- #include <STDIO.H>
- #include <WINDOWS.H>
- #include "Serverprime.h"
- #include "directio.h"
- /* If we found a prime then return PRIME, otherwise return NOT_PRIME */
- #define PRIME 1
- #define NOT_PRIME 0
- /* Maximum Number of Clients to respond to */
- #define MAX_CALLS 15
- /* Coordinates for displaying numbers to be tested */
- #define TESTING_X1 3
- #define TESTING_Y1 3
- #define TESTING_X2 23
- #define TESTING_Y2 18
- /* Coordinates for displaying prime numbers */
- #define PRIME_X1 30
- #define PRIME_Y1 3
- #define PRIME_X2 50
- #define PRIME_Y2 18
- #define ERROR_EXIT 2
- #define SUCCESS_EXIT 0
- #define STRING_LENGTH 256
- /* Time delay in microseconds */
- #define WAIT 350
- #define WAIT_DISPLAY 2000
- /* Colors used in this application */
- /* Number of characters in computer name to display on the screen */
- #define COMP_NAME_LENGTH 7
- extern CRITICAL_SECTION GlobalCriticalSection;
- unsigned long handles = 0, handlesp = 0;
- /* Critical Section for choosing next available number for testing */
- char GlobalComputerNameBuffer[MAX_CALLS][MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH];
- /* Number of primes for each client */
- unsigned long NoPrimes[MAX_CALLS];
- unsigned long GlobalComputerHandleBuffer[MAX_CALLS];
- unsigned long handle_mod = 1;
- /*
- This function is called by the client, we return a unique number,
- so in the future we can keep track who called us
- */
- unsigned long InitializePrimeServer(handle_t h1,
- PPCONTEXT_HANDLE_TYPE pphContext,unsigned char *ComputerName)
- {
- char Buffer[STRING_LENGTH];
- unsigned long unique_handle;
- EnterCriticalSection(&GlobalCriticalSection);
- unique_handle = handles + 10 * handle_mod++;
- strcpy(GlobalComputerNameBuffer[handles], ComputerName);
- mxyputc(2, 21, (char)32, 75, CYAN_ON_CYAN);
- sprintf(Buffer, "Computer %s logged in.", ComputerName);
- mxyputs(27, 21, Buffer, RED_ON_CYAN);
- sprintf(Buffer, "(%ld)",unique_handle);
- mxyputs(54, 21, Buffer, RED_ON_CYAN);
- Sleep(2*WAIT_DISPLAY);
- mxyputc(2, 21, (char)32, 75, CYAN_ON_CYAN);
- GlobalComputerHandleBuffer[handles] = unique_handle;
- *pphContext = (PCONTEXT_HANDLE_TYPE)unique_handle;
- NoPrimes[handles] = 0;
- handles++;
- handlesp = handles;
- LeaveCriticalSection(&GlobalCriticalSection);
- return unique_handle;
- }
- /*
- This function was called by the client. The client supplied his identifier
- and the number to test if it is a prime
- */
- unsigned char RemoteIsPrime(handle_t h1, unsigned long PrimeServerHandle,
- unsigned long TestNumber)
- {
- unsigned long count;
- unsigned long HalfNumber = TestNumber / 2 + 1;
- char Buffer[STRING_LENGTH];
- char LocalComputerName[MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH];
- int loop;
- SMALL_RECT psrctScrollRectTesting, psrctScrollRectPrime;
- COORD coordDestOriginTesting, coordDestOriginPrime;
- CHAR_INFO pchiFill;
- COORD ComputTestCoord;
- COORD ComputPrimeCoord;
- DWORD dummy;
- /* Lets find out the name of client computer */
- EnterCriticalSection(&GlobalCriticalSection);
- for(loop = 0; loop < (int)handles; loop++)
- if(GlobalComputerHandleBuffer[loop] == PrimeServerHandle)
- {
- strcpy(LocalComputerName, GlobalComputerNameBuffer[loop]);
- PrimeServerHandle = loop;
- break;
- }
- LeaveCriticalSection(&GlobalCriticalSection);
- psrctScrollRectTesting.Left = TESTING_X1+1;
- psrctScrollRectTesting.Top = TESTING_Y1+2;
- psrctScrollRectTesting.Right = TESTING_X2-1;
- psrctScrollRectTesting.Bottom = TESTING_Y2-1;
- coordDestOriginTesting.X = TESTING_X1+1;
- coordDestOriginTesting.Y = TESTING_Y1+1;
- psrctScrollRectPrime.Left = PRIME_X1+1;
- psrctScrollRectPrime.Top = PRIME_Y1+2;
- psrctScrollRectPrime.Right = PRIME_X2-1;
- psrctScrollRectPrime.Bottom = PRIME_Y2-1;
- coordDestOriginPrime.X = PRIME_X1+1;
- coordDestOriginPrime.Y = PRIME_Y1+1;
- pchiFill.Char.AsciiChar = (char)32;
- pchiFill.Attributes = WHITE_ON_BLUE;
- ComputTestCoord.X = TESTING_X2-7;
- ComputTestCoord.Y = TESTING_Y2-1;
- ComputPrimeCoord.X = PRIME_X2-7;
- ComputPrimeCoord.Y = PRIME_Y2-1;
- for(loop = 0; loop < COMP_NAME_LENGTH; loop++)
- Local[loop] = WHITE_ON_BLUE;
- if(VK_ESCAPE == get_character_no_wait())
- {
- /* If the user pressed ESC then exit */
- EnterCriticalSection(&GlobalCriticalSection);
- Sleep(WAIT);
- clearscreen(0);
- LeaveCriticalSection(&GlobalCriticalSection);
- DeleteCriticalSection(&GlobalCriticalSection);
- }
- sprintf(Buffer, "%d", TestNumber);
- EnterCriticalSection(&GlobalCriticalSection);
- ScrollConsoleScreenBuffer(hStdOut, &psrctScrollRectTesting, NULL,
- coordDestOriginTesting, &pchiFill);
- sprintf(Buffer, "%d", TestNumber);
- mxyputs((unsigned char)TESTING_X1+2, (unsigned char)(TESTING_Y2-1),
- Buffer, WHITE_ON_BLUE);
- WriteConsoleOutputAttribute(hStdOut, Local, COMP_NAME_LENGTH,
- ComputTestCoord, &dummy);
- LocalComputerName[COMP_NAME_LENGTH] = 0;
- mxyputs((unsigned char)(TESTING_X2-7), (unsigned char)TESTING_Y2-1,
- LocalComputerName, WHITE_ON_BLUE);
- LeaveCriticalSection(&GlobalCriticalSection);
- for(count = 2; count < HalfNumber; count++)
- if(TestNumber % count == 0)
- return NOT_PRIME;
- sprintf(Buffer, "%d", TestNumber);
- EnterCriticalSection(&GlobalCriticalSection);
- ScrollConsoleScreenBuffer(hStdOut, &psrctScrollRectPrime, NULL,
- coordDestOriginPrime, &pchiFill);
- sprintf(Buffer, "%d", TestNumber);
- mxyputs((unsigned char)(PRIME_X1+2), (unsigned char)PRIME_Y2-1, Buffer,
- WriteConsoleOutputAttribute(hStdOut, Local, COMP_NAME_LENGTH,
- ComputPrimeCoord, &dummy);
- mxyputs((unsigned char)(PRIME_X2-7), (unsigned char)PRIME_Y2-1,
- LocalComputerName, WHITE_ON_BLUE);
- NoPrimes[PrimeServerHandle]++;
- LeaveCriticalSection(&GlobalCriticalSection);
- return PRIME;
- }
- /* Notification from a client that he is done */
- void TerminatePrimeServer(handle_t h1, unsigned long PrimeServerHandle)
- {
- unsigned char loop, loopshift;
- EnterCriticalSection(&GlobalCriticalSection);
- for(loop = 0; loop < (unsigned char)handles; loop++)
- {
- if(GlobalComputerHandleBuffer[loop] == PrimeServerHandle)
- {
- mxyputc(2, 21, (char)32, 75, CYAN_ON_CYAN);
- /* Let's put terminating message on the screen */
- sprintf(Buffer, "Computer %s Exited!",
- GlobalComputerNameBuffer[loop]);
- mxyputs(27, 21, Buffer, RED_ON_CYAN);
- mxyputc(59, (unsigned char)(4+loop), (char)32, 15, CYAN_ON_CYAN);
- mxyputc(2, 21, (char)32, 75, CYAN_ON_CYAN);
- break;
- }
- }
- if(loop < handles-1)
- {
- loopshift = loop;
- for(loop = loopshift; loop < (unsigned char)(handles - 1); loop++)
- {
- strcpy(GlobalComputerNameBuffer[loop],
- GlobalComputerNameBuffer[loop+1]);
- GlobalComputerHandleBuffer[loop] =
- GlobalComputerHandleBuffer[loop+1];
- NoPrimes[loop] = NoPrimes[loop+1];
- }
- }
- /* Let's remove his name from our table */
- handles--;
- LeaveCriticalSection(&GlobalCriticalSection);
- }
- {
- handle_t dummmy = 0;
- if(handlesp == handles)
- {
- mxyputs(27, 2, "rundown Executed", RED_ON_CYAN);
- TerminatePrimeServer(dummmy, (unsigned long)phContext);
- Sleep(2000);
- mxyputs(27, 2, " ", CYAN_ON_CYAN);
- }
- handlesp = handles;
- }