


Visual Basic

  1. VERSION 5.00
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  138.    End
  139.    Begin VB.CommandButton Command2 
  140.       BackColor       =   &H00FF8080&
  141.       Caption         =   "退出"
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  157.    End
  158.    Begin VB.CommandButton Command1 
  159.       BackColor       =   &H00FF8080&
  160.       Caption         =   "登陆"
  161.       Default         =   -1  'True
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  163.          Name            =   "MS Sans Serif"
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  179.       BackColor       =   &H00FF8080&
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  183.       Top             =   840
  184.       Width           =   5535
  185.       Begin VB.ComboBox Comboyh 
  186.          BackColor       =   &H00FFFFFF&
  187.          BeginProperty Font 
  188.             Name            =   "MS Sans Serif"
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  195.          EndProperty
  196.          Height          =   360
  197.          Left            =   1440
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  200.          Top             =   360
  201.          Width           =   2775
  202.       End
  203.       Begin VB.CheckBox Check1 
  204.          BackColor       =   &H00FF8080&
  205.          Caption         =   "管理员登陆"
  206.          Height          =   375
  207.          Left            =   1440
  208.          TabIndex        =   5
  209.          Top             =   1800
  210.          Value           =   1  'Checked
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  213.       Begin VB.TextBox Text1 
  214.          BackColor       =   &H8000000E&
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  216.             Name            =   "MS Sans Serif"
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  223.          EndProperty
  224.          Height          =   375
  225.          IMEMode         =   3  'DISABLE
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  227.          PasswordChar    =   "*"
  228.          TabIndex        =   4
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  230.          Width           =   2655
  231.       End
  232.       Begin VB.Image Image2 
  233.          Height          =   720
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  235.          Picture         =   "dlForm.frx":0320
  236.          Top             =   1440
  237.          Width           =   720
  238.       End
  239.       Begin VB.Image Image1 
  240.          Height          =   480
  241.          Left            =   4560
  242.          Picture         =   "dlForm.frx":1AA2
  243.          Top             =   360
  244.          Width           =   480
  245.       End
  246.       Begin VB.Label Label3 
  247.          BackStyle       =   0  'Transparent
  248.          Caption         =   "密码"
  249.          BeginProperty Font 
  250.             Name            =   "MS Sans Serif"
  251.             Size            =   13.5
  252.             Charset         =   0
  253.             Weight          =   700
  254.             Underline       =   0   'False
  255.             Italic          =   0   'False
  256.             Strikethrough   =   0   'False
  257.          EndProperty
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  260.          TabIndex        =   3
  261.          Top             =   1080
  262.          Width           =   855
  263.       End
  264.       Begin VB.Label Label2 
  265.          BackStyle       =   0  'Transparent
  266.          Caption         =   "用户名"
  267.          BeginProperty Font 
  268.             Name            =   "MS Sans Serif"
  269.             Size            =   13.5
  270.             Charset         =   0
  271.             Weight          =   700
  272.             Underline       =   0   'False
  273.             Italic          =   0   'False
  274.             Strikethrough   =   0   'False
  275.          EndProperty
  276.          Height          =   615
  277.          Left            =   240
  278.          TabIndex        =   2
  279.          Top             =   360
  280.          Width           =   975
  281.       End
  282.    End
  283.    Begin VB.Label Label1 
  284.       BackStyle       =   0  'Transparent
  285.       Caption         =   "欢迎使用驾照年审管理系统"
  286.       BeginProperty Font 
  287.          Name            =   "方正舒体"
  288.          Size            =   24
  289.          Charset         =   134
  290.          Weight          =   700
  291.          Underline       =   0   'False
  292.          Italic          =   0   'False
  293.          Strikethrough   =   0   'False
  294.       EndProperty
  295.       ForeColor       =   &H008080FF&
  296.       Height          =   615
  297.       Left            =   240
  298.       TabIndex        =   0
  299.       Top             =   120
  300.       Width           =   6015
  301.    End
  302. End
  303. Attribute VB_Name = "dlForm"
  304. Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
  305. Attribute VB_Creatable = False
  306. Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
  307. Attribute VB_Exposed = False
  308. Option Explicit
  309. Private Sub Comboyh_Click()
  310. Dim i As Integer
  311. End Sub
  312. '系统登陆button
  313. Private Sub Command1_Click()
  314. If Comboyh.Text <> "" And Text1.Text <> "" Then
  315. Dim flag As Boolean
  316. Dim con  As Boolean
  317. '连接数据库
  318.  Call dtlinedb
  319. 'flag = is_name_exit()
  320. 'Debug.Print flag
  321. '不存在加入文件名
  322. 'If flag = False Then
  323. 'Call add_name_to_file(Comboyh.Text)
  324. 'End If
  325. ''检查密码
  326.  con = mima_right()
  327.  If con = True Then
  328.  '登陆成功
  329. ' flag = is_name_exit()
  330. 'Debug.Print flag
  331. '不存在加入文件名
  332. 'If flag = False Then
  333. Call add_name_to_file(Comboyh.Text)
  334. 'End If
  335. '成功登陆的权限分配
  336. If Check1.Value = 1 Then
  337. '分配管理员的权限
  338. priview = "admini"
  339. '进入主界面
  340. 'Debug.Print priview
  341. Unload Me
  342. mainForm.Show
  343. Else
  344. '进入主界面
  345. priview = "yh"
  346. 'Debug.Print priview
  347. Unload Me
  348. mainForm.Show
  349. End If
  350.  Else
  351.  MsgBox "请输入正确的密码!", 64, "提示对话框"
  352. End If
  353. Else
  354. MsgBox "请输入完整的用户名和密码!", 16, "提示对话框"
  355. End If
  356. End Sub
  357. Private Sub Command2_Click()
  358. End
  359. End Sub
  360. Private Sub Command3_Click()
  361. Dim i As Integer
  362. For i = 0 To dlAdodc.Recordset.RecordCount - 1 Step 1
  363.  Debug.Print dlAdodc.Recordset.Fields(i).Value
  364. Next i
  365. End Sub
  366. '登陆界面
  367. Private Sub Form_Load()
  368. dlAdodc.Visible = False
  369. DataGrid1.Visible = False
  370. '窗体居中显示
  371. Me.Left = (Screen.Width - Me.Width) / 2 - 100
  372. Me.Top = (Screen.Height - Me.Height) / 2 - 150
  373. Me.Show '显示窗题
  374. '读入最近登陆的3个用户到comboyh中
  375. Call getzh
  376. '连接数据库
  377. 'Call dtlinedb
  378. End Sub