- %Name: Chris Shoemaker
- %Course: EER-280 - Digital Watermarking
- %Project: Threshold-Based Correlation in DCT mid-band
- % Uses two PN sequences; one for a "0" and another for a "1"
- % Watermark Recovery
- clear all;
- % save start time
- start_time=cputime;
- blocksize=8; % set the dct blocksize
- midband=[ 0,0,0,1,1,1,1,0; % defines the mid-band frequencies of an 8x8 dct
- 0,0,1,1,1,1,0,0;
- 0,1,1,1,1,0,0,0;
- 1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0;
- 1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0;
- 1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0;
- 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0;
- 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ];
- % read in the watermarked object
- file_name='dct2_watermarked_mod.bmp';
- watermarked_image=double(imread(file_name));
- % determine size of watermarked image
- Mw=size(watermarked_image,1); %Height
- Nw=size(watermarked_image,2); %Width
- % determine maximum message size based on cover object, and blocksize
- max_message=Mw*Nw/(blocksize^2);
- % read in original watermark
- file_name='_copyright.bmp';
- orig_watermark=double(imread(file_name));
- % determine size of original watermark
- Mo=size(orig_watermark,1); %Height
- No=size(orig_watermark,2); %Width
- % read in key for PN generator
- file_name='_key.bmp';
- key=double(imread(file_name))./256;
- % reset MATLAB's PN generator to state "key"
- rand('state',key);
- % generate PN sequence
- pn_sequence_zero=round(2*(rand(1,sum(sum(midband)))-0.5));
- % process the image in blocks
- x=1;
- y=1;
- for (kk = 1:max_message)
- % transform block using DCT
- dct_block=dct2(watermarked_image(y:y+blocksize-1,x:x+blocksize-1));
- % extract the middle band coeffcients
- ll=1;
- for ii=1:blocksize
- for jj=1:blocksize
- if (midband(jj,ii)==1)
- sequence(ll)=dct_block(jj,ii);
- ll=ll+1;
- end
- end
- end
- % calculate the correlation of the middle band sequence to pn sequence
- correlation(kk)=corr2(pn_sequence_zero,sequence);
- % move on to next block. At and of row move to next row
- if (x+blocksize) >= Nw
- x=1;
- y=y+blocksize;
- else
- x=x+blocksize;
- end
- end
- % if correlation exceeds threshold, set bit to '0', otherwise '1'
- for (kk=1:Mo*No)
- if (correlation(kk) < mean(correlation(1:Mo*No)))
- message_vector(kk)=0;
- else
- message_vector(kk)=1;
- end
- end
- % reshape the embeded message
- message=reshape(message_vector(1:Mo*No),Mo,No);
- % display processing time
- elapsed_time=cputime-start_time,
- % display recovered message
- figure(2)
- imshow(message,[])
- title('Recovered Message')