- // DHTMLControl.cpp : Implementation of CDHTMLControl
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "DHTMLGrades.h"
- #include "DHTMLControl.h"
- //Added by Chuck Wood for error checking
- #include "..OLEDBErrorCheckingOLEDBErrorChecking.h"
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CDHTMLControl
- void CDHTMLControl::fillGrades(
- CComQIPtr<IHTMLFormElement> &spForm,
- CComQIPtr<IHTMLElement> &spTableElement) {
- char strHTML[1500]; //String to hold the new HTML
- char description[51]; //Current Class Description
- //Variants that contain zero and the current column name
- CComVariant vZero(0); // Variant set to zero
- CComVariant vColumnName;
- //Start new HTML table
- strcpy(strHTML, "<TABLE length="80%" id=theTable>n");
- //Get the UserID
- CComBSTR strUser; //Will contain the user ID value
- CComPtr<IDispatch> spUserDisp;
- CComQIPtr<IHTMLInputTextElement> spUserBox;
- hr = spForm->item(vColumnName = "UserID", vZero, &spUserDisp);
- if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
- hr = spUserDisp->QueryInterface(&spUserBox);
- }
- if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
- hr = spUserBox->get_value(&strUser);
- }
- //Get the password
- CComBSTR strPassword; //Will contain the password value
- CComPtr<IDispatch> spPasswordDisp;
- CComQIPtr<IHTMLInputTextElement> spPasswordBox;
- if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
- hr = spForm->item(vColumnName = "Password", vZero, &spPasswordDisp);
- }
- if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
- hr = spPasswordDisp->QueryInterface(&spPasswordBox);
- }
- if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
- hr = spPasswordBox->get_value(&strPassword);
- }
- //Continue if everything worked.
- if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
- CLookup *pSet = new CLookup();
- if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
- hr = pSet->findUser(strUser, strPassword);
- }
- if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
- hr = pSet->MoveFirst();
- }
- if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
- //If everything is still OK, continue forming HTML
- //First add a table title (<CAPTION>) containing the name
- strcat(strHTML, "<CAPTION><EM>Name: <STRONG>");
- strcat(strHTML, pSet->m_Name);
- strcat(strHTML, "</STRONG></EM></CAPTION>n");
- //Next add CLASS, ASSIGNMENT, and GRADE column headings
- strcat(strHTML,"<TR><TH ALIGN=LEFT><STRONG>Class</STRONG>n");
- strcat(strHTML,"<TH ALIGN=LEFT><STRONG>Assignment</STRONG>");
- strcat(strHTML,"<TH ALIGN=RIGHT><STRONG>Grade</STRONG>n");
- //Initialize Class Description
- strcpy (description, "");
- do {
- //Start new row and a new cell
- strcat(strHTML, "<TR><TD>");
- //If new class, display it
- if (strcmp(description, pSet->m_Description)){
- //New description
- strcpy (description, pSet->m_Description);
- strcat(strHTML, "<EM>");
- strcat(strHTML, description);
- strcat(strHTML, "</EM>");
- }
- //Add the assignment cell and the score cell
- sprintf(strHTML,
- "%s<TD>%s<TD ALIGN=RIGHT>%2.0f%%n",
- strHTML, pSet->m_Assignment,pSet->m_Score);
- //Continue loop if there are more records to process
- } while (pSet->MoveNext() == S_OK);
- }
- else {
- COLEDBErrorChecking::DisplaySingleError(hr, "fillGrades");
- }
- //End new table
- strcat(strHTML, "</TABLE>");
- //Messagebox containing the HTML you're getting, for debugging
- // ::MessageBox(NULL, strHTML, "DHTMLGrades", MB_OK);
- //Now put the new HTML onto the web page
- CComBSTR html = strHTML;
- spTableElement->put_outerHTML(html.Copy());
- //Clean up or report errors
- if (hr == S_OK)
- pSet->Close(); //Close the current row set
- else //Some database option failed
- ::MessageBox(NULL, "Could not open rowset", "DHTMLGrades", MB_OK);
- }
- }