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- -- --
- -- MC8051 - VHDL 8051 Microcontroller IP Core --
- -- Copyright (C) 2001 OREGANO SYSTEMS --
- -- --
- -- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or --
- -- modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public --
- -- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either --
- -- version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. --
- -- --
- -- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, --
- -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of --
- -- Lesser General Public License for more details. --
- -- --
- -- Full details of the license can be found in the file LGPL.TXT. --
- -- --
- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public --
- -- License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software --
- -- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA --
- -- --
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --
- --
- -- Author: Helmut Mayrhofer
- --
- -- Filename: control_mem_rtl.vhd
- --
- -- Date of Creation: Mon Aug 9 12:14:48 1999
- --
- -- Version: $Revision: 1.7 $
- --
- -- Date of Latest Version: $Date: 2002/01/07 12:17:44 $
- --
- --
- -- Description: Describe all sequential funcitonality like read from
- -- special function registers, observe interrupt sources,
- -- write to special function registers, and read or write
- -- to the bit addressable memory area.
- --
- --
- --
- --
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- architecture rtl of control_mem is
- type t_gprbit is array (15 downto 0) of unsigned(7 downto 0);
- subtype muxint is integer range C_IMPL_N_TMR-1 downto 0;
- signal s_help: unsigned (7 downto 0); -- general help-register
- signal s_help16: unsigned (15 downto 0); -- 16 bit help-register
- signal s_helpb : std_logic; -- general help-bit
- signal s_ir: unsigned (7 downto 0); -- reg for saving the command
- signal gprbit: t_gprbit; -- bitadressable general purpose RAM
- signal s_r0_b0: unsigned (7 downto 0); -- Register R0 / Bank 0
- signal s_r1_b0: unsigned (7 downto 0); -- Register R1 / Bank 0
- signal s_r0_b1: unsigned (7 downto 0); -- Register R0 / Bank 1
- signal s_r1_b1: unsigned (7 downto 0); -- Register R1 / Bank 1
- signal s_r0_b2: unsigned (7 downto 0); -- Register R0 / Bank 2
- signal s_r1_b2: unsigned (7 downto 0); -- Register R1 / Bank 2
- signal s_r0_b3: unsigned (7 downto 0); -- Register R0 / Bank 3
- signal s_r1_b3: unsigned (7 downto 0); -- Register R1 / Bank 3
- signal s_reg_data: unsigned (7 downto 0); -- equals reg_data_o
- Signal state: t_state; -- actual state
- signal s_command: std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);
- signal s_pc_inc_en : std_logic_vector (3 downto 0);
- signal s_regs_wr_en : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0);
- signal s_data_mux : std_logic_vector (3 downto 0);
- signal s_bdata_mux : std_logic_vector (3 downto 0);
- signal s_adr_mux : std_logic_vector (3 downto 0);
- signal s_adrx_mux : std_logic_vector (1 downto 0);
- signal s_help_en : std_logic_vector (3 downto 0);
- signal s_help16_en : std_logic_vector (1 downto 0);
- signal s_helpb_en : std_logic;
- signal s_intpre2_d : std_logic;
- signal s_intpre2_en: std_logic;
- signal s_intlow_d : std_logic;
- signal s_intlow_en : std_logic;
- signal s_inthigh_d : std_logic;
- signal s_inthigh_en: std_logic;
- signal s_nextstate : t_state; -- enable signal for state
- signal s_bit_data : std_logic;
- signal s_intpre: std_logic; -- an interrupt must start
- signal s_intpre2: std_logic; -- prepare for interrupt
- signal s_inthigh: std_logic; -- high priority int is running
- signal s_intlow: std_logic; -- low priority int is running
- signal s_int0_edge : t_ext_l;
- signal s_int1_edge : t_ext_l;
- signal s_tf0_edge : t_tmr_l;
- signal s_tf1_edge : t_tmr_l;
- signal s_ri_edge : t_siu_l;
- signal s_ti_edge : t_siu_l;
- signal s_smodreg : t_siu_l;
- signal s_tl0 : t_tmr_us;
- signal s_tl1 : t_tmr_us;
- signal s_th0 : t_tmr_us;
- signal s_th1 : t_tmr_us;
- signal s_sbufi : t_siu_us;
- signal s_reload : t_tmr_us;
- signal s_wt : t_tmr_us2;
- signal s_tf1 : std_logic;
- signal s_tf0 : std_logic;
- signal s_ie1 : std_logic;
- signal s_it1 : std_logic;
- signal s_ie0 : std_logic;
- signal s_it0 : std_logic;
- signal s_ri : std_logic;
- signal s_ti : std_logic;
- signal s_rb8 : std_logic;
- signal s_tb8 : std_logic;
- signal s_ren : std_logic;
- signal s_sm2 : std_logic;
- signal s_sm1 : std_logic;
- signal s_sm0 : std_logic;
- signal s_smod : std_logic;
- signal s_int0_h1 : t_ext_l; -- help-bit for edge detection
- signal s_int0_h2 : t_ext_l;
- signal s_int0_h3 : t_ext_l;
- signal s_int1_h1 : t_ext_l;
- signal s_int1_h2 : t_ext_l;
- signal s_int1_h3 : t_ext_l;
- signal s_tf0_h1,s_tf0_h2 : t_tmr_l;
- signal s_tf1_h1,s_tf1_h2 : t_tmr_l;
- signal s_ri_h1,s_ri_h2 : t_siu_l;
- signal s_ti_h1,s_ti_h2 : t_siu_l;
- signal s_tsel : muxint;
- signal s_ssel : muxint;
- signal s_p : std_logic;
- signal s_p0 : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
- signal s_p1 : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
- signal s_p2 : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
- signal s_p3 : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
- signal pc: unsigned(15 downto 0); -- program counter register
- signal pc_comb: unsigned(15 downto 0); -- program counter
- signal pc_plus1: unsigned(15 downto 0); -- program counter + 1
- signal pc_plus2: unsigned(15 downto 0); -- program counter + 2
- signal s_data : unsigned(7 downto 0);
- signal s_adr : unsigned(7 downto 0);
- signal s_preadr : unsigned(7 downto 0);
- signal s_bdata : std_logic;
- signal s_rr_adr : unsigned (7 downto 0);
- signal s_ri_adr : std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);
- signal s_ri_data : unsigned (7 downto 0);
- -- 8051 standard special-function-register (SFR)
- signal p0: unsigned(7 downto 0);
- signal sp: unsigned(7 downto 0);
- signal dpl: unsigned(7 downto 0);
- signal dph: unsigned(7 downto 0);
- signal pcon: unsigned(3 downto 0);
- signal tcon: t_tmr_lv;
- signal tmod: t_tmr_us;
- signal p1: unsigned(7 downto 0);
- signal scon: t_siu_lv;
- signal sbuf: t_siu_us;
- signal p2: unsigned(7 downto 0);
- signal ie: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
- signal p3: unsigned(7 downto 0);
- signal ip: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
- signal psw: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
- signal acc: unsigned(7 downto 0);
- signal b: unsigned(7 downto 0);
- -- 8051 extended special-function-register
- signal tsel: unsigned(7 downto 0); -- select a Timer-Unit
- signal ssel: unsigned(7 downto 0); -- select a SIU-Unit
- alias CY : std_logic is psw(7);
- alias AC : std_logic is psw(6);
- alias OV : std_logic is psw(2);
- alias EA: std_logic is ie(7);
- alias ES: std_logic is ie(4);
- alias ET1: std_logic is ie(3);
- alias EX1: std_logic is ie(2);
- alias ET0: std_logic is ie(1);
- alias EX0: std_logic is ie(0);
- alias PS0: std_logic is ip(4);
- alias PT1: std_logic is ip(3);
- alias PX1: std_logic is ip(2);
- alias PT0: std_logic is ip(1);
- alias PX0: std_logic is ip(0);
- begin
- -- some simple assignments
- pc_o <= std_logic_vector(pc_comb);
- pc_plus1 <= pc + conv_unsigned(1,1);
- pc_plus2 <= pc + conv_unsigned(2,2);
- ram_adr_o <= std_logic_vector(s_adr(6 downto 0));
- reg_data_o <= std_logic_vector(s_reg_data);
- ram_data_o <= std_logic_vector(s_data);
- acc_o <= std_logic_vector(acc);
- cy_o(1) <= cy;
- ov_o <= ov;
- cy_o(0) <= ac;
- ie_o <= ie;
- ip_o <= ip;
- psw_o <= psw;
- state_o <= state;
- command_o <= s_command;
- ri_o <= s_ri;
- ti_o <= s_ti;
- help_o <= std_logic_vector(s_help);
- bit_data_o <= s_bit_data;
- intpre_o <= s_intpre;
- intpre2_o <= s_intpre2;
- inthigh_o <= s_inthigh;
- intlow_o <= s_intlow;
- tf1_o <= s_tf1;
- tf0_o <= s_tf0;
- ie1_o <= s_ie1;
- it1_o <= s_it1;
- ie0_o <= s_ie0;
- it0_o <= s_it0;
- s_pc_inc_en <= pc_inc_en_i;
- s_nextstate <= nextstate_i;
- s_adr_mux <= adr_mux_i;
- s_adrx_mux <= adrx_mux_i;
- s_data_mux <= data_mux_i;
- s_bdata_mux <= bdata_mux_i;
- s_regs_wr_en <= regs_wr_en_i;
- s_help_en <= help_en_i;
- s_help16_en <= help16_en_i;
- s_helpb_en <= helpb_en_i;
- s_inthigh_en <= inthigh_en_i;
- s_intlow_en <= intlow_en_i;
- s_intpre2_en <= intpre2_en_i;
- s_inthigh_d <= inthigh_d_i;
- s_intlow_d <= intlow_d_i;
- s_intpre2_d <= intpre2_d_i;
- s_tsel <= conv_integer(tsel) when tsel < C_IMPL_N_TMR
- else conv_integer(0); -- selected timer unit is (not) implemented
- s_ssel <= conv_integer(ssel) when ssel < C_IMPL_N_SIU
- else conv_integer(0); -- selected siu unit is (not) implemented
- for_tmr:
- for i in 0 to C_IMPL_N_TMR-1 generate
- all_tcon_tr0_o(i) <= tcon(i)(4);
- all_tcon_tr1_o(i) <= tcon(i)(6);
- all_tmod_o((i*8)+7 downto i*8) <= std_logic_vector(tmod(i));
- s_tl0(i) <= unsigned(all_tl0_i((i*8)+7 downto i*8));
- s_tl1(i) <= unsigned(all_tl1_i((i*8)+7 downto i*8));
- s_th0(i) <= unsigned(all_th0_i((i*8)+7 downto i*8));
- s_th1(i) <= unsigned(all_th1_i((i*8)+7 downto i*8));
- all_reload_o((i*8)+7 downto i*8) <= std_logic_vector(s_reload(i));
- all_wt_o((i*2)+1 downto i*2) <= std_logic_vector(s_wt(i));
- end generate for_tmr;
- s_tf1 <= tcon(s_tsel)(7);
- s_tf0 <= tcon(s_tsel)(5);
- s_ie1 <= tcon(s_tsel)(3);
- s_it1 <= tcon(s_tsel)(2);
- s_ie0 <= tcon(s_tsel)(1);
- s_it0 <= tcon(s_tsel)(0);
- for_siu:
- for i in 0 to C_IMPL_N_SIU-1 generate
- all_scon_o((6*i)+5) <= scon(i)(0); -- RI
- all_scon_o((6*i)+4) <= scon(i)(7); -- SM0
- all_scon_o((6*i)+3) <= scon(i)(6); -- SM1
- all_scon_o((6*i)+2) <= scon(i)(5); -- SM2
- all_scon_o((6*i)+1) <= scon(i)(4); -- REN
- all_scon_o(6*i) <= scon(i)(3); -- TB8
- all_smod_o(i) <= s_smodreg(i); -- SMOD
- all_sbuf_o((8*i)+7 downto 8*i) <= std_logic_vector(sbuf(i));
- s_sbufi(i) <= unsigned(all_sbuf_i((i*8)+7 downto i*8));
- end generate for_siu;
- s_sm0 <= scon(s_ssel)(7);
- s_sm1 <= scon(s_ssel)(6);
- s_sm2 <= scon(s_ssel)(5);
- s_ren <= scon(s_ssel)(4);
- s_tb8 <= scon(s_ssel)(3);
- s_rb8 <= all_scon_i((s_ssel*3)+2);
- s_ti <= scon(s_ssel)(1);
- s_ri <= scon(s_ssel)(0);
- s_smod<= s_smodreg(s_ssel);
- p0_o <= std_logic_vector(p0);
- p1_o <= std_logic_vector(p1);
- p2_o <= std_logic_vector(p2);
- p3_o <= std_logic_vector(p3);
- s_p <= acc(7) xor acc(6) xor acc(5) xor acc(4) xor
- acc(3) xor acc(2) xor acc(1) xor acc(0);
- -- P should be set, if the count
- -- of 1 in the acc is even
- s_command <= rom_data_i when state=FETCH
- else conv_std_logic_vector(s_ir,8);
- s_rr_adr <= unsigned((psw and "00011000") or (rom_data_i
- and "00000111")); -- calculate registerdirect-adress
- s_ri_adr <= ((psw and "00011000") or (s_command(7 downto 0) and "00000001"));
- datax_o <= std_logic_vector(acc);
- wrx_o <= wrx_mux_i;
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- purpose: process to read SFR, bitadressable or normal RAM
- -- inputs: s_adr,s_preadr,sp,dpl,dph,pcon,tcon,tmod,all_tl0_i,
- -- all_tl1_i,all_th0_i,all_th1_i,s_p0,s_p1,all_scon_i,all_sbuf_i,
- -- s_p2,ie,s_p3,ip,psw,acc,b,gprbit,ram_data_i
- -- outputs: s_reg_data, s_bit_data
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- p_readram : process (s_preadr,s_p0,sp,dpl,dph,pcon,tcon,tmod,s_p1,scon,s_p2,
- ie,s_p3,ip,psw,acc,b,gprbit,ram_data_i,s_r0_b0,s_r1_b0,
- s_r0_b1,s_r1_b1,s_r0_b2,s_r1_b2,s_r0_b3,s_r1_b3,
- s_smod,s_sm0,s_sm1,s_sm2,s_ren,s_tb8,s_rb8,s_ti,s_ri,
- s_sbufi,s_th1,s_th0,s_ssel,s_tsel,s_tl1,s_tl0,
- ssel,tsel)
- begin
- if s_preadr(7)='1' then
- case conv_integer(s_preadr) is -- read one byte of a SFR
- when 16#80# => s_reg_data <= unsigned(s_p0);
- when 16#81# => s_reg_data <= sp;
- when 16#82# => s_reg_data <= dpl;
- when 16#83# => s_reg_data <= dph;
- when 16#87# =>
- s_reg_data(7) <= s_smod;
- s_reg_data(6 downto 4) <= "000";
- s_reg_data(3 downto 0) <= pcon;
- when 16#88# => s_reg_data <= unsigned(tcon(s_tsel));
- when 16#89# => s_reg_data <= unsigned(tmod(s_tsel));
- when 16#8A# => s_reg_data <= s_tl0(s_tsel);
- when 16#8B# => s_reg_data <= s_tl1(s_tsel);
- when 16#8C# => s_reg_data <= s_th0(s_tsel);
- when 16#8D# => s_reg_data <= s_th1(s_tsel);
- when 16#8E# => s_reg_data <= tsel;
- when 16#90# => s_reg_data <= unsigned(s_p1);
- when 16#98# =>
- s_reg_data(0) <= s_ri; -- from SCON register
- s_reg_data(1) <= s_ti; -- from SCON register
- s_reg_data(2) <= s_rb8; -- read extern input!!!
- s_reg_data(3) <= s_tb8;
- s_reg_data(4) <= s_ren;
- s_reg_data(5) <= s_sm2;
- s_reg_data(6) <= s_sm1;
- s_reg_data(7) <= s_sm0;
- when 16#99# => s_reg_data <= s_sbufi(s_ssel);
- when 16#9A# => s_reg_data <= ssel;
- when 16#A0# => s_reg_data <= unsigned(s_p2);
- when 16#A8# => s_reg_data <= unsigned(ie);
- when 16#B0# => s_reg_data <= unsigned(s_p3);
- when 16#B8# => s_reg_data <= unsigned(ip);
- when 16#D0# => s_reg_data <= unsigned(psw);
- when 16#E0# => s_reg_data <= acc;
- when 16#F0# => s_reg_data <= b;
- when others => s_reg_data <= conv_unsigned(0,8);
- end case;
- -- read one byte to bitadressable GPR
- elsif conv_std_logic_vector(s_preadr(7 downto 4),4)="0010" then
- s_reg_data <= gprbit(conv_integer(s_preadr(3 downto 0)));
- elsif conv_std_logic_vector(s_preadr,8)="00000000" then
- s_reg_data <= s_r0_b0; -- read R0 / Bank 0
- elsif conv_std_logic_vector(s_preadr,8)="00000001" then
- s_reg_data <= s_r1_b0; -- read R1 / Bank 0
- elsif conv_std_logic_vector(s_preadr,8)="00001000" then
- s_reg_data <= s_r0_b1; -- read R0 / Bank 1
- elsif conv_std_logic_vector(s_preadr,8)="00001001" then
- s_reg_data <= s_r1_b1; -- read R1 / Bank 1
- elsif conv_std_logic_vector(s_preadr,8)="00010000" then
- s_reg_data <= s_r0_b2; -- read R0 / Bank 2
- elsif conv_std_logic_vector(s_preadr,8)="00010001" then
- s_reg_data <= s_r1_b2; -- read R1 / Bank 2
- elsif conv_std_logic_vector(s_preadr,8)="00011000" then
- s_reg_data <= s_r0_b3; -- read R0 / Bank 3
- elsif conv_std_logic_vector(s_preadr,8)="00011001" then
- s_reg_data <= s_r1_b3; -- read R1 / Bank 3
- else -- read on general purpose RAM
- s_reg_data <= unsigned(ram_data_i);
- end if;
- if s_preadr(7)='1' then
- case s_preadr(6 downto 3) is -- read only one bit from a SFR
- when "0000" => s_bit_data <= s_p0(conv_integer(s_preadr(2 downto 0)));
- when "0001" =>
- s_bit_data <= tcon(s_tsel)(conv_integer(s_preadr(2 downto 0)));
- when "0010" => s_bit_data <= s_p1(conv_integer(s_preadr(2 downto 0)));
- when "0011" =>
- if conv_integer(s_preadr(2 downto 0))=2 then
- s_bit_data <= s_rb8;
- else
- s_bit_data <= scon(s_ssel)(conv_integer(s_preadr(2 downto 0)));
- end if;
- when "0100" => s_bit_data <= s_p2(conv_integer(s_preadr(2 downto 0)));
- when "0101" => s_bit_data <= ie(conv_integer(s_preadr(2 downto 0)));
- when "0110" => s_bit_data <= s_p3(conv_integer(s_preadr(2 downto 0)));
- when "0111" => s_bit_data <= ip(conv_integer(s_preadr(2 downto 0)));
- when "1010" => s_bit_data <= psw(conv_integer(s_preadr(2 downto 0)));
- when "1100" => s_bit_data <= acc(conv_integer(s_preadr(2 downto 0)));
- when "1110" => s_bit_data <= b(conv_integer(s_preadr(2 downto 0)));
- when others => s_bit_data <= '0';
- end case;
- else -- read one bit from bitadressable GP
- s_bit_data <= gprbit(conv_integer(s_preadr(6 downto 3)))
- (conv_integer(s_preadr(2 downto 0)));
- end if;
- end process p_readram;
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- detect the rising/falling edge of interupt-sources
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- for_intext_edge:
- for i in 0 to C_IMPL_N_EXT-1 generate
- -- falling edge of int0_i
- s_int0_edge(i) <= not s_int0_h2(i) and s_int0_h3(i);
- -- falling edge of int1_i
- s_int1_edge(i) <= not s_int1_h2(i) and s_int1_h3(i);
- end generate for_intext_edge;
- for_tf_edge:
- for i in 0 to C_IMPL_N_TMR-1 generate
- -- on rising edge of tf0_i
- s_tf0_edge(i) <= s_tf0_h1(i) and not s_tf0_h2(i);
- -- on rising edge of tf1_i
- s_tf1_edge(i) <= s_tf1_h1(i) and not s_tf1_h2(i);
- end generate for_tf_edge;
- for_siu_edge:
- for i in 0 to C_IMPL_N_SIU-1 generate
- -- on rising edge of RI
- s_ri_edge(i) <= s_ri_h1(i) and not s_ri_h2(i);
- -- on rising edge of TI
- s_ti_edge(i) <= s_ti_h1(i) and not s_ti_h2(i);
- end generate for_siu_edge;
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- purpose: write some help-regs for detecting the falling/rising edge
- -- of interupt-sources
- -- inputs: clk,reset,int0_i,int1_i,all_tf0_i,all_tf1_i,all_scon_i,
- -- s_tf0_h1,s_tf1_h1,s_ri_h1,s_ti_h1
- -- outputs: s_int0_h1,s_int0_h2,s_int0_h3,s_int1_h1,s_int1_h2,s_int1_h3,
- -- s_tf0_h1,s_tf0_h2
- -- s_tf1_h1,s_tf1_h2,s_ri_h1,s_ri_h2,s_ti_h1,s_ti_h2
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- iep: process (clk,reset)
- begin -- process iep
- -- activities triggered by asynchronous reset
- if reset = '1' then
- s_int0_h1 <= (others => '1');
- s_int0_h2 <= (others => '1');
- s_int0_h3 <= (others => '1');
- s_int1_h1 <= (others => '1');
- s_int1_h2 <= (others => '1');
- s_int1_h3 <= (others => '1');
- s_tf0_h1 <= (others => '0');
- s_tf0_h2 <= (others => '0');
- s_tf1_h1 <= (others => '0');
- s_tf1_h2 <= (others => '0');
- s_ri_h1 <= (others => '0');
- s_ri_h2 <= (others => '0');
- s_ti_h1 <= (others => '0');
- s_ti_h2 <= (others => '0');
- -- activities triggered by rising edge of clock
- elsif clk'event and clk = '1' then
- for i in 0 to C_IMPL_N_EXT-1 loop
- s_int0_h1(i) <= int0_i(i); -- external INT0
- s_int0_h2(i) <= s_int0_h1(i);
- s_int0_h3(i) <= s_int0_h2(i);
- s_int1_h1(i) <= int1_i(i); -- external INT1
- s_int1_h2(i) <= s_int1_h1(i);
- s_int1_h3(i) <= s_int1_h2(i);
- end loop;
- for i in 0 to C_IMPL_N_TMR-1 loop
- s_tf0_h1(i) <= all_tf0_i(i); -- TF0 flags
- s_tf0_h2(i) <= s_tf0_h1(i);
- s_tf1_h1(i) <= all_tf1_i(i); -- TF1 flags
- s_tf1_h2(i) <= s_tf1_h1(i);
- -- all_xxx is a std_logic_vector, s_xxx is a array of std_logic !!!
- end loop;
- for i in 0 to C_IMPL_N_SIU-1 loop
- s_ri_h1(i) <= all_scon_i(i*3); -- RI flag
- s_ri_h2(i) <= s_ri_h1(i);
- s_ti_h1(i) <= all_scon_i((i*3)+1); -- TI flag
- s_ti_h2(i) <= s_ti_h1(i);
- -- all_xxx is a std_logic_vector, s_xxx is a array of std_logic !!!
- end loop;
- end if;
- end process iep;
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- purpose: check the interupt-sources and start an interupt if necessary
- -- inputs: ie,ip,scon,tcon,s_inthigh,s_intlow,s_ti,s_ri,s_ie0,
- -- s_ie1,s_tf0,s_tf1
- -- outputs: s_intpre
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- intpre : process (ie,ip,scon,tcon,s_inthigh,s_intlow,s_ti,s_ri,s_ie0,
- s_ie1,s_tf0,s_tf1)
- begin
- if (EA='1' and (EX0='1' or ET0='1' or EX1='1' or ET1='1' or ES='1')) then
- if s_inthigh='1' then -- interrupt with high priority is running
- s_intpre <= '0';
- elsif s_intlow='1' then -- interrupt with low priority is running
- if ((PX0 and EX0 and s_ie0) or
- (PT0 and ET0 and s_tf0) or
- (PX1 and EX1 and s_ie1) or
- (PT1 and ET1 and s_tf1) or
- (PS0 and ES and (s_ri or s_ti)))='1' then
- s_intpre <= '1'; -- a second interrupt must start
- else
- s_intpre <= '0';
- end if;
- else -- no interrupt is running
- if ((EX0 and s_ie0) or
- (ET0 and s_tf0) or
- (EX1 and s_ie1) or
- (ET1 and s_tf1) or
- (ES and (s_ri or s_ti)))='1' then
- s_intpre <= '1'; -- an interrupt must start
- else
- s_intpre <= '0';
- end if;
- end if;
- else -- no interrupt must be carry out
- s_intpre <= '0';
- end if;
- end process intpre;
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- purpose: this are the main-multiplexer for reading and writing regs
- -- inputs: s_data_mux,pc,aludata_i,s_reg_data,rom_data_i,acc,
- -- s_bdata_mux,s_bit_data,psw,new_cy_i,s_helpb,sp,s_rr_adr,
- -- s_ri_data,s_help,s_adr_mux,s_adr,s_regs_wr_en,pc_plus2,
- -- s_help16,s_ri_adr,s_r0_b0,s_r1_b0,s_r0_b1,s_r1_b1,
- -- s_r0_b2,s_r1_b2,s_r0_b3,s_r1_b3
- -- outputs: s_data,s_bdata,s_adr,s_ri_data,ram_wr_o
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- p_multiplexer : process (s_data_mux,pc,aludata_i,s_reg_data,rom_data_i,acc,
- s_bdata_mux,s_bit_data,psw,new_cy_i,s_helpb,sp,s_rr_adr,
- s_ri_data,s_help,s_adr_mux,s_adr,s_regs_wr_en,pc_plus2,
- s_help16,s_ri_adr,s_r0_b0,s_r1_b0,s_r0_b1,s_r1_b1,
- s_r0_b2,s_r1_b2,s_r0_b3,s_r1_b3,s_adrx_mux,dph,dpl,
- datax_i)
- begin
- case s_data_mux is
- when "0000" => s_data <= conv_unsigned(0,8);
- when "0001" => s_data <= pc(7 downto 0);
- when "0010" => s_data <= pc(15 downto 8);
- when "0011" => s_data <= unsigned(aludata_i);
- when "0100" => s_data <= s_reg_data;
- when "0101" => s_data <= unsigned(rom_data_i);
- when "0110" => s_data <= acc;
- when "0111" =>
- s_data(7 downto 4) <= acc(3 downto 0);
- s_data(3 downto 0) <= acc(7 downto 4);
- when "1001" =>
- s_data(7 downto 4) <= s_reg_data(7 downto 4);
- s_data(3 downto 0) <= s_help(3 downto 0);
- when "1010" =>
- s_data(7 downto 4) <= acc(7 downto 4);
- s_data(3 downto 0) <= s_reg_data(3 downto 0);
- when "1100" => s_data <= s_help16(7 downto 0);
- when "1101" => s_data <= s_help16(15 downto 8);
- when "1110" => s_data <= pc_plus2(7 downto 0);
- when "1111" => s_data <= unsigned(datax_i);
- when others => s_data <= conv_unsigned(0,8);
- end case;
- case s_bdata_mux is
- when "0000" => s_bdata <= '0';
- when "0001" => s_bdata <= s_bit_data and cy;
- when "0010" => s_bdata <= not(s_bit_data and cy);
- when "0011" => s_bdata <= new_cy_i(1);
- when "0100" => s_bdata <= s_helpb;
- when "0101" => s_bdata <= not cy;
- when "0110" => s_bdata <= not s_bit_data;
- when "0111" => s_bdata <= s_bit_data;
- when "1000" => s_bdata <= cy;
- when "1001" => s_bdata <= s_bit_data or cy;
- when "1010" => s_bdata <= not(s_bit_data or cy);
- when "1011" => s_bdata <= '1';
- when others => s_bdata <= '0';
- end case;
- case s_adr_mux is
- when "0000" => s_adr <= conv_unsigned(0,8);
- when "0001" => s_adr <= conv_unsigned(16#89#,8);
- when "0010" => s_adr <= conv_unsigned(16#8D#,8);
- when "0011" => s_adr <= conv_unsigned(16#8B#,8);
- when "0100" => s_adr <= conv_unsigned(16#8F#,8);
- when "0101" => s_adr <= sp;
- when "0110" => s_adr <= s_rr_adr;
- when "0111" => s_adr <= s_ri_data;
- when "1000" => s_adr <= unsigned(rom_data_i);
- when "1001" => s_adr <= s_reg_data;
- when "1010" => s_adr <= s_help ;
- when "1011" => s_adr <= conv_unsigned(16#D7#,8);
- when "1100" => s_adr <= conv_unsigned(16#F0#,8);
- when "1101" => s_adr <= conv_unsigned(16#82#,8);
- when "1110" => s_adr <= conv_unsigned(16#83#,8);
- when "1111" => s_adr <= sp + conv_unsigned(1,1);
- when others => s_adr <= conv_unsigned(0,8);
- end case;
- case s_adrx_mux is
- when "00" => adrx_o <= (others => '0');
- when "01" =>
- adrx_o(15 downto 8) <= std_logic_vector(dph);
- adrx_o(7 downto 0) <= std_logic_vector(dpl);
- when "10" =>
- adrx_o(15 downto 8) <= (others => '0');
- adrx_o(7 downto 0) <= std_logic_vector(s_ri_data);
- when others => adrx_o <= (others => '0');
- end case;
- case s_ri_adr is
- when "00000000" => s_ri_data <= s_r0_b0;
- when "00000001" => s_ri_data <= s_r1_b0;
- when "00001000" => s_ri_data <= s_r0_b1;
- when "00001001" => s_ri_data <= s_r1_b1;
- when "00010000" => s_ri_data <= s_r0_b2;
- when "00010001" => s_ri_data <= s_r1_b2;
- when "00011000" => s_ri_data <= s_r0_b3;
- when "00011001" => s_ri_data <= s_r1_b3;
- when others => s_ri_data <= conv_unsigned(0,8);
- end case;
- if ((s_regs_wr_en="100") or (s_regs_wr_en="101")) then -- write one byte
- if ((s_adr(7)='1') or -- SFR
- (conv_std_logic_vector(s_adr(7 downto 4),4)="0010") -- bitadressable
- or ((std_logic_vector(s_adr) AND "11100110") = "00000000")) -- R0,R1
- then
- ram_wr_o <= '0';
- else
- ram_wr_o <= '1'; -- to RAM-block
- end if;
- else
- ram_wr_o <= '0';
- end if;
- end process p_multiplexer;
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- purpose: writes internal registers, on which the user have no
- -- direct access
- -- inputs: reset,clk,s_nextstate,state,s_help_en,
- -- rom_data_i,aludata_i,s_reg_data,s_rr_adr,new_cy_i
- -- outputs: state,s_ir,s_help,s_help16,s_helpb,s_intpre2,s_intlow,
- -- s_inthigh,s_preadr
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- p_wr_internal_reg : process (reset,clk)
- begin
- if reset='1' then
- state <= STARTUP;
- s_ir <= conv_unsigned(0,8);
- s_help <= conv_unsigned(0,8);
- s_help16 <= conv_unsigned(0,16);
- s_helpb <= '0';
- s_intpre2 <= '0';
- s_intlow <= '0';
- s_inthigh <= '0';
- s_preadr <= conv_unsigned(0,8);
- pc <= conv_unsigned(0,16);
- s_p0 <= "11111111";
- s_p1 <= "11111111";
- s_p2 <= "11111111";
- s_p3 <= "11111111";
- else
- if Rising_Edge(clk) then
- state <= s_nextstate; -- update current state
- if state=FETCH then
- s_ir <= unsigned(rom_data_i); -- save OP-Code in IR
- end if;
- case s_help_en is
- when "0000" => NULL;
- when "0001" => s_help <= unsigned(rom_data_i);
- when "0010" => s_help <= unsigned(aludata_i);
- when "0011" => s_help <= s_reg_data;
- when "0100" => s_help <= s_rr_adr;
- when "0101" => s_help <= conv_unsigned(16#03#,8);
- when "0110" => s_help <= conv_unsigned(16#0B#,8);
- when "0111" => s_help <= conv_unsigned(16#13#,8);
- when "1000" => s_help <= conv_unsigned(16#1B#,8);
- when "1001" => s_help <= conv_unsigned(16#23#,8);
- when "1010" => s_help <= acc;
- when others => NULL;
- end case;
- case s_help16_en is
- when "00" => NULL;
- when "01" => s_help16 <= pc + conv_unsigned(3,2);
- when "10" => s_help16 <= pc_plus2;
- when "11" => s_help16 <= pc_plus1;
- when others => NULL;
- end case;
- case s_helpb_en is
- when '0' => NULL;
- when '1' => s_helpb <= new_cy_i(1);
- when others => NULL;
- end case;
- if s_intpre2_en='1' then -- help-reg for s_intpre
- s_intpre2 <= s_intpre2_d;
- else
- end if;
- if s_intlow_en='1' then
- s_intlow <= s_intlow_d;
- else
- end if;
- if s_inthigh_en='1' then
- s_inthigh <= s_inthigh_d;
- else
- end if;
- s_preadr <= s_adr;
- pc <= pc_comb; -- write pc-register
- s_p0 <= p0_i;
- s_p1 <= p1_i;
- s_p2 <= p2_i;
- s_p3 <= p3_i;
- end if;
- end if;
- end process p_wr_internal_reg;
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- purpose: calculate the next PC-adress
- -- inputs: s_pc_inc_en,pc_plus1,rom_data_i,s_intpre2,s_help,s_command,
- -- s_help16,s_ir,dph,dpl,acc,s_reg_data,pc
- -- outputs: pc_comb
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- p_pc : process (s_pc_inc_en,pc_plus1,rom_data_i,s_help,
- s_help16,s_ir,dph,dpl,acc,s_reg_data,pc)
- variable v_dptr: unsigned(15 downto 0);
- begin
- v_dptr(15 downto 8) := dph;
- v_dptr(7 downto 0) := dpl;
- case s_pc_inc_en is
- when "0001" => -- increment PC
- pc_comb <= pc_plus1;
- when "0010" => -- for relativ jumps and calls
- pc_comb <= conv_unsigned(pc_plus1 + signed(rom_data_i),16);
- when "0011" => -- load interrupt vectoradress
- pc_comb(15 downto 8) <= conv_unsigned(0,8);
- pc_comb(7 downto 0) <= s_help;
- when "0100" => -- ACALL and AJMP
- pc_comb(15 downto 11) <= s_help16(15 downto 11);
- pc_comb(10 downto 8) <= s_ir(7 downto 5);
- pc_comb(7 downto 0) <= unsigned(rom_data_i);
- when "0101" => -- JMP_A_DPTR, MOVC_A_ATDPTR
- pc_comb <= v_dptr + conv_unsigned(acc,8);
- when "0110" => -- MOVC
- pc_comb <= s_help16;
- when "0111" => -- LJMP, LCALL
- pc_comb(15 downto 8) <= s_help;
- pc_comb(7 downto 0) <= unsigned(rom_data_i);
- when "1000" => -- RET, RETI
- pc_comb(15 downto 8) <= s_help;
- pc_comb(7 downto 0) <= s_reg_data;
- when "1001" => -- MOVC_A_ATPC
- pc_comb <= pc_plus1 + conv_unsigned(acc,8);
- when others => pc_comb <= pc;
- end case;
- end process p_pc;
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- purpose: write RAM, SFR or bitadressable Registers
- -- inputs: reset,clk
- -- outputs: SFR, gprbit
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- p_write_ram : process (reset,clk)
- begin
- if reset='1' then
- ram_en_o <= '0';
- gprbit(0) <= conv_unsigned(0,8);
- gprbit(1) <= conv_unsigned(0,8);
- gprbit(2) <= conv_unsigned(0,8);
- gprbit(3) <= conv_unsigned(0,8);
- gprbit(4) <= conv_unsigned(0,8);
- gprbit(5) <= conv_unsigned(0,8);
- gprbit(6) <= conv_unsigned(0,8);
- gprbit(7) <= conv_unsigned(0,8);
- gprbit(8) <= conv_unsigned(0,8);
- gprbit(9) <= conv_unsigned(0,8);
- gprbit(10) <= conv_unsigned(0,8);
- gprbit(11) <= conv_unsigned(0,8);
- gprbit(12) <= conv_unsigned(0,8);
- gprbit(13) <= conv_unsigned(0,8);
- gprbit(14) <= conv_unsigned(0,8);
- gprbit(15) <= conv_unsigned(0,8);
- s_r0_b0 <= conv_unsigned(0,8);
- s_r1_b0 <= conv_unsigned(0,8);
- s_r0_b1 <= conv_unsigned(0,8);
- s_r1_b1 <= conv_unsigned(0,8);
- s_r0_b2 <= conv_unsigned(0,8);
- s_r1_b2 <= conv_unsigned(0,8);
- s_r0_b3 <= conv_unsigned(0,8);
- s_r1_b3 <= conv_unsigned(0,8);
- p0 <= conv_unsigned(255,8);
- sp <= conv_unsigned(7,8);
- dpl <= conv_unsigned(0,8);
- dph <= conv_unsigned(0,8);
- pcon <= conv_unsigned(0,4);
- tcon <= (others => (others => '0'));
- tmod <= (others => (others => '0'));
- tsel <= conv_unsigned(0,8);
- p1 <= conv_unsigned(255,8);
- scon <= (others => (others => '0'));
- s_smodreg <= (others => '0');
- sbuf <= (others => (others => '0'));
- ssel <= conv_unsigned(0,8);
- p2 <= conv_unsigned(255,8);
- ie <= conv_std_logic_vector(0,8);
- p3 <= conv_unsigned(255,8);
- ip <= conv_std_logic_vector(0,8);
- psw <= conv_std_logic_vector(0,8);
- acc <= conv_unsigned(0,8);
- b <= conv_unsigned(0,8);
- s_reload <= (others => (others => '0'));
- all_wt_en_o <= (others => '0');
- s_wt <= (others => (others => '0'));
- all_trans_o <= (others => '0');
- else
- ram_en_o <= '1';
- if Rising_Edge(clk) then
- all_wt_en_o <= ( others => '0' ); -- default values
- all_trans_o <= ( others => '0' );
- psw(0) <= s_p;
- for i in 0 to C_IMPL_N_TMR-1 loop
- tcon(i)(3) <= tcon(i)(3) or ((tcon(i)(2) and s_int1_edge(i)) or
- (not tcon(i)(2) and not s_int1_h2(i)));
- tcon(i)(1) <= tcon(i)(1) or ((tcon(i)(0) and s_int0_edge(i)) or
- (not tcon(i)(0) and not s_int0_h2(i)));
- tcon(i)(5) <= tcon(i)(5) or s_tf0_edge(i);
- tcon(i)(7) <= tcon(i)(7) or s_tf1_edge(i);
- end loop;
- -- update TF1, TF0 and IE1, IE0 in dependance on the IT flags
- for i in 0 to C_IMPL_N_SIU-1 loop
- scon(i)(0) <= scon(i)(0) or s_ri_edge(i);
- scon(i)(1) <= scon(i)(1) or s_ti_edge(i);
- end loop;
- case s_regs_wr_en is
- when "001" => -- inc or dec SP
- case s_command is
- when RET | RETI =>
- sp <= sp - conv_unsigned(1,1);
- when others =>
- sp <= sp + conv_unsigned(1,1);
- end case;
- when "010" => -- write to ACC
- acc <= s_data;
- when "011" => -- write to ACC and PSW
- acc <= s_data;
- psw(7) <= new_cy_i(1);
- psw(6) <= new_cy_i(0);
- psw(2) <= new_ov_i;
- when "100" | "101" =>
- case s_regs_wr_en is -- sp register
- when "100" => if conv_integer(s_adr)=16#81# then
- sp <= s_data;
- end if;
- when "101" => if s_command = POP then
- sp <= sp - conv_unsigned(1,1);
- else
- sp <= sp + conv_unsigned(1,1);
- end if;
- when others => NULL;
- end case;
- if s_adr(7)='1' then
- case conv_integer(s_adr) is -- write one byte of a SFR
- when 16#80# => p0 <= s_data;
- when 16#82# => dpl <= s_data;
- when 16#83# => dph <= s_data;
- when 16#87# =>
- pcon <= s_data(3 downto 0);
- s_smodreg(s_ssel) <= s_data(7);
- when 16#88# => tcon(s_tsel) <= std_logic_vector(s_data);
- when 16#89# => tmod(s_tsel) <= s_data;
- when 16#8A# =>
- s_reload(s_tsel) <= s_data; -- tl0
- s_wt(s_tsel) <= "00";
- all_wt_en_o(s_tsel) <= '1';
- when 16#8B# =>
- s_reload(s_tsel) <= s_data; -- tl1
- s_wt(s_tsel) <= "01";
- all_wt_en_o(s_tsel) <= '1';
- when 16#8C# =>
- s_reload(s_tsel) <= s_data; -- th0
- s_wt(s_tsel) <= "10";
- all_wt_en_o(s_tsel) <= '1';
- when 16#8D# =>
- s_reload(s_tsel) <= s_data; -- th1
- s_wt(s_tsel) <= "11";
- all_wt_en_o(s_tsel) <= '1';
- when 16#8E# => tsel <= s_data;
- when 16#90# => p1 <= s_data;
- when 16#98# => scon(s_ssel) <= std_logic_vector(s_data);
- when 16#99# =>
- sbuf(s_ssel) <= s_data;
- all_trans_o(s_ssel) <= '1';
- when 16#9A# => ssel <= s_data;
- when 16#A0# => p2 <= s_data;
- when 16#A8# => ie <= conv_std_logic_vector(s_data,8);
- when 16#B0# => p3 <= s_data;
- when 16#B8# => ip <= conv_std_logic_vector(s_data,8);
- when 16#D0# =>
- psw(7 downto 1) <= conv_std_logic_vector(s_data(7 downto 1),7);
- when 16#E0# => acc <= s_data;
- when 16#F0# => b <= s_data;
- when others => NULL;
- end case;
- -- write one byte to bitadressable GPR
- elsif conv_std_logic_vector(s_adr(7 downto 4),4)="0010" then
- gprbit(conv_integer(s_adr(3 downto 0))) <= s_data;
- elsif conv_std_logic_vector(s_adr,8)="00000000" then
- s_r0_b0 <= s_data; -- write R0 / Bank 0
- elsif conv_std_logic_vector(s_adr,8)="00000001" then
- s_r1_b0 <= s_data; -- write R1 / Bank 0
- elsif conv_std_logic_vector(s_adr,8)="00001000" then
- s_r0_b1 <= s_data; -- write R0 / Bank 1
- elsif conv_std_logic_vector(s_adr,8)="00001001" then
- s_r1_b1 <= s_data; -- write R1 / Bank 1
- elsif conv_std_logic_vector(s_adr,8)="00010000" then
- s_r0_b2 <= s_data; -- write R0 / Bank 2
- elsif conv_std_logic_vector(s_adr,8)="00010001" then
- s_r1_b2 <= s_data; -- write R1 / Bank 2
- elsif conv_std_logic_vector(s_adr,8)="00011000" then
- s_r0_b3 <= s_data; -- write R0 / Bank 3
- elsif conv_std_logic_vector(s_adr,8)="00011001" then
- s_r1_b3 <= s_data; -- write R1 / Bank 3
- else -- write on general purpose RAM
- end if;
- when "110" =>
- case s_command is
- when ANL_C_BIT |
- ORL_C_NBIT => psw(7) <= s_bdata; -- write CY
- when others =>
- if s_adr(7)='1' then
- case s_adr(6 downto 3) is -- write only one bit of an SFR
- when "0000" =>
- p0(conv_integer(s_adr(2 downto 0))) <= s_bdata;
- when "0001" =>
- tcon(s_tsel)(conv_integer(s_adr(2 downto 0))) <= s_bdata;
- when "0010" =>
- p1(conv_integer(s_adr(2 downto 0))) <= s_bdata;
- when "0011" =>
- scon(s_ssel)(conv_integer(s_adr(2 downto 0))) <= s_bdata;
- when "0100" =>
- p2(conv_integer(s_adr(2 downto 0))) <= s_bdata;
- when "0101" =>
- ie(conv_integer(s_adr(2 downto 0))) <= s_bdata;
- when "0110" =>
- p3(conv_integer(s_adr(2 downto 0))) <= s_bdata;
- when "0111" =>
- ip(conv_integer(s_adr(2 downto 0))) <= s_bdata;
- when "1010" =>
- case s_adr(2 downto 0) is
- when "000" => NULL;
- when "001" => psw(1) <= s_bdata;
- when "010" => psw(2) <= s_bdata;
- when "011" => psw(3) <= s_bdata;
- when "100" => psw(4) <= s_bdata;
- when "101" => psw(5) <= s_bdata;
- when "110" => psw(6) <= s_bdata;
- when "111" => psw(7) <= s_bdata;
- when others => NULL;
- end case;
- when "1100" =>
- acc(conv_integer(s_adr(2 downto 0))) <= s_bdata;
- when "1110" =>
- b(conv_integer(s_adr(2 downto 0))) <= s_bdata;
- when others => NULL;
- end case;
- else -- write one bit to bitadressable GP
- gprbit(conv_integer(s_adr(6 downto 3)))
- (conv_integer(s_adr(2 downto 0))) <= s_bdata;
- end if;
- end case;
- when "111" =>
- case s_command is
- when DA_A | RLC_A | RRC_A => -- write ACC, CY
- acc <= s_data;
- psw(7) <= new_cy_i(1);
- when DIV_AB | MUL_AB => -- write ACC, B, CY, OV
- acc <= s_data;
- b <= unsigned(aludatb_i);
- psw(7) <= '0';
- psw(2) <= new_ov_i;
- when others => NULL;
- end case;
- when others => NULL;
- end case;
- end if;
- end if;
- end process p_write_ram;
- end rtl;