- #include <STDIO.H>
- #include <LIMITS.H>
- #include <WINDOWS.H>
- #include "directio.h"
- #include "Serverprime.h"
- /* If we found a prime then return PRIME, otherwise return NOT_PRIME */
- #define PRIME 1
- #define NOT_PRIME 0
- /* Coordinates for displaying numbers to be tested */
- #define TESTING_X1 3
- #define TESTING_Y1 3
- #define TESTING_X2 23
- #define TESTING_Y2 18
- /* Coordinates for displaying prime numbers */
- #define PRIME_X1 30
- #define PRIME_Y1 3
- #define PRIME_X2 50
- #define PRIME_Y2 18
- #define ERROR_EXIT 2
- #define SUCCESS_EXIT 0
- #define STRING_LENGTH 256
- /* Delay time in microseconds */
- #define WAIT 350
- #define WAIT_DISPLAY 2000
- /* Colors used in this application */
- /* Max number of threads for this application */
- #define MAX_THREADS 15
- #define COMP_NAME_LENGTH 7
- int NumThreads;
- /* Prototypes of functions used in this application */
- unsigned char IsPrime(unsigned long TestNumber);
- extern char ServerStatus(char);
- extern void thread_local(void);
- extern void thread_remote(int count);
- extern void Usage(void);
- extern void InitializeApplication(void);
- extern void NotifyServer(char);
- extern void thread_client(void);
- char IsActiveServer[MAX_THREADS];
- DWORD lpIDThreadClient;
- HANDLE hthread_client;
- /* Critical Section for choosing next available number for testing */
- CRITICAL_SECTION GlobalCriticalSection;
- /* Storage for Computer Name */
- char computer_name_buffer[MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH];
- /* Unique number returned by the server */
- unsigned long PrimeServerHandle[MAX_THREADS];
- /*
- NextNumber - Next available number to test
- StartTime - Time that we start to compute primes
- CurrTime - Current Computer time
- NoPrimeLocal - Number of primes computed locally
- NoPrimeRemote - Number of primes computed on the remote computer
- StartNumber - The starting number for testing primes
- */
- unsigned long NextNumber = 1, StartTime, CurrTime, NoPrimeLocal,
- NoPrimeRemoteT, StartNumber = 1;
- handle_t BindingHandle[MAX_THREADS];
- unsigned long NoPrimeRemote[MAX_THREADS];
- int ipszNetAdd = 0;
- RPC_NS_HANDLE ImportContext;
- unsigned char pszRemoteName[MAX_THREADS][MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH];
- #define REMOTE_TRY 100
- unsigned char Notry[MAX_THREADS];
- void main(int argc, char **argv)
- {
- RPC_STATUS status; /* returned by RPC API function */
- unsigned char *pszUuid = NULL;
- unsigned char *pszProtocolSequence = "ncacn_np";
- unsigned char *pszNetworkAddress[MAX_THREADS] = { NULL };
- unsigned char *pszEndpoint[MAX_THREADS] =
- {
- "\pipe\prime", "\pipe\prime", "\pipe\prime", "\pipe\prime",
- "\pipe\prime", "\pipe\prime", "\pipe\prime", "\pipe\prime",
- "\pipe\prime"
- };
- unsigned char *pszOptions = NULL;
- unsigned char *pszStringBinding[MAX_THREADS] = { NULL };
- HANDLE hthread_remote[MAX_THREADS];
- int count;
- /* Allow the user to override settings with command line switches */
- for(count = 1; count < argc; count++)
- {
- if((*argv[count] == '-') || (*argv[count] == '/'))
- {
- switch(tolower(*(argv[count]+1)))
- {
- case 'p': /* protocol sequence */
- pszProtocolSequence = argv[++count];
- break;
- case 'n': /* network address */
- {
- char tokensep[] = " t,;", *token;
- token = strtok(argv[++count], tokensep);
- while(token != NULL)
- {
- pszNetworkAddress[ipszNetAdd] = token;
- token = strtok(NULL, tokensep);
- strcpy(pszRemoteName[ipszNetAdd],
- strupr(&pszNetworkAddress[ipszNetAdd][2]));
- pszRemoteName[ipszNetAdd][COMP_NAME_LENGTH] = 0;
- ipszNetAdd++;
- }
- }
- break;
- case 'e':
- {
- char tokensep[] = " t,;", *token;
- token =strtok(argv[++count], tokensep);
- while(token != NULL)
- {
- pszEndpoint[ipszNetAdd] = token;
- token = strtok(NULL, tokensep);
- ipszNetAdd++;
- }
- }
- break;
- case 'o':
- pszOptions = argv[++count];
- break;
- case 'f': /* first number */
- NextNumber = StartNumber = atol(argv[++count]);
- break;
- case 't': /* number of threads */
- NumThreads = atoi(argv[++count]);
- if(NumThreads > MAX_THREADS)
- NumThreads = MAX_THREADS;
- break;
- case 'h':
- case '?':
- default:
- Usage();
- }
- }
- else
- Usage();
- }
- if(pszNetworkAddress)
- {
- int i;
- /*
- Use a convenience function to concatenate the elements of
- the string binding into the proper sequence
- */
- for(i = 0; i < ipszNetAdd; i++)
- {
- status = RpcStringBindingCompose(
- pszUuid,
- pszProtocolSequence,
- pszNetworkAddress[i],
- pszEndpoint[i],
- pszOptions,
- &pszStringBinding[i]);
- if(status)
- exit(ERROR_EXIT);
- }
- /* Set the binding handle that will be used to bind to the server */
- for(i = 0; i < ipszNetAdd; i++)
- {
- status = RpcBindingFromStringBinding(pszStringBinding[i],
- &BindingHandle[i]);
- if(status)
- exit(ERROR_EXIT);
- }
- }
- GetComputerName(computer_name_buffer, &Max_ComputerName_Length);
- InitializeCriticalSection(&GlobalCriticalSection);
- {
- char i;
- for(i = 0; i < ipszNetAdd; i++)
- ServerStatus(i);
- }
- for(count = 1; count <= ipszNetAdd ; count++)
- hthread_remote[count-1] = CreateThread(NULL, 0,
- (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)thread_remote, (LPVOID)count, 0,
- &lpIDThread[count-1]);
- InitializeApplication();
- hthread_client = CreateThread(NULL, 0,
- CREATE_SUSPENDED, &lpIDThreadClient);
- SetThreadPriority(hthread_client, THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL);
- ResumeThread(hthread_client);
- thread_local();
- DeleteCriticalSection(&GlobalCriticalSection);
- /*
- The calls to the remote procedures are complete
- Free the string and the binding handle
- */
- /* remote calls done - unbind */
- if(pszNetworkAddress)
- {
- int i;
- for(i = 0; i < ipszNetAdd; i++)
- {
- status = RpcStringFree(&pszStringBinding[i]);
- if(status)
- exit(ERROR_EXIT);
- }
- }
- }
- void thread_local(void)
- {
- unsigned long temp;
- char Buffer[STRING_LENGTH];
- int loop;
- SMALL_RECT psrctScrollRectTesting, psrctScrollRectPrime;
- COORD coordDestOriginTesting, coordDestOriginPrime;
- CHAR_INFO pchiFill;
- COORD ComputTestCoord;
- COORD ComputPrimeCoord;
- DWORD dummy;
- COORD PrimeCoord;
- psrctScrollRectTesting.Left = TESTING_X1+1;
- psrctScrollRectTesting.Top = TESTING_Y1+2;
- psrctScrollRectTesting.Right = TESTING_X2-1;
- psrctScrollRectTesting.Bottom = TESTING_Y2-1;
- coordDestOriginTesting.X = TESTING_X1+1;
- coordDestOriginTesting.Y = TESTING_Y1+1;
- psrctScrollRectPrime.Left = PRIME_X1+1;
- psrctScrollRectPrime.Top = PRIME_Y1+2;
- psrctScrollRectPrime.Right = PRIME_X2-1;
- psrctScrollRectPrime.Bottom = PRIME_Y2-1;
- coordDestOriginPrime.X = PRIME_X1+1;
- coordDestOriginPrime.Y = PRIME_Y1+1;
- pchiFill.Char.AsciiChar = (char)32;
- pchiFill.Attributes = WHITE_ON_BLUE;
- ComputTestCoord.X = TESTING_X2-7;
- ComputTestCoord.Y = TESTING_Y2-1;
- ComputPrimeCoord.X = PRIME_X2-7;
- ComputPrimeCoord.Y = PRIME_Y2-1;
- for(loop = 0; loop < TESTING_X2-TESTING_X1-3; loop++)
- {
- Color[loop] = RED_ON_BLUE;
- Normal[loop] = WHITE_ON_BLUE;
- }
- while(1)
- {
- EnterCriticalSection(&GlobalCriticalSection);
- if((temp = ++NextNumber) >= ULONG_MAX)
- break;
- LeaveCriticalSection(&GlobalCriticalSection);
- EnterCriticalSection(&GlobalCriticalSection);
- ScrollConsoleScreenBuffer(hStdOut, &psrctScrollRectTesting, NULL,
- coordDestOriginTesting, &pchiFill);
- sprintf(Buffer, "%d", temp - 1);
- mxyputs((unsigned char)TESTING_X1+2, (unsigned char)(TESTING_Y2-1),
- Buffer, WHITE_ON_BLUE);
- WriteConsoleOutputAttribute(hStdOut, Normal, 7, ComputTestCoord,
- &dummy);
- mxyputs((unsigned char)(TESTING_X2-7), (unsigned char)TESTING_Y2-1,
- LeaveCriticalSection(&GlobalCriticalSection);
- if(IsPrime(temp - 1) != 0)
- {
- PrimeCoord.X = PRIME_X1 + 2;
- PrimeCoord.Y = PRIME_Y2 - 1;
- EnterCriticalSection(&GlobalCriticalSection);
- ScrollConsoleScreenBuffer(hStdOut, &psrctScrollRectPrime, NULL,
- coordDestOriginPrime, &pchiFill);
- sprintf(Buffer, "%-17d", temp - 1);
- mxyputs((unsigned char)(PRIME_X1+2), (unsigned char)PRIME_Y2-1,
- Buffer, WHITE_ON_BLUE);
- WriteConsoleOutputAttribute(hStdOut, Normal, 7, ComputPrimeCoord,
- &dummy);
- mxyputs((unsigned char)(PRIME_X2-7), (unsigned char)PRIME_Y2-1,
- LeaveCriticalSection(&GlobalCriticalSection);
- NoPrimeLocal++;
- }
- }
- }
- void thread_remote(int count)
- {
- unsigned long temp;
- char Buffer[STRING_LENGTH];
- int loop;
- SMALL_RECT psrctScrollRectTesting, psrctScrollRectPrime;
- COORD coordDestOriginTesting, coordDestOriginPrime;
- CHAR_INFO pchiFill;
- COORD ComputTestCoord;
- COORD ComputPrimeCoord;
- DWORD dummy;
- COORD PrimeCoord;
- psrctScrollRectTesting.Left = TESTING_X1+1;
- psrctScrollRectTesting.Top = TESTING_Y1+2;
- psrctScrollRectTesting.Right = TESTING_X2-1;
- psrctScrollRectTesting.Bottom = TESTING_Y2-1;
- coordDestOriginTesting.X = TESTING_X1+1;
- coordDestOriginTesting.Y = TESTING_Y1+1;
- psrctScrollRectPrime.Left = PRIME_X1+1;
- psrctScrollRectPrime.Top = PRIME_Y1+2;
- psrctScrollRectPrime.Right = PRIME_X2-1;
- psrctScrollRectPrime.Bottom = PRIME_Y2-1;
- coordDestOriginPrime.X = PRIME_X1+1;
- coordDestOriginPrime.Y = PRIME_Y1+1;
- pchiFill.Char.AsciiChar = (char)32;
- pchiFill.Attributes = WHITE_ON_BLUE;
- ComputTestCoord.X = TESTING_X2-7;
- ComputTestCoord.Y = TESTING_Y2-1;
- ComputPrimeCoord.X = PRIME_X2-7;
- ComputPrimeCoord.Y = PRIME_Y2-1;
- for(loop = 0; loop < TESTING_X2-TESTING_X1-3; loop++)
- {
- Color[loop] = RED_ON_BLUE;
- Normal[loop] = WHITE_ON_BLUE;
- }
- while(1)
- {
- if(!IsActiveServer[count-1])
- {
- if(Notry[count-1]++ > REMOTE_TRY)
- {
- Notry[count - 1] = 0;
- EnterCriticalSection(&GlobalCriticalSection);
- ServerStatus((char)(count - 1));
- LeaveCriticalSection(&GlobalCriticalSection);
- }
- else
- continue;
- }
- if(!IsActiveServer[count-1])
- continue;
- /* To make sure that we won't test the same number twice */
- EnterCriticalSection(&GlobalCriticalSection);
- if((temp = ++NextNumber) >= ULONG_MAX)
- break;
- LeaveCriticalSection(&GlobalCriticalSection);
- EnterCriticalSection(&GlobalCriticalSection);
- ScrollConsoleScreenBuffer(hStdOut, &psrctScrollRectTesting, NULL,
- coordDestOriginTesting, &pchiFill);
- sprintf(Buffer, " %-17d", temp - 1);
- mxyputs((unsigned char)TESTING_X1+1, (unsigned char)(TESTING_Y2-1),
- Buffer, RED_ON_BLUE);
- WriteConsoleOutputAttribute(hStdOut, Color, 7, ComputTestCoord,
- &dummy);
- mxyputs((unsigned char)(TESTING_X2-7), (unsigned char)TESTING_Y2-1,
- pszRemoteName[count-1], RED_ON_BLUE);
- LeaveCriticalSection(&GlobalCriticalSection);
- RpcTryExcept
- {
- if(RemoteIsPrime(BindingHandle[count-1], PrimeServerHandle[count-1],
- temp - 1) != 0)
- {
- EnterCriticalSection(&GlobalCriticalSection);
- PrimeCoord.X = TESTING_X1 + 2;
- LeaveCriticalSection(&GlobalCriticalSection);
- PrimeCoord.X = PRIME_X1 + 2;
- PrimeCoord.Y = PRIME_Y2 - 1;
- EnterCriticalSection(&GlobalCriticalSection);
- ScrollConsoleScreenBuffer(hStdOut, &psrctScrollRectPrime, NULL,
- coordDestOriginPrime, &pchiFill);
- sprintf(Buffer, " %-17d", temp - 1);
- mxyputs((unsigned char)(PRIME_X1+1), (unsigned char)PRIME_Y2-1,
- Buffer, RED_ON_BLUE);
- WriteConsoleOutputAttribute(hStdOut, Color, 7, ComputPrimeCoord,
- &dummy);
- mxyputs((unsigned char)(PRIME_X2-7), (unsigned char)PRIME_Y2-1,
- pszRemoteName[count-1], RED_ON_BLUE);
- LeaveCriticalSection(&GlobalCriticalSection);
- NoPrimeRemote[count-1]++;
- NoPrimeRemoteT++;
- }
- }
- RpcExcept(1)
- {
- /* if exceptions occurs */
- EnterCriticalSection(&GlobalCriticalSection);
- ServerStatus((char)(count - 1));
- LeaveCriticalSection(&GlobalCriticalSection);
- }
- RpcEndExcept
- }
- }
- /* Tests for prime number on the local computer */
- unsigned char IsPrime(unsigned long TestNumber)
- {
- unsigned long count;
- unsigned long HalfNumber = TestNumber / 2 + 1;
- for(count = 2; count < HalfNumber; count++)
- if(TestNumber % count == 0)
- return NOT_PRIME;
- return PRIME;
- }
- /* Displays command line options */
- void Usage(void)
- {
- printf("nDistributed client/server prime number example.nn");
- printf("Usage: PRIMEn");
- printf(" -p protocol_sequencen");
- printf(" -n network_addressn");
- printf(" -e endpointn");
- printf(" -o optionsn");
- printf(" -f first numbern");
- exit(1);
- }
- /* Screen Initialization and colors and title lines */
- void InitializeApplication(void)
- {
- set_vid_mem();
- clearscreen(BACKGROUND_CYAN);
- StartTime = GetTickCount();
- box(0, 0, 79, 24, DOUBLE);
- mxyputs(37, 0, " PRIMEC ", WHITE_ON_CYAN);
- mxyputs(TESTING_X1, 2, "Testing...", WHITE_ON_CYAN);
- mxyputs(PRIME_X1, 2, "Prime!",WHITE_ON_CYAN);
- mxyputs(32, 23, "Press Esc to exit", WHITE_ON_CYAN);
- }
- /*
- Check the Server status if it is of line, then try to connect, return
- server status
- */
- char ServerStatus(char iserver)
- {
- char value = FALSE;
- RpcTryExcept
- {
- PrimeServerHandle[iserver] = InitializePrimeServer(
- BindingHandle[iserver], &phContext[iserver], computer_name_buffer);
- IsActiveServer[iserver] = TRUE;
- }
- RpcExcept(1)
- {
- value = TRUE;
- IsActiveServer[iserver] = FALSE;
- }
- RpcEndExcept
- return value;
- }
- /* Let the Server know that we are about to exit */
- void NotifyServer(char iserver)
- {
- RpcTryExcept
- {
- TerminatePrimeServer(BindingHandle[iserver],
- PrimeServerHandle[iserver]);
- }
- RpcExcept(1)
- {
- return;
- }
- RpcEndExcept
- }
- void thread_client()
- {
- unsigned char no_active =0;
- while(1)
- {
- char Buffer[STRING_LENGTH];
- int i;
- if(VK_ESCAPE == get_character_no_wait())
- {
- EnterCriticalSection(&GlobalCriticalSection);
- Sleep(WAIT);
- for(i = 0;i < ipszNetAdd; i++)
- NotifyServer((char)i);
- clearscreen(0);
- exit(0);
- LeaveCriticalSection(&GlobalCriticalSection);
- }
- mxyputs(58, 2, "Number of Primes", WHITE_ON_CYAN);
- sprintf(Buffer, "%s:%5d", "LOCAL ", NoPrimeLocal);
- mxyputs((unsigned char)(60), (unsigned char)(4), Buffer,
- {
- no_active = 0;
- EnterCriticalSection(&GlobalCriticalSection);
- for(i = 0; i < ipszNetAdd; i++)
- if(IsActiveServer[i])
- {
- sprintf(Buffer, " %7s:%5d ", pszRemoteName[i],
- NoPrimeRemote[i]);
- mxyputs(59, (unsigned char)(4+1+no_active), Buffer,
- no_active++;
- }
- box(58, 3, 74, (unsigned char)(5 + no_active), SINGLE);
- mxyputc(58, (unsigned char)(6 + no_active), (char)32, 17,
- }
- no_active = 0;
- for(i = 0; i < ipszNetAdd; i++)
- if(!IsActiveServer[i])
- {
- sprintf(Buffer, " %7s:%5d ", pszRemoteName[i], NoPrimeRemote[i]);
- mxyputs(59, (unsigned char)(4+15+no_active), Buffer,
- no_active ++;
- }
- if(no_active)
- {
- mxyputs(58, (unsigned char)(17), "Inactive Servers",
- box(58, (unsigned char)(18), 74, (unsigned char)(19 + no_active),
- mxyputc(58, (unsigned char)(20 + no_active), (char)32, 17,
- }
- else
- for(i = 0; i < 5; i++)
- mxyputc(58, (unsigned char)(17 + no_active + i), (char)32, 17,
- LeaveCriticalSection(&GlobalCriticalSection);
- CurrTime = (GetTickCount() - StartTime) / 1000;
- sprintf(Buffer, "Primes = %d", NoPrimeLocal + NoPrimeRemoteT);
- mxyputs(58, (unsigned char)(7 + ipszNetAdd), Buffer, WHITE_ON_CYAN);
- sprintf(Buffer, "Time = %d.%02d min.", CurrTime/60, CurrTime%60);
- mxyputs(58, (unsigned char)(8 + ipszNetAdd), Buffer, WHITE_ON_CYAN);
- sprintf(Buffer,"First = %d", StartNumber);
- mxyputs(58,(unsigned char)(1+5+3+ipszNetAdd), Buffer, WHITE_ON_CYAN);
- }
- }
- void __RPC_FAR * __RPC_USER midl_user_allocate(size_t len)
- {
- return(malloc(len));
- }
- void __RPC_USER midl_user_free(void __RPC_FAR * ptr)
- {
- free(ptr);
- }