资源名称:物流管理系统实例.rar [点击查看]
Visual Basic
- VERSION 5.00
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- Begin VB.Form frmWlcx
- Caption = "物流情况查询"
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- Caption = "查询搜索"
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- TabIndex = 3
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- Height = 960
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- _ExtentY = 529
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- Caption = "从:"
- Height = 180
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- TabIndex = 9
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- AutoSize = -1 'True
- Caption = "到:"
- Height = 180
- Left = 2640
- TabIndex = 8
- Top = 360
- Width = 270
- End
- Begin VB.Label Label1
- AutoSize = -1 'True
- Caption = "搜索树:"
- Height = 180
- Index = 2
- Left = 240
- TabIndex = 7
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- Width = 630
- End
- End
- Begin VB.Label lblKcjz
- BackStyle = 0 'Transparent
- BorderStyle = 1 'Fixed Single
- BeginProperty DataFormat
- Type = 1
- Format = """¥""#,##0.00"
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- Height = 300
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- Begin VB.Label Label1
- AutoSize = -1 'True
- Caption = "库存价值:"
- BeginProperty DataFormat
- Type = 0
- Format = """¥""#,##0.00"
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- FirstWeekOfYear = 0
- LCID = 2052
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- Height = 180
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- Caption = "说明:"
- Height = 180
- Index = 7
- Left = 240
- TabIndex = 21
- Top = 2520
- Width = 450
- End
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- BackStyle = 0 'Transparent
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- Height = 300
- Left = 1080
- TabIndex = 19
- Top = 1800
- Width = 1935
- End
- Begin VB.Label Label1
- AutoSize = -1 'True
- Caption = "库存量:"
- Height = 180
- Index = 6
- Left = 240
- TabIndex = 18
- Top = 1800
- Width = 630
- End
- Begin VB.Image imgZp
- BorderStyle = 1 'Fixed Single
- Height = 2340
- Left = 3240
- Stretch = -1 'True
- Top = 240
- Width = 1950
- End
- Begin VB.Label lblDj
- BackStyle = 0 'Transparent
- BorderStyle = 1 'Fixed Single
- BeginProperty DataFormat
- Type = 1
- Format = """¥""#,##0.00"
- HaveTrueFalseNull= 0
- FirstDayOfWeek = 0
- FirstWeekOfYear = 0
- LCID = 2052
- SubFormatType = 2
- EndProperty
- Height = 300
- Left = 1080
- TabIndex = 17
- Top = 1440
- Width = 1935
- End
- Begin VB.Label lblMc
- BackStyle = 0 'Transparent
- BorderStyle = 1 'Fixed Single
- Height = 300
- Left = 1080
- TabIndex = 16
- Top = 1080
- Width = 1935
- End
- Begin VB.Label lblWpID
- BackStyle = 0 'Transparent
- BorderStyle = 1 'Fixed Single
- Height = 300
- Left = 1080
- TabIndex = 15
- Top = 720
- Width = 1935
- End
- Begin VB.Label lblLb
- BackStyle = 0 'Transparent
- BorderStyle = 1 'Fixed Single
- Height = 300
- Left = 1080
- TabIndex = 14
- Top = 360
- Width = 1935
- End
- Begin VB.Label Label1
- AutoSize = -1 'True
- Caption = "单价:"
- Height = 180
- Index = 4
- Left = 240
- TabIndex = 13
- Top = 1440
- Width = 450
- End
- Begin VB.Label Label1
- AutoSize = -1 'True
- Caption = "物品类别:"
- Height = 180
- Index = 3
- Left = 240
- TabIndex = 12
- Top = 360
- Width = 810
- End
- Begin VB.Label Label1
- AutoSize = -1 'True
- Caption = "物品名称:"
- Height = 180
- Index = 1
- Left = 240
- TabIndex = 11
- Top = 1080
- Width = 810
- End
- Begin VB.Label Label1
- AutoSize = -1 'True
- Caption = "物品ID:"
- Height = 180
- Index = 0
- Left = 240
- TabIndex = 10
- Top = 720
- Width = 630
- End
- End
- Begin VB.PictureBox Picture1
- Height = 7380
- Index = 1
- Left = 5565
- ScaleHeight = 7320
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- Begin MSDataGridLib.DataGrid DataGrid1
- Height = 4170
- Left = 0
- TabIndex = 0
- Top = 0
- Width = 3795
- _ExtentX = 6694
- _ExtentY = 7355
- _Version = 393216
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- BorderStyle = 0
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- RowHeight = 17
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- BeginProperty HeadFont {0BE35203-8F91-11CE-9DE3-00AA004BB851}
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- Underline = 0 'False
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- Strikethrough = 0 'False
- EndProperty
- ColumnCount = 6
- BeginProperty Column00
- DataField = "物流类型"
- Caption = "物流类型"
- BeginProperty DataFormat {6D835690-900B-11D0-9484-00A0C91110ED}
- Type = 0
- Format = ""
- HaveTrueFalseNull= 0
- FirstDayOfWeek = 0
- FirstWeekOfYear = 0
- LCID = 2052
- SubFormatType = 0
- EndProperty
- EndProperty
- BeginProperty Column01
- DataField = "数量"
- Caption = "数量"
- BeginProperty DataFormat {6D835690-900B-11D0-9484-00A0C91110ED}
- Type = 0
- Format = ""
- HaveTrueFalseNull= 0
- FirstDayOfWeek = 0
- FirstWeekOfYear = 0
- LCID = 2052
- SubFormatType = 0
- EndProperty
- EndProperty
- BeginProperty Column02
- DataField = "价值"
- Caption = "价值"
- BeginProperty DataFormat {6D835690-900B-11D0-9484-00A0C91110ED}
- Type = 1
- Format = """¥""#,##0.00"
- HaveTrueFalseNull= 0
- FirstDayOfWeek = 0
- FirstWeekOfYear = 0
- LCID = 2052
- SubFormatType = 0
- EndProperty
- EndProperty
- BeginProperty Column03
- DataField = "经手人"
- Caption = "经手人"
- BeginProperty DataFormat {6D835690-900B-11D0-9484-00A0C91110ED}
- Type = 0
- Format = ""
- HaveTrueFalseNull= 0
- FirstDayOfWeek = 0
- FirstWeekOfYear = 0
- LCID = 2052
- SubFormatType = 0
- EndProperty
- EndProperty
- BeginProperty Column04
- DataField = "日期"
- Caption = "日期"
- BeginProperty DataFormat {6D835690-900B-11D0-9484-00A0C91110ED}
- Type = 1
- Format = "yyyy-MM-dd"
- HaveTrueFalseNull= 0
- FirstDayOfWeek = 0
- FirstWeekOfYear = 0
- LCID = 2052
- SubFormatType = 0
- EndProperty
- EndProperty
- BeginProperty Column05
- DataField = "说明"
- Caption = "说明"
- BeginProperty DataFormat {6D835690-900B-11D0-9484-00A0C91110ED}
- Type = 0
- Format = ""
- HaveTrueFalseNull= 0
- FirstDayOfWeek = 0
- FirstWeekOfYear = 0
- LCID = 2052
- SubFormatType = 0
- EndProperty
- EndProperty
- SplitCount = 1
- BeginProperty Split0
- BeginProperty Column00
- EndProperty
- BeginProperty Column01
- EndProperty
- BeginProperty Column02
- EndProperty
- BeginProperty Column03
- EndProperty
- BeginProperty Column04
- EndProperty
- BeginProperty Column05
- ColumnWidth = 4004.788
- EndProperty
- EndProperty
- End
- End
- End
- Attribute VB_Name = "frmWlcx"
- Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
- Attribute VB_Creatable = False
- Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
- Attribute VB_Exposed = False
- Option Explicit
- Dim WithEvents rsWl As ADODB.Recordset
- Attribute rsWl.VB_VarHelpID = -1
- Dim rsWp As ADODB.Recordset
- Attribute rsWp.VB_VarHelpID = -1
- Private Sub Form_Activate()
- fMain.RsPC Tag '显示窗口信息
- End Sub
- Private Sub Form_Load()
- On Error Resume Next
- StateForm
- Set rsWl = New ADODB.Recordset
- Set rsWp = New ADODB.Recordset
- End Sub
- Private Sub Form_Resize()
- ReFrom
- End Sub
- Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
- On Error Resume Next
- If rsWl.State = 1 Then rsWl.Close
- If rsWp.State = 1 Then rsWp.Close
- Set rsWl = Nothing
- Set rsWp = Nothing
- Set frmWlcx = Nothing
- End Sub
- Private Sub imgZp_Click()
- Dim frmNewWin As New frmZp
- frmNewWin.Image1.Picture = imgZp.Picture
- frmNewWin.Show vbModal
- Set frmNewWin = Nothing
- End Sub
- Private Sub rsWl_MoveComplete(ByVal adReason As ADODB.EventReasonEnum, ByVal pError As ADODB.Error, adStatus As ADODB.EventStatusEnum, ByVal pRecordset As ADODB.Recordset)
- On Error Resume Next
- Dim intRsPos As Integer, intRsCount As Integer
- intRsPos = rsWl.AbsolutePosition
- intRsCount = rsWl.RecordCount
- Tag = Caption & Space(3) & "当前位置:" & _
- intRsPos & Space(3) & "记录总数:" & intRsCount
- fMain.RsPC Tag '显示窗口信息
- End Sub
- Private Sub OpenRs(ByVal lngWpID As Long, ByVal strLx As String, _
- ByVal strZyID As String, ByVal dtRq1 As Date, ByVal dtRq2 As Date)
- On Error Resume Next
- '从数据源取得记录集
- If rsWl.State = 1 Then rsWl.Close
- If rsWp.State = 1 Then rsWp.Close
- Set rsWp = mCdt.rsWPQKCX(lngWpID)
- Set lblLb.DataSource = rsWp
- lblLb.DataField = "类别ID"
- Set lblWpID.DataSource = rsWp
- lblWpID.DataField = "物品ID"
- Set lblMc.DataSource = rsWp
- lblMc.DataField = "名称"
- Set lblDj.DataSource = rsWp
- lblDj.DataField = "单价"
- Set lblKcl.DataSource = rsWp
- lblKcl.DataField = "库存量"
- Set lblKcjz.DataSource = rsWp
- lblKcjz.DataField = "库存价值"
- Set txtSm.DataSource = rsWp
- txtSm.DataField = "说明"
- Set imgZp.DataSource = rsWp
- imgZp.DataField = "照片"
- Set rsWl = mCdt.rsWLCX(lngWpID, strLx, strZyID, dtRq1, dtRq2)
- Set DataGrid1.DataSource = rsWl
- End Sub
- Public Sub ReFrom()
- On Error Resume Next
- '调整控件位置、大小
- If Width < 5680 Then Width = 5680
- If Height < 7600 Then Height = 7600
- Frame1.Height = Height - 5000
- TreeView1.Height = Frame1.Height - 1300
- Picture1(1).Move 5565, 0, Width - 5680, Height - 400
- DataGrid1.Move 0, 0, Picture1(1).Width - 60, Picture1(1).Height - 60
- End Sub
- Private Sub TreeView1_NodeClick(ByVal Node As MSComctlLib.Node)
- '以搜索树节点值为条件进行查询
- Dim lngWpID As Long, strLx As String, strZyID As String
- Dim dtRq1 As Date, dtRq2 As Date
- strLx = "%"
- strZyID = "%"
- dtRq1 = dtpCxRq(0).Value
- dtRq2 = dtpCxRq(1).Value
- If Left(Node.Key, 3) = "WPA" Then
- lngWpID = Node.Tag
- ElseIf Left(Node.Key, 3) = "WPB" Then
- strZyID = Node.Parent.Tag
- lngWpID = Node.Tag
- ElseIf Left(Node.Key, 3) = "LXA" Then
- lngWpID = Node.Parent.Tag
- strLx = Node.Tag
- ElseIf Left(Node.Key, 3) = "LXB" Then
- strZyID = Node.Parent.Parent.Tag
- lngWpID = Node.Parent.Tag
- strLx = Node.Tag
- Else
- Exit Sub
- End If
- OpenRs lngWpID, strLx, strZyID, dtRq1, dtRq2
- End Sub
- Private Sub StateForm()
- On Error Resume Next
- '设置树形查询搜索框的节点
- Dim mNode As Node
- Dim strNodeKey(1 To 3) As String
- Dim rsNodes(1 To 3) As ADODB.Recordset
- Dim lngXh(1 To 3) As Long
- Set mNode = TreeView1.Nodes.Add(, tvwFirst, "1NODE")
- mNode.Text = "按物品类别搜索"
- Set mNode = TreeView1.Nodes.Add("1NODE", tvwNext, "2NODE")
- mNode.Text = "按物流经手人搜索"
- '取得物品类别节点
- Set rsNodes(1) = mCdt.rsWLCX_WPLBQD
- lngXh(1) = 1
- Do Until rsNodes(1).EOF
- strNodeKey(1) = "WLB" & rsNodes(1)(0) & lngXh(1)
- Set mNode = TreeView1.Nodes.Add("1NODE", tvwChild, strNodeKey(1))
- mNode.Text = rsNodes(1)(0)
- '取得物品节点
- lngXh(2) = lngXh(1) * 1000 + 1
- Set rsNodes(2) = mCdt.rsWLCX_WPQD(rsNodes(1)(0), "%")
- Do Until rsNodes(2).EOF
- strNodeKey(2) = "WPA" & rsNodes(2)(0) & lngXh(2)
- Set mNode = TreeView1.Nodes.Add(strNodeKey(1), tvwChild, strNodeKey(2))
- mNode.Tag = rsNodes(2)(0)
- mNode.Text = rsNodes(2)(1) & "(" & rsNodes(2)(0) & ")"
- '取得物流类型节点
- lngXh(3) = lngXh(2) * 10 + 1
- Set rsNodes(3) = mCdt.rsWLCX_WLLXQD(rsNodes(2)(0), "%")
- Do Until rsNodes(3).EOF
- strNodeKey(3) = "LXA" & rsNodes(3)(0) & lngXh(3)
- Set mNode = TreeView1.Nodes.Add(strNodeKey(2), tvwChild, strNodeKey(3))
- mNode.Tag = rsNodes(3)(0)
- mNode.Text = rsNodes(3)(0)
- rsNodes(3).MoveNext
- lngXh(3) = lngXh(3) + 1
- Loop
- rsNodes(3).Close
- rsNodes(2).MoveNext
- lngXh(2) = lngXh(2) + 1
- Loop
- rsNodes(2).Close
- rsNodes(1).MoveNext
- lngXh(1) = lngXh(1) + 1
- Loop
- rsNodes(1).Close
- '取得经手人节点
- Set rsNodes(1) = mCdt.rsWLCX_JSRQD
- lngXh(1) = 1
- Do Until rsNodes(1).EOF
- strNodeKey(1) = "JSR" & rsNodes(1)(0)
- Set mNode = TreeView1.Nodes.Add("2NODE", tvwChild, strNodeKey(1))
- mNode.Tag = rsNodes(1)(0)
- mNode.Text = rsNodes(1)(0)
- '取得物品节点
- lngXh(2) = lngXh(1) * 1000 + 1
- Set rsNodes(2) = mCdt.rsWLCX_WPQD("%", rsNodes(1)(0))
- Do Until rsNodes(2).EOF
- strNodeKey(2) = "WPB" & rsNodes(2)(0) & lngXh(2)
- Set mNode = TreeView1.Nodes.Add(strNodeKey(1), tvwChild, strNodeKey(2))
- mNode.Tag = rsNodes(2)(0)
- mNode.Text = rsNodes(2)(1) & "(" & rsNodes(2)(0) & ")"
- '取得物流类型节点
- lngXh(3) = lngXh(2) * 10 + 1
- Set rsNodes(3) = mCdt.rsWLCX_WLLXQD(rsNodes(2)(0), rsNodes(1)(0))
- Do Until rsNodes(3).EOF
- strNodeKey(3) = "LXB" & rsNodes(3)(0) & lngXh(3)
- Set mNode = TreeView1.Nodes.Add(strNodeKey(2), tvwChild, strNodeKey(3))
- mNode.Tag = rsNodes(3)(0)
- mNode.Text = rsNodes(3)(0)
- rsNodes(3).MoveNext
- lngXh(3) = lngXh(3) + 1
- Loop
- rsNodes(3).Close
- rsNodes(2).MoveNext
- lngXh(2) = lngXh(2) + 1
- Loop
- rsNodes(2).Close
- rsNodes(1).MoveNext
- lngXh(1) = lngXh(1) + 1
- Loop
- rsNodes(1).Close
- Set rsNodes(1) = Nothing
- Set rsNodes(2) = Nothing
- Set rsNodes(3) = Nothing
- dtpCxRq(0) = DateAdd("M", -1, Date)
- dtpCxRq(1) = Date
- End Sub