- #!/usr/bin/env python2.3
- import math
- import sys
- import os
- import random
- import struct
- import popen2
- import getopt
- import Numeric
- import FFT
- pi=math.pi
- e=math.e
- j=complex(0,1)
- doreal=0
- datatype = os.environ.get('DATATYPE','float')
- util = '../tools/fft'
- fmt='f'
- minsnr=90
- if datatype == 'double':
- util = '../tools/fft_double'
- fmt='d'
- elif datatype=='short':
- util = '../tools/fft_short'
- fmt='h'
- minsnr=10
- def dopack(x,cpx=1):
- x = Numeric.reshape( x, ( Numeric.size(x),) )
- if cpx:
- s = ''.join( [ struct.pack(fmt*2,c.real,c.imag) for c in x ] )
- else:
- s = ''.join( [ struct.pack(fmt,c) for c in x ] )
- return s
- def dounpack(x,cpx):
- uf = fmt * ( len(x) / struct.calcsize(fmt) )
- s = struct.unpack(uf,x)
- if cpx:
- return Numeric.array(s[::2]) + Numeric.array( s[1::2] )*j
- else:
- return Numeric.array(s )
- def make_random(dims=[1]):
- res = []
- for i in range(dims[0]):
- if len(dims)==1:
- r=random.uniform(-1,1)
- if doreal:
- res.append( r )
- else:
- i=random.uniform(-1,1)
- res.append( complex(r,i) )
- else:
- res.append( make_random( dims[1:] ) )
- return Numeric.array(res)
- def flatten(x):
- ntotal = Numeric.product(Numeric.shape(x))
- return Numeric.reshape(x,(ntotal,))
- def randmat( ndims ):
- dims=[]
- for i in range( ndims ):
- curdim = int( random.uniform(2,4) )
- dims.append( curdim )
- return make_random(dims )
- def test_fft(ndims):
- if ndims == 1:
- nfft = int(random.uniform(50,520))
- if doreal:
- nfft = int(nfft/2)*2
- x = Numeric.array(make_random( [ nfft ] ) )
- else:
- x=randmat( ndims )
- print 'dimensions=%s' % str( Numeric.shape(x) ),
- if doreal:
- xver = FFT.real_fftnd(x)
- else:
- xver = FFT.fftnd(x)
- x2=dofft(x)
- err = xver - x2
- errf = flatten(err)
- xverf = flatten(xver)
- errpow = Numeric.vdot(errf,errf)+1e-10
- sigpow = Numeric.vdot(xverf,xverf)+1e-10
- snr = 10*math.log10(abs(sigpow/errpow) )
- print 'SNR (compared to NumPy) : %.1fdB' % float(snr)
- if snr<minsnr:
- print 'xver=',xver
- print 'x2=',x2
- print 'err',err
- sys.exit(1)
- def dofft(x):
- dims=list( Numeric.shape(x) )
- x = flatten(x)
- iscomp = (type(x[0]) == complex)
- scale=1
- if datatype=='short':
- x = 32767 * x
- scale = len(x) / 32767.0
- cmd='%s -n ' % util
- cmd += ','.join([str(d) for d in dims])
- if doreal:
- cmd += ' -R '
- p = popen2.Popen3(cmd )
- p.tochild.write( dopack( x , iscomp ) )
- p.tochild.close()
- res = dounpack( p.fromchild.read() , 1 )
- if doreal:
- dims[-1] = int( dims[-1]/2 ) + 1
- res = scale * res
- p.wait()
- return Numeric.reshape(res,dims)
- def main():
- opts,args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],'r')
- opts=dict(opts)
- global doreal
- doreal = opts.has_key('-r')
- if doreal:
- print 'Note: Real optimization not yet done for odd length ffts and multi-D'
- test_fft(1)
- else:
- for dim in range(1,9):
- test_fft( dim )
- print 'We crossed the 8th dimension. Buckaroo would be proud'
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- main()