- /*
- * asynctest.c: use async notification to read stdin
- *
- * Tested with 1.2 on the x86
- * Tested with 2.0 on the x86, Sparc and Alpha
- * (but pipes don't generate async signals, tty's do)
- *
- * Actually, it should run with any Unix
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <unistd.h>
- #include <signal.h>
- #include <fcntl.h>
- int gotdata=0;
- void sighandler(int signo)
- {
- signal(SIGIO, &sighandler); /* reinstall yourself */
- if (signo==SIGIO)
- gotdata++;
- return;
- }
- char buffer[4096];
- int main(int argc, char **argv)
- {
- int count;
- signal(SIGIO, &sighandler); /* the dirty way, sigaction() is better */
- fcntl(0, F_SETOWN, getpid());
- fcntl(0, F_SETFL, fcntl(0, F_GETFL) | FASYNC);
- while(1) {
- /* this only returns if a signal arrives */
- sleep(~0); /* infinite */
- if (!gotdata)
- continue;
- count=read(0, buffer, 4096);
- /* buggy: if avail data is more than 4kbytes... */
- write(1,buffer,count);
- gotdata=0;
- }
- }