- #ifndef __resiter1_hh__
- #define __resiter1_hh__
- #include <iterator>
- using namespace std;
- #include "defs.h"
- #include "row1.hh"
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <class OnType, class ReturnType, class SizeType, class DiffType>
- class subscript_iterator;
- //: A container adapter to make a container into a Random Access Container.
- // The requirements are that the container has the member functions
- // *operator[] (SizeType)* _and_ *size()* defined.
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <class OnType, class ValueType, class ReturnType = const ValueType&, class SizeType = unsigned int, class DiffType = int>
- class const_subscript_container
- {
- public:
- typedef const_subscript_container<OnType,ValueType,ReturnType,SizeType,DiffType>
- this_type; //:
- typedef subscript_iterator<const this_type, ReturnType, SizeType, DiffType>
- iterator; //:
- typedef iterator const_iterator; //:
- typedef const std::reverse_iterator<iterator, ValueType> reverse_iterator; //:
- typedef const std::reverse_iterator<const_iterator, ValueType> const_reverse_iterator; //:
- typedef ValueType value_type; //:
- typedef value_type& reference; //:
- typedef value_type& const_reference; //:
- typedef value_type* pointer; //:
- typedef value_type* const_pointer; //:
- typedef DiffType difference_type; //:
- typedef SizeType size_type; //:
- //---------------------------------------------
- virtual size_type size() const = 0; //:
- virtual ReturnType operator[] (SizeType i) const = 0; //:
- size_type max_size() const {return size();} //:
- bool empty() const {return size()==0;} //:
- iterator begin() const {return iterator(this, 0);} //:
- iterator end() const {return iterator(this, size());} //:
- reverse_iterator rbegin() const {return reverse_iterator(end());} //:
- reverse_iterator rend() const {return reverse_iterator(begin());} //:
- };
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <class OnType, class ReturnType, class SizeType, class DiffType>
- class subscript_iterator : public iterator<random_access_iterator_tag, ReturnType, SizeType>
- {
- private:
- SizeType i;
- OnType *d;
- public:
- subscript_iterator() {};
- subscript_iterator(OnType *what, SizeType pos) {d=what; i=pos;}
- bool operator == (const subscript_iterator &j) const
- {if (d == j.d && i==j.i) return true; return false;}
- bool operator != (const subscript_iterator &j) const
- {if (d == j.d && i!=j.i) return true; return false;}
- bool operator < (const subscript_iterator &j) const
- {if (d == j.d && i < j.i) return true; return false;}
- bool operator > (const subscript_iterator &j) const
- {if (d == j.d && i > j.i) return true; return false;}
- bool operator <= (const subscript_iterator &j) const
- {if (d == j.d && i<=j.i) return true; return false;}
- bool operator >= (const subscript_iterator &j) const
- {if (d == j.d && i>=j.i) return true; return false;}
- ReturnType* operator ->() const {return &((*d)[i]);}
- ReturnType operator * () const {return (*d)[i];}
- ReturnType operator [] (SizeType n) const {return (*d)[n];}
- subscript_iterator& operator ++ () {i++; return *this;}
- subscript_iterator operator ++ (int)
- {subscript_iterator tmp = *this; i++; return tmp;}
- subscript_iterator& operator -- () {i--; return *this;}
- subscript_iterator operator -- (int)
- {subscript_iterator tmp = *this; i--; return tmp;}
- subscript_iterator& operator += (SizeType n) {i=i+n; return *this;}
- subscript_iterator operator + (SizeType n) const
- {subscript_iterator tmp = *this; tmp.i+=n; return tmp;}
- subscript_iterator& operator -= (SizeType n) {i=i-n; return *this;}
- subscript_iterator operator - (SizeType n) const
- {subscript_iterator tmp = *this; tmp.i-=n; return tmp;}
- DiffType operator - (const subscript_iterator &j) const
- {if (d == j.d) return (SizeType)i - j.i; return 0;}
- };
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <class OnType, class ReturnType, class SizeType, class DiffType>
- inline subscript_iterator<OnType,ReturnType,SizeType,DiffType> operator +
- (SizeType x, const subscript_iterator <OnType,ReturnType,SizeType,DiffType>& y)
- {
- return y + x;
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #endif