- /* usrAta.c - ATA/ATAPI initialization */
- /* Copyright 1992-2002 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01l,02mar02,jkf SPR#73841, fixed (cdrom) trailing paran indexing error.
- fixed warning: pn unitialized if INCLUDE_CDROMFS.
- 01k,26nov01,jac added file system type check to allow support for specifying
- CDROM filesystem.
- 01j,02ocy01,jkf fixing SPR#70377, usrAtaConfig altered char * arg, this
- modifies .text seg and caused checksum error for tgtsvr.
- 01i,21sep01,jkf cbio API changes.
- 01h,21jun00,rsh upgrade to dosFs 2.0
- 01g,14oct98,lrn modified for DosFs 2.0
- 01f,30jul99,jkf SPR#4429.
- 01e,02jun98,ms created configlette.
- 01d,30oct97,db added call to ATA_SWAP in usrAtaPartition.
- 01c,30oct97,dat added #include pccardLib.h and ataDrv.h
- 01b,14jul97,dgp doc: update to match hard-copy
- 01a,11may95,hdn re-written for ATA driver.
- */
- /*
- This file is used to configure and initialize the VxWorks ATA support.
- This file is included by the prjConfig.c configuration file created by the
- Project Manager.
- SEE ALSO: usrExtra.c
- */
- #include "vxWorks.h"
- #include "string.h"
- #include "dosFsLib.h"
- #include "dcacheCbio.h"
- #include "dpartCbio.h"
- #include "usrFdiskPartLib.h"
- #include "drv/hdisk/ataDrv.h"
- #include "cdromFsLib.h"
- #endif
- /* forward declaration */
- /* macro's */
- #ifndef ATA_CACHE_SIZE
- #define ATA_CACHE_SIZE 0x0
- #endif /* !ATA_CACHE_SIZE */
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * usrAtaConfig - mount a DOS file system from an ATA hard disk or a CDROM
- * file system from an ATAPI CDROM drive
- *
- * This routine mounts a DOS file system from an ATA hard disk. Parameters:
- *
- * .IP <drive>
- * the drive number of the hard disk; 0 is `C:' and 1 is `D:'.
- * .IP <devName>
- * the mount point for all partitions which are expected to be present
- * on the disk, separated with commas, for example "/ata0,/ata1" or "C:,D:".
- * Blanks are not allowed in this string. If the drive is an ATAPI CDROM
- * drive, then the CDROM filesystem is specified by appending "(cdrom)"
- * after the mount point name. For example, a CDROM drive could be specified
- * as "/cd(cdrom)".
- * .LP
- *
- * NOTE: Because VxWorks does not support creation of partition tables,
- * hard disks formatted
- * and initialized on VxWorks are not compatible with DOS machines. This
- * routine does not refuse to mount a hard disk that was initialized on
- * VxWorks. Up to 8 disk partitions are supported.
- *
- *
- *
- * `src/config/usrAta.c',
- * .pG "I/O System, Local File Systems, Intel i386/i486/Pentium"
- */
- STATUS usrAtaConfig
- (
- int ctrl, /* 0: primary address, 1: secondary address */
- int drive, /* drive number of hard disk (0 or 1) */
- char *devNames /* mount points for each partition */
- )
- {
- BLK_DEV *pBlkDev;
- CBIO_DEV_ID cbio, masterCbio;
- STATUS stat = OK;
- char *tmp;
- char *devNamesCopy;
- char *freePtr;
- char *sysType;
- char *devName[PART_MAX_ENTRIES];
- int pn;
- int numPart = 0;
- /* check argument sanity */
- if( NULL == devNames || EOS == *devNames )
- {
- printErr ("usrAtaConfig: Invalid device name.n");
- return (ERROR);
- }
- if (ATA_MAX_DRIVES <= (UINT) drive)
- {
- printErr ("usrAtaConfig: drive is out of range (0-%d).n",
- return (ERROR);
- }
- if (ATA_MAX_CTRLS <= (UINT) ctrl)
- {
- printErr ("usrAtaConfig: controller is out of range (0-%d).n",
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /*
- * make private copy of the devNames, SPR#70337
- * strlen does not count EOS, so we add 1 to malloc.
- */
- devNamesCopy = malloc (1 + (int) (strlen (devNames)));
- /* ensure malloc suceeded */
- if (NULL == devNamesCopy)
- {
- printErr ("usrAtaConfig: malloc returned NULLn");
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /* store the pointer for free, since devNamesCopy is modified */
- freePtr = devNamesCopy;
- /* copy string, include EOS */
- strcpy (devNamesCopy, devNames);
- /* Check for file system spec */
- sysType = index (devNamesCopy, '(');
- if (sysType != NULL)
- {
- *sysType = ' ';
- sysType++;
- tmp = index( sysType, ')' );
- if (tmp != NULL)
- {
- *tmp = ' ';
- }
- }
- else
- {
- sysType = "dos";
- }
- /* Parse the partition device name string */
- for (numPart = 0; numPart < PART_MAX_ENTRIES; numPart++)
- {
- if (EOS == *devNamesCopy)
- break;
- tmp = devNamesCopy ;
- devName[numPart] = devNamesCopy ;
- tmp = index (tmp, ',');
- if (NULL == tmp)
- {
- numPart++;
- break;
- }
- *tmp = EOS ;
- devNamesCopy = tmp+1;
- }
- /* create block device for the entire disk, */
- if ((pBlkDev = ataDevCreate (ctrl, drive, 0, 0)) == (BLK_DEV *) NULL)
- {
- printErr ("Error during ataDevCreate: %xn", errno);
- free (freePtr);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- if (strcmp (sysType, "dos") == 0)
- {
- /* create disk cache for the entire drive */
- cbio = dcacheDevCreate ((CBIO_DEV_ID) pBlkDev, NULL, ATA_CACHE_SIZE, freePtr);
- if (NULL == cbio)
- {
- /* insufficient memory, will avoid the cache */
- printErr ("WARNING: Failed to create %d bytes of disk cache"
- " ATA disk %s configured without cachen",
- ATA_CACHE_SIZE, devNames);
- cbio = cbioWrapBlkDev (pBlkDev);
- }
- /* create partition manager */
- masterCbio = dpartDevCreate (cbio, numPart, usrFdiskPartRead);
- if (NULL == masterCbio)
- {
- printErr ("Error creating partition manager: %xn", errno);
- free (freePtr);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /* Create a DosFs device for each partition required */
- for (pn = 0; pn < numPart; pn ++)
- {
- stat = dosFsDevCreate (devName[pn], dpartPartGet (masterCbio, pn),
- if (stat == ERROR)
- {
- printErr ("Error creating dosFs device %s, errno=%xn",
- devName[pn], errno);
- free (freePtr);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- }
- }
- else if (strcmp (sysType, "cdrom") == 0)
- {
- if (cdromFsDevCreate (devName[0], pBlkDev) == NULL)
- {
- printErr ("Error creating cdromFs device %s, errno=%xn",
- devName[0], errno);
- free (freePtr);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- }
- #endif
- else
- {
- printErr ("Unknown or un-included filesystem type: "%s"n", sysType);
- free (freePtr);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- free (freePtr);
- return (OK);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * usrAtaInit - intialize the hard disk driver
- *
- * This routine is called from usrConfig.c to initialize the hard drive.
- */
- void usrAtaInit (void)
- {
- int ix;
- ATA_RESOURCE *pAtaResource;
- for (ix = 0; ix < ATA_MAX_CTRLS; ix++)
- {
- pAtaResource = &ataResources[ix];
- if (pAtaResource->ctrlType == IDE_LOCAL)
- if ((ataDrv (ix, pAtaResource->drives, pAtaResource->intVector,
- pAtaResource->intLevel, pAtaResource->configType,
- pAtaResource->semTimeout, pAtaResource->wdgTimeout))
- == ERROR)
- {
- printf ("ataDrv returned ERROR from usrRoot.n");
- }
- }
- }