- /****************************************************************/
- /* */
- /* cmd.c */
- /* */
- /* Top Level Driver */
- /* */
- /* August 9, 1991 */
- /* */
- /* Copyright (c) 1995, 1996 */
- /* Pasquale J. Villani */
- /* All Rights Reserved */
- /* */
- /* This file is part of DOS-C. */
- /* */
- /* DOS-C is free software; you can redistribute it and/or */
- /* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License */
- /* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version */
- /* 2, or (at your option) any later version. */
- /* */
- /* DOS-C is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but */
- /* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
- /* the GNU General Public License for more details. */
- /* */
- /* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public */
- /* License along with DOS-C; see the file COPYING. If not, */
- /* write to the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, */
- /* Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
- /****************************************************************/
- /* $Logfile: C:/dos-c/src/command/cmd.c_v $ */
- /* $Log: C:/dos-c/src/command/cmd.c_v $
- *
- * Rev 1.4 31 Jan 1998 8:12:30 patv
- * Put preprocessor switch for version strings and changed log strings
- *
- * Rev 1.3 29 Aug 1996 13:07:04 patv
- * Bug fixes for v0.91b
- *
- * Rev 1.2 19 Feb 1996 3:18:54 patv
- * Added NLS, int2f and config.sys processing
- *
- * Rev 1.1 01 Sep 1995 18:04:34 patv
- * First GPL release.
- *
- * Rev 1.0 02 Jul 1995 10:01:48 patv
- * Initial revision.
- */
- /* $EndLog$ */
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include "../../hdr/portab.h"
- #define MAIN
- #include "globals.h"
- #include "proto.h"
- static BYTE *RcsId = "$Header: C:/dos-c/src/command/cmd.c_v 1.4 31 Jan 1998 8:12:30 patv $";
- #endif
- #ifdef PROTO
- struct table
- {
- BYTE *entry;
- BOOL (*func)(COUNT, BYTE **);
- };
- #else
- struct table
- {
- BYTE *entry;
- BOOL (*func)();
- };
- #endif
- #ifdef PROTO
- struct table *lookup(struct table *, BYTE *);
- VOID err_report(COUNT);
- VOID put_prompt(BYTE *);
- VOID Redirect(BYTE *, BYTE *, BYTE *, BOOL *);
- #else
- struct table *lookup();
- VOID err_report();
- VOID put_prompt();
- VOID Redirect();
- VOID RestoreIO();
- #endif
- BOOL ExecCmd();
- BOOL prompt();
- BOOL cmd_path();
- BOOL cmd_exit();
- BOOL type();
- BOOL cd();
- BOOL copy();
- BOOL del();
- BOOL ren();
- BOOL mkdir();
- BOOL rmdir();
- BOOL cmd_time();
- BOOL cmd_date();
- BOOL verify();
- BOOL ver();
- BOOL cmd_break();
- BOOL batch();
- BOOL label_bat();
- BOOL pause_bat();
- BOOL call_bat();
- BOOL echo_bat();
- BOOL echo_dot_bat();
- BOOL for_bat();
- BOOL if_bat();
- BOOL rem_bat();
- BOOL shift_bat();
- BOOL goto_bat();
- BOOL set_bat();
- /* External cmmands */
- struct table commands[] =
- {
- {"break", cmd_break},
- {"copy", copy},
- {"cd", cd},
- {"chdir", cd},
- {"date", cmd_date},
- {"del", del},
- {"dir", dir},
- {"erase", del},
- {"exit", cmd_exit},
- {"mkdir", mkdir},
- {"md", mkdir},
- {"path", cmd_path},
- {"prompt", prompt},
- {"ren", ren},
- {"rmdir", rmdir},
- {"rd", rmdir},
- {"time", cmd_time},
- {"type", type},
- {"verify", verify},
- {"ver", ver},
- {"if", if_bat},
- {"label", label_bat},
- {"pause", pause_bat},
- {"call", call_bat},
- {"echo", echo_bat},
- {"echo.", echo_dot_bat},
- {"echo+", echo_dot_bat},
- {"echo"", echo_dot_bat},
- {"echo/", echo_dot_bat},
- {"echo[", echo_dot_bat},
- {"echo]", echo_dot_bat},
- {"echo:", echo_dot_bat},
- {"for", for_bat},
- {"rem", rem_bat},
- {"shift", shift_bat},
- {"goto", goto_bat},
- {"set", set_bat},
- {"", ExecCmd}
- };
- static COUNT argc;
- static BYTE *argv[NPARAMS];
- static BOOL pflag, bootup = FALSE;
- VOID main()
- {
- COUNT nread;
- BOOL cflag;
- BYTE FAR *cmd_tail;
- BYTE *p_ptr;
- extern UWORD _psp;
- psp FAR *p;
- COUNT driveno = -1;
- BYTE pattern[MAX_CMDLINE] = "";
- BYTE path[MAX_CMDLINE] = "", esize[MAX_CMDLINE] = "";
- /* Initialize the interpreter */
- p = MK_FP(_psp, 0);
- switchchar = '/';
- batch_FLAG = FALSE;
- argv[0] = args[0];
- argv[1] = (BYTE *)0;
- args[0][0] = ' ';
- *tail = ' ';
- lpEnviron = (BYTE FAR *)MK_FP(p -> ps_environ, 0);
- cmd_tail = MK_FP(_psp, 0x81);
- fstrncpy((BYTE FAR *)tail, cmd_tail, 0x7f);
- pflag = cflag = FALSE;
- dosopt("$d$p*[e:pc]+", (BYTE FAR *)tail,
- &driveno, path, pattern, esize, &pflag, &cflag);
- /* Get the passed-in Environment size and make certain we */
- /* allocate enough space */
- EnvSize = EnvSizeUp();
- if(EnvSize < ENV_DEFAULT)
- EnvSize = ENV_DEFAULT;
- if(*esize != ' ')
- {
- COUNT size = atoi(esize);
- bool_FLAG = EnvAlloc(size);
- EnvSize = size;
- }
- else
- bool_FLAG = EnvAlloc(EnvSize);
- if(!bool_FLAG)
- error_message(OUT_ENV_SPACE);
- /* Check what PROMPT is set in env to over ride default */
- p_ptr = EnvLookup("PROMPT");
- if(p_ptr != (BYTE *)0)
- scopy(p_ptr, prompt_string);
- else
- scopy(dflt_pr_string, prompt_string);
- /* Check what PATH is set in env to over ride default */
- p_ptr = EnvLookup("PATH");
- if(p_ptr != (BYTE *)0)
- scopy(p_ptr, path);
- else
- scopy(dflt_path_string, path);
- if(!cflag)
- {
- if(pflag)
- {
- /* Special MS-DOS compatability initialization, */
- /* all command shells terminate onto */
- /* themselves, but we always terminate at the */
- /* root shell. If anyone complains, we'll */
- /* change it. */
- #ifndef DEBUG
- p -> ps_parent = _psp;
- #endif
- /* Try to exec autoexec.bat */
- bootup = TRUE;
- *tail = ' ';
- if(!batch(".\autoexec.bat", tail))
- {
- *tail = ' ';
- cmd_date(1, argv);
- cmd_time(1, argv);
- bootup = FALSE;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* Announce our version */
- printf(ANNOUNCE, copyright);
- #ifdef SHWR
- printf("**** Shareware version ****nPlease register your copy.n");
- #else
- printf("nn");
- #endif
- }
- {
- default_drive = DosGetDrive();
- put_prompt(prompt_string);
- if((nread = DosRead(STDIN, (BYTE FAR *)cmd_line, MAX_CMDLINE)) < 0)
- continue;
- do_command(nread);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- BYTE FAR *p;
- default_drive = DosGetDrive();
- for(p = cmd_tail; *p != 'r'; p++)
- {
- if(*p == '/' && (*(p + 1) == 'c' || *(p + 1) == 'C'))
- break;
- }
- p += 2;
- fstrncpy((BYTE FAR *)cmd_line, p, 0x7f);
- for(nread = 0; *p != 'r'; nread++, p++)
- ;
- ++nread;
- do_command(nread);
- }
- }
- VOID Redirect(cmd_line, Input, Output, AppendMode)
- BYTE *cmd_line, *Input, *Output;
- BOOL *AppendMode;
- {
- BYTE LocalBuffer[MAX_CMDLINE], *lp, *dp = cmd_line;
- /* First - create an image, since we'll be copying back into */
- /* the original buffer. */
- strcpy(LocalBuffer, cmd_line);
- /* Next, start looking for redirect symbols. */
- lp = skipwh(LocalBuffer);
- while(*lp != ' ')
- {
- switch(*lp)
- {
- case '<':
- lp = scan(++lp, Input);
- break;
- case '>':
- if(*(lp + 1) == '>')
- {
- ++lp;
- *AppendMode = TRUE;
- }
- lp = scan(++lp, Output);
- break;
- default:
- *dp++ = *lp++;
- break;
- }
- }
- *dp = ' ';
- }
- VOID do_command(nread)
- COUNT nread;
- {
- REG struct table *p;
- REG BYTE *lp;
- COUNT index = 0;
- BOOL AppendMode;
- COUNT OldStdin = -1, OldStdout = -1, ErrorCode;
- BOOL IORedirected = FALSE;
- if(nread <= 0)
- return;
- cmd_line[nread] = ' ';
- /* Pre-scan the command line and look for any re-directs */
- *Input = *Output = ' ';
- AppendMode = FALSE;
- Redirect(cmd_line, Input, Output, &AppendMode);
- IORedirected = (*Input != ' ' || *Output != ' ');
- if(*Input != ' ')
- {
- COUNT Handle;
- if(!DosDupHandle(STDIN, (COUNT FAR *)&OldStdin, (COUNT FAR *)&ErrorCode))
- {
- RestoreIO(OldStdin, -1);
- error_message(INTERNAL_ERR);
- return;
- }
- Handle = DosOpen((BYTE FAR *)Input, O_RDWR);
- if((Handle < 0) || (!DosForceDupHandle(Handle, STDIN, (COUNT FAR *)&ErrorCode)))
- {
- RestoreIO(OldStdin, -1);
- error_message(INTERNAL_ERR);
- return;
- }
- DosClose(Handle);
- }
- if(*Output != ' ')
- {
- COUNT Handle;
- if(!DosDupHandle(STDOUT, (COUNT FAR *)&OldStdout, (COUNT FAR *)&ErrorCode))
- {
- RestoreIO(-1, OldStdout);
- error_message(INTERNAL_ERR);
- return;
- }
- if(AppendMode)
- {
- if((Handle = DosOpen((BYTE FAR *)Output, O_RDWR)) < 0)
- {
- RestoreIO(-1, OldStdout);
- error_message(INTERNAL_ERR);
- return;
- }
- DosSeek(Handle, 2, 0l);
- }
- else
- Handle = DosCreat((BYTE FAR *)Output, D_NORMAL | D_ARCHIVE);
- if((Handle < 0) || (!DosForceDupHandle(Handle, STDOUT, (COUNT FAR *)&ErrorCode)))
- {
- RestoreIO(-1, OldStdout);
- error_message(INTERNAL_ERR);
- return;
- }
- DosClose(Handle);
- }
- for(argc = 0; argc < 16; argc++)
- {
- argv[argc] = (BYTE *)0;
- args[argc][0] = ' ';
- }
- lp = scanspl(cmd_line, args[0], '/');
- if(args[0][0] == '@')
- {
- at_FLAG = TRUE;
- index++;
- }
- else
- at_FLAG = FALSE;
- /* If preceeded by a @, swallow it, it was taken care of */
- /* elsewhere. Also, change case so that our command verb is */
- /* case sensitive. */
- while(args[0][index] != ' ')
- {
- if(at_FLAG)
- args[0][index-1] = tolower(args[0][index]);
- else
- args[0][index] = tolower(args[0][index]);
- index++;
- }
- if(at_FLAG)
- args[0][index-1] = ' ';
- argv[0] = args[0];
- /* this kludge is for an MS-DOS wart emulation */
- tail = skipwh(lp);
- for(argc = 1; argc < NPARAMS; argc++)
- {
- lp = scan(lp, args[argc]);
- if(*args[argc] == ' ')
- break;
- else
- argv[argc] = args[argc];
- }
- if(*argv[0] != ' ')
- {
- /* Look for just a drive change command, and execute */
- /* it if found. */
- if(argv[0][1] == ':' && argv[0][2] == NULL)
- {
- BYTE c = argv[0][0];
- if(c >= 'a' && c <= 'z')
- c = c - 'a' + 'A';
- if(c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')
- DosSetDrive(c - 'A');
- }
- /* It may be a help command request. */
- else if((argv[1][0] == switchchar) &&
- (argv[1][1] == '?'))
- {
- strcpy(tail, " ");
- strcat(tail, argv[0]);
- strcat(tail, "rn");
- argc = 2;
- argv[1] = argv[0];
- argv[0] = "help";
- argv[2] = 0;
- ExecCmd(argc, argv);
- if(IORedirected)
- RestoreIO(OldStdin, OldStdout);
- }
- /* do a normal command execution */
- else
- {
- p = lookup(commands, argv[0]);
- (*(p -> func))(argc, argv);
- if(IORedirected)
- RestoreIO(OldStdin, OldStdout);
- }
- }
- }
- BOOL prompt(argc, argv)
- WORD argc;
- BYTE *argv[];
- {
- BYTE *p;
- BYTE *cmd = "PROMPT";
- if(argc == 1)
- {
- p = EnvLookup(cmd);
- if(p != (BYTE *)0)
- scopy(p, prompt_string);
- else
- {
- scopy(dflt_pr_string, prompt_string);
- EnvClearVar(cmd);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* Trim trailing newline */
- for(p = tail; (*p != 'r') && (*p != 'n'); p++)
- ;
- *p = ' ';
- /* should be scopy(argv[1], &pr_string[1]); but to */
- /* emulate an MS-DOS wart, is */
- scopy(tail, prompt_string);
- /* Now set the environment variable for all children to */
- /* see. */
- EnvSetVar(cmd, prompt_string);
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- struct table *lookup(p, token)
- struct table *p;
- BYTE *token;
- {
- while(*(p -> entry) != ' ')
- {
- if(strcmp(p -> entry, token) == 0)
- break;
- else
- ++p;
- }
- return p;
- }
- VOID RestoreIO(DupStdin, DupStdout)
- {
- COUNT ErrorCode;
- if(DupStdin >= 0)
- {
- if(!DosForceDupHandle(DupStdin, STDIN, (COUNT FAR *)&ErrorCode))
- error_message(INTERNAL_ERR);
- DosClose(DupStdin);
- }
- if(DupStdout >= 0)
- {
- if(!DosForceDupHandle(DupStdout, STDOUT, (COUNT FAR *)&ErrorCode))
- error_message(INTERNAL_ERR);
- DosClose(DupStdout);
- }
- }
- BOOL ExecCmd(argc, argv)
- COUNT argc;
- BYTE *argv[];
- {
- exec_blk exb;
- COUNT err;
- BYTE tmppath[64];
- COUNT idx;
- BOOL ext = FALSE;
- BYTE *extp;
- COUNT len;
- BYTE *lp;
- CommandTail CmdTail;
- fcb fcb1, fcb2;
- static BYTE *extns[2] =
- {
- ".com",
- ".exe"
- };
- static BYTE *batfile = ".bat";
- BYTE Path[MAX_CMDLINE], *pPath;
- /* Build the path string and create the full string that */
- /* includes "." so that the current directory is searched */
- /* first. Note that Path is initialized outside the loop. */
- strcpy(Path, ".\");
- strcpy(PathString, EnvLookup("PATH"));
- pPath = PathString;
- do
- {
- /* Build a path to the command. */
- if(*pPath == ';')
- ++pPath;
- strcpy(tmppath, Path);
- if(*tmppath != ' ' && !((tmppath[strlen(tmppath) - 1] != '\') == 0))
- strcat(tmppath, "\");
- strcat(tmppath, argv[0]);
- /* batch processing */
- /* search for an extension in the specification */
- for(idx = len = strlen(argv[0]) ; idx > 0 && idx > (len - FEXT_SIZE - 2); --idx)
- {
- if(argv[0][idx] == '.')
- {
- ext = TRUE;
- extp = &argv[0][idx];
- break;
- }
- }
- /* If no extension was found, the entire path was */
- /* specified and we do not append an extension. */
- if(!ext)
- {
- strcat(tmppath, batfile);
- extp = batfile;
- }
- /* if it ends with a '.bat' (either user supplied or */
- /* previously added), try to run as a batch. */
- if((strcmp(extp, batfile) == 0) && batch(tmppath, tail))
- {
- if(pflag && bootup)
- bootup = FALSE;
- return TRUE;
- }
- /* tail comes in as a string with trailing newline. */
- /* Convert it to a return only and put it into CmdTail */
- /* format */
- CmdTail.ctCount = (argc > 1) ? strlen(tail) : 1;
- strcpy(CmdTail.ctBuffer, " ");
- strcpy(&CmdTail.ctBuffer[1], (argc > 1) ? tail : "");
- CmdTail.ctBuffer[CmdTail.ctCount] = ' ';
- if(CmdTail.ctCount < LINESIZE)
- CmdTail.ctBuffer[CmdTail.ctCount] = ' ';
- rtn_errlvl = 0;
- exb.exec.env_seg = FP_SEG(lpEnviron);
- exb.exec.cmd_line = (CommandTail FAR *)&CmdTail;
- #if 0
- if(argc > 1)
- {
- DosParseFilename((BYTE FAR *)argv[1], (fcb FAR *)&fcb1, 0);
- exb.exec.fcb_1 = (fcb FAR *)&fcb1;
- }
- else
- exb.exec.fcb_1 = (fcb FAR *)0;
- if(argc > 2)
- {
- exb.exec.fcb_2 = (fcb FAR *)&fcb2;
- DosParseFilename((BYTE FAR *)argv[2], (fcb FAR *)&fcb2, 0);
- }
- else
- exb.exec.fcb_2 = (fcb FAR *)0;
- #else
- exb.exec.fcb_1 = (fcb FAR *)0;
- exb.exec.fcb_2 = (fcb FAR *)0;
- #endif
- for(idx = 0; idx < 2; idx++)
- {
- strcpy(tmppath, Path);
- if(*tmppath != ' ' && !((tmppath[strlen(tmppath) - 1] != '\') == 0))
- strcat(tmppath, "\");
- strcat(tmppath, argv[0]);
- if(!ext)
- {
- strcat(tmppath, extns[idx]);
- extp = extns[idx];
- }
- if(!(strcmp(extp, extns[idx]) == 0))
- continue;
- if((rtn_errlvl = err = DosExec((BYTE FAR *)tmppath, (exec_blk FAR *)&exb)) != SUCCESS)
- {
- switch(err)
- {
- continue;
- rtn_errlvl = INV_FUNCTION_PARAM;
- goto errmsg;
- rtn_errlvl = PATH_NOT_FOUND;
- goto errmsg;
- case DE_TOOMANY:
- rtn_errlvl = TOO_FILES_OPEN;
- goto errmsg;
- case DE_ACCESS:
- rtn_errlvl = ACCESS_DENIED;
- goto errmsg;
- case DE_NOMEM:
- rtn_errlvl = INSUFF_MEM;
- goto errmsg;
- default:
- rtn_errlvl = EXEC_ERR;
- errmsg:
- error_message(rtn_errlvl);
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- rtn_errlvl = DosRtnValue() & 0xff;
- return TRUE;
- }
- }
- if(err < 0 || idx == 2)
- {
- if(!(err == DE_FILENOTFND || idx == 2))
- {
- error_message(EXEC_FAIL);
- return FALSE;
- }
- continue;
- }
- }
- while(*Path = ' ', pPath = scanspl(pPath, Path, ';'), *Path != ' ');
- error_message(BAD_CMD_FILE_NAME);
- return FALSE;
- }
- BOOL cmd_exit(argc, argv)
- COUNT argc;
- BYTE FAR *argv[];
- {
- #ifndef DEBUG
- /* Don't exit from a permanent shell */
- if(pflag)
- return TRUE;
- #endif
- /* If no values passed, return errorvalue = 0 */
- if(argc == 1)
- DosExit(0);
- /* otherwise return what the user asked for */
- else
- {
- COUNT ret_val;
- static BYTE nums[] = "0123456789";
- BYTE FAR *p;
- for(ret_val = 0, p = argv[1]; isdigit(*p); p++)
- {
- COUNT j;
- for(j = 0; j < 10; j++)
- if(nums[j] == *p)
- break;
- ret_val += j;
- }
- DosExit(ret_val);
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- VOID sto(c)
- COUNT c;
- {
- BYTE ch[1];
- *ch = c;
- DosWrite(STDOUT, (BYTE FAR *)ch, 1);
- }