资源名称 [点击查看]
- /*****************************************************************************/
- /* */
- /* ,d88^^o 888 o o */
- /* 8888 888o^88, o88^^o Y88b o / d8b d8b o88^^8o */
- /* "Y88b 888 888 d888 b Y88b d8b / d888bdY88b d888 88b */
- /* "Y88b, 888 888 8888 8 Y888/Y88b/ / Y88Y Y888b 8888oo888 */
- /* o 8888 888 888 q888 p Y8/ Y8/ / YY Y888b q888 */
- /* "oo88P" 888 888 "88oo" Y Y / Y888b "88oooo" */
- /* */
- /* A Display Program for Meshes and More. */
- /* (showme.c) */
- /* */
- /* Version 1.6 */
- /* July 28, 2005 */
- /* */
- /* Copyright 1996, 1998, 2005 */
- /* Jonathan Richard Shewchuk */
- /* 2360 Woolsey #H */
- /* Berkeley, California 94705-1927 */
- /* */
- /* */
- /* This program may be freely redistributed under the condition that the */
- /* copyright notices (including this entire header and the copyright */
- /* notice printed when the `-h' switch is selected) are not removed, and */
- /* no compensation is received. Private, research, and institutional */
- /* use is free. You may distribute modified versions of this code UNDER */
- /* NOTICE IS GIVEN OF THE MODIFICATIONS. Distribution of this code as */
- /* part of a commercial system is permissible ONLY BY DIRECT ARRANGEMENT */
- /* WITH THE AUTHOR. (If you are not directly supplying this code to a */
- /* customer, and you are instead telling them how they can obtain it for */
- /* free, then you are not required to make any arrangement with me.) */
- /* */
- /* Hypertext instructions for Triangle are available on the Web at */
- /* */
- /* */
- /* */
- /* Show Me was created as part of the Archimedes project in the School of */
- /* Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University. Archimedes is a */
- /* system for compiling parallel finite element solvers. For further */
- /* information, see Anja Feldmann, Omar Ghattas, John R. Gilbert, Gary L. */
- /* Miller, David R. O'Hallaron, Eric J. Schwabe, Jonathan R. Shewchuk, */
- /* and Shang-Hua Teng. "Automated Parallel Solution of Unstructured PDE */
- /* Problems." To appear in Communications of the ACM, we hope. */
- /* */
- /* If you make any improvements to this code, please please please let me */
- /* know, so that I may obtain the improvements. Even if you don't change */
- /* the code, I'd still love to hear what it's being used for. */
- /* */
- /* Disclaimer: Neither I nor Carnegie Mellon warrant this code in any way */
- /* whatsoever. Use at your own risk. */
- /* */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- /* For single precision (which will save some memory and reduce paging), */
- /* write "#define SINGLE" below. */
- /* */
- /* For double precision (which will allow you to display triangulations of */
- /* a finer resolution), leave SINGLE undefined. */
- /* #define SINGLE */
- #ifdef SINGLE
- #define REAL float
- #else
- #define REAL double
- #endif
- /* Maximum number of characters in a file name (including the null). */
- #define FILENAMESIZE 2048
- /* Maximum number of characters in a line read from a file (including the */
- /* null). */
- #define INPUTLINESIZE 1024
- #define STARTWIDTH 414
- #define STARTHEIGHT 414
- #define MINWIDTH 50
- #define MINHEIGHT 50
- #define BUTTONHEIGHT 21
- #define BUTTONROWS 3
- #define MAXCOLORS 64
- #define IMAGE_TYPES 7
- #define NOTHING -1
- #define NODE 0
- #define POLY 1
- #define ELE 2
- #define EDGE 3
- #define PART 4
- #define ADJ 5
- #define VORO 6
- #define STARTEXPLOSION 0.5
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <X11/Xlib.h>
- #include <X11/Xutil.h>
- #include <X11/Xatom.h>
- /* A necessary forward declaration. */
- int load_image();
- Display *display;
- int screen;
- Window rootwindow;
- Window mainwindow;
- Window quitwin;
- Window leftwin;
- Window rightwin;
- Window upwin;
- Window downwin;
- Window resetwin;
- Window pswin;
- Window epswin;
- Window expwin;
- Window exppluswin;
- Window expminuswin;
- Window widthpluswin;
- Window widthminuswin;
- Window versionpluswin;
- Window versionminuswin;
- Window fillwin;
- Window nodewin[2];
- Window polywin[2];
- Window elewin[2];
- Window edgewin[2];
- Window partwin[2];
- Window adjwin[2];
- Window voronoiwin[2];
- int windowdepth;
- XEvent event;
- Colormap rootmap;
- XFontStruct *font;
- int width, height;
- int black, white;
- int showme_foreground;
- GC fontgc;
- GC blackfontgc;
- GC linegc;
- GC trianglegc;
- int colors[MAXCOLORS];
- XColor rgb[MAXCOLORS];
- int color;
- int start_image, current_image;
- int start_inc, current_inc;
- int loweriteration;
- int line_width;
- int loaded[2][IMAGE_TYPES];
- REAL xlo[2][IMAGE_TYPES], ylo[2][IMAGE_TYPES];
- REAL xhi[2][IMAGE_TYPES], yhi[2][IMAGE_TYPES];
- REAL xscale, yscale;
- REAL xoffset, yoffset;
- int zoom;
- int nodes[2], node_dim[2];
- REAL *nodeptr[2];
- int polynodes[2], poly_dim[2], polyedges[2], polyholes[2];
- REAL *polynodeptr[2], *polyholeptr[2];
- int *polyedgeptr[2];
- int elems[2], ele_corners[2];
- int *eleptr[2];
- int edges[2];
- int *edgeptr[2];
- REAL *normptr[2];
- int subdomains[2];
- int *partpart[2];
- REAL *partcenter[2], *partshift[2];
- int adjsubdomains[2];
- int *adjptr[2];
- int vnodes[2], vnode_dim[2];
- REAL *vnodeptr[2];
- int vedges[2];
- int *vedgeptr[2];
- REAL *vnormptr[2];
- int firstnumber[2];
- int quiet, fillelem, bw_ps, explode;
- REAL explosion;
- char filename[FILENAMESIZE];
- char nodefilename[2][FILENAMESIZE];
- char polyfilename[2][FILENAMESIZE];
- char elefilename[2][FILENAMESIZE];
- char edgefilename[2][FILENAMESIZE];
- char partfilename[2][FILENAMESIZE];
- char adjfilename[2][FILENAMESIZE];
- char vnodefilename[2][FILENAMESIZE];
- char vedgefilename[2][FILENAMESIZE];
- char *colorname[] = {"aquamarine", "red", "green yellow", "magenta",
- "yellow", "green", "orange", "blue",
- "white", "sandy brown", "cyan", "moccasin",
- "cadet blue", "coral", "cornflower blue", "sky blue",
- "firebrick", "forest green", "gold", "goldenrod",
- "gray", "hot pink", "chartreuse", "pale violet red",
- "indian red", "khaki", "lavender", "light blue",
- "light gray", "light steel blue", "lime green", "azure",
- "maroon", "medium aquamarine", "dodger blue", "honeydew",
- "medium orchid", "medium sea green", "moccasin",
- "medium slate blue", "medium spring green",
- "medium turquoise", "medium violet red",
- "orange red", "chocolate", "light goldenrod",
- "orchid", "pale green", "pink", "plum",
- "purple", "salmon", "sea green",
- "sienna", "slate blue", "spring green",
- "steel blue", "tan", "thistle", "turquoise",
- "violet", "violet red", "wheat",
- "yellow green"};
- void syntax()
- {
- printf("showme [-bfw_Qh] input_filen");
- printf(" -b Black and white PostScript (default is color).n");
- printf(" -f Fill triangles of partitioned mesh with color.n");
- printf(" -w Set line width to some specified number.n");
- printf(" -Q Quiet: No terminal output except errors.n");
- printf(" -h Help: Detailed instructions for Show Me.n");
- exit(0);
- }
- void info()
- {
- printf("Show Men");
- printf("A Display Program for Meshes and More.n");
- printf("Version 1.6nn");
- printf(
- "Copyright 1996 Jonathan Richard Shewchuk (bugs/comments to"
- );
- printf("School of Computer Science / Carnegie Mellon Universityn");
- printf("5000 Forbes Avenue / Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213-3891n");
- printf(
- "Created as part of the Archimedes project (tools for parallel FEM).n");
- printf(
- "Supported in part by NSF Grant CMS-9318163 and an NSERC 1967 Scholarship.n");
- printf("There is no warranty whatsoever. Use at your own risk.n");
- #ifdef SINGLE
- printf("This executable is compiled for single precision arithmetic.nnn");
- #else
- printf("This executable is compiled for double precision arithmetic.nnn");
- #endif
- printf(
- "Show Me graphically displays the contents of geometric files, especiallyn");
- printf(
- "those generated by Triangle, my two-dimensional quality mesh generator andn"
- );
- printf(
- "Delaunay triangulator. Show Me can also write images in PostScript form.n");
- printf(
- "Show Me is also useful for checking the consistency of the files you createn"
- );
- printf(
- "as input to Triangle; Show Me does these checks more thoroughly thann");
- printf("Triangle does. The command syntax is:nn");
- printf("showme [-bfw_Qh] input_filenn");
- printf(
- "The underscore indicates that a number should follow the -w switch.n");
- printf(
- "input_file may be one of several types of file. It must have extensionn");
- printf(
- ".node, .poly, .ele, .edge, .part, or .adj. If no extension is provided,n");
- printf(
- "Show Me will assume the extension .ele. A .node file represents a set ofn");
- printf(
- "points; a .poly file represents a Planar Straight Line Graph; an .ele filen"
- );
- printf(
- "(coupled with a .node file) represents the elements of a mesh or then");
- printf(
- "triangles of a triangulation; an .edge file (coupled with a .node file)n");
- printf(
- "represents a set of edges; a .part file specifies a partition of a mesh;n");
- printf(
- "and a .adj file represents the adjacency graph defined by a partition.n");
- printf("n");
- printf("Command Line Switches:n");
- printf("n");
- printf(
- " -b Makes all PostScript output black and white. If this switch is notn"
- );
- printf(
- " selected, color PostScript is used for partitioned meshes andn");
- printf(" adjacency graphs (.part and .adj files).n");
- printf(
- " -f On color displays and in color PostScript, displays partitionedn");
- printf(
- " meshes by filling triangles with color, rather than by coloring then"
- );
- printf(
- " edges. This switch will result in a clearer picture if alln");
- printf(
- " triangles are reasonably large, and a less clear picture if smalln");
- printf(
- " triangles are present. (There is also a button to toggle thisn");
- printf(" behavior.)n");
- printf(
- " -w Followed by an integer, specifies the line width used in alln");
- printf(
- " images. (There are also buttons to change the line width.)n");
- printf(
- " -Q Quiet: Suppresses all explanation of what Show Me is doing, unlessn"
- );
- printf(" an error occurs.n");
- printf(" -h Help: Displays these instructions.n");
- printf("n");
- printf("Controls:n");
- printf("n");
- printf(
- " To zoom in on an image, point at the location where you want a closern");
- printf(
- " look, and click the left mouse button. To zoom out, click the rightn");
- printf(
- " mouse button. In either case, the point you click on will be centered inn"
- );
- printf(
- " the window. If you want to know the coordinates of a point, click then");
- printf(
- " middle mouse button; the coordinates will be printed on the terminal youn"
- );
- printf(" invoked Show Me from.nn");
- printf(
- " If you resize the window, the image will grow or shrink to match.n");
- printf("n");
- printf(
- " There is a panel of control buttons at the bottom of the Show Me window:n"
- );
- printf("n");
- printf(" Quit: Shuts down Show Me.n");
- printf(" <, >, ^, v: Moves the image in the indicated direction.n");
- printf(
- " Reset: Unzooms and centers the image in the window. When you switch fromn"
- );
- printf(
- " one image to another, the viewing region does not change, so you mayn");
- printf(
- " need to reset the new image to make it fully visible. This often isn");
- printf(
- " the case when switching between Delaunay triangulations and theirn");
- printf(
- " corresponding Voronoi diagrams, as Voronoi vertices can be far from then"
- );
- printf(" initial point set.n");
- printf(
- " Width+, -: Increases or decreases the width of all lines and points.n");
- printf(
- " Exp, +, -: These buttons appear only when you are viewing a partitionedn"
- );
- printf(
- " mesh (.part file). `Exp' toggles between an exploded and non-explodedn"
- );
- printf(
- " image of the mesh. The non-exploded image will not show the partitionn"
- );
- printf(
- " on a black and white monitor. `+' and `-' allow you to adjust then");
- printf(
- " spacing between pieces of the mesh to better distinguish them.n");
- printf(
- " Fill: This button appears only when you are viewing a partitioned meshn");
- printf(
- " (.part file). It toggles between color-filled triangles and coloredn");
- printf(
- " edges (as the -f switch does). Filled triangles look better when alln");
- printf(
- " triangles are reasonably large; colored edges look better when theren");
- printf(" are very small triangles present.n");
- printf(
- " PS: Creates a PostScript file containing the image you are viewing. Ifn"
- );
- printf(
- " the -b switch is selected, all PostScript output will be black andn");
- printf(
- " white; otherwise, and files will be color, independentn"
- );
- printf(
- " of whether you are using a color monitor. Normally the output willn");
- printf(
- " preserve the properties of the image you see on the screen, includingn");
- printf(
- " zoom and line width; however, if black and white output is selected (-bn"
- );
- printf(
- " switch), partitioned meshes will always be drawn exploded. The outputn"
- );
- printf(
- " file name depends on the image being viewed. If you want severaln");
- printf(
- " different snapshots (zooming in on different parts) of the same object,n"
- );
- printf(
- " you'll have to rename each file after Show Me creates it so that itn");
- printf(" isn't overwritten by the next snapshot.n");
- printf(
- " EPS: Creates an encapsulated PostScript file, suitable for inclusion inn"
- );
- printf(
- " documents. Otherwise, this button is just like the PS button. (Then");
- printf(
- " only difference is that .eps files lack a `showpage' command at then");
- printf(" end.)nn");
- printf(
- " There are two nearly-identical rows of buttons that load different imagesn"
- );
- printf(" from disk. Each row contains the following buttons:nn");
- printf(" node: Loads a .node file.n");
- printf(
- " poly: Loads a .poly file (and possibly an associated .node file).n");
- printf(" ele: Loads an .ele file (and associated .node file).n");
- printf(" edge: Loads an .edge file (and associated .node file).n");
- printf(
- " part: Loads a .part file (and associated .node and .ele files).n");
- printf(
- " adj: Loads an .adj file (and associated .node, .ele, and .part files).n");
- printf(" voro: Loads a .v.node and .v.edge file for a Voronoi diagram.n");
- printf("n");
- printf(
- " Each row represents a different iteration number of the geometry files.n");
- printf(
- " For a full explanation of iteration numbers, read the instructions forn");
- printf(
- " Triangle. Briefly, iteration numbers are used to allow a user to easilyn"
- );
- printf(
- " represent a sequence of related triangulations. Iteration numbers aren");
- printf(
- " used in the names of geometry files; for instance, mymesh.3.ele is an");
- printf(
- " triangle file with iteration number three, and mymesh.ele has an implicitn"
- );
- printf(" iteration number of zero.nn");
- printf(
- " The control buttons at the right end of each row display the twon");
- printf(
- " iterations currently under view. These buttons can be clicked ton");
- printf(
- " increase or decrease the iteration numbers, and thus conveniently viewn");
- printf(" a sequence of meshes.nn");
- printf(
- " Show Me keeps each file in memory after loading it, but you can forcen");
- printf(
- " Show Me to reread a set of files (for one iteration number) by reclickingn"
- );
- printf(
- " the button that corresponds to the current image. This is convenient ifn"
- );
- printf(" you have changed a geometry file.nn");
- printf("File Formats:nn");
- printf(
- " All files may contain comments prefixed by the character '#'. Points,n");
- printf(
- " segments, holes, triangles, edges, and subdomains must be numberedn");
- printf(
- " consecutively, starting from either 1 or 0. Whichever you choose, alln");
- printf(
- " input files must be consistent (for any single iteration number); if then"
- );
- printf(
- " nodes are numbered from 1, so must be all other objects. Show Men");
- printf(
- " automatically detects your choice while reading a .node (or .poly) file.n"
- );
- printf(" Examples of these file formats are given below.nn");
- printf(" .node files:n");
- printf(
- " First line: <# of points> <dimension (must be 2)> <# of attributes>n");
- printf(
- " <# of boundary markers (0 or 1)>n"
- );
- printf(
- " Remaining lines: <point #> <x> <y> [attributes] [boundary marker]n");
- printf("n");
- printf(
- " The attributes, which are typically floating-point values of physicaln");
- printf(
- " quantities (such as mass or conductivity) associated with the nodes ofn"
- );
- printf(
- " a finite element mesh, are ignored by Show Me. Show Me also ignoresn");
- printf(
- " boundary markers. See the instructions for Triangle to find out whatn");
- printf(" attributes and boundary markers are.nn");
- printf(" .poly files:n");
- printf(
- " First line: <# of points> <dimension (must be 2)> <# of attributes>n");
- printf(
- " <# of boundary markers (0 or 1)>n"
- );
- printf(
- " Following lines: <point #> <x> <y> [attributes] [boundary marker]n");
- printf(" One line: <# of segments> <# of boundary markers (0 or 1)>n");
- printf(
- " Following lines: <segment #> <endpoint> <endpoint> [boundary marker]n");
- printf(" One line: <# of holes>n");
- printf(" Following lines: <hole #> <x> <y>n");
- printf(" [Optional additional lines that are ignored]nn");
- printf(
- " A .poly file represents a Planar Straight Line Graph (PSLG), an idean");
- printf(
- " familiar to computational geometers. By definition, a PSLG is just an");
- printf(
- " list of points and edges. A .poly file also contains some additionaln");
- printf(" information.nn");
- printf(
- " The first section lists all the points, and is identical to the formatn"
- );
- printf(
- " of .node files. <# of points> may be set to zero to indicate that then"
- );
- printf(
- " points are listed in a separate .node file; .poly files produced byn");
- printf(
- " Triangle always have this format. When Show Me reads such a file, itn");
- printf(" also reads the corresponding .node file.nn");
- printf(
- " The second section lists the segments. Segments are edges whosen");
- printf(
- " presence in a triangulation produced from the PSLG is enforced. Eachn");
- printf(
- " segment is specified by listing the indices of its two endpoints. Thisn"
- );
- printf(
- " means that its endpoints must be included in the point list. Eachn");
- printf(
- " segment, like each point, may have a boundary marker, which is ignoredn"
- );
- printf(" by Show Me.nn");
- printf(
- " The third section lists holes and concavities that are desired in anyn");
- printf(
- " triangulation generated from the PSLG. Holes are specified byn");
- printf(" identifying a point inside each hole.nn");
- printf(" .ele files:n");
- printf(
- " First line: <# of triangles> <points per triangle> <# of attributes>n");
- printf(
- " Remaining lines: <triangle #> <point> <point> <point> ... [attributes]n"
- );
- printf("n");
- printf(
- " Points are indices into the corresponding .node file. Show Me ignoresn"
- );
- printf(
- " all but the first three points of each triangle; these should be then");
- printf(
- " corners listed in counterclockwise order around the triangle. Then");
- printf(" attributes are ignored by Show Me.nn");
- printf(" .edge files:n");
- printf(" First line: <# of edges> <# of boundary markers (0 or 1)>n");
- printf(
- " Following lines: <edge #> <endpoint> <endpoint> [boundary marker]n");
- printf("n");
- printf(
- " Endpoints are indices into the corresponding .node file. The boundaryn"
- );
- printf(" markers are ignored by Show Me.nn");
- printf(
- " In Voronoi diagrams, one also finds a special kind of edge that is ann");
- printf(
- " infinite ray with only one endpoint. For these edges, a differentn");
- printf(" format is used:nn");
- printf(" <edge #> <endpoint> -1 <direction x> <direction y>nn");
- printf(
- " The `direction' is a floating-point vector that indicates the directionn"
- );
- printf(" of the infinite ray.nn");
- printf(" .part files:n");
- printf(" First line: <# of triangles> <# of subdomains>n");
- printf(" Remaining lines: <triangle #> <subdomain #>nn");
- printf(
- " The set of triangles is partitioned by a .part file; each triangle isn");
- printf(" mapped to a subdomain.nn");
- printf(" .adj files:n");
- printf(" First line: <# of subdomains>n");
- printf(" Remaining lines: <adjacency matrix entry>nn");
- printf(
- " An .adj file represents adjacencies between subdomains (presumablyn");
- printf(" computed by a partitioner). The first line is followed byn");
- printf(
- " (subdomains X subdomains) lines, each containing one entry of then");
- printf(
- " adjacency matrix. A nonzero entry indicates that two subdomains aren");
- printf(" adjacent (share a point).nn");
- printf("Example:nn");
- printf(
- " Here is a sample file `box.poly' describing a square with a square hole:n"
- );
- printf("n");
- printf(
- " # A box with eight points in 2D, no attributes, no boundary marker.n");
- printf(" 8 2 0 0n");
- printf(" # Outer box has these vertices:n");
- printf(" 1 0 0n");
- printf(" 2 0 3n");
- printf(" 3 3 0n");
- printf(" 4 3 3n");
- printf(" # Inner square has these vertices:n");
- printf(" 5 1 1n");
- printf(" 6 1 2n");
- printf(" 7 2 1n");
- printf(" 8 2 2n");
- printf(" # Five segments without boundary markers.n");
- printf(" 5 0n");
- printf(" 1 1 2 # Left side of outer box.n");
- printf(" 2 5 7 # Segments 2 through 5 enclose the hole.n");
- printf(" 3 7 8n");
- printf(" 4 8 6n");
- printf(" 5 6 5n");
- printf(" # One hole in the middle of the inner square.n");
- printf(" 1n");
- printf(" 1 1.5 1.5nn");
- printf(
- " After this PSLG is triangulated by Triangle, the resulting triangulationn"
- );
- printf(
- " consists of a .node and .ele file. Here is the former, `box.1.node',n");
- printf(" which duplicates the points of the PSLG:nn");
- printf(" 8 2 0 0n");
- printf(" 1 0 0n");
- printf(" 2 0 3n");
- printf(" 3 3 0n");
- printf(" 4 3 3n");
- printf(" 5 1 1n");
- printf(" 6 1 2n");
- printf(" 7 2 1n");
- printf(" 8 2 2n");
- printf(" # Generated by triangle -pcBev boxn");
- printf("n");
- printf(" Here is the triangulation file, `box.1.ele'.n");
- printf("n");
- printf(" 8 3 0n");
- printf(" 1 1 5 6n");
- printf(" 2 5 1 3n");
- printf(" 3 2 6 8n");
- printf(" 4 6 2 1n");
- printf(" 5 7 3 4n");
- printf(" 6 3 7 5n");
- printf(" 7 8 4 2n");
- printf(" 8 4 8 7n");
- printf(" # Generated by triangle -pcBev boxnn");
- printf(" Here is the edge file for the triangulation, `box.1.edge'.nn");
- printf(" 16 0n");
- printf(" 1 1 5n");
- printf(" 2 5 6n");
- printf(" 3 6 1n");
- printf(" 4 1 3n");
- printf(" 5 3 5n");
- printf(" 6 2 6n");
- printf(" 7 6 8n");
- printf(" 8 8 2n");
- printf(" 9 2 1n");
- printf(" 10 7 3n");
- printf(" 11 3 4n");
- printf(" 12 4 7n");
- printf(" 13 7 5n");
- printf(" 14 8 4n");
- printf(" 15 4 2n");
- printf(" 16 8 7n");
- printf(" # Generated by triangle -pcBev boxn");
- printf("n");
- printf(
- " Here's a file `box.1.part' that partitions the mesh into four subdomains.n"
- );
- printf("n");
- printf(" 8 4n");
- printf(" 1 3n");
- printf(" 2 3n");
- printf(" 3 4n");
- printf(" 4 4n");
- printf(" 5 1n");
- printf(" 6 1n");
- printf(" 7 2n");
- printf(" 8 2n");
- printf(" # Generated by slice -s4 box.1nn");
- printf(
- " Here's a file `box.1.adj' that represents the resulting adjacencies.n");
- printf("n");
- printf(" 4n");
- printf(" 9n");
- printf(" 2n");
- printf(" 2n");
- printf(" 0n");
- printf(" 2n");
- printf(" 9n");
- printf(" 0n");
- printf(" 2n");
- printf(" 2n");
- printf(" 0n");
- printf(" 9n");
- printf(" 2n");
- printf(" 0n");
- printf(" 2n");
- printf(" 2n");
- printf(" 9n");
- printf("n");
- printf("Display Speed:n");
- printf("n");
- printf(
- " It is worthwhile to note that .edge files typically plot and print twicen"
- );
- printf(
- " as quickly as .ele files, because .ele files cause each internal edge ton"
- );
- printf(
- " be drawn twice. For the same reason, PostScript files created from edgen"
- );
- printf(" sets are smaller than those created from triangulations.nn");
- printf("Show Me on the Web:nn");
- printf(
- " To see an illustrated, updated version of these instructions, check outn");
- printf("n");
- printf("");
- printf("n");
- printf("A Brief Plea:n");
- printf("n");
- printf(
- " If you use Show Me (or Triangle), and especially if you use it ton");
- printf(
- " accomplish real work, I would like very much to hear from you. A shortn");
- printf(
- " letter or email (to describing how you use Show Me (andn");
- printf(
- " its sister programs) will mean a lot to me. The more people I known");
- printf(
- " are using my programs, the more easily I can justify spending time onn");
- printf(
- " improvements, which in turn will benefit you. Also, I can put youn");
- printf(
- " on a list to receive email whenever new versions are available.n");
- printf("n");
- printf(
- " If you use a PostScript file generated by Show Me in a publication,n");
- printf(" please include an acknowledgment as well.nn");
- exit(0);
- }
- void set_filenames(filename, lowermeshnumber)
- char *filename;
- int lowermeshnumber;
- {
- char numberstring[100];
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
- strcpy(nodefilename[i], filename);
- strcpy(polyfilename[i], filename);
- strcpy(elefilename[i], filename);
- strcpy(edgefilename[i], filename);
- strcpy(partfilename[i], filename);
- strcpy(adjfilename[i], filename);
- strcpy(vnodefilename[i], filename);
- strcpy(vedgefilename[i], filename);
- if (lowermeshnumber + i > 0) {
- sprintf(numberstring, ".%d", lowermeshnumber + i);
- strcat(nodefilename[i], numberstring);
- strcat(polyfilename[i], numberstring);
- strcat(elefilename[i], numberstring);
- strcat(edgefilename[i], numberstring);
- strcat(partfilename[i], numberstring);
- strcat(adjfilename[i], numberstring);
- strcat(vnodefilename[i], numberstring);
- strcat(vedgefilename[i], numberstring);
- }
- strcat(nodefilename[i], ".node");
- strcat(polyfilename[i], ".poly");
- strcat(elefilename[i], ".ele");
- strcat(edgefilename[i], ".edge");
- strcat(partfilename[i], ".part");
- strcat(adjfilename[i], ".adj");
- strcat(vnodefilename[i], ".v.node");
- strcat(vedgefilename[i], ".v.edge");
- }
- }
- void parsecommandline(argc, argv)
- int argc;
- char **argv;
- {
- int increment;
- int meshnumber;
- int i, j;
- quiet = 0;
- fillelem = 0;
- line_width = 1;
- bw_ps = 0;
- start_image = ELE;
- filename[0] = ' ';
- for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
- if (argv[i][0] == '-') {
- for (j = 1; argv[i][j] != ' '; j++) {
- if (argv[i][j] == 'f') {
- fillelem = 1;
- }
- if (argv[i][j] == 'w') {
- if ((argv[i][j + 1] >= '1') && (argv[i][j + 1] <= '9')) {
- line_width = 0;
- while ((argv[i][j + 1] >= '0') && (argv[i][j + 1] <= '9')) {
- j++;
- line_width = line_width * 10 + (int) (argv[i][j] - '0');
- }
- if (line_width > 100) {
- printf("Error: Line width cannot exceed 100.n");
- line_width = 1;
- }
- }
- }
- if (argv[i][j] == 'b') {
- bw_ps = 1;
- }
- if (argv[i][j] == 'Q') {
- quiet = 1;
- }
- if ((argv[i][j] == 'h') || (argv[i][j] == 'H') ||
- (argv[i][j] == '?')) {
- info();
- }
- }
- } else {
- strcpy(filename, argv[i]);
- }
- }
- if (filename[0] == ' ') {
- syntax();
- }
- if (!strcmp(&filename[strlen(filename) - 5], ".node")) {
- filename[strlen(filename) - 5] = ' ';
- start_image = NODE;
- }
- if (!strcmp(&filename[strlen(filename) - 5], ".poly")) {
- filename[strlen(filename) - 5] = ' ';
- start_image = POLY;
- }
- if (!strcmp(&filename[strlen(filename) - 4], ".ele")) {
- filename[strlen(filename) - 4] = ' ';
- start_image = ELE;
- }
- if (!strcmp(&filename[strlen(filename) - 5], ".edge")) {
- filename[strlen(filename) - 5] = ' ';
- start_image = EDGE;
- }
- if (!strcmp(&filename[strlen(filename) - 5], ".part")) {
- filename[strlen(filename) - 5] = ' ';
- start_image = PART;
- }
- if (!strcmp(&filename[strlen(filename) - 4], ".adj")) {
- filename[strlen(filename) - 4] = ' ';
- start_image = ADJ;
- }
- increment = 0;
- j = 1;
- while (filename[j] != ' ') {
- if ((filename[j] == '.') && (filename[j + 1] != ' ')) {
- increment = j + 1;
- }
- j++;
- }
- meshnumber = 0;
- if (increment > 0) {
- j = increment;
- do {
- if ((filename[j] >= '0') && (filename[j] <= '9')) {
- meshnumber = meshnumber * 10 + (int) (filename[j] - '0');
- } else {
- increment = 0;
- }
- j++;
- } while (filename[j] != ' ');
- }
- if (increment > 0) {
- filename[increment - 1] = ' ';
- }
- if (meshnumber == 0) {
- start_inc = 0;
- loweriteration = 0;
- } else {
- start_inc = 1;
- loweriteration = meshnumber - 1;
- }
- set_filenames(filename, loweriteration);
- }
- void free_inc(inc)
- int inc;
- {
- if (loaded[inc][NODE]) {
- free(nodeptr[inc]);
- }
- if (loaded[inc][POLY]) {
- if (polynodes[inc] > 0) {
- free(polynodeptr[inc]);
- }
- free(polyedgeptr[inc]);
- free(polyholeptr[inc]);
- }
- if (loaded[inc][ELE]) {
- free(eleptr[inc]);
- }
- if (loaded[inc][PART]) {
- free(partpart[inc]);
- free(partcenter[inc]);
- free(partshift[inc]);
- }
- if (loaded[inc][EDGE]) {
- free(edgeptr[inc]);
- free(normptr[inc]);
- }
- if (loaded[inc][ADJ]) {
- free(adjptr[inc]);
- }
- if (loaded[inc][VORO]) {
- free(vnodeptr[inc]);
- free(vedgeptr[inc]);
- free(vnormptr[inc]);
- }
- }
- void move_inc(inc)
- int inc;
- {
- int i;
- free_inc(1 - inc);
- for (i = 0; i < IMAGE_TYPES; i++) {
- loaded[1 - inc][i] = loaded[inc][i];
- loaded[inc][i] = 0;
- xlo[1 - inc][i] = xlo[inc][i];
- ylo[1 - inc][i] = ylo[inc][i];
- xhi[1 - inc][i] = xhi[inc][i];
- yhi[1 - inc][i] = yhi[inc][i];
- }
- nodes[1 - inc] = nodes[inc];
- node_dim[1 - inc] = node_dim[inc];
- nodeptr[1 - inc] = nodeptr[inc];
- polynodes[1 - inc] = polynodes[inc];
- poly_dim[1 - inc] = poly_dim[inc];
- polyedges[1 - inc] = polyedges[inc];
- polyholes[1 - inc] = polyholes[inc];
- polynodeptr[1 - inc] = polynodeptr[inc];
- polyedgeptr[1 - inc] = polyedgeptr[inc];
- polyholeptr[1 - inc] = polyholeptr[inc];
- elems[1 - inc] = elems[inc];
- ele_corners[1 - inc] = ele_corners[inc];
- eleptr[1 - inc] = eleptr[inc];
- edges[1 - inc] = edges[inc];
- edgeptr[1 - inc] = edgeptr[inc];
- normptr[1 - inc] = normptr[inc];
- subdomains[1 - inc] = subdomains[inc];
- partpart[1 - inc] = partpart[inc];
- partcenter[1 - inc] = partcenter[inc];
- partshift[1 - inc] = partshift[inc];
- adjsubdomains[1 - inc] = adjsubdomains[inc];
- adjptr[1 - inc] = adjptr[inc];
- vnodes[1 - inc] = vnodes[inc];
- vnode_dim[1 - inc] = vnode_dim[inc];
- vnodeptr[1 - inc] = vnodeptr[inc];
- vedges[1 - inc] = vedges[inc];
- vedgeptr[1 - inc] = vedgeptr[inc];
- vnormptr[1 - inc] = vnormptr[inc];
- firstnumber[1 - inc] = firstnumber[inc];
- firstnumber[inc] = -1;
- }
- void unload_inc(inc)
- int inc;
- {
- int i;
- current_image = NOTHING;
- for (i = 0; i < IMAGE_TYPES; i++) {
- loaded[inc][i] = 0;
- firstnumber[inc] = -1;
- }
- }
- void showme_init()
- {
- current_image = NOTHING;
- current_inc = 0;
- explosion = STARTEXPLOSION;
- unload_inc(0);
- unload_inc(1);
- }
- char *readline(string, infile, infilename)
- char *string;
- FILE *infile;
- char *infilename;
- {
- char *result;
- do {
- result = fgets(string, INPUTLINESIZE, infile);
- if (result == (char *) NULL) {
- printf(" Error: Unexpected end of file in %s.n",
- infilename);
- exit(1);
- }
- while ((*result != ' ') && (*result != '#')
- && (*result != '.') && (*result != '+') && (*result != '-')
- && ((*result < '0') || (*result > '9'))) {
- result++;
- }
- } while ((*result == '#') || (*result == ' '));
- return result;
- }
- char *findfield(string)
- char *string;
- {
- char *result;
- result = string;
- while ((*result != ' ') && (*result != '#')
- && (*result != ' ') && (*result != 't')) {
- result++;
- }
- while ((*result != ' ') && (*result != '#')
- && (*result != '.') && (*result != '+') && (*result != '-')
- && ((*result < '0') || (*result > '9'))) {
- result++;
- }
- if (*result == '#') {
- *result = ' ';
- }
- return result;
- }
- int load_node(fname, firstnumber, nodes, dim, ptr, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
- char *fname;
- int *firstnumber;
- int *nodes;
- int *dim;
- REAL **ptr;
- REAL *xmin;
- REAL *ymin;
- REAL *xmax;
- REAL *ymax;
- {
- FILE *infile;
- char inputline[INPUTLINESIZE];
- char *stringptr;
- int extras;
- int nodemarks;
- int index;
- int nodenumber;
- int i, j;
- int smallerr;
- REAL x, y;
- *xmin = *ymin = 0.0;
- *xmax = *ymax = 1.0;
- if (!quiet) {
- printf("Opening %s.n", fname);
- }
- infile = fopen(fname, "r");
- if (infile == (FILE *) NULL) {
- printf(" Error: Cannot access file %s.n", fname);
- return 1;
- }
- stringptr = readline(inputline, infile, fname);
- *nodes = (int) strtol (stringptr, &stringptr, 0);
- if (*nodes < 3) {
- printf(" Error: %s contains %d points.n", fname, *nodes);
- return 1;
- }
- stringptr = findfield(stringptr);
- if (*stringptr == ' ') {
- *dim = 2;
- } else {
- *dim = (int) strtol (stringptr, &stringptr, 0);
- }
- if (*dim < 1) {
- printf(" Error: %s has dimensionality %d.n", fname, *dim);
- return 1;
- }
- if (*dim != 2) {
- printf(" I only understand two-dimensional meshes.n");
- return 1;
- }
- stringptr = findfield(stringptr);
- if (*stringptr == ' ') {
- extras = 0;
- } else {
- extras = (int) strtol (stringptr, &stringptr, 0);
- }
- if (extras < 0) {
- printf(" Error: %s has negative value for number of attributes.n",
- fname);
- return 1;
- }
- stringptr = findfield(stringptr);
- if (*stringptr == ' ') {
- nodemarks = 0;
- } else {
- nodemarks = (int) strtol (stringptr, &stringptr, 0);
- }
- if (nodemarks < 0) {
- printf(" Warning: %s has negative value for number of point markers.n",
- fname);
- }
- if (nodemarks > 1) {
- printf(
- " Warning: %s has value greater than one for number of point markers.n",
- fname);
- }
- *ptr = (REAL *) malloc((*nodes + 1) * *dim * sizeof(REAL));
- if (*ptr == (REAL *) NULL) {
- printf(" Out of memory.n");
- return 1;
- }
- index = *dim;
- smallerr = 1;
- for (i = 0; i < *nodes; i++) {
- stringptr = readline(inputline, infile, fname);
- nodenumber = (int) strtol (stringptr, &stringptr, 0);
- if ((i == 0) && (*firstnumber == -1)) {
- if (nodenumber == 0) {
- *firstnumber = 0;
- } else {
- *firstnumber = 1;
- }
- }
- if ((nodenumber != *firstnumber + i) && (smallerr)) {
- printf(" Warning: Points in %s are not numbered correctlyn", fname);
- printf(" (starting with point %d).n", *firstnumber + i);
- smallerr = 0;
- }
- for (j = 0; j < *dim; j++) {
- stringptr = findfield(stringptr);
- if (*stringptr == ' ') {
- printf("Error: Point %d is missing a coordinate in %s.n",
- *firstnumber + i, fname);
- free(*ptr);
- return 1;
- }
- (*ptr)[index++] = (REAL) strtod(stringptr, &stringptr);
- }
- }
- fclose(infile);
- index = *dim;
- *xmin = *xmax = (*ptr)[index];
- *ymin = *ymax = (*ptr)[index + 1];
- for (i = 2; i <= *nodes; i++) {
- index += *dim;
- x = (*ptr)[index];
- y = (*ptr)[index + 1];
- if (x < *xmin) {
- *xmin = x;
- }
- if (y < *ymin) {
- *ymin = y;
- }
- if (x > *xmax) {
- *xmax = x;
- }
- if (y > *ymax) {
- *ymax = y;
- }
- }
- if (*xmin == *xmax) {
- *xmin -= 0.5;
- *xmax += 0.5;
- }
- if (*ymin == *ymax) {
- *ymin -= 0.5;
- *ymax += 0.5;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int load_poly(inc, fname, firstnumber, pnodes, dim, edges, holes, nodeptr,
- edgeptr, holeptr, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
- int inc;
- char *fname;
- int *firstnumber;
- int *pnodes;
- int *dim;
- int *edges;
- int *holes;
- REAL **nodeptr;
- int **edgeptr;
- REAL **holeptr;
- REAL *xmin;
- REAL *ymin;
- REAL *xmax;
- REAL *ymax;
- {
- FILE *infile;
- char inputline[INPUTLINESIZE];
- char *stringptr;
- int extras;
- int nodemarks;
- int segmentmarks;
- int index;
- int nodenumber, edgenumber, holenumber;
- int maxnode;
- int i, j;
- int smallerr;
- REAL x, y;
- if (!quiet) {
- printf("Opening %s.n", fname);
- }
- infile = fopen(fname, "r");
- if (infile == (FILE *) NULL) {
- printf(" Error: Cannot access file %s.n", fname);
- return 1;
- }
- stringptr = readline(inputline, infile, fname);
- *pnodes = (int) strtol (stringptr, &stringptr, 0);
- if (*pnodes == 0) {
- if (!loaded[inc][NODE]) {
- if (load_image(inc, NODE)) {
- return 1;
- }
- }
- maxnode = nodes[inc];
- *xmin = xlo[inc][NODE];
- *ymin = ylo[inc][NODE];
- *xmax = xhi[inc][NODE];
- *ymax = yhi[inc][NODE];
- } else {
- if (*pnodes < 1) {
- printf(" Error: %s contains %d points.n", fname, *pnodes);
- return 1;
- }
- maxnode = *pnodes;
- }
- stringptr = findfield(stringptr);
- if (*stringptr == ' ') {
- *dim = 2;
- } else {
- *dim = (int) strtol (stringptr, &stringptr, 0);
- }
- if (*dim < 1) {
- printf(" Error: %s has dimensionality %d.n", fname, *dim);
- return 1;
- }
- if (*dim != 2) {
- printf(" I only understand two-dimensional .poly files.n");
- return 1;
- }
- stringptr = findfield(stringptr);
- if (*stringptr == ' ') {
- extras = 0;
- } else {
- extras = (int) strtol (stringptr, &stringptr, 0);
- }
- if (extras < 0) {
- printf(" Error: %s has negative value for number of attributes.n",
- fname);
- return 1;
- }
- stringptr = findfield(stringptr);
- if (*stringptr == ' ') {
- nodemarks = 0;
- } else {
- nodemarks = (int) strtol (stringptr, &stringptr, 0);
- }
- if (nodemarks < 0) {
- printf(" Warning: %s has negative value for number of point markers.n",
- fname);
- }
- if (nodemarks > 1) {
- printf(
- " Warning: %s has value greater than one for number of point markers.n",
- fname);
- }
- if (*pnodes > 0) {
- *nodeptr = (REAL *) malloc((*pnodes + 1) * *dim * sizeof(REAL));
- if (*nodeptr == (REAL *) NULL) {
- printf(" Out of memory.n");
- return 1;
- }
- index = *dim;
- smallerr = 1;
- for (i = 0; i < *pnodes; i++) {
- stringptr = readline(inputline, infile, fname);
- nodenumber = (int) strtol (stringptr, &stringptr, 0);
- if ((i == 0) && (*firstnumber == -1)) {
- if (nodenumber == 0) {
- *firstnumber = 0;
- } else {
- *firstnumber = 1;
- }
- }
- if ((nodenumber != *firstnumber + i) && (smallerr)) {
- printf(" Warning: Points in %s are not numbered correctly.n",
- fname);
- printf(" (starting with point %d).n", *firstnumber + i);
- smallerr = 0;
- }
- for (j = 0; j < *dim; j++) {
- stringptr = findfield(stringptr);
- if (*stringptr == ' ') {
- printf("Error: Point %d is missing a coordinate in %s.n",
- *firstnumber + i, fname);
- free(*nodeptr);
- return 1;
- }
- (*nodeptr)[index++] = (REAL) strtod(stringptr, &stringptr);
- }
- }
- }
- stringptr = readline(inputline, infile, fname);
- *edges = (int) strtol (stringptr, &stringptr, 0);
- if (*edges < 0) {
- printf(" Error: %s contains %d segments.n", fname, *edges);
- free(*nodeptr);
- return 1;
- }
- stringptr = findfield(stringptr);
- if (*stringptr == ' ') {
- segmentmarks = 0;
- } else {
- segmentmarks = (int) strtol (stringptr, &stringptr, 0);
- }
- if (segmentmarks < 0) {
- printf(" Error: %s has negative value for number of segment markers.n",
- fname);
- free(*nodeptr);
- return 1;
- }
- if (segmentmarks > 1) {
- printf(
- " Error: %s has value greater than one for number of segment markers.n",
- fname);
- free(*nodeptr);
- return 1;
- }
- *edgeptr = (int *) malloc(((*edges + 1) << 1) * sizeof(int));
- if (*edgeptr == (int *) NULL) {
- printf(" Out of memory.n");
- free(*nodeptr);
- return 1;
- }
- index = 2;
- smallerr = 1;
- for (i = *firstnumber; i < *firstnumber + *edges; i++) {
- stringptr = readline(inputline, infile, fname);
- edgenumber = (int) strtol (stringptr, &stringptr, 0);
- if ((edgenumber != i) && (smallerr)) {
- printf(" Warning: Segments in %s are not numbered correctly.n",
- fname);
- printf(" (starting with segment %d).n", i);
- smallerr = 0;
- }
- stringptr = findfield(stringptr);
- if (*stringptr == ' ') {
- printf("Error: Segment %d is missing its endpoints in %s.n", i, fname);
- free(*nodeptr);
- free(*edgeptr);
- return 1;
- }
- (*edgeptr)[index] = (int) strtol (stringptr, &stringptr, 0) + 1 -
- *firstnumber;
- if (((*edgeptr)[index] < 1) || ((*edgeptr)[index] > maxnode)) {
- printf("Error: Segment %d has invalid endpoint in %s.n", i, fname);
- return 1;
- }
- stringptr = findfield(stringptr);
- if (*stringptr == ' ') {
- printf("Error: Segment %d is missing an endpoint in %s.n", i, fname);
- free(*nodeptr);
- free(*edgeptr);
- return 1;
- }
- (*edgeptr)[index + 1] = (int) strtol (stringptr, &stringptr, 0) + 1 -
- *firstnumber;
- if (((*edgeptr)[index + 1] < 1) || ((*edgeptr)[index + 1] > maxnode)) {
- printf("Error: Segment %d has invalid endpoint in %s.n", i, fname);
- return 1;
- }
- index += 2;
- }
- stringptr = readline(inputline, infile, fname);
- *holes = (int) strtol (stringptr, &stringptr, 0);
- if (*holes < 0) {
- printf(" Error: %s contains %d holes.n", fname, *holes);
- free(*nodeptr);
- free(*edgeptr);
- return 1;
- }
- *holeptr = (REAL *) malloc((*holes + 1) * *dim * sizeof(REAL));
- if (*holeptr == (REAL *) NULL) {
- printf(" Out of memory.n");
- free(*nodeptr);
- free(*edgeptr);
- return 1;
- }
- index = *dim;
- smallerr = 1;
- for (i = *firstnumber; i < *firstnumber + *holes; i++) {
- stringptr = readline(inputline, infile, fname);
- holenumber = (int) strtol (stringptr, &stringptr, 0);
- if ((holenumber != i) && (smallerr)) {
- printf(" Warning: Holes in %s are not numbered correctly.n", fname);
- printf(" (starting with hole %d).n", i);
- smallerr = 0;
- }
- for (j = 0; j < *dim; j++) {
- stringptr = findfield(stringptr);
- if (*stringptr == ' ') {
- printf("Error: Hole %d is missing a coordinate in %s.n", i,
- fname);
- free(*nodeptr);
- free(*edgeptr);
- free(*holeptr);
- return 1;
- }
- (*holeptr)[index++] = (REAL) strtod(stringptr, &stringptr);
- }
- }
- fclose(infile);
- if (*pnodes > 0) {
- index = *dim;
- *xmin = *xmax = (*nodeptr)[index];
- *ymin = *ymax = (*nodeptr)[index + 1];
- for (i = 2; i <= *pnodes; i++) {
- index += *dim;
- x = (*nodeptr)[index];
- y = (*nodeptr)[index + 1];
- if (x < *xmin) {
- *xmin = x;
- }
- if (y < *ymin) {
- *ymin = y;
- }
- if (x > *xmax) {
- *xmax = x;
- }
- if (y > *ymax) {
- *ymax = y;
- }
- }
- }
- index = *dim;
- for (i = 1; i <= *holes; i++) {
- x = (*holeptr)[index];
- y = (*holeptr)[index + 1];
- if (x < *xmin) {
- *xmin = x;
- }
- if (y < *ymin) {
- *ymin = y;
- }
- if (x > *xmax) {
- *xmax = x;
- }
- if (y > *ymax) {
- *ymax = y;
- }
- index += *dim;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int load_ele(fname, firstnumber, nodes, elems, corners, ptr)
- char *fname;
- int firstnumber;
- int nodes;
- int *elems;
- int *corners;
- int **ptr;
- {
- FILE *infile;
- char inputline[INPUTLINESIZE];
- char *stringptr;
- int extras;
- int index;
- int elemnumber;
- int i, j;
- int smallerr;
- if (!quiet) {
- printf("Opening %s.n", fname);
- }
- infile = fopen(fname, "r");
- if (infile == (FILE *) NULL) {
- printf(" Error: Cannot access file %s.n", fname);
- return 1;
- }
- stringptr = readline(inputline, infile, fname);
- *elems = (int) strtol (stringptr, &stringptr, 0);
- if (*elems < 1) {
- printf(" Error: %s contains %d triangles.n", fname, *elems);
- return 1;
- }
- stringptr = findfield(stringptr);
- if (*stringptr == ' ') {
- *corners = 3;
- } else {
- *corners = (int) strtol (stringptr, &stringptr, 0);
- }
- if (*corners < 3) {
- printf(" Error: Triangles in %s have only %d corners.n", fname,
- *corners);
- return 1;
- }
- stringptr = findfield(stringptr);
- if (*stringptr == ' ') {
- extras = 0;
- } else {
- extras = (int) strtol (stringptr, &stringptr, 0);
- }
- if (extras < 0) {
- printf(" Error: %s has negative value for extra fields.n", fname);
- return 1;
- }
- *ptr = (int *) malloc((*elems + 1) * 3 * sizeof(int));
- if (*ptr == (int *) NULL) {
- printf(" Out of memory.n");
- return 1;
- }
- index = 3;
- smallerr = 1;
- for (i = firstnumber; i < firstnumber + *elems; i++) {
- stringptr = readline(inputline, infile, fname);
- elemnumber = (int) strtol (stringptr, &stringptr, 0);
- if ((elemnumber != i) && (smallerr)) {
- printf(" Warning: Triangles in %s are not numbered correctly.n",
- fname);
- printf(" (starting with triangle %d).n", i);
- smallerr = 0;
- }
- for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
- stringptr = findfield(stringptr);
- if (*stringptr == ' ') {
- printf("Error: Triangle %d is missing a corner in %s.n", i, fname);
- free(*ptr);
- return 1;
- }
- (*ptr)[index] = (int) strtol (stringptr, &stringptr, 0) + 1 -
- firstnumber;
- if (((*ptr)[index] < 1) || ((*ptr)[index] > nodes)) {
- printf("Error: Triangle %d has invalid corner in %s.n", i, fname);
- return 1;
- }
- index++;
- }
- }
- fclose(infile);
- return 0;
- }
- int load_edge(fname, firstnumber, nodes, edges, edgeptr, normptr)
- char *fname;
- int firstnumber;
- int nodes;
- int *edges;
- int **edgeptr;
- REAL **normptr;
- {
- FILE *infile;
- char inputline[INPUTLINESIZE];
- char *stringptr;
- int index;
- int edgenumber;
- int edgemarks;
- int i;
- int smallerr;
- if (!quiet) {
- printf("Opening %s.n", fname);
- }
- infile = fopen(fname, "r");
- if (infile == (FILE *) NULL) {
- printf(" Error: Cannot access file %s.n", fname);
- return 1;
- }
- stringptr = readline(inputline, infile, fname);
- *edges = (int) strtol (stringptr, &stringptr, 0);
- if (*edges < 1) {
- printf(" Error: %s contains %d edges.n", fname, *edges);
- return 1;
- }
- stringptr = findfield(stringptr);
- if (*stringptr == ' ') {
- edgemarks = 0;
- } else {
- edgemarks = (int) strtol (stringptr, &stringptr, 0);
- }
- if (edgemarks < 0) {
- printf(" Error: %s has negative value for number of edge markers.n",
- fname);
- return 1;
- }
- if (edgemarks > 1) {
- printf(
- " Error: %s has value greater than one for number of edge markers.n",
- fname);
- return 1;
- }
- *edgeptr = (int *) malloc(((*edges + 1) << 1) * sizeof(int));
- if (*edgeptr == (int *) NULL) {
- printf(" Out of memory.n");
- return 1;
- }
- *normptr = (REAL *) malloc(((*edges + 1) << 1) * sizeof(REAL));
- if (*normptr == (REAL *) NULL) {
- printf(" Out of memory.n");
- free(*edgeptr);
- return 1;
- }
- index = 2;
- smallerr = 1;
- for (i = firstnumber; i < firstnumber + *edges; i++) {
- stringptr = readline(inputline, infile, fname);
- edgenumber = (int) strtol (stringptr, &stringptr, 0);
- if ((edgenumber != i) && (smallerr)) {
- printf(" Warning: Edges in %s are not numbered correctly.n", fname);
- printf(" (starting with edge %d).n", i);
- smallerr = 0;
- }
- stringptr = findfield(stringptr);
- if (*stringptr == ' ') {
- printf("Error: Edge %d is missing its endpoints in %s.n", i, fname);
- free(*edgeptr);
- free(*normptr);
- return 1;
- }
- (*edgeptr)[index] = (int) strtol (stringptr, &stringptr, 0) + 1 -
- firstnumber;
- if (((*edgeptr)[index] < 1) || ((*edgeptr)[index] > nodes)) {
- printf("Error: Edge %d has invalid endpoint in %s.n", i, fname);
- return 1;
- }
- stringptr = findfield(stringptr);
- if (*stringptr == ' ') {
- printf("Error: Edge %d is missing an endpoint in %s.n", i, fname);
- free(*edgeptr);
- free(*normptr);
- return 1;
- }
- (*edgeptr)[index + 1] = (int) strtol (stringptr, &stringptr, 0);
- if ((*edgeptr)[index + 1] == -1) {
- stringptr = findfield(stringptr);
- if (*stringptr == ' ') {
- printf("Error: Edge %d is missing its direction in %s.n", i, fname);
- free(*edgeptr);
- free(*normptr);
- return 1;
- }
- (*normptr)[index] = (REAL) strtod(stringptr, &stringptr);
- stringptr = findfield(stringptr);
- if (*stringptr == ' ') {
- printf("Error: Edge %d is missing a direction coordinate in %s.n",
- i, fname);
- free(*edgeptr);
- free(*normptr);
- return 1;
- }
- (*normptr)[index + 1] = (REAL) strtod(stringptr, &stringptr);
- } else {
- (*edgeptr)[index + 1] += 1 - firstnumber;
- if (((*edgeptr)[index + 1] < 1) || ((*edgeptr)[index + 1] > nodes)) {
- printf("Error: Edge %d has invalid endpoint in %s.n", i, fname);
- return 1;
- }
- }
- index += 2;
- }
- fclose(infile);
- return 0;
- }
- int load_part(fname, dim, firstnumber, elems, nodeptr, eleptr, parts,
- partition, partcenter, partshift)
- char *fname;
- int dim;
- int firstnumber;
- int elems;
- REAL *nodeptr;
- int *eleptr;
- int *parts;
- int **partition;
- REAL **partcenter;
- REAL **partshift;
- {
- FILE *infile;
- char inputline[INPUTLINESIZE];
- char *stringptr;
- int partelems;
- int index;
- int elemnumber;
- int i, j;
- int smallerr;
- int *partsize;
- if (!quiet) {
- printf("Opening %s.n", fname);
- }
- infile = fopen(fname, "r");
- if (infile == (FILE *) NULL) {
- printf(" Error: Cannot access file %s.n", fname);
- return 1;
- }
- stringptr = readline(inputline, infile, fname);
- partelems = (int) strtol (stringptr, &stringptr, 0);
- if (partelems != elems) {
- printf(
- " Error: .ele and .part files do not agree on number of triangles.n");
- return 1;
- }
- stringptr = findfield(stringptr);
- if (*stringptr == ' ') {
- *parts = 1;
- } else {
- *parts = (int) strtol (stringptr, &stringptr, 0);
- }
- if (*parts < 1) {
- printf(" Error: %s specifies %d subdomains.n", fname, *parts);
- return 1;
- }
- *partition = (int *) malloc((elems + 1) * sizeof(int));
- if (*partition == (int *) NULL) {
- printf(" Out of memory.n");
- return 1;
- }
- smallerr = 1;
- for (i = firstnumber; i < firstnumber + partelems; i++) {
- stringptr = readline(inputline, infile, fname);
- elemnumber = (int) strtol (stringptr, &stringptr, 0);
- if ((elemnumber != i) && (smallerr)) {
- printf(" Warning: Triangles in %s are not numbered correctly.n",
- fname);
- printf(" (starting with triangle %d).n", i);
- smallerr = 0;
- }
- stringptr = findfield(stringptr);
- if (*stringptr == ' ') {
- printf("Error: Triangle %d has no subdomain in %s.n", i, fname);
- free(*partition);
- return 1;
- }
- j = i + 1 - firstnumber;
- (*partition)[j] = (int) strtol (stringptr, &stringptr, 0) - firstnumber;
- if (((*partition)[j] >= *parts) || ((*partition)[j] < 0)) {
- printf(" Error: Triangle %d of %s has an invalid subdomain.n",
- i, fname);
- free(*partition);
- return 1;
- }
- }
- fclose(infile);
- *partcenter = (REAL *) malloc(((*parts + 1) << 1) * sizeof(REAL));
- if (*partcenter == (REAL *) NULL) {
- printf("Error: Out of memory.n");
- free(*partition);
- return 1;
- }
- *partshift = (REAL *) malloc((*parts << 1) * sizeof(REAL));
- if (*partshift == (REAL *) NULL) {
- printf("Error: Out of memory.n");
- free(*partition);
- free(*partcenter);
- return 1;
- }
- partsize = (int *) malloc((*parts + 1) * sizeof(int));
- if (partsize == (int *) NULL) {
- printf("Error: Out of memory.n");
- free(*partition);
- free(*partcenter);
- free(*partshift);
- return 1;
- }
- for (i = 0; i <= *parts; i++) {
- partsize[i] = 0;
- (*partcenter)[i << 1] = 0.0;
- (*partcenter)[(i << 1) + 1] = 0.0;
- }
- index = 3;
- for (i = 1; i <= elems; i++) {
- partsize[(*partition)[i]] += 3;
- for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
- (*partcenter)[(*partition)[i] << 1] +=
- nodeptr[eleptr[index] * dim];
- (*partcenter)[((*partition)[i] << 1) + 1] +=
- nodeptr[eleptr[index++] * dim + 1];
- }
- }
- for (i = 0; i < *parts; i++) {
- (*partcenter)[i << 1] /= (REAL) partsize[i];
- (*partcenter)[(i << 1) + 1] /= (REAL) partsize[i];
- (*partcenter)[*parts << 1] += (*partcenter)[i << 1];
- (*partcenter)[(*parts << 1) + 1] += (*partcenter)[(i << 1) + 1];
- }
- (*partcenter)[*parts << 1] /= (REAL) *parts;
- (*partcenter)[(*parts << 1) + 1] /= (REAL) *parts;
- free(partsize);
- return 0;
- }
- int load_adj(fname, subdomains, ptr)
- char *fname;
- int *subdomains;
- int **ptr;
- {
- FILE *infile;
- char inputline[INPUTLINESIZE];
- char *stringptr;
- int i, j;
- if (!quiet) {
- printf("Opening %s.n", fname);
- }
- infile = fopen(fname, "r");
- if (infile == (FILE *) NULL) {
- printf(" Error: Cannot access file %s.n", fname);
- return 1;
- }
- stringptr = readline(inputline, infile, fname);
- *subdomains = (int) strtol (stringptr, &stringptr, 0);
- if (*subdomains < 1) {
- printf(" Error: %s contains %d subdomains.n", fname, *subdomains);
- return 1;
- }
- *ptr = (int *) malloc(*subdomains * *subdomains * sizeof(int));
- if (*ptr == (int *) NULL) {
- printf(" Out of memory.n");
- return 1;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < *subdomains; i++) {
- for (j = 0; j < *subdomains; j++) {
- stringptr = readline(inputline, infile, fname);
- (*ptr)[i * *subdomains + j] = (int) strtol (stringptr, &stringptr, 0);
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- void findpartshift(parts, explosion, partcenter, partshift)
- int parts;
- REAL explosion;
- REAL *partcenter;
- REAL *partshift;
- {
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < parts; i++) {
- partshift[i << 1] = explosion *
- (partcenter[i << 1] - partcenter[parts << 1]);
- partshift[(i << 1) + 1] = explosion *
- (partcenter[(i << 1) + 1] - partcenter[(parts << 1) + 1]);
- }
- }
- int load_image(inc, image)
- int inc;
- int image;
- {
- int error;
- switch (image) {
- case NODE:
- error = load_node(nodefilename[inc], &firstnumber[inc], &nodes[inc],
- &node_dim[inc], &nodeptr[inc], &xlo[inc][NODE],
- &ylo[inc][NODE], &xhi[inc][NODE], &yhi[inc][NODE]);
- break;
- case POLY:
- error = load_poly(inc, polyfilename[inc], &firstnumber[inc],
- &polynodes[inc], &poly_dim[inc], &polyedges[inc],
- &polyholes[inc], &polynodeptr[inc], &polyedgeptr[inc],
- &polyholeptr[inc],
- &xlo[inc][POLY], &ylo[inc][POLY],
- &xhi[inc][POLY], &yhi[inc][POLY]);
- break;
- case ELE:
- error = load_ele(elefilename[inc], firstnumber[inc], nodes[inc],
- &elems[inc], &ele_corners[inc], &eleptr[inc]);
- xlo[inc][ELE] = xlo[inc][NODE];
- ylo[inc][ELE] = ylo[inc][NODE];
- xhi[inc][ELE] = xhi[inc][NODE];
- yhi[inc][ELE] = yhi[inc][NODE];
- break;
- case EDGE:
- error = load_edge(edgefilename[inc], firstnumber[inc], nodes[inc],
- &edges[inc], &edgeptr[inc], &normptr[inc]);
- xlo[inc][EDGE] = xlo[inc][NODE];
- ylo[inc][EDGE] = ylo[inc][NODE];
- xhi[inc][EDGE] = xhi[inc][NODE];
- yhi[inc][EDGE] = yhi[inc][NODE];
- break;
- case PART:
- error = load_part(partfilename[inc], node_dim[inc], firstnumber[inc],
- elems[inc], nodeptr[inc], eleptr[inc],
- &subdomains[inc], &partpart[inc], &partcenter[inc],
- &partshift[inc]);
- if (!error) {
- findpartshift(subdomains[inc], explosion, partcenter[inc],
- partshift[inc]);
- }
- xlo[inc][PART] = xlo[inc][NODE];
- ylo[inc][PART] = ylo[inc][NODE];
- xhi[inc][PART] = xhi[inc][NODE];
- yhi[inc][PART] = yhi[inc][NODE];
- break;
- case ADJ:
- error = load_adj(adjfilename[inc], &adjsubdomains[inc], &adjptr[inc]);
- xlo[inc][ADJ] = xlo[inc][NODE];
- ylo[inc][ADJ] = ylo[inc][NODE];
- xhi[inc][ADJ] = xhi[inc][NODE];
- yhi[inc][ADJ] = yhi[inc][NODE];
- break;
- case VORO:
- error = load_node(vnodefilename[inc], &firstnumber[inc], &vnodes[inc],
- &vnode_dim[inc], &vnodeptr[inc], &xlo[inc][VORO],
- &ylo[inc][VORO], &xhi[inc][VORO], &yhi[inc][VORO]);
- if (!error) {
- error = load_edge(vedgefilename[inc], firstnumber[inc], vnodes[inc],
- &vedges[inc], &vedgeptr[inc], &vnormptr[inc]);
- }
- break;
- default:
- error = 1;
- }
- if (!error) {
- loaded[inc][image] = 1;
- }
- return error;
- }
- void choose_image(inc, image)
- int inc;
- int image;
- {
- if (!loaded[inc][image]) {
- if ((image == ELE) || (image == EDGE) || (image == PART)
- || (image == ADJ)) {
- if (!loaded[inc][NODE]) {
- if (load_image(inc, NODE)) {
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- if ((image == PART) || (image == ADJ)) {
- if (!loaded[inc][ELE]) {
- if (load_image(inc, ELE)) {
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- if (image == ADJ) {
- if (!loaded[inc][PART]) {
- if (load_image(inc, PART)) {
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- if (load_image(inc, image)) {
- return;
- }
- }
- current_inc = inc;
- current_image = image;
- }
- Window make_button(name, x, y, width)
- char *name;
- int x;
- int y;
- int width;
- {
- XSetWindowAttributes attr;
- XSizeHints hints;
- Window button;
- attr.background_pixel = black;
- attr.border_pixel = white;
- attr.backing_store = NotUseful;
- attr.event_mask = ExposureMask | ButtonReleaseMask | ButtonPressMask;
- attr.bit_gravity = SouthWestGravity;
- attr.win_gravity = SouthWestGravity;
- attr.save_under = False;
- button = XCreateWindow(display, mainwindow, x, y, width, BUTTONHEIGHT - 4,
- 2, 0, InputOutput, CopyFromParent,
- CWBackPixel | CWBorderPixel | CWEventMask |
- CWBitGravity | CWWinGravity | CWBackingStore |
- CWSaveUnder, &attr);
- hints.width = width;
- hints.height = BUTTONHEIGHT - 4;
- hints.min_width = 0;
- hints.min_height = BUTTONHEIGHT - 4;
- hints.max_width = width;
- hints.max_height = BUTTONHEIGHT - 4;
- hints.width_inc = 1;
- hints.height_inc = 1;
- hints.flags = PMinSize | PMaxSize | PSize | PResizeInc;
- XSetStandardProperties(display, button, name, "showme", None, (char **) NULL,
- 0, &hints);
- return button;
- }
- void make_buttons(y)
- int y;
- {
- int i;
- for (i = 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- nodewin[i] = make_button("node", 0, y + (1 - i) * BUTTONHEIGHT, 42);
- XMapWindow(display, nodewin[i]);
- polywin[i] = make_button("poly", 44, y + (1 - i) * BUTTONHEIGHT, 42);
- XMapWindow(display, polywin[i]);
- elewin[i] = make_button("ele", 88, y + (1 - i) * BUTTONHEIGHT, 33);
- XMapWindow(display, elewin[i]);
- edgewin[i] = make_button("edge", 123, y + (1 - i) * BUTTONHEIGHT, 42);
- XMapWindow(display, edgewin[i]);
- partwin[i] = make_button("part", 167, y + (1 - i) * BUTTONHEIGHT, 42);
- XMapWindow(display, partwin[i]);
- adjwin[i] = make_button("adj", 211, y + (1 - i) * BUTTONHEIGHT, 33);
- XMapWindow(display, adjwin[i]);
- voronoiwin[i] = make_button("voro", 246, y + (1 - i) * BUTTONHEIGHT, 42);
- XMapWindow(display, voronoiwin[i]);
- }
- versionpluswin = make_button(" +", 290, y, 52);
- XMapWindow(display, versionpluswin);
- versionminuswin = make_button(" -", 290, y + BUTTONHEIGHT, 52);
- XMapWindow(display, versionminuswin);
- quitwin = make_button("Quit", 0, y + 2 * BUTTONHEIGHT, 42);
- XMapWindow(display, quitwin);
- leftwin = make_button("<", 44, y + 2 * BUTTONHEIGHT, 14);
- XMapWindow(display, leftwin);
- rightwin = make_button(">", 60, y + 2 * BUTTONHEIGHT, 14);
- XMapWindow(display, rightwin);
- upwin = make_button("^", 76, y + 2 * BUTTONHEIGHT, 14);
- XMapWindow(display, upwin);
- downwin = make_button("v", 92, y + 2 * BUTTONHEIGHT, 14);
- XMapWindow(display, downwin);
- resetwin = make_button("Reset", 108, y + 2 * BUTTONHEIGHT, 52);
- XMapWindow(display, resetwin);
- widthpluswin = make_button("Width+", 162, y + 2 * BUTTONHEIGHT, 61);
- XMapWindow(display, widthpluswin);
- widthminuswin = make_button("-", 225, y + 2 * BUTTONHEIGHT, 14);
- XMapWindow(display, widthminuswin);
- expwin = make_button("Exp", 241, y + 2 * BUTTONHEIGHT, 33);
- XMapWindow(display, expwin);
- exppluswin = make_button("+", 276, y + 2 * BUTTONHEIGHT, 14);
- XMapWindow(display, exppluswin);
- expminuswin = make_button("-", 292, y + 2 * BUTTONHEIGHT, 14);
- XMapWindow(display, expminuswin);
- fillwin = make_button("Fill", 308, y + 2 * BUTTONHEIGHT, 41);
- XMapWindow(display, fillwin);
- pswin = make_button("PS", 351, y + 2 * BUTTONHEIGHT, 24);
- XMapWindow(display, pswin);
- epswin = make_button("EPS", 377, y + 2 * BUTTONHEIGHT, 33);
- XMapWindow(display, epswin);
- }
- void fill_button(button)
- Window button;
- {
- int x, y;
- unsigned int w, h, d, b;
- Window rootw;
- XGetGeometry(display, button, &rootw, &x, &y, &w, &h, &d, &b);
- XFillRectangle(display, button, fontgc, 0, 0, w, h);
- }
- void draw_buttons()
- {
- char numberstring[32];
- char buttonstring[6];
- int i;
- for (i = 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- if ((current_image == NODE) && (current_inc == i)) {
- fill_button(nodewin[i]);
- XDrawString(display, nodewin[i], blackfontgc, 2, 13, "node", 4);
- } else {
- XClearWindow(display, nodewin[i]);
- XDrawString(display, nodewin[i], fontgc, 2, 13, "node", 4);
- }
- if ((current_image == POLY) && (current_inc == i)) {
- fill_button(polywin[i]);
- XDrawString(display, polywin[i], blackfontgc, 2, 13, "poly", 4);
- } else {
- XClearWindow(display, polywin[i]);
- XDrawString(display, polywin[i], fontgc, 2, 13, "poly", 4);
- }
- if ((current_image == ELE) && (current_inc == i)) {
- fill_button(elewin[i]);
- XDrawString(display, elewin[i], blackfontgc, 2, 13, "ele", 3);
- } else {
- XClearWindow(display, elewin[i]);
- XDrawString(display, elewin[i], fontgc, 2, 13, "ele", 3);
- }
- if ((current_image == EDGE) && (current_inc == i)) {
- fill_button(edgewin[i]);
- XDrawString(display, edgewin[i], blackfontgc, 2, 13, "edge", 4);
- } else {
- XClearWindow(display, edgewin[i]);
- XDrawString(display, edgewin[i], fontgc, 2, 13, "edge", 4);
- }
- if ((current_image == PART) && (current_inc == i)) {
- fill_button(partwin[i]);
- XDrawString(display, partwin[i], blackfontgc, 2, 13, "part", 4);
- } else {
- XClearWindow(display, partwin[i]);
- XDrawString(display, partwin[i], fontgc, 2, 13, "part", 4);
- }
- if ((current_image == ADJ) && (current_inc == i)) {
- fill_button(adjwin[i]);
- XDrawString(display, adjwin[i], blackfontgc, 2, 13, "adj", 3);
- } else {
- XClearWindow(display, adjwin[i]);
- XDrawString(display, adjwin[i], fontgc, 2, 13, "adj", 3);
- }
- if ((current_image == VORO) && (current_inc == i)) {
- fill_button(voronoiwin[i]);
- XDrawString(display, voronoiwin[i], blackfontgc, 2, 13, "voro", 4);
- } else {
- XClearWindow(display, voronoiwin[i]);
- XDrawString(display, voronoiwin[i], fontgc, 2, 13, "voro", 4);
- }
- }
- XClearWindow(display, versionpluswin);
- sprintf(numberstring, "%d", loweriteration + 1);
- sprintf(buttonstring, "%-4.4s+", numberstring);
- XDrawString(display, versionpluswin, fontgc, 2, 13, buttonstring, 5);
- XClearWindow(display, versionminuswin);
- sprintf(numberstring, "%d", loweriteration);
- if (loweriteration == 0) {
- sprintf(buttonstring, "%-4.4s", numberstring);
- } else {
- sprintf(buttonstring, "%-4.4s-", numberstring);
- }
- XDrawString(display, versionminuswin, fontgc, 2, 13, buttonstring, 5);
- XClearWindow(display, quitwin);
- XDrawString(display, quitwin, fontgc, 2, 13, "Quit", 4);
- XClearWindow(display, leftwin);
- XDrawString(display, leftwin, fontgc, 2, 13, "<", 1);
- XClearWindow(display, rightwin);
- XDrawString(display, rightwin, fontgc, 2, 13, ">", 1);
- XClearWindow(display, upwin);
- XDrawString(display, upwin, fontgc, 2, 13, "^", 1);
- XClearWindow(display, downwin);
- XDrawString(display, downwin, fontgc, 2, 13, "v", 1);
- XClearWindow(display, resetwin);
- XDrawString(display, resetwin, fontgc, 2, 13, "Reset", 6);
- XClearWindow(display, widthpluswin);
- if (line_width < 100) {
- XDrawString(display, widthpluswin, fontgc, 2, 13, "Width+", 6);
- } else {
- XDrawString(display, widthpluswin, fontgc, 2, 13, "Width ", 6);
- }
- XClearWindow(display, widthminuswin);
- if (line_width > 1) {
- XDrawString(display, widthminuswin, fontgc, 2, 13, "-", 1);
- }
- XClearWindow(display, expwin);
- XClearWindow(display, exppluswin);
- XClearWindow(display, expminuswin);
- XClearWindow(display, fillwin);
- if (current_image == PART) {
- if (explode) {
- fill_button(expwin);
- XDrawString(display, expwin, blackfontgc, 2, 13, "Exp", 3);
- } else {
- XDrawString(display, expwin, fontgc, 2, 13, "Exp", 3);
- }
- XDrawString(display, exppluswin, fontgc, 2, 13, "+", 1);
- XDrawString(display, expminuswin, fontgc, 2, 13, "-", 1);
- if (fillelem) {
- fill_button(fillwin);
- XDrawString(display, fillwin, blackfontgc, 2, 13, "Fill", 4);
- } else {
- XDrawString(display, fillwin, fontgc, 2, 13, "Fill", 4);
- }
- }
- XClearWindow(display, pswin);
- XDrawString(display, pswin, fontgc, 2, 13, "PS", 2);
- XClearWindow(display, epswin);
- XDrawString(display, epswin, fontgc, 2, 13, "EPS", 3);
- }
- void showme_window(argc, argv)
- int argc;
- char **argv;
- {
- XSetWindowAttributes attr;
- XSizeHints hints;
- XGCValues fontvalues, linevalues;
- XColor alloc_color, exact_color;
- int i;
- display = XOpenDisplay((char *) NULL);
- if (!display) {
- printf("Error: Cannot open display.n");
- exit(1);
- }
- screen = DefaultScreen(display);
- rootwindow = DefaultRootWindow(display);
- black = BlackPixel(display, screen);
- white = WhitePixel(display, screen);
- windowdepth = DefaultDepth(display, screen);
- rootmap = DefaultColormap(display, screen);
- width = STARTWIDTH;
- height = STARTHEIGHT;
- attr.background_pixel = black;
- attr.border_pixel = white;
- attr.backing_store = NotUseful;
- attr.event_mask = ExposureMask | ButtonReleaseMask | ButtonPressMask |
- StructureNotifyMask;
- attr.bit_gravity = NorthWestGravity;
- attr.win_gravity = NorthWestGravity;
- attr.save_under = False;
- mainwindow = XCreateWindow(display, rootwindow, 0, 0, width,
- height + PANELHEIGHT, 3, 0,
- InputOutput, CopyFromParent,
- CWBackPixel | CWBorderPixel | CWEventMask |
- CWBitGravity | CWWinGravity | CWBackingStore |
- CWSaveUnder, &attr);
- hints.width = width;
- hints.height = height + PANELHEIGHT;
- hints.min_width = MINWIDTH;
- hints.min_height = MINHEIGHT + PANELHEIGHT;
- hints.width_inc = 1;
- hints.height_inc = 1;
- hints.flags = PMinSize | PSize | PResizeInc;
- XSetStandardProperties(display, mainwindow, "Show Me", "showme", None,
- argv, argc, &hints);
- XChangeProperty(display, mainwindow, XA_WM_CLASS, XA_STRING, 8,
- PropModeReplace, "showme Archimedes", 18);
- XClearWindow(display, mainwindow);
- XMapWindow(display, mainwindow);
- if ((windowdepth > 1) &&
- XAllocNamedColor(display, rootmap, "yellow", &alloc_color,
- &exact_color)) {
- color = 1;
- explode = bw_ps;
- fontvalues.foreground = alloc_color.pixel;
- linevalues.foreground = alloc_color.pixel;
- showme_foreground = alloc_color.pixel;
- for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) {
- if (XAllocNamedColor(display, rootmap, colorname[i], &alloc_color,
- &rgb[i])) {
- colors[i] = alloc_color.pixel;
- } else {
- colors[i] = white;
- rgb[i].red =;
- rgb[i].green =;
- rgb[i].blue =;
- if (!quiet) {
- printf("Warning: I could not allocate %s.n", colorname[i]);
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- color = 0;
- fillelem = 0;
- explode = 1;
- fontvalues.foreground = white;
- linevalues.foreground = white;
- showme_foreground = white;
- }
- font = XLoadQueryFont(display, "9x15");
- fontvalues.background = black;
- fontvalues.font = font->fid;
- fontvalues.fill_style = FillSolid;
- fontvalues.line_width = 2;
- fontgc = XCreateGC(display, rootwindow, GCForeground | GCBackground |
- GCFont | GCLineWidth | GCFillStyle, &fontvalues);
- fontvalues.foreground = black;
- blackfontgc = XCreateGC(display, rootwindow, GCForeground | GCBackground |
- GCFont | GCLineWidth | GCFillStyle, &fontvalues);
- linevalues.background = black;
- linevalues.line_width = line_width;
- linevalues.cap_style = CapRound;
- linevalues.join_style = JoinRound;
- linevalues.fill_style = FillSolid;
- linegc = XCreateGC(display, rootwindow, GCForeground | GCBackground |
- GCLineWidth | GCCapStyle | GCJoinStyle | GCFillStyle,
- &linevalues);
- trianglegc = XCreateGC(display, rootwindow, GCForeground | GCBackground |
- GCLineWidth | GCCapStyle | GCJoinStyle | GCFillStyle,
- &linevalues);
- make_buttons(height);
- XFlush(display);
- }
- void draw_node(nodes, dim, ptr, xscale, yscale, xoffset, yoffset)
- int nodes;
- int dim;
- REAL *ptr;
- REAL xscale;
- REAL yscale;
- REAL xoffset;
- REAL yoffset;
- {
- int i;
- int index;
- index = dim;
- for (i = 1; i <= nodes; i++) {
- XFillRectangle(display, mainwindow, linegc,
- (int) (ptr[index] * xscale + xoffset) - (line_width >> 1),
- (int) (ptr[index + 1] * yscale + yoffset) -
- (line_width >> 1), line_width, line_width);
- index += dim;
- }
- }
- void draw_poly(nodes, dim, edges, holes, nodeptr, edgeptr, holeptr,
- xscale, yscale, xoffset, yoffset)
- int nodes;
- int dim;
- int edges;
- int holes;
- REAL *nodeptr;
- int *edgeptr;
- REAL *holeptr;
- REAL xscale;
- REAL yscale;
- REAL xoffset;
- REAL yoffset;
- {
- int i;
- int index;
- REAL *point1, *point2;
- int x1, y1, x2, y2;
- index = dim;
- for (i = 1; i <= nodes; i++) {
- XFillRectangle(display, mainwindow, linegc,
- (int) (nodeptr[index] * xscale + xoffset) -
- (line_width >> 1),
- (int) (nodeptr[index + 1] * yscale + yoffset) -
- (line_width >> 1), line_width, line_width);
- index += dim;
- }
- index = 2;
- for (i = 1; i <= edges; i++) {
- point1 = &nodeptr[edgeptr[index++] * dim];
- point2 = &nodeptr[edgeptr[index++] * dim];
- XDrawLine(display, mainwindow, linegc,
- (int) (point1[0] * xscale + xoffset),
- (int) (point1[1] * yscale + yoffset),
- (int) (point2[0] * xscale + xoffset),
- (int) (point2[1] * yscale + yoffset));
- }
- index = dim;
- if (color) {
- XSetForeground(display, linegc, colors[0]);
- }
- for (i = 1; i <= holes; i++) {
- x1 = (int) (holeptr[index] * xscale + xoffset) - 3;
- y1 = (int) (holeptr[index + 1] * yscale + yoffset) - 3;
- x2 = x1 + 6;
- y2 = y1 + 6;
- XDrawLine(display, mainwindow, linegc, x1, y1, x2, y2);
- XDrawLine(display, mainwindow, linegc, x1, y2, x2, y1);
- index += dim;
- }
- XSetForeground(display, linegc, showme_foreground);
- }
- void draw_ele(inc, elems, corners, ptr, partition, shift,
- xscale, yscale, xoffset, yoffset)
- int inc;
- int elems;
- int corners;
- int *ptr;
- int *partition;
- REAL *shift;
- REAL xscale;
- REAL yscale;
- REAL xoffset;
- REAL yoffset;
- {
- int i, j;
- int index;
- REAL shiftx, shifty;
- REAL *prevpoint, *nowpoint;
- XPoint *vertices;
- if (color && fillelem && (partition != (int *) NULL)) {
- vertices = (XPoint *) malloc(3 * sizeof(XPoint));
- if (vertices == (XPoint *) NULL) {
- printf("Error: Out of memory.n");
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- index = 3;
- for (i = 1; i <= elems; i++) {
- if ((partition != (int *) NULL) && explode) {
- shiftx = shift[partition[i] << 1];
- shifty = shift[(partition[i] << 1) + 1];
- }
- if (color && (partition != (int *) NULL)) {
- if (fillelem) {
- XSetForeground(display, trianglegc, colors[partition[i] & 63]);
- } else {
- XSetForeground(display, linegc, colors[partition[i] & 63]);
- }
- }
- if (color && fillelem && (partition != (int *) NULL)) {
- if ((partition != (int *) NULL) && explode) {
- for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
- nowpoint = &nodeptr[inc][ptr[index + j] * node_dim[inc]];
- vertices[j].x = (nowpoint[0] + shiftx) * xscale + xoffset;
- vertices[j].y = (nowpoint[1] + shifty) * yscale + yoffset;
- }
- } else {
- for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
- nowpoint = &nodeptr[inc][ptr[index + j] * node_dim[inc]];
- vertices[j].x = nowpoint[0] * xscale + xoffset;
- vertices[j].y = nowpoint[1] * yscale + yoffset;
- }
- }
- XFillPolygon(display, mainwindow, trianglegc, vertices, 3,
- Convex, CoordModeOrigin);
- }
- prevpoint = &nodeptr[inc][ptr[index + 2] * node_dim[inc]];
- if ((partition != (int *) NULL) && explode) {
- for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
- nowpoint = &nodeptr[inc][ptr[index++] * node_dim[inc]];
- XDrawLine(display, mainwindow, linegc,
- (int) ((prevpoint[0] + shiftx) * xscale + xoffset),
- (int) ((prevpoint[1] + shifty) * yscale + yoffset),
- (int) ((nowpoint[0] + shiftx) * xscale + xoffset),
- (int) ((nowpoint[1] + shifty) * yscale + yoffset));
- prevpoint = nowpoint;
- }
- } else {
- for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
- nowpoint = &nodeptr[inc][ptr[index++] * node_dim[inc]];
- XDrawLine(display, mainwindow, linegc,
- (int) (prevpoint[0] * xscale + xoffset),
- (int) (prevpoint[1] * yscale + yoffset),
- (int) (nowpoint[0] * xscale + xoffset),
- (int) (nowpoint[1] * yscale + yoffset));
- prevpoint = nowpoint;
- }
- }
- }
- if (color && fillelem && (partition != (int *) NULL)) {
- free(vertices);
- }
- XSetForeground(display, linegc, showme_foreground);
- }
- void draw_edge(nodes, dim, edges, nodeptr, edgeptr, normptr,
- xscale, yscale, xoffset, yoffset)
- int nodes;
- int dim;
- int edges;
- REAL *nodeptr;
- int *edgeptr;
- REAL *normptr;
- REAL xscale;
- REAL yscale;
- REAL xoffset;
- REAL yoffset;
- {
- int i;
- int index;
- REAL *point1, *point2;
- REAL normx, normy;
- REAL normmult, normmultx, normmulty;
- REAL windowxmin, windowymin, windowxmax, windowymax;
- index = 2;
- for (i = 1; i <= edges; i++) {
- point1 = &nodeptr[edgeptr[index++] * dim];
- if (edgeptr[index] == -1) {
- normx = normptr[index - 1];
- normy = normptr[index++];
- normmultx = 0.0;
- if (normx > 0) {
- windowxmax = (width - 1 - xoffset) / xscale;
- normmultx = (windowxmax - point1[0]) / normx;
- } else if (normx < 0) {
- windowxmin = -xoffset / xscale;
- normmultx = (windowxmin - point1[0]) / normx;
- }
- normmulty = 0.0;
- if (normy > 0) {
- windowymax = -yoffset / yscale;
- normmulty = (windowymax - point1[1]) / normy;
- } else if (normy < 0) {
- windowymin = (height - 1 - yoffset) / yscale;
- normmulty = (windowymin - point1[1]) / normy;
- }
- if (normmultx == 0.0) {
- normmult = normmulty;
- } else if (normmulty == 0.0) {
- normmult = normmultx;
- } else if (normmultx < normmulty) {
- normmult = normmultx;
- } else {
- normmult = normmulty;
- }
- if (normmult > 0.0) {
- XDrawLine(display, mainwindow, linegc,
- (int) (point1[0] * xscale + xoffset),
- (int) (point1[1] * yscale + yoffset),
- (int) ((point1[0] + normmult * normx) * xscale + xoffset),
- (int) ((point1[1] + normmult * normy) * yscale + yoffset));
- }
- } else {
- point2 = &nodeptr[edgeptr[index++] * dim];
- XDrawLine(display, mainwindow, linegc,
- (int) (point1[0] * xscale + xoffset),
- (int) (point1[1] * yscale + yoffset),
- (int) (point2[0] * xscale + xoffset),
- (int) (point2[1] * yscale + yoffset));
- }
- }
- }
- void draw_adj(dim, subdomains, ptr, center, xscale, yscale,
- xoffset, yoffset)
- int dim;
- int subdomains;
- int *ptr;
- REAL *center;
- REAL xscale;
- REAL yscale;
- REAL xoffset;
- REAL yoffset;
- {
- int i, j;
- REAL *point1, *point2;
- for (i = 0; i < subdomains; i++) {
- for (j = i + 1; j < subdomains; j++) {
- if (ptr[i * subdomains + j]) {
- point1 = ¢er[i * dim];
- point2 = ¢er[j * dim];
- XDrawLine(display, mainwindow, linegc,
- (int) (point1[0] * xscale + xoffset),
- (int) (point1[1] * yscale + yoffset),
- (int) (point2[0] * xscale + xoffset),
- (int) (point2[1] * yscale + yoffset));
- }
- }
- }
- for (i = 0; i < subdomains; i++) {
- point1 = ¢er[i * dim];
- if (color) {
- XSetForeground(display, linegc, colors[i & 63]);
- }
- XFillArc(display, mainwindow, linegc,
- (int) (point1[0] * xscale + xoffset) - 5 - (line_width >> 1),
- (int) (point1[1] * yscale + yoffset) - 5 - (line_width >> 1),
- line_width + 10, line_width + 10, 0, 23040);
- }
- XSetForeground(display, linegc, showme_foreground);
- }
- void draw(inc, image, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
- int inc;
- int image;
- REAL xmin;
- REAL ymin;
- REAL xmax;
- REAL ymax;
- {
- draw_buttons();
- XClearWindow(display, mainwindow);
- if (image == NOTHING) {
- return;
- }
- if (!loaded[inc][image]) {
- return;
- }
- if ((image == PART) && explode) {
- xmin += (xmin - partcenter[inc][subdomains[inc] << 1]) * explosion;
- xmax += (xmax - partcenter[inc][subdomains[inc] << 1]) * explosion;
- ymin += (ymin - partcenter[inc][(subdomains[inc] << 1) + 1]) * explosion;
- ymax += (ymax - partcenter[inc][(subdomains[inc] << 1) + 1]) * explosion;
- }
- xscale = (REAL) (width - line_width - 4) / (xmax - xmin);
- yscale = (REAL) (height - line_width - 4) / (ymax - ymin);
- if (xscale > yscale) {
- xscale = yscale;
- } else {
- yscale = xscale;
- }
- xoffset = 0.5 * ((REAL) width - xscale * (xmax - xmin)) -
- xscale * xmin;
- yoffset = (REAL) height - 0.5 * ((REAL) height - yscale * (ymax - ymin)) +
- yscale * ymin;
- yscale = - yscale;
- switch(image) {
- case NODE:
- draw_node(nodes[inc], node_dim[inc], nodeptr[inc],
- xscale, yscale, xoffset, yoffset);
- break;
- case POLY:
- if (polynodes[inc] > 0) {
- draw_poly(polynodes[inc], poly_dim[inc], polyedges[inc],
- polyholes[inc], polynodeptr[inc], polyedgeptr[inc],
- polyholeptr[inc],
- xscale, yscale, xoffset, yoffset);
- } else {
- draw_poly(nodes[inc], node_dim[inc], polyedges[inc],
- polyholes[inc], nodeptr[inc], polyedgeptr[inc],
- polyholeptr[inc],
- xscale, yscale, xoffset, yoffset);
- }
- break;
- case ELE:
- draw_ele(inc, elems[inc], ele_corners[inc], eleptr[inc],
- (int *) NULL, (REAL *) NULL,
- xscale, yscale, xoffset, yoffset);
- break;
- case EDGE:
- draw_edge(nodes[inc], node_dim[inc], edges[inc],
- nodeptr[inc], edgeptr[inc], normptr[inc],
- xscale, yscale, xoffset, yoffset);
- break;
- case PART:
- draw_ele(inc, elems[inc], ele_corners[inc], eleptr[inc],
- partpart[inc], partshift[inc],
- xscale, yscale, xoffset, yoffset);
- break;
- case ADJ:
- draw_adj(node_dim[inc], adjsubdomains[inc], adjptr[inc], partcenter[inc],
- xscale, yscale, xoffset, yoffset);
- break;
- case VORO:
- if (loaded[inc][NODE]) {
- draw_node(nodes[inc], node_dim[inc], nodeptr[inc],
- xscale, yscale, xoffset, yoffset);
- }
- draw_edge(vnodes[inc], vnode_dim[inc], vedges[inc],
- vnodeptr[inc], vedgeptr[inc], vnormptr[inc],
- xscale, yscale, xoffset, yoffset);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- void addps(instring, outstring, eps)
- char *instring;
- char *outstring;
- int eps;
- {
- strcpy(outstring, instring);
- if (eps) {
- strcat(outstring, ".eps");
- } else {
- strcat(outstring, ".ps");
- }
- }
- int print_head(fname, file, llcornerx, llcornery, eps)
- char *fname;
- FILE **file;
- int llcornerx;
- int llcornery;
- int eps;
- {
- if (!quiet) {
- printf("Writing %sn", fname);
- }
- *file = fopen(fname, "w");
- if (*file == (FILE *) NULL) {
- printf(" Error: Could not open %sn", fname);
- return 1;
- }
- if (eps) {
- fprintf(*file, "%%!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-2.0n");
- } else {
- fprintf(*file, "%%!PS-Adobe-2.0n");
- }
- fprintf(*file, "%%%%BoundingBox: %d %d %d %dn", llcornerx, llcornery,
- 612 - llcornerx, 792 - llcornery);
- fprintf(*file, "%%%%Creator: Show Men");
- fprintf(*file, "%%%%EndCommentsnn");
- fprintf(*file, "/m {moveto} bind defn");
- fprintf(*file, "/l {lineto} bind defn");
- fprintf(*file, "/s {setrgbcolor} bind defn");
- fprintf(*file, "/g {gsave fill grestore} bind defn");
- fprintf(*file, "/k {stroke} bind defnn");
- fprintf(*file, "1 setlinecapn");
- fprintf(*file, "1 setlinejoinn");
- fprintf(*file, "%d setlinewidthn", line_width);
- fprintf(*file, "%d %d mn", llcornerx, llcornery);
- fprintf(*file, "%d %d ln", 612 - llcornerx, llcornery);
- fprintf(*file, "%d %d ln", 612 - llcornerx, 792 - llcornery);
- fprintf(*file, "%d %d ln", llcornerx, 792 - llcornery);
- fprintf(*file, "closepathnclipnnewpathn");
- return 0;
- }
- void print_node(nodefile, nodes, dim, ptr, xscale, yscale,
- xoffset, yoffset)
- FILE *nodefile;
- int nodes;
- int dim;
- REAL *ptr;
- REAL xscale;
- REAL yscale;
- REAL xoffset;
- REAL yoffset;
- {
- int i;
- int index;
- index = dim;
- for (i = 1; i <= nodes; i++) {
- fprintf(nodefile, "%d %d %d 0 360 arcnfilln",
- (int) (ptr[index] * xscale + xoffset),
- (int) (ptr[index + 1] * yscale + yoffset),
- 1 + (line_width >> 1));
- index += dim;
- }
- }
- void print_poly(polyfile, nodes, dim, edges, holes, nodeptr, edgeptr, holeptr,
- xscale, yscale, xoffset, yoffset)
- FILE *polyfile;
- int nodes;
- int dim;
- int edges;
- int holes;
- REAL *nodeptr;
- int *edgeptr;
- REAL *holeptr;
- REAL xscale;
- REAL yscale;
- REAL xoffset;
- REAL yoffset;
- {
- int i;
- int index;
- REAL *point1, *point2;
- index = dim;
- for (i = 1; i <= nodes; i++) {
- fprintf(polyfile, "%d %d %d 0 360 arcnfilln",
- (int) (nodeptr[index] * xscale + xoffset),
- (int) (nodeptr[index + 1] * yscale + yoffset),
- 1 + (line_width >> 1));
- index += dim;
- }
- index = 2;
- for (i = 1; i <= edges; i++) {
- point1 = &nodeptr[edgeptr[index++] * dim];
- point2 = &nodeptr[edgeptr[index++] * dim];
- fprintf(polyfile, "%d %d mn",
- (int) (point1[0] * xscale + xoffset),
- (int) (point1[1] * yscale + yoffset));
- fprintf(polyfile, "%d %d lnkn",
- (int) (point2[0] * xscale + xoffset),
- (int) (point2[1] * yscale + yoffset));
- }
- }
- void print_ele(elefile, nodes, dim, elems, corners, nodeptr, eleptr,
- partition, shift,
- xscale, yscale, xoffset, yoffset, llcornerx, llcornery)
- FILE *elefile;
- int nodes;
- int dim;
- int elems;
- int corners;
- REAL *nodeptr;
- int *eleptr;
- int *partition;
- REAL *shift;
- REAL xscale;
- REAL yscale;
- REAL xoffset;
- REAL yoffset;
- int llcornerx;
- int llcornery;
- {
- int i, j;
- int index, colorindex;
- REAL shiftx, shifty;
- REAL *nowpoint;
- index = 3;
- if ((partition != (int *) NULL) && !bw_ps) {
- fprintf(elefile, "0 0 0 sn");
- fprintf(elefile, "%d %d mn", llcornerx, llcornery);
- fprintf(elefile, "%d %d ln", 612 - llcornerx, llcornery);
- fprintf(elefile, "%d %d ln", 612 - llcornerx, 792 - llcornery);
- fprintf(elefile, "%d %d ln", llcornerx, 792 - llcornery);
- fprintf(elefile, "filln");
- }
- for (i = 1; i <= elems; i++) {
- if ((partition != (int *) NULL) && !bw_ps) {
- colorindex = partition[i] & 63;
- fprintf(elefile, "%6.3f %6.3f %6.3f sn",
- (REAL) rgb[colorindex].red / 65535.0,
- (REAL) rgb[colorindex].green / 65535.0,
- (REAL) rgb[colorindex].blue / 65535.0);
- }
- nowpoint = &nodeptr[eleptr[index + 2] * dim];
- if ((partition != (int *) NULL) && (explode || bw_ps)) {
- shiftx = shift[partition[i] << 1];
- shifty = shift[(partition[i] << 1) + 1];
- fprintf(elefile, "%d %d mn",
- (int) ((nowpoint[0] + shiftx) * xscale + xoffset),
- (int) ((nowpoint[1] + shifty) * yscale + yoffset));
- for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
- nowpoint = &nodeptr[eleptr[index++] * dim];
- fprintf(elefile, "%d %d ln",
- (int) ((nowpoint[0] + shiftx) * xscale + xoffset),
- (int) ((nowpoint[1] + shifty) * yscale + yoffset));
- }
- } else {
- fprintf(elefile, "%d %d mn",
- (int) (nowpoint[0] * xscale + xoffset),
- (int) (nowpoint[1] * yscale + yoffset));
- for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
- nowpoint = &nodeptr[eleptr[index++] * dim];
- fprintf(elefile, "%d %d ln",
- (int) (nowpoint[0] * xscale + xoffset),
- (int) (nowpoint[1] * yscale + yoffset));
- }
- }
- if (fillelem && (partition != (int *) NULL) && !bw_ps) {
- fprintf(elefile, "gn1 1 0 sn");
- }
- fprintf(elefile, "kn");
- }
- }
- void print_edge(edgefile, nodes, dim, edges, nodeptr, edgeptr, normptr,
- xscale, yscale, xoffset, yoffset, llcornerx, llcornery)
- FILE *edgefile;
- int nodes;
- int dim;
- int edges;
- REAL *nodeptr;
- int *edgeptr;
- REAL *normptr;
- REAL xscale;
- REAL yscale;
- REAL xoffset;
- REAL yoffset;
- int llcornerx;
- int llcornery;
- {
- int i;
- int index;
- REAL *point1, *point2;
- REAL normx, normy;
- REAL normmult, normmultx, normmulty;
- REAL windowxmin, windowymin, windowxmax, windowymax;
- index = 2;
- for (i = 1; i <= edges; i++) {
- point1 = &nodeptr[edgeptr[index++] * dim];
- if (edgeptr[index] == -1) {
- normx = normptr[index - 1];
- normy = normptr[index++];
- normmultx = 0.0;
- if (normx > 0) {
- windowxmax = ((REAL) (612 - llcornerx) - xoffset) / xscale;
- normmultx = (windowxmax - point1[0]) / normx;
- } else if (normx < 0) {
- windowxmin = ((REAL) llcornerx - xoffset) / xscale;
- normmultx = (windowxmin - point1[0]) / normx;
- }
- normmulty = 0.0;
- if (normy > 0) {
- windowymax = ((REAL) (792 - llcornery) - yoffset) / yscale;
- normmulty = (windowymax - point1[1]) / normy;
- } else if (normy < 0) {
- windowymin = ((REAL) llcornery - yoffset) / yscale;
- normmulty = (windowymin - point1[1]) / normy;
- }
- if (normmultx == 0.0) {
- normmult = normmulty;
- } else if (normmulty == 0.0) {
- normmult = normmultx;
- } else if (normmultx < normmulty) {
- normmult = normmultx;
- } else {
- normmult = normmulty;
- }
- if (normmult > 0.0) {
- fprintf(edgefile, "%d %d mn",
- (int) (point1[0] * xscale + xoffset),
- (int) (point1[1] * yscale + yoffset));
- fprintf(edgefile, "%d %d lnkn",
- (int) ((point1[0] + normmult * normx) * xscale + xoffset),
- (int) ((point1[1] + normmult * normy) * yscale + yoffset));
- }
- } else {
- point2 = &nodeptr[edgeptr[index++] * dim];
- fprintf(edgefile, "%d %d mn",
- (int) (point1[0] * xscale + xoffset),
- (int) (point1[1] * yscale + yoffset));
- fprintf(edgefile, "%d %d lnkn",
- (int) (point2[0] * xscale + xoffset),
- (int) (point2[1] * yscale + yoffset));
- }
- }
- }
- void print_adj(adjfile, dim, subdomains, ptr, center, xscale, yscale,
- xoffset, yoffset, llcornerx, llcornery)
- FILE *adjfile;
- int dim;
- int subdomains;
- int *ptr;
- REAL *center;
- REAL xscale;
- REAL yscale;
- REAL xoffset;
- REAL yoffset;
- int llcornerx;
- int llcornery;
- {
- int i, j;
- REAL *point1, *point2;
- int colorindex;
- if (!bw_ps) {
- fprintf(adjfile, "0 0 0 sn");
- fprintf(adjfile, "%d %d mn", llcornerx, llcornery);
- fprintf(adjfile, "%d %d ln", 612 - llcornerx, llcornery);
- fprintf(adjfile, "%d %d ln", 612 - llcornerx, 792 - llcornery);
- fprintf(adjfile, "%d %d ln", llcornerx, 792 - llcornery);
- fprintf(adjfile, "filln");
- fprintf(adjfile, "1 1 0 sn");
- }
- for (i = 0; i < subdomains; i++) {
- for (j = i + 1; j < subdomains; j++) {
- if (ptr[i * subdomains + j]) {
- point1 = ¢er[i * dim];
- point2 = ¢er[j * dim];
- fprintf(adjfile, "%d %d mn",
- (int) (point1[0] * xscale + xoffset),
- (int) (point1[1] * yscale + yoffset));
- fprintf(adjfile, "%d %d lnkn",
- (int) (point2[0] * xscale + xoffset),
- (int) (point2[1] * yscale + yoffset));
- }
- }
- }
- for (i = 0; i < subdomains; i++) {
- point1 = ¢er[i * dim];
- if (!bw_ps) {
- colorindex = i & 63;
- fprintf(adjfile, "%6.3f %6.3f %6.3f sn",
- (REAL) rgb[colorindex].red / 65535.0,
- (REAL) rgb[colorindex].green / 65535.0,
- (REAL) rgb[colorindex].blue / 65535.0);
- fprintf(adjfile, "%d %d %d 0 360 arcnfilln",
- (int) (point1[0] * xscale + xoffset),
- (int) (point1[1] * yscale + yoffset),
- 5 + (line_width >> 1));
- } else {
- fprintf(adjfile, "%d %d %d 0 360 arcnfilln",
- (int) (point1[0] * xscale + xoffset),
- (int) (point1[1] * yscale + yoffset),
- 3 + (line_width >> 1));
- }
- }
- }
- void print(inc, image, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, eps)
- int inc;
- int image;
- REAL xmin;
- REAL ymin;
- REAL xmax;
- REAL ymax;
- int eps;
- {
- REAL xxscale, yyscale, xxoffset, yyoffset;
- char psfilename[FILENAMESIZE];
- int llcornerx, llcornery;
- FILE *psfile;
- if (image == NOTHING) {
- return;
- }
- if (!loaded[inc][image]) {
- return;
- }
- if ((image == PART) && (explode || bw_ps)) {
- xmin += (xmin - partcenter[inc][subdomains[inc] << 1]) * explosion;
- xmax += (xmax - partcenter[inc][subdomains[inc] << 1]) * explosion;
- ymin += (ymin - partcenter[inc][(subdomains[inc] << 1) + 1]) * explosion;
- ymax += (ymax - partcenter[inc][(subdomains[inc] << 1) + 1]) * explosion;
- }
- xxscale = (460.0 - (REAL) line_width) / (xmax - xmin);
- yyscale = (640.0 - (REAL) line_width) / (ymax - ymin);
- if (xxscale > yyscale) {
- xxscale = yyscale;
- llcornerx = (604 - (int) (yyscale * (xmax - xmin)) - line_width) >> 1;
- llcornery = 72;
- } else {
- yyscale = xxscale;
- llcornerx = 72;
- llcornery = (784 - (int) (xxscale * (ymax - ymin)) - line_width) >> 1;
- }
- xxoffset = 0.5 * (612.0 - xxscale * (xmax - xmin)) - xxscale * xmin +
- (line_width >> 1);
- yyoffset = 0.5 * (792.0 - yyscale * (ymax - ymin)) - yyscale * ymin +
- (line_width >> 1);
- switch(image) {
- case NODE:
- addps(nodefilename[inc], psfilename, eps);
- break;
- case POLY:
- addps(polyfilename[inc], psfilename, eps);
- break;
- case ELE:
- addps(elefilename[inc], psfilename, eps);
- break;
- case EDGE:
- addps(edgefilename[inc], psfilename, eps);
- break;
- case PART:
- addps(partfilename[inc], psfilename, eps);
- break;
- case ADJ:
- addps(adjfilename[inc], psfilename, eps);
- break;
- case VORO:
- addps(vedgefilename[inc], psfilename, eps);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- if (print_head(psfilename, &psfile, llcornerx, llcornery, eps)) {
- return;
- }
- switch(image) {
- case NODE:
- print_node(psfile, nodes[inc], node_dim[inc], nodeptr[inc],
- xxscale, yyscale, xxoffset, yyoffset);
- break;
- case POLY:
- if (polynodes[inc] > 0) {
- print_poly(psfile, polynodes[inc], poly_dim[inc], polyedges[inc],
- polyholes[inc], polynodeptr[inc], polyedgeptr[inc],
- polyholeptr[inc], xxscale, yyscale, xxoffset, yyoffset);
- } else {
- print_poly(psfile, nodes[inc], node_dim[inc], polyedges[inc],
- polyholes[inc], nodeptr[inc], polyedgeptr[inc],
- polyholeptr[inc], xxscale, yyscale, xxoffset, yyoffset);
- }
- break;
- case ELE:
- print_ele(psfile, nodes[inc], node_dim[inc], elems[inc],
- ele_corners[inc], nodeptr[inc], eleptr[inc],
- (int *) NULL, (REAL *) NULL,
- xxscale, yyscale, xxoffset, yyoffset, llcornerx, llcornery);
- break;
- case EDGE:
- print_edge(psfile, nodes[inc], node_dim[inc], edges[inc],
- nodeptr[inc], edgeptr[inc], normptr[inc],
- xxscale, yyscale, xxoffset, yyoffset, llcornerx, llcornery);
- break;
- case PART:
- print_ele(psfile, nodes[inc], node_dim[inc], elems[inc],
- ele_corners[inc], nodeptr[inc], eleptr[inc],
- partpart[inc], partshift[inc],
- xxscale, yyscale, xxoffset, yyoffset, llcornerx, llcornery);
- break;
- case ADJ:
- print_adj(psfile, node_dim[inc], adjsubdomains[inc], adjptr[inc],
- partcenter[inc],
- xxscale, yyscale, xxoffset, yyoffset, llcornerx, llcornery);
- break;
- case VORO:
- print_edge(psfile, vnodes[inc], vnode_dim[inc], vedges[inc],
- vnodeptr[inc], vedgeptr[inc], vnormptr[inc],
- xxscale, yyscale, xxoffset, yyoffset, llcornerx, llcornery);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- if (!eps) {
- fprintf(psfile, "showpagen");
- }
- fclose(psfile);
- }
- int main(argc, argv)
- int argc;
- char **argv;
- {
- REAL xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax;
- REAL xptr, yptr, xspan, yspan;
- int past_image;
- int new_image;
- int new_inc;
- parsecommandline(argc, argv);
- showme_init();
- choose_image(start_inc, start_image);
- showme_window(argc, argv);
- if (current_image != NOTHING) {
- xmin = xlo[current_inc][current_image];
- ymin = ylo[current_inc][current_image];
- xmax = xhi[current_inc][current_image];
- ymax = yhi[current_inc][current_image];
- zoom = 0;
- }
- XMaskEvent(display, ExposureMask, &event);
- while (1) {
- switch (event.type) {
- case ButtonRelease:
- if (event.xany.window == quitwin) {
- XDestroyWindow(display, mainwindow);
- XCloseDisplay(display);
- return 0;
- } else if (event.xany.window == leftwin) {
- xspan = 0.25 * (xmax - xmin);
- xmin += xspan;
- xmax += xspan;
- draw(current_inc, current_image, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax);
- } else if (event.xany.window == rightwin) {
- xspan = 0.25 * (xmax - xmin);
- xmin -= xspan;
- xmax -= xspan;
- draw(current_inc, current_image, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax);
- } else if (event.xany.window == upwin) {
- yspan = 0.25 * (ymax - ymin);
- ymin -= yspan;
- ymax -= yspan;
- draw(current_inc, current_image, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax);
- } else if (event.xany.window == downwin) {
- yspan = 0.25 * (ymax - ymin);
- ymin += yspan;
- ymax += yspan;
- draw(current_inc, current_image, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax);
- } else if (event.xany.window == resetwin) {
- xmin = xlo[current_inc][current_image];
- ymin = ylo[current_inc][current_image];
- xmax = xhi[current_inc][current_image];
- ymax = yhi[current_inc][current_image];
- zoom = 0;
- draw(current_inc, current_image, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax);
- } else if (event.xany.window == widthpluswin) {
- if (line_width < 100) {
- line_width++;
- XSetLineAttributes(display, linegc, line_width, LineSolid,
- CapRound, JoinRound);
- XSetLineAttributes(display, trianglegc, line_width, LineSolid,
- CapRound, JoinRound);
- draw(current_inc, current_image, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax);
- }
- } else if (event.xany.window == widthminuswin) {
- if (line_width > 1) {
- line_width--;
- XSetLineAttributes(display, linegc, line_width, LineSolid,
- CapRound, JoinRound);
- XSetLineAttributes(display, trianglegc, line_width, LineSolid,
- CapRound, JoinRound);
- draw(current_inc, current_image, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax);
- }
- } else if (event.xany.window == expwin) {
- if ((current_image == PART) && loaded[current_inc][PART]) {
- explode = !explode;
- draw(current_inc, current_image, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax);
- }
- } else if (event.xany.window == exppluswin) {
- if ((current_image == PART) && loaded[PART] && explode) {
- explosion += 0.125;
- findpartshift(subdomains[current_inc], explosion,
- partcenter[current_inc], partshift[current_inc]);
- draw(current_inc, current_image, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax);
- }
- } else if (event.xany.window == expminuswin) {
- if ((current_image == PART) && loaded[PART] && explode &&
- (explosion >= 0.125)) {
- explosion -= 0.125;
- findpartshift(subdomains[current_inc], explosion,
- partcenter[current_inc], partshift[current_inc]);
- draw(current_inc, current_image, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax);
- }
- } else if (event.xany.window == fillwin) {
- if ((current_image == PART) && loaded[PART]) {
- fillelem = !fillelem;
- draw(current_inc, current_image, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax);
- }
- } else if (event.xany.window == pswin) {
- fill_button(pswin);
- XFlush(display);
- print(current_inc, current_image, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, 0);
- XClearWindow(display, pswin);
- XDrawString(display, pswin, fontgc, 2, 13, "PS", 2);
- } else if (event.xany.window == epswin) {
- fill_button(epswin);
- XFlush(display);
- print(current_inc, current_image, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, 1);
- XClearWindow(display, epswin);
- XDrawString(display, epswin, fontgc, 2, 13, "EPS", 3);
- } else if (event.xany.window == versionpluswin) {
- move_inc(1);
- loweriteration++;
- set_filenames(filename, loweriteration);
- if (current_inc == 1) {
- current_inc = 0;
- } else {
- current_image = NOTHING;
- XClearWindow(display, mainwindow);
- }
- draw_buttons();
- } else if (event.xany.window == versionminuswin) {
- if (loweriteration > 0) {
- move_inc(0);
- loweriteration--;
- set_filenames(filename, loweriteration);
- if (current_inc == 0) {
- current_inc = 1;
- } else {
- current_image = NOTHING;
- XClearWindow(display, mainwindow);
- }
- draw_buttons();
- }
- } else if ((event.xany.window == nodewin[0]) ||
- (event.xany.window == polywin[0]) ||
- (event.xany.window == elewin[0]) ||
- (event.xany.window == edgewin[0]) ||
- (event.xany.window == partwin[0]) ||
- (event.xany.window == adjwin[0]) ||
- (event.xany.window == voronoiwin[0]) ||
- (event.xany.window == nodewin[1]) ||
- (event.xany.window == polywin[1]) ||
- (event.xany.window == elewin[1]) ||
- (event.xany.window == edgewin[1]) ||
- (event.xany.window == partwin[1]) ||
- (event.xany.window == adjwin[1]) ||
- (event.xany.window == voronoiwin[1])) {
- if (event.xany.window == nodewin[0]) {
- new_inc = 0;
- new_image = NODE;
- }
- if (event.xany.window == polywin[0]) {
- new_inc = 0;
- new_image = POLY;
- }
- if (event.xany.window == elewin[0]) {
- new_inc = 0;
- new_image = ELE;
- }
- if (event.xany.window == edgewin[0]) {
- new_inc = 0;
- new_image = EDGE;
- }
- if (event.xany.window == partwin[0]) {
- new_inc = 0;
- new_image = PART;
- }
- if (event.xany.window == adjwin[0]) {
- new_inc = 0;
- new_image = ADJ;
- }
- if (event.xany.window == voronoiwin[0]) {
- new_inc = 0;
- new_image = VORO;
- }
- if (event.xany.window == nodewin[1]) {
- new_inc = 1;
- new_image = NODE;
- }
- if (event.xany.window == polywin[1]) {
- new_inc = 1;
- new_image = POLY;
- }
- if (event.xany.window == elewin[1]) {
- new_inc = 1;
- new_image = ELE;
- }
- if (event.xany.window == edgewin[1]) {
- new_inc = 1;
- new_image = EDGE;
- }
- if (event.xany.window == partwin[1]) {
- new_inc = 1;
- new_image = PART;
- }
- if (event.xany.window == adjwin[1]) {
- new_inc = 1;
- new_image = ADJ;
- }
- if (event.xany.window == voronoiwin[1]) {
- new_inc = 1;
- new_image = VORO;
- }
- past_image = current_image;
- if ((current_inc == new_inc) && (current_image == new_image)) {
- free_inc(new_inc);
- unload_inc(new_inc);
- }
- choose_image(new_inc, new_image);
- if ((past_image == NOTHING) && (current_image != NOTHING)) {
- xmin = xlo[current_inc][current_image];
- ymin = ylo[current_inc][current_image];
- xmax = xhi[current_inc][current_image];
- ymax = yhi[current_inc][current_image];
- zoom = 0;
- }
- draw(current_inc, current_image, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax);
- } else {
- xptr = ((REAL) event.xbutton.x - xoffset) / xscale;
- yptr = ((REAL) event.xbutton.y - yoffset) / yscale;
- if ((current_image == PART) && loaded[PART] && explode) {
- xptr = (xptr + partcenter[current_inc]
- [subdomains[current_inc] << 1]
- * explosion) / (1.0 + explosion);
- yptr = (yptr + partcenter[current_inc]
- [(subdomains[current_inc] << 1) + 1]
- * explosion) / (1.0 + explosion);
- }
- if ((event.xbutton.button == Button1)
- || (event.xbutton.button == Button3)) {
- if (event.xbutton.button == Button1) {
- xspan = 0.25 * (xmax - xmin);
- yspan = 0.25 * (ymax - ymin);
- zoom++;
- } else {
- xspan = xmax - xmin;
- yspan = ymax - ymin;
- zoom--;
- }
- xmin = xptr - xspan;
- ymin = yptr - yspan;
- xmax = xptr + xspan;
- ymax = yptr + yspan;
- draw(current_inc, current_image, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax);
- } else if (event.xbutton.button == Button2) {
- printf("x = %.4g, y = %.4gn", xptr, yptr);
- }
- }
- break;
- case DestroyNotify:
- XDestroyWindow(display, mainwindow);
- XCloseDisplay(display);
- return 0;
- case ConfigureNotify:
- if ((width != event.xconfigure.width) ||
- (height != event.xconfigure.height - PANELHEIGHT)) {
- width = event.xconfigure.width;
- height = event.xconfigure.height - PANELHEIGHT;
- draw(current_inc, current_image, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax);
- while (XCheckMaskEvent(display, ExposureMask, &event));
- }
- break;
- case Expose:
- draw(current_inc, current_image, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax);
- while (XCheckMaskEvent(display, ExposureMask, &event));
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- XNextEvent(display, &event);
- }
- }