资源名称:图像识别.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- // DlgRecMatch.cpp : implementation file
- //
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "ImageProcessing.h"
- #include "DlgRecMatch.h"
- #include "CDib.h"
- #include "GlobalApi.h"
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- #define new DEBUG_NEW
- #undef THIS_FILE
- static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;
- #endif
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CDlgRecMatch dialog
- CDlgRecMatch::CDlgRecMatch(CWnd* pParent /*=NULL*/,CImageProcessingDoc* pDoc)
- : CDialog(CDlgRecMatch::IDD, pParent)
- {
- //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CDlgRecMatch)
- // NOTE: the ClassWizard will add member initialization here
- // 设置计算图象控件位置标志位为FALSE
- m_bCalImgLoc = FALSE;
- // 设置初始图象
- m_pDibInit = pDoc->m_pDibInit;
- // 获得文档指针
- m_pDoc = pDoc;
- // 分配模板图象内存
- m_pDibModel = new CDib;
- // 分配结果图象
- m_pDibResult = new CDib;
- }
- void CDlgRecMatch::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX)
- {
- CDialog::DoDataExchange(pDX);
- //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CDlgRecMatch)
- // NOTE: the ClassWizard will add DDX and DDV calls here
- }
- BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CDlgRecMatch, CDialog)
- //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CDlgRecMatch)
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CDlgRecMatch message handlers
- void CDlgRecMatch::OnRecogOpenModel()
- {
- CFileDialog dlg(TRUE,"bmp","*.bmp");
- if(dlg.DoModal() == IDOK)
- {
- CFile file;
- CString strPathName;
- strPathName = dlg.GetPathName();
- // 打开文件
- if( !file.Open(strPathName, CFile::modeRead | CFile::shareDenyWrite))
- {
- // 返回
- return ;
- }
- // 读入模板图象
- if(!m_pDibModel->Read(&file)){
- // 恢复光标形状
- EndWaitCursor();
- // 清空已分配内存
- m_pDibModel->Empty();
- // 返回
- return;
- }
- }
- // 判断是否是8-bpp位图(这里为了方便,只处理8-bpp位图的模板配准,其它的可以类推)
- if(m_pDibModel->m_nColorTableEntries != 256)
- {
- // 提示用户
- MessageBox("目前只支持256色位图!", "系统提示" , MB_ICONINFORMATION | MB_OK);
- // 清空已分配内存
- m_pDibModel->Empty();
- // 返回
- return;
- }
- // 初始图象的长宽大小
- CSize sizeImage = m_pDibInit->GetDimensions();
- int nImageWidth = sizeImage.cx ;
- int nImageHeight = sizeImage.cy ;
- // 模板图象的长宽大小
- CSize sizeModelImage = m_pDibModel->GetDimensions() ;
- int nModelWidth = sizeImage.cx ;
- int nModelHeight = sizeImage.cy ;
- // 判断模板尺寸和初始图象的大小,如果模板大于初始图象,则推出
- if(nModelHeight > nImageHeight || nModelWidth > nImageWidth )
- {
- // 提示用户
- MessageBox("模板尺寸大于源图像尺寸!", "系统提示" , MB_ICONINFORMATION | MB_OK);
- // 释放已分配内存
- m_pDibModel->Empty();
- // 返回
- return;
- }
- // 如果打开新的待配准文件,将图象位置设置标志位设为FALSE,以便再次调整位置
- m_bCalImgLoc = FALSE;
- // 更新显示
- this->Invalidate();
- }
- /*************************************************************************
- *
- * 函数名称:
- * CalImageLocation()
- *
- * 输入参数:
- * 无
- *
- * 返回值:
- * 无
- *
- * 说明:
- * 该函数设置对话框中的控件位置和大小,并设置显示图象的位置。默认的图象大小为352×288,如果图象小于
- *此大小,则控件大小设置为256*256,并将图象放置在控件中间。
- *
- *************************************************************************
- */
- void CDlgRecMatch::CalImageLocation()
- {
- // ------------------------------------------------------
- // 获得控件IDC_RECOG_INIIMAGE的句柄,并获得控件的初始位置信息
- CWnd* pWnd=GetDlgItem(IDC_RECOG_INIIMAGE);
- WINDOWPLACEMENT *winPlacement;
- winPlacement=new WINDOWPLACEMENT;
- pWnd->GetWindowPlacement(winPlacement);
- // 图象宽度
- int nImageWidth;
- nImageWidth = m_pDibInit->m_lpBMIH->biWidth;
- // 图象高度
- int nImageHeight;
- nImageHeight = m_pDibInit->m_lpBMIH->biHeight;
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------
- // 调整控件IDC_RECOG_INIIMAGE的大小位置,并同时设置显示基准图象的位置
- if(nImageHeight > 256){
- winPlacement->rcNormalPosition.bottom = winPlacement->rcNormalPosition.top + nImageHeight;
- m_rectInitImage.bottom = winPlacement->rcNormalPosition.bottom;
- m_rectInitImage.top = winPlacement->rcNormalPosition.top;
- }
- else{
- winPlacement->rcNormalPosition.bottom = winPlacement->rcNormalPosition.top + 256;
- m_rectInitImage.bottom = winPlacement->rcNormalPosition.top + 128 + nImageHeight/2;
- m_rectInitImage.top = winPlacement->rcNormalPosition.top + 128 - nImageHeight/2;
- }
- if(nImageWidth > 256){
- winPlacement->rcNormalPosition.right = winPlacement->rcNormalPosition.left + nImageWidth;
- m_rectInitImage.right = winPlacement->rcNormalPosition.right;
- m_rectInitImage.left = winPlacement->rcNormalPosition.left;
- }
- else{
- winPlacement->rcNormalPosition.right = winPlacement->rcNormalPosition.left + 256;
- m_rectInitImage.right = winPlacement->rcNormalPosition.left + 128 + nImageWidth/2;
- m_rectInitImage.left = winPlacement->rcNormalPosition.left + 128 - nImageWidth/2;
- }
- // 设置IDC_RECOG_INIIMAGE控件的大小位置
- pWnd->SetWindowPlacement(winPlacement);
- // 获得显示模板图象控件的右边位置,以便确认显示模板图象控件的位置
- int nIniImgRight;
- nIniImgRight = winPlacement->rcNormalPosition.right;
- int nIniImgLeft;
- nIniImgLeft = winPlacement->rcNormalPosition.left;
- // 获得IDC_REG_INIT_IMAGE控件的下边位置,以便调整其他控件的位置
- int nIniImgBottom;
- nIniImgBottom = winPlacement->rcNormalPosition.bottom;
- // 获得IDC_REG_INIT_IMAGE控件的下边位置,以便调整其他控件的位置
- int nIniImgtop = winPlacement->rcNormalPosition.top;
- // ------------------------------------------------------
- // 获得控件IDC_RECOG_MODIMAGE的句柄,并获得初始位置信息
- pWnd->GetWindowPlacement(winPlacement);
- // 如果还未打开模板图象,则设置结果图象大小和初始图象大小相等
- if(!m_pDibModel->IsEmpty()){
- nImageWidth = m_pDibModel->m_lpBMIH->biWidth;
- nImageHeight = m_pDibModel->m_lpBMIH->biHeight;
- }
- // 调整控件IDC_RECOG_MODIMAGE的大小位置,并同时设置显示结果图象的位置
- // 先调整控件的左边位置,和IDC_REG_INIT_IMAGE控件相隔15个象素
- winPlacement->rcNormalPosition.left = nIniImgRight + 15;
- if(nImageHeight > 256){
- winPlacement->rcNormalPosition.top = nIniImgtop;
- winPlacement->rcNormalPosition.bottom = winPlacement->rcNormalPosition.top + nImageHeight;
- m_rectModelImage.bottom = winPlacement->rcNormalPosition.bottom;
- m_rectModelImage.top = nIniImgtop;
- }
- else{
- winPlacement->rcNormalPosition.top = nIniImgtop;
- winPlacement->rcNormalPosition.bottom = winPlacement->rcNormalPosition.top + 256;
- m_rectModelImage.bottom = winPlacement->rcNormalPosition.top + 128 + nImageHeight/2;
- m_rectModelImage.top = winPlacement->rcNormalPosition.top + 128 - nImageHeight/2;
- }
- if(nImageWidth > 256){
- winPlacement->rcNormalPosition.right = winPlacement->rcNormalPosition.left + nImageWidth;
- m_rectModelImage.right = winPlacement->rcNormalPosition.right;
- m_rectModelImage.left = winPlacement->rcNormalPosition.left;
- }
- else{
- winPlacement->rcNormalPosition.right = winPlacement->rcNormalPosition.left + 256;
- m_rectModelImage.right = winPlacement->rcNormalPosition.left + 128 + nImageWidth/2;
- m_rectModelImage.left = winPlacement->rcNormalPosition.left + 128 - nImageWidth/2;
- }
- // 设置IDC_RECOG_MODIMAGE控件的大小位置
- pWnd->SetWindowPlacement(winPlacement);
- // 获得IDC_RECOG_MODIMAGE控件的右边位置,以便调整其他控件的位置
- nIniImgRight = winPlacement->rcNormalPosition.right;
- // ------------------------------------------------------
- // 获得控件IDC_RECOG_RESLTIMAGE的句柄,并获得初始位置信息
- pWnd->GetWindowPlacement(winPlacement);
- // 如果还未生成结果图象,则设置结果图象大小和初始图象大小相等
- if(!m_pDibResult->IsEmpty()){
- nImageWidth = m_pDibResult->m_lpBMIH->biWidth;
- nImageHeight = m_pDibResult->m_lpBMIH->biHeight;
- }
- // 调整控件IDC_RECOG_RESLTIMAGE的大小位置,并同时设置显示结果图象的位置
- // 先调整控件的左边位置,和IDC_RECOG_MODIMAGE控件相隔15个象素
- winPlacement->rcNormalPosition.left = nIniImgRight + 15;
- if(nImageHeight > 256){
- winPlacement->rcNormalPosition.top = nIniImgtop;
- winPlacement->rcNormalPosition.bottom = winPlacement->rcNormalPosition.top + nImageHeight;
- m_rectResltImage.bottom = winPlacement->rcNormalPosition.bottom;
- m_rectResltImage.top = winPlacement->rcNormalPosition.top;
- }
- else{
- winPlacement->rcNormalPosition.top = nIniImgtop;
- winPlacement->rcNormalPosition.bottom = winPlacement->rcNormalPosition.top + 256;
- m_rectResltImage.bottom = winPlacement->rcNormalPosition.top + 128 + nImageHeight/2;
- m_rectResltImage.top = winPlacement->rcNormalPosition.top + 128 - nImageHeight/2;
- }
- if(nImageWidth > 256){
- winPlacement->rcNormalPosition.right = winPlacement->rcNormalPosition.left + nImageWidth;
- m_rectResltImage.right = winPlacement->rcNormalPosition.right;
- m_rectResltImage.left = winPlacement->rcNormalPosition.left;
- }
- else{
- winPlacement->rcNormalPosition.right = winPlacement->rcNormalPosition.left + 256;
- m_rectResltImage.right = winPlacement->rcNormalPosition.left + 128 + nImageWidth/2;
- m_rectResltImage.left = winPlacement->rcNormalPosition.left + 128 - nImageWidth/2;
- }
- // 设置IDC_REG_RESLT_IMAGE控件的大小位置
- pWnd->SetWindowPlacement(winPlacement);
- // ------------------------------------------------------
- if(nIniImgBottom > winPlacement->rcNormalPosition.bottom)
- nIniImgBottom = winPlacement->rcNormalPosition.bottom;
- nIniImgRight = winPlacement->rcNormalPosition.right;
- // 设置控件IDOK的位置大小
- pWnd=GetDlgItem(IDOK);
- pWnd->GetWindowPlacement(winPlacement);
- winPlacement->rcNormalPosition.top = nIniImgBottom +15;
- winPlacement->rcNormalPosition.bottom = nIniImgBottom + 60;
- pWnd->SetWindowPlacement(winPlacement);
- // 设置控件IDCANCEL的位置大小
- pWnd=GetDlgItem(IDCANCEL);
- pWnd->GetWindowPlacement(winPlacement);
- winPlacement->rcNormalPosition.top = nIniImgBottom +15;
- winPlacement->rcNormalPosition.bottom = nIniImgBottom + 60;
- pWnd->SetWindowPlacement(winPlacement);
- // 设置控件IDC_RECOG_OPEN_MODEL的位置大小
- pWnd->GetWindowPlacement(winPlacement);
- winPlacement->rcNormalPosition.top = nIniImgBottom +15;
- winPlacement->rcNormalPosition.bottom = nIniImgBottom + 60;
- pWnd->SetWindowPlacement(winPlacement);
- // 设置控件IDC_RECOG_MATCH的位置大小
- pWnd=GetDlgItem(IDC_RECOG_MATCH);
- pWnd->GetWindowPlacement(winPlacement);
- winPlacement->rcNormalPosition.top = nIniImgBottom +15;
- winPlacement->rcNormalPosition.bottom = nIniImgBottom + 60;
- pWnd->SetWindowPlacement(winPlacement);
- // 调整此对话框的大小
- this->GetWindowPlacement(winPlacement);
- //winPlacement->rcNormalPosition.top = nIniImgtop -50;
- winPlacement->rcNormalPosition.bottom = nIniImgBottom + 272;
- winPlacement->rcNormalPosition.left = nIniImgLeft - 20;
- winPlacement->rcNormalPosition.right = nIniImgRight + 20;
- this->SetWindowPlacement(winPlacement);
- // 释放已分配内存
- delete winPlacement;
- // 设置计算图象控件位置标志位为TRUE
- m_bCalImgLoc = TRUE;
- }
- void CDlgRecMatch::OnPaint()
- {
- CPaintDC dc(this); // device context for painting
- // 如果还没有计算图象的位置,则进行计算
- if(!m_bCalImgLoc){
- CalImageLocation();
- }
- // 显示大小
- CSize sizeDisplay;
- // 显示位置
- CPoint pointDisplay;
- // 显示初始图象
- if(!m_pDibInit->IsEmpty()){
- sizeDisplay.cx=m_pDibInit->m_lpBMIH->biWidth;
- sizeDisplay.cy=m_pDibInit->m_lpBMIH->biHeight;
- pointDisplay.x = m_rectInitImage.left;
- pointDisplay.y = m_rectInitImage.top;
- m_pDibInit->Draw(&dc,pointDisplay,sizeDisplay);
- }
- // 显示模板图象
- if(!m_pDibModel->IsEmpty()){
- sizeDisplay.cx=m_pDibModel->m_lpBMIH->biWidth;
- sizeDisplay.cy=m_pDibModel->m_lpBMIH->biHeight;
- pointDisplay.x = m_rectModelImage.left;
- pointDisplay.y = m_rectModelImage.top;
- m_pDibModel->Draw(&dc,pointDisplay,sizeDisplay);
- }
- // 显示结果图象
- if(!m_pDibResult->IsEmpty()){
- sizeDisplay.cx=m_pDibResult->m_lpBMIH->biWidth;
- sizeDisplay.cy=m_pDibResult->m_lpBMIH->biHeight;
- pointDisplay.x = m_rectResltImage.left;
- pointDisplay.y = m_rectResltImage.top;
- m_pDibResult->Draw(&dc,pointDisplay,sizeDisplay);
- }
- }
- /*************************************************************************
- *
- * 函数名称:
- * TemplateMatch()
- *
- * 输入参数:
- * CDib* pDibSrc - 指向CDib类的指针,含有待匹配图象信息
- * CDib* pDibTemplate - 指向CDib类的指针,含有模板图象信息
- *
- * 返回值:
- * BOOL - 成功则返回TRUE,否则返回FALSE
- *
- * 说明:
- * 该函数将对图象进行模板匹配操作。需要注意的是,此程序只处理256灰度级的
- *图象。
- *
- *************************************************************************
- */
- BOOL CDlgRecMatch::TemplateMatch(CDib* pDibSrc, CDib* pDibTemplate)
- {
- // 指向源图像的指针
- LPBYTE lpSrc,lpTemplateSrc;
- // 指向缓存图像的指针
- LPBYTE lpDst;
- //循环变量
- long i;
- long j;
- long m;
- long n;
- //中间结果
- double dSigmaST;
- double dSigmaS;
- double dSigmaT;
- //相似性测度
- double R;
- //最大相似性测度
- double dbMaxR;
- //最大相似性出现位置
- int nMaxWidth;
- int nMaxHeight;
- //像素值
- unsigned char unchPixel;
- unsigned char unchTemplatePixel;
- // 获得图象数据存储的高度和宽度
- CSize sizeSaveImage;
- sizeSaveImage = pDibSrc->GetDibSaveDim();
- // 获得模板图象数据存储的高度和宽度
- CSize sizeSaveTemplate;
- sizeSaveTemplate = pDibTemplate->GetDibSaveDim();
- // 暂时分配内存,以保存新图像
- CDib* pDibNew;
- pDibNew = new CDib;
- // 如果分配内存失败,则推出
- if(!CopyDIB(pDibSrc,pDibNew)){
- // 释放已分配内存
- pDibNew->Empty();
- // 返回
- return FALSE;
- }
- // 初始化新分配的内存
- lpDst = (LPBYTE)pDibNew->m_lpImage;
- // 图象的高度
- int nImageHeight ;
- nImageHeight = pDibSrc->m_lpBMIH->biHeight;
- // 图象的宽度
- int nImageWidth;
- nImageWidth = pDibSrc->m_lpBMIH->biWidth;
- // 模板图象的高度
- int nTemplateHeight;
- nTemplateHeight = pDibTemplate->m_lpBMIH->biHeight;
- // 模板图象的宽度
- int nTemplateWidth;
- nTemplateWidth = pDibTemplate->m_lpBMIH->biWidth;
- //计算dSigmaT
- dSigmaT = 0;
- for (n = 0;n < nTemplateHeight ;n++)
- {
- for(m = 0;m < nTemplateWidth ;m++)
- {
- // 指向模板图像倒数第j行,第i个象素的指针
- lpTemplateSrc = (LPBYTE)pDibTemplate->m_lpImage + sizeSaveTemplate.cx * n + m;
- unchTemplatePixel = (unsigned char)*lpTemplateSrc;
- dSigmaT += (double)unchTemplatePixel*unchTemplatePixel;
- }
- }
- //找到图像中最大相似性的出现位置
- dbMaxR = 0.0;
- for (j = 0;j < nImageHeight - nTemplateHeight +1 ;j++)
- {
- for(i = 0;i < nImageWidth - nTemplateWidth + 1;i++)
- {
- dSigmaST = 0;
- dSigmaS = 0;
- for (n = 0;n < nTemplateHeight ;n++)
- {
- for(m = 0;m < nTemplateWidth ;m++)
- {
- // 指向源图像倒数第j+n行,第i+m个象素的指针
- lpSrc = (LPBYTE)pDibSrc->m_lpImage + sizeSaveImage.cx * (j+n) + (i+m);
- // 指向模板图像倒数第n行,第m个象素的指针
- lpTemplateSrc = (LPBYTE)pDibTemplate->m_lpImage + sizeSaveTemplate.cx * n + m;
- unchPixel = (unsigned char)*lpSrc;
- unchTemplatePixel = (unsigned char)*lpTemplateSrc;
- dSigmaS += (double)unchPixel*unchPixel;
- dSigmaST += (double)unchPixel*unchTemplatePixel;
- }
- }
- //计算相似性
- R = dSigmaST / ( sqrt(dSigmaS)*sqrt(dSigmaT));
- //与最大相似性比较
- if (R > dbMaxR)
- {
- dbMaxR = R;
- nMaxWidth = i;
- nMaxHeight = j;
- }
- }
- }
- // 对目标图象的象素进行赋值
- for(i=0; i<nImageHeight; i++)
- for( j=0; j<nImageWidth; j++){
- lpDst[i*sizeSaveImage.cx +j] /=2;
- }
- //将最大相似性出现区域部分复制到目标图像
- for (n = 0;n < nTemplateHeight ;n++)
- {
- for(m = 0;m < nTemplateWidth ;m++)
- {
- lpTemplateSrc = (LPBYTE)pDibTemplate->m_lpImage + sizeSaveTemplate.cx * n + m;
- lpDst = (LPBYTE)pDibNew->m_lpImage + sizeSaveImage.cx * (n+nMaxHeight) + (m+nMaxWidth);
- *lpDst = *lpTemplateSrc;
- }
- }
- // 复制图像
- memcpy(pDibSrc->m_lpImage, pDibNew->m_lpImage, nImageWidth * nImageHeight);
- // 释放内存
- pDibNew->Empty();
- // 返回
- return TRUE;
- }
- /*************************************************************************
- *
- * 函数名称:
- * OnRecogMatch()
- *
- * 输入参数:
- * 无
- *
- * 返回值:
- * 无
- *
- * 说明:
- * 根据图象模板,在待匹配的图象中找到匹配的位置
- *
- *************************************************************************
- */
- void CDlgRecMatch::OnRecogMatch()
- {
- // 更改光标形状
- BeginWaitCursor();
- // 分配结果图象内存
- if(!m_pDibInit->IsEmpty()){
- // 如果分配内存失败,则推出
- if(!CopyDIB(m_pDibInit,m_pDibResult)){
- // 释放已分配内存
- m_pDibResult->Empty();
- // 返回
- return ;
- }
- }
- // 设置计算图象控件位置标志位为FALSE以重新设置图象控件位置
- m_bCalImgLoc = FALSE;
- // 调用TemplateMatch()函数进行模板匹配
- if (TemplateMatch(m_pDibResult, m_pDibModel))
- {
- // 更新显示
- Invalidate();
- }
- else
- {
- // 提示用户
- MessageBox("分配内存失败!", "系统提示" , MB_ICONINFORMATION | MB_OK);
- }
- // 恢复光标
- EndWaitCursor();
- // 更新视图
- Invalidate();
- }
- void CDlgRecMatch::OnOK()
- {
- // TODO: Add extra validation here
- // 释放已分配内存
- if(!m_pDibModel->IsEmpty()){
- m_pDibModel->Empty();
- m_pDibModel = NULL;
- }
- if(!m_pDibResult->IsEmpty()){
- m_pDibResult->Empty();
- m_pDibResult = NULL;
- }
- CDialog::OnOK();
- }
- void CDlgRecMatch::OnCancel()
- {
- // TODO: Add extra cleanup here
- // 释放已分配内存
- if(!m_pDibModel->IsEmpty()){
- m_pDibModel->Empty();
- m_pDibModel = NULL;
- }
- if(!m_pDibResult->IsEmpty()){
- m_pDibResult->Empty();
- m_pDibResult = NULL;
- }
- CDialog::OnCancel();
- }