资源名称:840.rar [点击查看]
- ;
- ; File:
- ; entry.asm
- ; Description:
- ; System call entry code
- ;
- ; Copyright (c) 1998
- ; Pasquale J. Villani
- ; All Rights Reserved
- ;
- ; This file is part of DOS-C.
- ;
- ; DOS-C is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- ; modify it under the terms of the GNU General public License
- ; as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
- ; 2, or (at your option) any later version.
- ;
- ; DOS-C is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- ; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- ; the GNU General public License for more details.
- ;
- ; You should have received a copy of the GNU General public
- ; License along with DOS-C; see the file COPYING. If not,
- ; write to the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave,
- ; Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- ;
- ; $Header: C:/dos-c/src/kernel/entry.asv 1.0 07 Feb 1998 20:42:08 patv $
- ;
- ; $Log: C:/dos-c/src/kernel/entry.asv $
- ;
- ; Rev 1.0 07 Feb 1998 20:42:08 patv
- ; Modified stack fram to match DOS standard
- ; $EndLog$
- page 60,132
- title System call entry code
- IFDEF ??version
- _TEXT segment byte public 'CODE'
- DGROUP group _FIXED_DATA,_DATA,_BSS,_BSSEND ; small model
- assume cs:_TEXT,ds:DGROUP,ss:DGROUP
- _TEXT ends
- _FIXED_DATA segment para public 'DATA'
- _FIXED_DATA ends
- _DATA segment word public 'DATA'
- _DATA ends
- _BSS segment word public 'BSS'
- _BSS ends
- _BSSEND segment byte public 'STACK'
- _BSSEND ends
- _TEXT segment byte public 'CODE'
- _TEXT ends
- _FIXED_DATA segment para public 'DATA'
- _FIXED_DATA ends
- _DATA segment word public 'DATA'
- _DATA ends
- CONST segment word public 'CONST'
- CONST ends
- _BSS segment word public 'BSS'
- _BSS ends
- _BSSEND segment byte public 'STACK'
- _BSSEND ends
- DGROUP group CONST,_DATA,_BSS,_BSSEND ; small/tiny model
- assume ds:DGROUP, ss:DGROUP
- include stacks.inc
- _TEXT segment byte public 'CODE'
- extrn _int21_syscall:near
- extrn _int25_handler:NEAR, _int26_handler:NEAR
- extrn _set_stack:FAR
- extrn _restore_stack:FAR
- extrn _api_sp:WORD
- extrn _api_ss:WORD
- extrn _disk_api_tos:WORD
- public _cpm_entry
- public _int20_handler
- public _int21_handler
- public _low_int25_handler
- public _low_int26_handler
- public _int27_handler
- ;
- ; MS-DOS CP/M style entry point
- ;
- ; cpm_entry(iregs UserRegs)
- ;
- ; This one is a strange one. The call is to psp:0005h but it returns to the
- ; function after the call. What we do is convert it to a normal call and
- ; fudge the stack to look like an int 21h call.
- ;
- assume cs:_TEXT
- _cpm_entry proc far
- ; Stack is:
- ; return offset
- ; psp seg
- ; 000ah
- ;
- push bp ; trash old return address
- mov bp,sp
- xchg bp,2[bp]
- pop bp
- pushf ; start setting up int 21h stack
- ;
- ; now stack is
- ; return offset
- ; psp seg
- ; flags
- ;
- push bp
- mov bp,sp ; set up reference frame
- ;
- ; reference frame stack is
- ; return offset bp + 6
- ; psp seg bp + 4
- ; flags bp + 2
- ; bp <--- bp
- ;
- push ax
- mov ax,2[bp] ; get the flags
- xchg ax,6[bp] ; swap with return address
- mov 2[bp],ax
- pop ax ; restore working registers
- pop bp
- ;
- ; Done. Stack is
- ; flags
- ; psp seg (alias .COM cs)
- ; return offset
- ;
- cmp cl,024h
- jbe cpm_error
- mov ah,cl ; get the call # from cl to ah
- jmp short _int21_handler ; do the system call
- cpm_error: mov al,0
- iret
- _cpm_entry endp
- ;
- ; Terminate the current process
- ;
- ; VOID INRPT far
- ; int20_handler(iregs UserRegs)
- ;
- assume cs:_TEXT
- _int20_handler proc far
- mov ah,0 ; terminate through int 21h
- _int20_handler endp
- ;
- ; MS-DOS system call entry point
- ;
- ; VOID INRPT far
- ; int21_handler(iregs UserRegs)
- ;
- assume cs:_TEXT
- _int21_handler proc far
- ;
- ; Create the stack frame for C call. This is done to
- ; preserve machine state and provide a C structure for
- ; access to registers.
- ;
- ; Since this is an interrupt routine, CS, IP and flags were
- ; pushed onto the stack by the processor, completing the
- ; stack frame.
- ;
- ; NB: stack frame is MS-DOS dependent and not compatible
- ; with compiler interrupt stack frames.
- ;
- ;
- ; Create kernel refernce frame.
- ;
- ; NB: At this point, SS != DS and won't be set that way
- ; until later when which stack to run on is determined.
- ;
- mov bp,DGROUP
- mov ds,bp
- mov bp,sp
- ;
- ; Push the far pointer to the register frame for
- ; int21_syscall and remainder of kernel.
- ;
- push ss
- lea ax,word ptr [bp]
- push ax
- call near ptr _int21_syscall
- ;
- ; Clean up stack. It's int2_syscall responsibility to
- ; restore user stack.
- ;
- pop cx
- pop cx
- ;
- ; Recover registers from system call. Registers and flags
- ; were modified by the system call.
- ;
- ;
- ; ... and return.
- ;
- iret
- _int21_handler endp
- ;
- ; Terminate the current process
- ;
- ; VOID INRPT far
- ; int27_handler(iregs UserRegs)
- ;
- assume cs:_TEXT
- _int27_handler proc far
- ;
- ; First convert the memory to paragraphs
- ;
- add dx,0fh ; round up
- rcr dx,1
- shr dx,1
- shr dx,1
- shr dx,1
- ;
- ; ... then use the standard system call
- ;
- mov ax,3100h
- jmp short _int21_handler ; terminate through int 21h
- _int27_handler endp
- ;
- ; I really do need to get rid of this because it's the only thing stopping
- ; us from being ROMABLE.
- ;
- stkframe dd ?
- _low_int25_handler proc far
- sti
- pushf
- push ax
- push cx
- push dx
- push bx
- push sp
- push bp
- push si
- push di
- push ds
- push es
- mov word ptr cs:stkframe, sp ; save stack frame
- mov word ptr cs:stkframe+2, ss
- cld
- mov ax, seg DGROUP
- mov ds, ax
- mov word ptr DGROUP:_api_sp, offset DGROUP:_disk_api_tos
- mov word ptr DGROUP:_api_ss, ds
- call far ptr _set_stack
- push word ptr cs:stkframe+2
- push word ptr cs:stkframe
- call _int25_handler
- add sp, 4
- call far ptr _restore_stack
- pop es
- pop ds
- pop di
- pop si
- pop bp
- pop bx ; pop off sp value
- pop bx
- pop dx
- pop cx
- pop ax
- popf
- retf ; Bug-compatiblity with MS-DOS.
- ; This function is supposed to leave the original
- ; flag image on the stack.
- _low_int25_handler endp
- _low_int26_handler proc far
- sti
- pushf
- push ax
- push cx
- push dx
- push bx
- push sp
- push bp
- push si
- push di
- push ds
- push es
- mov word ptr cs:stkframe, sp ; save stack frame
- mov word ptr cs:stkframe+2, ss
- cld
- mov ax, seg DGROUP
- mov ds, ax
- mov word ptr DGROUP:_api_sp, offset DGROUP:_disk_api_tos
- mov word ptr DGROUP:_api_ss, ds
- call far ptr _set_stack
- push word ptr cs:stkframe+2
- push word ptr cs:stkframe
- call _int26_handler
- add sp, 4
- call far ptr _restore_stack
- pop es
- pop ds
- pop di
- pop si
- pop bp
- pop bx ; pop off sp value
- pop bx
- pop dx
- pop cx
- pop ax
- popf
- retf
- _low_int26_handler endp
- _TEXT ends
- end