- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- --
- -- XX XX X X X X X X X XX --
- -- X X X X X X X X X X X X --
- -- X X X X X X X X X X X X --
- -- X X X X X X X X X --
- -- X X X X X X X X X --
- -- X X X X X X X X X X --
- -- --
- -- --
- -- O R E G A N O S Y S T E M S --
- -- --
- -- Design & Consulting --
- -- --
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- --
- -- Web: http://www.oregano.at/ --
- -- --
- -- Contact: mc8051@oregano.at --
- -- --
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- --
- -- MC8051 - VHDL 8051 Microcontroller IP Core --
- -- Copyright (C) 2001 OREGANO SYSTEMS --
- -- --
- -- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or --
- -- modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public --
- -- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either --
- -- version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. --
- -- --
- -- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, --
- -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of --
- -- Lesser General Public License for more details. --
- -- --
- -- Full details of the license can be found in the file LGPL.TXT. --
- -- --
- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public --
- -- License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software --
- -- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA --
- -- --
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --
- --
- -- Author: Roland H鰈ler
- --
- -- Filename: tb_mc8051_alu_sim.vhd
- --
- -- Date of Creation: Mon Aug 9 12:14:48 1999
- --
- -- Version: $Revision: 1.4 $
- --
- -- Date of Latest Version: $Date: 2002/01/07 12:16:57 $
- --
- --
- -- Description: Module level testbench for the mc8051 alu.
- --
- --
- --
- --
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- architecture sim of tb_mc8051_alu is
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- --
- -- IMAGE - Convert a special data type to string --
- -- --
- -- This function uses the STD.TEXTIO.WRITE procedure to convert different --
- -- VHDL data types to a string to be able to output the information via --
- -- a report statement to the simulator. --
- -- (VHDL'93 provides a dedicated predefinded attribute 'IMAGE) --
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function IMAGE (constant tme : time) return string is
- variable v_line : line;
- variable v_tme : string(1 to 20) := (others => ' ');
- begin
- write(v_line, tme);
- v_tme(v_line.all'range) := v_line.all;
- deallocate(v_line);
- return v_tme;
- end IMAGE;
- function IMAGE (constant nmbr : integer) return string is
- variable v_line : line;
- variable v_nmbr : string(1 to 11) := (others => ' ');
- begin
- write(v_line, nmbr);
- v_nmbr(v_line.all'range) := v_line.all;
- deallocate(v_line);
- return v_nmbr;
- end IMAGE;
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- --
- -- PROC_DA - Test the combinational decimal adjustement command --
- -- --
- -- Procedure to generate all the input data to test the combinational --
- -- divider command. Furthermore the results are compared with the --
- -- expected values and the simulation is stopped with an error message --
- -- if the test failes. --
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure PROC_DA (
- constant DWIDTH : in integer;
- constant PROP_DELAY : in time;
- signal s_datao : out std_logic_vector;
- signal s_cy : out std_logic_vector;
- signal s_datai : in std_logic_vector;
- signal s_cyi : in std_logic_vector;
- signal s_da_end : out boolean) is
- type t_nibbles is array (0 to ((DWIDTH-1)/4)) of integer;
- variable v_flags : std_logic_vector((DWIDTH-1)/4 downto 0);
- variable v_flags_int : std_logic_vector((DWIDTH-1)/4 downto 0);
- variable v_newdata : std_logic_vector(DWIDTH-1 downto 0);
- variable v_tmp : integer;
- variable v_cy : std_logic;
- variable v_ext : boolean;
- begin
- s_da_end <= false;
- s_datao <= conv_std_logic_vector(0,DWIDTH);
- s_cy <= conv_std_logic_vector(0,((DWIDTH-1)/4)+1);
- v_ext := false;
- for j in 0 to 2**DWIDTH-1 loop
- s_datao <= conv_std_logic_vector(j,DWIDTH);
- for i in 0 to 2**(((DWIDTH-1)/4)+1)-1 loop
- -- MSB of v_flags is cy. The rest represents the auxiliary carry flags.
- v_flags := conv_std_logic_vector(i,((DWIDTH-1)/4)+1);
- v_cy := v_flags(v_flags'HIGH);
- s_cy <= conv_std_logic_vector(i,((DWIDTH-1)/4)+1);
- v_tmp := j;
- v_ext := false;
- -- Whenever a flag is set the corresponding data cannot be greater than
- -- 2 (The data is assumed to be the result of an addition of two BCD
- -- numbers). - Just to reduce simulation runtime.
- for r in 0 to (DWIDTH-1)/4 loop
- if j mod 2**((r+1)*4) > 2 and v_flags(r) = '1' then
- v_ext := true;
- end if;
- end loop; -- r
- next when v_ext = true;
- for h in 0 to (DWIDTH-1)/4 loop
- -- Perform adjustement of the following nibbles
- if v_tmp mod 2**((h+1)*4) > 9*(2**(h*4))+2**(h*4)-1 or
- v_flags(h) = '1' then
- v_flags_int := conv_std_logic_vector(0,((DWIDTH-1)/4)+1);
- for k in h to ((DWIDTH-1)/4) loop
- if k=h then
- -- Determine carry flag of the nibble which will be
- -- incremented by 6.
- if DWIDTH >= (k+1)*4 then
- if v_tmp mod 2**((k+1)*4) > 9*(2**(k*4))+2**(k*4)-1 then
- -- The correction of the nibble needs a carry
- v_flags_int(k) := '1';
- end if;
- elsif DWIDTH = (k+1)*4-1 or DWIDTH = (k+1)*4-2 then
- if v_tmp mod 2**((k+1)*4) > 1*(2**(k*4))+2**(k*4)-1 then
- -- The correction of the nibble needs a carry
- v_flags_int(k) := '1';
- end if;
- end if;
- else
- -- Determine carry flag of the nibbles subsequent to the one
- -- which will be incremented by 6.
- if DWIDTH >= (k+1)*4 then
- if v_tmp mod 2**((k+1)*4) >= 15*(2**(k*4))
- and v_flags_int(k-1) = '1' then
- -- The correction of the nibble needs a carry
- v_flags_int(k) := '1';
- end if;
- else
- if v_tmp mod 2**DWIDTH >= (2**(DWIDTH-k*4)-1)*2**(k*4)
- and v_flags_int(k-1) = '1' then
- -- The correction of the nibble needs a carry
- v_flags_int(k) := '1';
- end if;
- end if;
- end if;
- end loop; -- k
- for k in h to ((DWIDTH-1)/4) loop
- -- Perform correction for the lowest nibble in scope
- if DWIDTH >= (k+1)*4-1 then
- if k=h then
- v_tmp := v_tmp + 6*(2**(h*4));
- end if;
- elsif DWIDTH = (k+1)*4-2 then
- if k=h then
- v_tmp := v_tmp + 2*(2**(h*4));
- end if;
- end if;
- end loop; -- k
- v_flags := v_flags_int or v_flags;
- end if;
- end loop; -- h
- -- Set expected values.
- v_newdata := conv_std_logic_vector(v_tmp, DWIDTH);
- if v_tmp > 2**DWIDTH-1 then
- v_cy := '1';
- end if;
- -- After waiting for the result, perform checks.
- wait for PROP_DELAY;
- assert (s_datai = v_newdata) and (s_cyi((DWIDTH-1)/4) = v_cy)
- report "ERROR in decimal adjustement of the "
- & IMAGE(DWIDTH) & " bit data!" &
- " v_tmp= " & IMAGE(v_tmp) &
- " j= " & IMAGE(j) &
- " i= " & IMAGE(i)
- severity failure;
- end loop; -- i
- end loop; -- j
- assert false
- report "********* " & IMAGE(DWIDTH)
- & IMAGE(now) & " !" & " *********"
- severity note;
- s_da_end <= true;
- wait;
- end PROC_DA;
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- --
- -- PROC_DIV_ACC_RAM - Test the combinational divider --
- -- --
- -- Procedure to generate all the input data to test the combinational --
- -- divider command. Furthermore the results are compared with the --
- -- expected values and the simulation is stopped with an error message --
- -- if the test failes. --
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure PROC_DIV_ACC_RAM (
- constant DWIDTH : in positive;
- constant PROP_DELAY : in time;
- signal s_cyi : in std_logic_vector;
- signal s_ovi : in std_logic;
- signal s_qutnt : in std_logic_vector;
- signal s_rmndr : in std_logic_vector;
- signal s_cyo : out std_logic_vector;
- signal s_ovo : out std_logic;
- signal s_dvdnd : out std_logic_vector;
- signal s_dvsor : out std_logic_vector;
- signal s_dvdr_end : out boolean) is
- variable v_quot : integer;
- variable v_remd : integer;
- variable v_flags : std_logic_vector((DWIDTH-1)/4+1 downto 0);
- begin
- s_dvdr_end <= false;
- for j in 0 to 2**DWIDTH-1 loop
- s_dvdnd <= conv_std_logic_vector(j,DWIDTH);
- for i in 0 to 2**DWIDTH-1 loop
- s_dvsor <= conv_std_logic_vector(i,DWIDTH);
- for f in 0 to 2**(((DWIDTH-1)/4)+2)-1 loop
- v_flags := conv_std_logic_vector(f,((DWIDTH-1)/4)+2);
- s_cyo <= v_flags(((DWIDTH-1)/4) downto 0);
- s_ovo <= v_flags(v_flags'HIGH);
- wait for PROP_DELAY;
- if i /= 0 then
- v_quot := j/i;
- v_remd := j rem i;
- assert (s_cyi((DWIDTH-1)/4) = '0')
- and (s_ovi = '0')
- and (s_qutnt = conv_std_logic_vector(v_quot,DWIDTH))
- and (s_rmndr = conv_std_logic_vector(v_remd,DWIDTH))
- report "ERROR in division!"
- severity failure;
- else
- assert (s_cyi((DWIDTH-1)/4) = '0')
- and (s_ovi = '1')
- report "ERROR in division by zero - flags not correct!"
- severity failure;
- end if;
- end loop; -- f
- end loop; -- i
- end loop; -- j
- assert false
- & IMAGE(now) & " !" & " *********"
- severity note;
- s_dvdr_end <= true;
- wait;
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- --
- -- PROC_MUL_ACC_RAM - Test the combinational multiplier --
- -- --
- -- Procedure to generate all the input data to test the combinational --
- -- multiply command. Furthermore the results are compared with the --
- -- expected values and the simulation is stopped with an error message --
- -- if the test failes. --
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure PROC_MUL_ACC_RAM (
- constant DWIDTH : in positive;
- constant PROP_DELAY : in time;
- signal s_cyi : in std_logic_vector;
- signal s_ovi : in std_logic;
- signal s_product : in std_logic_vector;
- signal s_cyo : out std_logic_vector;
- signal s_ovo : out std_logic;
- signal s_mltplcnd : out std_logic_vector;
- signal s_mltplctr : out std_logic_vector;
- signal s_mul_end : out boolean) is
- variable v_product : integer;
- variable v_flags : std_logic_vector((DWIDTH-1)/4+1 downto 0);
- begin
- s_mul_end <= false;
- for j in 0 to 2**DWIDTH-1 loop
- s_mltplcnd <= conv_std_logic_vector(j,DWIDTH);
- for i in 0 to 2**DWIDTH-1 loop
- s_mltplctr <= conv_std_logic_vector(i,DWIDTH);
- for f in 0 to 2**(((DWIDTH-1)/4)+2)-1 loop
- v_flags := conv_std_logic_vector(f,((DWIDTH-1)/4)+2);
- s_cyo <= v_flags(((DWIDTH-1)/4) downto 0);
- s_ovo <= v_flags(v_flags'HIGH);
- v_product := j*i;
- wait for PROP_DELAY;
- if v_product > 2**DWIDTH-1 then
- assert (s_cyi((DWIDTH-1)/4) = '0')
- and (s_ovi = '1')
- and (s_product = conv_std_logic_vector(v_product,DWIDTH*2))
- report "ERROR in " & IMAGE(DWIDTH) & "bit multiplication!"
- severity failure;
- else
- assert (s_cyi((DWIDTH-1)/4) = '0')
- and (s_product = conv_std_logic_vector(v_product,DWIDTH*2))
- and (s_ovi = '0')
- report "ERROR in " & IMAGE(DWIDTH) & "bit multiplication!"
- severity failure;
- end if;
- end loop; -- f
- end loop; -- i
- end loop; -- j
- assert false
- report "********* " & IMAGE(DWIDTH)
- & IMAGE(now) & " !" & " *********"
- severity note;
- s_mul_end <= true;
- wait;
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- --
- -- PROC_AND - Test the logical AND command --
- -- --
- -- Procedure to generate all the input data to test the logical --
- -- AND command. Furthermore the results are compared with the --
- -- expected values and the simulation is stopped with an error message --
- -- if the test failes. --
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure PROC_AND (
- constant DWIDTH : in positive;
- constant PROP_DELAY : in time;
- signal s_cyi : in std_logic_vector;
- signal s_ovi : in std_logic;
- signal s_result : in std_logic_vector;
- signal s_cyo : out std_logic_vector;
- signal s_ovo : out std_logic;
- signal s_operanda : out std_logic_vector;
- signal s_operandb : out std_logic_vector;
- signal s_and_end : out boolean) is
- variable v_result : std_logic_vector(DWIDTH-1 downto 0);
- variable v_flags : std_logic_vector((DWIDTH-1)/4+1 downto 0);
- variable v_cyo : std_logic_vector(((DWIDTH-1)/4) downto 0);
- variable v_ovo : std_logic;
- begin
- s_and_end <= false;
- for j in 0 to 2**DWIDTH-1 loop
- s_operanda <= conv_std_logic_vector(j,DWIDTH);
- for i in 0 to 2**DWIDTH-1 loop
- s_operandb <= conv_std_logic_vector(i,DWIDTH);
- for f in 0 to 2**(((DWIDTH-1)/4)+2)-1 loop
- v_flags := conv_std_logic_vector(f,((DWIDTH-1)/4)+2);
- v_cyo := v_flags(((DWIDTH-1)/4) downto 0);
- v_ovo := v_flags(v_flags'HIGH);
- s_cyo <= v_cyo;
- s_ovo <= v_ovo;
- v_result := conv_std_logic_vector(j,DWIDTH)
- and conv_std_logic_vector(i,DWIDTH);
- wait for PROP_DELAY;
- assert (s_cyi = v_cyo)
- and (s_ovi = v_ovo)
- and (s_result = v_result)
- report "ERROR in " & IMAGE(DWIDTH) & "bit logical AND operation!"
- severity failure;
- end loop; -- f
- end loop; -- i
- end loop; -- j
- assert false
- report "********* " & IMAGE(DWIDTH)
- & IMAGE(now) & " !" & " *********"
- severity note;
- s_and_end <= true;
- wait;
- end PROC_AND;
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- --
- -- PROC_OR - Test the logical OR command --
- -- --
- -- Procedure to generate all the input data to test the logical --
- -- OR command. Furthermore the results are compared with the --
- -- expected values and the simulation is stopped with an error message --
- -- if the test failes. --
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure PROC_OR (
- constant DWIDTH : in positive;
- constant PROP_DELAY : in time;
- signal s_cyi : in std_logic_vector;
- signal s_ovi : in std_logic;
- signal s_result : in std_logic_vector;
- signal s_cyo : out std_logic_vector;
- signal s_ovo : out std_logic;
- signal s_operanda : out std_logic_vector;
- signal s_operandb : out std_logic_vector;
- signal s_or_end : out boolean) is
- variable v_result : std_logic_vector(DWIDTH-1 downto 0);
- variable v_flags : std_logic_vector((DWIDTH-1)/4+1 downto 0);
- variable v_cyo : std_logic_vector(((DWIDTH-1)/4) downto 0);
- variable v_ovo : std_logic;
- begin
- s_or_end <= false;
- for j in 0 to 2**DWIDTH-1 loop
- s_operanda <= conv_std_logic_vector(j,DWIDTH);
- for i in 0 to 2**DWIDTH-1 loop
- s_operandb <= conv_std_logic_vector(i,DWIDTH);
- for f in 0 to 2**(((DWIDTH-1)/4)+2)-1 loop
- v_flags := conv_std_logic_vector(f,((DWIDTH-1)/4)+2);
- v_cyo := v_flags(((DWIDTH-1)/4) downto 0);
- v_ovo := v_flags(v_flags'HIGH);
- s_cyo <= v_cyo;
- s_ovo <= v_ovo;
- v_result := conv_std_logic_vector(j,DWIDTH)
- or conv_std_logic_vector(i,DWIDTH);
- wait for PROP_DELAY;
- assert (s_cyi = v_cyo)
- and (s_ovi = v_ovo)
- and (s_result = v_result)
- report "ERROR in " & IMAGE(DWIDTH) & "bit logical OR operation!"
- severity failure;
- end loop; -- f
- end loop; -- i
- end loop; -- j
- assert false
- report "********* " & IMAGE(DWIDTH)
- & IMAGE(now) & " !" & " *********"
- severity note;
- s_or_end <= true;
- wait;
- end PROC_OR;
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- --
- -- PROC_XOR - Test the logical XOR command --
- -- --
- -- Procedure to generate all the input data to test the logical --
- -- XOR command. Furthermore the results are compared with the --
- -- expected values and the simulation is stopped with an error message --
- -- if the test failes. --
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure PROC_XOR (
- constant DWIDTH : in positive;
- constant PROP_DELAY : in time;
- signal s_cyi : in std_logic_vector;
- signal s_ovi : in std_logic;
- signal s_result : in std_logic_vector;
- signal s_cyo : out std_logic_vector;
- signal s_ovo : out std_logic;
- signal s_operanda : out std_logic_vector;
- signal s_operandb : out std_logic_vector;
- signal s_xor_end : out boolean) is
- variable v_result : std_logic_vector(DWIDTH-1 downto 0);
- variable v_flags : std_logic_vector((DWIDTH-1)/4+1 downto 0);
- variable v_cyo : std_logic_vector(((DWIDTH-1)/4) downto 0);
- variable v_ovo : std_logic;
- begin
- s_xor_end <= false;
- for j in 0 to 2**DWIDTH-1 loop
- s_operanda <= conv_std_logic_vector(j,DWIDTH);
- for i in 0 to 2**DWIDTH-1 loop
- s_operandb <= conv_std_logic_vector(i,DWIDTH);
- for f in 0 to 2**(((DWIDTH-1)/4)+2)-1 loop
- v_flags := conv_std_logic_vector(f,((DWIDTH-1)/4)+2);
- v_cyo := v_flags(((DWIDTH-1)/4) downto 0);
- v_ovo := v_flags(v_flags'HIGH);
- s_cyo <= v_cyo;
- s_ovo <= v_ovo;
- v_result := conv_std_logic_vector(j,DWIDTH)
- xor conv_std_logic_vector(i,DWIDTH);
- wait for PROP_DELAY;
- assert (s_cyi = v_cyo)
- and (s_ovi = v_ovo)
- and (s_result = v_result)
- report "ERROR in " & IMAGE(DWIDTH) & "bit logical XOR operation!"
- severity failure;
- end loop; -- f
- end loop; -- i
- end loop; -- j
- assert false
- report "********* " & IMAGE(DWIDTH)
- & IMAGE(now) & " !" & " *********"
- severity note;
- s_xor_end <= true;
- wait;
- end PROC_XOR;
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- --
- -- PROC_ADD - Test the logical ADD command --
- -- --
- -- Procedure to generate all the input data to test the logical --
- -- ADD command. Furthermore the results are compared with the --
- -- expected values and the simulation is stopped with an error message --
- -- if the test failes. --
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure PROC_ADD (
- constant DWIDTH : in positive;
- constant PROP_DELAY : in time;
- constant ADD_CARRY : in boolean;
- signal s_cyi : in std_logic_vector;
- signal s_ovi : in std_logic;
- signal s_result : in std_logic_vector;
- signal s_cyo : out std_logic_vector;
- signal s_ovo : out std_logic;
- signal s_operanda : out std_logic_vector;
- signal s_operandb : out std_logic_vector;
- signal s_add_end : out boolean) is
- variable v_result : std_logic_vector(DWIDTH-1 downto 0);
- variable v_flags : std_logic_vector((DWIDTH-1)/4+1 downto 0);
- variable v_cyo : std_logic_vector(((DWIDTH-1)/4) downto 0);
- variable v_ovo : std_logic;
- variable v_carry : integer;
- begin
- s_add_end <= false;
- for j in 0 to 2**DWIDTH-1 loop
- s_operanda <= conv_std_logic_vector(j,DWIDTH);
- for i in 0 to 2**DWIDTH-1 loop
- s_operandb <= conv_std_logic_vector(i,DWIDTH);
- for f in 0 to 2**(((DWIDTH-1)/4)+2)-1 loop
- v_flags := conv_std_logic_vector(f,((DWIDTH-1)/4)+2);
- s_cyo <= v_flags(((DWIDTH-1)/4) downto 0);
- s_ovo <= v_flags(v_flags'HIGH);
- v_carry := conv_integer(v_flags((DWIDTH-1)/4));
- if ADD_CARRY = true then
- for h in 0 to (DWIDTH-1)/4 loop
- if DWIDTH > (h+1)*4 then
- if (j mod 2**((h+1)*4) + i mod 2**((h+1)*4) + v_carry)
- > 2**((h+1)*4)-1 then
- v_cyo(h) := '1';
- else
- v_cyo(h) := '0';
- end if;
- else
- if (j mod 2**(DWIDTH) + i mod 2**(DWIDTH) + v_carry
- > 2**(DWIDTH)-1) then
- v_cyo(h) := '1';
- else
- v_cyo(h) := '0';
- end if;
- end if;
- end loop; -- h
- -- if DWIDTH = 1 then
- -- v_ovo := '0';
- -- else
- if (j+i > 2**DWIDTH-1
- and (j mod 2**(DWIDTH-1) + i mod 2**(DWIDTH-1) + v_carry)
- <= 2**(DWIDTH-1)-1) or
- (j+i < 2**DWIDTH-1
- and (j mod 2**(DWIDTH-1) + i mod 2**(DWIDTH-1) + v_carry)
- > 2**(DWIDTH-1)-1) then
- v_ovo := '1';
- else
- v_ovo := '0';
- end if;
- -- end if;
- v_result := conv_std_logic_vector(j + i + v_carry,DWIDTH);
- wait for PROP_DELAY;
- assert (s_cyi = v_cyo)
- and (s_ovi = v_ovo)
- and (s_result = v_result)
- report "ERROR in " & IMAGE(DWIDTH) & "bit ADDC operation!"
- severity failure;
- else
- for h in 0 to (DWIDTH-1)/4 loop
- if DWIDTH > (h+1)*4 then
- if (j mod 2**((h+1)*4) + i mod 2**((h+1)*4))
- > 2**((h+1)*4)-1 then
- v_cyo(h) := '1';
- else
- v_cyo(h) := '0';
- end if;
- else
- if (j mod 2**(DWIDTH) + i mod 2**(DWIDTH)
- > 2**(DWIDTH)-1) then
- v_cyo(h) := '1';
- else
- v_cyo(h) := '0';
- end if;
- end if;
- end loop; -- h
- -- if DWIDTH = 1 then
- -- v_ovo := '0';
- -- else
- if (j+i > 2**DWIDTH-1
- and (j mod 2**(DWIDTH-1) + i mod 2**(DWIDTH-1))
- <= 2**(DWIDTH-1)-1) or
- (j+i <= 2**DWIDTH-1
- and (j mod 2**(DWIDTH-1) + i mod 2**(DWIDTH-1))
- > 2**(DWIDTH-1)-1) then
- v_ovo := '1';
- else
- v_ovo := '0';
- end if;
- -- end if;
- v_result := conv_std_logic_vector(j+i,DWIDTH);
- wait for PROP_DELAY;
- assert (s_cyi = v_cyo)
- and (s_ovi = v_ovo)
- and (s_result = v_result)
- report "ERROR in " & IMAGE(DWIDTH) & "bit ADD operation!"
- severity failure;
- end if;
- end loop; -- f
- end loop; -- i
- end loop; -- j
- assert false
- report "********* " & IMAGE(DWIDTH)
- & IMAGE(now) & " !" & " *********"
- severity note;
- s_add_end <= true;
- wait;
- end PROC_ADD;
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- --
- -- PROC_SUB - Test the logical SUB command --
- -- --
- -- Procedure to generate all the input data to test the --
- -- SUB command. Furthermore the results are compared with the --
- -- expected values and the simulation is stopped with an error message --
- -- if the test failes. --
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure PROC_SUB (
- constant DWIDTH : in positive;
- constant PROP_DELAY : in time;
- signal s_cyi : in std_logic_vector;
- signal s_ovi : in std_logic;
- signal s_result : in std_logic_vector;
- signal s_cyo : out std_logic_vector;
- signal s_ovo : out std_logic;
- signal s_operanda : out std_logic_vector;
- signal s_operandb : out std_logic_vector;
- signal s_sub_end : out boolean) is
- variable v_result : std_logic_vector(DWIDTH-1 downto 0);
- variable v_flags : std_logic_vector((DWIDTH-1)/4+1 downto 0);
- variable v_cyo : std_logic_vector(((DWIDTH-1)/4) downto 0);
- variable v_ovo : std_logic;
- variable v_carry : integer;
- begin
- s_sub_end <= false;
- for j in 0 to 2**DWIDTH-1 loop
- s_operanda <= conv_std_logic_vector(j,DWIDTH);
- for i in 0 to 2**DWIDTH-1 loop
- s_operandb <= conv_std_logic_vector(i,DWIDTH);
- for f in 0 to 2**(((DWIDTH-1)/4)+2)-1 loop
- v_flags := conv_std_logic_vector(f,((DWIDTH-1)/4)+2);
- s_cyo <= v_flags(((DWIDTH-1)/4) downto 0);
- s_ovo <= v_flags(v_flags'HIGH);
- v_carry := conv_integer(v_flags((DWIDTH-1)/4));
- for h in 0 to (DWIDTH-1)/4 loop
- if DWIDTH > (h+1)*4 then
- if (j mod 2**((h+1)*4) - i mod 2**((h+1)*4) - v_carry)
- < 0 then
- v_cyo(h) := '1';
- else
- v_cyo(h) := '0';
- end if;
- else
- if (j mod 2**(DWIDTH) - i mod 2**(DWIDTH) - v_carry)
- < 0 then
- v_cyo(h) := '1';
- else
- v_cyo(h) := '0';
- end if;
- end if;
- end loop; -- h
- -- if DWIDTH = 1 then
- -- v_ovo := '0';
- -- else
- if (j - i - v_carry < 0
- and (j mod 2**(DWIDTH-1) - i mod 2**(DWIDTH-1) - v_carry)
- >= 0) or
- (j - i - v_carry >= 0
- and (j mod 2**(DWIDTH-1) - i mod 2**(DWIDTH-1) - v_carry)
- < 0) then
- v_ovo := '1';
- else
- v_ovo := '0';
- end if;
- -- end if;
- v_result := conv_std_logic_vector(j - i - v_carry,DWIDTH);
- wait for PROP_DELAY;
- assert (s_cyi = v_cyo)
- and (s_ovi = v_ovo)
- and (s_result = v_result)
- report "ERROR in " & IMAGE(DWIDTH) & "bit SUB operation!"
- severity failure;
- end loop; -- f
- end loop; -- i
- end loop; -- j
- assert false
- report "********* " & IMAGE(DWIDTH)
- & IMAGE(now) & " !" & " *********"
- severity note;
- s_sub_end <= true;
- wait;
- end PROC_SUB;
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- constant PROP_DELAY : time := 100 ns;
- constant MAX_DWIDTH : integer := 11;
- type t_data_DA is array (1 to MAX_DWIDTH) of
- std_logic_vector(MAX_DWIDTH-1 downto 0);
- type t_cmd_DA is array (1 to MAX_DWIDTH) of std_logic_vector(5 downto 0);
- type t_cy_DA is array (1 to MAX_DWIDTH) of
- std_logic_vector((MAX_DWIDTH-1)/4 downto 0);
- type t_ov_DA is array (1 to MAX_DWIDTH) of std_logic;
- type t_end_DA is array (1 to MAX_DWIDTH) of boolean;
- type t_data_DIV_ACC_RAM is array (1 to MAX_DWIDTH) of
- std_logic_vector(MAX_DWIDTH-1 downto 0);
- type t_cmd_DIV_ACC_RAM is array (1 to MAX_DWIDTH) of
- std_logic_vector(5 downto 0);
- type t_ov_DIV_ACC_RAM is array (1 to MAX_DWIDTH) of std_logic;
- type t_end_DIV_ACC_RAM is array (1 to MAX_DWIDTH) of boolean;
- type t_cy_DIV_ACC_RAM is array (1 to MAX_DWIDTH) of
- std_logic_vector((MAX_DWIDTH-1)/4 downto 0);
- type t_product_MUL_ACC_RAM is array (1 to MAX_DWIDTH) of
- std_logic_vector(MAX_DWIDTH*2-1 downto 0);
- type t_data_MUL_ACC_RAM is array (1 to MAX_DWIDTH) of
- std_logic_vector(MAX_DWIDTH-1 downto 0);
- type t_cmd_MUL_ACC_RAM is array (1 to MAX_DWIDTH) of
- std_logic_vector(5 downto 0);
- type t_ov_MUL_ACC_RAM is array (1 to MAX_DWIDTH) of std_logic;
- type t_end_MUL_ACC_RAM is array (1 to MAX_DWIDTH) of boolean;
- type t_cy_MUL_ACC_RAM is array (1 to MAX_DWIDTH) of
- std_logic_vector((MAX_DWIDTH-1)/4 downto 0);
- type t_data_STIM is array (1 to MAX_DWIDTH) of
- std_logic_vector(MAX_DWIDTH-1 downto 0);
- type t_cmd_STIM is array (1 to MAX_DWIDTH) of std_logic_vector(5 downto 0);
- type t_cy_STIM is array (1 to MAX_DWIDTH) of
- std_logic_vector((MAX_DWIDTH-1)/4 downto 0);
- type t_ov_STIM is array (1 to MAX_DWIDTH) of std_logic;
- type t_end_STIM is array (1 to MAX_DWIDTH) of boolean;
- type t_pass is array (1 to MAX_DWIDTH+1) of boolean;
- signal rom_data_DA : t_data_DA;
- signal ram_data_DA : t_data_DA;
- signal acc_DA : t_data_DA;
- signal hlp_DA : t_data_DA;
- signal cmd_DA : t_cmd_DA;
- signal cy_DA : t_cy_DA;
- signal ov_DA : t_ov_DA;
- signal new_cy_DA : t_cy_DA;
- signal new_ov_DA : t_ov_DA;
- signal result_a_DA : t_data_DA;
- signal result_b_DA : t_data_DA;
- signal end_DA : t_end_DA;
- signal rom_data_DIV_ACC_RAM : t_data_DIV_ACC_RAM;
- signal ram_data_DIV_ACC_RAM : t_data_DIV_ACC_RAM;
- signal acc_DIV_ACC_RAM : t_data_DIV_ACC_RAM;
- signal hlp_DIV_ACC_RAM : t_data_DIV_ACC_RAM;
- signal cmd_DIV_ACC_RAM : t_cmd_DIV_ACC_RAM;
- signal cy_DIV_ACC_RAM : t_cy_DIV_ACC_RAM;
- signal ov_DIV_ACC_RAM : t_ov_DIV_ACC_RAM;
- signal new_cy_DIV_ACC_RAM : t_cy_DIV_ACC_RAM;
- signal new_ov_DIV_ACC_RAM : t_ov_DIV_ACC_RAM;
- signal result_a_DIV_ACC_RAM : t_data_DIV_ACC_RAM;
- signal result_b_DIV_ACC_RAM : t_data_DIV_ACC_RAM;
- signal end_DIV_ACC_RAM : t_end_DIV_ACC_RAM;
- signal rom_data_MUL_ACC_RAM : t_data_MUL_ACC_RAM;
- signal ram_data_MUL_ACC_RAM : t_data_MUL_ACC_RAM;
- signal acc_MUL_ACC_RAM : t_data_MUL_ACC_RAM;
- signal hlp_MUL_ACC_RAM : t_data_MUL_ACC_RAM;
- signal cmd_MUL_ACC_RAM : t_cmd_MUL_ACC_RAM;
- signal cy_MUL_ACC_RAM : t_cy_MUL_ACC_RAM;
- signal ov_MUL_ACC_RAM : t_ov_MUL_ACC_RAM;
- signal new_cy_MUL_ACC_RAM : t_cy_MUL_ACC_RAM;
- signal new_ov_MUL_ACC_RAM : t_ov_MUL_ACC_RAM;
- signal result_a_MUL_ACC_RAM : t_data_MUL_ACC_RAM;
- signal result_b_MUL_ACC_RAM : t_data_MUL_ACC_RAM;
- signal product_MUL_ACC_RAM : t_product_MUL_ACC_RAM;
- signal end_MUL_ACC_RAM : t_end_MUL_ACC_RAM;
- signal rom_data_AND_ACC_RAM : t_data_STIM;
- signal ram_data_AND_ACC_RAM : t_data_STIM;
- signal acc_AND_ACC_RAM : t_data_STIM;
- signal hlp_AND_ACC_RAM : t_data_STIM;
- signal cmd_AND_ACC_RAM : t_cmd_STIM;
- signal cy_AND_ACC_RAM : t_cy_STIM;
- signal ov_AND_ACC_RAM : t_ov_STIM;
- signal new_cy_AND_ACC_RAM : t_cy_STIM;
- signal new_ov_AND_ACC_RAM : t_ov_STIM;
- signal result_a_AND_ACC_RAM : t_data_STIM;
- signal result_b_AND_ACC_RAM : t_data_STIM;
- signal end_AND_ACC_RAM : t_end_STIM;
- signal rom_data_OR_ACC_RAM : t_data_STIM;
- signal ram_data_OR_ACC_RAM : t_data_STIM;
- signal acc_OR_ACC_RAM : t_data_STIM;
- signal hlp_OR_ACC_RAM : t_data_STIM;
- signal cmd_OR_ACC_RAM : t_cmd_STIM;
- signal cy_OR_ACC_RAM : t_cy_STIM;
- signal ov_OR_ACC_RAM : t_ov_STIM;
- signal new_cy_OR_ACC_RAM : t_cy_STIM;
- signal new_ov_OR_ACC_RAM : t_ov_STIM;
- signal result_a_OR_ACC_RAM : t_data_STIM;
- signal result_b_OR_ACC_RAM : t_data_STIM;
- signal end_OR_ACC_RAM : t_end_STIM;
- signal rom_data_XOR_ACC_RAM : t_data_STIM;
- signal ram_data_XOR_ACC_RAM : t_data_STIM;
- signal acc_XOR_ACC_RAM : t_data_STIM;
- signal hlp_XOR_ACC_RAM : t_data_STIM;
- signal cmd_XOR_ACC_RAM : t_cmd_STIM;
- signal cy_XOR_ACC_RAM : t_cy_STIM;
- signal ov_XOR_ACC_RAM : t_ov_STIM;
- signal new_cy_XOR_ACC_RAM : t_cy_STIM;
- signal new_ov_XOR_ACC_RAM : t_ov_STIM;
- signal result_a_XOR_ACC_RAM : t_data_STIM;
- signal result_b_XOR_ACC_RAM : t_data_STIM;
- signal end_XOR_ACC_RAM : t_end_STIM;
- signal rom_data_ADD_ACC_RAM : t_data_STIM;
- signal ram_data_ADD_ACC_RAM : t_data_STIM;
- signal acc_ADD_ACC_RAM : t_data_STIM;
- signal hlp_ADD_ACC_RAM : t_data_STIM;
- signal cmd_ADD_ACC_RAM : t_cmd_STIM;
- signal cy_ADD_ACC_RAM : t_cy_STIM;
- signal ov_ADD_ACC_RAM : t_ov_STIM;
- signal new_cy_ADD_ACC_RAM : t_cy_STIM;
- signal new_ov_ADD_ACC_RAM : t_ov_STIM;
- signal result_a_ADD_ACC_RAM : t_data_STIM;
- signal result_b_ADD_ACC_RAM : t_data_STIM;
- signal end_ADD_ACC_RAM : t_end_STIM;
- signal rom_data_ADDC_ACC_RAM : t_data_STIM;
- signal ram_data_ADDC_ACC_RAM : t_data_STIM;
- signal acc_ADDC_ACC_RAM : t_data_STIM;
- signal hlp_ADDC_ACC_RAM : t_data_STIM;
- signal cmd_ADDC_ACC_RAM : t_cmd_STIM;
- signal cy_ADDC_ACC_RAM : t_cy_STIM;
- signal ov_ADDC_ACC_RAM : t_ov_STIM;
- signal new_cy_ADDC_ACC_RAM : t_cy_STIM;
- signal new_ov_ADDC_ACC_RAM : t_ov_STIM;
- signal result_a_ADDC_ACC_RAM : t_data_STIM;
- signal result_b_ADDC_ACC_RAM : t_data_STIM;
- signal end_ADDC_ACC_RAM : t_end_STIM;
- signal rom_data_SUB_ACC_RAM : t_data_STIM;
- signal ram_data_SUB_ACC_RAM : t_data_STIM;
- signal acc_SUB_ACC_RAM : t_data_STIM;
- signal hlp_SUB_ACC_RAM : t_data_STIM;
- signal cmd_SUB_ACC_RAM : t_cmd_STIM;
- signal cy_SUB_ACC_RAM : t_cy_STIM;
- signal ov_SUB_ACC_RAM : t_ov_STIM;
- signal new_cy_SUB_ACC_RAM : t_cy_STIM;
- signal new_ov_SUB_ACC_RAM : t_ov_STIM;
- signal result_a_SUB_ACC_RAM : t_data_STIM;
- signal result_b_SUB_ACC_RAM : t_data_STIM;
- signal end_SUB_ACC_RAM : t_end_STIM;
- signal pass : t_pass := (others => true);
- begin
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- Test the DA command for data widths from 1 up to MAX_DWIDTH --
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- gen_da: for i in 1 to MAX_DWIDTH generate
- -- Values which do not change during DA test
- rom_data_DA(i) <= conv_std_logic_vector(0,MAX_DWIDTH);
- ram_data_DA(i) <= conv_std_logic_vector(0,MAX_DWIDTH);
- hlp_DA(i) <= conv_std_logic_vector(0,MAX_DWIDTH);
- cmd_DA(i) <= conv_std_logic_vector(32,6);
- ov_DA(i) <= '0';
- -- Instantiate the ALU unit with the data width set to i
- i_mc8051_alu_DA : mc8051_alu
- generic map (
- DWIDTH => i)
- port map (
- rom_data_i => rom_data_DA(i)(i-1 downto 0),
- ram_data_i => ram_data_DA(i)(i-1 downto 0),
- acc_i => acc_DA(i)(i-1 downto 0),
- -- hlp_i => hlp_DA(i)(i-1 downto 0),
- cmd_i => cmd_DA(i),
- cy_i => cy_DA(i)((i-1)/4 downto 0),
- ov_i => ov_DA(i),
- new_cy_o => new_cy_DA(i)((i-1)/4 downto 0),
- new_ov_o => new_ov_DA(i),
- result_a_o => result_a_DA(i)(i-1 downto 0),
- result_b_o => result_b_DA(i)(i-1 downto 0));
- -- Call the test procedure for the DA command
- s_datao => acc_DA(i)(i-1 downto 0),
- s_cy => cy_DA(i)((i-1)/4 downto 0),
- s_datai => result_a_DA(i)(i-1 downto 0),
- s_cyi => new_cy_DA(i)((i-1)/4 downto 0),
- s_da_end => end_DA(i));
- end generate GEN_DA;
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- Test the DIV_ACC_RAM command for data widths from 1 up to MAX_DWIDTH --
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- gen_div_acc_ram: for i in 1 to MAX_DWIDTH generate
- -- Values which do not change during DIV_ACC_RAM test
- rom_data_DIV_ACC_RAM(i) <= conv_std_logic_vector(0,MAX_DWIDTH);
- hlp_DIV_ACC_RAM(i) <= conv_std_logic_vector(0,MAX_DWIDTH);
- cmd_DIV_ACC_RAM(i) <= conv_std_logic_vector(43,6);
- -- Instantiate the ALU unit with the data width set to i
- i_mc8051_alu_DIV_ACC_RAM : mc8051_alu
- generic map (
- DWIDTH => i)
- port map (
- rom_data_i => rom_data_DIV_ACC_RAM(i)(i-1 downto 0),
- ram_data_i => ram_data_DIV_ACC_RAM(i)(i-1 downto 0),
- acc_i => acc_DIV_ACC_RAM(i)(i-1 downto 0),
- -- hlp_i => hlp_DIV_ACC_RAM(i)(i-1 downto 0),
- cmd_i => cmd_DIV_ACC_RAM(i),
- cy_i => cy_DIV_ACC_RAM(i)((i-1)/4 downto 0),
- ov_i => ov_DIV_ACC_RAM(i),
- new_cy_o => new_cy_DIV_ACC_RAM(i)((i-1)/4 downto 0),
- new_ov_o => new_ov_DIV_ACC_RAM(i),
- result_a_o => result_a_DIV_ACC_RAM(i)(i-1 downto 0),
- result_b_o => result_b_DIV_ACC_RAM(i)(i-1 downto 0));
- s_cyi => new_cy_DIV_ACC_RAM(i)((i-1)/4 downto 0),
- s_ovi => new_ov_DIV_ACC_RAM(i),
- s_qutnt => result_a_DIV_ACC_RAM(i)(i-1 downto 0),
- s_rmndr => result_b_DIV_ACC_RAM(i)(i-1 downto 0),
- s_cyo => cy_DIV_ACC_RAM(i)((i-1)/4 downto 0),
- s_ovo => ov_DIV_ACC_RAM(i),
- s_dvdnd => acc_DIV_ACC_RAM(i)(i-1 downto 0),
- s_dvsor => ram_data_DIV_ACC_RAM(i)(i-1 downto 0),
- s_dvdr_end => end_DIV_ACC_RAM(i));
- end generate gen_div_acc_ram;
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- Test the MUL_ACC_RAM command for data widths from 1 up to MAX_DWIDTH --
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- gen_mul_acc_ram : for i in 1 to MAX_DWIDTH generate
- -- Values which do not change during MUL_ACC_RAM test
- product_MUL_ACC_RAM(i)(i-1 downto 0) <=
- result_a_MUL_ACC_RAM(i)(i-1 downto 0);
- product_MUL_ACC_RAM(i)(i*2-1 downto i) <=
- result_b_MUL_ACC_RAM(i)(i-1 downto 0);
- rom_data_MUL_ACC_RAM(i) <= conv_std_logic_vector(0, MAX_DWIDTH);
- hlp_MUL_ACC_RAM(i) <= conv_std_logic_vector(0, MAX_DWIDTH);
- cmd_MUL_ACC_RAM(i) <= conv_std_logic_vector(42, 6);
- -- Instantiate the ALU unit with the data width set to i
- i_mc8051_alu_MUL_ACC_RAM : mc8051_alu
- generic map (
- DWIDTH => i)
- port map (
- rom_data_i => rom_data_MUL_ACC_RAM(i)(i-1 downto 0),
- ram_data_i => ram_data_MUL_ACC_RAM(i)(i-1 downto 0),
- acc_i => acc_MUL_ACC_RAM(i)(i-1 downto 0),
- -- hlp_i => hlp_MUL_ACC_RAM(i)(i-1 downto 0),
- cmd_i => cmd_MUL_ACC_RAM(i),
- cy_i => cy_MUL_ACC_RAM(i)((i-1)/4 downto 0),
- ov_i => ov_MUL_ACC_RAM(i),
- new_cy_o => new_cy_MUL_ACC_RAM(i)((i-1)/4 downto 0),
- new_ov_o => new_ov_MUL_ACC_RAM(i),
- result_a_o => result_a_MUL_ACC_RAM(i)(i-1 downto 0),
- result_b_o => result_b_MUL_ACC_RAM(i)(i-1 downto 0));
- s_cyi => new_cy_MUL_ACC_RAM(i)((i-1)/4 downto 0),
- s_ovi => new_ov_MUL_ACC_RAM(i),
- s_product => product_MUL_ACC_RAM(i)(i*2-1 downto 0),
- s_cyo => cy_MUL_ACC_RAM(i)((i-1)/4 downto 0),
- s_ovo => ov_MUL_ACC_RAM(i),
- s_mltplcnd => acc_MUL_ACC_RAM(i)(i-1 downto 0),
- s_mltplctr => ram_data_MUL_ACC_RAM(i)(i-1 downto 0),
- s_mul_end => end_MUL_ACC_RAM(i));
- end generate gen_mul_acc_ram;
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- Test the AND_ACC_RAM command for data widths from 1 up to MAX_DWIDTH --
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- gen_and_acc_ram: for i in 1 to MAX_DWIDTH generate
- -- Values which do not change during AND_ACC_RAM test
- rom_data_AND_ACC_RAM(i) <= conv_std_logic_vector(0,MAX_DWIDTH);
- hlp_AND_ACC_RAM(i) <= conv_std_logic_vector(0,MAX_DWIDTH);
- cmd_AND_ACC_RAM(i) <= conv_std_logic_vector(37,6);
- -- Instantiate the ALU unit with the data width set to i
- i_mc8051_alu_AND_ACC_RAM : mc8051_alu
- generic map (
- DWIDTH => i)
- port map (
- rom_data_i => rom_data_AND_ACC_RAM(i)(i-1 downto 0),
- ram_data_i => ram_data_AND_ACC_RAM(i)(i-1 downto 0),
- acc_i => acc_AND_ACC_RAM(i)(i-1 downto 0),
- -- hlp_i => hlp_AND_ACC_RAM(i)(i-1 downto 0),
- cmd_i => cmd_AND_ACC_RAM(i),
- cy_i => cy_AND_ACC_RAM(i)((i-1)/4 downto 0),
- ov_i => ov_AND_ACC_RAM(i),
- new_cy_o => new_cy_AND_ACC_RAM(i)((i-1)/4 downto 0),
- new_ov_o => new_ov_AND_ACC_RAM(i),
- result_a_o => result_a_AND_ACC_RAM(i)(i-1 downto 0),
- result_b_o => result_b_AND_ACC_RAM(i)(i-1 downto 0));
- -- Call the test procedure for the AND_ACC_RAM command
- s_cyi => new_cy_AND_ACC_RAM(i)((i-1)/4 downto 0),
- s_ovi => new_ov_AND_ACC_RAM(i),
- s_result => result_a_AND_ACC_RAM(i)(i-1 downto 0),
- s_cyo => cy_AND_ACC_RAM(i)((i-1)/4 downto 0),
- s_ovo => ov_AND_ACC_RAM(i),
- s_operanda => acc_AND_ACC_RAM(i)(i-1 downto 0),
- s_operandb => ram_data_AND_ACC_RAM(i)(i-1 downto 0),
- s_and_end => end_AND_ACC_RAM(i));
- end generate gen_and_acc_ram;
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- Test the OR_ACC_RAM command for data widths from 1 up to MAX_DWIDTH --
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- gen_or_acc_ram: for i in 1 to MAX_DWIDTH generate
- -- Values which do not change during OR_ACC_RAM test
- rom_data_OR_ACC_RAM(i) <= conv_std_logic_vector(0,MAX_DWIDTH);
- hlp_OR_ACC_RAM(i) <= conv_std_logic_vector(0,MAX_DWIDTH);
- cmd_OR_ACC_RAM(i) <= conv_std_logic_vector(44,6);
- -- Instantiate the ALU unit with the data width set to i
- i_mc8051_alu_OR_ACC_RAM : mc8051_alu
- generic map (
- DWIDTH => i)
- port map (
- rom_data_i => rom_data_OR_ACC_RAM(i)(i-1 downto 0),
- ram_data_i => ram_data_OR_ACC_RAM(i)(i-1 downto 0),
- acc_i => acc_OR_ACC_RAM(i)(i-1 downto 0),
- -- hlp_i => hlp_OR_ACC_RAM(i)(i-1 downto 0),
- cmd_i => cmd_OR_ACC_RAM(i),
- cy_i => cy_OR_ACC_RAM(i)((i-1)/4 downto 0),
- ov_i => ov_OR_ACC_RAM(i),
- new_cy_o => new_cy_OR_ACC_RAM(i)((i-1)/4 downto 0),
- new_ov_o => new_ov_OR_ACC_RAM(i),
- result_a_o => result_a_OR_ACC_RAM(i)(i-1 downto 0),
- result_b_o => result_b_OR_ACC_RAM(i)(i-1 downto 0));
- -- Call the test procedure for the OR_ACC_RAM command
- s_cyi => new_cy_OR_ACC_RAM(i)((i-1)/4 downto 0),
- s_ovi => new_ov_OR_ACC_RAM(i),
- s_result => result_a_OR_ACC_RAM(i)(i-1 downto 0),
- s_cyo => cy_OR_ACC_RAM(i)((i-1)/4 downto 0),
- s_ovo => ov_OR_ACC_RAM(i),
- s_operanda => acc_OR_ACC_RAM(i)(i-1 downto 0),
- s_operandb => ram_data_OR_ACC_RAM(i)(i-1 downto 0),
- s_or_end => end_OR_ACC_RAM(i));
- end generate gen_or_acc_ram;
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- Test the XOR_ACC_RAM command for data widths from 1 up to MAX_DWIDTH --
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- gen_xor_acc_ram: for i in 1 to MAX_DWIDTH generate
- -- Values which do not change during XOR_ACC_RAM test
- rom_data_XOR_ACC_RAM(i) <= conv_std_logic_vector(0,MAX_DWIDTH);
- hlp_XOR_ACC_RAM(i) <= conv_std_logic_vector(0,MAX_DWIDTH);
- cmd_XOR_ACC_RAM(i) <= conv_std_logic_vector(47,6);
- -- Instantiate the ALU unit with the data width set to i
- i_mc8051_alu_XOR_ACC_RAM : mc8051_alu
- generic map (
- DWIDTH => i)
- port map (
- rom_data_i => rom_data_XOR_ACC_RAM(i)(i-1 downto 0),
- ram_data_i => ram_data_XOR_ACC_RAM(i)(i-1 downto 0),
- acc_i => acc_XOR_ACC_RAM(i)(i-1 downto 0),
- -- hlp_i => hlp_XOR_ACC_RAM(i)(i-1 downto 0),
- cmd_i => cmd_XOR_ACC_RAM(i),
- cy_i => cy_XOR_ACC_RAM(i)((i-1)/4 downto 0),
- ov_i => ov_XOR_ACC_RAM(i),
- new_cy_o => new_cy_XOR_ACC_RAM(i)((i-1)/4 downto 0),
- new_ov_o => new_ov_XOR_ACC_RAM(i),
- result_a_o => result_a_XOR_ACC_RAM(i)(i-1 downto 0),
- result_b_o => result_b_XOR_ACC_RAM(i)(i-1 downto 0));
- -- Call the test procedure for the XOR_ACC_RAM command
- s_cyi => new_cy_XOR_ACC_RAM(i)((i-1)/4 downto 0),
- s_ovi => new_ov_XOR_ACC_RAM(i),
- s_result => result_a_XOR_ACC_RAM(i)(i-1 downto 0),
- s_cyo => cy_XOR_ACC_RAM(i)((i-1)/4 downto 0),
- s_ovo => ov_XOR_ACC_RAM(i),
- s_operanda => acc_XOR_ACC_RAM(i)(i-1 downto 0),
- s_operandb => ram_data_XOR_ACC_RAM(i)(i-1 downto 0),
- s_xor_end => end_XOR_ACC_RAM(i));
- end generate gen_xor_acc_ram;
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- Test the ADD_ACC_RAM command for data widths from 1 up to MAX_DWIDTH --
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- gen_add_acc_ram: for i in 1 to MAX_DWIDTH generate
- -- Values which do not change during ADD_ACC_RAM test
- rom_data_ADD_ACC_RAM(i) <= conv_std_logic_vector(0, MAX_DWIDTH);
- hlp_ADD_ACC_RAM(i) <= conv_std_logic_vector(0, MAX_DWIDTH);
- cmd_ADD_ACC_RAM(i) <= conv_std_logic_vector(33, 6);
- -- Instantiate the ALU unit with the data width set to i
- i_mc8051_alu_ADD_ACC_RAM : mc8051_alu
- generic map (
- DWIDTH => i)
- port map (
- rom_data_i => rom_data_ADD_ACC_RAM(i)(i-1 downto 0),
- ram_data_i => ram_data_ADD_ACC_RAM(i)(i-1 downto 0),
- acc_i => acc_ADD_ACC_RAM(i)(i-1 downto 0),
- -- hlp_i => hlp_ADD_ACC_RAM(i)(i-1 downto 0),
- cmd_i => cmd_ADD_ACC_RAM(i),
- cy_i => cy_ADD_ACC_RAM(i)((i-1)/4 downto 0),
- ov_i => ov_ADD_ACC_RAM(i),
- new_cy_o => new_cy_ADD_ACC_RAM(i)((i-1)/4 downto 0),
- new_ov_o => new_ov_ADD_ACC_RAM(i),
- result_a_o => result_a_ADD_ACC_RAM(i)(i-1 downto 0),
- result_b_o => result_b_ADD_ACC_RAM(i)(i-1 downto 0));
- -- Call the test procedure for the ADD_ACC_RAM command
- ADD_CARRY => false,
- s_cyi => new_cy_ADD_ACC_RAM(i)((i-1)/4 downto 0),
- s_ovi => new_ov_ADD_ACC_RAM(i),
- s_result => result_a_ADD_ACC_RAM(i)(i-1 downto 0),
- s_cyo => cy_ADD_ACC_RAM(i)((i-1)/4 downto 0),
- s_ovo => ov_ADD_ACC_RAM(i),
- s_operanda => acc_ADD_ACC_RAM(i)(i-1 downto 0),
- s_operandb => ram_data_ADD_ACC_RAM(i)(i-1 downto 0),
- s_add_end => end_ADD_ACC_RAM(i));
- end generate gen_add_acc_ram;
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- Test the ADDC_ACC_RAM command for data widths from 1 up to MAX_DWIDTH --
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- gen_addc_acc_ram: for i in 1 to MAX_DWIDTH generate
- -- Values which do not change during ADDC_ACC_RAM test
- rom_data_ADDC_ACC_RAM(i) <= conv_std_logic_vector(0, MAX_DWIDTH);
- hlp_ADDC_ACC_RAM(i) <= conv_std_logic_vector(0, MAX_DWIDTH);
- cmd_ADDC_ACC_RAM(i) <= conv_std_logic_vector(35, 6);
- -- Instantiate the ALU unit with the data width set to i
- i_mc8051_alu_ADDC_ACC_RAM : mc8051_alu
- generic map (
- DWIDTH => i)
- port map (
- rom_data_i => rom_data_ADDC_ACC_RAM(i)(i-1 downto 0),
- ram_data_i => ram_data_ADDC_ACC_RAM(i)(i-1 downto 0),
- acc_i => acc_ADDC_ACC_RAM(i)(i-1 downto 0),
- -- hlp_i => hlp_ADDC_ACC_RAM(i)(i-1 downto 0),
- cmd_i => cmd_ADDC_ACC_RAM(i),
- cy_i => cy_ADDC_ACC_RAM(i)((i-1)/4 downto 0),
- ov_i => ov_ADDC_ACC_RAM(i),
- new_cy_o => new_cy_ADDC_ACC_RAM(i)((i-1)/4 downto 0),
- new_ov_o => new_ov_ADDC_ACC_RAM(i),
- result_a_o => result_a_ADDC_ACC_RAM(i)(i-1 downto 0),
- result_b_o => result_b_ADDC_ACC_RAM(i)(i-1 downto 0));
- -- Call the test procedure for the ADDC_ACC_RAM command
- ADD_CARRY => true,
- s_cyi => new_cy_ADDC_ACC_RAM(i)((i-1)/4 downto 0),
- s_ovi => new_ov_ADDC_ACC_RAM(i),
- s_result => result_a_ADDC_ACC_RAM(i)(i-1 downto 0),
- s_cyo => cy_ADDC_ACC_RAM(i)((i-1)/4 downto 0),
- s_ovo => ov_ADDC_ACC_RAM(i),
- s_operanda => acc_ADDC_ACC_RAM(i)(i-1 downto 0),
- s_operandb => ram_data_ADDC_ACC_RAM(i)(i-1 downto 0),
- s_add_end => end_ADDC_ACC_RAM(i));
- end generate gen_addc_acc_ram;
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- Test the SUB_ACC_RAM command for data widths from 1 up to MAX_DWIDTH --
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- gen_sub_acc_ram: for i in 1 to MAX_DWIDTH generate
- -- Values which do not change during SUB_ACC_RAM test
- rom_data_SUB_ACC_RAM(i) <= conv_std_logic_vector(0, MAX_DWIDTH);
- hlp_SUB_ACC_RAM(i) <= conv_std_logic_vector(0, MAX_DWIDTH);
- cmd_SUB_ACC_RAM(i) <= conv_std_logic_vector(40, 6);
- -- Instantiate the ALU unit with the data width set to i
- i_mc8051_alu_SUB_ACC_RAM : mc8051_alu
- generic map (
- DWIDTH => i)
- port map (
- rom_data_i => rom_data_SUB_ACC_RAM(i)(i-1 downto 0),
- ram_data_i => ram_data_SUB_ACC_RAM(i)(i-1 downto 0),
- acc_i => acc_SUB_ACC_RAM(i)(i-1 downto 0),
- -- hlp_i => hlp_SUB_ACC_RAM(i)(i-1 downto 0),
- cmd_i => cmd_SUB_ACC_RAM(i),
- cy_i => cy_SUB_ACC_RAM(i)((i-1)/4 downto 0),
- ov_i => ov_SUB_ACC_RAM(i),
- new_cy_o => new_cy_SUB_ACC_RAM(i)((i-1)/4 downto 0),
- new_ov_o => new_ov_SUB_ACC_RAM(i),
- result_a_o => result_a_SUB_ACC_RAM(i)(i-1 downto 0),
- result_b_o => result_b_SUB_ACC_RAM(i)(i-1 downto 0));
- -- Call the test procedure for the SUB_ACC_RAM command
- s_cyi => new_cy_SUB_ACC_RAM(i)((i-1)/4 downto 0),
- s_ovi => new_ov_SUB_ACC_RAM(i),
- s_result => result_a_SUB_ACC_RAM(i)(i-1 downto 0),
- s_cyo => cy_SUB_ACC_RAM(i)((i-1)/4 downto 0),
- s_ovo => ov_SUB_ACC_RAM(i),
- s_operanda => acc_SUB_ACC_RAM(i)(i-1 downto 0),
- s_operandb => ram_data_SUB_ACC_RAM(i)(i-1 downto 0),
- s_sub_end => end_SUB_ACC_RAM(i));
- end generate gen_sub_acc_ram;
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- gen_pass: for i in 1 to MAX_DWIDTH generate
- pass(i+1) <= end_DA(i)
- and pass(i)
- and end_DIV_ACC_RAM(i)
- and end_AND_ACC_RAM(i)
- and end_OR_ACC_RAM(i)
- and end_XOR_ACC_RAM(i)
- and end_ADD_ACC_RAM(i)
- and end_ADDC_ACC_RAM(i)
- and end_SUB_ACC_RAM(i)
- and end_MUL_ACC_RAM(i);
- end generate gen_pass;
- -- The following process guarantees that the simulation is not stopped
- -- (despite the ocurrence of an error situation) till all the instantiated
- -- designs under test have finished their whole test.
- p_endsim: process
- begin -- process p_endsim
- wait until pass(MAX_DWIDTH+1) = true;
- assert false report "SIMULATION ENDED SUCCESSFULLY !!!" severity failure;
- end process p_endsim;
- end sim;