资源名称:论坛源码.rar [点击查看]
- function BBS()
- {
- this.BoardID=0;
- this.UserID=0;
- this.stylelist='风格列表';
- this.BBS_Manage='';
- this.temp=new Array();
- this.BBS_Skin=new Array();
- this.BBS_Skinid=new Array();
- this.GroupList=new Array();
- this.manage='';
- this.boardstat= '';
- this.downlist= '';
- this.Styles='';
- this.Badword='';
- this.Badwords='';
- }
- var KuangRen=new BBS();
- function HDLabOnline()
- {
- var targetDiv =eval("document.all.TROnline");
- if (targetDiv.style.display!='block')
- {
- targetDiv.style.display="block";
- OnLineAction.innerText='关闭详细列表';
- document.frames["hiddenframe"].location.replace('HDLabOnline.aspx?boardid='+KuangRen.BoardID);
- }
- else
- {
- targetDiv.style.display="none";
- OnLineAction.innerText='显示详细列表';
- }
- }
- function submitonce(theform){
- //if IE 4+ or NS 6+
- if (document.all||document.getElementById){
- //screen thru every element in the form, and hunt down "submit" and "reset"
- for (i=0;i<theform.length;i++){
- var tempobj=theform.elements[i]
- if(tempobj.type.toLowerCase()=="submit"||tempobj.type.toLowerCase()=="reset")
- //disable em
- tempobj.disabled=true
- }
- }
- }
- function openScript(url, width, height){
- var Win = window.open(url,"openScript",'width=' + width + ',height=' + height + ',resizable=1,scrollbars=yes,menubar=no,status=yes' );
- }
- //***********默认设置定义.*********************
- tPopWait=50;//停留tWait豪秒后显示提示。
- tPopShow=5000;//显示tShow豪秒后关闭提示
- showPopStep=20;
- popOpacity=99;
- //***************内部变量定义*****************
- sPop=null;
- curShow=null;
- tFadeOut=null;
- tFadeIn=null;
- tFadeWaiting=null;
- document.write('<style type="text/css" id="defaultPopStyle">');
- document.write('.cPopText { background-color: #F8F8F5;color:#000000; border: 1px #000000 solid;padding-right: 4px; padding-left: 4px; height: 20px; padding-top: 2px; padding-bottom: 2px; filter: Alpha(Opacity=0)}');
- document.write('</style>');
- document.write('<div id="dypopLayer" style="position:absolute;z-index:1000;" class="cPopText"></div>');
- function showPopupText()
- {
- var o=event.srcElement;
- MouseX=event.x;
- MouseY=event.y;
- if(o.alt!=null && o.alt!='')
- {
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- }
- if(o.title!=null && o.title!="")
- {
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- }
- if(o.dypop!=sPop)
- {
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- clearTimeout(curShow);
- clearTimeout(tFadeOut);
- clearTimeout(tFadeIn);
- clearTimeout(tFadeWaiting);
- if(sPop==null || sPop=='')
- {
- dypopLayer.innerHTML='';
- dypopLayer.style.filter='Alpha()';
- dypopLayer.filters.Alpha.opacity=0;
- }
- else
- {
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- else popStyle='cPopText';
- curShow=setTimeout('showIt()',tPopWait);
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- }
- }
- function showIt()
- {
- dypopLayer.className=popStyle;
- dypopLayer.innerHTML=sPop;
- popWidth=dypopLayer.clientWidth;
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- if(MouseX+12+popWidth>document.body.clientWidth) popLeftAdjust=-popWidth-24
- else popLeftAdjust=0;
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- else popTopAdjust=0;
- dypopLayer.style.left=MouseX+12+document.body.scrollLeft+popLeftAdjust;
- dypopLayer.style.top=MouseY+12+document.body.scrollTop+popTopAdjust;
- dypopLayer.style.filter='Alpha(Opacity=0)';
- fadeOut();
- }
- function fadeOut(){
- if(dypopLayer.filters.Alpha.opacity<popOpacity)
- {
- dypopLayer.filters.Alpha.opacity+=showPopStep;
- tFadeOut=setTimeout('fadeOut()',1);
- }
- else
- {
- dypopLayer.filters.Alpha.opacity=popOpacity;
- tFadeWaiting=setTimeout('fadeIn()',tPopShow);
- }
- }
- function fadeIn(){
- if(dypopLayer.filters.Alpha.opacity>0)
- {
- dypopLayer.filters.Alpha.opacity-=1;
- tFadeIn=setTimeout('fadeIn()',1);
- }
- }
- document.onmouseover=showPopupText;
- //标题处理结束
- //下拉菜单相关代码
- var h;
- var w;
- var l;
- var t;
- var topMar = 1;
- var leftMar = -5;
- var space = 1;
- var isvisible;
- var MENU_SHADOW_COLOR='#FFFFFF';//定义下拉菜单阴影色
- var global = window.document
- global.fo_currentMenu = null
- global.fo_shadows = new Array
- function HideMenu()
- {
- var mX;
- var mY;
- var vDiv;
- var mDiv;
- if (isvisible == true)
- {
- vDiv = document.all("menuDiv");
- mX = window.event.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft;
- mY = window.event.clientY + document.body.scrollTop;
- if ((mX < parseInt(vDiv.style.left)) || (mX > parseInt(vDiv.style.left)+vDiv.offsetWidth) || (mY < parseInt(vDiv.style.top)-h) || (mY > parseInt(vDiv.style.top)+vDiv.offsetHeight))
- {
- vDiv.style.visibility = "hidden";
- isvisible = false;
- }
- }
- }
- function ShowMenu(vMnuCode,tWidth)
- {
- vSrc = window.event.srcElement;
- vMnuCode = "<table id='submenu' cellspacing=1 cellpadding=3 style='width:"+tWidth+"' class=tableborder1 onmouseout='HideMenu()'><tr height=23><td nowrap align=left class=tablebody1 valign=top >" + vMnuCode + "</td></tr></table>";
- h = vSrc.offsetHeight;
- w = vSrc.offsetWidth;
- l = vSrc.offsetLeft + leftMar+4;
- t = vSrc.offsetTop + topMar + h + space-2;
- vParent = vSrc.offsetParent;
- while (vParent.tagName.toUpperCase() != "BODY")
- {
- l += vParent.offsetLeft;
- t += vParent.offsetTop;
- vParent = vParent.offsetParent;
- }
- menuDiv.innerHTML = vMnuCode;
- menuDiv.style.top = t;
- menuDiv.style.left = l;
- menuDiv.style.visibility = "visible";
- isvisible = true;
- makeRectangularDropShadow(submenu, MENU_SHADOW_COLOR, 4)
- }
- function makeRectangularDropShadow(el, color, size)
- {
- var i;
- for (i=size; i>0; i--)
- {
- var rect = document.createElement('div');
- var rs = rect.style
- rs.position = 'absolute';
- rs.left = (el.style.posLeft + i) + 'px';
- rs.top = (el.style.posTop + i) + 'px';
- rs.width = el.offsetWidth + 'px';
- rs.height = el.offsetHeight + 'px';
- rs.zIndex = el.style.zIndex - i;
- rs.backgroundColor = color;
- var opacity = 1 - i / (i + 1);
- rs.filter = 'alpha(opacity=' + (100 * opacity) + ')';
- el.insertAdjacentElement('afterEnd', rect);
- global.fo_shadows[global.fo_shadows.length] = rect;
- }
- }
- //针对js特效菜单中的过滤
- function Mhtmlencode(str)
- {
- var tmpstr=''
- if (str!='')
- {
- var Bword
- str=str.replace(/ /gi," ")
- str=str.replace("r","<br>")
- str=str.replace("n","<br>")
- str=str.replace("'","‘")
- str=str.replace(/>/gi,"》")
- str=str.replace(/</gi,"《")
- str=str.replace(/>/gi,"》")
- str=str.replace(/</gi,"《")
- str=str.replace(/"/gi,'“')
- str=str.replace(/"/gi,'“')
- str=str.replace(/'/gi,"‘")
- str=str.replace("'","‘")
- str=str.replace('"','“')
- for (iii=0;iii<KuangRen.Badwords.length ;iii++ )
- {
- Badword=KuangRen.Badwords[iii]
- Bword =eval('/'+Badword+'/gi');
- str=str.replace((KuangRen.Badwords[iii]),tmpstr)
- tmpstr=''
- }
- }
- else
- {
- str='';
- }
- return(str);
- }