



  1. function BBS()
  2. {
  3. this.BoardID=0;
  4. this.UserID=0;
  5. this.stylelist='风格列表';
  6. this.BBS_Manage='';
  7. this.temp=new Array();
  8. this.BBS_Skin=new Array();
  9. this.BBS_Skinid=new Array();
  10. this.GroupList=new Array();
  11. this.manage='';
  12. this.boardstat= '';
  13. this.downlist= '';
  14. this.Styles='';
  15. this.Badword='';
  16. this.Badwords='';
  17. }
  18. var KuangRen=new BBS();
  19. function HDLabOnline()
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  25. OnLineAction.innerText='关闭详细列表';
  26. document.frames["hiddenframe"].location.replace('HDLabOnline.aspx?boardid='+KuangRen.BoardID);
  27. }
  28. else
  29. {
  30. targetDiv.style.display="none";
  31. OnLineAction.innerText='显示详细列表';
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  207. //针对js特效菜单中的过滤
  208. function Mhtmlencode(str)
  209. {
  210. var tmpstr=''
  211. if (str!='')
  212. {
  213. var Bword
  214. str=str.replace(/ /gi,"&nbsp;")
  215. str=str.replace("r","<br>")
  216. str=str.replace("n","<br>")
  217. str=str.replace("'","‘")
  218. str=str.replace(/>/gi,"》")
  219. str=str.replace(/</gi,"《")
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  221. str=str.replace(/&lt;/gi,"《")
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  224. str=str.replace(/&#39/gi,"‘")
  225. str=str.replace("'","‘")
  226. str=str.replace('"','“')
  227. for (iii=0;iii<KuangRen.Badwords.length ;iii++ )
  228. {
  229. Badword=KuangRen.Badwords[iii]
  230. Bword =eval('/'+Badword+'/gi');
  231. str=str.replace((KuangRen.Badwords[iii]),tmpstr)
  232. tmpstr=''
  233. }
  234. }
  235. else
  236. {
  237. str='';
  238. }
  239. return(str);
  240. }