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- <HR><H2>Re: sleep / SIGALRM problem in 1_60_beta6</H2>
- <H3>daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Mon Dec 9 19:32:22 1996
- )</H3>
- <PRE>
- Date: Mon, 09 Dec 1996 17:22:50 -0700
- From: "Mark M. Evans" <mevans@cti-ltd.com>
- To: Tim Hinderliter <kyd@internap.com>
- Cc: pthreads-bugs@MIT.EDU
- I think I found what caused fd_kern_wait() to block for the entire
- hour (instead of waking up due to the SIGALRM). Basically, the
- SIGALRM that would move the sleeping thread to the run queue occurs
- while pthread_kernel_lock is set, but *before* the critical section in
- fd_kern_wait() that sets __fd_kern_wait_timeout.tv_sec to 3600. So,
- sig_handler_real() clears __fd_kern_wait_timeout.tv_sec "too soon."
- I've worked around this by checking sig_to_process in the critical
- section to determine if we are truly idle. To do this I had to make
- sig_to_process publicly available.
- Here are the diffs (relative to the pthreads/pthreads directory):
- diff -c -r1.2 -r1.3
- *** signal.c 1996/11/20 05:09:50 1.2
- --- signal.c 1996/12/09 23:14:52 1.3
- ***************
- *** 65,71 ****
- */
- static sig_atomic_t signum_to_process[SIGMAX + 1] = { 0, };
- ! static sig_atomic_t sig_to_process = 0;
- /* static volatile sigset_t sig_to_process; */
- static volatile int sig_count = 0;
- --- 65,71 ----
- */
- static sig_atomic_t signum_to_process[SIGMAX + 1] = { 0, };
- ! sig_atomic_t sig_to_process = 0;
- /* static volatile sigset_t sig_to_process; */
- static volatile int sig_count = 0;
- *** fd_kern.c 1996/12/03 04:14:59 1.6
- --- fd_kern.c 1996/12/09 23:14:51 1.7
- ***************
- *** 215,221 ****
- * Called when there is no active thread to run.
- */
- extern struct timeval __fd_kern_wait_timeout;
- !
- void fd_kern_wait()
- {
- fd_set fd_set_read, fd_set_write, fd_set_except;
- --- 215,221 ----
- * Called when there is no active thread to run.
- */
- extern struct timeval __fd_kern_wait_timeout;
- ! extern volatile sig_atomic_t sig_to_process;
- void fd_kern_wait()
- {
- fd_set fd_set_read, fd_set_write, fd_set_except;
- ***************
- *** 254,260 ****
- machdep_unset_thread_timer(NULL);
- __fd_kern_wait_timeout.tv_usec = 0;
- ! __fd_kern_wait_timeout.tv_sec = 3600;
- machdep_sys_sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, &sig_to_block, &oset);
- --- 254,260 ----
- machdep_unset_thread_timer(NULL);
- __fd_kern_wait_timeout.tv_usec = 0;
- ! __fd_kern_wait_timeout.tv_sec = (sig_to_process) ? 0 : 3600;
- machdep_sys_sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, &sig_to_block, &oset);