- /*
- Written by Steve Bryndin (fishbed@tezcat.com, steveb@gvsi.com).
- This code may be used in compiled form in any way you wish. This
- file may be redistributed unmodified by any means PROVIDING it is
- not sold for profit without the authors written consent, and
- providing that this notice and the authors name is included.
- An email letting me know that you are using it would be
- nice as well.
- This software is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
- Use it at you own risk! The author accepts no liability for any damages
- to your computer or data these products may cause.
- */
- // ExecImageVersion.cpp: implementation of the CExecImageVersion class.
- //
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "ExecImageVersion.h"
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- #undef THIS_FILE
- static char THIS_FILE[]=__FILE__;
- #define new DEBUG_NEW
- #endif
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Construction/Destruction
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- CExecImageVersion::CExecImageVersion()
- {
- m_strImage = AfxGetAppName();
- m_strImage += ".exe";
- m_lpszImageName = m_strImage.GetBuffer(sizeof(m_strImage));
- InitVer();
- }
- CExecImageVersion::CExecImageVersion(LPTSTR lpszImageName)
- {
- m_lpszImageName = lpszImageName;
- InitVer();
- }
- CExecImageVersion::~CExecImageVersion()
- {
- free(m_lpBuffer);
- }
- //产品名称
- CString CExecImageVersion::GetProductName()
- {
- CString strProduct;
- //Use the version information block to obtain the product name.
- ::VerQueryValue(m_lpBuffer,
- TEXT("\StringFileInfo\040904B0\ProductName"),
- &m_lpData,
- &m_uiDataSize);
- strProduct.Format("%s", m_lpData);
- return strProduct;
- }
- //产品版本信息
- CString CExecImageVersion::GetProductVersion()
- {
- CString strProductVer;
- //Use the version information block to obtain the product name.
- ::VerQueryValue(m_lpBuffer,
- TEXT("\StringFileInfo\040904B0\ProductVersion"),
- &m_lpData,
- &m_uiDataSize);
- strProductVer.Format("%s", m_lpData);
- return strProductVer;
- }
- //公司名称
- CString CExecImageVersion::GetCompanyName()
- {
- CString strCompany;
- //Use the version information block to obtain the product name.
- ::VerQueryValue(m_lpBuffer,
- TEXT("\StringFileInfo\040904B0\CompanyName"),
- &m_lpData,
- &m_uiDataSize);
- strCompany.Format("%s", m_lpData);
- return strCompany;
- }
- //合法版权
- CString CExecImageVersion::GetCopyright()
- {
- CString strCopy;
- //Use the version information block to obtain the product name.
- ::VerQueryValue(m_lpBuffer,
- TEXT("\StringFileInfo\040904B0\LegalCopyright"),
- &m_lpData,
- &m_uiDataSize);
- strCopy.Format("%s", m_lpData);
- return strCopy;
- }
- CString CExecImageVersion::GetComments()
- {
- CString strComments;
- //Use the version information block to obtain the product name.
- ::VerQueryValue(m_lpBuffer,
- TEXT("\StringFileInfo\040904B0\Comments"),
- &m_lpData,
- &m_uiDataSize);
- strComments.Format("%s", m_lpData);
- return strComments;
- }
- //文件描述
- CString CExecImageVersion::GetFileDescription()
- {
- CString strFileDescr;
- //Use the version information block to obtain the product name.
- ::VerQueryValue(m_lpBuffer,
- TEXT("\StringFileInfo\040904B0\FileDescription"),
- &m_lpData,
- &m_uiDataSize);
- strFileDescr.Format("%s", m_lpData);
- return strFileDescr;
- }
- //版本号
- CString CExecImageVersion::GetFileVersion()
- {
- CString strFileVer;
- //Use the version information block to obtain the product name.
- ::VerQueryValue(m_lpBuffer,
- TEXT("\StringFileInfo\040904B0\FileVersion"),
- &m_lpData,
- &m_uiDataSize);
- strFileVer.Format("%s", m_lpData);
- return strFileVer;
- }
- //内部名称
- CString CExecImageVersion::GetInternalName()
- {
- CString strIN;
- //Use the version information block to obtain the product name.
- ::VerQueryValue(m_lpBuffer,
- TEXT("\StringFileInfo\040904B0\InternalName"),
- &m_lpData,
- &m_uiDataSize);
- strIN.Format("%s", m_lpData);
- return strIN;
- }
- CString CExecImageVersion::GetLegalTrademarks()
- {
- CString strLegTrade;
- //Use the version information block to obtain the product name.
- ::VerQueryValue(m_lpBuffer,
- TEXT("\StringFileInfo\040904B0\LegalTrademarks"),
- &m_lpData,
- &m_uiDataSize);
- strLegTrade.Format("%s", m_lpData);
- return strLegTrade;
- }
- CString CExecImageVersion::GetPrivateBuild()
- {
- CString strPrivBuild;
- //Use the version information block to obtain the product name.
- ::VerQueryValue(m_lpBuffer,
- TEXT("\StringFileInfo\040904B0\PrivateBuild"),
- &m_lpData,
- &m_uiDataSize);
- strPrivBuild.Format("%s", m_lpData);
- return strPrivBuild;
- }
- CString CExecImageVersion::GetSpecialBuild()
- {
- CString strSpecBuild;
- //Use the version information block to obtain the product name.
- ::VerQueryValue(m_lpBuffer,
- TEXT("\StringFileInfo\040904B0\SpecialBuild"),
- &m_lpData,
- &m_uiDataSize);
- strSpecBuild.Format("%s", m_lpData);
- return strSpecBuild;
- }
- void CExecImageVersion::InitVer()
- {
- m_dwHandle = 0;
- m_uiDataSize = 80;
- m_lpData = malloc(m_uiDataSize);
- // Get the version information block size,
- // then use it to allocate a storage buffer.
- m_dwSize = ::GetFileVersionInfoSize(m_lpszImageName, &m_dwHandle);
- m_lpBuffer = malloc(m_dwSize);
- // Get the versioninformation block
- ::GetFileVersionInfo(m_lpszImageName, 0, m_dwSize, m_lpBuffer);
- }