- /* Bug in MIDL: Comment out the three references to _maxcount_test in the component_p.c file */
- // client.cpp
- #define _WIN32_DCOM
- #include <iostream.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include "Componentcomponent.h"
- void main()
- {
- CoInitialize(NULL);
- ITest* pTest;
- CoCreateInstance(CLSID_TestIDL, NULL, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER, IID_ITest, (void**)&pTest);
- // HRESULT SquareInteger([in] int myInteger, [out] int* square);
- int square;
- pTest->SquareInteger(6, &square);
- cout << "SquareInteger: 6^2 = " << square << endl;
- // HRESULT SumOfIntegers1([in] int myIntegers[5], [out] int* sum);
- int total1;
- int integers[5] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
- pTest->SumOfIntegers1(integers, &total1);
- cout << "SumOfIntegers1: 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 = " << total1 << endl;
- // HRESULT SumOfIntegers2([in] int cMax, [in, size_is(cMax)] int* myIntegers, [out] int* sum);
- int total2;
- pTest->SumOfIntegers2(5, integers, &total2);
- cout << "SumOfIntegers2: 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 = " << total2 << endl;
- /* typedef struct tagSUM_STRUCT
- {
- int cMax;
- [size_is(cMax)] int* myIntegers;
- } SUM_STRUCT; */
- // HRESULT SumOfIntegers3([in] SUM_STRUCT* myIntegers, [out] int* sum);
- int total3;
- SUM_STRUCT mystruct;
- mystruct.cMax = 5;
- mystruct.myIntegers = integers;
- pTest->SumOfIntegers3(&mystruct, &total3);
- cout << "SumOfIntegers3: 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 = " << total3 << endl;
- // HRESULT SumOfIntegers4([in] int cFirst, [in] int cActual, [in, first_is(cFirst), length_is(cActual)] int* myIntegers[7], [out] int* sum);
- int sum = 0;
- int someInts[7];
- someInts[3] = 4; someInts[4] = 5; someInts[5] = 6;
- HRESULT hr = pTest->SumOfIntegers4(4, 3, (int**)someInts, &sum);
- cout << "SumOfIntegers4: 4 + 5 + 6 = " << sum << endl;
- printf("hr = %0xn", hr);
- // HRESULT ProduceIntegers1([in] int cMax, [out, size_is(cMax)] int* myIntegers);
- int array[5];
- pTest->ProduceIntegers1(5, array);
- for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
- cout << "ProduceIntegers1: " << array[i] << endl;
- // HRESULT ProduceIntegers2([out] int* pcActual, [out, length_is(*pcActual)] int myIntegers[4096]);
- int how_many_did_we_get = 0;
- int myIntegers[4096];
- pTest->ProduceIntegers2(&how_many_did_we_get, myIntegers);
- cout << "ProduceIntegers2: " << how_many_did_we_get << " integers returned" << endl;
- // HRESULT SendReceiveIntegers([in, out] int* pcActual, [in, out, length_is(*pcActual)] int myIntegers[4096]);
- int num_integers = 5;
- int some_ints[4096] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 };
- pTest->SendReceiveIntegers(&num_integers, some_ints);
- cout << "SendReceiveIntegers: " << num_integers << " integers returned" << endl;
- // HRESULT ProduceIntegers3([in] int cMax, [out] int* pcActual, [out, size_is(cMax), length_is(*pcActual)] int* myIntegers);
- how_many_did_we_get = 0;
- int more_ints[6];
- pTest->ProduceIntegers3(6, &how_many_did_we_get, more_ints);
- cout << "ProduceIntegers3: " << how_many_did_we_get << " integers returned" << endl;
- // HRESULT SendString1([in] int cLength, [in, size_is(cLength)] wchar_t* myString);
- wchar_t wszHello1[] = L"Hello COM";
- pTest->SendString1(wcslen(wszHello1), wszHello1);
- // HRESULT SendString2([in, string] wchar_t* myString);
- wchar_t wszHello2[] = L"Hello COM";
- pTest->SendString2(wszHello2);
- // HRESULT SendReceiveString1([in, out, string] wchar_t* myString);
- wchar_t wszHello[256] = L"Hello COM";
- pTest->SendReceiveString1(wszHello);
- wprintf(L"SendReceiveString1: %sn", wszHello);
- // HRESULT SendReceiveString2([in] int cMax, [in, out, string, size_is(cMax)] wchar_t* myString);
- wchar_t wszAString[256] = L"Hello COM";
- pTest->SendReceiveString2(256, wszAString);
- wprintf(L"Received string: %sn", wszAString);
- // HRESULT SendReceiveString3([in, out, string] wchar_t** myString);
- wchar_t* wszHello3 = L"Hello COM";
- wchar_t* myString = (wchar_t*)CoTaskMemAlloc((wcslen(wszHello3)+1)*sizeof(wchar_t));
- wcscpy(myString, wszHello3);
- pTest->SendReceiveString3(&myString);
- wprintf(L"SendReceiveString3: %sn", myString);
- CoTaskMemFree(myString);
- // HRESULT SendInteger([in] int** test);
- int an_int = 7;
- int *pint1 = &an_int;
- pTest->SendInteger(&pint1);
- // HRESULT SendIntegers1([in, size_is(, 2)] int** test);
- int test1[2] = { 10, 20 };
- int* pint2 = (int*)&test1;
- pTest->SendIntegers1(&pint2);
- // HRESULT SendIntegers2([in, size_is(3, )] int** test);
- int* test2[3];
- int a1 = 3, a2 = 7, a3 = 9;
- test2[0] = &a1;
- test2[1] = &a2;
- test2[2] = &a3;
- pTest->SendIntegers2(test2);
- // HRESULT SendIntegers3([in, size_is(3, 2)] int** test);
- int testA[2] = { 1, 2 };
- int testB[2] = { 3, 4 };
- int testC[2] = { 5, 6 };
- int* test3[3];
- test3[0] = testA;
- test3[1] = testB;
- test3[2] = testC;
- pTest->SendIntegers3(test3);
- pTest->Release();
- CoUninitialize();
- }