- {
- tFontSize -= 2;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- while((axisXLabel.GetLength() * (tFontSize / 2)) > maxWidth)
- {
- tFontSize -= 2;
- }
- }
- axisFont.CreateFont(tFontSize * 20, 0, 0, 0, 700, FALSE, FALSE, 0,
- sideFont.CreateFont(tFontSize * 20, 0, 2700, 0, 700, FALSE, FALSE, 0,
- pOldFont = (CFont*) pDC->SelectObject(&sideFont);
- pDC->GetTextMetrics(&tm);
- charWidth = tm.tmAveCharWidth;
- charHeight = tm.tmHeight;
- if(graphAlignment)
- {
- pDC->TextOut(pGraphL + 10, pGraphT - (maxHeight / 2) - ((axisYLabel.GetLength() * charWidth) / 2), axisYLabel);
- pDC->SelectObject(&axisFont);
- pDC->GetTextMetrics(&tm);
- charWidth = tm.tmAveCharWidth;
- pDC->TextOut(xApexPoint + (xAxisWidth / 2) - ((axisXLabel.GetLength() / 2) * charWidth), pGraphB + 50 + charHeight, axisXLabel);
- pDC->SelectObject(pOldFont);
- //to allow scalability (height may be less than tickRange)
- tickScale = 0.00;
- tickScale = yAxisHeight / numTicks;
- //draw y axis ticks
- for(int y = 1; y <= numTicks; y++)
- {
- tickYLocation = yApexPoint + (int)(y * tickScale);
- //draw tick mark
- pDC->MoveTo(xApexPoint - (int)(depth * .5), tickYLocation);
- pDC->LineTo(xApexPoint, tickYLocation);
- COLORREF gridLineColor;
- CPen* pOldPen;
- if(graphHasGridLines)
- {
- //draw grid lines
- gridLineColor = DARK_GREY;
- CPen gridPen (PS_SOLID, 1, gridLineColor);
- pOldPen = pDC->SelectObject(&gridPen);
- pDC->MoveTo(xApexPoint, tickYLocation);
- pDC->LineTo(xApexPoint + depth, tickYLocation + depth);
- pDC->LineTo(xApexPoint + xAxisWidth + depth, tickYLocation + depth);
- pDC->SelectObject(pOldPen);
- }
- //draw tick label
- CString tickLabel;
- tickLabel.Format("%d", y * tickSpace);
- CFont yFont;
- yFont.CreateFont(yTickFontSize * 20, 0, 0, 0, 700, FALSE, FALSE, 0,
- pOldFont = (CFont*) pDC->SelectObject(&yFont);
- pDC->TextOut(xApexPoint - 200 - (tickLabel.GetLength() * ((yTickFontSize / 2) * 20)), tickYLocation + 120, tickLabel);
- topYTick = tickYLocation;
- pDC->SelectObject(pOldFont);
- //draw 1/2 tick line (grey)
- int midTickYLocation;
- midTickYLocation = yApexPoint + (int)(y * tickScale * .5) + (int)((y - 1) * tickScale * .5);
- //draw tick mark
- pDC->MoveTo(xApexPoint - (int)(depth * .5), midTickYLocation);
- pDC->LineTo(xApexPoint, midTickYLocation);
- if(graphHasGridLines)
- {
- //draw grid lines
- gridLineColor = LIGHT_GREY;
- CPen midGridPen (PS_SOLID, 1, gridLineColor);
- pOldPen = pDC->SelectObject(&midGridPen);
- pDC->MoveTo(xApexPoint, midTickYLocation);
- pDC->LineTo(xApexPoint + depth, midTickYLocation + depth);
- pDC->LineTo(xApexPoint + xAxisWidth + depth, midTickYLocation + depth);
- pDC->SelectObject(pOldPen);
- }
- }
- //draw X axis tick marks
- pos = graphSeries->GetHeadPosition();
- CGraphSeries* tmpSeries;
- for(int x = 1; x <= graphSeries->GetCount(); x++)
- {
- tmpSeries = (CGraphSeries*)graphSeries->GetNext(pos);
- seriesSpace = xAxisWidth / graphSeries->GetCount();
- tickXLocation = xApexPoint + ((x * seriesSpace) - (seriesSpace / 2));
- //unlike normal series, we put ticks here
- //on the outsides of the series
- pDC->MoveTo(xApexPoint + (x * seriesSpace),yApexPoint - (int)(depth * .5));
- pDC->LineTo(xApexPoint + (x * seriesSpace),yApexPoint);
- pDC->LineTo(xApexPoint + (x * seriesSpace) + depth,yApexPoint + depth);
- //draw tick label
- CString tickLabel;
- tickLabel = tmpSeries->GetLabel();
- if(!xAxisAlign) //horizontal
- pDC->TextOut(tickXLocation - ((tickLabel.GetLength() / 2) * (xTickFontSize * 10)), yApexPoint - 160, tickLabel);
- else
- {
- CFont sideFont2;
- sideFont2.CreateFont(xTickFontSize * 20, 0, (xAxisAlign * 10), 0, 700, FALSE, FALSE, 0,
- pOldFont = (CFont*) pDC->SelectObject(&sideFont2);
- pDC->GetTextMetrics(&tm);
- charWidth = tm.tmAveCharWidth;
- if(xAxisAlign < 180)
- pDC->TextOut(tickXLocation - (xTickFontSize * 10), yApexPoint - (xTickFontSize * 10) - (xAxisLabelLength * charWidth), tickLabel);
- else
- pDC->TextOut(tickXLocation + (xTickFontSize * 10), yApexPoint - 160, tickLabel);
- pDC->SelectObject(pOldFont);
- }
- p_rightXTick = tickXLocation;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- //reverse above stuff and treat as horizontal graph
- pDC->TextOut(pGraphL + 10, pGraphT - (maxHeight / 2) - ((axisXLabel.GetLength() / 2) * charHeight), axisXLabel);
- pDC->SelectObject(&axisFont);
- pDC->GetTextMetrics(&tm);
- charWidth = tm.tmAveCharWidth;
- int labelHeight;
- labelHeight = tm.tmHeight + 50;
- if(axisYLabel.GetLength() == 0)
- labelHeight = 0;
- pDC->TextOut(xApexPoint + (xAxisWidth / 2) - ((axisXLabel.GetLength() / 2) * charWidth), pGraphB + 50 + labelHeight, axisYLabel);
- pDC->SelectObject(pOldFont);
- //to allow scalability (height may be less than tickRange)
- tickScale = 0.00;
- //draw y axis ticks
- tickScale = (yAxisHeight - 100) / seriesSize;
- pos = graphSeries->GetHeadPosition();
- CGraphSeries* tmpSeries;
- for(int y = 1; y <= graphSeries->GetCount(); y++)
- {
- tmpSeries = (CGraphSeries*)graphSeries->GetNext(pos);
- seriesSpace = (yAxisHeight - 50) / graphSeries->GetCount();
- tickYLocation = yApexPoint + (y * seriesSpace);
- //draw tick mark
- //unlike normal series, we put ticks here on the
- //outside of the series
- pDC->MoveTo(xApexPoint - (int)(depth * .5), tickYLocation);
- pDC->LineTo(xApexPoint, tickYLocation);
- //draw tick label
- CString tickLabel;
- tickLabel = tmpSeries->GetLabel();
- CFont yFont;
- yFont.CreateFont(yTickFontSize * 20, 0, 0, 0, 700, FALSE, FALSE, 0,
- pOldFont = (CFont*) pDC->SelectObject(&yFont);
- pDC->GetTextMetrics(&tm);
- pDC->TextOut(xApexPoint - (tickLabel.GetLength() * (yTickFontSize * 10)), tickYLocation + 120, tickLabel);
- p_topYTick = tickYLocation;
- pDC->SelectObject(pOldFont);
- }
- //draw X axis tick marks
- tickScale = (xAxisWidth - 200) / numTicks;
- for(int x = 1; x <= numTicks; x++)
- {
- tickXLocation = xApexPoint + (int)(x * tickScale);
- pDC->MoveTo(tickXLocation,yApexPoint - (int)(depth * .25));
- pDC->LineTo(tickXLocation,yApexPoint);
- COLORREF gridLineColor;
- CPen* pOldPen;
- if(graphHasGridLines)
- {
- //draw grid lines
- gridLineColor = DARK_GREY;
- CPen gridPen (PS_SOLID, 1, gridLineColor);
- pOldPen = pDC->SelectObject(&gridPen);
- pDC->MoveTo(tickXLocation, yApexPoint);
- pDC->LineTo(tickXLocation + depth, yApexPoint + depth);
- pDC->LineTo(tickXLocation + depth, yApexPoint + yAxisHeight + depth);
- pDC->SelectObject(pOldPen);
- }
- //draw tick label
- CString tickLabel;
- tickLabel.Format("%d", x * tickSpace);
- if(!xAxisAlign) //horizontal
- {
- CFont xFont;
- xFont.CreateFont(xTickFontSize * 20, 0, 0, 0, 700, FALSE, FALSE, 0,
- pOldFont = (CFont*) pDC->SelectObject(&xFont);
- charWidth = tm.tmAveCharWidth;
- pDC->TextOut(tickXLocation - ((tickLabel.GetLength() * charWidth) / 2), yApexPoint - 160, tickLabel);
- pDC->SelectObject(pOldFont);
- }
- else
- {
- CFont sideFont2;
- sideFont2.CreateFont(xTickFontSize * 20, 0, (xAxisAlign * 10), 0, 700, FALSE, FALSE, 0,
- pOldFont = (CFont*) pDC->SelectObject(&sideFont2);
- pDC->GetTextMetrics(&tm);
- charWidth = tm.tmAveCharWidth;
- if(xAxisAlign < 180)
- pDC->TextOut(tickXLocation - (xTickFontSize * 10), yApexPoint - (xTickFontSize * 10) - (xAxisLabelLength * charWidth), tickLabel);
- else
- pDC->TextOut(tickXLocation + (xTickFontSize * 10), yApexPoint - 160, tickLabel);
- pDC->SelectObject(pOldFont);
- }
- p_rightXTick = tickXLocation;
- //draw 1/2 tick line (grey)
- int midTickXLocation;
- midTickXLocation = xApexPoint + (int)(x * tickScale * .5) + (int)((x - 1) * tickScale * .5);
- //draw tick mark
- pDC->MoveTo(midTickXLocation,yApexPoint - (int)(depth * .25));
- pDC->LineTo(midTickXLocation,yApexPoint);
- if(graphHasGridLines)
- {
- //draw grid lines
- gridLineColor = LIGHT_GREY;
- CPen midGridPen (PS_SOLID, 1, gridLineColor);
- pDC->SelectObject(&midGridPen);
- pDC->MoveTo(midTickXLocation, yApexPoint);
- pDC->LineTo(midTickXLocation + depth, yApexPoint + depth);
- pDC->LineTo(midTickXLocation + depth, yApexPoint + yAxisHeight + depth);
- pDC->SelectObject(pOldPen);
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- void CGraph::PrintSeries(CDC *pDC)
- {
- switch(graphType)
- {
- case BAR_GRAPH :
- PrintBarSeries(pDC);
- break;
- case LINE_GRAPH :
- PrintLineSeries(pDC);
- break;
- case PIE_GRAPH :
- PrintPieSeries(pDC);
- break;
- PrintScatterSeries(pDC);
- break;
- PrintBoxWhiskerSeries(pDC);
- break;
- PrintStackedBarSeries(pDC);
- break;
- case XY_LINE_GRAPH :
- PrintXYLineSeries(pDC);
- break;
- // case RADAR_GRAPH :
- // PrintRadarSeries(pDC);
- // break;
- case BAR_GRAPH_3D :
- Print3DBarSeries(pDC);
- break;
- case LINE_GRAPH_3D :
- Print3DLineSeries(pDC);
- break;
- Print3DStackedBarSeries(pDC);
- break;
- case PIE_GRAPH_3D :
- Print3DPieSeries(pDC);
- break;
- default :
- AfxMessageBox("No graph type to print");
- break;
- }
- }
- void CGraph::SetMargins(int top, int bottom, int left, int right, int graphTop)
- {
- //page margins for portrait or landscape distinction
- topMargin = top;
- bottomMargin = bottom;
- leftMargin = left;
- rightMargin = right;
- //set up rectangle area for showing the graph
- pGraphL = leftMargin;
- pGraphT = graphTop;
- pGraphB = pGraphT - 5760/*7200*/;
- pGraphR = rightMargin;
- if(pGraphB < bottomMargin)
- pGraphB = bottomMargin;
- }
- void CGraph::SetGridLines(BOOL hasGridLines)
- {
- graphHasGridLines = hasGridLines;
- }
- void CGraph::SetGraphAlignment(int alignment)
- {
- graphAlignment = alignment;
- //because of how it ends up looking, I'm forcing 3D line graphs
- //to always display as if in vertical mode graph
- if(graphType == LINE_GRAPH_3D)
- graphAlignment = VERTICAL_ALIGN;
- }
- void CGraph::SetTickLimits(int minTickValue, int maxTickValue, int tickStep)
- {
- maxTick = maxTickValue;
- minTick = minTickValue;
- tickSpace = tickStep;
- numTicks = (maxTick - minTick) / tickStep;
- if((numTicks * tickStep) < (maxTick - minTick))
- numTicks++;
- }
- void CGraph::DrawBarSeries(CDC* pDC)
- {
- int barWidth;
- int dataPlotSize; //used to plot rects of data
- int barL, barT, barR, barB;
- int tickXLocation, tickYLocation;
- int seriesSpace;
- int barHeight;
- CGraphSeries* tmpSeries;
- int x, y, s;
- if(graphAlignment)
- {
- //determine width of barchart data blocks
- seriesSpace = xAxisWidth / graphSeries->GetCount();
- barWidth = (int)((seriesSpace * .6) / seriesSize);
- dataPlotSize = seriesSize * barWidth;
- pos = graphSeries->GetHeadPosition();
- switch(graphQuadType)
- {
- case 1 :
- for(x = 1; x <= graphSeries->GetCount(); x++)
- {
- tmpSeries = (CGraphSeries*)graphSeries->GetNext(pos);
- tickXLocation = xApexPoint + ((x * seriesSpace) - (seriesSpace / 2));
- for(s = 0; s < seriesSize; s++)
- {
- if(tmpSeries->GetData(s) > -1)
- {
- double dataScale = 0.00;
- dataScale = ((yAxisHeight - 10) * 1.00) / (maxTick - minTick);
- barHeight = (int)(((tmpSeries->GetData(s) - minTick) * 1.00) * dataScale);
- if(((tmpSeries->GetData(s) - minTick) > 0) && (barHeight < 1))
- barHeight = (int)dataScale;
- barL = tickXLocation - (dataPlotSize / 2) + (s * barWidth);
- if(barHeight > yAxisHeight)
- barT = yApexPoint - yAxisHeight;
- else
- barT = yApexPoint - barHeight;
- barR = barL + barWidth;
- barB = yApexPoint;
- COLORREF barColor;
- barColor = GetColor(s);
- CBrush brush (barColor);
- CBrush* pOldBrush;
- pOldBrush = pDC->SelectObject(&brush);
- pDC->Rectangle(barL, barT, barR, barB);
- pDC->SelectObject(pOldBrush);
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- case 2 :
- for(x = 1; x <= graphSeries->GetCount() / 2; x++)
- {
- tmpSeries = (CGraphSeries*)graphSeries->GetNext(pos);
- tickXLocation = xApexPoint - (xAxisWidth / 2) + ((x * seriesSpace) - (seriesSpace / 2));
- for(s = 0; s < seriesSize; s++)
- {
- double dataScale = 0.00;
- dataScale = ((yAxisHeight - 10) * 1.00) / (maxTick - minTick);
- barHeight = (int)(((tmpSeries->GetData(s) - minTick) * 1.00) * dataScale);
- if(barHeight < 1)
- barHeight = (int)dataScale;
- barL = tickXLocation - (dataPlotSize / 2) + (s * barWidth);
- if(barHeight > (yAxisHeight / 2))
- barT = yApexPoint - (yAxisHeight / 2);
- else
- barT = yApexPoint - barHeight;
- barR = barL + barWidth;
- barB = yApexPoint;
- COLORREF barColor;
- barColor = GetColor(s);
- CBrush brush (barColor);
- CBrush* pOldBrush;
- pOldBrush = pDC->SelectObject(&brush);
- pDC->Rectangle(barL, barT, barR, barB);
- pDC->SelectObject(pOldBrush);
- }
- }
- //draw at the 0 location
- tmpSeries = (CGraphSeries*)graphSeries->GetNext(pos);
- tickXLocation = xApexPoint;
- for(s = 0; s < seriesSize; s++)
- {
- double dataScale = 0.00;
- dataScale = ((yAxisHeight - 10) * 1.00) / (maxTick - minTick);
- barHeight = (int)(((tmpSeries->GetData(s) - minTick) * 1.00) * dataScale);
- if(((tmpSeries->GetData(s) - minTick) > 0) && (barHeight < 1))
- barHeight = (int)dataScale;
- barL = tickXLocation - (dataPlotSize / 2) + (s * barWidth);
- if(barHeight > yAxisHeight)
- barT = yApexPoint - yAxisHeight;
- else
- barT = yApexPoint - barHeight;
- barR = barL + barWidth;
- barB = yApexPoint;
- COLORREF barColor;
- barColor = GetColor(s);
- CBrush brush (barColor);
- CBrush* pOldBrush;
- pOldBrush = pDC->SelectObject(&brush);
- pDC->Rectangle(barL, barT, barR, barB);
- pDC->SelectObject(pOldBrush);
- }
- x++;
- for(; x <= graphSeries->GetCount(); x++)
- {
- tmpSeries = (CGraphSeries*)graphSeries->GetNext(pos);
- tickXLocation = xApexPoint - (xAxisWidth / 2) + ((x * seriesSpace) - (seriesSpace / 2));
- for(s = 0; s < seriesSize; s++)
- {
- double dataScale = 0.00;
- dataScale = ((yAxisHeight - 10) * 1.00) / (maxTick - minTick);
- barHeight = (int)(((tmpSeries->GetData(s) - minTick) * 1.00) * dataScale);
- if(((tmpSeries->GetData(s) - minTick) > 0) && (barHeight < 1))
- barHeight = (int)dataScale;
- barL = tickXLocation - (dataPlotSize / 2) + (s * barWidth);
- if(barHeight > (yAxisHeight / 2))
- barT = yApexPoint - (yAxisHeight / 2);
- else
- barT = yApexPoint - barHeight;
- barR = barL + barWidth;
- barB = yApexPoint;
- COLORREF barColor;
- barColor = GetColor(s);
- CBrush brush (barColor);
- CBrush* pOldBrush;
- pOldBrush = pDC->SelectObject(&brush);
- pDC->Rectangle(barL, barT, barR, barB);
- pDC->SelectObject(pOldBrush);
- }
- }
- break;
- case 3 :
- for(x = 1; x <= graphSeries->GetCount(); x++)
- {
- tmpSeries = (CGraphSeries*)graphSeries->GetNext(pos);
- tickXLocation = xApexPoint + ((x * seriesSpace) - (seriesSpace / 2));
- for(s = 0; s < seriesSize; s++)
- {
- double dataScale = 0.00;
- dataScale = ((yAxisHeight - 10) * 1.00) / (maxTick - minTick);
- barHeight = (int)(((tmpSeries->GetData(s) - minTick) * 1.00) * dataScale);
- barL = tickXLocation - (dataPlotSize / 2) + (s * barWidth);
- if(barHeight < 0)
- {
- if((0 - barHeight) > (yAxisHeight / 2))
- barT = yApexPoint - (yAxisHeight / 2);
- else
- barT = yApexPoint - barHeight;
- }
- else
- {
- if(barHeight > (yAxisHeight / 2))
- barT = yApexPoint - (yAxisHeight / 2);
- else
- barT = yApexPoint - barHeight;
- }
- barR = barL + barWidth;
- barB = yApexPoint;
- COLORREF barColor;
- barColor = GetColor(s);
- CBrush brush (barColor);
- CBrush* pOldBrush;
- pOldBrush = pDC->SelectObject(&brush);
- pDC->Rectangle(barL, barT, barR, barB);
- pDC->SelectObject(pOldBrush);
- }
- }
- break;
- case 4 :
- for(x = 1; x <= graphSeries->GetCount() / 2; x++)
- {
- tmpSeries = (CGraphSeries*)graphSeries->GetNext(pos);
- tickXLocation = xApexPoint - (xAxisWidth / 2) + ((x * seriesSpace) - (seriesSpace / 2));
- for(s = 0; s < seriesSize; s++)
- {
- double dataScale = 0.00;
- dataScale = ((yAxisHeight - 10) * 1.00) / (maxTick - minTick);
- barHeight = (int)(((tmpSeries->GetData(s) - minTick) * 1.00) * dataScale);
- barL = tickXLocation - (dataPlotSize / 2) + (s * barWidth);
- if(barHeight < 0)
- {
- if((0 - barHeight) > (yAxisHeight / 2))
- barT = yApexPoint - (yAxisHeight / 2);
- else
- barT = yApexPoint - barHeight;
- }
- else
- {
- if(barHeight > (yAxisHeight / 2))
- barT = yApexPoint - (yAxisHeight / 2);
- else
- barT = yApexPoint - barHeight;
- }
- barR = barL + barWidth;
- barB = yApexPoint;
- COLORREF barColor;
- barColor = GetColor(s);
- CBrush brush (barColor);
- CBrush* pOldBrush;
- pOldBrush = pDC->SelectObject(&brush);
- pDC->Rectangle(barL, barT, barR, barB);
- pDC->SelectObject(pOldBrush);
- }
- }
- //draw at the 0 location
- tmpSeries = (CGraphSeries*)graphSeries->GetNext(pos);
- tickXLocation = xApexPoint;
- for(s = 0; s < seriesSize; s++)
- {
- double dataScale = 0.00;
- dataScale = ((yAxisHeight - 10) * 1.00) / (maxTick - minTick);
- barHeight = (int)(((tmpSeries->GetData(s) - minTick) * 1.00) * dataScale);
- if(((tmpSeries->GetData(s) - minTick) > 0) && (barHeight < 1))
- barHeight = (int)dataScale;
- barL = tickXLocation - (dataPlotSize / 2) + (s * barWidth);
- if(barHeight < 0)
- {
- if((0 - barHeight) > (yAxisHeight / 2))
- barT = yApexPoint - (yAxisHeight / 2);
- else
- barT = yApexPoint - barHeight;
- }
- else
- {
- if(barHeight > (yAxisHeight / 2))
- barT = yApexPoint - (yAxisHeight / 2);
- else
- barT = yApexPoint - barHeight;
- }
- barR = barL + barWidth;
- barB = yApexPoint;
- COLORREF barColor;
- barColor = GetColor(s);
- CBrush brush (barColor);
- CBrush* pOldBrush;
- pOldBrush = pDC->SelectObject(&brush);
- pDC->Rectangle(barL, barT, barR, barB);
- pDC->SelectObject(pOldBrush);
- }
- x++;
- for(; x <= graphSeries->GetCount(); x++)
- {
- tmpSeries = (CGraphSeries*)graphSeries->GetNext(pos);
- tickXLocation = xApexPoint - (xAxisWidth / 2) + ((x * seriesSpace) - (seriesSpace / 2));
- for(s = 0; s < seriesSize; s++)
- {
- double dataScale = 0.00;
- dataScale = ((yAxisHeight - 10) * 1.00) / (maxTick - minTick);
- barHeight = (int)(((tmpSeries->GetData(s) - minTick) * 1.00) * dataScale);
- if(((tmpSeries->GetData(s) - minTick) > 0) && (barHeight < 1))
- barHeight = (int)dataScale;
- barL = tickXLocation - (dataPlotSize / 2) + (s * barWidth);
- if(barHeight < 0)
- {
- if((0 - barHeight) > (yAxisHeight / 2))
- barT = yApexPoint - (yAxisHeight / 2);
- else
- barT = yApexPoint - barHeight;
- }
- else
- {
- if(barHeight > (yAxisHeight / 2))
- barT = yApexPoint - (yAxisHeight / 2);
- else
- barT = yApexPoint - barHeight;
- }
- barR = barL + barWidth;
- barB = yApexPoint;
- COLORREF barColor;
- barColor = GetColor(s);
- CBrush brush (barColor);
- CBrush* pOldBrush;
- pOldBrush = pDC->SelectObject(&brush);
- pDC->Rectangle(barL, barT, barR, barB);
- pDC->SelectObject(pOldBrush);
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- //determine width of barchart data blocks
- seriesSpace = yAxisHeight / graphSeries->GetCount();
- barHeight = (int)((seriesSpace * .6) / seriesSize);
- dataPlotSize = seriesSize * barHeight;
- pos = graphSeries->GetHeadPosition();
- switch(graphQuadType)
- {
- case 1 :
- for(y = 1; y <= graphSeries->GetCount(); y++)
- {
- tmpSeries = (CGraphSeries*)graphSeries->GetNext(pos);
- tickYLocation = yApexPoint - ((y * seriesSpace) - (seriesSpace / 2));
- for(s = 0; s < seriesSize; s++)
- {
- double dataScale = 0.00;
- dataScale = ((xAxisWidth - 10) * 1.00) / (maxTick - minTick);
- barWidth = (int)(((tmpSeries->GetData(s) - minTick) * 1.00) * dataScale);
- if(((tmpSeries->GetData(s) - minTick) > 0) && (barWidth < 1))
- barWidth = (int)dataScale;
- barL = xApexPoint;
- barT = tickYLocation - (dataPlotSize / 2) + (s * barHeight);
- barB = barT + barHeight;
- if(barWidth > xAxisWidth)
- barR = xApexPoint + xAxisWidth;
- else
- barR = xApexPoint + barWidth;
- COLORREF barColor;
- barColor = GetColor(s);
- CBrush brush (barColor);
- CBrush* pOldBrush;
- pOldBrush = pDC->SelectObject(&brush);
- pDC->Rectangle(barL, barT, barR, barB);
- pDC->SelectObject(pOldBrush);
- }
- }
- break;
- case 2 :
- for(y = 1; y <= graphSeries->GetCount(); y++)
- {
- tmpSeries = (CGraphSeries*)graphSeries->GetNext(pos);
- tickYLocation = yApexPoint - ((y * seriesSpace) - (seriesSpace / 2));
- for(s = 0; s < seriesSize; s++)
- {
- double dataScale = 0.00;
- dataScale = ((xAxisWidth - 10) * 1.00) / (maxTick - minTick);
- barWidth = (int)(((tmpSeries->GetData(s) - minTick) * 1.00) * dataScale);
- if(((tmpSeries->GetData(s) - minTick) > 0) && (barWidth < 1))
- barWidth = (int)dataScale;
- barL = xApexPoint;
- barT = tickYLocation - (dataPlotSize / 2) + (s * barHeight);
- barB = barT + barHeight;
- if(barWidth < 0)
- {
- if((0 - barWidth) > (xAxisWidth / 2))
- barR = xApexPoint + (xAxisWidth / 2);
- else
- barR = xApexPoint + barWidth;
- }
- else
- {
- if(barWidth > (xAxisWidth / 2))
- barR = xApexPoint + (xAxisWidth / 2);
- else
- barR = xApexPoint + barWidth;
- }
- COLORREF barColor;
- barColor = GetColor(s);
- CBrush brush (barColor);
- CBrush* pOldBrush;
- pOldBrush = pDC->SelectObject(&brush);
- pDC->Rectangle(barL, barT, barR, barB);
- pDC->SelectObject(pOldBrush);
- }
- }
- break;
- case 3 :
- for(y = 1; y <= graphSeries->GetCount(); y++)
- {
- tmpSeries = (CGraphSeries*)graphSeries->GetNext(pos);
- tickYLocation = yApexPoint - (yAxisHeight / 2) + ((y * seriesSpace) - (seriesSpace / 2));
- for(s = 0; s < seriesSize; s++)
- {
- double dataScale = 0.00;
- dataScale = ((xAxisWidth - 10) * 1.00) / (maxTick - minTick);
- barWidth = (int)(((tmpSeries->GetData(s) - minTick) * 1.00) * dataScale);
- if(((tmpSeries->GetData(s) - minTick) > 0) && (barWidth < 1))
- barWidth = (int)dataScale;
- barL = xApexPoint;
- barT = tickYLocation - (dataPlotSize / 2) + (s * barHeight);
- barB = barT + barHeight;
- if(barWidth > xAxisWidth)
- barR = xApexPoint + xAxisWidth;
- else
- barR = xApexPoint + barWidth;
- COLORREF barColor;
- barColor = GetColor(s);
- CBrush brush (barColor);
- CBrush* pOldBrush;
- pOldBrush = pDC->SelectObject(&brush);
- pDC->Rectangle(barL, barT, barR, barB);
- pDC->SelectObject(pOldBrush);
- }
- }
- break;
- case 4 :
- for(y = 1; y <= graphSeries->GetCount() / 2; y++)
- {
- tmpSeries = (CGraphSeries*)graphSeries->GetNext(pos);
- tickYLocation = yApexPoint - (yAxisHeight / 2) + ((y * seriesSpace) - (seriesSpace / 2));
- for(s = 0; s < seriesSize; s++)
- {
- double dataScale = 0.00;
- dataScale = ((xAxisWidth - 10) * 1.00) / (maxTick - minTick);
- barWidth = (int)(((tmpSeries->GetData(s) - minTick) * 1.00) * dataScale);
- if(((tmpSeries->GetData(s) - minTick) > 0) && (barWidth < 1))
- barWidth = (int)dataScale;
- barL = xApexPoint;
- barT = tickYLocation - (dataPlotSize / 2) + (s * barHeight);
- barB = barT + barHeight;
- if(barWidth < 0)
- {
- if((0 - barWidth) > (xAxisWidth / 2))
- barR = xApexPoint + (xAxisWidth / 2);
- else
- barR = xApexPoint + barWidth;
- }
- else
- {
- if(barWidth > (xAxisWidth / 2))
- barR = xApexPoint + (xAxisWidth / 2);
- else
- barR = xApexPoint + barWidth;
- }
- COLORREF barColor;
- barColor = GetColor(s);
- CBrush brush (barColor);
- CBrush* pOldBrush;
- pOldBrush = pDC->SelectObject(&brush);
- pDC->Rectangle(barL, barT, barR, barB);
- pDC->SelectObject(pOldBrush);
- }
- }
- //draw the 0 location
- tmpSeries = (CGraphSeries*)graphSeries->GetNext(pos);
- tickYLocation = yApexPoint;
- for(s = 0; s < seriesSize; s++)
- {
- double dataScale = 0.00;
- dataScale = ((xAxisWidth - 10) * 1.00) / (maxTick - minTick);
- barWidth = (int)(((tmpSeries->GetData(s) - minTick) * 1.00) * dataScale);
- if(((tmpSeries->GetData(s) - minTick) > 0) && (barWidth < 1))
- barWidth = (int)dataScale;
- barL = xApexPoint;
- barT = tickYLocation - (dataPlotSize / 2) + (s * barHeight);
- barB = barT + barHeight;
- if(barWidth < 0)
- {
- if((0 - barWidth) > (xAxisWidth / 2))
- barR = xApexPoint + (xAxisWidth / 2);
- else
- barR = xApexPoint + barWidth;
- }
- else
- {
- if(barWidth > (xAxisWidth / 2))
- barR = xApexPoint + (xAxisWidth / 2);
- else
- barR = xApexPoint + barWidth;
- }
- COLORREF barColor;
- barColor = GetColor(s);
- CBrush brush (barColor);
- CBrush* pOldBrush;
- pOldBrush = pDC->SelectObject(&brush);
- pDC->Rectangle(barL, barT, barR, barB);
- pDC->SelectObject(pOldBrush);
- }
- y++;
- for(; y <= graphSeries->GetCount(); y++)
- {
- tmpSeries = (CGraphSeries*)graphSeries->GetNext(pos);
- tickYLocation = yApexPoint - (yAxisHeight / 2) + ((y * seriesSpace) - (seriesSpace / 2));
- for(s = 0; s < seriesSize; s++)
- {
- double dataScale = 0.00;
- dataScale = ((xAxisWidth - 10) * 1.00) / (maxTick - minTick);
- barWidth = (int)(((tmpSeries->GetData(s) - minTick) * 1.00) * dataScale);
- if(((tmpSeries->GetData(s) - minTick) > 0) && (barWidth < 1))
- barWidth = (int)dataScale;
- barL = xApexPoint;
- barT = tickYLocation - (dataPlotSize / 2) + (s * barHeight);
- barB = barT + barHeight;
- if(barWidth < 0)
- {
- if((0 - barWidth) > (xAxisWidth / 2))
- barR = xApexPoint + (xAxisWidth / 2);
- else
- barR = xApexPoint + barWidth;
- }
- else
- {
- if(barWidth > (xAxisWidth / 2))
- barR = xApexPoint + (xAxisWidth / 2);
- else
- barR = xApexPoint + barWidth;
- }
- COLORREF barColor;
- barColor = GetColor(s);
- CBrush brush (barColor);
- CBrush* pOldBrush;
- pOldBrush = pDC->SelectObject(&brush);
- pDC->Rectangle(barL, barT, barR, barB);
- pDC->SelectObject(pOldBrush);
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- void CGraph::DrawLineSeries(CDC* pDC)
- {
- int barWidth;
- int dataPlotSize; //used to plot rects of data
- int tickXLocation, tickYLocation;
- int seriesSpace;
- int barHeight;
- CGraphSeries* tmpSeries;
- int lastXLoc, lastYLoc;
- if(graphAlignment)
- {
- for(int s = 0; s < seriesSize; s++)
- {
- //determine width of barchart data blocks
- seriesSpace = xAxisWidth / graphSeries->GetCount();
- barWidth = (int)((seriesSpace * .6) / seriesSize);
- dataPlotSize = seriesSize * barWidth;
- pos = graphSeries->GetHeadPosition();
- for(int x = 1; x <= graphSeries->GetCount(); x++)
- {
- tmpSeries = (CGraphSeries*)graphSeries->GetNext(pos);
- if(tmpSeries->GetData(s) > -1)
- {
- tickXLocation = xApexPoint + ((x * seriesSpace) - (seriesSpace / 2));
- barHeight = 0;
- double dataScale = 0.00;
- dataScale = ((yAxisHeight - 10) * 1.00) / (maxTick - minTick);
- barHeight = (int)(((tmpSeries->GetData(s) - minTick) * 1.00) * dataScale);
- if(((tmpSeries->GetData(s) - minTick) > 0) && (barHeight < 1))
- barHeight = (int)dataScale;
- if(barHeight > yApexPoint)
- barHeight = (int)((maxTick - minTick) * dataScale) + 5;
- int yDataLocation = yApexPoint - barHeight;
- //now have x and y location of center of ellipse
- COLORREF barColor;
- barColor = GetColor(s);
- CBrush brush (barColor);
- CBrush* pOldBrush;
- pOldBrush = pDC->SelectObject(&brush);
- //draw line back to last data member
- if(x > 1)
- {
- CPen* pOldPen;
- CPen linePen (PS_SOLID, 1, barColor);
- pOldPen = pDC->SelectObject(&linePen);
- pDC->MoveTo(lastXLoc + 2, lastYLoc - 1);
- pDC->LineTo(tickXLocation - 3, yDataLocation - 1);
- pDC->SelectObject(pOldPen);
- }
- //now draw ellipse...
- pDC->Ellipse(tickXLocation - 3, yDataLocation - 3,
- tickXLocation + 3, yDataLocation + 3);
- lastXLoc = tickXLocation;
- lastYLoc = yDataLocation;
- pDC->SelectObject(pOldBrush);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- for(int s = 0; s < seriesSize; s++)
- {
- //determine width of barchart data blocks
- seriesSpace = yAxisHeight / graphSeries->GetCount();
- barHeight = (int)((seriesSpace * .6) / seriesSize);
- dataPlotSize = seriesSize * barHeight;
- pos = graphSeries->GetHeadPosition();
- for(int x = 1; x <= graphSeries->GetCount(); x++)
- {
- tmpSeries = (CGraphSeries*)graphSeries->GetNext(pos);
- if(tmpSeries->GetData(s) > -1)
- {
- tickYLocation = yApexPoint - ((x * seriesSpace) - (seriesSpace / 2));
- barWidth = 0;
- double dataScale = 0.00;
- if((maxTick - minTick) != xAxisWidth)
- dataScale = (xAxisWidth * 1.00) / ((maxTick - minTick) * 1.00);
- else dataScale = 1;
- barWidth = (int)(((tmpSeries->GetData(s) - minTick) * 1.00) * dataScale);
- if(((tmpSeries->GetData(s) - minTick) > 0) && (barWidth < 1))
- barWidth = (int)dataScale;
- int xDataLocation = xApexPoint + barWidth;
- //now have x and y location of center of ellipse
- COLORREF barColor;
- barColor = GetColor(s);
- CBrush brush (barColor);
- CBrush* pOldBrush;
- pOldBrush = pDC->SelectObject(&brush);
- //draw line back to last data member
- if(x > 1)
- {
- CPen* pOldPen;
- CPen linePen (PS_SOLID, 1, barColor);
- pOldPen = pDC->SelectObject(&linePen);
- pDC->MoveTo(lastXLoc + 2, lastYLoc - 1);
- pDC->LineTo(xDataLocation - 3, tickYLocation - 1);
- pDC->SelectObject(pOldPen);
- }
- //now draw ellipse...
- pDC->Ellipse(xDataLocation - 3, tickYLocation - 3,
- xDataLocation + 3, tickYLocation + 3);
- lastYLoc = tickYLocation;
- lastXLoc = xDataLocation;
- pDC->SelectObject(pOldBrush);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void CGraph::DrawPieSeries(CDC* pDC)
- {
- double dataSum = 0.00; //for storing cumulative sum
- double labelData = 0.00;
- int lastXLocation, lastYLocation;
- int newXLocation, newYLocation;
- int labelXLocation, labelYLocation;
- double percent = 0.00;
- double labelPercent = 0.00;
- int degrees;
- int labelDegrees;
- double totalSum = 0.00;
- int deltaXY;
- int labelDeltaXY;
- int radius;
- CGraphSeries* tmpSeries;
- int seriesSpace;
- int labelLineXStart, labelLineYStart;
- int labelLineXEnd, labelLineYEnd;
- int maxLabelWidth;
- int maxLabelHeight;
- lastXLocation = 0;
- lastYLocation = 0;
- pDC->GetTextMetrics(&tm);
- maxLabelWidth = tm.tmMaxCharWidth + 10;
- maxLabelHeight = tm.tmHeight + 6;
- //pie labels will be stored in a list and drawn after entire pie
- //is completed.
- CObList *pieLabels;
- CGraphPieLabel *pieLabel;
- //determine width of pie display area
- if(xAxisWidth > yAxisHeight)
- seriesSpace = yAxisHeight / graphSeries->GetCount();
- else
- seriesSpace = xAxisWidth / graphSeries->GetCount();
- seriesSpace -= (3 * maxLabelWidth); //allows text like 25% (3 chars)
- //to plot a pie plus labels inside of series space, use the following :
- //(3 * radius) + (2 * label width) = series space
- //so, 3*radius = series space - (2 * label width)
- // 1 radius = (series space - (2 * label width)) / 3
- radius = seriesSpace / 3; //pie needs 2 radius, + 1 extra for line to labels = 3 for my divisor
- int centerYPie = (yAxisHeight + 60) / 2;
- pos = graphSeries->GetHeadPosition();
- for(int x = 1; x <= graphSeries->GetCount(); x++)
- {
- pieLabels = new CObList();
- tmpSeries = (CGraphSeries*)graphSeries->GetNext(pos);
- totalSum = 0;
- for(int s = 0; s < seriesSize; s++)
- totalSum += tmpSeries->GetData(s);
- int pieLeft, pieRight;
- if(graphSeries->GetCount() == 1)
- {
- pieLeft = xApexPoint + (xAxisWidth / 2) - radius;
- }
- else
- {
- pieLeft = xApexPoint + 15 + ((x * 2 - 1) * ((xAxisWidth / graphSeries->GetCount()) / 2)) - radius;
- }
- pieRight = pieLeft + (2 * radius);
- CRect pieRect (pieLeft,
- centerYPie - radius,
- pieRight,
- centerYPie + radius);
- int centerXPie = pieLeft + radius;
- //plot series label
- pDC->TextOut(centerXPie - ((tmpSeries->GetLabel().GetLength() * 8) / 2),
- centerYPie + (int)(radius * 1.5) + maxLabelHeight + 15, tmpSeries->GetLabel());
- lastXLocation = pieLeft;
- lastYLocation = centerYPie;
- dataSum = 0;
- for(s = 0; s < seriesSize; s++)
- {
- if(tmpSeries->GetData(s) > 0)
- {
- int seriesDataValue;
- seriesDataValue = tmpSeries->GetData(s);
- labelData = seriesDataValue / 2;
- dataSum += seriesDataValue;
- percent = (dataSum / totalSum) * 100;
- labelPercent = ((dataSum - labelData) / totalSum) * 100;
- degrees = (int)((360 * percent) / 100);
- labelDegrees = (int)((360 * labelPercent) / 100);
- deltaXY = (degrees * radius) / 90;
- labelDeltaXY = (labelDegrees * radius) / 90;
- //deltaXY is change from start point of pie 0
- //this value is total change. so if radius is 300
- //and degrees is 270, delta is 300. The change
- //would move both x and y 300 pixels. For x, 100
- //to right is center, another 100 to right edge,
- //100 back to center. For y, 100 to bottom, 100
- //back to center, 100 to top. thus gives 270 degree
- //rotation.
- //determine destination quadrant...
- //and set newXLocation and newYLocation values...
- //degress / 90 will never exceed 4.
- //this can tell us the quadrant of destination
- int quadrant = degrees / 90; //truncates decimal
- int labelQuadrant = labelDegrees / 90;
- switch(quadrant)
- {
- //in the computations below, the remarked line is
- //the original computation. The line above it, for
- //actual use, is the simplified line, and gives the
- //exact same result
- case 0 : newXLocation = pieLeft + deltaXY;
- newYLocation = centerYPie + deltaXY;
- break;
- case 1 : newXLocation = pieLeft + deltaXY;
- newYLocation = centerYPie + (2 * radius) - deltaXY;
- break;
- case 2 : newXLocation = pieLeft + (4 * radius) - deltaXY;
- newYLocation = centerYPie + (2 * radius) - deltaXY;
- break;
- case 3 : newXLocation = pieLeft + (4 * radius) - deltaXY;
- newYLocation = centerYPie - (4 * radius) + deltaXY;
- break;
- case 4 : newXLocation = pieLeft;
- newYLocation = centerYPie - 1;
- break;
- }
- switch(labelQuadrant)
- {
- //after getting X & Y location for label, we take
- //1/2 the delta between x y locations and center pie
- case 0 : labelXLocation = pieLeft + labelDeltaXY;
- labelYLocation = centerYPie + labelDeltaXY;
- labelLineXStart = labelXLocation + ((centerXPie - labelXLocation) / 2);
- labelLineYStart = labelYLocation - ((labelYLocation - centerYPie) / 2);
- labelLineXEnd = labelXLocation - (radius / 2);
- labelLineYEnd = labelYLocation + (radius / 2);
- break;
- case 1 : labelXLocation = pieLeft + labelDeltaXY;
- labelYLocation = centerYPie + (2 * radius) - labelDeltaXY;
- labelLineXStart = labelXLocation - ((labelXLocation - centerXPie) / 2);
- labelLineYStart = labelYLocation - ((labelYLocation - centerYPie) / 2);
- labelLineXEnd = labelXLocation + (radius / 2);
- labelLineYEnd = labelYLocation + (radius / 2);
- break;
- case 2 : labelXLocation = pieLeft + (4 * radius) - labelDeltaXY;
- labelYLocation = centerYPie + (2 * radius) - labelDeltaXY;
- labelLineXStart = labelXLocation - ((labelXLocation - centerXPie) / 2);
- labelLineYStart = labelYLocation + ((centerYPie - labelYLocation) / 2);
- labelLineXEnd = labelXLocation + (radius / 2);
- labelLineYEnd = labelYLocation - (radius / 2);
- break;
- case 3 : labelXLocation = pieLeft + (4 * radius) - labelDeltaXY;
- labelYLocation = centerYPie - (4 * radius) + labelDeltaXY;
- labelLineXStart = labelXLocation + ((centerXPie - labelXLocation) / 2);
- labelLineYStart = labelYLocation + ((centerYPie - labelYLocation) / 2);
- labelLineXEnd = labelXLocation - (radius / 2);
- labelLineYEnd = labelYLocation - (radius / 2);
- break;
- //there should never be a half point ending on 4, so leave it out
- }
- pieLabel = new CGraphPieLabel();
- pieLabel->lineXStart = labelLineXStart;
- pieLabel->lineYStart = labelLineYStart;
- pieLabel->lineXEnd = labelLineXEnd;
- pieLabel->lineYEnd = labelLineYEnd;
- switch(labelQuadrant)
- {
- case 0 : //label to left of line
- pieLabel->topLeftX = labelLineXEnd - maxLabelWidth;
- pieLabel->topLeftY = labelLineYEnd;
- break;
- case 1 : //label to right of line
- pieLabel->topLeftX = labelLineXEnd + 5;
- pieLabel->topLeftY = labelLineYEnd;
- break;
- case 2 : //label to right of line
- pieLabel->topLeftX = labelLineXEnd + 5;
- pieLabel->topLeftY = labelLineYEnd - maxLabelHeight;
- break;
- case 3 : //label to left of line
- pieLabel->topLeftX = labelLineXEnd - maxLabelWidth;
- pieLabel->topLeftY = labelLineYEnd - maxLabelHeight;
- break;
- }
- pieLabel->labelQuadrant = labelQuadrant;
- int roundPercent;
- roundPercent = (int)((seriesDataValue * 100) / totalSum);
- pieLabel->pieLabel.Format("%d%%", roundPercent);
- pieLabels->AddTail(pieLabel);
- if(s == 0)
- lastYLocation -= 1;
- CPoint p1 (lastXLocation, lastYLocation);
- CPoint p2 (newXLocation, newYLocation);
- COLORREF barColor;
- barColor = GetColor(s);
- CBrush brush (barColor);
- CBrush* pOldBrush;
- CPen piePen(PS_SOLID, 1, barColor);
- CPen* pOldPen;
- pOldBrush = pDC->SelectObject(&brush);
- pOldPen = pDC->SelectObject(&piePen);
- pDC->Pie(pieRect, p1, p2);
- pDC->SelectObject(pOldBrush);
- pDC->SelectObject(pOldPen);
- lastXLocation = newXLocation;
- lastYLocation = newYLocation;
- }
- }
- //draw lines and labels for pies slices
- POSITION labelPos;
- CBrush lineBrush (BLACK);
- CBrush* pOldBrush;
- pOldBrush = pDC->SelectObject(&lineBrush);
- POSITION mainLinePos, checkLinePos;
- mainLinePos = pieLabels->GetHeadPosition();
- int numLinesDrawn = 0;
- CGraphPieLabel* currentLabel;
- CGraphPieLabel* tmpLabel;
- while(mainLinePos != NULL)
- {
- currentLabel = (CGraphPieLabel*)pieLabels->GetNext(mainLinePos);
- int r = 0;
- checkLinePos = pieLabels->GetHeadPosition();
- while(r < numLinesDrawn)
- {
- //check if any overlap in label areas
- tmpLabel = (CGraphPieLabel*)pieLabels->GetAt(checkLinePos);
- if((currentLabel->topLeftX > tmpLabel->topLeftX) &&
- (currentLabel->topLeftX < (tmpLabel->topLeftX + maxLabelWidth)) &&
- (currentLabel->topLeftY > tmpLabel->topLeftY) &&
- (currentLabel->topLeftY < (tmpLabel->topLeftY + maxLabelHeight)))
- {
- //OVERLAP !!!
- //move current label top left position up or down
- //depending on its quadrant
- if(currentLabel->labelQuadrant < 2)
- {
- //move label down to tmplabel topleft + height
- currentLabel->topLeftY = tmpLabel->topLeftY + maxLabelHeight;
- currentLabel->lineYEnd = tmpLabel->lineYEnd + maxLabelHeight;
- }
- else
- {
- //move label up to tmpLabel topleft - height
- currentLabel->topLeftY = tmpLabel->topLeftY - maxLabelHeight;
- currentLabel->lineYEnd = tmpLabel->lineYEnd - maxLabelHeight;
- }
- //reset r value to 0 so it starts over, just in
- //case we moved the label and it overlaps another
- r = 0;
- checkLinePos = pieLabels->GetHeadPosition();
- }
- else
- {
- r++;
- pieLabels->GetNext(checkLinePos);
- }
- }
- //draw the line and label
- pDC->MoveTo(currentLabel->lineXStart, currentLabel->lineYStart);
- pDC->LineTo(currentLabel->lineXEnd, currentLabel->lineYEnd);
- //write the label
- pDC->TextOut(currentLabel->topLeftX, currentLabel->topLeftY,
- currentLabel->pieLabel);
- numLinesDrawn++;
- }
- pDC->SelectObject(pOldBrush);
- //now done, remove everything inside the label list
- labelPos = pieLabels->GetHeadPosition();
- while(labelPos != NULL)
- {
- pieLabel = (CGraphPieLabel*)pieLabels->GetNext(labelPos);
- delete pieLabel;
- }
- delete pieLabels;
- }
- }
- void CGraph::DrawScatterSeries(CDC* pDC)
- {
- //rightXTick and topYTick contain the outer bounds of the axis ticks.
- //So, if maxTick is 100 on both axis lines, then 100, 100 would be top
- //right. We will use the bounds to see spacing from apex points and then
- //scale so any point can be plotted inside
- double yAxisScale, xAxisScale;
- int tickXLocation, tickYLocation;
- //multiply each value by 1.00 to force result into a double value, and therefore
- //make it more accurate in it's plot location.
- switch(graphQuadType)
- {
- case 1 :
- yAxisScale = ((yApexPoint - topYTick) / (maxTick * 1.00));
- xAxisScale = ((rightXTick - xApexPoint) / (maxTick * 1.00));
- break;
- case 2 :
- yAxisScale = ((yApexPoint - topYTick) / (maxTick * 1.00));
- xAxisScale = ((rightXTick - xApexPoint) / (maxTick * 1.00));
- break;
- case 3 :
- yAxisScale = ((topYTick - yApexPoint) / (maxTick * 1.00));
- xAxisScale = ((rightXTick - xApexPoint) / (maxTick * 1.00));
- break;
- case 4 :
- yAxisScale = ((topYTick - yApexPoint) / (maxTick * 1.00));
- xAxisScale = ((rightXTick - xApexPoint) / (maxTick * 1.00));
- break;
- }
- //points will now plot as ((value * scale) + apex point)
- COLORREF barColor;
- barColor = BLACK;
- CBrush brush (barColor);
- CBrush* pOldBrush;
- pOldBrush = pDC->SelectObject(&brush);
- CGraphSeries* tmpSeries;
- for(pos = graphSeries->GetHeadPosition(); pos != NULL; graphSeries->GetNext(pos))
- {
- tmpSeries = (CGraphSeries*)graphSeries->GetAt(pos);
- //multiply each value by 1.00 to force result into a double value, and therefore
- //make it more accurate in it's plot location.
- tickXLocation = (int)((tmpSeries->GetXDataValue() * 1.00) * xAxisScale) + xApexPoint;
- tickYLocation = yApexPoint - (int)((tmpSeries->GetYDataValue() * 1.00) * yAxisScale);
- //draw ellipse...
- pDC->Ellipse(tickXLocation - 3, tickYLocation - 3,
- tickXLocation + 3, tickYLocation + 3);
- }
- pDC->SelectObject(pOldBrush);
- }
- void CGraph::DrawBoxWhiskerSeries(CDC* pDC)
- {
- int upperQuartile;
- int lowerQuartile;
- int median;
- int highValue;
- int lowValue;
- COLORREF barColor;
- barColor = BLACK;
- CBrush brush (barColor);
- CBrush* pOldBrush;
- pOldBrush = pDC->SelectObject(&brush);
- int barWidth;
- int barL, barT, barR, barB;
- int tickXLocation, tickYLocation;
- int seriesSpace;
- int barHeight;
- CGraphSeries* tmpSeries;
- pos = graphSeries->GetHeadPosition();
- CUIntArray dataArray;
- CUIntArray sortedArray;
- for(int x = 1; x <= graphSeries->GetCount(); x++)
- {
- dataArray.RemoveAll();
- sortedArray.RemoveAll();
- CObList *sortedData;
- sortedData = new CObList();
- tmpSeries = (CGraphSeries*)graphSeries->GetNext(pos);
- seriesSize = tmpSeries->GetDataCount();
- int dataValue;
- for(int s = 0; s < seriesSize; s++)
- {
- dataValue = 0;
- if(tmpSeries->GetData(s) > -1)
- dataValue = tmpSeries->GetData(s);
- dataArray.Add(dataValue);
- }
- //sort the array
- dataValue = dataArray.GetAt(0);
- sortedArray.Add(dataValue);
- for(int d = 1; d < dataArray.GetSize(); d++)
- {
- dataValue = dataArray.GetAt(d);
- BOOL placed = FALSE;
- for(int s = 0; s < sortedArray.GetSize(); s++)
- {
- int tmpI = sortedArray.GetAt(s);
- if(dataValue <= tmpI)
- {
- sortedArray.InsertAt(s, dataValue);
- placed = TRUE;
- break;
- }
- }
- if(!placed) //add at end
- sortedArray.Add(dataValue);
- }
- //sortedArray now contains the sorted list of all data in this
- //series. From here, we derive the other box-whisker data
- int medialElement;
- div_t div_result;
- div_result = div(sortedArray.GetSize(), 2);
- if(div_result.rem == 0) //even number of elements
- {
- //size is not 0 base, so below, I subtract 1 to 0 base it.
- medialElement = (sortedArray.GetSize() / 2) - 1;
- median = sortedArray.GetAt(medialElement) +
- ((sortedArray.GetAt(medialElement + 1) -
- sortedArray.GetAt(medialElement)) / 2);
- highValue = sortedArray.GetAt(sortedArray.GetSize() - 1);
- lowValue = sortedArray.GetAt(0);
- div_t div2Result;
- div2Result = div(medialElement + 1, 2);
- if(div2Result.rem == 0) //even again
- {
- upperQuartile = sortedArray.GetAt(medialElement + 1 + (medialElement / 2)) +
- (sortedArray.GetAt(medialElement + (medialElement / 2) + 2) -
- sortedArray.GetAt(medialElement + (medialElement / 2))) / 2;
- lowerQuartile = sortedArray.GetAt(medialElement / 2) +
- ((sortedArray.GetAt((medialElement / 2) + 1) -
- sortedArray.GetAt(medialElement / 2)) / 2);
- }
- else //odd
- {
- upperQuartile = sortedArray.GetAt(medialElement + 1 + (medialElement / 2));
- lowerQuartile = sortedArray.GetAt(medialElement / 2);
- }
- }
- else //odd number of elements
- {
- //size is not 0 base, so below, I subtract 1 to 0 base it.
- medialElement = sortedArray.GetSize() / 2;
- median = sortedArray.GetAt(medialElement);
- highValue = sortedArray.GetAt(sortedArray.GetSize() - 1);
- lowValue = sortedArray.GetAt(0);
- div_t div2Result;
- div2Result = div(medialElement, 2);
- if(div2Result.rem == 0) //even
- {
- upperQuartile = sortedArray.GetAt(medialElement + (medialElement / 2)) +
- (sortedArray.GetAt(medialElement + (medialElement / 2) + 1) -
- sortedArray.GetAt(medialElement + (medialElement / 2))) / 2;
- lowerQuartile = sortedArray.GetAt((medialElement - 1) / 2) +
- ((sortedArray.GetAt((medialElement + 1) / 2) -
- sortedArray.GetAt((medialElement - 1) / 2)) / 2);
- }
- else //odd
- {
- upperQuartile = sortedArray.GetAt(medialElement + 1 + (medialElement / 2));
- lowerQuartile = sortedArray.GetAt(medialElement / 2);
- }
- }
- //data has been computed for median, high, low, and interquartile range
- //now we can draw the series
- if(graphAlignment)
- {
- seriesSpace = xAxisWidth / graphSeries->GetCount();
- barWidth = (int)(seriesSpace * .8);
- double tickScale = 0.00;
- tickScale = (yAxisHeight - 10) / numTicks;
- tickXLocation = xApexPoint + ((x * seriesSpace) - (seriesSpace / 2));
- barL = tickXLocation - (barWidth / 2);
- barR = barL + barWidth;
- double dataScale = 0.00;
- dataScale = ((yAxisHeight - 10) * 1.00) / (maxTick - minTick);
- //top cross bar (max value)
- barHeight = (int)((highValue * 1.00) * tickScale);
- barT = yApexPoint - barHeight;
- barB = barT + 3;
- pDC->Rectangle(barL, barT, barR, barB);
- //bottom cross bar (min value)
- barHeight = (int)((lowValue * 1.00) * tickScale);
- barT = yApexPoint - barHeight;
- barB = barT - 3;
- pDC->Rectangle(barL, barT, barR, barB);
- //vertical line (whisker)
- barHeight = (int)((highValue * 1.00) * tickScale);
- barT = yApexPoint - barHeight;
- //barB = ?; //this will be left over from bottom cross bar
- pDC->Rectangle(tickXLocation - 2, barT, tickXLocation + 2, barB);
- //box (interquartile range, from upper quartile to lower quartile)
- barHeight = (int)(upperQuartile * tickScale);
- barT = yApexPoint - barHeight;
- barHeight = (int)(lowerQuartile * tickScale);
- barB = yApexPoint - barHeight;
- pDC->Rectangle(barL, barT, barR, barB);
- //draw median line (in RED)
- CPen* pOldPen;
- CPen linePen (PS_SOLID, 1, RED);
- pOldPen = pDC->SelectObject(&linePen);
- barHeight = (int)((median * 1.00) * tickScale);
- pDC->MoveTo(barL, yApexPoint - barHeight);
- pDC->LineTo(barR, yApexPoint - barHeight);
- pDC->SelectObject(pOldPen);
- }
- else
- {
- seriesSpace = yAxisHeight / graphSeries->GetCount();
- barHeight = (int)(seriesSpace * .8);
- double tickScale = 0.00;
- tickScale = (xAxisWidth - 10) / numTicks;
- tickYLocation = yApexPoint - ((x * seriesSpace) - (seriesSpace / 2));
- barT = tickYLocation - (barHeight / 2);
- barB = barT + barHeight;
- double dataScale = 0.00;
- dataScale = ((xAxisWidth - 10) * 1.00) / (maxTick - minTick);
- //top cross bar (max value)
- barWidth = (int)((highValue * 1.00) * tickScale);
- barR = xApexPoint + barWidth;
- barL = barR - 3;
- pDC->Rectangle(barL, barT, barR, barB);
- //bottom cross bar (min value)
- barWidth = (int)((lowValue * 1.00) * tickScale);
- barR = xApexPoint + barWidth;
- barL = barR + 3;
- pDC->Rectangle(barL, barT, barR, barB);
- //vertical line (whisker)
- barWidth = (int)((highValue * 1.00) * tickScale);
- barR = xApexPoint + barWidth;
- pDC->Rectangle(barL, tickYLocation - 2, barR, tickYLocation + 2);
- //box (interquartile range, from upper quartile to lower quartile)
- barWidth = (int)(upperQuartile * tickScale);
- barL = xApexPoint + barWidth;
- barWidth = (int)(lowerQuartile * tickScale);
- barR = xApexPoint + barWidth;
- pDC->Rectangle(barL, barT, barR, barB);
- //draw median line (in RED)
- CPen* pOldPen;
- CPen linePen (PS_SOLID, 1, RED);
- pOldPen = pDC->SelectObject(&linePen);
- barWidth = (int)((median * 1.00) * tickScale);
- pDC->MoveTo(xApexPoint + barWidth, barT);
- pDC->LineTo(xApexPoint + barWidth, barB);
- pDC->SelectObject(pOldPen);
- }
- }
- pDC->SelectObject(pOldBrush);
- }
- void CGraph::DrawStackedBarSeries(CDC* pDC)
- {
- int barWidth;
- int barL, barT, barR, barB;
- int tickXLocation, tickYLocation;
- int seriesSpace;
- int barHeight;
- CGraphSeries* tmpSeries;
- if(graphAlignment)
- {
- //determine width of barchart data blocks
- seriesSpace = xAxisWidth / graphSeries->GetCount();
- barWidth = (int)(seriesSpace * .6);
- pos = graphSeries->GetHeadPosition();
- double dataScale = 0.00;
- dataScale = ((yAxisHeight - 10) * 1.00) / (maxTick - minTick);
- for(int x = 1; x <= graphSeries->GetCount(); x++)
- {
- tmpSeries = (CGraphSeries*)graphSeries->GetNext(pos);
- tickXLocation = xApexPoint + ((x * seriesSpace) - (seriesSpace / 2));
- barT = yApexPoint; //this is a running total;
- //it starts at yApexPoint so barB can
- //start there, then moves up by barHeight
- for(int s = 0; s < seriesSize; s++)
- {
- if(tmpSeries->GetData(s) > -1)
- {
- barHeight = (int)(((tmpSeries->GetData(s) - minTick) * 1.00) * dataScale);
- if(((tmpSeries->GetData(s) - minTick) > 0) && (barHeight < 1))
- barHeight = (int)dataScale;
- barB = barT;
- barL = tickXLocation - (barWidth / 2);
- if(barHeight > yAxisHeight)
- barT = barB - yAxisHeight;
- else
- barT = barB - barHeight;
- barR = barL + barWidth;
- COLORREF barColor;
- barColor = GetColor(s);
- CBrush brush (barColor);
- CBrush* pOldBrush;
- pOldBrush = pDC->SelectObject(&brush);
- pDC->Rectangle(barL, barT, barR, barB);
- pDC->SelectObject(pOldBrush);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- //determine width of barchart data blocks
- seriesSpace = yAxisHeight / graphSeries->GetCount();
- barHeight = (int)(seriesSpace * .6);
- pos = graphSeries->GetHeadPosition();
- double dataScale = 0.00;
- dataScale = ((xAxisWidth - 10) * 1.00) / (maxTick - minTick);
- for(int y = 1; y <= graphSeries->GetCount(); y++)
- {
- tmpSeries = (CGraphSeries*)graphSeries->GetNext(pos);
- tickYLocation = yApexPoint - ((y * seriesSpace) - (seriesSpace / 2));
- barR = xApexPoint; //this is a running total;
- //it starts at xApexPoint so barL can
- //start there, then moves right by barWidth
- for(int s = 0; s < seriesSize; s++)
- {
- if(tmpSeries->GetData(s) > -1)
- {
- barWidth = (int)(((tmpSeries->GetData(s) - minTick) * 1.00) * dataScale);
- if(((tmpSeries->GetData(s) - minTick) > 0) && (barWidth < 1))
- barWidth = (int)dataScale;
- barL = barR;
- barT = tickYLocation - (barHeight / 2);
- barB = barT + barHeight;
- if(barWidth > xAxisWidth)
- barR = barL + xAxisWidth;
- else
- barR = barL + barWidth;
- COLORREF barColor;
- barColor = GetColor(s);
- CBrush brush (barColor);
- CBrush* pOldBrush;
- pOldBrush = pDC->SelectObject(&brush);
- pDC->Rectangle(barL, barT, barR, barB);
- pDC->SelectObject(pOldBrush);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void CGraph::DrawXYLineSeries(CDC* pDC)
- {
- //XY Line graph is same as Line graph, but has no circles at endpoints
- int barWidth;
- int dataPlotSize; //used to plot rects of data
- int tickXLocation, tickYLocation;
- int seriesSpace;
- int barHeight;
- CGraphSeries* tmpSeries;
- int lastXLoc, lastYLoc;
- if(graphAlignment)
- {
- for(int s = 0; s < seriesSize; s++)
- {
- //determine width of barchart data blocks
- seriesSpace = xAxisWidth / graphSeries->GetCount();
- barWidth = (int)((seriesSpace * .6) / seriesSize);
- dataPlotSize = seriesSize * barWidth;
- pos = graphSeries->GetHeadPosition();
- for(int x = 1; x <= graphSeries->GetCount(); x++)
- {
- tmpSeries = (CGraphSeries*)graphSeries->GetNext(pos);
- if(tmpSeries->GetData(s) > -1)
- {
- tickXLocation = xApexPoint + ((x * seriesSpace) - (seriesSpace / 2));
- barHeight = 0;
- double dataScale = 0.00;
- if((maxTick - minTick) != yAxisHeight)
- dataScale = (yAxisHeight * 1.00) / ((maxTick - minTick) * 1.00);
- else dataScale = 1;
- barHeight = (int)(((tmpSeries->GetData(s) - minTick) * 1.00) * dataScale);
- if(((tmpSeries->GetData(s) - minTick) > 0) && (barHeight < 1))
- barHeight = (int)dataScale;
- if(barHeight > yApexPoint)
- barHeight = (int)((maxTick - minTick) * dataScale) + 5;
- int yDataLocation = yApexPoint - barHeight;
- //now have x and y location of center of ellipse
- COLORREF barColor;
- barColor = GetColor(s);
- //draw line back to last data member
- if(x > 1)
- {
- CPen* pOldPen;
- CPen linePen (PS_SOLID, 2, barColor);
- pOldPen = pDC->SelectObject(&linePen);
- pDC->MoveTo(lastXLoc, lastYLoc);
- pDC->LineTo(tickXLocation, yDataLocation);
- pDC->SelectObject(pOldPen);
- }
- lastXLoc = tickXLocation;
- lastYLoc = yDataLocation;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- for(int s = 0; s < seriesSize; s++)
- {
- //determine width of barchart data blocks
- seriesSpace = yAxisHeight / graphSeries->GetCount();
- barHeight = (int)((seriesSpace * .6) / seriesSize);
- dataPlotSize = seriesSize * barHeight;
- pos = graphSeries->GetHeadPosition();
- for(int x = 1; x <= graphSeries->GetCount(); x++)
- {
- tmpSeries = (CGraphSeries*)graphSeries->GetNext(pos);
- if(tmpSeries->GetData(s) > -1)
- {
- tickYLocation = yApexPoint - ((x * seriesSpace) - (seriesSpace / 2));
- barWidth = 0;
- double dataScale = 0.00;
- if((maxTick - minTick) != xAxisWidth)
- dataScale = (xAxisWidth * 1.00) / ((maxTick - minTick) * 1.00);
- else dataScale = 1;
- barWidth = (int)(((tmpSeries->GetData(s) - minTick) * 1.00) * dataScale);
- if(((tmpSeries->GetData(s) - minTick) > 0) && (barWidth < 1))
- barWidth = (int)dataScale;
- int xDataLocation = xApexPoint + barWidth;
- //now have x and y location of center of ellipse
- COLORREF barColor;
- barColor = GetColor(s);
- //draw line back to last data member
- if(x > 1)
- {
- CPen* pOldPen;
- CPen linePen (PS_SOLID, 2, barColor);
- pOldPen = pDC->SelectObject(&linePen);
- pDC->MoveTo(lastXLoc, lastYLoc);
- pDC->LineTo(xDataLocation, tickYLocation);
- pDC->SelectObject(pOldPen);
- }
- lastYLoc = tickYLocation;
- lastXLoc = xDataLocation;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- //I may implement radar graphs in the future, after I really determine
- //what the purpose is and what the dynamics of it involves
- //void CGraph::DrawRadarSeries(CDC* pDC)
- //{
- //}
- void CGraph::Draw3DBarSeries(CDC* pDC)
- {
- int barWidth;
- int dataPlotSize; //used to plot rects of data
- int barL, barT, barR, barB;
- int tickXLocation, tickYLocation;
- int seriesSpace;
- int barHeight;
- CGraphSeries* tmpSeries;
- int blue;
- int red;
- int green;
- if(graphAlignment)
- {
- //determine width of barchart data blocks
- seriesSpace = xAxisWidth / graphSeries->GetCount();
- barWidth = (int)((seriesSpace * .8) / seriesSize);
- dataPlotSize = seriesSize * barWidth;
- pos = graphSeries->GetHeadPosition();
- for(int x = 1; x <= graphSeries->GetCount(); x++)
- {
- tmpSeries = (CGraphSeries*)graphSeries->GetNext(pos);
- tickXLocation = xApexPoint + ((x * seriesSpace) - (seriesSpace / 2));
- for(int s = 0; s < seriesSize; s++)
- {
- if(tmpSeries->GetData(s) > -1)
- {
- double dataScale = 0.00;
- dataScale = (yAxisHeight * 1.00) / (maxTick - minTick);
- barHeight = (int)(((tmpSeries->GetData(s) - minTick) * 1.00) * dataScale);
- if(((tmpSeries->GetData(s) - minTick) > 0) && (barHeight < 1))
- barHeight = (int)dataScale;
- barL = tickXLocation - (dataPlotSize / 2) + (s * barWidth);
- if(barHeight > yAxisHeight)
- barT = yApexPoint - yAxisHeight;
- else
- barT = yApexPoint - barHeight;
- barR = barL + barWidth;
- barB = yApexPoint;
- COLORREF barColor;
- barColor = GetColor(s);
- CBrush brush (barColor);
- CPen rectPen (PS_SOLID, 1, barColor);
- CPen* pOldPen;
- pOldPen = pDC->SelectObject(&rectPen);
- CBrush* pOldBrush;
- pOldBrush = pDC->SelectObject(&brush);
- pDC->Rectangle(barL, barT, barR, barB);
- //now, we do the side
- //side is darker than front, so subtract
- //from color to make closer to black
- red = GetRValue(barColor);
- green = GetGValue(barColor);
- blue = GetBValue(barColor);
- int sideRed = red - 35;
- int sideGreen = green - 35;
- int sideBlue = blue - 35;
- if(sideRed < 0) sideRed = 0;
- if(sideGreen < 0) sideGreen = 0;
- if(sideBlue < 0) sideBlue = 0;
- COLORREF sideColor;
- sideColor = RGB(sideRed, sideGreen, sideBlue);
- CBrush sideBrush (sideColor);
- CPen sidePen (PS_SOLID, 1, sideColor);
- pDC->SelectObject(&sideBrush);
- pDC->SelectObject(&sidePen);
- CPoint sidePolyArray[4];
- CPoint sp1(barR, barT);
- CPoint sp2(barR, barB);
- CPoint sp3(barR + depth, barB - depth);
- CPoint sp4(barR + depth, barT - depth);
- sidePolyArray[0] = sp1;
- sidePolyArray[1] = sp2;
- sidePolyArray[2] = sp3;
- sidePolyArray[3] = sp4;
- pDC->Polygon(sidePolyArray, 4);
- //finally, the top
- int topRed = red + 35;
- int topGreen = green + 35;
- int topBlue = blue + 35;
- if(topRed > 255) topRed = 255;
- if(topGreen > 255) topGreen = 255;
- if(topBlue > 255) topBlue = 255;
- COLORREF topColor;
- topColor = RGB(topRed, topGreen, topBlue);
- CBrush topBrush (topColor);
- CPen topPen (PS_SOLID, 1, topColor);
- pDC->SelectObject(&topBrush);
- pDC->SelectObject(&topPen);
- CPoint topPolyArray[4];
- CPoint tp1(barL, barT);
- CPoint tp2(barR, barT);
- CPoint tp3(barR + depth, barT - depth);
- CPoint tp4(barL + depth, barT - depth);
- topPolyArray[0] = tp1;
- topPolyArray[1] = tp2;
- topPolyArray[2] = tp3;
- topPolyArray[3] = tp4;
- pDC->Polygon(topPolyArray, 4);
- pDC->SelectObject(pOldBrush);
- pDC->SelectObject(pOldPen);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- //determine width of barchart data blocks
- seriesSpace = yAxisHeight / graphSeries->GetCount();
- barHeight = (int)((seriesSpace * .8) / seriesSize);
- dataPlotSize = seriesSize * barHeight;
- pos = graphSeries->GetHeadPosition();
- for(int y = 1; y <= graphSeries->GetCount(); y++)
- {
- tmpSeries = (CGraphSeries*)graphSeries->GetNext(pos);
- tickYLocation = yApexPoint - ((y * seriesSpace) - (seriesSpace / 2));
- for(int s = 0; s < seriesSize; s++)
- {
- if(tmpSeries->GetData(s) > -1)
- {
- double dataScale = 0.00;
- dataScale = ((xAxisWidth - 10) * 1.00) / (maxTick - minTick);
- barWidth = (int)(((tmpSeries->GetData(s) - minTick) * 1.00) * dataScale);
- if(((tmpSeries->GetData(s) - minTick) > 0) && (barWidth < 1))
- barWidth = (int)dataScale;
- barL = xApexPoint;
- barB = tickYLocation + (dataPlotSize / 2) - (s * barHeight);
- barT = barB - barHeight;
- if(barWidth > xAxisWidth)
- barR = xApexPoint + xAxisWidth;
- else
- barR = xApexPoint + barWidth;
- COLORREF barColor;
- barColor = GetColor(s);
- CBrush brush (barColor);
- CBrush* pOldBrush;
- pOldBrush = pDC->SelectObject(&brush);
- CPen rectPen (PS_SOLID, 1, barColor);
- CPen* pOldPen;
- pOldPen = pDC->SelectObject(&rectPen);
- pDC->Rectangle(barL, barT, barR, barB);
- //now, we do the side
- //side is darker than front, so subtract
- //from color to make closer to black
- red = GetRValue(barColor);
- green = GetGValue(barColor);
- blue = GetBValue(barColor);
- int sideRed = red - 35;
- int sideGreen = green - 35;
- int sideBlue = blue - 35;
- if(sideRed < 0) sideRed = 0;
- if(sideGreen < 0) sideGreen = 0;
- if(sideBlue < 0) sideBlue = 0;
- COLORREF sideColor;
- sideColor = RGB(sideRed, sideGreen, sideBlue);
- CBrush sideBrush (sideColor);
- CPen sidePen (PS_SOLID, 1, sideColor);
- pDC->SelectObject(&sideBrush);
- pDC->SelectObject(&sidePen);
- CPoint sidePolyArray[4];
- CPoint sp1(barL, barT);
- CPoint sp2(barR, barT);
- CPoint sp3(barR + depth, barT - depth);
- CPoint sp4(barL + depth, barT - depth);
- sidePolyArray[0] = sp1;
- sidePolyArray[1] = sp2;
- sidePolyArray[2] = sp3;
- sidePolyArray[3] = sp4;
- pDC->Polygon(sidePolyArray, 4);
- //finally, the top
- int topRed = red + 35;
- int topGreen = green + 35;
- int topBlue = blue + 35;
- if(topRed > 255) topRed = 255;
- if(topGreen > 255) topGreen = 255;
- if(topBlue > 255) topBlue = 255;
- COLORREF topColor;
- topColor = RGB(topRed, topGreen, topBlue);
- CBrush topBrush (topColor);
- CPen topPen (PS_SOLID, 1, topColor);
- pDC->SelectObject(&topBrush);
- pDC->SelectObject(&topPen);
- CPoint topPolyArray[4];
- CPoint tp1(barR, barT);
- CPoint tp2(barR, barB);
- CPoint tp3(barR + depth, barB - depth);
- CPoint tp4(barR + depth, barT - depth);
- topPolyArray[0] = tp1;
- topPolyArray[1] = tp2;
- topPolyArray[2] = tp3;
- topPolyArray[3] = tp4;
- pDC->Polygon(topPolyArray, 4);
- pDC->SelectObject(pOldBrush);
- pDC->SelectObject(pOldPen);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void CGraph::Draw3DLineSeries(CDC* pDC)
- {
- int barHeight;
- CGraphSeries* tmpSeries;
- int blue;
- int red;
- int green;
- CBrush* pOldBrush;
- CPen* pOldPen;
- int deltaX, deltaY;
- double yAxisScale, xAxisScale;
- int tickXLocation;
- //multiply each value by 1.00 to force result into a double value, and therefore
- //make it more accurate in it's plot location.
- switch(graphQuadType)
- {
- case 1 :
- yAxisScale = ((yApexPoint - topYTick) / (maxTick * 1.00));
- xAxisScale = ((rightXTick - xApexPoint) / (maxTick * 1.00));
- break;
- case 2 :
- yAxisScale = ((yApexPoint - topYTick) / (maxTick * 1.00));
- xAxisScale = ((rightXTick - xApexPoint) / (maxTick * 1.00));
- break;
- case 3 :
- yAxisScale = ((topYTick - yApexPoint) / (maxTick * 1.00));
- xAxisScale = ((rightXTick - xApexPoint) / (maxTick * 1.00));
- break;
- case 4 :
- yAxisScale = ((topYTick - yApexPoint) / (maxTick * 1.00));
- xAxisScale = ((rightXTick - xApexPoint) / (maxTick * 1.00));
- break;
- }
- int lastXLoc, lastYLoc;
- //because of how it ends up looking, I'm forcing 3D line graphs
- //to always display as if in vertical mode graph
- // if(graphAlignment)
- // {
- for(int s = 0; s < seriesSize; s++)
- {
- lastXLoc = xApexPoint + line3DXBase;
- lastYLoc = yApexPoint - line3DYBase;
- //determine width of barchart data blocks
- pos = graphSeries->GetHeadPosition();
- int yDataLocation;
- for(int x = 1; x <= graphSeries->GetCount(); x++)
- {
- tmpSeries = (CGraphSeries*)graphSeries->GetNext(pos);
- if(tmpSeries->GetData(s) > -1)
- {
- tickXLocation = xApexPoint + (int)(x * (xAxisWidth / graphSeries->GetCount() + 1));
- barHeight = 0;
- double dataScale = 0.00;
- if((maxTick - minTick) != yAxisHeight)
- dataScale = (yAxisHeight * 1.00) / ((maxTick - minTick) * 1.00);
- else dataScale = 1;
- barHeight = (int)(((tmpSeries->GetData(s) - minTick) * 1.00) * dataScale);
- if(((tmpSeries->GetData(s) - minTick) > 0) && (barHeight < 1))
- barHeight = (int)dataScale;
- if(barHeight > yApexPoint)
- barHeight = (int)((maxTick - minTick) * dataScale) + 5;
- yDataLocation = yApexPoint - barHeight;
- //now have x and y location of center of ellipse
- COLORREF barColor;
- barColor = GetColor(s);
- red = GetRValue(barColor);
- green = GetGValue(barColor);
- blue = GetBValue(barColor);
- CBrush brush (barColor);
- pOldBrush = pDC->SelectObject(&brush);
- //draw line back to last data member
- CPen linePen (PS_SOLID, 2, BLACK);
- pOldPen = pDC->SelectObject(&linePen);
- //front side of line
- pDC->MoveTo(lastXLoc + ((seriesSize - s) * (depth / seriesSize)), lastYLoc - ((seriesSize - s) * (depth / seriesSize)));
- pDC->LineTo(tickXLocation + ((seriesSize - s) * (depth / seriesSize)), yDataLocation - ((seriesSize - s) * (depth / seriesSize)));
- pDC->MoveTo(lastXLoc + ((seriesSize - s) * (depth / seriesSize)) - (depth / seriesSize), lastYLoc - ((seriesSize - s) * (depth / seriesSize)) + (depth / seriesSize));
- pDC->LineTo(tickXLocation + ((seriesSize - s) * (depth / seriesSize)) - (depth / seriesSize), yDataLocation - ((seriesSize - s) * (depth / seriesSize)) + (depth / seriesSize));
- pDC->MoveTo(lastXLoc + ((seriesSize - s) * (depth / seriesSize)) - (depth / seriesSize), lastYLoc - ((seriesSize - s) * (depth / seriesSize)) + (depth / seriesSize));
- pDC->LineTo(lastXLoc + ((seriesSize - s) * (depth / seriesSize)), lastYLoc - ((seriesSize - s) * (depth / seriesSize)));
- pDC->MoveTo(tickXLocation + ((seriesSize - s) * (depth / seriesSize)) - (depth / seriesSize), yDataLocation - ((seriesSize - s) * (depth / seriesSize)) + (depth / seriesSize));
- pDC->LineTo(tickXLocation + ((seriesSize - s) * (depth / seriesSize)), yDataLocation - ((seriesSize - s) * (depth / seriesSize)));
- //top part of line, lighter than front
- int topRed = red + 35;
- int topGreen = green + 35;
- int topBlue = blue + 35;
- if(topRed > 255) topRed = 255;
- if(topGreen > 255) topGreen = 255;
- if(topBlue > 255) topBlue = 255;
- COLORREF topColor;
- topColor = RGB(topRed, topGreen, topBlue);
- int bottomRed = red - 55;
- int bottomGreen = green - 55;
- int bottomBlue = blue - 55;
- if(bottomRed < 0) bottomRed = 0;
- if(bottomGreen < 0) bottomGreen = 0;
- if(bottomBlue < 0) bottomBlue = 0;
- COLORREF bottomColor;
- bottomColor = RGB(bottomRed, bottomGreen, bottomBlue);
- deltaX = tickXLocation - lastXLoc;
- deltaY = lastYLoc - yDataLocation;
- if(deltaX == deltaY)
- {
- pDC->MoveTo(tickXLocation + ((seriesSize - s) * (depth / seriesSize)), yDataLocation - ((seriesSize - s) * (depth / seriesSize)));
- pDC->LineTo(tickXLocation + ((seriesSize - s) * (depth / seriesSize)) - (depth / seriesSize), yDataLocation - ((seriesSize - s) * (depth / seriesSize)) + (depth / seriesSize));
- }
- else
- {
- CPoint d3linePolyArray[4];
- if(
- ((deltaX > deltaY) && (deltaX < 0)) ||
- ((deltaX < deltaY) && (deltaX > 0))
- )
- {
- CPen bottomPen(PS_SOLID, 1, BLACK);
- CBrush bottomBrush(bottomColor);
- pDC->SelectObject(&bottomPen);
- pDC->SelectObject(&bottomBrush);
- CPoint bp1(lastXLoc + ((seriesSize - s) * (depth / seriesSize)), lastYLoc - ((seriesSize - s) * (depth / seriesSize)));
- CPoint bp2(lastXLoc + ((seriesSize - s) * (depth / seriesSize)) - (depth / seriesSize), lastYLoc - ((seriesSize - s) * (depth / seriesSize)) + (depth / seriesSize));
- CPoint bp3(tickXLocation + ((seriesSize - s) * (depth / seriesSize)) - (depth / seriesSize), yDataLocation - ((seriesSize - s) * (depth / seriesSize)) + (depth / seriesSize));
- CPoint bp4(tickXLocation + ((seriesSize - s) * (depth / seriesSize)), yDataLocation - ((seriesSize - s) * (depth / seriesSize)));
- d3linePolyArray[0] = bp1;
- d3linePolyArray[1] = bp2;
- d3linePolyArray[2] = bp3;
- d3linePolyArray[3] = bp4;
- pDC->Polygon(d3linePolyArray, 4);
- }
- else
- {
- CPen topPen(PS_SOLID, 1, BLACK);
- CBrush topBrush(topColor);
- pDC->SelectObject(&topPen);
- pDC->SelectObject(&topBrush);
- CPoint tp1(lastXLoc + ((seriesSize - s) * (depth / seriesSize)), lastYLoc - ((seriesSize - s) * (depth / seriesSize)));
- CPoint tp2(lastXLoc + ((seriesSize - s) * (depth / seriesSize)) - (depth / seriesSize), lastYLoc - ((seriesSize - s) * (depth / seriesSize)) + (depth / seriesSize));
- CPoint tp3(tickXLocation + ((seriesSize - s) * (depth / seriesSize)) - (depth / seriesSize), yDataLocation - ((seriesSize - s) * (depth / seriesSize)) + (depth / seriesSize));
- CPoint tp4(tickXLocation + ((seriesSize - s) * (depth / seriesSize)), yDataLocation - ((seriesSize - s) * (depth / seriesSize)));
- d3linePolyArray[0] = tp1;
- d3linePolyArray[1] = tp2;
- d3linePolyArray[2] = tp3;
- d3linePolyArray[3] = tp4;
- pDC->Polygon(d3linePolyArray, 4);
- }
- }
- pDC->SelectObject(pOldBrush);
- pDC->SelectObject(pOldPen);
- lastXLoc = tickXLocation;
- lastYLoc = yDataLocation;
- }
- }
- }
- /* }
- else
- {
- for(int s = 0; s < seriesSize; s++)
- {
- //determine width of barchart data blocks
- seriesSpace = yAxisHeight / graphSeries->GetCount();
- pos = graphSeries->GetHeadPosition();
- int xDataLocation;
- for(int x = 1; x <= graphSeries->GetCount(); x++)
- {
- tmpSeries = (CGraphSeries*)graphSeries->GetNext(pos);
- if(tmpSeries->GetData(s) > -1)
- {
- tickYLocation = yApexPoint - ((x * seriesSpace) - (seriesSpace / 2));
- int barWidth;
- double dataScale = 0.00;
- if((maxTick - minTick) != xAxisWidth)
- dataScale = (xAxisWidth * 1.00) / ((maxTick - minTick) * 1.00);
- else dataScale = 1;
- barWidth = (int)(((tmpSeries->GetData(s) - minTick) * 1.00) * dataScale);
- if(((tmpSeries->GetData(s) - minTick) > 0) && (barWidth < 1))
- barWidth = (int)dataScale;
- xDataLocation = xApexPoint + barWidth;
- //now have x and y location of center of ellipse
- COLORREF barColor;
- barColor = GetColor(s);
- red = GetRValue(barColor);
- green = GetGValue(barColor);
- blue = GetBValue(barColor);
- CBrush brush (barColor);
- pOldBrush = pDC->SelectObject(&brush);
- //draw line back to last data member
- if(x > 1)
- {
- CPen linePen (PS_SOLID, 1, barColor);
- pOldPen = pDC->SelectObject(&linePen);
- //front side of line
- pDC->MoveTo(lastXLoc, lastYLoc);
- pDC->LineTo(xDataLocation, tickYLocation);
- //top part of line, lighter than front
- int topRed = red + 35;
- int topGreen = green + 35;
- int topBlue = blue + 35;
- if(topRed > 255) topRed = 255;
- if(topGreen > 255) topGreen = 255;
- if(topBlue > 255) topBlue = 255;
- COLORREF topColor;
- topColor = RGB(topRed, topGreen, topBlue);
- int bottomRed = red - 55;
- int bottomGreen = green - 55;
- int bottomBlue = blue - 55;
- if(bottomRed < 0) bottomRed = 0;
- if(bottomGreen < 0) bottomGreen = 0;
- if(bottomBlue < 0) bottomBlue = 0;
- COLORREF bottomColor;
- bottomColor = RGB(bottomRed, bottomGreen, bottomBlue);
- deltaX = xDataLocation - lastXLoc;
- deltaY = lastYLoc - tickYLocation;
- if(deltaX == deltaY)
- {
- pDC->MoveTo(xDataLocation, tickYLocation);
- pDC->LineTo(xDataLocation + depth, tickYLocation - depth);
- }
- else
- {
- CPoint d3linePolyArray[4];
- if(
- ((deltaY > deltaX) && (deltaY < 0)) ||
- ((deltaY < deltaX) && (deltaY > 0))
- )
- {
- CPen bottomPen(PS_SOLID, 1, BLACK);
- CBrush bottomBrush(bottomColor);
- pDC->SelectObject(&bottomPen);
- pDC->SelectObject(&bottomBrush);
- CPoint bp1(lastXLoc, lastYLoc);
- CPoint bp2(lastXLoc + depth, lastYLoc - depth);
- CPoint bp3(xDataLocation + depth, tickYLocation - depth);
- CPoint bp4(xDataLocation, tickYLocation);
- d3linePolyArray[0] = bp1;
- d3linePolyArray[1] = bp2;
- d3linePolyArray[2] = bp3;
- d3linePolyArray[3] = bp4;
- pDC->Polygon(d3linePolyArray, 4);
- }
- else
- {
- CPen topPen(PS_SOLID, 1, BLACK);
- CBrush topBrush(topColor);
- pDC->SelectObject(&topPen);
- pDC->SelectObject(&topBrush);
- CPoint tp1(lastXLoc, lastYLoc);
- CPoint tp2(lastXLoc + depth, lastYLoc - depth);
- CPoint tp3(xDataLocation + depth, tickYLocation - depth);
- CPoint tp4(xDataLocation, tickYLocation);
- d3linePolyArray[0] = tp1;
- d3linePolyArray[1] = tp2;
- d3linePolyArray[2] = tp3;
- d3linePolyArray[3] = tp4;
- pDC->Polygon(d3linePolyArray, 4);
- }
- }
- pDC->SelectObject(pOldBrush);
- pDC->SelectObject(pOldPen);
- }
- lastXLoc = xDataLocation;
- lastYLoc = tickYLocation;
- }
- }
- }
- }*/
- }
- void CGraph::Draw3DPieSeries(CDC* pDC)
- {
- double dataSum = 0.00; //for storing cumulative sum
- double labelData = 0.00;
- int lastXLocation, lastYLocation;
- int newXLocation, newYLocation;
- int labelXLocation, labelYLocation;
- double percent = 0.00;
- double labelPercent = 0.00;
- int degrees;
- int labelDegrees;
- double totalSum = 0.00;
- int radius;
- CGraphSeries* tmpSeries;
- int seriesSpace;
- int labelLineXStart, labelLineYStart;
- int labelLineXEnd, labelLineYEnd;
- int maxLabelWidth;
- int maxLabelHeight;
- CPen* pOldPen;
- CBrush* pOldBrush;
- CPen tmpPen(PS_SOLID, 1, BLACK);
- CBrush tmpBrush(WHITE);
- pOldPen = pDC->SelectObject(&tmpPen);
- pOldBrush = pDC->SelectObject(&tmpBrush);
- //deltaX and deltaY will be based on distance from x and y
- //axis for the new endpoint of the pie. These values can
- //then be used to find the true distance between starting
- //line and ending line of pie boundary.
- double deltaX, deltaY;
- double degreeRadians, degreeRadians2;
- double labelDeltaX, labelDeltaY;
- double labelDegreeRadians, labelDegreeRadians2;
- lastXLocation = 0;
- lastYLocation = 0;
- pDC->GetTextMetrics(&tm);
- maxLabelWidth = tm.tmMaxCharWidth + 10;
- maxLabelHeight = tm.tmHeight + 6;
- //pie labels will be stored in a list and drawn after entire pie
- //is completed.
- CObList *pieLabels;
- CGraphPieLabel *pieLabel;
- //determine width of pie display area
- if(xAxisWidth > yAxisHeight)
- seriesSpace = yAxisHeight / graphSeries->GetCount();
- else
- seriesSpace = xAxisWidth / graphSeries->GetCount();
- seriesSpace -= (3 * maxLabelWidth); //allows text like 25% (3 chars)
- //to plot a pie plus labels inside of series space, use the following :
- //(3 * radius) + (2 * label width) = series space
- //so, 3*radius = series space - (2 * label width)
- // 1 radius = (series space - (2 * label width)) / 3
- radius = seriesSpace / 3; //pie needs 2 radius, + 1 extra for line to labels = 3 for my divisor
- int depth = (int)(radius * depthRatio); //for shadow pie
- int centerYPie = (yAxisHeight + 60) / 2;
- pos = graphSeries->GetHeadPosition();
- for(int x = 1; x <= graphSeries->GetCount(); x++)
- {
- pDC->SelectObject(pOldBrush);
- pDC->SelectObject(pOldPen);
- pieLabels = new CObList();
- tmpSeries = (CGraphSeries*)graphSeries->GetNext(pos);
- totalSum = 0;
- for(int s = 0; s < seriesSize; s++)
- totalSum += tmpSeries->GetData(s);
- int pieLeft, pieRight;
- if(graphSeries->GetCount() == 1)
- {
- pieLeft = xApexPoint + (xAxisWidth / 2) - radius;
- }
- else
- {
- pieLeft = xApexPoint + 15 + ((x * 2 - 1) * ((xAxisWidth / graphSeries->GetCount()) / 2)) - radius;
- }
- pieRight = pieLeft + (2 * radius);
- CRect pieRect (pieLeft,
- centerYPie - radius,
- pieRight,
- centerYPie + radius);
- CRect shadowRect (pieLeft + depth,
- centerYPie - radius + depth,
- pieRight + depth,
- centerYPie + radius + depth);
- int centerXPie = pieLeft + radius;
- //plot series label
- pDC->TextOut(centerXPie - ((tmpSeries->GetLabel().GetLength() * 8) / 2),
- centerYPie + (int)(radius * 1.5) + maxLabelHeight + 15, tmpSeries->GetLabel());
- int centerShadowXPie;
- int centerShadowYPie;
- //draw shadow pie first
- centerShadowYPie = centerYPie + depth;
- centerShadowXPie = centerXPie + depth;
- lastXLocation = centerShadowXPie - radius;
- lastYLocation = centerShadowYPie;
- int lastTopX = centerXPie - radius;
- int lastTopY = centerYPie;
- int newTopX, newTopY;
- dataSum = 0;
- int lastQuad = 0;
- CPoint lastSidePolyArray[4];
- COLORREF lastColor;
- CPoint spa1;
- CPoint spa2;
- CPoint spa3;
- CPoint spa4;
- for(s = 0; s < seriesSize; s++)
- {
- if(tmpSeries->GetData(s) > 0)
- {
- int seriesDataValue;
- seriesDataValue = tmpSeries->GetData(s);
- dataSum += seriesDataValue;
- percent = (dataSum / totalSum) * 100;
- degrees = (int)((360 * percent) / 100);
- //determine destination quadrant...
- //and set newXLocation and newYLocation values...
- //degrees / 90 will never exceed 4.
- //this can tell us the quadrant of destination
- int quadrant = degrees / 90; //truncates decimal
- //using the law of sines to determine the deltas :
- //deltaX = radius * sin(90 - degrees)
- //deltaY = radius * sin(degrees)
- //we convert degrees into radians so sin() function works right
- //note : in quad 1 and 3, we reverse the angle used to compute
- // the deltas, since the triangle plots reversed.
- switch(quadrant)
- {
- case 0 : //this is the base quadrant, so no manipulation needed
- degreeRadians = degrees * (3.14159 / 180);
- degreeRadians2 = (90 - degrees) * (3.14159 / 180);
- deltaX = radius * sin(degreeRadians2);
- deltaY = radius * sin(degreeRadians);
- newXLocation = (int)(centerShadowXPie - deltaX);
- newYLocation = (int)(centerShadowYPie + deltaY);
- newTopX = (int)(centerXPie - deltaX);
- newTopY = (int)(centerYPie + deltaY);
- break;
- case 1 : //bottom right quadrant, subtract 90 from angle
- degreeRadians = (degrees - 90) * (3.14159 / 180);
- degreeRadians2 = (90 - (degrees - 90)) * (3.14159 / 180);
- deltaX = radius * sin(degreeRadians);
- deltaY = radius * sin(degreeRadians2);
- newXLocation = (int)(centerShadowXPie + deltaX);
- newYLocation = (int)(centerShadowYPie + deltaY);
- newTopX = (int)(centerXPie + deltaX);
- newTopY = (int)(centerYPie + deltaY);
- break;
- case 2 : //top right quadrant, subtract 180 from angle
- degreeRadians = (degrees - 180) * (3.14159 / 180);
- degreeRadians2 = (90 - (degrees - 180)) * (3.14159 / 180);
- deltaX = radius * sin(degreeRadians2);
- deltaY = radius * sin(degreeRadians);
- newXLocation = (int)(centerShadowXPie + deltaX);
- newYLocation = (int)(centerShadowYPie - deltaY);
- newTopX = (int)(centerXPie + deltaX);
- newTopY = (int)(centerYPie - deltaY);
- break;
- case 3 : //upper left quadrant, subtract 270 from angle
- degreeRadians = (degrees - 270) * (3.14159 / 180);
- degreeRadians2 = (90 - (degrees - 270)) * (3.14159 / 180);
- deltaX = radius * sin(degreeRadians);