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Visual C++
- // Copyright (C) 1997, 1998 Olivetti & Oracle Research Laboratory
- //
- // This file is part of the VNC system.
- //
- // The VNC system is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- // (at your option) any later version.
- //
- // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- // GNU General Public License for more details.
- //
- // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307,
- // USA.
- //
- // If the source code for the VNC system is not available from the place
- // whence you received this file, check or contact
- // the authors on for information on obtaining it.
- // vncEncodeCoRRE
- // This file implements the vncEncoder-derived vncEncodeCoRRE class.
- // This class overrides some vncEncoder functions to produce a
- // Compact RRE encoder. Compact RRE (CoRRE) uses fewer bytes to
- // encode each subrect, which makes it faster in general. It also
- // splits large rectangles up into ones of at most 256 pixels width
- // & height. This results in better granularity to use for deciding
- // whether to send RAW or CoRRE/RRE.
- #include "vncEncodeCoRRE.h"
- #include "rfb.h"
- #include "MinMax.h"
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <time.h>
- vncEncodeCoRRE::vncEncodeCoRRE()
- {
- m_buffer = NULL;
- m_bufflen = 0;
- // Set some sensible defaults
- m_maxwidth = 24;
- m_maxheight = 24;
- m_maxadjust = 1;
- // Set the threshold up/down probability
- m_threshold = 50;
- // Seed the random number generator
- srand((unsigned)time(NULL));
- m_statsready = FALSE;
- m_encodedbytes = 0;
- m_rectbytes = 0;
- }
- vncEncodeCoRRE::~vncEncodeCoRRE()
- {
- if (m_buffer != NULL)
- {
- delete [] m_buffer;
- m_buffer = NULL;
- }
- }
- void vncEncodeCoRRE::Init()
- {
- vncEncoder::Init();
- }
- UINT vncEncodeCoRRE::RequiredBuffSize(UINT width, UINT height)
- {
- RECT fullscreen;
- UINT codedrects;
- // Work out how many rectangles the entire screen would
- // be re-encoded to...
- fullscreen.left = 0;
- = 0;
- fullscreen.right = width;
- fullscreen.bottom = height;
- codedrects = NumCodedRects(fullscreen);
- // The buffer size required is the size of raw data for the whole
- // screen plus enough space for the required number of rectangle
- // headers.
- // This is inherently always greater than the RAW encoded size of
- // the whole screen!
- return (codedrects * sz_rfbFramebufferUpdateRectHeader) +
- (width * height * m_remoteformat.bitsPerPixel)/8;
- }
- vncEncodeCoRRE::NumCodedRects(RECT &rect)
- {
- // If we have any statistical data handy then adjust the CoRRE sizes
- if (m_statsready)
- {
- m_statsready = FALSE;
- UINT newscore = m_encodedbytes * m_lastrectbytes;
- UINT oldscore = m_lastencodedbytes * m_rectbytes;
- if (newscore <= oldscore)
- {
- // The change was a good one, so adjust the threshold accordingly!
- m_threshold = Max(5, Min(95, m_threshold + m_maxadjust));
- m_maxwidth = Max(8, Min(255, m_maxwidth + m_maxadjust));
- m_maxheight = Max(8, Min(255, m_maxheight + m_maxadjust));
- }
- else
- {
- // The change was a bad one, so adjust the threshold accordingly!
- // m_threshold = Max(5, Min(95, m_threshold - m_maxadjust));
- }
- // Now calculate a new adjustment and apply it
- m_maxadjust = ((rand() % 99)<m_threshold) ? 1 : -1;
- // Prepare the stats data for next time...
- m_lastencodedbytes = m_encodedbytes;
- m_lastrectbytes = m_rectbytes;
- m_encodedbytes = 0;
- m_rectbytes = 0;
- }
- // Now return the number of rects that this one would encode to
- if (( > m_maxheight)
- {
- RECT subrect1, subrect2;
- // Find how many rects the two subrects would take
- subrect1.left = rect.left;
- subrect1.right = rect.right;
- =;
- subrect1.bottom = + m_maxheight;
- subrect2.left = rect.left;
- subrect2.right = rect.right;
- = + m_maxheight;
- subrect2.bottom = rect.bottom;
- return NumCodedRects(subrect1) + NumCodedRects(subrect2);
- }
- if ((rect.right-rect.left) > m_maxwidth)
- {
- RECT subrect1, subrect2;
- // Find how many rects the two subrects would take
- subrect1.left = rect.left;
- subrect1.right = rect.left + m_maxwidth;
- =;
- subrect1.bottom = rect.bottom;
- subrect2.left = rect.left + m_maxwidth;
- subrect2.right = rect.right;
- =;
- subrect2.bottom = rect.bottom;
- return NumCodedRects(subrect1) + NumCodedRects(subrect2);
- }
- // This rectangle is small enough not to require splitting
- return 1;
- }
- /*
- * corre.c
- *
- * Routines to implement Compact Rise-and-Run-length Encoding (CoRRE). This
- * code is based on krw's original javatel rfbserver.
- */
- /*
- * This version modified for WinVNC by jnw.
- */
- static int rreAfterBufLen;
- static int subrectEncode8 (CARD8 *source, CARD8 *dest, int w, int h, int max);
- static int subrectEncode16 (CARD16 *source, CARD8 *dest, int w, int h, int max);
- static int subrectEncode32 (CARD32 *source, CARD8 *dest, int w, int h, int max);
- static CARD32 getBgColour (char *data, int size, int bpp);
- /*
- * vncEncodeCoRRE::EncodeRect - send an arbitrary size rectangle using CoRRE
- * encoding.
- */
- vncEncodeCoRRE::EncodeRect(BYTE *source, BYTE *dest, const RECT &rect)
- {
- // Do the encoding
- UINT size = InternalEncodeRect(source, dest, rect);
- const rectW = rect.right - rect.left;
- const rectH = rect.bottom -;
- // Will this rectangle have been split for encoding?
- if ((rectW>m_maxwidth) || (rectH>m_maxheight))
- {
- // Yes : Once we return, the stats will be valid!
- m_statsready = TRUE;
- // Update the stats
- m_encodedbytes += size;
- m_rectbytes += sz_rfbFramebufferUpdateRectHeader +
- (rectW*rectH*m_remoteformat.bitsPerPixel/8);
- }
- return size;
- }
- vncEncodeCoRRE::InternalEncodeRect(BYTE *source, BYTE *dest, const RECT &rect)
- {
- int size = 0;
- if (( > m_maxheight)
- {
- RECT subrect;
- // Rectangle is too high - split it into two subrects to send
- subrect.left = rect.left;
- subrect.right = rect.right;
- =;
- subrect.bottom = + m_maxheight;
- size += InternalEncodeRect(source, dest + size, subrect);
- subrect.left = rect.left;
- subrect.right = rect.right;
- = + m_maxheight;
- subrect.bottom = rect.bottom;
- size += InternalEncodeRect(source, dest + size, subrect);
- return size;
- }
- if ((rect.right-rect.left) > m_maxwidth)
- {
- RECT subrect;
- // Rectangle is too high - split it into two subrects to send
- subrect.left = rect.left;
- subrect.right = rect.left + m_maxwidth;
- =;
- subrect.bottom = rect.bottom;
- size += InternalEncodeRect(source, dest + size, subrect);
- subrect.left = rect.left + m_maxwidth;
- subrect.right = rect.right;
- =;
- subrect.bottom = rect.bottom;
- size += InternalEncodeRect(source, dest + size, subrect);
- return size;
- }
- return EncodeSmallRect(source, dest, rect);
- }
- void
- vncEncodeCoRRE::SetCoRREMax(BYTE width, BYTE height)
- {
- m_maxwidth = width;
- m_maxheight = height;
- }
- /*
- * EncodeSmallRect - send a small (guaranteed < 256x256)
- * rectangle using CoRRE encoding.
- */
- vncEncodeCoRRE::EncodeSmallRect(BYTE *source, BYTE *dest, const RECT &rect)
- {
- int subrects = -1;
- const rectW = rect.right - rect.left;
- const rectH = rect.bottom -;
- // Create the rectangle header
- rfbFramebufferUpdateRectHeader *surh=(rfbFramebufferUpdateRectHeader *)dest;
- surh->r.x = (CARD16) rect.left;
- surh->r.y = (CARD16);
- surh->r.w = (CARD16) (rectW);
- surh->r.h = (CARD16) (rectH);
- surh->r.x = Swap16IfLE(surh->r.x);
- surh->r.y = Swap16IfLE(surh->r.y);
- surh->r.w = Swap16IfLE(surh->r.w);
- surh->r.h = Swap16IfLE(surh->r.h);
- surh->encoding = Swap32IfLE(rfbEncodingCoRRE);
- // create a space big enough for the CoRRE encoded pixels
- if (m_bufflen < (rectW*rectH*m_remoteformat.bitsPerPixel / 8))
- {
- if (m_buffer != NULL)
- {
- delete [] m_buffer;
- m_buffer = NULL;
- }
- m_buffer = new BYTE [rectW*rectH*m_remoteformat.bitsPerPixel/8+1];
- if (m_buffer == NULL)
- return vncEncoder::EncodeRect(source, dest, rect);
- m_bufflen = rectW*rectH*m_remoteformat.bitsPerPixel/8;
- }
- // Translate the data into our new buffer
- Translate(source, m_buffer, rect);
- // The Buffer object will have ensured that the destination buffer is
- // big enough using RequiredBuffSize
- // Choose the appropriate encoding routine (for speed...)
- switch(m_remoteformat.bitsPerPixel)
- {
- case 8:
- subrects = subrectEncode8(
- m_buffer,
- dest+sz_rfbFramebufferUpdateRectHeader+sz_rfbRREHeader,
- rectW,
- rectH,
- m_bufflen-sz_rfbFramebufferUpdateRectHeader-sz_rfbRREHeader
- );
- break;
- case 16:
- subrects = subrectEncode16(
- (CARD16 *)m_buffer,
- (CARD8 *)(dest+sz_rfbFramebufferUpdateRectHeader+sz_rfbRREHeader),
- rectW,
- rectH,
- m_bufflen-sz_rfbFramebufferUpdateRectHeader-sz_rfbRREHeader
- );
- break;
- case 32:
- subrects = subrectEncode32(
- (CARD32 *)m_buffer,
- (CARD8 *)(dest+sz_rfbFramebufferUpdateRectHeader+sz_rfbRREHeader),
- rectW,
- rectH,
- m_bufflen-sz_rfbFramebufferUpdateRectHeader-sz_rfbRREHeader
- );
- break;
- }
- // If we couldn't encode the rectangles then just send the data raw
- if (subrects < 0)
- return vncEncoder::EncodeRect(source, dest, rect);
- // Send the RREHeader
- rfbRREHeader *rreh=(rfbRREHeader *)(dest+sz_rfbFramebufferUpdateRectHeader);
- rreh->nSubrects = Swap32IfLE(subrects);
- // Calculate the size of the buffer produced
- return sz_rfbFramebufferUpdateRectHeader + sz_rfbRREHeader + rreAfterBufLen;
- }
- /*
- * subrectEncode() encodes the given multicoloured rectangle as a background
- * colour overwritten by single-coloured rectangles. It returns the number
- * of subrectangles in the encoded buffer, or -1 if subrect encoding won't
- * fit in the buffer. It puts the encoded rectangles in rreAfterBuf. The
- * single-colour rectangle partition is not optimal, but does find the biggest
- * horizontal or vertical rectangle top-left anchored to each consecutive
- * coordinate position.
- *
- * The coding scheme is simply [<bgcolour><subrect><subrect>...] where each
- * <subrect> is [<colour><x><y><w><h>].
- */
- static int
- subrectEncode##bpp(
- CARD##bpp *source,
- CARD8 *dest,
- int w,
- int h,
- int maxbytes)
- {
- CARD##bpp cl;
- rfbCoRRERectangle subrect;
- int x,y;
- int i,j;
- int hx=0,hy,vx=0,vy;
- int hyflag;
- CARD##bpp *seg;
- CARD##bpp *line;
- int hw,hh,vw,vh;
- int thex,they,thew,theh;
- int numsubs = 0;
- int newLen;
- CARD##bpp bg = (CARD##bpp)getBgColour((char*)source,w*h,bpp);
- *((CARD##bpp*)dest) = bg;
- rreAfterBufLen = (bpp/8);
- for (y=0; y<h; y++) {
- line = source+(y*w);
- for (x=0; x<w; x++) {
- if (line[x] != bg) {
- cl = line[x];
- hy = y-1;
- hyflag = 1;
- for (j=y; j<h; j++) {
- seg = source+(j*w);
- if (seg[x] != cl) {break;}
- i = x;
- while ((seg[i] == cl) && (i < w)) i += 1;
- i -= 1;
- if (j == y) vx = hx = i;
- if (i < vx) vx = i;
- if ((hyflag > 0) && (i >= hx)) {hy += 1;} else {hyflag = 0;}
- }
- vy = j-1;
- /* We now have two possible subrects: (x,y,hx,hy) and (x,y,vx,vy)
- * We'll choose the bigger of the two.
- */
- hw = hx-x+1;
- hh = hy-y+1;
- vw = vx-x+1;
- vh = vy-y+1;
- thex = x;
- they = y;
- if ((hw*hh) > (vw*vh)) {
- thew = hw;
- theh = hh;
- } else {
- thew = vw;
- theh = vh;
- }
- subrect.x = thex;
- subrect.y = they;
- subrect.w = thew;
- subrect.h = theh;
- newLen = rreAfterBufLen + (bpp/8) + sz_rfbCoRRERectangle;
- if ((newLen > (w * h * (bpp/8))) || (newLen > maxbytes))
- return -1;
- numsubs += 1;
- *((CARD##bpp*)(dest + rreAfterBufLen)) = cl;
- rreAfterBufLen += (bpp/8);
- memcpy(&dest[rreAfterBufLen],&subrect,sz_rfbCoRRERectangle);
- rreAfterBufLen += sz_rfbCoRRERectangle;
- /*
- * Now mark the subrect as done.
- */
- for (j=they; j < (they+theh); j++) {
- for (i=thex; i < (thex+thew); i++) {
- source[j*w+i] = bg;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return numsubs;
- }
- /*
- * getBgColour() gets the most prevalent colour in a byte array.
- */
- static CARD32
- getBgColour(
- char *data,
- int size,
- int bpp)
- {
- #define NUMCLRS 256
- static int counts[NUMCLRS];
- int i,j,k;
- int maxcount = 0;
- CARD8 maxclr = 0;
- if (bpp != 8) {
- if (bpp == 16) {
- return ((CARD16 *)data)[0];
- } else if (bpp == 32) {
- return ((CARD32 *)data)[0];
- } else {
- fprintf(stderr,"getBgColour: bpp %d?n",bpp);
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- for (i=0; i<NUMCLRS; i++) {
- counts[i] = 0;
- }
- for (j=0; j<size; j++) {
- k = (int)(((CARD8 *)data)[j]);
- if (k >= NUMCLRS) {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s: unusual colour = %dn", "getBgColour",k);
- exit(1);
- }
- counts[k] += 1;
- if (counts[k] > maxcount) {
- maxcount = counts[k];
- maxclr = ((CARD8 *)data)[j];
- }
- }
- return maxclr;
- }