- /*
- * $Header: /MindProbe/IMapi.cpp 38 11/03/98 2:10p Admin $
- *
- * $Log: /MindProbe/IMapi.cpp $
- *
- * 38 11/03/98 2:10p Admin
- * Added jackpot and gambit. Removed random player selection. Added part
- * of MPede support. Added response to ChatgamesID request. Added code
- * to track server name.
- */
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include <mapi.h>
- #include "imapi.h"
- BOOL CIMapi::m_isMailAvail = (BOOL) -1;
- CIMapi::CIMapi()
- {
- m_error = 0; // Initially error free
- memset(&m_message, 0, sizeof(MapiMessage));
- memset(&m_from, 0, sizeof(MapiRecipDesc));
- m_message.lpOriginator = &m_from;
- m_from.ulRecipClass = MAPI_ORIG;
- if (m_hInstMail == (HINSTANCE) NULL) // Load the MAPI dll
- m_hInstMail = ::LoadLibraryA("MAPI32.DLL");
- if (m_hInstMail == (HINSTANCE) NULL)
- {
- return;
- }
- ASSERT(m_hInstMail != (HINSTANCE) NULL); // Now get the pointer to the send function
- (FARPROC&) m_lpfnSendMail = GetProcAddress(m_hInstMail, "MAPISendMail");
- if (m_lpfnSendMail == NULL)
- {
- return;
- }
- ASSERT(m_lpfnSendMail != NULL);
- }
- CIMapi::~CIMapi()
- {
- if (m_hInstMail != (HINSTANCE) NULL)
- ::FreeLibrary(m_hInstMail);
- m_hInstMail = (HINSTANCE) NULL;
- free(m_message.lpFiles);
- free(m_message.lpRecips);
- }
- BOOL CIMapi::HasEmail()
- {
- if (m_isMailAvail == (BOOL) -1)
- m_isMailAvail = ::GetProfileInt(_T("MAIL"), _T("MAPI"), 0) != 0 && SearchPath(NULL, _T("MAPI32.DLL"), NULL, 0, NULL, NULL) != 0;
- return m_isMailAvail;
- }
- UINT CIMapi::Error()
- {
- UINT temp = m_error;
- m_error = IMAPI_SUCCESS;
- return temp;
- }
- BOOL CIMapi::AllocNewTo()
- {
- // Allocate a new MapiRecipDesc structure and initialise it to all zeros
- m_message.lpRecips = (MapiRecipDesc *) realloc(m_message.lpRecips, (m_message.nRecipCount + 1) * sizeof(MapiRecipDesc));
- memset(&m_message.lpRecips[m_message.nRecipCount], 0, sizeof(MapiRecipDesc));
- ASSERT(m_message.lpRecips);
- return m_message.lpRecips != (MapiRecipDesc *) NULL;
- }
- BOOL CIMapi::To(LPCTSTR recip)
- {
- if (AllocNewTo())
- {
- // We succeeded in allocating a new recipient record
- m_message.lpRecips[m_message.nRecipCount].lpszName = (LPTSTR) malloc(strlen(recip) + 1);
- strcpy(m_message.lpRecips[m_message.nRecipCount].lpszName, recip);
- m_message.lpRecips[m_message.nRecipCount].ulRecipClass = MAPI_TO;
- m_message.nRecipCount++;
- return TRUE;
- }
- m_error = IMAPI_FAILTO;
- return FALSE;
- }
- BOOL CIMapi::Cc(LPCTSTR recip)
- {
- if (AllocNewTo())
- {
- // We succeeded in allocating a new recipient record
- m_message.lpRecips[m_message.nRecipCount].lpszName = (LPTSTR) malloc(strlen(recip) + 1);
- strcpy(m_message.lpRecips[m_message.nRecipCount].lpszName, recip);
- m_message.lpRecips[m_message.nRecipCount].ulRecipClass = MAPI_CC;
- m_message.nRecipCount++;
- return TRUE;
- }
- m_error = IMAPI_FAILCC;
- return FALSE;
- }
- BOOL CIMapi::Attach(LPCTSTR path, LPCTSTR name)
- {
- // Add a new attachment record
- m_message.lpFiles = (MapiFileDesc *) realloc(m_message.lpFiles, (m_message.nFileCount + 1) * sizeof(MapiFileDesc));
- memset(&m_message.lpFiles[m_message.nFileCount], 0, sizeof(MapiFileDesc));
- ASSERT(m_message.lpFiles);
- if (m_message.lpFiles == (MapiFileDesc *) NULL)
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- m_message.lpFiles[m_message.nFileCount].lpszPathName = (LPTSTR) malloc(strlen(path) + 1);
- strcpy(m_message.lpFiles[m_message.nFileCount].lpszPathName, path);
- if (name != (LPCTSTR) NULL)
- {
- m_message.lpFiles[m_message.nFileCount].lpszFileName = (LPTSTR) malloc(strlen(name) + 1);
- strcpy(m_message.lpFiles[m_message.nFileCount].lpszFileName, name);
- }
- m_message.nFileCount++;
- return TRUE;
- }
- BOOL CIMapi::Send(ULONG flags)
- {
- CWaitCursor wait;
- int offset = m_text.GetLength();
- // Add 1 space per attachment at the end of the body text.
- m_text += CString(' ', m_message.nFileCount);
- // Set each attachment to replace one of the added spaces at the end of the body text.
- for (UINT i = 0; i < m_message.nFileCount; i++)
- m_message.lpFiles[i].nPosition = offset++;
- m_message.lpszNoteText = (LPTSTR) (LPCTSTR) m_text; // Set the body text
- // prepare for modal dialog box
- AfxGetApp()->EnableModeless(FALSE);
- HWND hWndTop;
- CWnd* pParentWnd = CWnd::GetSafeOwner(NULL, &hWndTop);
- // some extra precautions are required to use MAPISendMail as it
- // tends to enable the parent window in between dialogs (after
- // the login dialog, but before the send note dialog).
- pParentWnd->SetCapture();
- ::SetFocus(NULL);
- pParentWnd->m_nFlags |= WF_STAYDISABLED;
- int nError = m_lpfnSendMail(0, (ULONG) pParentWnd->GetSafeHwnd(), &m_message, MAPI_LOGON_UI | flags, 0);
- // after returning from the MAPISendMail call, the window must
- // be re-enabled and focus returned to the frame to undo the workaround
- // done before the MAPI call.
- ::ReleaseCapture();
- pParentWnd->m_nFlags &= ~WF_STAYDISABLED;
- pParentWnd->EnableWindow(TRUE);
- ::SetActiveWindow(NULL);
- pParentWnd->SetActiveWindow();
- pParentWnd->SetFocus();
- if (hWndTop != NULL)
- ::EnableWindow(hWndTop, TRUE);
- AfxGetApp()->EnableModeless(TRUE);
- // Now free malloced recipients
- for (i = 0; i < m_message.nRecipCount; i++)
- free(m_message.lpRecips[i].lpszName);
- // Then free malloced attachments
- for (i = 0; i < m_message.nFileCount; i++)
- {
- free(m_message.lpFiles[i].lpszPathName);
- free(m_message.lpFiles[i].lpszFileName);
- }
- if (nError != SUCCESS_SUCCESS && nError != MAPI_USER_ABORT && nError != MAPI_E_LOGIN_FAILURE)
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- return TRUE;
- }