- documentclass[a4paper]{article}
- oddsidemargin 2.1mm
- textwidth 155mm
- topmargin -12mm
- textheight 230mm
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- begin{document}
- subsection*{The Normalized $chi^2$ Measure
- for Association Rule Evaluation}
- Let $C$ and $A$ be two attributes with domains
- $mbox{dom}(A) = { a_1, ldots a_{n_A} }$ and
- $mbox{dom}(C) = { c_1, ldots c_{n_C} }$, respectively,
- and let $cal X$ be a dataset over $C$ and $A$.
- Let $N_{ij}$, $1 le i le n_C$, $1 le j le n_A$, be the number of
- sample cases in $cal X$, which contain both the attribute values~$c_i$
- and $a_j$. Furthermore, let
- [ N_{i.} = sum_{j=1}^{n_A} N_{ij}, qquad
- N_{.j} = sum_{i=1}^{n_C} N_{ij}, qquadmbox{and}qquad
- N_{..} = sum_{i=1}^{n_C} sum_{j=1}^{n_A} N_{ij} = |{cal X}|. ]
- Finally, let
- [ p_{i.} = frac{N_{i.}}{N_{..}}, qquad
- p_{.j} = frac{N_{.j}}{N_{..}}, qquadmbox{and}qquad
- p_{ij} = frac{N_{ij}}{N_{..}} ]
- be the probabilities of the attribute values and their combinations,
- as they can be estimated from these numbers. Then the well-known
- $chi^2$ measure is usually defined as
- begin{eqnarray*}
- chi^2(C,A)
- & = & sum_{i=1}^{n_C} sum_{j=1}^{n_A}
- frac{(E_{ij} -N_{ij})^2}{E_{ij}}
- qquadmbox{where}quad E_{ij} = frac{N_{i.}N_{.j}}{N_{..}} \
- & = & sum_{i=1}^{n_C} sum_{j=1}^{n_A}
- frac{left(frac{N_{i.}N_{.j}}{N_{..}} -N_{ij}right)^2}
- {frac{N_{i.}N_{.j}}{N_{..}}}
- ~~=~~ sum_{i=1}^{n_C} sum_{j=1}^{n_A}
- frac{N_{..}^2 left(frac{N_{i.phantom{j}}}{N_{..}}
- frac{N_{.j}}{N_{..}}
- - frac{N_{ij}}{N_{..}}right)^2}
- {N_{..}; frac{N_{i.phantom{j}}}{N_{..}}
- frac{N_{.j}}{N_{..}}} \
- & = & N_{..} sum_{i=1}^{n_C} sum_{j=1}^{n_A}
- frac{(p_{i.};p_{.j} - p_{ij})^2}{p_{i.};p_{.j}}
- ~~=~~ N_{..} sum_{i=1}^{n_C} sum_{j=1}^{n_A}
- frac{(N_{i.};N_{.j} - N_{..}N_{ij})^2}{N_{i.};N_{.j}}.
- end{eqnarray*}
- This measure is often normalized by dividing it by the
- size~$N_{..} = |{cal X}|$ of the dataset to remove the
- dependence on the number of sample cases.
- For association rule evaluation, $C$ refers the consequent and $A$ to
- the antecedent of the rule. Both have two values, which we denote by
- $c_0$, $c_1$ and $a_0$, $a_1$, respectively. $c_0$ means that the
- consequent of the rule is not satisfied, $c_1$ that it is satisfied;
- likewise for $A$. Then we have to compute the $chi^2$ measure from
- the $2 times 2$ contingency table
- begin{center}
- begin{tabular}{|l|c|c|l|} cline{2-3}
- multicolumn{1}{l|}{}
- & $a_0$ & $a_1$ \ hline
- $c_0$ & $N_{00}$ & $N_{01}$ & $N_{0.}$tabstrut \ hline
- $c_1$ & $N_{10}$ & $N_{11}$ & $N_{1.}$tabstrut \ hline
- multicolumn{1}{l|}{}
- & $N_{.0}$ & $N_{.1}$ & $N_{..}$tabstrut \ cline{2-4}
- end{tabular}
- end{center}
- or the estimated probability table
- begin{center}
- begin{tabular}{|l|c|c|l|} cline{2-3}
- multicolumn{1}{l|}{}
- & $a_0$ & $a_1$ \ hline
- $c_0$ & $p_{00}$ & $p_{01}$ & $p_{0.}$tabstrut \ hline
- $c_1$ & $p_{10}$ & $p_{11}$ & $p_{1.}$tabstrut \ hline
- multicolumn{1}{l|}{}
- & $p_{.0}$ & $p_{.1}$ & $1$tabstrut \ cline{2-4}
- end{tabular}
- end{center}
- That is, we have
- begin{eqnarray*}
- frac{chi^2(C,A)}{N_{..}}
- & = & sum_{i=0}^1 sum_{j=0}^1
- frac{(p_{i.};p_{.j} - p_{ij})^2}{p_{i.};p_{.j}}. \
- & = & frac{(p_{0.};p_{.0} -p_{00})^2}{p_{0.};p_{.0}}
- + frac{(p_{0.};p_{.1} -p_{01})^2}{p_{0.};p_{.1}}
- + frac{(p_{1.};p_{.0} -p_{10})^2}{p_{1.};p_{.0}}
- + frac{(p_{1.};p_{.1} -p_{11})^2}{p_{1.};p_{.1}}
- end{eqnarray*}
- Now we can exploit
- [ p_{00} + p_{01} = p_{0.}, quad
- p_{10} + p_{10} = p_{1.}, quad
- p_{00} + p_{10} = p_{.0}, quad
- p_{01} + p_{11} = p_{.1}, quad
- p_{0.} + p_{1.} = 1, quad
- p_{.0} + p_{.1} = 1, ]
- which leads to
- begin{eqnarray*}
- p_{0.};p_{.0} -p_{00}
- & = & (1 -p_{1.})(1 -p_{.1}) -(1 -p_{1.} -p_{.1} +p_{11})
- ~~=~~ p_{1.};p_{.1} -p_{11}, \
- p_{0.};p_{.1} -p_{01}
- & = & (1 -p_{1.})p_{.1} -(p_{.1} -p_{11})
- ~~=~~ p_{11} -p_{1.};p_{.1}, \
- p_{1.};p_{.0} -p_{10}
- & = & p_{1.}(1 -p_{.1}) -(p_{1.} -p_{11})
- ~~=~~ p_{11} -p_{1.};p_{.1}. \
- end{eqnarray*}
- Therefore it is
- begin{eqnarray*}
- frac{chi^2(C,A)}{N_{..}}
- & = & frac{(p_{1.};p_{.1} -p_{11})^2}{(1 -p_{1.})(1 -p_{.1})}
- + frac{(p_{1.};p_{.1} -p_{11})^2}{(1 -p_{1.});p_{.1}}
- + frac{(p_{1.};p_{.1} -p_{11})^2}{p_{1.}(1 -p_{.1})}
- + frac{(p_{1.};p_{.1} -p_{11})^2}{p_{1.};p_{.1}} \
- & = & frac{(p_{1.};p_{.1} -p_{11})^2
- (p_{1.};p_{.1}
- +p_{1.}(1 -p_{.1})
- +(1 -p_{1.})p_{.1}
- +(1 -p_{1.})(1 -p_{.1}))}
- {p_{1.}(1 -p_{1.})p_{.1}(1 -p_{.1})} \
- & = & frac{(p_{1.};p_{.1} -p_{11})^2
- (p_{1.};p_{.1}
- +p_{1.} -p_{1.};p_{.1}
- +p_{.1} -p_{1.};p_{.1}
- +1 -p_{1.} -p_{.1} +p_{1.};p_{.1})}
- {p_{1.}(1 -p_{1.})p_{.1}(1 -p_{.1})} \
- & = & frac{(p_{1.};p_{.1} -p_{11})^2}
- {p_{1.}(1 -p_{1.})p_{.1}(1 -p_{.1})}.
- end{eqnarray*}
- In the program, $p_{1.}$ (argument {tt head}), $p_{.1}$
- (argument {tt body}) and $p_{1|1} = frac{p_{11}}{p_{.1}}$
- (argument {tt post}, rule confidence) are passed to the routine
- that computes the measure, so the actual computation is
- begin{eqnarray*}
- frac{chi^2(C,A)}{N_{..}}
- & = & frac{(p_{1.};p_{.1} -p_{1|1};p_{.1})^2}
- {p_{1.}(1 -p_{1.})p_{.1}(1 -p_{.1})}.
- ~~=~~ frac{((p_{1.} -p_{1|1})p_{.1})^2}
- {p_{1.}(1 -p_{1.})p_{.1}(1 -p_{.1})}.
- end{eqnarray*}
- In an analogous way the measure can also be computed from the absolute
- frequencies $N_{ij}$, $N_{i.}$, $N_{.j}$ and $N_{..}$, namely as
- begin{eqnarray*}
- frac{chi^2(C,A)}{N_{..}}
- & = & frac{(N_{1.}N_{.1} -N_{..}N_{11})^2}
- {N_{1.}(N_{..} -N_{1.})N_{.1}(N_{..} -N_{.1})}.
- end{eqnarray*}
- end{document}
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