- /************************************************************************
- The memory management
- (c) 1994, 1995 Innobase Oy
- Created 6/9/1994 Heikki Tuuri
- *************************************************************************/
- #include "mem0mem.h"
- #ifdef UNIV_NONINL
- #include "mem0mem.ic"
- #endif
- #include "mach0data.h"
- #include "buf0buf.h"
- #include "mem0dbg.c"
- #include "btr0sea.h"
- /*
- =====================
- The basic element of the memory management is called a memory
- heap. A memory heap is conceptually a
- stack from which memory can be allocated. The stack may grow infinitely.
- The top element of the stack may be freed, or
- the whole stack can be freed at one time. The advantage of the
- memory heap concept is that we can avoid using the malloc and free
- functions of C which are quite expensive, for example, on the Solaris + GCC
- system (50 MHz Sparc, 1993) the pair takes 3 microseconds,
- on Win NT + 100MHz Pentium, 2.5 microseconds.
- When we use a memory heap,
- we can allocate larger blocks of memory at a time and thus
- reduce overhead. Slightly more efficient the method is when we
- allocate the memory from the index page buffer pool, as we can
- claim a new page fast. This is called buffer allocation.
- When we allocate the memory from the dynamic memory of the
- C environment, that is called dynamic allocation.
- The default way of operation of the memory heap is the following.
- First, when the heap is created, an initial block of memory is
- allocated. In dynamic allocation this may be about 50 bytes.
- If more space is needed, additional blocks are allocated
- and they are put into a linked list.
- After the initial block, each allocated block is twice the size of the
- previous, until a threshold is attained, after which the sizes
- of the blocks stay the same. An exception is, of course, the case
- where the caller requests a memory buffer whose size is
- bigger than the threshold. In that case a block big enough must
- be allocated.
- The heap is physically arranged so that if the current block
- becomes full, a new block is allocated and always inserted in the
- chain of blocks as the last block.
- In the debug version of the memory management, all the allocated
- heaps are kept in a list (which is implemented as a hash table).
- Thus we can notice if the caller tries to free an already freed
- heap. In addition, each buffer given to the caller contains
- start field at the start and a trailer field at the end of the buffer.
- The start field has the following content:
- A. sizeof(ulint) bytes of field length (in the standard byte order)
- B. sizeof(ulint) bytes of check field (a random number)
- The trailer field contains:
- A. sizeof(ulint) bytes of check field (the same random number as at the start)
- Thus we can notice if something has been copied over the
- borders of the buffer, which is illegal.
- The memory in the buffers is initialized to a random byte sequence.
- After freeing, all the blocks in the heap are set to random bytes
- to help us discover errors which result from the use of
- buffers in an already freed heap. */
- /*******************************************************************
- NOTE: Use the corresponding macro instead of this function.
- Allocates a single buffer of memory from the dynamic memory of
- the C compiler. Is like malloc of C. The buffer must be freed
- with mem_free. */
- void*
- mem_alloc_func_noninline(
- /*=====================*/
- /* out, own: free storage, NULL if did not
- succeed */
- ulint n /* in: desired number of bytes */
- ,char* file_name, /* in: file name where created */
- ulint line /* in: line where created */
- #endif
- )
- {
- return(mem_alloc_func(n
- , file_name, line
- #endif
- ));
- }
- /*******************************************************************
- Creates a memory heap block where data can be allocated. */
- mem_block_t*
- mem_heap_create_block(
- /*==================*/
- /* out, own: memory heap block, NULL if did not
- succeed */
- mem_heap_t* heap,/* in: memory heap or NULL if first block should
- be created */
- ulint n, /* in: number of bytes needed for user data, or
- if init_block is not NULL, its size in bytes */
- void* init_block, /* in: init block in fast create, type must be
- ulint type) /* in: type of heap: MEM_HEAP_DYNAMIC, or
- {
- mem_block_t* block;
- ulint len;
- ut_ad((type == MEM_HEAP_DYNAMIC) || (type == MEM_HEAP_BUFFER)
- /* In dynamic allocation, calculate the size: block header + data. */
- if (init_block != NULL) {
- ut_ad(type == MEM_HEAP_DYNAMIC);
- len = n;
- block = init_block;
- } else if (type == MEM_HEAP_DYNAMIC) {
- block = mem_area_alloc(len, mem_comm_pool);
- } else {
- ut_ad(n <= MEM_MAX_ALLOC_IN_BUF);
- if (len < UNIV_PAGE_SIZE / 2) {
- block = mem_area_alloc(len, mem_comm_pool);
- } else {
- if ((type & MEM_HEAP_BTR_SEARCH) && heap) {
- /* We cannot allocate the block from the
- buffer pool, but must get the free block from
- the heap header free block field */
- block = (mem_block_t*)heap->free_block;
- heap->free_block = NULL;
- } else {
- block = (mem_block_t*)buf_frame_alloc();
- }
- }
- }
- if (block == NULL) {
- return(NULL);
- }
- block->magic_n = MEM_BLOCK_MAGIC_N;
- mem_block_set_len(block, len);
- mem_block_set_type(block, type);
- mem_block_set_free(block, MEM_BLOCK_HEADER_SIZE);
- mem_block_set_start(block, MEM_BLOCK_HEADER_SIZE);
- block->free_block = NULL;
- if (init_block != NULL) {
- block->init_block = TRUE;
- } else {
- block->init_block = FALSE;
- }
- ut_ad((ulint)MEM_BLOCK_HEADER_SIZE < len);
- return(block);
- }
- /*******************************************************************
- Adds a new block to a memory heap. */
- mem_block_t*
- mem_heap_add_block(
- /*===============*/
- /* out: created block, NULL if did not
- succeed */
- mem_heap_t* heap, /* in: memory heap */
- ulint n) /* in: number of bytes user needs */
- {
- mem_block_t* block;
- mem_block_t* new_block;
- ulint new_size;
- ut_ad(mem_heap_check(heap));
- block = UT_LIST_GET_LAST(heap->base);
- /* We have to allocate a new block. The size is always at least
- doubled until the standard size is reached. After that the size
- stays the same, except in cases where the caller needs more space. */
- new_size = 2 * mem_block_get_len(block);
- if (heap->type != MEM_HEAP_DYNAMIC) {
- ut_ad(n <= MEM_MAX_ALLOC_IN_BUF);
- if (new_size > MEM_MAX_ALLOC_IN_BUF) {
- new_size = MEM_MAX_ALLOC_IN_BUF;
- }
- } else if (new_size > MEM_BLOCK_STANDARD_SIZE) {
- }
- if (new_size < n) {
- new_size = n;
- }
- new_block = mem_heap_create_block(heap, new_size, NULL, heap->type);
- if (new_block == NULL) {
- return(NULL);
- }
- /* Add the new block as the last block */
- UT_LIST_INSERT_AFTER(list, heap->base, block, new_block);
- return(new_block);
- }
- /**********************************************************************
- Frees a block from a memory heap. */
- void
- mem_heap_block_free(
- /*================*/
- mem_heap_t* heap, /* in: heap */
- mem_block_t* block) /* in: block to free */
- {
- ulint type;
- ulint len;
- ibool init_block;
- UT_LIST_REMOVE(list, heap->base, block);
- type = heap->type;
- len = block->len;
- init_block = block->init_block;
- /* In the debug version we set the memory to a random combination
- of hex 0xDE and 0xAD. */
- mem_erase_buf((byte*)block, len);
- #endif
- if (init_block) {
- /* Do not have to free: do nothing */
- } else if (type == MEM_HEAP_DYNAMIC) {
- mem_area_free(block, mem_comm_pool);
- } else {
- ut_ad(type & MEM_HEAP_BUFFER);
- if (len >= UNIV_PAGE_SIZE / 2) {
- buf_frame_free((byte*)block);
- } else {
- mem_area_free(block, mem_comm_pool);
- }
- }
- }
- /**********************************************************************
- Frees the free_block field from a memory heap. */
- void
- mem_heap_free_block_free(
- /*=====================*/
- mem_heap_t* heap) /* in: heap */
- {
- if (heap->free_block) {
- buf_frame_free(heap->free_block);
- heap->free_block = NULL;
- }
- }