- #ifndef __row1_hh__
- #define __row1_hh__
- #include <vector>
- #include <string>
- using namespace std ;
- #include "bad_query.hh"
- #include "defs.h"
- //#include "define_short.h"
- #include "coldata1.hh"
- #include "resiter1.hh"
- #include "vallist1.hh"
- template <class ThisType, class Res>
- class RowTemplate {
- protected:
- virtual ThisType& self() = 0;
- virtual const ThisType& self() const = 0;
- public:
- virtual const Res & parent() const = 0;
- //
- // value_list
- //
- value_list_ba<ThisType,quote_type0>
- value_list(const char *d = ",") const {
- return value_list_ba<ThisType,quote_type0>
- (self(), d, quote);
- }
- // FIX: this piece of code refuses to work under VC++
- /*
- template <class Manip>
- value_list_ba<ThisType,Manip>
- value_list(const char *d, Manip m) const {
- return value_list_ba<ThisType,Manip> (self(), d, m);
- }
- template <class Manip>
- value_list_b<ThisType,Manip>
- value_list(const char *d, Manip m, const vector<bool> &vb) const {
- return value_list_b<ThisType,Manip> (self(), vb, d, m);
- }
- */
- value_list_b<ThisType,quote_type0>
- value_list(const char *d, const vector<bool> &vb) const {
- return value_list_b<ThisType,quote_type0> (self(), vb, d, quote);
- }
- value_list_b<ThisType,quote_type0>
- value_list(const vector<bool> &vb) const {
- return value_list_b<ThisType,quote_type0> (self(), vb, ",", quote);
- }
- template <class Manip>
- value_list_b<ThisType,Manip>
- value_list(const char *d, Manip m, bool t0,
- bool t1=false, bool t2=false, bool t3=false, bool t4=false,
- bool t5=false, bool t6=false, bool t7=false, bool t8=false,
- bool t9=false, bool ta=false, bool tb=false, bool tc=false) const {
- vector<bool> vb;
- create_vector(self().size(), vb, t0,t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7,t8,t9,ta,tb,tc);
- return value_list_b<ThisType, Manip>(self(), vb, d, m);
- }
- value_list_b<ThisType,quote_type0>
- value_list(const char *d, bool t0,
- bool t1=false, bool t2=false, bool t3=false, bool t4=false,
- bool t5=false, bool t6=false, bool t7=false, bool t8=false,
- bool t9=false, bool ta=false, bool tb=false, bool tc=false) const {
- vector<bool> vb;
- create_vector(self().size(), vb, t0,t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7,t8,t9,ta,tb,tc);
- return value_list_b<ThisType, quote_type0>(self(), vb, d, quote);
- }
- value_list_b<ThisType,quote_type0>
- value_list(bool t0,
- bool t1=false, bool t2=false, bool t3=false, bool t4=false,
- bool t5=false, bool t6=false, bool t7=false, bool t8=false,
- bool t9=false, bool ta=false, bool tb=false, bool tc=false) const {
- vector<bool> vb;
- create_vector(self().size(), vb, t0,t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7,t8,t9,ta,tb,tc);
- return value_list_b<ThisType, quote_type0>(self(), vb, ",", quote);
- }
- template <class Manip>
- value_list_b<ThisType,Manip>
- value_list(const char *d, Manip m, string s0,
- string s1="", string s2="", string s3="", string s4="",
- string s5="", string s6="", string s7="", string s8="",
- string s9="", string sa="", string sb="", string sc="") const {
- vector<bool> vb;
- create_vector(self(), vb, s0,s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6,s7,s8,s9,sa,sb,sc);
- return value_list_b<ThisType, Manip>(self(), vb, d, m);
- }
- value_list_b<ThisType,quote_type0>
- value_list(const char *d, string s0,
- string s1="", string s2="", string s3="", string s4="",
- string s5="", string s6="", string s7="", string s8="",
- string s9="", string sa="", string sb="", string sc="") const {
- vector<bool> vb;
- create_vector(self(), vb, s0,s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6,s7,s8,s9,sa,sb,sc);
- return value_list_b<ThisType, quote_type0>(self(), vb, d, quote);
- }
- value_list_b<ThisType,quote_type0>
- value_list(string s0,
- string s1="", string s2="", string s3="", string s4="",
- string s5="", string s6="", string s7="", string s8="",
- string s9="", string sa="", string sb="", string sc="") const {
- vector<bool> vb;
- create_vector(self(), vb, s0,s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6,s7,s8,s9,sa,sb,sc);
- return value_list_b<ThisType, quote_type0>(self(), vb, ",", quote);
- }
- //
- // field_list
- //
- value_list_ba<FieldNames, do_nothing_type0>
- field_list(const char *d = ",") const {
- return value_list_ba<FieldNames, do_nothing_type0>
- (parent().names(), d, do_nothing);
- }
- // FIX: this piece of code refuses to work under VC++
- /*
- template <class Manip>
- value_list_ba<FieldNames,Manip>
- field_list(const char *d, Manip m) const {
- return value_list_ba<FieldNames, Manip>
- (parent().names(), d, m);
- }
- template <class Manip>
- value_list_b<FieldNames,Manip>
- field_list(const char *d, Manip m, const vector<bool> &vb) const {
- return value_list_b<FieldNames,Manip> (parent().names(), vb, d, m);
- }
- */
- value_list_b<FieldNames,quote_type0>
- field_list(const char *d, const vector<bool> &vb) const {
- return value_list_b<FieldNames,quote_type0> (parent().names(), vb, d, quote);
- }
- value_list_b<FieldNames,quote_type0>
- field_list(const vector<bool> &vb) const {
- return value_list_b<FieldNames,quote_type0> (parent().names(), vb, ",", quote);
- }
- template <class Manip>
- value_list_b<FieldNames,Manip>
- field_list(const char *d, Manip m, bool t0,
- bool t1=false, bool t2=false, bool t3=false, bool t4=false,
- bool t5=false, bool t6=false, bool t7=false, bool t8=false,
- bool t9=false, bool ta=false, bool tb=false, bool tc=false) const {
- vector<bool> vb;
- create_vector(parent().names().size(), vb, t0,t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7,t8,t9,ta,tb,tc);
- return value_list_b<FieldNames, Manip>(parent().names(), vb, d, m);
- }
- value_list_b<FieldNames,quote_type0>
- field_list(const char *d, bool t0,
- bool t1=false, bool t2=false, bool t3=false, bool t4=false,
- bool t5=false, bool t6=false, bool t7=false, bool t8=false,
- bool t9=false, bool ta=false, bool tb=false, bool tc=false) const {
- vector<bool> vb;
- create_vector(parent().names().size(), vb, t0,t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7,t8,t9,ta,tb,tc);
- return value_list_b<FieldNames, quote_type0>(parent().names(), vb, d, quote);
- }
- value_list_b<FieldNames,quote_type0>
- field_list(bool t0,
- bool t1=false, bool t2=false, bool t3=false, bool t4=false,
- bool t5=false, bool t6=false, bool t7=false, bool t8=false,
- bool t9=false, bool ta=false, bool tb=false, bool tc=false) const {
- vector<bool> vb;
- create_vector(parent().names().size(), vb, t0,t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7,t8,t9,ta,tb,tc);
- return value_list_b<FieldNames, quote_type0>(parent().names(), vb, ",", quote);
- }
- template <class Manip>
- value_list_b<FieldNames,Manip>
- field_list(const char *d, Manip m, string s0,
- string s1="", string s2="", string s3="", string s4="",
- string s5="", string s6="", string s7="", string s8="",
- string s9="", string sa="", string sb="", string sc="") const {
- vector<bool> vb;
- create_vector(parent().names(), vb, s0,s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6,s7,s8,s9,sa,sb,sc);
- return value_list_b<FieldNames, Manip>(parent().names(), vb, d, m);
- }
- value_list_b<FieldNames,quote_type0>
- field_list(const char *d, string s0,
- string s1="", string s2="", string s3="", string s4="",
- string s5="", string s6="", string s7="", string s8="",
- string s9="", string sa="", string sb="", string sc="") const {
- vector<bool> vb;
- create_vector(parent().names(), vb, s0,s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6,s7,s8,s9,sa,sb,sc);
- return value_list_b<FieldNames, quote_type0>(parent().names(), vb, d, quote);
- }
- value_list_b<FieldNames,quote_type0>
- field_list(string s0,
- string s1="", string s2="", string s3="", string s4="",
- string s5="", string s6="", string s7="", string s8="",
- string s9="", string sa="", string sb="", string sc="") const {
- vector<bool> vb;
- create_vector(parent().names(), vb, s0,s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6,s7,s8,s9,sa,sb,sc);
- return value_list_b<FieldNames, quote_type0>(parent().names(), vb, ",", quote);
- }
- //
- // equal_list
- //
- equal_list_ba<FieldNames,ThisType,quote_type0>
- equal_list(const char *d = ",", const char *e = " = ") const {
- return equal_list_ba<FieldNames,ThisType,quote_type0>
- (parent().names(), self(), d, e, quote);
- }
- template <class Manip>
- equal_list_ba<FieldNames,ThisType,Manip>
- equal_list(const char *d, const char *e, Manip m) const {
- return equal_list_ba<FieldNames,ThisType,Manip>
- (parent().names(), self(), d, e, m);
- }
- virtual ~RowTemplate() {}
- };
- //: This class handles the actual rows in an intelligent manner.
- class Row : public const_subscript_container<Row,ColData,const ColData>,
- public RowTemplate<Row, ResUse>
- {
- private:
- vector <string> data;
- vector <bool> is_nulls;
- const ResUse *res;
- bool throw_exceptions, initialized;
- public:
- Row() {}
- Row(MYSQL_ROW d, const ResUse *r, unsigned int *jj, bool te = false)
- : res(r), throw_exceptions(te), initialized(false)
- {
- if (!d || !r)
- {
- if (throw_exceptions) throw BadQuery("ROW or RES is NULL");
- else return;
- }
- data.clear(); is_nulls.clear(); initialized=true;
- for (unsigned int i=0;i<size();i++)
- {
- string b ;
- (d[i]) ? b=string(d[i],jj[i]) : b=string("");
- data.insert(data.end(),b);
- is_nulls.insert(is_nulls.end(),d[i] ? false : true);
- }
- }
- const Row& self() const {return *this;}
- Row& self() {return *this;}
- const ResUse& parent() const {return *res;}
- inline size_type size() const;
- //: Returns the number of columns.
- const ColData operator [] (int i) const {
- if (!initialized) {
- if (throw_exceptions) throw BadQuery("Row not initialized");
- else return ColData();
- }
- return operator[](size_type(i));
- }
- inline const ColData operator [] (size_type i) const;
- //: Returns the value of the field with the index of i.
- inline const ColData operator [] (const char *) const;
- //: Returns the value of the field with the field name of i.
- // This method is not nearly as efficient as using the index number. Use sparingly.
- inline const ColData operator [] (const string &i) const;
- //: Returns the value of the field with the field name of i.
- // This method is not nearly as effecent as using the index number. Use sparingly.
- const char *raw_data(int i) const {return data[i].data();}
- operator bool() const {return (data.size()) ? true : false;}
- //: Returns true if there is data in the row.
- ~Row() {data.clear(); is_nulls.clear(); initialized = false;}
- };
- #endif