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  36. NSpre403 = (NS4 && (parseFloat(appVer) <= 4.03));
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  59. function FDRcountLoads(e) {
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  61. setTimeout("FDRinit()",1);
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  73. FDRinit();
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  77. function FDRinit(){
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  84. arNews[arNews.length] = arURL[i];
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  142.          document.close();
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  193. elFader.onmouseover = function (){
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  196. elFader.onmouseout = function(){
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  201. FDRstart(0);
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  203. function FDRstart(ind){
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  208. }
  209. function FDRdo() {
  210. if(!blendTimer && loopCount>0) return;
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  212.         FDRend();
  213. return;
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  215. FDRfade();
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  221. function FDRmakeStr(){
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  224. if(newsCount>=arNews.length)break;
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  231.             + dispStr + "</A></P>"
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  237. newsCount += 2;
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  239. return tempStr;
  240. }
  241. function FDRfade(){
  242. newsStr = FDRmakeStr();
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  244. if (!FDRjustFlip) {
  245. elGif.top = startTop;
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  248. elNews.visibility = "hide";
  249.         with (elNews.document) {
  250.             write(newsStr);
  251.             close();
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  253. elNews.visibility = "inherit";
  254.     }
  255.     else {
  256.         if(IEhasFilters)elFader.filters.blendTrans.Apply();
  257.         elFader.innerHTML = newsStr;
  258.         if(IEhasFilters)elFader.filters.blendTrans.Play();
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  260. if(FDRhdlineCount==1) window.status = (FDRisOver && isLink) ? (prefix + linkStr) : "";
  261.     if (NS4 && !FDRjustFlip) FDRslide();
  262. }
  263. function FDRslide(){
  264.     elGif.top += slideInc;
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  266.     setTimeout("FDRslide()",FDRgifInt);
  267. }
  268. function FDRdblClickNS(){
  269. elFader.releaseEvents(Event.DBLCLICK);
  270. FDRstart(startIndex);
  271. return false;
  272. }
  273. function FDRend(){
  274. clearInterval(blendTimer);
  275. blendTimer = null;
  276. if (FDRendWithFirst) {
  277. newsCount = 0;
  278. FDRfade();
  279. }
  280. if (FDRreplayOnClick) {
  281. startIndex = FDRendWithFirst ? (FDRhdlineCount * 2) : 0;
  282. if (IE4) {
  283. elFader.title = "Double click to replay";
  284. elFader.ondblclick = function(){
  285. this.ondblclick = null;
  286. this.title = "";
  287. FDRstart(startIndex);
  288. }
  289. }
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  291. elFader.captureEvents(Event.DBLCLICK);
  292. elFader.ondblclick = FDRdblClickNS;
  293. }
  294.     }
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