- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------
- File : vecops.c
- Contents: some special vector operations
- Author : Christian Borgelt
- History : 16.09.1996 file created
- 04.02.1999 long int changed to int
- 03.06.2001 function v_shuffle added
- 02.01.2002 functions v_intsort, v_fltsort, v_dblsort added
- 03.03.2002 functions v_reverse, v_intrev etc. added
- 21.08.2003 function v_heapsort added
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- #include <assert.h>
- #include "vecops.h"
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Preprocessor Definitions
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- #define TH_INSERT 16 /* threshold for insertion sort */
- #define BUFSIZE 4096 /* size of buffers for shifting */
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Functions
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- static void _rec (void **vec, int n, VCMPFN cmpfn, void *data)
- { /* --- recursive part of sort */
- void **l, **r; /* pointers to exchange positions */
- void *x, *t; /* pivot element and exchange buffer */
- int m; /* number of elements in 2nd section */
- do { /* sections sort loop */
- l = vec; r = l +n -1; /* start at left and right boundary */
- if (cmpfn(*l, *r, data) > 0) { /* bring the first and last */
- t = *l; *l = *r; *r = t; } /* element into proper order */
- x = vec[n >> 1]; /* get the middle element as pivot */
- if (cmpfn(x, *l, data) < 0) x = *l; /* try to find a */
- else if (cmpfn(x, *r, data) > 0) x = *r; /* better pivot */
- while (1) { /* split and exchange loop */
- while (cmpfn(*++l, x, data) < 0) /* skip left elements that */
- ; /* are smaller than the pivot element */
- while (cmpfn(*--r, x, data) > 0) /* skip right elements that */
- ; /* are greater than the pivot element */
- if (l >= r) { /* if less than two elements left, */
- if (l <= r) { l++; r--; } break; } /* abort the loop */
- t = *l; *l = *r; *r = t; /* otherwise exchange elements */
- }
- m = (int)(vec +n -l); /* compute the number of elements */
- n = (int)(r -vec +1); /* right and left of the split */
- if (n > m) { /* if right section is smaller, */
- if (m >= TH_INSERT) /* but larger than the threshold, */
- _rec(l, m, cmpfn, data); } /* sort it by a recursive call, */
- else { /* if the left section is smaller, */
- if (n >= TH_INSERT) /* but larger than the threshold, */
- _rec(vec, n, cmpfn, data); /* sort it by a recursive call, */
- vec = l; n = m; /* then switch to the right section */
- } /* keeping its size m in variable n */
- } while (n >= TH_INSERT); /* while greater than threshold */
- } /* _rec() */
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- void v_sort (void *vec, int n, VCMPFN cmpfn, void *data)
- { /* --- quick sort for pointer vectors */
- int k; /* size of first section */
- void **l, **r; /* to traverse the vector */
- void *t; /* exchange buffer */
- assert(vec && (n >= 0) && cmpfn); /* check the function arguments */
- if (n <= 1) return; /* do not sort less than two elements */
- if (n < TH_INSERT) /* if fewer elements than threshold */
- k = n; /* for insertion sort, note the */
- else { /* number of elements, otherwise */
- _rec(vec, n, cmpfn, data); /* call the recursive function */
- k = TH_INSERT -1; /* and get the number of elements */
- } /* in the first vector section */
- for (l = r = vec; --k > 0; ) /* find the smallest element within */
- if (cmpfn(*++r, *l, data) < 0) l = r; /* the first k elements */
- r = vec; /* swap the smallest element */
- t = *l; *l = *r; *r = t; /* to front as a sentinel */
- while (--n > 0) { /* insertion sort loop */
- t = *++r; /* note the element to insert */
- for (l = r; cmpfn(*--l, t, data) > 0; ) /* shift right elements */
- l[1] = *l; /* that are greater than the one to */
- l[1] = t; /* insert and store the element to */
- } /* insert in the place thus found */
- } /* v_sort() */
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- static void _sift (void **vec, int l, int r, VCMPFN cmpfn, void *data)
- { /* --- let element sift down in heap */
- void *t; /* buffer for element */
- int i; /* index of first successor in heap */
- t = vec[l]; /* note sift element */
- i = l +l +1; /* compute index of first successor */
- do { /* sift loop */
- if ((i < r) /* if second successor is greater */
- && (cmpfn(vec[i], vec[i+1], data) < 0))
- i++; /* go to the second successor */
- if (cmpfn(t, vec[i], data) >= 0) /* if the successor is greater */
- break; /* than the sift element, */
- vec[l] = vec[i]; /* let the successor ascend in heap */
- l = i; i += i +1; /* compute index of first successor */
- } while (i <= r); /* while still within heap */
- vec[l] = t; /* store the sift element */
- } /* _sift() */
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- void v_heapsort (void *vec, int n, VCMPFN cmpfn, void *data)
- { /* --- heap sort for pointer vectors */
- int l, r; /* boundaries of heap section */
- void *t, **v; /* exchange buffer, vector */
- if (n <= 1) return; /* do not sort less than two elements */
- l = n >> 1; /* at start, only the second half */
- r = n -1; /* of the vector has heap structure */
- while (--l >= 0) /* while the heap is not complete, */
- _sift(vec, l, r, cmpfn, data); /* extend it by one element */
- v = vec; /* type the vector pointer */
- while (1) { /* heap reduction loop */
- t = v[0]; v[0] = v[r]; /* swap the greatest element */
- v[r] = t; /* to the end of the vector */
- if (--r <= 0) break; /* if the heap is empty, abort */
- _sift(v, 0, r, cmpfn, data);
- } /* let the element that has been */
- } /* v_heapsort() */ /* swapped to front sift down */
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- void v_move (void *vec, int off, int n, int pos, int esz)
- { /* --- move a vector section */
- int i; /* loop variable */
- int mid, end; /* middle and end index */
- int *src, *dst; /* to traverse vector */
- int buf[BUFSIZE]; /* buffer for vector elements */
- assert(vec /* check the function arguments */
- && (off >= 0) && (n >= 0) && (pos >= 0) && (esz >= 0));
- esz /= (int)sizeof(int); /* adapt size, offsets, and counter */
- pos *= esz; off *= esz; n *= esz;
- end = off +n; /* normalize vector indices */
- if (pos <= off) { mid = off; off = pos; }
- else { mid = end; end = pos; }
- if (mid -off < end -mid) { /* if first section is smaller */
- while (mid > off) { /* while there are elements to shift */
- n = (mid -off < BUFSIZE) ? mid -off : BUFSIZE;
- src = (int*)vec +mid -n; /* get number of elements and */
- dst = buf; /* copy source to the buffer */
- for (i = n; --i >= 0; ) *dst++ = *src++;
- dst = (int*)vec +mid -n; /* shift down/left second section */
- for (i = end -mid; --i >= 0; ) *dst++ = *src++;
- src = buf; /* copy buffer to destination */
- for (i = n; --i >= 0; ) *dst++ = *src++;
- mid -= n; end -= n; /* second section has been shifted */
- } } /* down/left cnt elements */
- else { /* if second section is smaller */
- while (end > mid) { /* while there are elements to shift */
- n = (end -mid < BUFSIZE) ? end -mid : BUFSIZE;
- src = (int*)vec +mid +n; /* get number of elements and */
- dst = buf +n; /* copy source to the buffer */
- for (i = n; --i >= 0; ) *--dst = *--src;
- dst = (int*)vec +mid +n; /* shift up/right first section */
- for (i = mid -off; --i >= 0; ) *--dst = *--src;
- src = buf +n; /* copy buffer to destination */
- for (i = n; --i >= 0; ) *--dst = *--src;
- mid += n; off += n; /* first section has been shifted */
- } /* up/right cnt elements */
- }
- } /* v_move() */
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- void v_shuffle (void *vec, int n, double randfn (void))
- { /* --- shuffle vector entries */
- int i; /* vector index */
- void **v = vec, *t; /* vector and exchange buffer */
- while (--n > 0) { /* shuffle loop (n random selections) */
- i = (int)((n+1) *randfn()); /* compute a random index */
- if (i > n) i = n; /* in the remaining section and */
- if (i < 0) i = 0; /* exchange the vector elements */
- t = v[i]; v[i] = v[n]; v[n] = t;
- }
- } /* v_shuffle() */
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- void v_reverse (void *vec, int n)
- { /* --- reverse a pointer vector */
- void **v, *t; /* vector and exchange buffer */
- for (v = vec; --n > 0; ) { /* reverse the order of the elements */
- t = v[n]; v[n] = v[0]; *v++ = t; }
- } /* v_reverse() */
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- #define REC(type,rec)
- static void rec (type *vec, int n)
- { /* --- recursive part of sort */
- type *l, *r; /* pointers to exchange positions */
- type x, t; /* pivot element and exchange buffer */
- int m; /* number of elements in sections */
- do { /* sections sort loop */
- l = vec; r = l +n -1; /* start at left and right boundary */
- if (*l > *r) { t = *l; *l = *r; *r = t; }
- x = vec[n >> 1]; /* get the middle element as pivot */
- if (x < *l) x = *l; /* compute median of three */
- else if (x > *r) x = *r; /* to find a better pivot */
- while (1) { /* split and exchange loop */
- while (*++l < x) /* skip left elements that are */
- ; /* smaller than the pivot element */
- while (*--r > x) /* skip right elements that are */
- ; /* greater than the pivot element */
- if (l >= r) { /* if less than two elements left, */
- if (l <= r) { l++; r--; } break; } /* abort the loop */
- t = *l; *l = *r; *r = t; /* otherwise exchange elements */
- }
- m = (int)(vec +n -l); /* compute the number of elements */
- n = (int)(r -vec +1); /* right and left of the split */
- if (n > m) { /* if right section is smaller, */
- if (m >= TH_INSERT) /* but larger than the threshold, */
- rec(l, m); } /* sort it by an recursive call */
- else { /* if the left section is smaller, */
- if (n >= TH_INSERT) /* but larger than the threshold, */
- rec(vec, n); /* sort it by an recursive call, */
- vec = l; n = m; /* then switch to the right section */
- } /* keeping its size m in variable n */
- } while (n >= TH_INSERT); /* while greater than threshold */
- } /* rec() */
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- #define SORT(type,rec,sort)
- void sort (type *vec, int n)
- { /* --- sort a number vector */
- int k; /* size of first section */
- type *l, *r; /* to traverse the vector */
- type t; /* exchange buffer */
- assert(vec && (n >= 0)); /* check the function arguments */
- if (n <= 1) return; /* do not sort less than two elems. */
- if (n < TH_INSERT) /* if less elements than threshold */
- k = n; /* for insertion sort, note the */
- else { /* number of elements, otherwise */
- rec(vec, n); /* call the recursive sort function */
- k = TH_INSERT -1; /* and get the number of elements */
- } /* in the first vector section */
- for (l = r = vec; --k > 0; ) /* find position of smallest element */
- if (*++r < *l) l = r; /* within the first k elements */
- r = vec; /* swap the smallest element */
- t = *l; *l = *r; *r = t; /* to front as a sentinel */
- while (--n > 0) { /* standard insertion sort */
- t = *++r; /* note the number to insert */
- for (l = r; *--l > t; k--) /* shift right all numbers that are */
- l[1] = *l; /* greater than the one to insert */
- l[1] = t; /* and store the number to insert */
- } /* in the place thus found */
- } /* sort() */
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- REC (int, _intrec)
- SORT(int, _intrec, v_intsort)
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- REC (float, _fltrec)
- SORT(float, _fltrec, v_fltsort)
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- REC (double, _dblrec)
- SORT(double, _dblrec, v_dblsort)
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- #define REVERSE(type,reverse)
- void reverse (type *vec, int n)
- { /* --- reverse a number vector */
- type t; /* exchange buffer */
- while (--n > 0) { /* reverse the order of the elems. */
- t = vec[n]; vec[n] = vec[0]; *vec++ = t; }
- } /* reverse() */
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- REVERSE(int, v_intrev)
- REVERSE(float, v_fltrev)
- REVERSE(double, v_dblrev)